Chapter 149: Refuge in Buddha, Refuge in Monk, Refuge in Girl Xiu?!!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Sanzang, the little monk, is finally safe in this life, it is really not easy.

Many people sympathized in their hearts, and the eight reincarnations were so miserable, either eaten by monsters or eaten by their parents, which really made many monsters and demon kings present feel speechless.

I will never eat people in the future, it’s really miserable~

Bixiao patted his chest: “The golden cicada has finally been safe, it’s not easy, he’s really a stupid boy, the Buddha let him do whatever he wants, dedicated to the Buddha, so sincere is really moving.” ”

Bixiao’s opinion is the same as most immortal gods, even if everyone has an opinion about Western religion, it is impossible not to be moved in the heart after seeing a child being eaten eight times.

Bai Ze nodded: “He is a good seedling, no matter what his understanding is, but the tenacity of his heart and the stability of his Dao heart are really rarer than countless Tianjiao.” ”

But don’t tell the man-eating monster in the story just now.

Man-eating monsters are the lowest wild monsters, but they cannot represent the orthodoxy of the demon ancestor.

The demon race that eats people are all wild demons with a low realm, because after the realm of immortals, immortals do not eat human fireworks, so most of the demon race powerhouses will not do this.

Human Emperor Xin sighed: “It’s a ruthless person, at a young age, he has already started to watch life and death, and he may as well let more than how many heroes and heroes, but I don’t know if I chose the right master with such a good heart?” ”

In the eyes of the emperor, the teachings of Buddhism are actually contrary to the way of the emperor.

As an emperor, he naturally hopes that the people of the whole country will continue to improve themselves and struggle, but the teachings of Buddhism are that everything is broken, and the four are empty.

To put it bluntly, it is to lie flat!

If everyone is like this, then how can the country develop?

Therefore, although the emperor admired the spirit of the golden cicada, he would never allow such a thing to appear in his own dynasty, so there were almost no temples in the current Yin Shang.

Tai Yi Zhenren spoke: “In this life, Sanzang should become the Heavenly Emperor, right?” After the eight calamities, the test of Buddhism should also be over. ”

Obviously, everyone also thinks so, because this life is also the first time that the golden cicada has obtained the number of Sanzang, and Su Mo said at the beginning that this Heavenly Emperor is called Three Burials, but how the three burials achieved the Heavenly Emperor fruit position is still a matter worth discussing, because he is still an ordinary person, without cultivation realm, compared with the strength of the Heavenly Emperor, there is still a long way to go, right?

They thought that they would discuss it for a while first, and then let Su Mo have to reveal the answer, so as not to make the bad Su Mo a broken dog again!

Dragon Ao Guang spoke: “In my opinion, it is likely that he has carried forward the Western Sect, so he has obtained the title of Heavenly Emperor, just like the First Emperor of Immortal Qin, he is also a mortal fetus, but he has developed a mortal country into a magnificent immortal country spanning the Ten Thousand Realms Star Domain!” ”

Others nodded as well.

Because so far, the three burials have not shown any strength, so he is probably not a battle-type Heavenly Emperor, so all that remains is to develop the Dao system and spread the Western Sect, thus obtaining immeasurable merit and becoming the Heavenly Emperor.

The probability of this speculation is high.

Yunxiao shook his head and said: “The golden cicada has such resilience and determination, even if his cultivation is still shallow now, he will definitely become a supreme person in the future, Buddhism pays attention to epiphany, maybe he is the same as that Sun Wukong, he has experienced suffering, once enlightened, with supreme power, boundless mana.” ”

Some people also nodded in agreement.

Before Mr. Su Mo said, the Three Burial Heavenly Emperor and the Demon Emperor Sun Wukong have some connection, and at present, the two do not seem to have any intersection, then it seems that the so-called connection is likely to be similar in the preaching process of the two.

They are all aware of the sufferings of all sentient beings, and finally have an epiphany, and it is indeed possible.

Hao Tian also spoke: “This emperor feels that this golden cicada may have achieved the position of the Heavenly Emperor by crossing the sky with immeasurable merit.” This person has a peaceful mind, even after experiencing so many times of sacrifice and death, he does not have the slightest resentment, does not complain about the world, and the four are empty, not like he is fighting the world. ”

Many people also supported Hao Tianyudi’s opinion.

To say that to establish a Buddha country like Immortal Qin, the golden cicada does not seem to have so much courage at present, after all, he entered the empty gate, the four are empty, and he definitely does not have the heart to compete for the deer.

As for cultivation being peerless, it is also unlikely, because Sun Wukong is a Lingming stone monkey born in the innate colorful stone, but a congenital treasure body, and his talent is superb.

And the golden cicada is just a mortal fetus in the flesh, and the day after tomorrow has limited his realm cultivation will not be very high, so there is a high probability that he will cross all sentient beings and achieve merit Heavenly Emperor Hao Tianyu Emperor is also relieved.

It’s not easy. Finally met a Heavenly Emperor who did not go against the heavens to fight against the Heavenly Court!

I finally have a normal person… I am very relieved, even if I build you a few more Buddhist temples in the future, it will be no problem~

Su Mo continued: “In fact, Sanzang was born with a wisdom root, and the talent is not bad, although it is not a congenital body, but it is also the most extraordinary heel in the innate soul, and it is the most suitable talent for Buddhism. ”

“Otherwise, he would not have become a monk in every life, and he acted in every word and deed according to the pure rules and dogmas of Buddhism, followed the rules, and strictly disciplined himself.”

