West of the Western Continent!

After the conversation just now, Hou Tu and Dong Hua stopped talking, but silently dealt with the earth veins. Time fell into a loop, going back and forth.

But at this time, the Buzhou Mountain far to the east was full of shadows.

In Pangu Hall, eleven ancestral wizards are sitting together in the main hall.

Zhu Jiuyin asked: "Brother, are you really going to take action without waiting for me?"

Di Jiang was sitting on the high platform, his aura emanating from his body, and he said: "No wait, our plan was decided a long time ago. Now my little sister has left without saying goodbye. I guess she doesn't want to participate in this battle."

Zhu Rong, who was wearing a red armor and even his hair was fiery red, slapped the table and shouted: "Brother, my little sister is too ignorant. This is a major matter for our clan. If you say you won't participate, you won't participate. You should take good care of it." Give her a try."

Gou Mang on the side agreed: "That is, the little girl is indeed ignorant this time, and the Western quasi-ti child dared to fool the little girl into repairing their Western land without saying any benefits. He is really looking for death!"

Di Jiang glanced at a few people and said helplessly: "Don't slap the table with me here. If you have the ability, go and slap the table with my little sister. Besides, I can't control her."

Gonggong on the side laughed out loud when he heard this. After he finished laughing, he said, "How dare he, Zhu Rong, slap the little girl's table? Does he think he was beaten lightly last time?"

Hearing Gonggong's slightly sarcastic words, Zhu Rong became angry and said angrily: "Yes, I can't beat the little sister, but I at least dare to fight. You Gonggong doesn't even dare to fight, so you have the nerve to blame me. "

Gonggong's face turned hot, and he retorted sheepishly: "Am I afraid to fight? I agree with my little sister's opinion, so why should I fight?"

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Di Jiang, who was above him, felt dizzy and shouted: "Shut up, everyone!"

"You are now the master of one party, with countless subordinates, and yet you are still scolding each other like this. What does it look like?"

Seeing Di Jiang getting angry, both of them shut up.

Qiang Liang snorted coldly: "A mere three mountains and five mountains, a group of living hair gods, are they still worth going with us, the twelve ancestral witches?"

"That's right, that's right, a group of guys who were scared by the three tribes at the beginning actually dare to come out to fight for kingship and dominance. They really don't know whether to live or die."

"I agree. My subordinates can't wait any longer. Let us tell them that times have changed. They couldn't do it in the ancient Longhan period, and they can't do it now."

"Brother, give me the order. It's been a long time since I had a good fight. This time I'm going to crush Lord Bingling's head!"

Seeing several brothers speaking one after another, Di Jiang glanced at everyone in the hall and landed on Zhu Jiuyin. The two nodded tacitly to each other.

"Okay, the original plan remains unchanged. The troops will be sent to three mountains and five mountains. This time I will destroy the last person on the ancient continent who dares to call himself emperor, and the last person who practices the emperor's way of destiny."

"After this battle, we will be the well-deserved overlords of the ancient world. After destroying the demon clan in heaven, our enlightenment will be just around the corner!"

After saying this, Di Jiang shouted: "Witch!"

Several other ancestral witches in the hall also shouted: "Witch! Wu! Wu!"

Then all the great ancestral witches walked out of the hall, summoned the tribesmen, and began to attack the three mountains and mountains!

Donghua and the others who were in the west at this time did not know what was going on in the east and were focused on repairing the earth's veins. When the last formation was completed, they showed expressions of joy.

"The repair is finally completed!"

Hou Tu sighed: "Yes, it's finally completed. It's really not easy!"

It is very difficult to repair the earth veins. It requires great mana to mobilize the power of the earth and then reconnect the broken places.

Some of the destroyed earth veins must be intercepted from elsewhere and grafted in. The fusion of different earth veins must also be considered.

These are all fine, but the most important thing is that they are boring. They keep repeating these tasks. Even if they are quasi-sages, they now feel tired. This tiredness comes from the mind.

"Let's go. Now that it's done, let's go to Mount Sumeru to meet them!"

The two of them got up and rushed towards Mount Sumeru!

When they arrived at Mount Sumeru, the other four had not returned yet.

Donghua waved his hand, and a platform appeared with flat peaches and other spiritual fruits on it.

"Fellow Taoist Houtu, let's get some together, just in time to wait for them!"

Hou Tu did not refuse and sat down to eat. Donghua made tea beside him.

"I heard that Taoist chess that has been circulating recently was created by fellow Taoists?"

The Dao chess that Hou Tu mentioned is actually Go, but it has evolved a lot. A small game has turned into a competition of the power of Dao. I don't know whether it is good or bad.

Donghua poured a cup of tea for the two of them and replied: "Taoqi was created in my spare time, but now it has changed a lot."

Hou Tu drank a cup of tea, his expression changed and he said, "Why don't we talk about it?"

Donghua thought for a moment, and he didn't refuse even if he was idle. The two began to play chess in the void.

Hou Tu suddenly said: "To be honest, the current Dong Wangong and the Dong Wangong I first met are like two people."

Donghua used the power of Dao Principle to fly a little in the air, and a chess piece landed on the empty chessboard.

"I am who I am and never change!"

Hou Tu shook his head: "It's different, it's really different!"

