Chapter 178 Two to One? The arrogance of the demon lord!!


The terrifying aura was earth-shattering.

The entire three realms were trembling in the battle of the two supreme powerhouses, and the immortal qi in the air was already extremely thin, it was consumed by the huge consumption of the saints when they fought, most of these immortal qi was originally enough for the immortals of the earth immortal realm to use for a hundred years, and now it was thinned by more than half under the consumption of several battles, which shows the power of the saint’s battle.

The mountains and rivers were shaking, and the sun and moon in the sky had disappeared, becoming two black and bare spheres, and the light was all covered by the holy light on the saint!

“The Buddhas have come to the world!”

The Junti saint shouted, and the golden body in the air suddenly turned into a golden mountain, and the mountain was full of Buddhist caves, and the Buddha statues in each Buddha cave chanted the canon.

There are thousands of Buddha statues on the entire Buddha Mountain, and in an instant, the Sanskrit sound is dense, the Buddhist text is all over the sky, and the real three realms are shrouded in the mighty Buddha sound and witty words.

The Buddha Gate Miaoyin turned into countless golden lotuses slowly falling from the air, and the whole world turned into a sea of Buddhas, peaceful and incomparable, in the three realms, countless cultivators under the immortals had begun to fall into confusion, unable to control their own, and their mouths began to mumble, reciting the Buddhist scriptures!

This is the demagogic power of the Buddhist saints, these immortals with slightly worse divine willpower have begun to be crossed, and if they continue to read it, the breath on their bodies will begin to gradually transform into Buddha light.

The golden figure of the Junti saint was tall, and his indifferent Dharma eyes looked down at the demon lord, and said in a thunderous voice: “Demon lord, don’t hurry up to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha, fade your demonic thoughts, and take refuge in my Buddha.”

The Junti Saint actually wanted to turn the Demon Lord into a cross?

But these golden lotus witty words fell in the realm of the demon lord, like snowflakes falling on a hot charcoal fire in winter, and disappeared in an instant.

The demon lord was full of demonic energy, which was in sharp contrast to the Quasi Ti Saint who was dressed in Buddha light.

At this time, the demon lord sneered: “Hmph! Hypocrisy! Dare to cross my Great Demon Heavenly King! ”

Saying that, the breath of his body was several times stronger, and countless demon Dao god patterns appeared around him, and the Buddha light of the entire world began to confront, and the two incompatible laws collided together, exerting a loud “crunching” sound.

This loud noise spread throughout the heavens and the earth, like the sound of the world frame being squeezed, making everyone’s scalp tingle…

“This world will not collapse by them!”

“It’s terrible, I’ve never felt such a violent coercion, this sound is like smashing the world structure, should we hide farther”

“The Law of Flood Desolation is so strong, and it is controlled by the power of Heaven’s Dao, it should not be so fragile, rest assured”

Even though people said this, they still shivered, it was really immortals fighting mortals, saints fighting immortals suffering.

At this time, the demon lord’s body suddenly released a strong strange law, he pointed one finger to the ground, the other hand held the sky, and the terrifying aura burst out.

“Dream Empty Flower!”

In an instant, a strange fluctuation appeared from all directions at the same time, countless huge bubbles shrouded the entire heaven and earth, and the Great Shang Dynasty was also wrapped in a huge bubble.

The whole world seemed to be dragged into a dream place, everything became a little trance, even the Quasi-Saint and Da Luo Golden Immortal felt that they could not move.

At this moment, a very small voice came that was clearly heard by everyone.


It’s the sound of bubbles breaking.

Everyone was instantly stunned, and then a look of horror appeared in their eyes!

The Great Shang Dynasty, wrapped in bubbles, was actually shattered!

“What! Big business is broken! I’m not mistaken! ”

“Six hundred years of Yin Shang, just like that, turned into dust? That’s too much! ”

“Is this the Demon Lord? Killing the heavens and killing the earth and killing all things, and destroying the entire Yin Shang hundreds of millions of lives with one thought, is really a peerless murderer! Aren’t you afraid of karmic backlash! ”

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes at this moment, the Immortal God of the Three Realms couldn’t believe that his eyes Haotian Jade Emperor was already stupid.

“This… Is the demon lord so bold! ”

Although Haotian had always wanted to suppress the Terran race before, he would never dare to wipe out the entire Yin Shang.

Just kidding, this is one of the three realms of the human realm, one of the six realms of the human realm, one of the three realms and six realms, the first race of the three realms, the authority granted by the mandate of heaven.

Such a race was just erased?

Haotian has not come to his senses until now.

Mozuluo’s throat was also completely stunned.

“I test! The demon lord is crazy! ”

The status of the Terrans today is well known, and Yin Shang, as the first dynasty on earth, is the place where almost all the human luck is gathered.

Such a huge cause and effect, such a huge amount of Heavenly Dao Qi Luck, even a saint would not dare to contaminate it, and even he, the ancestor of the Demon Dao, would never feel it.

But the Demon Lord actually directly sacrificed this great Yin Shang?

This is going against the sky!

Zhen Yuanzi stood up directly, and the earth fetal membrane in his hand vibrated continuously.

