Old Ancestor Hongyun nodded.

Then he watched Qin Hao disappear before his eyes in the blink of an eye.

Qin Hao came to the Netherworld again.

Directly found the Lord of Nether.

The Lord of Netherworld did not expect to see Qin Hao so soon.

I thought something was wrong.

"What's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry."

After Qin Hao saw the Lord of Netherworld.

It's like I thought of something and said it.

The Lord of Nether touched his chin after listening.

"This matter is difficult to say, simple and simple. As you said, some of it has entered the cycle of reincarnation and returned to the underworld. I have already held it. The life and death book is screened one by one, and everything that can be stopped is stopped. NS."

The Lord of Nether frowned when he said this.

"It's a pity that these souls don't have any karma in them, and there is no way they can be imprisoned for too long. They are all insects, so the next time they are reincarnated, they will be similar."

The Nether Lord took a breath while speaking.

Qin Hao naturally knew what the Lord of Nether meant.

If it is said that the Netherworld before, there is no order.

To be the lord of the nether world, of course, is what you want to do.

But now there are six reincarnations.

The rules of the Netherworld have gradually formed.

Even the Lord of the Nether could not stop and break the rules at will.

"Is there no way to extract their souls? Restore their alien appearance."

The Lord of Nether shook his head.

"There is no way for the time being, but rest assured, I am thinking of a way, but what you said before is indeed better. When they enter the reincarnation again, they will gather together in advance to see if they will find their souls alive. It will be alien."

Qin Hao nodded and said unceremoniously.

"Then you can copy all the information to me, there are too many, and I will try my best."

The Nether Lord did not hesitate, and soon handed Qin Hao a jade card.

"The information is all in here. This jade card also has a certain storage function. Ask which one you grab and put them in. It will automatically check the seats and suspend their life time."

After Qin Hao listened, he looked at Lord Nether in surprise.

I looked up and down, and said in a surprised tone.

"Unexpectedly, you still have this ability. It really made me admire me. Thanks, then I will leave first. I have to go to the King of Ksitigarbha and learn from him."

The Nether Lord nodded triumphantly.

Watching Qin Hao leave.

Qin Hao then found the Ksitigarbha King.

Make it clear what you came for.

After the Ksitigarbha king listened, without any hesitation, he greeted the truth.

Let Di Ting help Qin Hao find the alien after reincarnation.

Qin Hao then returned to the Human Tribe immediately after leaving the Nether Realm with the truth listening.

Sure enough, the ancestor Hongyun was still sitting there waiting for him.

After the ancestor of Hongyun saw Qin Hao coming back.

He immediately asked: "How is it? Is this possible?"

Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

"The Lord of the Nether has released all the information here, the amount is a bit large, but many of them are Cordyceps, and they live more densely."

After the ancestor Hongyun listened, he relaxed.

Qin Hao invited Hongyun ancestor: "Old ancestor, come with me and find all these reborn aliens."

The ancestor Hongyun nodded and agreed.

"Of course it can, but don't we take more hands? If you spread it out, the speed should be even faster."

Qin Hao shook his head.

"Don't have too many people, the speed may not be faster if there are more people."

When Qin Hao said this, he patted the truth listener lying at his feet.

"I brought this in, he was there, and one of the two."

Old Ancestor Hongyun watched and listened.

A trace of clarity flashed in his eyes.

There is no more demanding.

"When shall we leave?"

Qin Hao thought for a while, and felt that he might not go where he would go this time.

Always have to explain.

"Just explain to them, and then we will set off."

Old Ancestor Hongyun nodded.

"Then I will wait for you here."

"Okay! Di listen, you can follow the ancestor Hongyun here, and wait for me to come back."

After Qin Hao finished speaking.

On the one hand, someone was sent to inform everyone of the Wu tribe and the leader of the human tribe.

While walking to the conference hall.

When Qin Hao arrived, others came one after another.

Qin Hao shared the clues he had seen during this period of time.

And what I am going to do next.

Tell everyone else.

Then he told everyone of the Wu people what they were about to complete.

There are also tasks assigned to the human race.

Said it in detail again.

I don't think there is anything missing.

Just stopped.

Qin Hao looked at everyone from the Witch Clan.

"Any questions?"

The Great Witch and Dijiang looked at each other and shook their heads.

Zhu Rong takes a step forward.

"Holy Lord, you don't know when you will come back with this sentence? What do you do with the aliens we caught? Just put it there, leave them alone."

Qin Hao nodded.

"Let’s stay there for the time being. You and Hou Tu are responsible for this. Don't let them die or let them run. The specifics will be decided when I come back."

Qin Hao saw that there was nothing wrong with the others, and only then announced the meeting adjourned.

Then he planned to rendezvous with the ancestors of Hongyun.

As soon as Qin Hao was halfway away, he was stopped by Luo Hu.

Luo Hui hasn't seen Qin Hao for a long time.

Luo Hui saw that he was doing too much during this period, so he didn't bother.

Qin Hao stopped.

"What's wrong, is there anything else?"

Luo Hui spoke without hesitation.

"I'll go with you, I'm going, don't want to leave me this time."

Qin Hao was a little bit dumbfounded.

How can you say that you have left her behind?

Qin Hao randomly thought of this period of time, it was indeed acting alone.

But it's really busy.

Busy and exhausted.

There is no time to breathe.

Naturally, Luo Hu was ignored.

Qin Hao lowered his head and thought for a while.

This time he went out to find his identity after the alien reincarnation.

There are many places to go, and the locations are scattered.

Luo Hui's force value is strong enough.

Luo Hui is also a good helper.

Qin Hao nodded and took Luohu's hand directly.

"Alright, come with me, we will join Hongyun ancestor now."

The ancestor of Hongyun was originally listening to the truth.

Looking at Qin Hao, Luo Hu walked in one after another.

Qin Hao explained with a smile: "Luo Hu is with us, what else do you have to prepare? If not, let's set off now."

Old Ancestor Hongyun and Luo Hu shook their heads at the same time.

Indicates that you can leave at any time.

Qin Hao left with them directly.

Qin Hao based on the information the Nether Lord gave him.

Intend to go from near to far, from short life to long life.

Such a route to search.

This is the shortest and best route planned.

And this is a coincidence.

The first stop happened to be at the Mozu.

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