Chapter 282 Discussion on Against the Heavens, Right or Wrong?!!

After learning the previous story, all the living beings of the flood desert were also very embarrassed.

Everyone had some emotion in their hearts.

I didn’t expect that the first battle against the sky in the Heavenly Tomb World turned out to be such a result.

Those powerful heaven-defying people succeeded, but the result was so unimaginable, in order for all sentient beings to get rid of the suppression of the Heavenly Dao, they joined forces to launch a tragic anti-heaven war, so that the flames of war burned all over the sky.

The war was so fierce that the whole world was almost shattered, and although you didn’t see it with your own eyes, you can definitely imagine what it was.

It must be even worse than the immeasurable calamity of the flood.

But when they really broke the heavens and suppressed the six reincarnations, things did not develop according to the results they imagined.

All sentient beings have no Heavenly Dao suppression, no restrictions on the six reincarnations, although they are more free, unrestrained, and there is no upper limit to cultivation, and everyone can cultivate to the Heavenly Order, because there is no upper limit of time.

However, all freedom comes at a price, and it cannot be completely unlimited, otherwise there will always be people who will begin to become unscrupulous and ambitious.

Because human nature is complex, greedy, and demanding, the essence of human nature is seven emotions and six desires, boundless desires.

People simply do not order and follow the steps because there are no restrictions, and become a real Datong world.

On the contrary, once there are no limits, the world will be truly chaotic.

Freedom without limits is the most terrible, this is not freedom, but the boundless sea of desire!

That’s why people have become greedy, want to pursue higher realms, greater rights, want to completely transcend everything, solipsism, and can no longer tolerate any power that threatens them.

However, desire is the most terrible, and the end result must be truly ruined.

Therefore, those who are strong against the sky will appear every once in a while to kill a batch of sentient beings, so that these unrestrained forces can be contained.

In fact, why wasn’t this what the original Heavenly Dao did?

And after these heaven-defying powerhouses killed the Heavenly Dao, they began to play the same role themselves, how not to make people embarrassed?

Most of the stories Su Mo said before are stories against the sky, and it is those strong people among sentient beings who are dissatisfied with the suppression of the Dao of Heaven, and they are unwilling to be suppressed by the Dao of Heaven, so they go against the sky and pursue freedom for the sake of fate.

But the story of the first world in the Heavenly Tomb is the first time such a subversive conclusion has appeared.

Isn’t it right to go against the sky?

The Hong Desolate Immortal Gods had always followed the way of heaven before, that is, after Su Mo’s appearance, they gradually accepted the things against the sky, and gradually understood that the anti-heaven was not a great disobedience, but the right behavior of pursuing true freedom and transcending the control of fate.

Of course, they would not do this, after all, they were still too small, and the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Barren was by no means as easy to rebel as the Heavenly Dao in other worlds.

And at this moment, they also began to doubt the right or wrong of this matter against the sky.

The most vocal is naturally Haotian.

At this moment, this Honghuang Heavenly Emperor finally seemed to have found some rare reason, and spoke: “Look, this is the price of indiscriminate against the sky, the way of heaven is ruthless, the way of heaven is fair, so the way of heaven is the only authority to maintain the entire world order, precisely because the way of heaven is ruthless and does not favor anyone, so it nourishes all living beings, never deliberately targets anyone, treats everyone equally, and allows everyone to have their own creation.” ”

“And the Heavenly Court now assumes this responsibility, ruling the world on behalf of the Heavenly Dao, maintaining the order of the three realms, nourishing all living beings, eliminating evil demons, and enabling everyone to develop under the most just and stable conditions, which is the responsibility of this Heavenly Emperor.”

But as soon as he finished speaking, Human Emperor Xin suddenly snorted coldly: “Fair? Fair? That’s just what some people see for themselves, think so! The immortals of the heavenly realm are high above and immortal, how can they know the suffering of the mortals in the nether realm, have they experienced birth, old age, illness and death? Have they ever experienced starvation? ”

“And the ancestors of our Terran race are the ones who truly created fairness and justice, the three emperors and five emperors fought to the death for the dignity of the Terran race, and finally let humanity awaken and shelter the Terran race, and the Terran race can now be fed and clothed under the governance of the royal family, and no longer suffer from war and famine.”

The Heavenly Emperor frowned: “The reason why the Terrans are born, old, sick, and dead is because they are acquired bodies, this is a matter of innate decision, what does it have to do with the Heavenly Court?” It is not the immortals in the sky who let the race go through this, they themselves are born weak, this is something that no one can change, why should the human emperor be so angry. ”

Some of the immortal gods who stood on the side of the Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Court also nodded one after another.

The twelve golden immortals also spoke.

