Chapter 238: Sun Wukong Strikes! The golden hoop rod swept across the heavenly court!!

At this moment, the heavenly people understood what the gods they had been worshipping were, it turned out that in the eyes of the gods, they were just lowly beings who could not even give birth to ants

They can be killed, tortured, and exploited.

It turned out that the gods who blessed them in their eyes and sheltered them turned out to be so cold and ruthless.

“Gods, why do we do this to us when we believe in you so much!”

“Every year, I take out my family’s savings and burn incense to offer, why should the gods deceive us like this!”

“Oh my God, it turns out that we are not even as good as ants in the eyes of the gods.”

Mortals in the mortal world simply do not want to believe that the long-standing faith in their hearts has collapsed, and now they have finally discovered the truth, but they can only cry out incompetently, because they can only look up at the gods above the nine skies.

The ants discovered that God was deceiving them, so what? Can ants go against the sky?

They can only cry or roar incompetently on the ground.

The gods still looked at them with cold eyes, laughing at their incompetence and lowliness.

The Heavenly Emperor and the gods of the Heavenly Court looked down on the earth expressionlessly at this moment.

“A bunch of lowly reptiles, even if you know the truth.”

In their eyes, acting toward sentient beings is not called deception at all, because God does not need to deceive ants, they just make them believe in them more sincerely, bow down to them, and continue to fulfill their piety and humility.

For the Heavenly Emperor, he didn’t care whether all sentient beings knew the truth.

Although the Heavenly Court needs the faith of all sentient beings as strength, if something changes to them, it is a big deal to kill them all and then create a new batch.

It’s like a vegetable in the field, if it is rotten, uprooted, and re-sown, no one will be soft hearted by ripping off the rotten vegetables in the field, they will only feel that it is an eyesore.

Or, kill only half and the other half will be obedient.

It’s not like this hasn’t happened before.

There have been people who have discovered the truth in the past, and without exception, they have all been erased from this world.

A few years ago, there was a Terran emperor, whose name could not be verified and no one remembered.

That emperor was a devout believer in the gods, and in order to believe in the gods, he built numerous temples so that all living beings could bow down all day long.

The emperor believed that beings were children of the gods, that merciful gods would shelter people, and that their prayers would lead to a better life.

But only when he discovered that the war was intensifying, the people were miserable, and the power of the gods did not seem to be revealed, but only when the people were dying, they would breathe a sigh of relief.

Do the gods just not want them to die easily so that they can continue to contribute their faith?

The emperor questioned the gods, so he tried his best to investigate the matter, and finally discovered the true face of the gods one day.

It turned out that he had been kneeling for many years by a group of demons, and he had built so many temples, but he was dragging his people into the abyss.

This emperor was furious, he mobilized his army and wanted to conquer the heavenly realm!

But the night before he sent his troops, the emperor disappeared, his trace never been seen, and the entire dynasty fell into war and collapsed.

Finally, in the ruins of the palace, people found the immortal emperor who had been tortured, and he could only watch his kingdom destroyed, but he could not do anything because he wanted to go against the sky.

But he was no longer in human form, could not even speak, could only be reduced to a begging wanderer, and finally disappeared.

The reason why God didn’t kill him was just to let him go through all this alive and let his faith be shattered by wear!

There were also powerful cultivators who had discovered the secrets of heaven before, and they gathered all the most powerful mortal cultivators at that time, wanting to seek justice.

But they couldn’t break through even thirty-three days, so they were intercepted by powerful heavenly soldiers above the firmament, and finally their limbs were cut off, their eyes and tongues were cut off, and they hung in the air for countless years, until they dried up, and even their souls were pinned on the most lowly maggots.

There is also the Monkey King.

The Heavenly Emperor knew his origin, and knew that his body was the unyielding cry of billions of living beings.

But what about billions of living beings? Nothing more than hitting a stone with a pebble.

Can you add up all the eggs in this world and smash the diamond?

It’s a dream!

Since ancient times, all the forces that dare to question the Heavenly Court and resist the Heavenly Court have ended in a tragic fate, and no one in this world has decided to defeat the heavens, let alone change their lives against the heavens.

Here, heaven is heaven, supreme and self-respecting.

And the gods are the heavens, the heavenly court is the heavens, and those who offend the heavenly power are the most unforgivable, and death is not a pity!

The Heavenly Emperor was already thinking at the moment.

After all these chaotic thieves were dealt with this time, they lowered the water of the Heavenly River and flooded the entire mortal world, killing all these lowly mortals who dared to question the Heavenly Court.

After that, it will take some time to recreate a group of people, although it will take some time, and it will take some time to regenerate their faith.

