As the saying goes, soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent.

The soldier is also tricky, and the tricky way is far more than the simple formation of the art of war, some are still means!

And Wei Chen, at this moment, also knew the reason why Uncle Ghost came, what was it.

As the second marshal of the big circle gang, he has a pivotal position in the community and has a high reputation

, this kind of person, generally without major events, is impossible to get out of the gang community.

And to let a second-way marshal go out must mean something big!

And Uncle Ghost, as the marshal of the second road, followed Liu Huaqiang to this place of Chitujiao, and the

real purpose was to test Wei Chen's ability and means!

Because as the son of the dragon head, he will inherit the position of the gang leader later, which is a very high probability!

Even if Wei Chen could not inherit the position of dragon head, the test of the procedure that should be taken was indispensable.

This is the rule of the quacks, and it is also the order of the gang community!

And in addition, it is only possible to get a second-way marshal to come here.

Apart from this possibility, Wei Chen really didn't think of anything to let a gang elder come to pick him up...

Although he is Wei Wenwu's son, he has not been in contact with the Great Circle Gang for many years, and he does not have such a big spectrum!

Sitting next to Uncle Ghost, Wei Chen smiled and lit a cigarette, "Uncle Ghost, the wind is so cold today, you actually drove you here in person, and you are not afraid of freezing your bones?"

"Although I'm always a little old, I haven't fallen down before the wind blows old, and the king of Yan doesn't dare to accept me, after all, I come to double fly several times a month..." Uncle Ghost said a serious nonsense, as if it was commonplace.

Hearing this, Wei Chen suddenly choked!

If he hadn't heard him say Shuangfei, Wei Chen would really have believed this old man's nonsense!

A moment later, Wei Chen raised his eyebrows, "What's going on with that ghost uncle coming here today, you want to find a few big waves to get a few shots?"

Wei Chen also pretended to be stupid and pretended not to know anything, followed his words, and continued.

Anyway, as long as I don't put on the trap, I can't be fooled, and I won't be kidnapped by morality without morality.

Uncle Ghost was stunned, and his mouth twitched: "Have you never seen a woman abroad today, why do you think about doing three and four all day long?"

"That's not it, it's just that I soak up foreigners every day abroad, and I am about to vomit, and I finally come back and can't see the local style of Hong Kong Island?"

"After all, no matter how good the pillow goddess is, there will be a day when she is tired of eating and eating... Uncle Ghost, you always play so flower, there must be a lot of ways, right? "

Introduce me to get acquainted, after the matter is completed, I will invite you to play for a month to be dashing, so that you can 'sex' enough at one time!"

"By the way, Uncle Ghost, I haven't had time to ask you, what type of play do you like to play, do you like SM, Lori, Royal Sister, Flight Attendant, or Big Wave Fat Woman..."

Wei Chen, who was smoking a cigarette, looked at Uncle Ghost with a light car, and said the doorway inside.

Uncle Ghost was stunned when he heard it, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Now a chicken can play so many tricks.

Am I falling behind?

This is not okay, just as the so-called man is a teenager to death, you have to learn to study, supplement the extracurricular knowledge....

Wei Chen shook his head and shouted, "Uncle Ghost, let me tell you, Loli has the practice of loli, and the royal sister also has the practice of the royal sister, but they all have one thing in common, that is, every time they work, they earn sweat money, so when we play, we must be Sven and elegant..." Although Uncle Ghost also

has some flowers and intestines in his heart, he has not forgotten the purpose of coming today.

He directly waved his hand to interrupt Wei Chen's words and asked, "Boy, I have something to do today, don't you know?"

"Oh? Uncle Ghost still has something to do? Is it serious or not? I can't help you if you're serious..."

I can't help you Uncle Ghost, after all, I am not familiar with life on Hong Kong Island, if it is abroad, I can also introduce a few golden retriever lion king little white tigers to your old hi pi hi pi..." Wei

Chen's words can be said to pretend to be stupid and stunned to the extreme, and the fake ones are almost true.

Hearing this, Uncle Ghost was suddenly speechless.

The heart said that this kid came back just to pick up a girl and engage in girls?

It's really not as good as a generation, a disciple!

He waved his hand and said a little helplessly: "Since you don't know, then forget it, there are still a few hours to return to the gang, there is still some time, you can sleep first..."

Wei Chen nodded, and then he leaned back on the seat and squinted to rest.

In fact, Wei Chen knew exactly what he was going to say in his heart, but he knew that he knew it, but he couldn't say it.

The world of rivers and lakes is full of deception, and it is good for people to be smart, but there must also be a degree of cleverness.

If you put your own intelligence and wisdom on your face, it is as if you are afraid that others will not know.

Then this kind of person is really not far from death!

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