Chapter 77: Mountain Rooster Meets True Love!!

After eating, Long Tianhao came to the Shenge Mansion.

Sitting on the boss’s chair, Long Tianhao looked at Long Er and said, “Yesterday we harvested and the statistics came out?” ”

Long Tianhao took a document and placed it on Long Tianhao’s desk before he said, “Brother Hao, everything has been counted!” ”

“Dongxing has: seventy bars, eighty gambling stalls, thirty nightclubs, and two slaughterhouses, which used to be mainly through these places to sell powder!”

“There are three legal operating companies, two hospitals, twenty restaurants, and so on.”

“But brother Hao, Dongxing still has a casino in Haojiang, which has obtained an operating license, and spent 100 million yuan on its construction, but it has not opened!”

“We also seized two billion in cash.”

After hearing this, Long Tianhao said: “Long Er, all film and television companies are merged and reorganized, called Shenge Film and Television Co., Ltd.”

“Therefore, some restaurants are handed over to Ah Lian to take care of, and they are all under the name of the Dynasty Group.”

“Others, you just follow the previous arrangement!”

After hearing this, Ryuuji continued: “Brother Hao, how to deal with the casino that has not opened in Haojiang?” ”

Long Tianhao thought for a while before slowly speaking: “As for the matter of Haojiang Casino, first handle all the formalities, and I will go over personally when the time comes.” ”

“It is precisely through this reason that our forces infiltrate into the Hao River.”

“Deposit 200 million to the bank, tomorrow I will let Long San go to Mexico, this money can be regarded as his start-up capital.”

“Excluding the 200 million I just said, how much money do we have on our books now?”

Long Er had already made preparations, and in the face of Long Tianhao’s question, he said without thinking: “There are also 2.3 billion in cash.” We’ve been spending a lot lately. ”

“However, the transfer of a billion will not affect the normal operation of all companies.”

After hearing this, Long Tianhao expressed his understanding, and he took the lion’s share of his flowers, and then said: “Okay, I know, you go and do yours.” ”

After Long Er left, Long Tianhao said to Tanya: “I remember that the current Haojiang gambling king is He Hongsheng, you let people contact him, tomorrow afternoon, I will meet him in the imperial dynasty.” ”

“As for how to please, it’s up to you!”

Tanya returned after hearing this: “I know Brother Hao!” ”

Long Tianhao took care of things, it was already nine o’clock in the evening, and he took Tanya back to the residence.

Spring overnight in the evening.

The next day Yizhou.

Lei Gong of the Sanlian Gang is leading his hands down the street to canvass for votes.

He was followed by three cars with banners with the slogan: Support Lei Gong, Yizhou New Hope!

There are also speakers that keep playing audio, talking about Lei Gong’s contributions and so on.

And Lei Gong is wearing a black suit today, walking on the road, amiably shaking hands with pedestrians on the road.

And from time to time he said: “Thank you! Support from everyone! ”

One of the Yizhou passers-by shook Lei Gong’s hand and said, “Lei Gong, I will definitely vote for you, congratulations on your election!” ”

Lei Gong also thanked him.

The mountain chicken behind Lei Gong was full of embarrassment on his face, and then turned to his cousin beside him and said: “Cousin, are we a black club!” ”

His cousin replied affirmatively: “Of course it’s the Black Club!” ”

“Do you know the black and astringent society in Yizhou, those who are big brothers.”

“There will be a legislative election, do you know it?”

“In the future, the Yizhou government will be a black society, do you know? By our black will be the boss, understand no! ”

“The Black Club of Yizhou is better than the Black Society of your Xiangjiang!”

“Learn to be smart, don’t talk nonsense, just do more things.”

Although the pheasant still did not understand after hearing this, he also endured embarrassment to thank the pedestrian.

It took a morning of parade before the pheasant was freed.

At noon, Lei Gong was interviewed by TV.

The host said: “It is a great honor to invite Mr. Lei Gong, the number two of non-party members, to our TV station!” ”

“Lei Gong, Mr. Lei told us a few words of thanks!”

Lei Gong turned to the topic and said to the camera: “Fellow villagers! ”

“Please vote for my divine vote!”

“Give me a chance!”

“This position requires a capable, caring person to take on!”

“Everyone knows what I have done, and I will work harder to create a better life for the people after I am elected!”

And just when Lei Gong, in front of the camera, was making generous words, waiting in the back, the mountain chicken couldn’t help but ask: “Cousin, are we a black club!” ”

“How can any black and astringent be so amiable!”

Cousin Mountain Rooster said helplessly: “Don’t say it.” ”

“We are the Black Club! And our triple gang is the number one gang in Yizhou! ”

The mountain chicken continued to ask: “Then cousin, tell me honestly, why is Mr. Lei interested, far from the legislator?” ”

“Isn’t this very profitable?”

Cousin Mountain Rooster smoked a cigarette before explaining, “Of course! ”

“Far away from a legislator, it will cost hundreds of millions! A sucker! Do you know! ”

When the mountain chicken heard that it was going to cost money, he couldn’t help but say: “That’s not spending money, how can you make money?” ”

Cousin Mountain Rooster continued: “Of course, if you don’t choose it, you will definitely die, and the money will float!” ”

“But if you want to choose, then make money!”

