"Let him go when it's over. Of course, I don't need to mention it again. Now I can realize it, and it's something worth celebrating. Come on, let's have another drink."

Qin Hao heard that Shennong said.

Then I stopped and continued to explore the interest.

Everyone filled the wine again.

Being uncovered is not a pleasant experience.

And Qin Hao could guess what it was like.

He smiled at each other and drank it all.

After three rounds of wine.

Old Ancestor Hongyun looked at Qin Hao: "Are you planning to stay in the human race?"

Qin Hao was stunned when he heard this.

He hasn't really considered this issue yet.

"I don't know! But I shouldn't leave in a short time. At the very least, Human Race can survive independently. I might have been here before."

Qin Hao thought for a moment, then subconsciously said.

Old Ancestor Hongyun nodded and didn't say anything.

Qin Hao looked a little strange and looked over.

"Why do you ask? It's..."

Qin Hao looked at the expression of Old Ancestor Hongyun, and suddenly couldn't speak.

Ancestor Hongyun also had a trace of daze on his face at this time.

Neither I noticed the loneliness.

The ancestor Hongyun drank the wine in the glass, and then he said to himself like a sigh.

"I don't know why, I don't know when, I have such a feeling for me, it's like I should have disappeared in this world, but I am still alive now."

Qin Hao's heart was shocked, but he didn't say a word.

"Can you understand that feeling? It's at a certain moment, something that should have happened, but it didn't happen, and then it became particularly chaotic. I feel that way now."

Old Ancestor Hongyun looked at the others with a tangled face.

Qin Hao concealed a smile.

"If this is the case, it means that the established destiny has changed, and what is the point of being entangled in those that have passed. Why don't you look forward and see what kind of broad road you can walk out of in the future?"

The ancestor of Hongyun didn't expect Qin Hao to say such a thing.

He thought that according to Qin Hao's character.

It should help him figure out what the reason might be.

Shennong also seemed to be a little surprised, turning his head and casting a glance at Qin Hao.

Only Xing Tian nodded thoughtfully.

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Qin is right, why bother with those things that haven't happened, and the premonition of being messy, it's always going to be good now, that's it."

After Xing Tian finished speaking, he picked up the wine glass.

Let's face up with the ancestor Hongyun.

The ancestor of Hongyun couldn't hold back Xingtian.

I had no choice but to pick it up, and the glass touched him.

Then drank it all in one go.

And this glass of wine is down.

The ancestor of Hongyun seemed to have seen a lot of it.

indeed so.

Old Ancestor Hongyun had already felt that it seemed that the previous fate had already left him.

Completely separated from the current self.

It's just that the ancestor of Hongyun now has a sense of sorrow.

In other words, there is no goal, and some are at a loss.

The ancestor Hongyun analyzed his own heart.

Then said.

"In fact, it's not that I sighed that before, before, I didn't have a goal to do anything, but there seems to be a kind of rush, but now I really don't know what I should do, like a stolen day."

Qin Hao looked at Old Ancestor Hongyun lost in thought.

Hear the words of the ancestor Hongyun.

I am afraid that no one in the room understands what happened better than Qin Hao.

It was his own appearance that changed the fate of Hongyun ancestors.

Qin Hao tried hard to recall the information about the ancestor of Hongyun he had read before.

Among the ancient gods, the ancestor of Hongyun was not particularly famous.

In other words, the fame fell for a while.

It was as brilliant as the fireworks, and disappeared after blooming.

Disappeared in the long river of history.

In other words, this ancestor of Fortune had a very kind heart, and his popularity in the Great Wilderness was also very good.

It is a sincere and kind person.

But I am not stingy when I ask for something, and I can help if I can.

It's almost enough to cut meat with the Buddha and feed the eagle.

The only difference is.

The Buddha cuts flesh, what he asks for is spiritual practice.

For the Buddha, it was a test.

For the ancestor of Hongyun,

That is entirely by nature.

Qin Hao remembered that he knew the ancestor of Hongyun because he was a friend of the owner of the ginseng fruit tree.

Later, it was discovered that the fortune ancestor's setting.

It is a bit too pure and true.

It seems to exist because of kindness.

But in the great wilderness.

After getting to know the ancestor of Hongyun.

Qin Hao truly realized that this quality is truly commendable.

Can be related to his own body.

Can exist in the sky.

Apart from the sun, the moon and the stars, the only thing comparable to them is the clouds.

The stars of the sun and the moon are different, and they each perform their duties.

Exudes a sense of existence.

There are often literati poosers who use the sun, the moon, and the stars to entrust their various emotions.

And only the clouds have been drifting in the sky.

Some people will make him a representative of Xianqi.

Stepping on the clouds, soaring clouds and driving the fog.

Some will take him as a representative of Yunyu.

There must be heavy rain.

There is also the way of heaven, whenever auspiciousness is lowered.

Will proclaim the world through the clouds and glow.

But the cloud with such a strong sense of existence seems to have no sense of existence.

Qin Hao didn't know why, he actually thought of this.

Suddenly felt a little surprising.

Looking at the Hongyun ancestor who was drinking and drinking on the opposite side.

Qin Hao tried hard to remember the final outcome of the ancestor Hongyun?

It seemed to be a sneak attack by Kunpeng halfway.

Intercepted the trace of Heavenly Dao of Hongyun ancestor.

As for why Kunpeng would do this?

Qin Hao lowered his head to think hard.

Suddenly there was a flash in front of my eyes.

Some words slowly became clear in his sight.

Qin Hao was a little at a loss for a while, and some laughed and laughed.

I see?

I see!

Qin Hao burst out laughing suddenly.

Pour himself another glass of wine.

Drink it all.

Qin Hao's movements made everyone on the table look blank.

"It's okay, I'm just happy for the ancestor Hongyun. Yesterday, all kinds of deaths yesterday, today, tomorrow, today, come and have a toast."

Although everyone did not know why, they were still very cooperative.

Qin Hao just remembered.

Why did the ancestor Hongyun say such a thing at this time.

Because a few days ago, it was the fall of Hongyun ancestor's history.

The ancestor Hongjun preached.

If it is not destroyed by oneself.

At that time, an interesting way of heaven had descended on the ancestor of Hongyun.

Let him see the Dao Fa and have a chance of rebirth.

The ancestor of Hongyun is well-known.

Naturally, he was targeted by the quasi-shoulders.

I have to say that Zhuntidao people are indeed thick-skinned, unheard of.

The quasi-speaker preached in the ancestor of Hongjun until the second day.

I went to see the ancestor Hongyun in private.

And frankly frankly in front of the ancestor Hongyun.

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