Donghua thought for a moment, pointed to a big swaying tree in the distance and said:

"Fellow Taoist, do you think the trees are moving or the wind is moving?"

After hearing this, Hou Tu looked over, looked at the big tree that was blown by the wind, and replied: "The wind is moving, the trees are also moving, the wind blows the trees!"


Donghua dropped a chess piece, and instantly the whole city was connected. The power of the Dao gathered together and instantly swallowed up a large number of Houtu's chess pieces.

"The wind didn't move, the trees didn't move, it was the Daoist friend's heart that moved!"

Houtu was stunned when he heard this, looked up at Donghua, and didn't say anything for a long time. Suddenly, he waved his right hand, and a magic power was sent out, destroying the chessboard in the void.

"No more, it's boring!"

Donghua was very angry when he saw this scene. How could there be such a person.

In his past and present lives, he hated people who couldn't win the game and turned over the chessboard.

"You stinky chess player, how can you turn over the chessboard when you can't win! I will never play chess with you again."


Houtu laughed shamelessly.

"The great Dongfang Mugong, the Purple Mansion Donghua God, I didn't expect that when he was angry, he would be so... well, cute."


Donghua was furious and was about to leave, but he saw two figures flying in the sky. After landing, it was Zhen Yuanzi and his group. Then they did not leave, but sat quietly aside, without saying a word.

Hongyun, who looked happy, talked about their achievements after landing, but he felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

One was smiling there!

The other was sitting aside without saying a word!

Then Hongyun stopped talking and found a place to sit down with Zhen Yuanzi. The scene was a little deserted for a while.

Until two golden lights appeared in the sky, Jie Yin and Zhunti landed, and the chatterbox Hongyun stepped forward and narrated with Zhunti.

The scene got better!

Zhunti greeted them and said, "Fellow Daoists, the preliminary preparations have been completed. Only the final activation of the formation is needed to connect to Mount Xumi, but this is also the simplest point."

"The matter of the earth veins has been basically completed. You have all done great deeds, great deeds!"

Hongyun made a Taoist gesture and said, "So we congratulate the two Daoists. The revival of the West is just around the corner!"

Hearing this, Zhunti laughed out loud, not hiding his joy at all. Even Lian Yin smiled, and it can be seen that he was not calm.

Donghua was no longer silent, and stepped forward and said, "Since we are only one step away, let's activate the formation and connect to the Pure Land."

Several people nodded.

The twelve-grade golden lotus of merit appeared under Jie Yin's seat, and he sat on the lotus platform, with fairy light floating around him. The treasure bottle, treasure cover, double fish, lotus, right-handed conch, auspicious knot, victory tower, and Dharma wheel appeared around him in turn, emitting infinite light.

Zhunti also sat on a lotus platform, with a huge bodhi tree behind him, eight treasures appearing around him, a green treasure flag behind him, and a seven-treasure tree in his right hand.

For a moment, the four phases of the magnificent light of the Paradise illuminated the heavens, and the sound of the Great Dao flowed endlessly.

Donghua and his companions did not hesitate, and surrounded the two people, sitting in the east, west, south and north.

The fairy light in their hands bloomed, and the laws of the Great Dao emerged, triggering the formations arranged before.

When the formations in the west were connected together, eight pillars of light that reached the sky were formed, but they were parallel pillars of light.

Starting from Mount Xumi, it went all the way to the eight directions. The earth veins rolled, and boundless spiritual energy emanated from the ground. The formations connected the Paradise, and one formation point was a small Paradise.

Jieyin and Zhunti hurriedly exerted their strength to gather the energy of the eight directions of the earth veins. The illusory Paradise was connected to the chaos outside the sky above and the earth veins of Mount Xumi below. The energy of the chaos outside the sky was transformed into pure innate spiritual energy, which spread to all directions through the Paradise.

The spiritual energy of the earth veins emanated, and the chaotic energy was transformed into the innate spiritual energy, and this cycle continued.

The eight main veins constructed by Donghua and others before began to operate autonomously, as if they had come alive, and turned into eight huge golden dragons.

They rushed to Mount Xumi from eight directions, and then dispersed from Mount Xumi to eight directions.

This continued for 9981 years, and the golden dragons dispersed, completely transformed into eight main veins, and fell into the western land.

In an instant, the spiritual energy in the west surged, and some small evil places that had not been cleared before were hit by the spiritual energy without a trace.

Hundreds of flowers bloomed, and thousands of trees grew long and curved, a scene of all things reviving.

Donghua and his men also stopped operating, because at this time the formation no longer needed them to operate, and it was completely combined with the earth veins and operated autonomously.

The extended paradise finally returned, and it was able to support 81 years. Jieyin and Zhunti were not at ease either, and they looked weak at this time.

But the smile on his face never stopped. Zhunti tightly grasped Jieyin's hand, his face full of excitement, and tears seemed to flash in his eyes.

"Brother, the western earth veins have revived, we succeeded!"

Jie Yin also held Zhunti's hand tightly and nodded heavily.

After seeing this touching scene, Donghua was happy for them and also performed a water mirror technique to help them record this moment.

"Too touching!!!"

ps: I would like to ask for monthly tickets from all the big guys. I heard that there are rewards for monthly tickets exceeding 1,000. I want to try it, hahaha!

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