Chapter 91 Lecture Avenue, Merit Condensation (Three More Subscription Custom)

“The system blessing bag is being distributed, do you want to receive it?”

The system prompts.


Zhou Yi said softly, and then.


“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the True Body of Destruction!”

Sure enough, a deep joy appeared on Zhou Yi’s face.

“As I expected, when the degree of law mastery is raised to one hundred percent, there is a high probability that you can get the true body!”

The more real body, the more the conjecture in Zhou Yi’s heart could be realized.

This newly obtained True Body of Destruction also possesses strength comparable to that of a saint.

But now is not the time for Zhou Yi to study these things.

“Although the Law of Destruction has not been raised to a sufficient level of mastery, it is only a little short of the eighty percent Dacheng realm.”

“Even if you have 100% mastery, it’s only a matter of time!”

For the results of this cultivation, Zhou Yi was naturally very satisfied.

Being able to master so many laws in this short period of time, what else is he not satisfied with?

The Hongjun saints in the Zixiao Palace may have been standing still in place in these ten thousand years.

Zhou Yi probed out a divine thought to see how many people planned to come to the Qingcang Realm to listen to the sermon.

This does not look at the unknown, look at the frightened.

There were tens of thousands of cultivators outside the Qingcang Realm, and the number was unknown how much more than its Purple Xiao Palace.

Later generations have passed on three thousand purple Xiaoke, but that is just a general term.

It’s like the Three Thousand Avenue and the Three Thousand Rule.

Could it be that there are so many laws in this world that are only three thousand?

That is naturally impossible, the so-called three thousand avenues and the rule of three thousand is just a rough reference.

The same goes for the Three Thousand Purple Xiaoke.

After the Long Han calamity, heaven and earth were revived, and all living beings prospered.

In addition, when the two saints Zhou Yi and Hongjun were sanctified, they brought favors and blessings to all sentient beings, so in today’s flood famine, it can be said that the Taiyi Golden Immortal is inferior to the dog, and the Da Luo Golden Immortal is everywhere.

Therefore, it was a matter of course that there were tens of thousands of Daluo Golden Immortal-level people waiting outside the Qingcang Realm.

With a wave of Zhou Yi’s big hand, a spiritual light fell into the distance.

Outside the Qingcang Realm, the Qi of Chaos separated, and countless cultivators rushed into it, coming directly in the direction of the Ten Thousand Magic Treasure Hall.

Although this Ten Thousand Magic Treasure Hall was only a palace built by Zhou Yi, the level of luxury shocked everyone.

The strong aura that emanated invisibly also made every Da Luo Golden Immortal tremble.

“It really deserves to be a saintly field, so deserved!”

“If you can cultivate here, it is really a blessing that has been cultivated for countless years.”

The sentient beings sighed, and then directly entered the Hall of Ten Thousand Magic Treasures.

This treasure hall looks extremely vast, and after entering it, I find that the internal space is comparable to a small world.

Not to mention tens of thousands of people in this area, hundreds of millions of people have not been able to fill some of these areas.

All beings looked up and saw the supreme being above the Hall of Ten Thousand Treasures.

Zhou Yi, who was dressed in purple, was sitting on the highest Creation Lotus Platform of the treasure hall.

The surroundings of the lotus platform are surrounded by a misty blue light, which can produce countless Dao rules that linger in front of the eyes, filling the truth of the Dao, making people exclaim one after another.

After all the sentient beings entered this place, they all bowed down to Zhou Yi with joy and sincerity.

“See you, Wanfa Daojun!!!”

The sound was like thunder, resounding throughout the Hall of All Magic Treasures.

And Zhou Yi also opened his eyes at this moment, and the breathtaking oppressive force directly crushed down.

The heads of living beings are lower.

Even quite a few people began to tremble.

Is this a saint? A casual wisp of aura, a gaze made them unbearable.

“Meet Master!”

It was also at this time that the two came together, cultivated in order to obtain, and crushed everyone present.


Many powerful eyes flickered, looking at the eyes of the two brothers and sisters with jealousy.

That’s right, the two Fuxi Nuwa brothers and sisters have successfully broken into the early quasi-saint realm in this ten thousand years.

Under Zhou Yi’s guidance, their cultivation speed was naturally rare.

Even if they didn’t use the method of slashing three corpses to become holy, Fuxi and Nuwa had found their own way.

That’s the most incredible thing.

The path to enlightenment is endless.

