"Oh no, the ten princes have escaped, and they have used the Ten Suns Formation on the prehistoric land!"

As the Golden Crows became more and more violent, Zhunti was no longer able to conceal the secret.

"How is it possible? My sons are all on the Sun Star. Who is pretending to be my sons?"

Di Jun was furious when he heard this. His divine thoughts instantly probed towards the prehistoric land.

Just by taking a look at the miserable state of the prehistoric land, Di Jun's head felt as if it had exploded.

Countless lives were killed and injured in the prehistoric land. Such a terrifying karma demon clan could not bear it at all.

The prehistoric land was full of the golden flames of the sun. This kind of flame could only be used by the Jinwu clan. It could not be faked.

"You evil creatures, why don't you get back to the Sun Star!"

Di Jun's roar rang in the ears of the little golden crows, and the originally noisy little golden crows suddenly panicked.

"What should we do? We seem to be in trouble!"

The Ten Golden Crows were the first to dissolve the Ten Suns Formation. He asked his brothers timidly.

They came to the prehistoric world to kill the Wu Clan to make Emperor Jun happy, but from the sound, it seemed that this was not the case. The ten suns suspended in the sky turned into ten Golden Crows. After the Golden Crows knew that they were in trouble, they did not dare to say anything. They all flew towards the Sun Star in despair.

"Taiyi, go and protect them. Make sure you send them back to the Sun Star safely."

Di Jun sent a message to his brother with his divine mind.

"Don't worry, big brother. I won't let my nephews get hurt."

Taiyi said, and a brilliant rainbow light flew towards the direction of the little golden crows.

With the protection of Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun was relieved about the lives of his sons.

The little golden crows had caused too much trouble this time, and Di Jun had to be on guard against those great masters who wanted to kill his sons.

"Who is plotting against me?"

Looking at the devastated land below, Di Jun's eyes were filled with anger.

The restriction on the Sun Star was set by himself. As the strongest formation master in the prehistoric world, Di Jun had absolute confidence in his restriction.

Even if a quasi-saint wanted to break his restriction, it would take a long time, and a Daluo Jinxian was not even qualified to break his restriction.

But the Golden Crows didn't know how they got out, and he didn't feel anything at all. What made Di Jun feel the most was that his restriction was now complete!

"Was it done by those ancient witches?"

This was Di Jun's first thought.

The witch clan and the demon clan were mortal enemies, and the ancient witches had this motive.

But he immediately ruled out the witch clan.

If the witch clan invaded the Sun Star, they would directly kill the Golden Crows. How could they let the little Golden Crows burn the prehistoric world?

Moreover, the witch clan did not practice the way of heaven. They only used brute force to destroy the prohibition. They could not release the Golden Crows without damaging Di Jun's prohibition.

Only the saints could do such a thing.

Moreover, Di Jun had no perception of the great damage caused by the little Golden Crows to the prehistoric world, and the spiritual mirror that monitored the heaven and earth did not find it.

This shows that a saint has blinded the secrets of heaven, which allowed the little Golden Crows to turn the prehistoric world upside down.

"Laozi? Yuanshi? Tongtian?"

The names of the saints flashed through Di Jun's mind one after another.

Among the current saints, the witch saint Pingxin Niangniang turned into the underworld, and she could not leave the underworld, so she could be ruled out.

Nuwa Niangniang was a saint of the demon clan, and she would not go crazy and destroy the fortune of the demon clan.

Now there are only the five saints.

Each of these five is suspicious, and Di Jun can't judge who it is.

This matter was done secretly by the saints. Since they don't want to say it, no one can know.

And the most important thing now is not to find out the truth, but how to calm this matter down.

Now the lives of the people in the prehistoric world are in ruins, and this destructiveness is comparable to the war between witches and demons.

This time, the indiscriminate attack of the little golden crows offended almost all the races in the prehistoric world.

It can be said that the culprit can never wash away his sins even if he dies.

But it was Di Jun's sons who did this, and all of his sons did it together.

He can't kill his sons either.

"What a vicious plot, could it be the work of the ancestor witch Zhou Chao?"

Di Jun is now in a great headache.

Even though he is known as a confidant, he cannot crack this dead end plot. If the Golden Crows are not dealt with, the demons will be destroyed.

If all the Golden Crows are killed, the Golden Crows will be destroyed.

If the Golden Crows are destroyed, it means that Di Jun will be destroyed. In Di Jun's view, this is no different from the destruction of the demons.

"What should I do?"

Di Jun fell into deep thought.

"What a vicious plot, which Taoist brother planned this?"

In the Wahuang Heaven, Nuwa's face was as cold as frost.

As a saint of the Heavenly Dao, even Nuwa did not notice when the little golden crows caused the flood to be in mourning.

It was obvious that a saint deliberately kept it from her.

Nuwa was a saint of the demon clan, and the fate of the demon clan was closely related to her.

If the demon clan was destroyed, although Nuwa would not fall from the sainthood, her fate would be greatly damaged.

"Who could it be?"

Nu Wa also used all means to investigate her brothers.

But Zhunti was very secretive and did not leave any clues.