Huanglong Zhenren frowned: “The words of the human emperor are unreasonable, the Heavenly Emperor is right, the Terrans are born so weak, what does this have to do with the immortals, just like the ants on the ground, they are trampled to death by mortals every day, and the pigs, cows, chickens and sheep in the mortal world are slaughtered so many by the Terrans every day, how can they feel fair?” ”

Taiyi Zhenren also nodded: “Yes, the law of the jungle is the original law of the world, we are powerless to change, besides, the immortals and gods have never deliberately oppressed mortals, if the human emperor blames all the things that happened to the human race on the immortal gods, it will be a little unreasonable.” ”

In the past, if they opposed the Renhuang and felt that what he said was unreasonable, they might have directly reprimanded him, but now they can only reason with the Renhuang, because behind the Renhuang is an existence they can’t provoke…

The immortal gods seem to have a point.

But the Human Emperor sneered, “Are the immortal gods really as innocent as you say? Then why do you set up so many temples of gods and Buddhas in the mortal world for all living beings to worship, is it not for the power of faith? ”

The twelve golden immortals of the Interpretation Sect were suddenly dumbfounded, Guangchengzi had the thickest skin, and he said indifferently: “Those are all voluntary, I have never forced mortals to bow down to us, it is mortals who yearn for gods and think that the immortals and gods can bless them before they act, to say the real means, the human emperor should ask the Western Sect, they are the ones who forcibly let all sentient beings believe.” ”

Everyone did not have strange expressions, if you want to say that this is Guangchengzi’s misfortune, what he said is indeed correct, the Western religion’s means of recruiting believers are indeed shameless enough.

But to say that the immortal gods of the East are all bright, not quite, because when they built temples and temples, they obviously told the heavenly beings that they could bless all living beings and respond to their needs, but did they really do it? The great powers here also know it…

The Human Emperor sneered again: “Oh? Is it? In this way, Benyu has wronged the gods… However, who framed King Ben for blaspheming Nuwa Niangniang in the first place! ”

As soon as these words came out, the whole scene became silent! No one dares to take this question.

Because there had indeed been such a thing before, when Di Xin said this at first, the immortals and gods felt that he was making excuses, but after that, Nuwa Niangniang personally testified that Di Xin was indeed used!

At this time, all the immortals and gods realized that the problem was full of doubts.

As the human emperor, Di Xin worshipped Nuwa, the mother goddess of the Terran race, every year.

So it’s not the first time he has seen the statue of Nuwa Niangniang, why would he suddenly make such a big contrarian poem?

Moreover, everyone has seen the merits and courage of the human emperor Xin these days, especially in the black mythological world, he alone led all sentient beings and awakened humanity to shake back the heavenly path, which is enough to show that he is a majestic and frank emperor of the ages.

How could such an emperor make such a ridiculous mistake? Dare to offend the mother goddess Nuwa of the Terrans.

Even the dirtiest scoundrel would not do such a thing, because Nuwa Niangniang is the creator of the Terran race, the Virgin of the Terran race, and the saint who gave life to the Terran race.

The Terrans treated her with more respect than their own biological mother, and the Terrans paid the most attention to filial piety among the races of the heavens and realms, even if they were murderous and evil people, they would never insult their mother!

Not to mention a human emperor who has been in heaven and earth.

And from now on, Di Xin is definitely an emperor with great courage and lofty ideals, even ambitious! Because he wanted to lead the Terran to an unprecedented glorious realm, how could such an emperor let that Terran fall into a place of irreparable disaster because of his momentary verbal speed?

Therefore, if you think about it, there are indeed too many doubts and too many places that do not make sense in this matter.

But what is really terrifying is, who can frame the human emperor?

How important is the status of the human emperor, and at the same time he is protected by the power of heaven and the favor of human luck, not to mention the immortal gods, even if he is a heavenly emperor and a saint, it is almost impossible to directly attack him!

So who exactly framed him?

You know, this matter is not trivial, if the other party’s purpose is really achieved, it will cause the end of the Yin Shang Dynasty!

The entire Yin Shang will be completely destroyed, the six-hundred-year-old dynasty will be burned, and the human emperor will be completely beaten into a land of irreparable disaster.

If the Terran Virgin suppresses the Terrans, the luck of the Terrans will completely disappear, and the status of the Terrans will fall.

If it is more serious, there may be a story that appeared in the timeline shown by Mr. Su Mo before, the human emperor will disappear from now on, and the next dynasty lord will call himself the Son of Heaven and demote his personality, and the Terran race will not be able to raise its head at all…

When you think about it, it feels like a big conspiracy.

No wonder the Human Emperor has always had such strong hostility towards the Heavenly Emperor!

Because if the Terran race grows up, the biggest threat is naturally the Heavenly Court, the other scattered immortals do not care, and the saints are not afraid, but there are no saints sitting in the town, but the Heavenly Court Heavenly Emperor, who is named the Lord of the Three Realms, has the greatest influence.

If the human emperor calls himself the Son of Heaven, he is even more subservient to the Heavenly Emperor.

At that time, the entire Terran race will become the slave of the Heavenly Emperor, just like the dragon race today.

Therefore, the human emperor will definitely feel that all this is the means of the Heavenly Emperor…

But Haotian felt wronged.

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