Originally, in the flood and desolation, after the Hongjun Zixiao Palace preached, almost all sentient beings embarked on the road of beheading corpses to become Dao.

Before preaching, everyone’s path was different.

The most typical is Zhou Yi raising his eyebrows and Hongjun, which are completely different.

Hongjun is a different way, raising his eyebrows is to go to the extreme in the way of space, but Zhou Yi is one of all laws and accepts all rivers.

However, the difficulty of enlightenment is extremely amazing, and if the method of beheading the corpse is not used, the difficulty of ordinary people to achieve quasi-sainthood is not a star and a half.

Fortunately, Fuxi and Nuwa were Zhou Yi’s personal disciples, and Zhou Yi was an existence who mastered thousands of Dao Laws.

In this way, the bottleneck and barrier faced by Fuxi and Nuwa will be broken by Zhou Yi so smoothly.

Now, Fuxi Nuwa came out of the retreat to meet Zhou Yi and listen to the Tao.

The appearance of the two even allowed everyone who came to the Hall of Ten Thousand Magic Treasures to prove Zhou Yi’s strength.

“Brother, our choice is really right!” Tong Tian looked excited.

Lao Tzu also nodded silently.

They discussed the passage with Fuxi Nuwa in their dojo ten thousand years ago.

At that time, although Fuxi Nuwa was highly cultivated, she did not achieve quasi-sainthood.

Now in less than 10,000 years, he has successfully become a quasi-saint, and the merit of the Ten Thousand Law Dao Monarch naturally does not need to be said.

Zhou Yi raised his hand and said, “Get up, everyone!” ”

At the same time, he swept his gaze and looked at the famous big figures below.

Among the three Qing, Taiqing Laozi and Shangqing Tongtian, these two are saints in later generations, and they have a deep relationship.

“Unexpectedly, Laozi and Tongtian, who were supposed to be disciples of Hongjun, actually came!”

Zhou Yi did not go to the altar to preach at the beginning with the intention of viciously robbing disciples.

However, since Lao Tzu and Tongtian came to his dojo, Hong Huang’s fate was destined to change.

It’s just that Zhou Yi doesn’t think that such changes will affect anything.

The flood and desolation are in full swing, and the six saints are out together.

As for whose hands these six saints were taught from, it really won’t have much impact.

Therefore, it was Lao Tzu and Tongtian who were here, and Zhou Yi was also extremely calm and comfortable.

In addition to Lao Tzu and Tongtian, there are also the ancestor of the Styx River born in the blood sea Styx, the great god on West Kunlun, the Queen Mother of the West, and the ancestor Wu Houtu and Zuwu Dijiang who came to congratulate the Wu clan.

Among them, Houtu is also Zhou Yi’s apprentice, and at this moment, he is following behind Fuxi Nuwa and calling Zhou Yi a master, and he is respectful.

The Wu clan of Houtu was also a disciple of Zhou Yi, which was an eye-opener for everyone present.

In addition, there are flood powerhouses such as Lei Ze Great God, Xi and Changxi.

Zhou Yi glanced below, and then said, “Since you have all arrived, then this seat has begun to preach!” ”

“Before the beginning of heaven and earth, there are things mixed, born congenitally, lonely, independent and not changed, circulating without slack, can be the mother of heaven and earth.”

“I do not know its name, the strong word is the way, the name of the strong is great, the great is dead, the death is the opposite, so the way is great, the heaven is great, the earth is great, and the people are great.”

The sound of the Dao was pervasive, spreading throughout the Ten Thousand Magic Treasure Hall.

Everyone below was extremely excited, sitting cross-kneeled, absorbing the way that Zhou Yi preached.

As the first saint, Zhou Yi’s perception of the Dao had reached a rather exaggerated point, and the Dao sound coming out of his mouth was natural.

It is accompanied by golden flowers manifesting and falling in mid-air, endlessly entangled and entangled.

What he preached is the most basic, but also the realization that points directly to the road, no matter what kind of road he takes, after all, he cannot get rid of this basic path.

In today’s era of lack of education among the sentient beings of the flood and desolation, Zhou Yi’s truth is undoubtedly the supreme opportunity they urgently need.

Some shake their heads, some enjoy it, some meditate and some go crazy.

All sentient beings are different and different, and under Zhou Yi’s Dao understanding, everyone has gained a lot.

Invisibly, Zhou Yi also felt that a wave of merit seemed to be gathering.

Preaching has merit, and Zhou Yi will naturally be no exception.

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