Su Mo was very sorry, but it was a pity that he could not make wool this time.

Otherwise, if Bixiao continues to be on the trap this time, the bets between the two will definitely make everyone present excited again, plus the fluctuations brought by Bixiao’s powerful strength.

Your own popularity points will definitely not be less.

But this little nizi reacted quite quickly, eating a long and wise meal, and was not fooled.

As for whether his remarks just now would offend the saint, Su Mo naturally thought about it, after all, the saint was the top boss in the Flood Barren World.

Under the saints, there are all ants, and no amount of immortal gods can be compared with the saints!

But Su Mo dared to say this, of course, he had his own reasons.

First, in terms of intersecting with the punishment of saints, the improvement of one’s own strength is the most important, strength can cope with everything, and strength is the last word.

If you want to maximize the benefits of your system, you can’t consider too many taboos.

Moreover, in the content of the book that he is going to say next, he must offend the person in the Zixiao Palace! That Dao Ancestor was the master of the seven Heavenly Dao Saints, the strongest of the Flood Wilderness!

More lice don’t itch, so I don’t care about offending two more Heavenly Dao Saints…

Everyone was also full of expectations, waiting for Bixiao to continue to bet with Su Mo, after all, everyone came to see the excitement.

This is a gamble that real immortals see, which is more exciting and real than storytelling.

Most importantly, they also want to hear Mr. Su Mo talk about those secrets in the flood world, to see what else he knows, and the big guys are full of curiosity.

But Bixiao didn’t take the stubble?

Everyone was immediately disappointed, as if they had missed a good show.

But because of this, he became more and more curious about what Su Mo knew!

How many interesting things does Su Mo know?

“Mr. Su seems to really know a lot of things, really curious?”

“I don’t know where this Mr. Su came from, he dares to claim to know so many things about the Hong Wilderness.”

“Why do I think he’s exaggerating a little? Is there really anyone who can be so powerful? ”

“No wind and no waves, Mr. Su gave us too many surprises, in my opinion, it is better to believe it or not, even if he can’t know everything, he must know a lot of secrets.”

In the whispers of everyone, Marshal Canopy stood up and said to Su Mo:

“Since Mr. Xiao dares to claim to know the affairs of the world, dare to ask Mr. if he knows the future!?”

Marshal Tiancang had a strong voice and looked at Su Mo with interest, waiting for his answer.

Su Mo looked at him.

“Oh, you?”

Su Mo’s tone changed, and his expression changed slightly.

It turned out to be the marshal of the canopy, he actually came, it seems that there are really many special people present today.

Su Mo had guessed that he was now famous through the previous surge in popularity.

Therefore, he can also estimate that there will be many people present today, especially those famous powerhouses.

It is precisely because of this that Su Mo’s storytelling today has added these links, in order to deliberately say some flood secrets and secrets, provoke everyone’s shock, and mobilize everyone’s mood swings.

Just a moment ago, his popularity has increased a lot!

And after hearing the voice of the marshal of the canopy, Yao Ji and the Hundred Flowers Fairy immediately recognized it.

“Yes, it’s Marshal Canopy!”

“It turned out to be him!”

Since Yao Ji and the Hundred Flowers Fairy were both absolutely beautiful fairies, when they were in the Heavenly Court before, Marshal Tiancang deliberately talked to them, so they would never hear it wrong.

The two were nervous.

Yao Ji thought to herself, could it be that Marshal Tiancang came to the Nether Realm to capture herself!?

That’s troublesome, Marshal Tiancang has 100,000 heavenly soldiers under him, which must not be underestimated!

There should not be a big movement at this moment, Yao Ji and the Hundred Flowers Fairy have increased their vigilance at this moment, ready to deal with unexpected situations at any time.

At this time, the breath on Marshal Canopy also released a hint.

This is a pure heavenly handsome qi, to the point of just reaching the sun, which makes many demon cultivators and monsters feel numb.

And because Yao Ji and the Hundred Flowers Fairy were on alert, the fluctuations of immortal qi were not deliberately hidden, and the powerful Heavenly Immortal True Qi was already ready to strike all over the body, so it also caused a lot of movement.

The aura of several immortal gods brought a lot of coercion to the Nether cultivators, so it also made the others nervous.

Especially those demon cultivators, their strength could not see who the fluctuations around them were coming from, they could only look around nervously in such an aura and whisper to each other.

“This aura is by no means an ordinary cultivator! Are there still immortals hiding here!? ”

“Good fellow, how many immortals have come to the earth? How I feel like my hair is tied up! ”

“What the hell is this place, an inconspicuous inn with crouching tigers, hidden dragons inside! Even the main seat felt a little uncomfortable, just now the Black Bear Demon King really died unjustly. ”

“Mr. Su is too mysterious, a storytelling scene, actually gave me the illusion of being condensed by power!”

“Yes, Mr. Su has attracted so many high-ranking people, but I don’t know what their identities are, it’s really curious..”

Everyone was also nervous, but they guessed in their hearts that these great powers were probably just coming to listen to Su Mo’s story, and as long as they listened honestly, there should be nothing wrong.

As for Marshal Canopy, he also asked this question for a reason.

First, I wanted to try Su Mo’s depth, because what he said just now was too big!

Marshal of the Canopy, a Heavenly Marshal of the Heavenly Court, did not dare to say how much he knew about the Flood Wilderness, let alone a mortal cultivator.

Second, I want to win back a game for the immortals, after all, Bixiao has already recognized himself as an immortal, Su Mo still refuses to give in, and Tiancang himself is also an immortal, how to say that he has to stand on his own side.

If that Bixiao is a good-looking fairy, maybe he will use this to thank himself~

And because what Su Mo said before was a little offended!

Dare to say that there are also shameless people among the immortal gods?

For the mortal world, the immortals are one, and the marshal of the canopy himself is an immortal, and Su Mo really makes him a little angry when he talks like this!

How can there be shameless people among the immortals?

Even if there is… I can’t admit it!

This can be a big or small problem about the face of the immortals, but it must be dealt with seriously!

At this moment, everyone looked at Su Mo, waiting for his answer, to see if he had real talent, or did he say anything?

Marshal Tiancang also looked directly at Su Mo, and in his heart he actually didn’t believe that he could know his future, and deduce the number of immortal lives, how could it be so easy!

And Su Mo looked at him unhurriedly at the moment and spit out five words:

“Marshal cast pig fetus!”

As soon as the words fell, a vision suddenly appeared in the air.

“Boom !!!”

I saw lightning and thunder outside, and dark clouds were thick, it seemed that Su Mo’s words touched the taboo!

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