But in any case, mortals who question the gods have absolutely no reason to exist, and lowly ants must not question the gods.

After a few years, the newly grown beings will become new leeks, like pigs, ignorant and inactive, and will only continue to worship and believe in the gods.


All living beings are miserable in their hearts, but they are powerless to resist in their hands, they can’t even touch three feet above their heads, they are just mortal fetuses in the flesh, so what is the heavenly dou?

In the inn.

The immortal gods in the flood desolation were also angry in their hearts.

Zhao Gongming snorted coldly.

“These high-minded, arrogant and selfish pseudo-gods, labor and management really want to personally go over and hack them all to death, this group of bastards who exterminate humanity and rush human lives, I am really sorry for these mortals, the faith of all peoples is simply fed to dogs!”

Yunxiao also said angrily: “Such devout people, if these power of faith is put to good use, what a good situation it would have been, are the guys in these heavenly courts really hard-hearted and do not have the slightest sense of guilt?” ”

Bai Ze sneered: “Guilty, I see that they have never taken any living beings in the Nether Realm seriously, they are all extremely selfish people, they cultivate a power that is more cruel than the ruthless Dao, they only believe in themselves, and they don’t even believe in the Dao!” ”

The immortals and gods also nodded one after another.

They can also feel it now that the immortal gods in the black mythical world do not hate or despise the beings in the Nether, but they have never regarded them as life at all.

These extremely selfish pseudo-gods, they have no emotions in their hearts for a long time, their bodies are cold, there is no temperature, they don’t even chase the avenue, they just want to maintain their authority and high to exploit everything but them.

Yang Jian couldn’t help but say angrily at this moment: “Such a heavenly god is not worthy of being called a god at all, many acts of unrighteousness will kill themselves, sooner or later they will be devoured by the anger of all living beings, the heavenly court they rely on to survive, the most noble heaven in their eyes, will eventually become their burial place, they must pay the price!” ”

As one of the few Terrans present, Yang Jian was the most able to put himself in the shoes of the mortals in these black mythological worlds.

The gods they believed in, not only did not shelter them, but regarded them as livestock, as ants.

For mortals, the cruelest thing is not to torture their bodies and take their lives, but to trample on their dignity and deceive their faith.

This is the torture of the souls of all living beings, those unyielding souls, those unwilling wills, all because of this death.

And their indomitability eventually turned into Sun Wukong, this person who petitioned for the sake of all living beings, his faith is only four words, blood debt and blood payment!

Mozuluo felt a hint of coldness in his heart.

The gods in this world are too evil, they don’t have any mood fluctuations at all, not the Divine Dao, nor the Demon Dao, how cold and ruthless is this?

Because the Demon Dao is not a ruthless way, the Demon Dao just follows its nature, has no scruples, kills if you want, laugh if you want, but the Demon Dao must be unwilling to override, the real Demon Dao strong, never bully the weak, they only challenge the strong!

It turned out that as the ancestor of all demons, compared to these ruthless and heartless evil gods, he was actually merciful.

I am afraid that even the ancestor of the Styx, who is regarded as a perverted murderer by the immortal gods, and the Heavenly Demon King Bo Xun, who makes the Western Buddhas dare not underestimate, after seeing the gods of this world, they must feel ashamed in their hearts.

Houtu Niangniang was extremely angry in her heart at the moment.

These gods are simply hard-hearted, they are more ruthless than the Lao Tzu who is too forgetful, and they only have themselves in their hearts, only their status and majesty

This is simply the source of all evil, and it must be completely destroyed!

At this moment, Houtu already regretted a little, if she also went to the black myth world, now she would definitely seal all these gods on the mortal earth, in the most filthy place, for the world to scold, whip, and leave a stench for ten thousand years!

Black Mythology World.

At this moment, there was a mourning in the mortal world, and the gods were high above, and they simply turned a blind eye to this.

However, the silence of the living beings will never just be exchanged for silence, they did not accept their fate, because before them, hundreds of millions of dead souls had summoned the most powerful god of war for them!


At this moment, a golden iron rod cut through the sky, shattering the pride of the gods, and the heavens and the earth, as if the hottest anger penetrated all evil! Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick!

The Demon Emperor Sun Wukong appeared in the sky!

He stands tall in the sky, stepping on nine-colored auspicious clouds, wearing golden armor, like a sunrise illuminating the darkness, looking down at the gods, in his eyes, these are not gods, just a group of hypocritical walking dead!

He had a fiery anger on his face and held a golden hoop rod in his hand: “This world has been pressing on me for too long after all!” ”

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