"Uncle, you are here to pick us up!"When the little golden crows flying in the sky saw Donghuang Taiyi, they were all happy.

The moment Donghuang Taiyi saw his nephews, he used the Donghuang Bell to protect the little golden crows.

"How did you get out of the restriction?"

Donghuang Taiyi asked his nephews as they crossed the starry sky.

Even Donghuang Taiyi could feel that he was being plotted against, let alone Di Jun.

"He is my father's subordinate. He said that there is a race called Wu Clan in the prehistoric land that is a great threat to my father. We are going to kill the Wu Clan to make my father happy."

The little golden crows chattered to Donghuang Taiyi.

Sure enough!

?Obviously, they were coming for the demon clan. With the fighting power of these little golden crows, not to mention the ancestor witch, even the great witch could kill them.

Once the little golden crows died, the furious Emperor Jun would definitely fight the witch clan regardless of everything.

"Who is that person? Can you remember his name?

Although he felt that it might be a pseudonym, Donghuang Taiyi still asked one more question.

"Strange, he clearly told me my name, how come I can't remember it?"

The big golden crow scratched his head, his expression somewhat distressed

"Me too!"

"I can’t remember it either!"

The other Golden Crows followed suit.

"Do you remember what he looks like?"

Donghuang Taiyi asked again.

"I can't remember it either. I've clearly seen him before, but when I recall, this person becomes blurry."

The answers of the Golden Crows were almost identical.

Donghuang Taiyi originally had no hope for the Little Golden Crows. Even a saint would not dare to show up to let the demon race bear such a heavy cause and effect.

Once it is known who it is, most of the cause and effect of the Little Golden Crows will be transferred to the saint who released the Little Golden Crows.

?Even saints dare not bear such horrible consequences.

That is why saints are also secretive and dare not show their true faces.

In the prehistoric times, seeing the little golden crows leave, the surviving creatures began to crawl out to save those of their kind who were not yet dead.

Although those creatures did not go to the Heavenly Court to accuse Emperor Jun, their resentment soared to the sky, and the Daluo of the demon clan felt a tingling sensation on their scalps.

They all knew how to read qi, and they saw that the boundless resentment was like a black ocean that submerged the luck of the Heavenly Court.

Affected by the little golden crows, the originally dazzling golden pillar of luck in the Heavenly Court also became somewhat dim.

"I am the demon emperor Jun. Because I did not discipline my offspring strictly, the prehistoric world suffered this catastrophe."

"From today on, the Ten Golden Crows will forever seal the Sun Star, and they will not be able to leave unless Mount Buzhou collapses and the Great Desolation is shattered! Heaven will bear witness to this!"

Emperor Jun's voice resounded throughout the Great Desolation.

Under the witness of Heaven, Emperor Jun read out the edict of guilt to the entire Great Desolation.

"Di Jun, is this your attitude towards the demon race? Are those Golden Crows your children and we the demon race not your people?"

After hearing Di Jun's edict, the strong men of the Teng Snake race felt extremely angry.

Di Jun's attitude of admitting his mistakes seemed very sincere, and he also punished the Golden Crows.

But is Di Jun's punishment really a punishment?

Killing so many creatures in the prehistoric world, and the result is the confinement of the Golden Crows?

Moreover, the little Golden Crows have been imprisoned in the Sun Star, and they will only leave the Sun Star when it is their turn to execute the sunrise and sunset.

As for the collapse of Mount Buzhou and the shattering of the prehistoric world, these are just empty words. What

Di Jun meant by this sentence is that I have reborn my sons. Guan went back, and the matter ended here!

You only lost your life, but my sons lost their freedom.

How could the Teng Snake Clan not feel chilled by this?

As a demon clan, the most dangerous place for them is next to the Wu Clan. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But at the command of Emperor Jun, the Teng Snake Clan went to war with the Wu Clan without hesitation.

Every moment, there will be Teng Snake Clan members dying at the hands of the Wu Clan. They sacrificed so much for the demon clan, but in the end, they got such a result.

Good, it's really good.

"Demon King, how could you do this!"

The Kuiniu clan was also furious at this time.[]

They risked their lives to fight the Wu clan, but they were killed by their allies. In the end, Emperor Jun wanted to let the beast go.

What? The life of the Golden Crow is life, but the lives of the Kuiniu clan are not life?

But Kuiniu did not dare to protest to Emperor Jun. He could only roar at the lake to find out his inner resentment.

"This demon tribe, don't wait!"

The Chongming Bird tribe was even more direct, they directly announced that they would leave the demon tribe from now on.

"Fellow Daoist Di Jun, the luck of our demon race has declined even more. It seems that many demons have objections to your decision."

In the Heavenly Palace, Fuxi reported to Di Jun.

Not only the demons harmed by the Little Golden Crows, but even the people in the Heavenly Palace had great objections to Di Jun's actions.

It was just that Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were too powerful, so no one dared to say it to them in person.

"The luck of the demon race? I built the demon race from scratch, so what does a mere decline in luck mean?"

"I will protect my sons this time, I don't know who dares to object!"

Di Jun's words were extremely overbearing, and he blocked all of Fuxi's next words.

