Chapter 217 The Three Realms are boiling! Su Mo smiled secretly in his heart!!

Su Mo’s strength shocked the Three Realms Immortal Gods in their hearts.

But soon, what followed was everyone’s yearning for the black myth world, because they really had the opportunity to meet the idol in their hearts, the Heavenly Emperor Sun Wukong this time!

Su Mo counted so many Heavenly Emperors, as well as so many Monkey Kings, everyone actually had their own admiration and sighs, but to say that the most looking forward to is the Demon Emperor Sun Wukong, the only existence called the Heavenly Emperor in the Heavenly Monkey Sky.

Although the other Monkey Kings have also experienced ups and downs and impermanent fates, only this Monkey King has the strongest sense of mission, the most tragic origin, and the darkest background of the world.

Moreover, everyone does not know his end, because Su Mo is out of context!

This demon emperor Sun Wukong is not an ordinary monkey, he is the last hope born in the unjust souls of billions of living beings, the last cry of billions of living beings, and the flame of hope that carries countless ordinary and humble lives.

A spark can set fire to the plain.

The fire of the plain begins with hope.

In this dark, desperate, bloody world of black mythology, the Monkey King is a light that illuminates this dark world, a guiding light that leads all living beings to the light.

He understands that mercy, supplication, reform, and compromise are all useless, and there is only one way to face the darkness of this world, to fight violence with violence!

When order is corrupted by evil, when heaven and earth have selfishness, when justice has sunk under desire, there will always be a savior.

His bones are full of indomitability, his body burns with blood, and he uses his life to defend the sporadic justice and justice!

Although the immortal gods of the three realms of the Flood Desolation are also high and do not put mortals in their eyes, this is more of a kind of disregard for the weak by the strong.

But they will not kill innocents, they will not treat mortal beings as livestock, harvest at will, slaughter wantonly, those are perverted acts!

Even the Haotian Jade Emperor, who regarded mortals as ants, or the Yuan Shi Tianzun, who had eyes above the top, only disdained to be with mortals, but they would never be as cruel as the gods in the black mythological world.

Therefore, the immortal gods of the three realms have long been displeased with the immortal gods in this black mythological world!

Bullying, is it the way of immortals?

The human emperor snorted coldly: “This king has long seen the immortal gods of this world as unpleasant, treating all living beings as livestock, and mortals as meat pigs, where do they have the qualifications and where do they have the courage!” All things are born equal, there are only differences between immortals, there is no gap! No one is qualified to oppress weak creatures, let alone exploit hundreds of millions of people! ”

As a human emperor, Di Xin had long wanted to lead an army to conquer the Black Myth World, which was the darkest he had ever seen, darker than the world where Tang San was buried.

He is the emperor of people, and he has seen hundreds of millions of people crying, mourning, and screaming in the dark fire, how can Di Xin endure?

The human emperor is the head of the human race, and he would rather bear that pain for the people himself, but he also knows that if he wants to solve the problem from the root, there is only one word, kill!

Fight violence with violence! Stop the war with war!

Blindly forbearance and begging for perfection will only bring about the enemy’s intensification, and only when the enemy is killed and hurt will they understand what the fire of hatred is!

From the day Di Xin came into contact with the Demon Lord, he had already made up his mind that from now on, he would never compromise on the issue of the Terrans.

The big deal is to start a war, the big deal is to die in battle, and it is better to die standing than to live on your knees.

The gap between immortals and mortals is indeed very large, and it can even be said that the Terrans have no chance of victory

Perhaps if he chooses to endure, he can live a long time and enjoy the life of an emperor until the end of his life, even if the status of the Terran is affected, it will not interfere

His wine pond meat forest.

But when he lies on the sick bed in his twilight years, thinking back on this life, he will definitely regret it a lot, and he can’t wait to exchange everything in this life for a chance, return to that day, pick up the sword, and face the gods!

Tell them that you can take the lives of the Terrans, but you can never take away the freedom and dignity of the Terrans!

“Well said!”

Zhao Gongming got up and slapped it on the shoulder of the human emperor, and the corners of Di Xin’s mouth twitched lightly…

“Well said, Brother Renhuang, a good immortal has only differences, there is no gap, a good person is born equal, there is no class, this is also the doctrine of our truncated teaching, it is taught to us by the Tongtian Master Venerable, it seems that you are also a fellow practitioner!” Based on your words, I Zhao Gongming believe that you were framed for that incident last time! ”

Di Xin rubbed his shoulders and hugged his fist at Zhao Gongming, which was regarded as thanks.

