As the saying goes, there is no eternal opposition, only eternal interests.

Wei Chen has always been a Sven. A person who is elegant never makes rough moves with others, and tries to be as good as possible with anger and wealth....

Of course, these are all things he thinks he does!

And today, although setting fire to these shops and burning so many people to death, it is a two-pronged solution.

First, Wei Chen needs to get this group of guys in the eyes, and then return to the big circle to help Liwei, so that those hall masters who are seniors directly shut up.

Anyway, I can do what you can't do, and I can still do what you can't do.

Through this matter, you can completely deter that group of people!

Second, this piece of land was originally a big circle gang, and the reason why it did not fight back was that it had no use value and benefits, and it was not worth it.

And Wei Chen didn't care, he had just returned to China and solved the problem of Saigon in one day. In addition, he is the son of the dragon head, and he can completely use this to gain a foothold....

Ah Sigang wanted to put the watermelon head in the trunk, suddenly turned his head and looked, and was instantly surprised!

Because at this moment, several shops on fire, countless dwarf mules are jumping from the window to quickly escape.

Ah Si quickly looked at Wei Chen, who had just got into the car, and shouted: "Brother Chen, the little brothers with in the eyes have all run out!"

Wei Chen was a little surprised, and turned his head to look at a few short mules who had just jumped down from the second floor of the hotel and climbed with rolling belts.

A moment later, he waved his hand, "Don't worry about them, the eye is dead, even if they are slaughtered, they waste their strength, and they will also leave a name on the rivers and lakes to kill everything, it's not worth it!" Ah

Si thought about it and found that there was some truth, and the tension in the nerves just now immediately relaxed.

Since Wei Chen, who took the lead, said that there was no need, then Ah Si was not an ignorant person, he waved his hand: "Brothers, hurry up and get in the car, let's go back to the big circle gang..." Hearing

this, a group of people huffed and ran to several vans, ready to leave for Haojiang.

Put the watermelon head in the trunk, Ah Si sat in the driver's seat, there was no extra nonsense, and drove directly.

Wei Chen touched a cigarette and lit it, and smiled: "Ah Si, today three in and three out of Saigon, I guess I am tired, right?" "

That's not it..." Ah Si scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly: "It's just that I haven't seen this kind of play, after playing a set of backhands and another set, don't say it's eye, even we can't think of it..."

Wei Chen smiled and muttered, "To be a person, you should have one set in front and one set behind you, and now it is so, and it should be so..."

Said, his deep eyes slowly looked out the window, "Don't worry, the future rivers and lakes, It is destined to be left to our young people! "


Time passed slowly, and after several hours of bumps, early the next morning, the group quickly returned to the Haojiang base camp.


Wei Chen quickly got out of the car, touched a cigarette and lit it, and when he looked up, the sky was already white with fish belly.

Taking a few deep puffs of smoke to refresh himself, Wei Chen quickly walked into the headquarters of the Great Circle Gang.

As soon as I entered it, I immediately saw the scene like yesterday, the sofa was already full of people, and there were ten hall masters on the long table, and the ghost uncle was ruling the overall situation.

It seems that they are discussing something, the atmosphere is slightly depressed, and a group of big men in suits on the sofa have long silently extinguished the cigarettes in their hands.

Seeing this scene, Wei Chen also knew that there was something to discuss, so he randomly found a place to sit down.

But the butt had just touched the sofa, but a middle-aged man on the long table lengthened his voice and said sarcastically: "Yo, isn't this Wei Shao, he just went to Saigon yesterday, why did he come back early this morning?" Hearing

this, everyone followed the middle-aged man's eyes and looked at the young man on the sofa.

Wei Chenxin said that he slept with the middle-aged man's wife? How can I always get by with myself.

Yesterday he sneered at Fat Biao, it was this middle-aged man!

And Wei Chen also inquired about his origin, and heard that it was called a blind snake, specializing in selling news of rivers and lakes, no wonder he looked like a dead fish!

Wei Chen took a cigarette and raised his eyebrows to look at the blind snake: "Come back and come back, it's about your bird, Wei Wenwu or my father, I'm proud?" Don't believe you to hit me!"

With a "boom", the blind snake stood up and pointed angrily at Wei Chen, "You..." "

What are you, your wife ran away with someone?" Brother Blind Snake, your wife ran away with someone, go to him, don't put this on hold here to find me angry.

"Besides, the hall master of a big circle gang of yours, find me a junior to be angry, there is an egg use?" Do you have eggs? "

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