As the saying goes, you can't hide!

It is estimated that everyone present did not expect that the bereaved leopard, who has always been greedy for life and afraid of death here, actually has a backhand!

You know, this guy has done his life to the extreme, and he doesn't even dare to leak his face in front of so many horse boys.

And the guy of the mourning leopard, if he doesn't make a move, he is simply a blockbuster!

A gunshot suddenly sounded, and at this moment, Wei Chen cut off his left arm and passed by him!

In an instant, Wei Chen suddenly opened his eyes and found that his whole body was unharmed, and there was no wound from being shot at all!

"What's going on, I saw this guy shoot with my own eyes just now!?" Wei Chen had some doubts in his heart.

Because he really saw the mourning leopard shoot at himself, and after landing, it was actually intact...

Wei Chen suddenly turned his head to look at the dead leopard, and was instantly taken aback!

Because, at this moment, the two legs of the mourning leopard have been broken and left behind more than a meter away.

And for such a short distance, the ground was full of long blood stains produced by his legs dragging and rubbing on the ground!

The Sensen white bones on the legs made people can't help but feel a chill, especially the minced meat that was smashed on the wound,

which made everyone gasp!

"Aaaaaa And at this moment, the mourning leopard is lying in place holding a pistol, wailing and screaming madly.

Not only were his legs broken, but his abdomen was also directly pierced, and when viewed from the side, he could faintly see the large intestine that was peristalgizing in his body....

Next to him is Liu Huaqiang!

And what Liu Huaqiang was holding in his hand was a trolls that were smoking white.

Needless to say, it must be him who shot through the mourning leopard just now.

And the mourning leopard did shoot, but Liu Huaqiang shot first, causing him to hit one hand....

Liu Huaqiang looked at the half-dead leopard lying on the ground, and smiled: "I said it all, let you hit me, you don't hit... Give you a chance, you don't really use it!

"Roar...!" The mourning leopard was no longer able to speak, and was shot through many parts of its body by a shotgun, and countless wounds were frantically oozing blood.

He could only grit his teeth and hold on, hoping that time would slow down a little so that he could hope to live....

Liu Huaqiang glanced at the dying leopard defiantly, "Don't you really want to know why I have no fear?"

"Before you die, let you take a good look, you must let you die without blindness, otherwise I don't worry!"

Saying that, he snapped his fingers and signaled the rabbit king next to him to do something.

King Rabbit nodded, turned and ran to the black van they were sitting in before.

At this moment, everyone did not move, and the audience was silent!

Because everyone understands that as soon as someone moves the gun, the nature changes.

No matter how you fight, it will be useless, you will only let yourself die one step ahead....

A moment later, the rabbit king came to Liu Huaqiang again with a few big men in suits.

Next to a few big men in suits, there was also a woman and a child.

Seeing this scene, the mourning leopard seemed to return to the light!

He suddenly widened his eyes and looked straight at the women and children, his face full of disbelief!

Liu Huaqiang smiled and touched a cigarette and lit it, "Isn't it familiar?"

"Don't tell me... You don't even recognize your wife and children! As

soon as these words came out, the mourning leopard was like five thunders hitting the top!

He never thought that Liu Huaqiang's real handle was his own wife and children...

"Liu... Chinese... Strong! With the last ounce of strength, the mourning leopard roared through gritted teeth.

But at this time, he can only make a senseless roar as a vent, because he is now also a lamb to be slaughtered!

Liu Huaqiang took a cigarette and waved his hand, "Don't look at me like that, I've always done what I say, and I must let you die without blindness!"

Saying that, he slowly waved his hand in front of the mourning leopard.

"King Rabbit!"

This soft shout is like the death of Hades!

As soon as the words fell, the rabbit king instantly took out a three-sided military thorn from his waist!

Next moment!

Only a "pop" was heard, and the necks of women and children were instantly cut through a bloodstain, and the blood was like a fountain, splattering on the spot!

And in an instant, the two fell to the ground at the same time, slowly losing their breath...

The powerless mourning leopard could only watch this scene.

Unconsciously, two blood and tears flowed from his eyes!

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