Di Jun knew the consequences of doing so, but did he have any choice?

"In that case, I will take my leave first!"

Fuxi also knew Di Jun's dilemma, so he didn't say anything else.

"So what if it's a mistake? As long as it's my decision, I can make it right even if it's wrong!"

Looking at the empty hall, Di Jun snorted coldly.

He is the Demon King who has been arbitrary for eternity. He doesn't need to explain his decision to anyone!

"Di Jun took all the responsibility on himself, and also shouldered the sins of killing that the Little Golden Crows had committed in the prehistoric world."

Zhen Yuanzi read Di Jun's edict and smiled.

"Emperor Jun wants to use such a light and light method to calm the anger of the prehistoric world, but I am afraid that it will backfire!"

Zhen Yuanzi slowly put down the teacup in front of him and sighed. The number of creatures killed by the Golden Crows is more than hundreds of millions. How could Emperor Jun let the prehistoric creatures let go of this matter just by the self-criticism edict?

".He is a father, not a heartless saint, he can only do this"

"Given the crimes committed by those little Golden Crows, if Di Jun wanted to appease the anger of the prehistoric creatures, he would have to kill at least nine of them. He couldn't accept this price, so he had to do it."

On the other side of Zhen Yuanzi, Zhou Chao also began to analyze the situation with Zhen Yuanzi.

When Hong Yun reincarnated into the human race, Zhen Yuanzi became Hong Yun's protector. He lived in Zhou Chao's house all year round.���

After Zhou Chao's discussion, Zhen Yuanzi found that Zhou Chao was indeed a wise man of the Wu Clan, and every decision he made made Zhen Yuanzi admire him. Take the time when the little golden crows came to the East China Sea to cause trouble.

If it were an ordinary Wu Clan, or even Zhen Yuanzi himself, facing the provocation of the golden crows, he would definitely have a fight with the golden crows.

But Zhou Chao didn't do that. Not only did he not take action, he didn't even let the Wu Clan take action.

Obviously, the Wu Clan didn't contribute a bit in this disaster, but the results they obtained were more brilliant than if they killed the little golden crows.

Think about it from another angle. If the Wu Clan killed the golden crows, the resentment of those dead creatures towards the golden crows would be greatly reduced, and Di Jun's hatred towards the Wu Clan would be greatly increased.

That would only make the Wu Clan and the demon clan fight to the death, and the Wu Clan would be at risk of extinction, not to mention any benefits.

Zhou Chao saw through so much in just an instant, which made Zhen Yuanzi admire Zhou Chao very much.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou Chao, is this also your idea?"

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Zhou Chao in front of him and suddenly had this feeling.

"I didn't do this, I just let it go."

Zhou Chao smiled and denied it.

Di Jun's restriction is not so easy to remove. There is no witch in the entire witch tribe who can remove the restriction of imprisoning Little Golden Crow without alarming Di Jun.

Not to mention that the secret of heaven is concealed so that Di Jun has no way of noticing it.

"Only a saint can do such a thing, but it's a pity that I don't know which saint did it."

Zhen Yuanzi didn't know the saint behind the scenes, which made Zhen Yuanzi feel very sorry.

If he knew who did it, he would stay away from that saint (the king) in the future.

It's terrible that a saint without bottom line can be deceived a few immature creatures without caring about his face.

"You will know soon!"

Zhou Chao suddenly laughed at Zhen Yuanzi.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou Chao, do you know which saint did this?"

Zhen Yuanzi thought, and his earth book sealed this space.

This topic was too scary, and he didn't dare to let other saints hear it.

"Of course I know, and you will know soon too."

"No, the whole world will know about it!"

Zhou Chao laughed.

"You really know which saint did it?"

Zhen Yuanzi asked curiously.

This news was too explosive. Even if he was a quasi-saint, he couldn't keep calm.

"The time has not come yet, I cannot say it, I cannot say it!"

Zhou Chao just laughed, no matter how many times Zhen Yuanzi asked, he would not say anything.

This news is extremely valuable, Zhou Chao can sell it for a good price.

"Fellow Daoist Zhen Yuanzi, I have to go to Wahuang Heaven now. Goodbye!

Zhou Chao stood up and said to Zhen Yuanzi.

"Isn't that the residence of Nuwa? You, a member of the Wu clan, are going to the territory of the demon clan saint. Aren't you afraid of being killed by the demon clan?"

Zhen Yuanzi didn't understand why Zhou Chao went to Nuwa Heaven.

"I have the information that Nuwa wants to know the most. Not only will she not attack me, she will also treat me as a guest of honor."

Zhou Chao said confidently.

"Are you going to tell Nuwa about that saint?"

Zhen Yuanzi was a quasi-saint, and he understood what Zhou Chao was going to do in an instant.

The luck of the demon race became precarious because of the little golden crow, and even Nuwa felt a little uneasy.

Although Nuwa became a saint by creating humans, part of her luck came from the demon race.

The bad situation of the demon race also had an impact on Nuwa, but the impact was not great, and it was not very obvious to Nuwa.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou Chao, I want to hear the name of that saint as soon as possible!"

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