“Do you know that it is a reward of dozens of times, otherwise the black and astringent boss of Yizhou will be so positive!”

After hearing this, the mountain chicken was taken aback, and asked like a curious baby: “How can you get such a big return?” ”

Cousin Mountain Rooster smiled for a day before saying: “How to earn it back?” ”

“If I knew, I wouldn’t have to be a driver now!”

“Didn’t you see that my poor hair is all white?”

“Know no silly boy, drink your papaya milk!”

The pheasant also smiled when he listened to his cousin’s words, and then said: “Papaya milk!” ”

“Cousin seriously, I haven’t touched a big cat for a long time!”

“Really, cousin!”

When the mountain chicken cousin heard this, he couldn’t help but ask in a low voice: “Aren’t you the one who can’t do it, why do you still want to?” ”

The pheasant punched his cousin before saying, “Without that, you can think about it?” ”

When the mountain chicken cousin heard this, he nodded in agreement and said, “That’s right!” Our family loves to touch big cats! ”

“I want to touch it until I die.”

The pheasant also affirmed his cousin’s words.

When the mountain chicken cousin thought about it, the cousin didn’t have that thing, this requirement must be met, so he said to the mountain chicken: “Tonight, I will take you to touch the big cat!” ”

The two were chatting, and Lei Gong’s speech also ended and walked out.

When the two saw it, they immediately stood up and said, “Mr. Lei!” ”

Lei Gong said as he walked out: “Xiao Hei, drive me to the cemetery!” ”

The cousin of the mountain chicken hurriedly ran to the front and went to the parking lot to drive! Not long after, Lei Gong and others came to the cemetery.

At this moment, a tombstone was erected in front of Lei Gong.

It reads: “The tomb of the thunder gate Chen clan, Lei Gonggong!” ”

In this tomb is Lei Gong’s rightful wife, today is her festival day, and every year Lei Gong will come to see it today.

Lei Gong first bowed three times to his wife’s tombstone, and then looked at the tombstone quietly without speaking.

And the pheasant not far away asked his cousin, “What is this place?” Felt like a great view, not an ordinary cemetery. ”

Cousin Mountain Rooster glanced around and replied, “Here, it’s Jinbao Mountain!” ”

“This is where rich people live after they die!”

Hearing the name Jinbao Mountain, the mountain chicken couldn’t help but say: “Jinbao Mountain? ”

“Could it be that my cousin was opened by Hong Jinbao of Xiangjiang?”

The cousin of the mountain chicken smiled and said, “Smelly boy, I didn’t say that.” ”

At this time, the mountain chicken pointed to the mountain on the other side and said: “Is it Chenglongshan there, cousin!” ”

As a result, the cousin of the mountain chicken pointed to the other side and said, “Cheng Longshan is over there.” ”

At this moment, the mountain chicken was made by his cousin, and he couldn’t laugh!

And at this time, the mountain chicken saw that Lei Gong’s bodyguard Gao Jie ran to Lei Gong from a distance and said something in his ear!

When the pheasant saw it, his cousin, who asked curiously, said, “Hey! Cousin, you see that wood talking? ”

“It’s rare to see him speak!”

The cousin of the mountain chicken, who was most affected by this question, said impatiently:

“Talk and talk, you don’t bother.”

Who knew that the mountain chicken did not wait for him to continue speaking, so he took off his sunglasses, looked into the distance, pulled his cousin’s arm and said: “Cousin, look at the beauty!” ”

“Look at the beauty of the Sun Country!”

“Cousin I love!”

“Does my cousin know who that woman is?”

Cousin Mountain Rooster kept looking at Lei Gong, and said casually without noticing: “What woman?” Where are the women! ”

The pheasant said, “The one coming this way!” ”

The pheasant cousin saw it at this time, and then said to the pheasant: “She! Don’t think about her, that’s the boss’s woman. ”

“There’s no way you love it!”

The pheasant said in surprise: “The boss’s woman? ”

“He is seventy, and such a young and beautiful woman, it is really a cabbage arched by a pig!”

The cousin of the mountain chicken slapped the mountain chicken on the head and scolded: “You are so annoying, that is the boss’s second room!” ”

“Her name is Ding Yao!”

At this time, Ding Yao was still holding a bouquet of lilies in his hand, and also walked to Lei Gong and said, “Big brother.” I thank you for allowing me to worship my sister-in-law! ”

Lei Gong looked at Ding Yao and said, “Xiao Yao, you have a heart!” ”

“Today is Shuxian’s death sacrifice, I didn’t expect you to remember!”

“Before you know it, eight years have passed.”

“I feel a lot older.”

After Ding Yao finished worshipping, he turned around and said, “Big brother, you still look the same spirit!” ”

Lei Gong changed the topic and asked, “How is Xiao Yao’s life recently?” ”

Ding Yao thought for a while before saying, “I have always been jealous of my sister-in-law, and now I envy her!” ”

“Seeing your names engraved together, I know that my generation cannot replace the position of my sister-in-law in your heart!”

After hearing this, Lei Gong glanced at Ding Yao and did not speak, but turned to leave…

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