"I have something to say."

Seeing that it was Immortal Taiyuan who was speaking, Donghua was quite relieved about this person. Since the last banquet, the old man never mentioned the struggle for hegemony again. He casually said: "Speak!"

Taiyuan: "Your Majesty, now that my Zifu has the participation of various immortals and the ancestor God Emperor, the power is growing day by day. The previous system division of Zifu can no longer meet the operation of Zifu today. I request a change. Please make a holy judgment, Your Majesty!"

Donghua nodded in agreement. He also saw this point. The current structure of Zifu does need to be re-divided, because there is no good arrangement for the new people who joined Zifu, and there are also many people who have made breakthroughs in recent years.

If a force wants to develop for a long time, it must have a complete promotion system and operation system. Otherwise, no matter how huge the force is, it will be useless because it cannot exert its due strength!

Donghua said in a deep voice: "I agree with Taiyuan's idea. Everyone, please tell me your ideas. Da Siming, Shao Siming, you are responsible for all the daily affairs of Zifu. Tell me your opinions!"

Da Siming: "Your Majesty, I agree with Taiyuan Xianjun's idea. Zifu does need to be reorganized!"

"Your Majesty, I agree too."

After Shao Siming finished speaking, a golden book appeared in his hand and he presented it with both hands.

Donghua saw this and waved his hand, and the golden book came into his hand.

"Your Majesty, this is the information of all parties in Zifu that I and the Great Siming have collected. Please make your judgment!"

Seeing the golden book presented by the Lesser Siming, Taiyuan put away the book he was about to present, glanced at the two people in front of him, and sighed in his heart:

"This is my lifelong enemy!"

Donghua opened the golden book, glanced at it with his magic eyes, and knew the information in the book. Then he praised: "You two are worthy of being my right-hand men and left-hand men. You have done a great job. I will give you nine nine thousand-year-old peaches and one Fusang capsule each."

"Thank you for your reward, Your Majesty!"

Fusang capsules are the fruits of Fusang trees, but it is very difficult for Fusang trees to bear fruit, and they are very rare. Each capsule contains the Tao rhyme of the sun!

Donghua said again: "If you have any suggestions, please state them!"

"Your Majesty, please make your decision!"

Everyone present was very concerned about how to reorganize Zifu. This was related to their own interests, but they could not make any comments on the specific division. Although they were part of Zifu, Zifu belonged to your Majesty!

"Taiyuan, present the book you put away!"

"Your Majesty, I..."

Taiyuan wanted to say something, but when he saw Donghua's playful smile and eyes, he shuddered uncontrollably and then presented the golden book.

"Your Majesty, this is my idea. Please make your decision!"

Donghua picked it up, glanced at it, and said in a deep voice: "Your suggestion is very good. Is this what you think?"

Taiyuan said quickly: "Your Majesty, this is a list jointly listed by me, Lord Randeng, and Emperor Haotian. It is not the work of me alone!"

Donghua looked at Haotian and Randeng, but did not speak. Instead, he closed his eyes and pondered.

He had many ways to integrate the Purple Mansion, but after thinking about it, he thought that the system of the later Heavenly Palace was the best.

However, the later Heavenly Palace system was a divine system related to the operation of the heaven, earth and stars. Although it was very good, it was not suitable for the current Purple Mansion.

It seemed that he could only learn from it and piece together a new system, a fairy Purple Mansion system, which was not divided by divine duties, but only by the fruit position of the immortals, and operated the Purple Mansion with the fairy way.

This would not only reduce the fear of all parties, but also make the operation of the Purple Mansion unimpeded, which was really good!

No matter what Donghua thought at this time, the most uncomfortable people in the hall were Haotian and Randeng.

Haotian felt that his intestines were green with regret. Why didn't he withstand Taiyuan's deception, plan the future of the Purple Mansion, and help Taiyuan build a new system for the Purple Mansion, but now he was sold out.

