"I'll take you to other places when I have time."

Hodder let go of Clarice's hand without leaving a trace and gently pinched Clarice's cheek.

It must be said that the senses brought by different races are also very different!

Take Clarice for example, this can already score 95 points in his heart.

What's more, Clarice is now even younger than before he came to this world.

"Well, then you must not forget it!"

Clarisse looked at Hood expectantly and said.

Hood had just told her too many things about other universes, and just listening to them made her face full of excitement.

"Don't worry, I will do my best to do what I promised."

Hodder stood up and walked towards Logan:"I thought you would sleep for a long time."

After all, Logan has been sleeping since he came back.

"How on earth did you do that?"

Logan looked at Hod with a strange expression, as if he was looking at a monster.

After all, everything he did was simply too incredible.

It could even be said that it had completely changed everything that had happened.

This skill was completely beyond his cognition. Even an Omega-level person could not do such a terrifying thing.

"I just made a small change. Since we want to live in peace, it is not difficult."

Hodder spread his hands, his mouth corners slightly raised, as if he had done something insignificant.

After all, this is not a big deal for him. It is just a transformation through the power of the Phoenix.

Just delete and change those ideas that oppose the existence of mutants.

And once these ideas are gone, the future timeline will change.

Moreover, this also has an advantage, that is, all humans will think that it is natural for mutants and humans to get along.

Naturally, this will inevitably allow mutants to integrate into humans. After all, only in this way can they truly live in harmony. So much so that now there are already many mutants in the world who have begun to work in official positions.

As for Professor X's academy, it naturally stayed, and all mutants who want to go to work normally now need to receive training here.

They will not be allowed to leave until they have learned how to use their own power.

What's more, there is another point, that is, in this way, social stability can be maintained.

"You can actually change everyone's future and life!"

Logan couldn't help but feel horrified, and there was only fear in his eyes.

In other words, this is not just about erasing a person.

It is about allowing a person to change his future according to Hood's ideas.

Although the biggest problem has been solved now, this feeling makes Logan tremble.

After all, no one wants his life to be controlled by others. This is just like the Creator.

"Don't worry, I just changed some things slightly, and the general direction of the world has not changed much."

Hodder spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

His main job was to change those people's extreme ideas.

At the same time, he restored the things that were destroyed at that time, and basically did not make any other changes.

"But, you are totally going against our idea!"

Logan covered his head and looked at Hood in horror.

Even he himself was not sure whether his memory had changed.

Although he remembered clearly what happened at that time, this might also be Hood's part.

Thinking of this, his body couldn't stop shaking.

As he spoke, his claws couldn't help but popped out.

But he didn't feel the pain this time at all, and he could only feel the panic for the person in front of him.

"Logan, calm down."

At this moment, Charles walked out of the room and put his hand on Logan's shoulder.

In fact, he could understand Logan's thoughts and fears.

After all, he also watched Hood change the entire universe in a single thought.

This kind of power is not just as simple as terror. He is even sure that Hood can easily destroy the entire world.

"How can I be calm?"

Logan covered his head and tried to calm his breathing.

But even so, he couldn't control it.

Fear was like a maggot on the tarsal bone, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard he tried.

"Don't worry, if I really want to change you, you don't know this at all."

Hood spread his hands helplessly. The group of people who followed him were not deprived of their memories at that time.

Of course, these were all specially preserved by him, so that they could remember what happened.

Otherwise, if no one remembers what happened, wouldn't it be quite meaningless.

Moreover, if all the memories were deleted and then implanted, it would actually be quite troublesome.

So when he used the power of the Phoenix, he only changed a general idea.

And he didn't make any major changes to the direction of the world afterwards.

When Logan heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Because what Hood said made sense. If Hood really wanted to do that, then he wouldn't be able to remember these things.

"You are right, this is indeed the best solution."

Logan nodded helplessly. If they wanted to rely on them to solve this problem, it would definitely take a long time. Even though they have been working hard for so many years, there are still people who are targeting mutants.

"In fact, human hearts are unpredictable. Even if I can change the timeline of the world, I can't change it forever!"

"What's more, no matter how you change the world, someone will eventually target you because of your power!"

Hodder said without hesitation, because he knew very well that he was only changing people's impressions.

Just to make people live in harmony, there would actually be a lot of trouble.

Because as long as you are a human, you will have a worship of power, especially the power that can change the world.

"What you said makes sense."

Logan nodded helplessly, because he knew very well that what Hord said was true.

Even though he had helped them solve so many problems, there were still many things to deal with.

"So Logan, we still have a lot of tasks to do!"

Charles smiled and patted Logan on the shoulder.

It must be said that such days are more interesting, because there are always people who need them.

Besides, now there is no need to worry about strange looks even when traveling.

At this moment, the hedgehog man trotted in and shouted excitedly:"Qin is back!"

"What?! Teacher Qin is back!"

"I went out to take a look, I thought it would take a long time!"

"This is great! I haven’t seen Teacher Qin for a long time!"


The mutants all ran towards the door excitedly.

Even the Hedgehog Man had a smile on his face.

Surrounded by the crowd, a red-haired woman walked in with elegant steps.

Her high heels made a crisp sound as they stepped on the ground.

When Hood saw Jean Grey, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

A touch of joy also emerged in his heart.

This was not only because of Jean Grey's appearance, but more because Jean Grey had the power of the Phoenix in her body.

When he had the power of the Phoenix, he would have a subtle liking for Jean Grey.

Moreover, when he used the power to transform the world, he still kept a little cautious.


Logan was about to go up and say hello, but suddenly he remembered that because of the change, Jean Grey might not recognize him now.

