Chapter 44: One Qi Yin and Yang Array Plate (Four More Seeking Flower Evaluation).

Cultivating the Ten Thousand Laws into One Technique, the more laws Zhou Yi comprehended, the stronger his strength became.

This law of destruction was one of the ten great laws, and Zhou Yi was naturally bound to obtain it.

Fortunately, that Heavenly Dao person was decisive enough to give Zhou Yi this opportunity to seize the treasure.

If Bang Tian really planned to break the net, then Zhou Yi might be in vain.

This is also why Zhou Yi is not dead.


“The host’s current mastery of the Yin and Yang Law has increased to eighty percent of the Pure Blue Dacheng realm!”

“The system blessing bag is forming, please open it?”

Finally at this moment.

Zhou Yi passed the critical time of comprehension of the law, and thus smoothly entered the realm of the Yin and Yang Law.


In the cave mansion, Zhou Yi’s body suddenly opened his eyes, and a fine light emerged.

And the system also opens the lucky bag at this time.

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Yin and Yang Great Array Disk!”

Suddenly, Zhou Yi seemed to have become a person who stepped into the formation, throwing out the formation plate, and suddenly, heaven and earth seemed to be in Zhou Yi’s grasp.

Innate qi, turn into yin and yang!

The pole of yin, the peak of yang!

Intersect and merge with each other.

Yin and yang are unified, all things are prosperous!

But suddenly, Zhou Yi’s approach seemed to change, as if it were diametrically opposite.

Yin and yang began to reverse, and infinite vitality began to evolve into Tao Tao’s killing intent.

The two qi of yin and yang are rampant, and in this infinite heaven and earth, the yin and yang qi, everything seems to become a bubble of dust.

Where it passes, there is no grass.

The infinite void was completely crushed.

With such a method, Zhou Yi’s current realm of Yin and Yang Law could not be used at will.

Only through guidance and arrangement can such a powerful Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang Array be born!

But the system rewards the formation plate, and only needs Zhou Yi to instill mana to be able to cast the infinite divine power of the formation.

Even cultivators who had not yet mastered the Yin and Yang Law were able to exert the strength that this object deserved.

And Zhou Yi and other people with great Yin and Yang Law Achievements will naturally have a higher level of power when they cast this array.

When called the enemy monks were terrified.

“Sure enough, another good baby!”

This array plate is not inferior to the Ten Thousand Realms Emperor Fire and Chaos Sword Pool, not to mention the existence that surpasses the ultimate innate spirit treasure.

More importantly, this object can be used more than just Zhou Yi.

In the future, his disciples can also perform it, but it is a good treasure that can be passed on.

Zhou Yi smiled and put the object away.

Now that there is a Taijitu and a Yin and Yang Great Array Plate, his long years are not in vain.

“Calculate the time, then Fuxi and Nuwa should also be born, and the main seat should also return to Mount Buzhou!”

Zhou Yi nodded slowly, “What’s more, the last time I went to Buzhou Mountain, I only walked under the mountainside of Buzhou Mountain, and as for the top of Buzhou Mountain, I never went there!” ”

“If you have the opportunity now, you should go and see the top of this Heavenly Pillar!”

That is the Buzhou Mountain, the heavenly pillar that supports heaven and earth.

Last time, Zhou Yi was because of his poor strength, and he was too much of a golden immortal, but he didn’t dare to climb Mount Buzhou.

Now he has become a Da Luo Golden Immortal, and his cultivation and Dao practice are all first-class existences among these Da Luo Golden Immortals.

This is not the top of the mountain, how can you not get there?

“Perhaps, there are still some rare treasures on Buzhou Mountain!”

Zhou Yi pondered carefully, and then planned to recall his two true bodies.

These two Dharma true bodies are doppelgängers, but they are not exactly.

Most of today’s Flood Desolation Avatar Techniques are conjured up to score bodies, which will not last too long, and their combat power will be greatly reduced.

But Zhou Yi’s two true bodies are like a part of Zhou Yi and cannot be separated.

When fighting methods, it has the combat power and efficacy that can far exceed that of the doppelganger.

But also just when the Five Elements True Body and Leifa True Body were about to return, the sky dome was dim.

The four demonic qi waves, sweeping the four wilds.

The land of billions of trillions of mountains and rivers, which had already appeared to be a mess because of the fight between Zhou Yi and the Heaven Breaking Daoist, was covered with a layer of smog at this moment.

The formation began to appear in this realm with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, forming a blockade.

The monks in it could not escape at all.

The blood mist was pervasive, spreading at an alarming rate.

“What is it?”

“Ah, help!”

“My hand!”

Where the blood mist passed, the vegetation was corroded into slag, and the living beings were also engulfed and merged into the blood mist.

Countless weak creatures cried out and wailed at this moment.

They didn’t want to die, but they couldn’t resist the endless blood mist that permeated.

And all this was naturally noticed by Zhou Yi, and the two true bodies outside the cave mansion frowned.

And the white tiger was even more at this moment, staring in all directions with a pair of eyes.

As a fierce beast, the white tiger’s perception is quite keen.

It has sensed that something ominous is coming, and the breath is terrifying, not to be underestimated.



Harsh laughter appeared.

In the darkness, six figures began to appear.

Each of them is the cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and his strength is great.

From their bodies, a strong smell of blood bloomed unabashedly, filling the nasal cavity and making people smell sick.

“Wanfa Daojun?”

“What a skill!”

“However, today, you will still die at the hands of our six demons!”

ps: The fourth more sent, please collect the flower evaluation! Kneeling and begging, kneeling and begging!!!

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