Chapter 152 Heavenly Change, Master and Apprentice Blood!!

Everyone instantly lifted their spirits.

Is Qi Tian Great Sage going to the Heavenly Court!?

At this moment, all the immortal gods in the entire three realms were in an excited mood and looked at the monkey with anticipation.

As if this moment is going to fight Jiuxue, the person who competes with the sky is not Sun Wukong, but themselves!

At this moment, they felt the peerless demon emperor they had seen in the previous world.

What kind of battle intent that shocked Jiu Xue was shocking the anger that shook the sky.

At this moment, his spine is no longer curved and can carry trillions of living beings.

His eyes were not cloudy, and the transparent essence light penetrated the sun and moon.

Although his realm and aura have not changed, the will of the whole person has undergone earth-shaking drastic changes.

Everyone started whispering.

“The Monkey King is finally coming back! Is he going to make a big fuss about the Heavenly Palace? This is his mission! ”

“The last time he made a big fuss about the Heavenly Palace has failed, this time he dares to go again, he must be sure of victory, but last time we didn’t see it, this time we can finally witness it with our own eyes”

“The Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Clan will not be defeated! This time will definitely be able to sweep the heavens and shake the ancient world! ”

The members of the demon clan were already excited at this moment, and they were about to jump on the roof.

Even the Haotian Jade Emperor clenched his fists excitedly, waiting for this Heavenly Court to usher in Sun Wukong’s anger.

Human Emperor Xin stood up even more angrily, waiting for his next move!

In the picture, Sun Wukong holds a golden hoop rod and looks up at the sky.

At this moment, all sentient beings seemed to see the picture of that demon emperor Sun Wukong about to rush to Jiuxue!

But last time, they didn’t see the ending, and today, they’re about to witness it.

“Why is the Great Sage going?”

“Step into the southern sky, break the snow!”

“What if you never return?”

“Then there will be no return!”

The same dialogue made the hearts of all living beings tremble.

Such people are born to win battles, they have blood flowing in their hearts, and their iron bones are burning with war intent, and one day they will put their lives behind them and use their own way to maintain the sporadic justice and justice!

Demon Saint Bai Ze was already trembling all over.

“The Heavenly Emperor of our demon race is finally going to rush to the sky and let the heavens see what true anger is!”

Nuwa and Houtu Niangniang were also very excited in their hearts.

They are saints and do not want to communicate too much with the immortals.

But the excitement in the hearts of the two female saints was no less than anyone else!

Nuwa Niangniang has always been full of expectations and guilt for this creature in the colorful stone, because in that world, it was Nuwa who persecuted the colorful stone, let him hang in Jiuxue to witness the calamity of all things, although this has nothing to do with her, it is another Nuwa’s pot, but because it is the same Nuwa, there is inevitably a trace of cause and effect between them, so Nuwa has a trace of apology in her heart.

At this moment, if he could really see with his own eyes this demon emperor who came out of the multicolored stone like his own child, he would be able to show his demeanor and let this heavenly court that was high above and playing with the fortune of all lives be shattered!

Even more so.

She was originally an authentic saint, and she had no affection for the pretentious guys in the sky.

In her heart, although it does not mean that all beings are equal, every life is worthy of respect, and no matter how powerful people are, they are not qualified to influence the freedom and will of others, even the way of heaven!

If it weren’t for the fact that they weren’t people of one world, Houtu would have already brought the entire army of the prefecture to help! Anyway, it is not a world, and it will not be suppressed by the Heavenly Dao.

The Tongtian Sect Lord laughed loudly.

“Hahahaha! Joyfully! This is the courage that the demon race should have, if someone presses on his head, he will be killed! ”

The demon race that has the most in the Truncated Sect is because the character of the demon race matches the bohemian character of the Tongtian Sect Leader.

Dugu Tianyu also smiled heartily: “It’s really a generation of Heavenly Emperors, it’s a pity that I can’t make friends with him and cut that thief under the sword together!” ”

Yuan Shi Tianzun’s heart also instantly rose.

