Chapter 250: The Mighty Flood Desolate Nuwa! Black Myth Sanqing appears!!

Nuwa of the Black Myth World saw Nuwa of the Flood Barren World, and suddenly felt a shock in her heart, how can this person be so similar to her appearance!?

Who is she?

But no matter who she is, she dares to speak like this in front of all living beings in this world, offending her authority, and her sins cannot be forgiven!

The black mythical Nuwa suddenly said angrily: “Speak loudly, offend this palace, who are you!” ”

Hong Huang Nuwa sneered: “You pseudo-god, you have deceived the sky for so long, so that everyone thinks that you are replenishing the heavens and saving people, teaching all living beings creation and life, today this palace will expose your lies!” ”

Nuwa’s voice was mighty and spread throughout the world: “Cangsheng people, this pseudo-god who calls herself Nuwa and the gods of the Supreme Heavenly Court are simply a mountain of raccoon, she deceives you with the mask of truth, goodness and beauty, so that you honor her as the Holy Mother, in fact, like those gods, he is using your faith to treat you as blood food and ants!” ”

When the sentient beings heard these words, they were suddenly a little confused.

Didn’t Nuwa Niangniang mend the heavens and save them from the devouring of the water of the Heavenly River? How did you become a bad guy who is in cahoots with the gods?

Is this impossible?

People looked at each other suspiciously, unable to accept such a world for a while.

Because they have always regarded Nuwa Niangniang as the most sacred existence, as the Holy Mother, the protector of the Terran race, and today they are told that this Terran Virgin has been harming them, how can this be accepted?

But the entire goddess who looked similar to Nuwa Niangniang gave them a stronger sense of intimacy and a sense of security, and their intuition told them that this goddess would not deceive them.

Who to believe?

At this time, Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and said, “Everyone! The life of the world is the goal of this great saint’s life, you should believe me! Nuwa is simply one of the masterminds behind these hypocritical gods! When I was still in the multicolored stone, I watched her smash the heavenly cave and pour the water of the heavenly river into the world, so that countless mortals were swallowed by the heavenly river! ”

“And in order to gain your faith and trust, Nuwa directed and acted herself, using colorful stones to make up the sky, so that everyone felt that she was the savior, not only that! She also made up the lie that she created people, in fact, mortals and heavenly gods are born in the same heaven and earth, all beings are equal, and the heavenly immortals and gods have a kind of care! ”

All sentient beings suddenly felt a tremor in their hearts!

Because they absolutely believe in Sun Wukong, he is the savior of the Terran race born in the indomitable remnants of billions of living beings, a great hero, and his body burns with the blood that all mortals can feel.

He will never deceive everyone!

Could it be that Nuwa Niangniang is really a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

Even the Bull Demon King and the Nine Spirit Yuan Saint were stunned at the moment, and the Bull Demon King looked at Sun Wukong in disbelief.

“Brother Sun! What you said is true!? ”

Sun Wukong nodded: “If you don’t believe it, you can go to the Heavenly River water behind the Heavenly Court to take a look, there are countless unjust souls crying and wailing all day, no one is overtaken, there is nowhere to rest, they all know who they died in!” ”

The Bull Demon King naturally believed in Sun Wukong, and at this moment, as soon as he said it, he suddenly realized.

No wonder, Nuwa would come forward at this critical moment, not showing up early or late, but coming forward to adjust when Haotian and Kunpeng were about to suppress the gods of the Heavenly Court.

It turned out that she was hiding evil intentions and full of conspiracies!

At this moment, the sneer of the black mythical Nuwa suddenly came from Jiuxiao, and the temperature of the entire world dropped by half.

“Huh… This is your own search for death, if you don’t have so many things, you can still live in confusion, confusion is a blessing… But if you want to change your life against the sky and not be willing to become ants, then you will all die. ”

The black mythical Nuwa’s face suddenly changed, and where was the detachment and divine on her beautiful and enchanting face, it was clearly the resentment after the trick was exposed, and the thick killing intent!

Only then did the sentient beings finally understand that Nuwa, who had always regarded the Virgin in their hearts, was such a vicious existence!

How sad are they to live in lies and deception all the time?

Countless mortals could not accept this fact, heartbroken, tears flowed, and wailed on the ground, why is all this world gives them deception and hypocrisy!

Why, what did they mortals do wrong to let the gods of the heavens be so humiliated?

And this scene was seen in the eyes of Hong Huang Nuwa, both unbearable and angry.

Her calm and sacred face had a hint of anger that had never been seen before.

“You, hypocrite, who bully the weak with strength and are unworthy of your position, you deserve, you should not, deceive billions of innocent beings in the name of Our Lady, take their lives, and torture their souls, and today you must be judged with justice!”


The vast and boundless divine creation power emerged from Nuwa’s body, and the powerful aura swept through the nine heavens and ten lands, making the Heavenly Emperor and the Four Emperors fall backwards in an instant, and the millions of heavenly soldiers and gods were instantly dizzy, and the seven holes were bleeding.

The anger of the Nuwa saint is terrifying!

And the black myth Nuwa also said angrily: “An impostor also dares to provoke this palace!” ”

Her breath was also released immediately!

