Hong Huang: Sign In From The Willow

Chapter 205 Candle Dragon, Emperor Fengdu

In the nether blood sea, dressed in a black robe with a golden side edge, the cold-faced Emperor Fengdu had just stepped out of the underworld.

He pinched his fingers to deduct the secret, and his expression grew colder after a while.

I don't know when the prehistoric secrets were upset by others.

Now the body is trapped.

Even his evil corpse couldn't directly contact Sanqing with divine mind.

Now they can only go to Shouyang Mountain, Yuxu Palace, and Jin'ao Island.

The long river of time and space emerges, the light of fairy spirits is lingering, the law of the strongest lingers, and the divine power shakes the world.

Fengdu stepped out and escaped into the void.

With a thought, it is thousands of miles away.

When the Emperor Fengdu came to the East China Sea.

Suddenly a torrent of weather surged in the endless East China Sea.

The entire sea seemed to tremble, as if something terrifying was about to descend.

There was a dragon chant from the east, like a bright sun rising.

A huge vortex emerged from the sea below, and the vortex suddenly separated a passage from the middle.

A majestic man in a yellow robe came slowly, standing proudly above the void.

His eyes calmly looked at Liu Ming, and his whole body was overwhelmingly exuding.

"False saint?"

The pupils of Emperor Fengdu shrank slightly. Although the quasi-sages of the Primordial Continent were rare, they were not without them.

Only those who comprehend the law to more than 80% are qualified to be called hypocrites.

The aura of the person in front of him made him feel a bit of danger, as if an ancient beast was resurrected.

Presumably among the false saints can also be called the best.

The man in the yellow robe spoke lightly:

"Fengdu fellow daoist, I have many deaths in the East China Sea Dragon Clan's Erlang in recent years.

I wonder if they are in your life and death record? "

Hearing this sentence, Emperor Fengdu also recognized the identity of the person who came.

Candle Dragon, the younger brother of the Ancestral Dragon, one of the top powerhouses in the ancient tribe wars, ranks second only to the Ancestral Dragon in the dragon clan.

In a Cultivation Base, he killed countless Feng Clan and Qilin clan powers in the three-clan battlefield at that time, and he was famous!

After the Three Clans War, this person had disappeared. Everyone thought he had fallen into the hands of the Three Clans War or the later Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, but he had never thought that he would suddenly appear in the East China Sea.

Zhulong's eyes glanced around leisurely, as if seeing the quasi-sage power who had coveted the dragon treasure house in the distant space.

A faint sarcasm flashed in his eyes, then looked at Emperor Fengdu, and said coldly:

"Unexpectedly, my dragons have been recuperating for many years.

Hong Huang has actually forgotten the fear of the year.

Even a junior who emerged in the form of a Lich's calamity dared to insult my dragon clan one after another.

Now Emperor Fengdu wants to repay this Karma? "

Fengdu fellow daoist smiled disdainfully, and did not put the candle dragon in his eyes at all.

"Karma? I don't know what day it is today.

Why one after another old things jumped out and asked me to repay Karma.

I can understand that extraterritorial Sage, but the candle dragon fellow daoist is probably going to lose it! "

Among Liu Ming's three corpses, the self corpse and the benevolent corpse are always fused with the body, in order to maintain the combat power.

The evil corpse, as the manager of the underworld, is blessed by Heavenly Dao's luck. Although the combat power is not as good as the main body, it will never be worse.

What's more, he has such a personality, so naturally he won't give this candle dragon the slightest trace of a good face.

"you wanna die!"

The words of the candle dragon seemed to pop out of his teeth, and his murderous aura broke out completely.

The entire figure instantly dissipated in place, and a huge dragon claw appeared in the sky and descended from the sky to the Emperor Fengdu to grab it.

Emperor Fengdu held Judge’s Brush in his hand and used his pen as a sword, and swiped into the void.


A large gap in the dark void appeared, like Devil's mouth, with endless swallowing power gushing out.

The space turbulence swept through, the sharp energy cut everything, and several bloodstains splashed from the huge dragon claws.

But then the blood reversed and all flew back into the dragon's claws. In a sudden burst of endless energy, it suddenly penetrated the void.

Go down to the Emperor Fengdu.

"The law of time?"

The expression of Emperor Fengdu condensed slightly.

In ancient times, this candle dragon was a famous and powerful figure in the prehistoric times, not inferior to the ancestor dragon, because he mastered the second time law of the Three Thousand Rule.

And after thousands of years of practice in later generations, the power of the time law of this candle dragon has naturally reached its peak.

Countless fragments of time circulated under the sharp claws, flashes of cold light, and even the void showed signs of aging and disintegration.

Emperor Fengdu gave a cold snort.

Do not dodge or avoid, the same palm blasts out, the law of strength evolves, the avenue of gods lingers, shatters the void, and the sky collapses and the earth cracks.


A loud and deafening noise echoed in the sky and the earth.

The divine light was raging, and there was a wave of thousands of feet on the East China Sea, and huge waves hit Nine Heavens.

With a crisp sound, a mass of nothingness burst out in the center of the two attacks, and space cracks spread in all directions.

Under the law of power, the law of time was suppressed, and countless pieces of time rolled back, blasting towards the candle dragon like knives.

The candle dragon's complexion changed drastically, turned into a retreat, and fled back at a very fast speed.

Emperor Fengdu used his strongest supernatural powers, and his supernatural power shook the world.

It is shot in one style, the void is turbulent, and all spirits worship, with the power of destroying the world.

Judge’s Brush drew out traces, manifesting the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the void, and hundreds of millions of ghost souls flew out from it, and they all pressed down toward the candle dragon.


A monstrous dragon chant sounded, and the candle dragon became its body, and the vast quasi-saint coercion filled the heavens.

A huge red dragon shuttles between heaven and earth, stretching for hundreds of millions of miles.

The eyes are as huge as Stars. When you close your eyes, the world is dark, and when you open your eyes, it is the day of the world.

The two sides fought again, and a huge roar resounded through the East China Sea, and Emperor Fengdu and Zhulong separated.

At this time, the robe of Emperor Fengdu was shattered, drifting with the wind, and the black energy all over his body was slightly fluctuating, and the overall Qi did not drop much.

The candle dragon on the other side was much more embarrassed, blood dripping from the dragon's claws, and his eyes stared at Liu Ming with rising anger.

In the past, he relied on the power of the law of time, and naturally it was always unfavorable to play. It is rare to be comparable to Realm.

But facing the law of strength of Emperor Fengdu, it was completely useless, and he suffered a serious injury instead.



The two screamed at the same time, and the whole body broke out, and the fighting spirit was overwhelming.

The Judge’s Brush in the hands of Emperor Fengdu slowly pierced out, seemingly fast, slow and slow, coming along a mysterious trajectory.

The drop of a stroke seems to be able to make the quasi-saint power fall into the eighteenth floor of The Underworld, cut off the flesh and blood, and destroy Hun and Po.

Not to be outdone, the candle dragon opened his mouth and spit out a bead with a black and yellow halo, and Wuliangdao sprayed thinly from it and smashed it towards this side.

Both of them are powerhouses at the pseudo-saint level. Although the strength of Emperor Fengdu is better than that of Candle Dragon, the latter is after all a great ability to survive from the ancient times, and it is definitely not a temporary matter to solve it.

"The Immeasurable Tianzun!"

At this time, a fairy mountain on the shore of the East China Sea, Zhun said Daoist put his hands together, his face was compassionate, and after reciting Dao name silently, he turned and left.

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