And if he remembered correctly, Jean Grey and Iceman should be boyfriend and girlfriend.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

In the end, he sighed helplessly.

At the same time, Jean Grey slowed down her pace and looked directly at Hood.

When she saw Hood, she couldn't help but be stunned. A familiar feeling instantly came to her heart.


Jean Grey walked quickly to the front and stretched out her right hand.

She could clearly feel a force, as if the two had already met.

"Jean Grey, hello, I'm Hood Fernandez!"

Hood's eyes twitched. It must be said that this was a very wonderful feeling. It was as if the two of them were one, and they could even feel that the other was in a very happy mood at this moment.

"Well, I think we can chat when we are free."

Jean Grey took a deep breath and spoke with anticipation. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Okay, I want to get to know you too. After all, we are very familiar with each other, right?"

Hodder opened his arms, and Jean Grey felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. The next second, she rushed up to give Hodder a big hug.

Because this feeling is even closer than lovers who have known each other for many years.

So in front of Hodder, Jean Grey can't help but let down all her guard.

Watching the actions of the two people, Logan on the side was stunned.

After waiting for the two to separate, Logan came forward and said,"You are simply not a human being!"


Faced with Logan's words, Hodder was completely stunned.

"You said you just changed your mind, tell me what happened?"

Logan looked at Hood up and down, gritted his teeth, and the voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

After all, if Hood didn't change Jean Grey's mind, then why would they be so close just after meeting?

"Telepathic communication plus I have the power of the Phoenix."

Hood spread his hands and said helplessly:"I haven't changed much, I just let Jean Grey stay single."

After all, he knew very well that even if he didn't deliberately change, when the two met, they would inevitably have this indescribable feeling.

It was also for this reason that Jean Grey came up to say hello the moment she saw Hood.[]

This is as if it was destined, because the Phoenix Force attracts each other.

As long as they meet, they will stick together like magnets.

""Can you tell me where you got so many abnormal abilities?"

Logan was so jealous that his face was hideous. He had always thought that his abilities were not bad.

After all, he could recover quickly when injured, although it was indeed not enough to deal with Magneto.

But he could at least fight back against other mutants.

As a result, after Hood appeared, the shock he brought to him was too great.

This was simply a living BUG,

and he could do whatever he wanted. What was even more difficult for him to accept was that there were so many abilities.

It can be said that after seeing Hood's abilities, he found that there were basically no duplicates.

And each ability was at the Omega level, which was simply too depressing.

"Don't worry about these details, you are actually pretty good, you can still get hurt after being beaten."

When Hood said this, Logan felt bad.

This is simply a naked mockery, but he has no way to deal with it.

After all, whoever is stronger has the final say, and what Hood said is indeed true.

He knows that Jean Grey's ability is the power of the Phoenix, so everything he said is very likely.

Since they are a perfect match, it is not too much to change to single.

"Since everyone is basically back today, let's have a party!"

Charles raised a bottle of red wine and shouted loudly

"Yay, I've been wanting to have a party for a long time!"

"Finally I can relax!"

"I don’t know what fun there is tonight!"


The mutants couldn't help but raise their hands and cheer, and some even couldn't help but use their abilities.

At this moment, Charles seemed to remember something and said,"No matter how you play, you must not use your abilities!"

Otherwise, if these guys get drunk, who knows what the academy will become.

After this, everyone naturally nodded in agreement.

As the party began, the lights in the academy kept flashing.

The newly joined mutants couldn't help but twist their bodies in the center.

As for Hood, he brought Clarice and Jean Grey to the sofa to have a drink.

"Is the Phoenix Force also in your body?"

Jean Grey asked with a doubtful tone.

Although she had felt it, she was not sure.


Hodder raised his right hand, and as a trace of Phoenix power floated, Jean Grey's eyes widened.

Because she could clearly feel that the Phoenix power Hodder used was much purer than hers.

Moreover, an indescribable sense of trust and goodwill also came over her.

"This looks so powerful!"

Clarice also noticed Jean Grey's eyes, and hugged Hood's left hand without hesitation. She also glared at Jean Grey fiercely, her eyes full of vigilance.

Jean Grey just raised the corners of her mouth slightly, with disdain in her eyes.

After hugging Hood's arm, she gently leaned on Hood's shoulder.

She knew very well that she had the power of the Phoenix, which meant that Clarice would never be able to compare with her in terms of favorability.

So no matter what, Hood would choose her.

At this moment, the two women started a silent contest.

Either they poured wine into Hood, or they fed Hood food into Hood's mouth.

"Damn it! This guy really deserves to die!"

It was the first time that Logan found himself so jealous of others.

After all, what Hood was doing now was simply hugging people left and right.

Moreover, Hood looked at ease now, and accepted the feeding of the two people with a look of enjoyment.

Really good!

Hood chewed the grapes and couldn't help but said in his heart.

This time made him feel the long-lost happiness.

Even without the appearance of the Shura Field, he was even happier.

However, what Hood didn't know at this time was that someone was frantically looking for him.

In another world.

Wanda was walking back and forth in the manor with an anxious look on her face.

"Two days have passed. Where did he go?

She has already contacted all the Avengers teammates and even the friends that Hood might know. But there is no news of Hood.

But at this moment, Wanda suddenly noticed a sign on the floor of the study.

"Is this... the breath of space?"

"Wait, I saw this in the Sithon Scroll!"

Wanda's face condensed. Could it be that he encountered some danger?

Otherwise, why hasn't he returned after such a long time?

After hesitating for a moment, Wanda opened her copy of the Sithon Scroll and began to practice.

As she practiced, the crimson light slowly surrounded Wanda.

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