Xiao Haotian nodded, but hesitated.

"If you want to repair their meridians, it may take a long time, because the meridians are too thin, I can only take them slowly."

Qin Hao nodded to express understanding.

"Okay, then come a little bit."

Xiao Haotian closed his eyes.

Cover your hands on Gonggong's body.

Then a strange energy was pierced from her hand.

Slowly penetrated into Gonggong's body.

Qin Hao started thinking on the side.

I intend to connect all the information I have mastered together.

The location of the matter should be in the southeast.

That is to say, people who are missing from other races.

They should all be trapped in the barrier.

According to the leader of Tongtian, something else should be born within the barrier.

Judging from the current situation, it should not be a good thing.

And one thing is certain.

The contents of these should be able to come out.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain, living in a different place.

Why do lives disappear one after another inexplicably.

And there is no trace at all.

Qin Hao had the urge to check it out.

But looking at Zhu Rong and Gonggong who is lying on the bed now.

Qin Hao decided to wait for them to wake up before asking about the situation in detail.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive in a hundred battles.

Without perfect preparation, rampaging is the last resort.

Xiao Haotian stopped after a while.

His face was somewhat pale, and his forehead was also full of sweat.

"Master! I can only go here today. I will work on the nearby meridians, which have been repaired."

Qin Hao walked over and checked the situation of Gonggong.

Gong Gong’s injury was much more serious than Zhu Rong’s.

So Xiao Haotian plans to treat and work together first.

"Thanks for your hard work, when will they wake up?"

Xiao Haotian shook his head.

"I don't know. It's the first time I have encountered this kind of costume. When I look at it, they don't seem to have any damage to their heads, but I don't know why, they just can't wake up, and Uncle Shennong doesn't know."

Qin Hao frowned slightly.

Now the meridians in their bodies have been broken.

It's like a broken eggshell.

On the surface, they are all together, with no gaps.

But with a light touch, it's all broken.

So even the slightest amount of spiritual power can't bear it.

Otherwise, healing will not be so slow.

Thanks to Xiao Haotian, the special healing power seems to be different from the spiritual power.

Otherwise, Gonggong and Zhu Rong can be said to be completely abolished.

"All right, you go down and rest, take your time."

Gong Gong and Zhu Rong’s injury.

Under Xiao Haotian's slow treatment, he slowly recovered.

It's just that people still haven't waked up.

Take advantage of this time.

The field of trials that Qin Hao produced has gradually matured.

It has been put into use now.

There are already a group of human teams and witch teams going in for trials.

In the field of trial, Qin Hao installed many magic techniques like monitors.

Convenient to monitor the emergencies inside.

Of course, he didn't tell the tester inside.

Only those who participated in the trial field arrangement know.

It is also mainly counted as the temperament of the test tribe.

After all, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

Nowadays, the number of human races is constantly increasing,

It has broken through to a certain level, so naturally, there will be any bad people.

What's more, Qin Hao is the clearest.

Humans are the most complicated.

Therefore, the character test is also counted as part of the trial.

But those who participated in the trial didn't know it.

On this day, Qin Hao sent in another group of trialists.

There are already several teams that continue to test.

After many came out, the realm was directly improved.

The overall combat effectiveness of the Human Race and the Witch Tribe has been improved.

"Master! Master, Gonggong is awake!"

Xiao Haotian hurried over.

The voice has spread far and wide before the person arrives.

Qin Hao immediately ran in the direction of the house.

By the way, Xiao Haotian who ran halfway was taken with him.

Qin Hao came to the room and took a look.

Sure enough, Gong Gong had already sat up.

Although his face was a little pale, he was still looking at it.

When Gong Gong saw Qin Hao, a hint of surprise flashed across his face.

"Holy Lord, your subordinates visit the Holy Lord. Did the Holy Lord save us?"

Qin Hao walked to the bed and sat down.

"No, when the Master Tongtian was passing by, he saw that you two were already in a coma and brought you back. What happened? How could you get hurt like this? Who else captured you? "

Qin Hao was full of doubts now.

Can't wait to ask all the questions.

A thoughtful expression flashed across Gong Gong's face.

Then there was a wry smile.

"I was confused about the disappearance at that time, but I suddenly lost my consciousness, and then the whole person was confused. As for what happened afterwards, where did I go? I don't know."

Qin Hao looked at the co-work, frowning, working hard to remember.

Smiled and comforted.

"It's okay, think about it, see if there are any details, it's okay if you can't remember it."

Gong Gong raised a weak smile.

In the end, it seemed that something came to mind, and I said it immediately.

"By the way, I seemed to have woken up again in the middle of the journey, my eyes were hazy and I couldn't really see it, but I could hear some sounds around me, and they seemed to be talking."

Gong Gong said this, and slowly stopped.

Qin Hao did not interrupt.

But waiting quietly.

"It seems to say that we want to occupy the Great Wilderness, so we have to study the weaknesses of all races. Yes, I remembered that they are foreigners who came here from outside the Great Wilderness."

Gonggong said slowly while reminiscing.

Suddenly I got excited.

Qin Hao frowned when he heard this.

Beyond the Great Wilderness?

Different time and space?

Where do outsiders come from?

How come there are outsiders?

Qin Hao remembered that in the history he had read, there had never been any saying about aliens from the sky.

Wait, Qin Hao seemed to have thought of something.

It's not that there are no alien species.

Pyramids, strange stone statues.

There are also phenomena and things in the world that have not been explained clearly.

No, have many people guessed it?

Rhubarb should have been invaded by foreign species.

It's just that he left for no reason, or was eliminated.

Are there any alien species?

Qin Hao looked at Gonggong and asked.

"How do you hear their voices, or where do you recognize them as alien species?"

Some annoyance flashed across the Gong Gong's face, as well as some annoyance.

"Master, I had been in a coma at the time, so I couldn't see exactly what they were like. As for the alien species, they said this by themselves, and the voice they spoke was no different from ours."

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