I saw that behind the black mythical Nuwa, countless black flames suddenly rose, like a dark world, coercive and shocking, and filled with anger.

The black flame spun rapidly, becoming a huge black fire vortex, as if it was about to devour everything.

Among them, there were countless screams and shouts, like ghosts crying wolves, making people’s scalps numb.

Looking closely, it turned out to be an innumerable grievance, constantly struggling and twisting in the black flames, the expression on his face was extremely painful, and his whole body seemed to be enveloped by black breath, unable to breathe.

These unjust souls were constantly torn and shattered by the black flames, and then re-condensed, which seemed to make people rush to endless pain.

That was the soul of the black myth Nuwa that had been refined for countless years, and it was the power of dark faith that she deceived under the pseudonym of the Terran Virgin…

Seeing these painful remnants of the soul, all sentient beings seemed to feel the unforgettable pain and the incomparably desperate state of mind at this moment.

It turns out that this is the true face of Nuwa, where is she the Terran Virgin, she is simply a devil who eats people and does not spit out bones!

But right after.

Hong Huang Nuwa waved her hand, and countless light golden points of light shrouded the earth, as crystal and holy as spring snow, making everyone’s hearts also relax.

Only then did the Terrans understand that this is the true Virgin, this is the goddess who brings creation to the Terrans!

The divine voice of Hong Huang Nuwa came: “Although you and this official are not the same, but the Ten Thousand Realms Race is regarded as biological by this palace, because of the cause and effect, this palace will not watch you fall into a desperate situation, and today I will suppress this hypocrite!” For Skywalk! ”

Black myth Nuwa smiled viciously: “Just by you? Arrogant! Die! ”

Sharp nails suddenly appeared in her hands, stirring in the black flames, and the sharp ones directly cut through the bodies of countless unjust souls, bringing up a dragon-like black magic fire, and directly blasted out at Hong Huang Nuwa!

The terrifying demon dragon swallowed the heavens and the earth, and came with the power of the earth overturning the sky, even the sun and the moon were dim, and all the strong people were shocked, can that goddess block it?

However, Hong Huang Nuwa was light, and the divine aura on her body burst out, forming a holy white firmament behind her…


There was a holy light in the white firmament that shone down in the air, powerful and seemed to run through the heavens and the earth, and when the black demon dragon was about to be killed, and the power was not reduced, it directly bombarded the body of the black mythical Nuwa.


The black flame vortex behind the Black Mythical Nuwa actually began to dissolve instantly, and it was annihilated by the white holy light.


The true body of the Black Mythical Nuwa was also constantly screaming in the divine light, and it seemed that the whole body was sealed in this white holy light, and she couldn’t move.

Immediately afterwards, the white firmament behind Nuwa gradually shrunk and turned into a hundred-meter-long picture scroll, in which the Dao pattern made up, the true text was born, and the innate qi rushed to the face.

It is one of the ten innate spirit treasures, the Mountain and River Society Ji Tu!

This treasure map contains Qiankun, nourishes all spirits, can evolve all things, and also derives the direction of the veins of the flood barren mountains and rivers, and there are thousands of directions, mountains and waterways, sun, moon and stars, birds and beasts! Moreover, the endless immortal qi in the treasure map gave birth to countless living beings, and also controlled their life and death, just like a world!

If you enter it, Ren is peerless power, and you can only let the master of the magic weapon knead and control at will, there is no room for resistance, even the Heavenly Dao Saint enters the picture, if he has no supreme treasure, he will be trapped for hundreds of years, unless he masters the supreme treasure of the same level, he can get out of trouble in a year.

The black myth Nuwa screamed miserably, and was directly included in the mountain and river society map by a white light, and the breath of the whole person completely disappeared into the world.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded!

The black mythical Nuwa, who looked so terrifying just now, didn’t even make a complete shot, and was directly suppressed and subdued by this goddess!?

This is a flash sale, a one-move uniform!

Even Haotian and Kunpeng were extremely shocked, is this Nuwa’s strength? An incarnation is already so terrifying, no wonder she has been watching the play in the sky of Wahuangtian, there are few in this world who are worthy of letting her make a move…

At this moment, suddenly, three powerful and terrifying auras appeared in this world again, all of which were not under Nuwa, and even surpassed!

This breath shocked all the powerhouses, and the Heavenly Emperor and the Four Emperors even bowed down to the sky: “Welcome Sanqing Tianzun!” ”

It turned out to be Sanqing, the Sanqing of the Black Myth World!

Hong Huang Nuwa Niangniang also suddenly changed her face at this moment, because she felt a supreme power awakened with the appearance of Sanqing.


It turns out that in the black mythological world, Sanqing represents the Dao of Heaven, and they are the spokespersons of the Dao of Heaven!

Nuwa suddenly felt like a great enemy, because she did not have the power of a saint, and she was completely unsure in the face of the Heavenly Dao…

Haotian and Kunpeng also changed drastically.

And at this moment, suddenly a voice that resounded in the sky came: “Cultivate my battle sword and kill the Nine Heavens!” ”

The abrupt sound made everyone’s hearts tremble!

“Immortal Sword Formation!”

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