“In his heart, all beings are equal, no matter how small the creatures are worth protecting, he is careful when sweeping the floor, for fear of accidentally hurting the ants on the ground, when reciting Buddhist scriptures at night, in order to protect the life of the moth, he specially made a gauze cover to cover all the candles…”

Everyone really couldn’t figure it out when they heard it, but they were impressed in their hearts.

For these great powers, not to mention ants and moths, no living being’s life is worth guarding so carefully, because life and death are fateful.

Although they will not kill, they do not have the kindness to save lives and help the wounded, after all, cultivating immortals is only cultivating their own bodies, and birth, old age, illness and death are all human beings, and there is no special.

It seems that the golden cicada has indeed penetrated the Dharma into the bone marrow, which is indeed rare.

Su Mo continued: “On this day, he met a female pilgrim who came to burn incense and worship Buddha…”

As soon as the picture changed, everyone saw a quiet ancient temple in the mountains, with beautiful scenery and picturesque scenery…

“When contemplating the bodhisattva at ease, when walking in the depths of Prajnaparamita, he sees that the five essences are empty, and he passes all suffering. Relic, color is not different from empty, empty is not different color, color is empty, empty is color…”

Inside the meditation room, the sound of Sanzang chanting Buddhist sutras came out.

At this moment, a woman’s low sobs came from inside the Buddhist hall outside, although the voice was small, but through the shallow bamboo forest and small window, Sanzang’s voice stopped.

Sanzang looked puzzled and walked to inquire.

I saw a beautiful girl crying in a low voice, and Sanzang went to ask her what was going on.

“Female benefactor, what are your sufferings, and is there anything that the little monk can help?”

The girl whispered: “My dog died, it grew up with me since I was a child, I can’t bear it, I want to ask the Buddha to resurrect it, don’t you say that the Dharma is boundless, can make my dog resurrected?” ”

Sanzang smiled indifferently: “The female benefactor bodhisattva heart is really rare, but life and death have life, although my Buddha’s Dharma is boundless, but it cannot interfere with the life and death of all living beings, everything has a fate, although your dog is no longer there, it will definitely enter reincarnation, and it may be reincarnated as a human in the next life.” ”

The girl looked at him curiously: “Is what you said true?” Can rhubarb really be reincarnated as a person? ”

Sanzang nodded: “Amitabha, my Buddha is compassionate, everything is possible.” ”

The girl burst into tears and laughed: “That’s great, thank you, little monk, what’s your name?” ”

“Little monk Dharma number Sanzang, female benefactors can also call little monks like this”

The girl smiled.

“Sanzang? Listen strange, I’ll still call you a little monk, don’t call me a female benefactor, just call me a show girl in the future~”

Sanzang was stunned for a moment: “Xiu… Show girl…”

From then on, the girl came to the temple every day to look for him, and Sanzang had never had contact with a woman, and he knew nothing but Buddhist scriptures, so he could only give her lectures.

The show girl even liked to hear it, it seemed that as long as it was the story told by the three burials, she liked to hear it.

On this day, the show girl came to Sanzang again and asked Sanzang to tell her a story.

Sanzang then told her the story of Sanhanyi.

“Once upon a time, there was a thief who went to the temple to steal an old monk’s things, and this time the old monk could not bear it, so he said to the thief, you put your hand in, I will give you whatever you want. When the thief heard this, he put his hand in. ”

But the old monk grabbed his hand, picked up the ruler and hit it, and said while hitting: Rice according to the Buddha, rice according to the law, rice according to the monk! And the thief could only shout under the pain: Rice according to the Buddha, rice according to the law, rice according to the monk! ”

“This is the story of the three refuges.”

The Xiu girl listened very intently, and after listening to it, she said: “Then let me tell you a story of Sifanyi, right?” ”

Sanzang was stunned: “Four rice Yi? ”

So the Xiu girl took his hand and wrote in his hand while reading: “Rice Yi Buddha. Meals according to the law… Rice monk…”

Sanzang chuckled, and also chanted, Rice according to the Buddha, rice according to the law, refuge in the monk.

And at this moment, the Xiu girl said softly: “Fanyi… Show girl.”

Sanzang was stunned, and after everyone saw this, they were all a little embarrassed.

Marshal Canopy slapped his thigh!

“It’s over, this little monk has never met a woman, I’m afraid this can’t be controlled!”

Everyone glared at him in unison, but they didn’t know anything in their hearts.

“Since the ancient hero was sad to pass the beauty pass, Sanzang is really ignorant, and it is really dangerous.”

“Hey, the precept that you can’t be close to women in this Buddhist sect is really against human desire, pity this little monk.”

“yes, I wonder what will happen to him? Mr. Su, please continue. ”

Su Mo continued… Word.

“On this day, after Sanzang returned to the Zen room, he couldn’t sleep at night, and muttered on the bed: Take refuge in Buddha, take refuge in the law, take refuge in the monk, take refuge in the show girl on the second day, the little monk went down the mountain.”

As a result, I learned a bad news!

Under the mountain, a vicious tiger suddenly entered the village, and the whole family of the show girl was killed, which was miserable!

At this moment, looking at the body of the show girl, the little monk’s eyes were instantly blurred, and it was painful

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