Su Mo’s small inn was already crowded, and just like a few days ago, the overpass at the door was also full of admiring listeners.

New faces every day.

“Hey? Old Wang Tou, aren’t you going to visit the tomb with the widow Liu next door today, why did you come to listen? ”

“Old Zhao, your father just died yesterday, and you are not at home today to observe filial piety, and you actually came to hear about books?”

“Oh, look at it, Li Lame from the village next door has a hard time getting out of bed on weekdays, and today he actually walked a few miles of mountain roads to come here.”

“Don’t talk about people, we also have addictions, yesterday’s story stopped halfway through, I’m really dying!”

In the noisy and bustling crowd, Yang Tianyou and his family had already arrived at the inn.

Yang Tianyou, Yao Ji, and Yang Jiao, Yang Jian, Yang Chan, the three brothers and sisters, all came, the three brothers and sisters naturally came to listen to the book, and Yao Ji had more important things.

Although Yang Tianyou knew that this time might be a hidden crisis, all the people he loved the most were by his side at the moment, and although they were mortals, they were not afraid of anything.

He held Yang Chan’s hand and said with a smile

“It’s rare that our family goes out so neatly, today the three of you can buy whatever you want to buy and eat, and be a father for once.”

Yao Ji was originally a little nervous, but seeing her husband Yang Tianyou so free, she also smiled

“Yes, it’s rare for your father to be generous once, you three are not welcome.”

By Yang Tianyou’s side, although he is an immortal and the other party is a mortal, Yaoji has never lacked a sense of security, because Yang Tianyou is a man who is worthy of reliance and dares to take responsibility.

Yang Chan suddenly said cheerfully

“Don’t worry, I won’t be polite, but now I just want to listen to the results of that book first, the second brother was still arguing with me last night, we have already betted, he lost today!”

Yang Jian tilted his head and snorted softly, without explaining, looking like he was just waiting for the mystery to be revealed.

The eldest brother Yang Jiao on the side looked uninterested and said disdainfully:

“You guys are really caught in the evil, aren’t you talking about books, what’s the point? When I was a child, my father and mother told us so many stories, they are all the same, and it is better to practice martial arts at home at this time! ”

Yang Chan pouted:

“Big brother, don’t talk too slowly, yesterday the second brother was originally as tough as you, but after listening to it, he was even more addicted than me, this morning he has been urging me to go out quickly…”

Yang Jiao suddenly looked at Yang Jian speechlessly, as if he felt that this second brother, who usually loves to practice martial arts, was a bit embarrassed.

After all, civility and martial arts are light, and people who practice martial arts are a little disdainful of these people who show off their lips.

Facing Yang Jiao’s eyes, Yang Jian continued to snort softly, maintaining a cold and arrogant …

At this time, the guys in the store had already moved Su Mo’s Taishi chair up, and everyone suddenly quieted down, knowing that Su Mo was about to appear!

“Sir will be coming soon!”

Yang Chan suddenly looked at the chair with bright eyes, completely looking like a fangirl.

Yao Ji secretly urged Yuanshen at this moment, releasing a wisp of divine consciousness and leaning around.

In fact, she was always vigilant, afraid that this was a trap of the Heavenly Court.

And when her divine sense came out, her expression also changed….

In the crowd around them, there were actually quite a few cultivators!

These people’s cultivation levels ranged, some had just refined qi, some had already turned into infants, and even some were scattered immortals who had already condensed the Yuan God.

Even Yao Ji felt a lot of ghost and fairy breath, although the yin and demon qi was converged, but naturally could not escape Yao Ji’s detection.

After all, she was the sister of the Jade Emperor Great Tianzun, but she was not an ordinary female fairy.

But at this moment, Yaoji was a little relieved.

Although these people are all immortal cultivators, their aura is huge, and most of the scattered cultivators in the mountains and wilderness are by no means the gods of the Heavenly Court.

Moreover, if the Heavenly Court really laid a trap, it would be a good thing for himself to have these uncertainties.

For example, if the Heavenly Court really sent someone to arrest herself or her family here, she could have led all these scattered cultivators to be exposed and escape while they were in chaos.

After all, the Heavenly Court has an order, the mountain gods and monsters cannot easily appear, when the time comes, the people of the Heavenly Court will make a move, these scattered cultivators may think that they are coming to capture them, and maybe they will help Yao Ji deal with those Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

But I still saw a few somewhat familiar faces.

For example, the very lewd little old man in the corner, if he hadn’t stood on the bench, he wouldn’t even see the storyteller in front of him.

It was the land lord, who was writing something with paper and a notebook at the moment.

Fortunately, the veil he is wearing at the moment is also a treasure, otherwise I am afraid that he will be recognized!

And seeing this scene, Yaoji was naturally very puzzled.

Yangjia Village is just a small village that can no longer be ordinary, at most it is lively, and these immortal gods and fairies are all hidden cultivators, rarely enter the mortal dust, it is really strange that they are all gathered in this small inn at this moment!

What kind of story is this storyteller telling, can attract all these cows, ghosts, snakes and gods.

Although Yao Ji listened to Yang Chan say what Su Mo said yesterday, it was a relay after all, and Yao Ji herself did not feel the immersive mystery at the scene for the first time.

At this time, Yao Ji became more and more curious about this storyteller, but Su Mo was still backstage and did not play, which is the pomp and circumstance that storytellers pay attention to, that is, to make everyone wait for a while, and then appear again as expected by everyone.

But Yao Ji couldn’t wait, so she released a wisp of divine consciousness again and went to the background to find out the details of Su Mo.

This moment surprised her again.

Her divine sense sensed that there was only one person in the background, which should be the storyteller.

And this person’s true qi is solid, his blood qi is like a dragon, and his whole body exudes an unabashed righteous aura, which is stronger than the breath of an ordinary immortal cultivator, could it be a cultivator who enters the Dao with martial arts?

This can surprise Yaoji.

Because she had heard that this person was just a mortal without fluctuations, and this morning they had not felt any aura fluctuations belonging to immortal cultivators in the background.

The breath of this storyteller seemed to have suddenly reached the level of an immortal god in just a few hours!

At this time, Yao Ji’s heart sank, and she couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy.

As the sister of the Heavenly Emperor, her strength and feet are definitely not weak, but the other party can hide from herself before, indicating that the other party’s potential strength is definitely not below herself!

And now that it has been released unabashedly, could it be that he has already felt his own exploration at this moment?

Didn’t he take the initiative to expose his identity and location?

The other party won’t really be some powerful person in the Nether Realm of the Heavenly Court!

Yao Ji had no intention of listening to the book at the moment, and her mind was quickly thinking about how to deal with it, and at the same time, she was guessing which powerful person of the thirty-six palaces and seventy-two halls of the Heavenly Court was the other party.

At this time, a long-awaited figure appeared.

“The little boss is here!”

“Sir is here!”

Everyone immediately exclaimed.

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