Zhao Gongming turned his head again and snorted coldly: “Although mortals are weak, except that they can’t cultivate, what is the difference between other places and immortal gods such as me?” They all have flesh and blood, souls, and thoughts, and many people’s state of mind is higher than that of the Da Luo Golden Immortals here, but the gods of this world are high and oppressive them like this, which is really insulting to the name of the immortal gods! ”

Then he glanced at the direction of the teaching: “I hope you don’t feel like the group of snobs who expound the teaching, and you can humiliate mortals and destroy all living beings at will!” ”

Taiyi Zhenren suddenly frowned: “Zhao Gongming!” You have to say nonsense, although we do not accept innate beings, we have never bullied the weak, let alone indiscriminately killed innocents, harming heaven and peace! Moreover, we immortals often enter the world to practice and live with mortals, and some people have accepted some qualified mortals as named disciples, when is it like you said. ”

Yuding Zhenren nodded repeatedly: “Yes, yes, we twelve golden immortals can never do such shameless things in the black mythological world!” Poor Dao has lived in the mortal world for countless years, and has long regarded mortals as equals, and it is possible that in the future, mortals will be accepted as personal disciples! ”

Yuding also looked at Yang Jian and them as he spoke, obviously, the apprentice he said he wanted to accept was Yang Jian.

Yunxiao also came forward at this time: “My eldest brother is right, as an immortal god, I am naturally strong, but if I am strong, I can humiliate and torture the weak at will, then doesn’t it mean that those more powerful quasi-saints and saints can also kill us at will?” In this way, where is justice in the world? ”

The immortals nodded one after another.

“Yunxiao Fairy is right, bullying, is it a gentleman’s doing?”

“Yes, if we don’t maintain justice and order, and there will be stronger people to oppress me and so on in the future, who else will stand up and speak?”

“All things are born, there is a reason, no one is qualified to bully others at will!”

Unconsciously, the Hong Barren Immortal Gods, who were originally a little arrogant, in Su Mo’s storytelling, the three views are also subtle.

In fact, this is also the credit of Su Mo, the stories he told are relatively positive, teaching people to fight for destiny, teaching people to be equal, and these values have gradually affected the immortal gods.

Hao Tianyu Emperor opened his mouth at this moment: “Although my Heavenly Court is the lord of the three realms, it has never forced the faith of all living beings, and it is also maintaining the order of the three realms, and countless heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals will fight against the heavenly demons outside the domain all day long, deterring the flood and famine, and the thunder gong dian mother and the four sea dragon kings travel clouds and rain to ensure that the people are smooth and rainy.” ”

“And the Heavenly Court in the Black Myth World is really unworthy of virtue and insults the Heavenly Court, if the passage is really opened, my Heavenly Court army is willing to act as the vanguard to eliminate the sins of those false gods to set the record straight!”

Haotian is also very smart, he knows that the wind evaluation of the Heavenly Court before is not very good, but the black myth world is even more excessive, compared to it, the Heavenly Court is simply a great benevolent person.

Therefore, he took the lead in speaking, put his heavenly court on the moral high ground, and attacked the false gods, and the image immediately became different!

But in fact, there is nothing wrong with what Haotian said just now, although the Heavenly Court is arrogant, it has indeed been maintaining the order of the three realms.

Mainly in the flood and desolation, the status of the Terrans is not so sad, so some of the contributions made by the Heavenly Court cannot be reflected.

And he said one very important point, that is, the Heavenly Court did not force the Terrans to believe in them, and it was good for the Terrans to believe in them, but if they did not believe, Haotian would never pursue them.

Unlike the black mythological world, if you don’t believe in the gods, you are heretics, and you have to kill!

The immortal gods thought about Hao Tian’s words, and found that this was indeed the truth, although the Heavenly Court was not strong and a little arrogant, it really did not do anything bad.

Even Human Emperor Xin had to admit that the Heavenly Court was indeed much better than the Heavenly Court in the Black Mythology World.

Demon Zuluo said in a deep voice: “If you can go to that world, you can let go of the killing, don’t show mercy to your subordinates, those false gods have no cure, only by letting them destroy the gods can they wash away the sins of that world.” ”

Everyone glanced at this man in black with a strong demonic aura all over his body, although they didn’t know who he was, he must be a demon giant.

And what he said was recognized by everyone.

The people and gods in the black mythological world, the extremely cruel thoughts have rotted to the bone, if it is in the past, it really cannot be merciful.

When Demon Zuluo said this, he actually wanted to take this opportunity to kill all sides, use the qi in the black myth world to cultivate, and restore his strength to its peak.

Although Nuwa Niangniang did not speak, she also had some thoughts in her heart.

That Nuwa in the black mythological world is too much, as the Virgin of the Terran race, she actually treats the Terran as a blood food for livestock and tortures Sun Wukong like this.

It’s simply insulting to Nuwa’s name!

If she can go to that black mythological world, she must make that Nuwa pay the price and fight for her reputation!

The idea of the Houtu Niang is similar.

She hopes that those who die in vain can be reincarnated and rested, instead of suffering after death, which is simply unforgivable.

The Hong Desolate Immortal Gods were already rubbing their hands, and it was obvious that everyone was eager to enter immediately.

Zhao Gongming asked eagerly, “Mr. Su, when can we enter?” ”

Su Mo looked at the immortal gods with an expectant face, and the corners of his mouth slightly curved.

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