Chapter 142: God Sends Heavenly Tribulation? Cruel way of the people!!

Su Mo’s words shocked the immortal gods.

Even the usually domineering and cruel demon king, as well as the Lord of the Demon Dao, felt a trace of coolness at this moment…

“Let mortals suffer and despair so that they can bow down to the gods?”

“Pain and despair, so that you can fall into confusion, so that you no longer have self-confidence, no longer improve yourself, bow your head, bend your spine, kneel on the ground, and pray for the salvation of the gods?”

“It seems to make some sense, but what does this have to do with the gods, does it?”

Everyone was waiting to guess, and Su Mo said in a deep voice at this time: “But. Natural disasters do not often occur, but the gods and spirits endure, what if all natural disasters in the mortal world were created by the gods? ”


Everyone gasped when they heard this!

“It’s terrible! Who came up with this idea? It’s simply annihilating human nature, and it’s a big disobedience! ”

“My generation of cultivators can kill other people’s lives, but they should not annihilate the other party’s Dao heart and deceive faith, such an act is really shameful.”

“Kill so many living beings at will, just to deceive all living beings into their fear tools, make them bow down and gain faith? This method is too vicious! ”

“It can’t be. Is this really something that the immortals came up with and made? This is simply shameless, even a Demon Dao monk would not do this! ”

The immortals were immediately indignant.

Although they are not good men and women with a good heart, it is already a matter of principle for such a matter of principle, and no one can accept it.

If these immortal gods of them did the same, let alone success or not, the Dao heart in their hearts alone would not allow it, otherwise they would definitely attract extraterrestrial heavenly demons to let themselves fall into the abyss…

A mysterious man in a black robe in the corner exuded a faint demonic aura all over his body, and sneered: “Demon Dao? The Demon Dao monk would not have made such a despicable and shameless method! ”

As soon as this person spoke, some of the Demon Dao powerhouses among the immortals and gods also nodded one after another.

Yunxiao Fairy nodded: “That’s right, this is no longer the right way of the devil, but a cult wearing the cloak of immortal gods!” The most terrifying thing in this world is not the devil, but the false evil way, the fallen immortal god. ”

Everyone nodded one after another, feeling that what Yunxiao said made sense.

Black is black, white is white, and the most terrifying thing is the black hidden in white.

At this moment, someone spoke: “I have heard that there is a way of protecting the people, treating all living beings as livestock and nutrients, and keeping them in captivity and harvesting them regularly. ”

“This way of the people is foolish, weak, weary, humiliated, and poor.”

“The so-called fools are to unify their minds, so that all sentient beings only believe in gods, worship gods, and feel that gods are the only beings who can save them, so they firmly believe and believe unshakably.”

“The so-called weak people are to make all sentient beings unable to cultivate, unable to become stronger, always in a weak and unbearable state, so that they can never have the mind to resist, and will always be obedient and obedient.”

“The so-called tired people are to make sentient beings weak and tired of rushing, so that they do not have enough to eat, and they do not have warm clothing, so that all sentient beings have no time to take care of other affairs, they can only barely live, and naturally they can only believe in gods.”

“The so-called humiliation of the people is to let all sentient beings understand that compared with the gods, they are as small as ants, inferior and lowly, so that they have no self-esteem and confidence, and they will always feel that they are not worthy of being compared with the gods, and they will always be willing to be slaves of the gods.”

“The so-called poor people are precisely to let them go to the temple to contribute incense, so that in addition to the necessities of life, they can deprive them of surplus silver and wealth, and be poor and have no dependency, so that people can be poor and short-sighted! Can’t afford to rebel! ”

“These kinds will not exterminate the human race, but they can completely reduce mortal beings to lambs at the hands of the gods…”

After hearing this, the immortals and gods all looked at each other stunned, and did not speak for half a sound, what a terrible poisonous scheme, really as Yunxiao said, it is a cult!

The ancestor of the dragon clan spoke: “So, the behavior of that Nuwa saint just now is also very problematic, she clearly deliberately broke the sky, sent calamities, obliterated countless living beings, and then pretended to make up the sky, so that all living beings were grateful to her and obtained a huge amount of faith!” ”

The immortals and gods all nodded.

This must be the case, the immortal gods and saints of this world do not have a good bird at all.

Di Xin Di Xin was already clenched with his fists at this moment, his green tendons were bursting, and the demonic energy in his whole body was pervasive, which was very terrifying.

He was naturally furious!

It’s too much, it’s just unforgivable! Whether it is the immortals and gods of this world, or the saints, they should all die! Annihilation! All forms and gods are destroyed…

And the way of the evil people, which should be destroyed forever.

Any existence that dreams of enslaving the Terrans should die without a place to be buried!

Someone muttered in a low voice: “Fortunately, when our world first made up for the sky, there was no such thing, and everyone suddenly looked at him, with strange expressions.” ”

Didn’t the heart embarrass Nuwa Niangniang when she said this?

Sure enough, Nuwa looked at the person who spoke coldly, and the power of the saint almost scared him on the spot.

But Nuwa couldn’t punish him, otherwise he would seem to be weak-hearted.

And Nuwa Niangniang is not a careful person, she knows that everyone has just seen an evil Nuwa with their own eyes, and what she is doing is also mending the heavens, so it is inevitable that she has thoughts in her heart, but it is related to her own reputation, even if it is not necessary, she still opened her mouth to explain: “This palace can guarantee that the things that mend the heavens in this world are all caused by natural heavenly luck.” ”

When the Nuwa sage spoke, it was the art of sound transmission, and Su Mo did not hear it, so as not to expose his identity.

But the other immortals heard it clearly.

Everyone smiled bitterly in their hearts, saying Nuwa Niangniang, who doesn’t believe you! How dare someone confront you.

Everyone immediately said nothing about this, and no one dared to have the slightest doubt about Nuwa Niangniang.

Hao Tian also spoke solemnly: “The Heavenly Court will never do such a shameless act, this is to smear the faces of the immortal gods, and it is an insult to the entire immortal world!” ”

The immortal gods had no doubt about this, and no one in the flood would really do this.

After the discussion, everyone looked at Su Mo, and someone asked, “What next?” What Mr. Su just said seems to have nothing to do with that demon emperor Sun Wukong? ”

“Yes, Mr. Su, what happened to Sun Wukong?”

“Why can he be called the Heavenly Emperor? Isn’t he a powerful demon king? ”

Su Mo smiled indifferently: “Of course it matters, the colorful stones under the shattered dome that day finally fell on the Dongsheng Shenzhou!” ”

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