He has always been racist and can’t look at the demon race, but he is also excited for a demon monkey.

Because real blood can only infect everyone.

Of course, Yuan Shi Tianzun just thought like this, but did not speak, after all, he could not offend the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Barrens, and some words of great disobedience could not be exported.

Taishang Laozi smiled indifferently: “No matter what you want to do, as long as you walk for the heart of the Dao and leave no regrets, you will die for the sake of the Tao…”

Taishang Laozi wanted to see how a demon monkey who went against the sky finally became a heavenly emperor.

The two saints of the West are the most ignorant of the saints at this moment.

What is this situation?

Aren’t these guys going to the Western Heaven to get scriptures?

The saints and quasi-saints who have just been introduced are still thinking about a problem, that is, the move of the Western Heaven to learn the scriptures in this world is a very good, almost perfect plan, a best plan to revitalize the West.

This is simply a plan that only geniuses like the two of them can come up with.

Because they had thought of many ways before, but there was always a barrier that could not be crossed, that is, they could not personally go to the east to cross all sentient beings, otherwise Sanqing and Nuwa would definitely not agree.

But if there is a person like the golden cicada who can break through from the inside, carry a deep Buddha’s heart reincarnation in the East, and spread the Dharma, this is an act of the indigenous people of the East.

Moreover, he can also come to the West to seek the true scriptures, so that the Dharma can be widely disseminated, and the merit and luck brought by him are simply immeasurable!

Although I don’t know how this plan was supported by the Heavenly Court, as long as this link is also solved, the Western Boom will come to fruition!

But everything was originally going smoothly, why did this problem arise halfway through?

Isn’t Sun Wukong the guardian of Sanzang?

How to take the scriptures halfway to kill the Heavenly Court?

How do the Buddhas of this world do things? Isn’t there a backhand?

What is the Heavenly Court of this world doing? It was released without the means to balance the other party, what a waste, and it deserved to be destroyed by Sun Wukong!

Su Mo continued…

The Monkey King left.

Sanzang didn’t say anything more, just watched him leave, knowing that his figure disappeared into the sky.

The remaining three continued on their way.

Not long after, Zhu Bajie also left, he said that he wanted to go back to Gao Laozhuang, Tang Sanzang did not block it, and he would not block it, because this was the question he asked him at the beginning, and he didn’t know why the other party had figured it out now.

There are two people left.

Soon, Sha Wujing also left, he said that he wanted to go back to the Heavenly Court to see, and Sanzang watched him leave, just like watching Sun Wukong.

In the end, only Tang Sanzang remained.

Time is like an arrow, and the years are like a shuttle.

Spring goes, autumn comes.

Tang Sanzang slept alone at night.

But whenever he finished chanting the sutras and closed his eyes, it was not the solemn Sanskrit sounds, nor the golden but incomparably dazzling Buddha lights.

What he saw were fragments, images that dangled like lightning.

Tang Sanzang seemed to see the direction of the east, and there was a pig-headed man holding a woman and roaring!

It was as if I saw countless monsters on Huaguo Mountain killing the Heavenly Court!

These images made him feel like he was there.

But when Sanzang opened his eyes, everything went to peace.

Where are there pig-headed people? Where are the demons who kill the Heavenly Court?

Some are just three well-behaved apprentices, and singing and dancing to level a peaceful world.

But at this moment, something that had been sleeping for a long time in Tang Sanzang’s heart came to life, and his body exuded an aura that was different from the previous divine and exuded golden light in front of the Buddha.

He didn’t know what it was, but it was the opposite of what the monks foolishly bowed down.

Sanzang’s eyes appeared in front of her that she had not seen for a long time, the woman buried in the village at the foot of the mountain, what was her name? I don’t think about it anymore, because I forced myself to forget.

He sneered: “Is it really a song and dance?” How long do you have to lie to yourself! ”

In an instant, the sky changed!

The pig-headed monster lies dying with a young girl.

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