Chapter 256 Dark Heavenly Dao! The battle has taken a sharp turn!!

The powerhouses of the Black Myth World are excited.


After a series of ups and downs, these strange powerhouses made them feel hope and thrills one after another, and the powerhouses in the Supreme Heavenly Court also appeared one after another, after the Heavenly Emperor, there were four royals, after the four royals there was Nuwa, after Nuwa there was Sanqing, and behind Sanqing there was Heavenly Dao!

And they could only rely on their weak strength, and the strongest means was only the Demon Emperor Sun Wukong, although it was already very powerful in the mortal nether realm, but in the face of the coercion of the Heavenly Court, it was still difficult to resist.

Otherwise, it would not have been suppressed for five hundred years.

But at this moment, they saw their victory with their own eyes, and saw the end result after the ups and downs go as they originally imagined.

This is a victory, not just their victory, it belongs to countless lives in the entire Nether, it is their unyielding soul, unquenchable anger, and finally guide the end of this time!

Evil does not suppress righteousness!

Likewise, this victory belongs to each and every one of them, including those wronged souls who once died in vain in the evil methods of the Heavenly Court, and they can rest today, and their grievances can finally be calmed.

Their reluctance and resentment finally came to return, and there was their cause and effect in this victory, and although people could not be resurrected from death, they could let go of their hearts.

But for mortals, life is short, like a mayfly dream, and just a few decades is not enough to make them realize the hardships and hardships of this conquest of the Heavenly Court.

The ones who felt the most were those demon race powerhouses and god and Buddha cultivators.

Sun Wukong was naturally full of emotion.

Since he was born in the colorful stone, he has witnessed the true face of this world, witnessed the darkness and ugliness of this world, been hung by Nuwa in the nine skies, and witnessed all the sufferings and troubles in the world.

The wails and pains of billions of living beings that he felt all day long were repeated in his mind for countless years.

Until he broke the stone, he had only one mission in his heart, to hit the Supreme Heavenly Court! Purge the false gods! Also the world a lang Lang Qiankun!

But the road is obstructed and long, with him as a demon king, if he wants to fight against the entire firmament, how easy is it?

But he is not qualified to forget all this, let alone retreat, because his birth is the last hope of billions of lives.

So he never considered life and death, and the meaning of some things is beyond the result!

The meaning of his Sun Wukong’s existence is to shout to the high eyes above the firmament, so that they know that mortals also have blood, and they are by no means only promises and grovel!

Not everyone is bowing down to the gods, and there are always people who want them to know that God also sheds blood and fears.

It was such a mission, such a fire, that allowed him to be suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain for five hundred years, and it was not extinguished at all.

So today, at this moment, when he finally realized that everything had been hard and justice and justice had triumphed, his heart was not too late to rejoice, just an unprepared shock.

It turned out that they really won!

This is not a mirage, not a dream, but a city of will, and the long-awaited Triumphant Bull Demon King is also full of disbelief.

His mood at the moment could not tell whether it was excitement or shock, perhaps more unprepared, after all, at the beginning of this war, at the moment when they rushed to the ninth sky without hesitation, victory was only their extravagant hope, and they all held the determination to die!

But victory actually came, so suddenly, defenselessly, and most importantly, their price was so small, they were almost all alive! This is a luxury that I didn’t dare to think about before.

To be alive, no one wants to die.

The Bull Demon King still wants to go back and name his child, and the Iron Fan Princess doesn’t know if she knows the news of their triumph at this moment?

Before he went out, he promised her that he would take Sun Wukong back to name the child and let him be a godfather, at that time, that kind of words only made the Iron Fan Princess feel at ease, but at this moment it can become a reality.

It’s nice to be alive.

He patted the Nine Spirit Yuan Saint and the Nine Blood Drop Worm.

“Two, we have won, you no longer have to shrink in the ground, hide in dark corners like insects, we can walk in the world generously, open a sect, set up a mountain gate on your own, accept apprentices, and find a daughter-in-law!”

The Nine Spirit Yuan Saint and the Nine Blood Drops Worm immediately pouted: “I said old cow, when did we shrink in the ground, you have to be responsible for your words, we are practicing in the hidden world, wait until the critical moment to appear again, and give the Heavenly Court a fatal blow!” ”

“That’s it, we’re not that timid, this is our tactic, to retain the vitality for our Nether, if we jump out early like you, in case we are served by those guys in the Heavenly Court, wouldn’t it be completely hopeless~”

The Nine Spirit Yuan Saint and the Nine-Headed Blood Drop Worm were naturally unwilling to admit their previous timid behavior.

They obviously won’t admit that their birth this time was because Kunpeng’s demon master order awakened them, obviously these ancient demons are extremely face-loving.