Born to sacrifice the Terran merchant?

Isn’t this going to directly attract the wrath of the Heavenly Dao! The demon lord is tired of living, he dares to provoke the bottom line of the Hong Barren Heavenly Dao, does he really think that he can face the sanctions of the entire world?!

The Sanxiao fairies all stared in Yin Shang’s direction in amazement.

“What a dare… The demon lord is crazy! He’s crazy! ”

“This is simply the biggest killing cause and effect since the opening of the world, unimaginable!”

“Why didn’t Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao stop it? What exactly is going on? ”

The saints of the heavens were also dumbfounded.

Yuan Shi Tianzun was furious!

“Presumptuous! This is a declaration of war against the flood! ”

Although in the eyes of Yuan Shi Tianzun, the Terrans are just a group of acquired beings and wet eggs, but he just can’t look at the Terrans, which does not mean that the Terrans have no need to exist.

On the contrary, as a Heavenly Dao Saint and familiar with the Heavenly Dao, he knew how important the status of the Terrans in the flood famine was, and if he directly obliterated the Terran race, the entire flood famine would fall into an unknown drastic change!

This behavior of the Demon Lord is simply a provocation by Chiguoguo, and he does not put the Hong Barren Heavenly Dao in his eyes! Do you really think you are invincible!?



The Tongtian Sect Lord was also stunned.

But at this moment, Dugu Wutian said something to him indifferently, and the Tongtian Sect Lord looked at him even more surprised, and his heart was stunned.

In the midst of human education.

Taishang Laozi almost fell from the clouds!

The Demon Lord destroyed the Terrans?

Isn’t he, the leader of the Human Sect, going to be unlucky? His saintly system was founded by the Ren Sect, imparting the Jindan Dao, and borrowing the luck of the Terran race.

If the Terran is directly gone, his Terran luck will be completely gone, and what will happen in the future is absolutely unthinkable.

After all, this kind of thing is impossible in everyone’s original cognition!

It’s just that I don’t have the slightest influence now?

In the inn.


The anger of the Nuwa saint burst out, the Terrans were created by her own hands, like her children, and at this moment, they were all erased?!

Is the Demon Lord going to do this, provoke the entire flood waste?

Houtu Niangniang was also stunned, this was a big event beyond their prediction, she subconsciously wanted to use the power of six reincarnations to quickly collect the souls of all living beings, and let them reincarnate as quickly as possible, maybe the Terrans would still be saved!

But then she was stunned, because the power of the six reincarnations did not capture any fluctuations of the living soul, she looked at Nuwa, and before she spoke, Nuwa also had a strange expression.

Because the luck of the Terrans has not decreased in any way!

What the hell is going on here?

Just when the immortal gods of the three realms were collectively confused, another magical scene happened.

I saw that the Great Shang Dynasty, which had just been disillusioned in the bubble, suddenly began to converge again like a picture playback.

Like a mirror, a mirage, everything has returned to its original state!

The Great Shang Dynasty is still the same as before, the people are like a shuttle, spending a good moon, they don’t know what happened, or perhaps, it is just an illusion, and the immortals are suddenly surprised.

It turned out to be a phantom house!

Although the magic of mirage is not rare, it is the first time that the entire Hong Desolate Immortal God can be seduced by it, and even the Heavenly Dao Saint cannot distinguish it.

Just when everyone was collectively stunned, the demon lord suddenly burst into demonic energy.


He suddenly struck and attacked and killed the Junti Saint who was still in a state of confusion.

In fact, there is still a gap in cultivation between the two, although it is not big, but the Quasi Ti Saint is a Heavenly Dao Saint after all, and the Flood Barren World is where the Heavenly Dao has the highest authority, and the Quasi Ti Saint actually occupies the advantage in hard power.

However, the Demon Lord’s combat experience was incomparable to the entire Flood Desolation creatures combined!

He has spent his whole life in retrograde battles, and countless heroes have drunk under him, including many who were once above him.

He is not a creature in this realm, and he is not oppressed by the laws of the Heavenly Dao, so the heavenly barrier between the saint and him does not exist, even if the realm is above him, he is not afraid!

“Break the sky!”

The Demon Lord threw a punch, and the terrifying fist contained an unparalleled law of collapse, and the golden body of the Junti Saint was directly shattered.


The body of the golden Buddha of billions of zhang was shattered, and the thousands of laws were disillusioned in an instant, the Buddha’s light was dim, and the witty words were dumb.

The golden body of the Junti Saint was broken again.

In the next second, the golden body instantly recovered as before.

But Jun Ti has already gritted his teeth: “You are looking for death!” ”

In front of the sentient beings of the three realms, this is the second time that the golden body has been shattered, and it is unforgivable! I used all my means today to suppress him.


Another holy light came from the western sky, and the saint also came!

Seeing that the Junti saint was shattered into the golden body, he, as the senior brother of Zhun Ti, was naturally furious after seeing it, and the two no longer cared about the face of any saint, and today the two joined forces to kill the demon lord, otherwise the Western Sect would have no face.

The demon lord sneered: “Hahaha! What if the two of you join forces? What fear is my Great Demon Heavenly King! ”

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