The Chaos Sword hissed and let out a sigh.

"If you don't go, it looks very hot, although I don't want the sword to disappear directly like that, it can be uncomfortable!"

Qin Hao nodded and said that he understood.

"You are so knowledgeable, guess what's down there?"

Chaos Sword immediately shied away.

"I don't guess, I can't guess, I'm just a sword, and I have no brains and can't think."

Qin Hao snorted disdainfully after hearing this.

Even the Chaos Sword doesn't know what it is.

It seems that the underlying things may not be so easy to deal with.

Qin Hao narrowed his mind and stared at the magma below.

The ancestor Hongyun took back the sword.

Changed another thing.

This time it looked like a branch.

Although Qin Hao muttered in his heart, he still believed in the judgment of the ancestor Hongyun.

Old Ancestor Hongyun couldn't use ordinary branches to test.

Sure enough, that number was not refined by magma this time.

Except for a little wrinkle on the surface.

It seems to be severely dehydrated.

The others have not changed.

The three of them have been waiting quietly.

Since it has aroused the alertness of the things underneath.

So to fish, of course you need patience.

The ancestor of Hongyun kept harassing the magma from above.

Just when Qin Hao was impatient.

Suddenly felt the lava below creeping.

It seemed like something wanted to come out.

And condensed all the minds and stared at the magma below.

Sure enough, it didn't take a while.

From the magma, a red shadow burst out.

Qin Hao threw out the rope without hesitation.

A swish entangled the red shadow.

The strength of that Naruto is very strong, and he wants to shrink back in an instant.

How could Qin Hao make him wishful?

Instantly activate the Chaos Sword.

The Chaos Sword was also very powerful at this time.

It can be said that Qin Hao was pulled and ran away.

It was like a ferocious beast chasing after him.

He didn't give that Hong Ying any chance to react at all.

The Chaos Sword carried Qin Hao, and the rope in Qin Hao's hand was wrapped around the red shadow.

In this way, Hong Ying flew out of the magma and came to the platform.

At the same time, there was a bang.

Qin Hao felt the thing in his hand fall to the ground.

Looking back, I couldn't help being surprised.

Fortunately, the ancestor Hongyun behind reacted quickly.

Threw the Qiankun net toward the red shadow that fell to the ground.

To fix this big guy on the ground.

Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

Luo Hu and Di Ting, who were hiding aside, also walked over.

Several people surrounded the big guy in front of them, and they were silent for an instant.

This thing is nothing else, but a huge scorpion.

And it's like a big, bright red scorpion cooked.

This head is super big.

Now it is wrapped by, so I can't open it no matter how hard I struggle.

Qin Hao made an estimate.

If this thing unfolds.

It is eight meters long and three meters wide, and the height of the tail is about ten meters.

It can be seen how big this thing is.

Qin Hao just made an assessment.

Apart from this big scorpion, there is probably nothing left in the magma.

Qin Hao stayed aside and looked at Di listened: "The baby you just said, is this the thing?"

Di listen immediately shook his head and said with aggrieved expression.

"Of course it's not this, it's still there."

Old Ancestor Hongyun floated up again.

There was a surprise voice immediately.

"Honglian! It turned out to be Lihuohonglian! There is such a baby here, no wonder there is such a big guy, watching him look after him."

The words of the ancestor Hongyun just fell.

Qin Hao saw him and pinched his hands with both hands.

Then the lotus that had been exposed on the surface of the magma was picked off.

Qin Hao realized that in fact, there was not much magma.

Why is it aligned with the horizontal plane.

Naturally because of this thing they caught.

Because it is too big, the level of magma is raised.

Ancestor Hongyun smiled and took Lihuo Honglian back.

Passed it directly to Qin Hao.

"Give it to you, it's useless if I keep it. In addition to enhancing the Vulcan power and stimulating the fire attribute, this thing is also used to wash the muscles and marrow and enhance the skill. It has no other effect."

As soon as Qin Hao wanted to decline, he heard the ancestor Hongyun continue to say.

"This thing is for you, and you are of no use. When that time comes, you can go back to Shennong and let him practice the pill, which can stimulate the fire magic power of the descendants of the human race."

After Qin Hao heard this, he accepted it unceremoniously.

"Thanks a lot!"

After Qin Hao collected the things, he took out a bottle of pill from his Qiankun bag.

Before leaving, Qin Hao specially asked Shennong to do it.

It is a pill to increase the cultivation of spirit beasts.

Qin Hao handed it to Di Ting.

Qin Hao wanted to give it.

This was later forgotten because of anxious reincarnation.

It's actually just right.

I took this Lihuo Honglian by myself!

After all, Di listened to the first discovery.

Always give Di listen a little bit of compensation.

Di Ting looked at the bottle in front of him blankly.

"What's this? It looks so fragrant when you squat!"

Qin Hao said with a smile.

"It's a pill for you. It can be eaten as jelly beans, which is better for your growth."

Di listen to accept with a smile.

Then he squatted aside, opened the lid, and ate one.

The enjoyment eyes narrowed into a slit.

Qin Hao, Luo Hu still used Old Ancestor Hongyun to look at the big guy in front of him.

The three of them were lost in thought.

Qin Hao just checked again.

There is indeed no record of such a big scorpion in the jade pendant.

Qin Hao could only ask the truth again.

"Die listen, you can feel it again and see if this is a special shape after reincarnation."

As the saying goes, take the hand short, eat the mouth short.

Di Ting immediately walked over obediently.

Then he put his ears on the ground and listened carefully.

After a while, he raised his head and nodded.

"Yes, it is indeed an alien. It didn't feel very obvious because of his speed before. Now I can be sure that there is an alien inside, but he doesn't seem to be reborn."

Qin Hao nodded.

Qin Hao also had this guess.

The time for Alien to appear in the Great Wilderness is so short.

It hasn’t been long since the last fight.

Therefore, most of these alien species after reincarnation are very weak.

Like this big guy in front of me.

Such a big physique.

The dream is not a few hundred years old, and it is impossible to raise it at all.

Even now Dahuang's spiritual power is very abundant.

Will shorten their growth cycle.

It will take one hundred and eighty years.

Therefore, this alien is naturally very good.

There is the most important point.

That is, there is no record of him in the book of life and death.

The way of heaven is absolutely impossible to allow.

There is only one possibility for the rest.

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