These great demons are actually powerful, not even much below Sun Wukong, but they know that the road against the sky is nine dead lives, or even ten dead and lifeless, and they can’t bear their lives that have been cultivated for tens of millions of years.

But after living for so long, they still need some face, and although Kunpeng woke them up with the demon master order and let them gather, Kunpeng did not force them to be a death squad, after all, Kunpeng also knew that they did not have the strength to turn the tide of the war.

But after all, it was the scene that hundreds of millions of living beings were looking forward to, and it was the fiery eyes of countless living beings.

The atmosphere has been set up there, and it can’t be done if it’s not on~

But fortunately, they won, and it is always a good thing that they do not have to sacrifice!

After going back, as the Bull Demon King said, there is no need to shrink underground, and he can finally show his majesty as an ancient demon.

And those cultivators who chose justice and turned their backs on their status as heavenly gods were even more excited at this moment!

As one of the original gods, they could have stood tall and joined forces with other gods to oppress mortals in the Nether and become the pinnacle of power in this world.

But they came out of the mud and were not clean, and the conscience and justice in their hearts made them see through the essence of this world and realize that the place where they stood was not the peak at all, but an endless abyss!

Water can carry boats and can overturn boats, they think they are high, they can fish and flesh all living beings, and they regard hundreds of millions of mortals as ants, but they do not know that sooner or later there will be karma in this world!

What the gods consider to be glory is self-deceptive filth from beginning to end! They do not want to be associated with evil.

But they also knew the power of these gods, and knew that they were almost unshakable to the Nether!

Rebelling against the Heavenly Court is almost hitting a stone with a pebble.

However, they do not regret it, because as long as everything is worthy of their Taoist heart and clear conscience, it is the highest state.

And now, they’re getting the best rewards.

It seems that justice will prevail.

All sentient beings are even more excited!

They won, and henceforth they will never have to look up to others again, kneel humbly before the statues of the gods, and pray to these stone-hearted statues.

Their fate has henceforth been in their own hands!

Whether they are better or worse than before, they have no regrets, because they decide their own future, they see their own prospects, they are no longer afraid, they are no longer confused.

Moreover, they firmly believe in their hearts that they will definitely have a better life than before, because although the Terrans are small, they are self-improving!

They have not stopped fighting against fate before, and they will not be later, they no longer need others to be in charge, they will be their own masters in the future.

Human Emperor Xin was very relieved to see the fire of struggle burning in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people!

This is the Yangyang race, and it is the independent and powerful beings.

He did not come in vain, although he did not belong to this world, nor was he the human emperor of the black myth world, but as the lord of the Terran race in one world, as a Terran race.

He has this obligation to help hundreds of millions of living beings escape disaster.

This is not for merit, not for vanity, just for the Tao in the heart, humanity!

That’s right, the human emperor is the lord of humanity.

And this world has been troubled by the Heavenly Dao for too long, and I hope that the actions of their flood people this time can help the humane awakening of this world.

After all, as long as there is a humane protection, the Terrans really have a backer, and the forces together in the future will not be able to suppress the Terrans.

Just like in the flood world, the three emperors and five emperors awakened humanity, so that the human race could stand from then on.

But then…

They suddenly saw that the originally destroyed Black Myth Sanqing began to gather law fragments, and those fragments that had been shattered into dust began to gather rapidly as if they had gone back in time.

An extremely strong coercion suddenly appeared in the air, and it was the power of the Heavenly Dao, the shock of the Heavenly Dao on all living beings.

The strong people of all living beings suddenly had a buzz in their heads!

Immediately afterwards, the Yuan God of Sanqing actually began to gather in the air, and it was in the protection of the Dao power in the air that a powerful and incomparable vitality began to appear! Everything that Sanqing had just dissipated in the Immortal Sword Formation began to restore.

The rebels in the Black Myth World were immediately stunned.

There is such a thing!?

Can all forms and gods be resurrected? What the hell is going on here? So how else are they fighting this battle!

Obviously, this was beyond their comprehension, because they did not know anything about the origin of the Heavenly Dao, and their strength was not qualified to understand the secret of this.

But Nuwa, Tongtian, Haotian, Kunpeng and other Honghuang powerhouses suddenly exclaimed: “Reborn with blood? Half-Saint Realm!? ”

That’s right, these Heavenly Dao saints or quasi-saint powers, they have seen the problem at a glance, but they did not expect that the black myth Sanqing has reached the half-saint realm, immortal and immortal, relying on the power of the Heavenly Dao can be infinitely resurrected and reborn with blood!

This is bad.

Aren’t they invincible? This is still a fart!

The rebels who were still excited just now, as well as the big men of the Hong Wilderness, suddenly looked solemn…

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