It was really not worth it if he annoyed Donghua and misunderstood that he wanted to fight for power and profit when he first entered the Purple Mansion.

In fact, according to his own ideas, he should practice in a low-key manner first, and then wait for the opportunity to achieve great things.

Because he wanted to prove himself more than anyone else. As a boy of the Taoist ancestor, he was the focus of attention, but the identity of the boy has always followed him and he can never get rid of it.

Although Hongjun's identity is not shameful or low, the first sentence others say when they mention him is "It turns out that he is the boy of the Taoist ancestor, he is really extraordinary."

He wanted to change this situation. He is himself, he is Haotian, and the identity of the boy is just a thing of the past.

He wanted others to think of the name of Haotian when they mentioned him, rather than the identity of the boy, so that he was successfully fooled by Taiyuan.

Although Ran Deng was annoyed, he did not regret it. He was a congenital sacred, but he was born a little late. Although he had a predestined relationship with Zixiao Palace, he missed the first and second sermons.

Before the third sermon, he finally broke through the Daluo Jinxian, so he could go to the chaos, find Zixiao Palace, and listen to the third sermon.

But he couldn't understand it at all. He could only rely on Hongjun's teachings to comprehend the immortal way and magical powers by himself, but in the end, he was only half-baked in the immortal way.

Since he met Taiyuan Immortal Lord in Zixiao Palace last time, he persuaded him to come to Zifu to practice, and only then did he get a glimpse of the wonders of the immortal way.

So in Zifu, whenever there is a chance, he will go there himself. If there is no chance, he will create an opportunity to go there. There is only the Tao in his heart, just to achieve the Tao!

The only thing that annoyed him was that before he knew Dong Wanggong's character, he rashly mixed with Taiyuan. He looked at Taiyuan and sighed: "It seems that Taiyuan's influence in Zifu is not great."

Looking up at the Great Siming, the Lesser Siming and Yun Zhongjun, he made a decision!

Randeng kept saying to himself: "Randeng, Ran Deng, even if you burn yourself, you must achieve enlightenment. This is your wish when you transformed. You, Ran Deng, must achieve enlightenment throughout your life. Enlightenment is your mission!"

Donghua didn't know what was going on in Haotian and Ran Deng's hearts. He just took a look out of habit, mainly because he was curious about Ran Deng.

After careful consideration, Donghua finally spoke, his voice resounding through the hall, like the sound of thunder from the sky: "In response to the request of all the ministers, my Purple Palace has begun to reform."

"On the basis of the original thirty-five departments, we will set up the Dou Department, the Lei Department, the Shui Palace, and the Huo Palace!"

"The thirty-five departments are still responsible for the daily affairs of the Purple Palace, but the staff needs to be expanded. Each department will have one chief and two deputy Simings, and their leader is the Da Siming. The specific expansion of the staff will be decided by the Da Siming himself!"

"All the seventy-two generals have now broken through the Daluo Jinxian. From today on, they will be divided into two parts, the upper part will be a separate army, and the lower part will be incorporated into the Dou Department!"

"The newly established Dou Department is responsible for external wars, recruiting personnel on its own, Haotian is in charge of the Dou Department!"

"The newly established Lei Department controls punishment and is responsible for internal security, Yunzhongjun is in charge of the Lei Department!"

"The Water Palace is responsible for defense and is responsible for patrolling the sea areas of the three islands and ten continents. The barefoot immortal is in charge of the Water Palace!"

"The Fire Palace is a separate system. People from the Phoenix Clan can enter it directly and obey me. The Golden Winged Peng Bird Qingxuan will temporarily take over the position of commander!"

To put it bluntly, the Fire Palace is the private land of the Phoenix Clan. They do not participate in the daily life of the Purple Palace and directly obey Donghua. They have to do whatever Donghua asks them to do!

In fact, everyone is not concerned about the above. What they are concerned about is the subsequent enfeoffment, which is the highlight.

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