For the three of them, it seems that some of them are short of manpower.

Luo Hu naturally noticed Qin Hao's hesitation.

And after a little pondering, it will become clear.

The ancestor of Hongyun naturally understood it too.

But now there is really no good way.

Qin Hao thought for a moment.

Just sat on the Chaos Sword.

Sitting cross-legged, hands on knees, eyes closed.

Spread out the divine consciousness.

Immediately within a hundred miles, all the conditions can be seen in full view.

Even under the sand.

Qin Hao also saw it clearly.

But even so.

Qin Hao couldn't be sure which ones were useful and which ones were useless poisonous insects.

Di Ting hasn't had Qin Hao's spiritual knowledge yet.

It can also be regarded as a restrictive condition for the truth to listen to supernatural powers.

The truth of what will grow up in the future is to listen to whatever you want.

Listen as far as you want.

But the truth now is in his infancy.

So the search range is naturally very small.

Qin Hao closed his eyes like this.

I plan to understand the overall terrain first.

Then draw it again.

They are discussing it to see where it is most likely to appear.

What they want to find.

Finally, one by one exclusion.

Can only use this most stupid method.

Although it is more time-consuming, but fortunately it is more secure.

Luo Hu, and the ancestor of Hongyun didn't know what Qin Hao's plan was.

But still stay aside quietly.

Help Qin Hao protect the law.

Di listen knows that there is nothing I can do to help.

Obediently lie next to Luo Hu and let her smooth herself.

This area is too wide.

However, Qin Hao didn't want to be a fat man with one bite.

Qin Hao followed the hint in the jade.

Although the alien reincarnation poisonous insect moves fast, its position is constantly changing.

But the distance to move in a short time is still limited.

Qin Hao is also confident to find out their specific positions within this period of time.

Qin Hao therefore divided the area in front of him into four.

Sitting on the Chaos Sword, he drew the map of every position in his head.

Then it was given to Luo Hu, the ancestor of Hongyun and they discussed it.

The ancestor Hongyun nodded after hearing Qin Hao's method.

"Now there is no other better way, that's all there is to it."

While talking, Old Ancestor Hongyun looked at the map in his hand.

"Fortunately, it seems that there are not everywhere there are poisonous insects, and the distribution is quite standardized."

Old Ancestor Hongyun pointed to these drawings and said.

Luo Hui also followed.

Qin Hao is a painter and naturally understands without looking at it.

"Let's look for the most likely places and eliminate them one by one."

Luo Hu and the ancestor of Hongyun agreed with what Qin Hao said.

Qin Hao divided the drawing into four directions: southeast, northwest.

They intend to go from west to east, from north to south, clockwise.

So the first place to check was the West.

Within this area.

Du Chun has the largest amount of gathering, about seven or eight yuan.

The distance between each other is also very close.

Some even gather together.

Alien's reincarnation species are not too many this time, there are three kinds in total.

One is the most common kind of scorpion.

The second type is the poisonous snake.

The third one is sandworm.

Qin Hao is a sand worm and only exists in legends.

Unexpectedly, there really is such a species.

The image of insecticide in jade.

Like an earthworm, the body is slender and slender.

Each one is roughly as thick as the circle of the index finger and thumb.

And there are no eyes, in the top position.

There is a mouthpart full of teeth.

On the edge of the tone, there are four more tentacles.

It looks a bit like an anemone on the bottom of the sea.

It's just that they will spray a strong corrosive venom.

They eat in the same way as snakes, opening a huge breath, and slowly swallowing them in.

There are still some red dark spots on the body.

The creeping speed is very fast.

It looks uncomfortable anyway.

Since Qin Hao knew that all of these species had abnormal reincarnations.

So I focused on finding the distribution of these species.

In this area of ​​the west, scorpions are the most distributed.

There are about twelve places in this area, where poisonous insects gather.

To think a lot, to know.

How big is the piece to the west?

Twenty square kilometers is there.

Only a lot more, so looking at it this way, these twelve are actually not too many.

Mainly because of the number of alien reborns.

There are a lot of people gathered together, about fifty or sixty are scorpions.

So Qin Hao observed a small number of poisonous insects, so he didn't care about it.

Especially those who fight alone.

Qin Hao deliberately provoked many strikes.

If they swept around at the end, they found that there was still a fish that slipped through the net.

Plan to re-screen again.

Now the most important thing is to get the big head first.

Qin Hao finally decided to come to the first place.

This place is a small hill, at the edge of the desert.

I can still see some grass and rock piles from time to time.

It just so happens that there is a cave under this pile of rocks.

Qin Hao is naturally no ordinary person.

So I don't want to use that old mining method.

Qin Hao had already seen it with his spiritual sense, and the things below were very spacious, and they wouldn't feel crowded even when they walked in.

After Qin Hao discussed with Luo Hu, the ancestor of Hongyun.

Let's use the earth shield method together.

Go directly into this underground thing.

It is the hottest time of the day when the sun is rising.

So these poisonous insects did not come out, but stayed in the cave obediently.

This also happened to be convenient for Qin Hao and the others.

Several people hold hands.

Qin Hao clapped his hands and pinched, waiting for them to open their eyes again.

He has come to the underground cave.

Underground caves are different from above ground.

Naturally it is not so hot.

Even the air is relatively humid.

But the surrounding darkness, Qin Hao snapped his fingers.

There was a sphere floating in the air.

Exudes a warm light.

Suspended over the heads of the crowd to illuminate them.

Qin Hao looked at the passage ahead, then looked back at the back.

Qin Hao has a very good grasp of this position.

The back has been blocked, and the soil above is soft.

Can be connected to above the ground.

So as long as they go forward, they enter the nest of poisonous insects.

Qin Hao chose this place as the first reason, and it was also because this passage seemed to have formed naturally.

No, Scorpion dug it out by himself.

After all, think about how big these poisonous insects can be.

How could Qin Hao enter the passage they dug?

At that time, Qin Hao used his spiritual sense to check here.

I still feel strange, how can such a large number of poisonous insects gather here.

I'll understand later.

Because a natural cave is formed here, the space is relatively large.

It can facilitate the in and out of these poisonous insects.

At the same time, it is also convenient for them to store food.

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