Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 106 Although, no one has evidence

after an hour.

Zhao Donghuai was sitting behind his desk, with Zhou Huimin, Gong Li and Chen Hong standing in front of him. They finally waited until Mr. Zhao was free and then expressed their intention to come.

"Um, Amin, you mean, Xiaoli is good at singing? Ah Hong is not bad either?"

Zhou Huimin nodded hurriedly, "Yes, during this period of contact, Sister Li's singing skills are actually quite good. She is not weaker than me. Ah Hong also has a lot of room for improvement. I think the next fairy tale should be sung by the three of us?"

"If you wish, can the three of us try as a team?"

Zhao Donghuai glanced at Amin in surprise, is this such a concession? He didn't care so much anymore. It was a good thing that Amin voluntarily shared the song originally assigned to her with her new friends.

In fact, he also guessed the reason. In the Zhao girl group, the newcomer Amin was suppressed and excluded by three old people, mainly because of Jiahui. He Qing followed the crowd, and Hu Huizhong was absent every day...

In this case, Qiu Shuzhen, who thinks about things to do as a secretary all day long, becomes a secretary by acting coquettishly, giving massages, serving tea and water? ?

If she brings in new people to join a group, she will gain momentum.

There is no doubt that a group of women will have wonderful fights with each other when they get together, and they can create all kinds of palace fight dramas for you.

It was only because Director Zhao was too cheating that he was able to keep Jia Huicheng submissive and take the initiative to lure He Qing into the water.

The Courage single is also on sale and it’s a big hit!

It has sold more than 40,000 copies and 50,000 single records on Hong Kong Island. Zhou Huimin can give people courage and courage, and has been promoted in advance as a meme exclusive to young people.

"Okay, Xiaoli, you and Ah Hong have been here for more than 20 days. Let's practice our voices first after we get used to it. It's also necessary to hone our line skills. Don't be in a hurry about acting. Follow the album track and break into the music world first."

Courage, fairy tales and wishful thinking, shoot a few MVs, just ask Wang Jing for this. Even if Chinese parents in Hong Kong pass it down from generation to generation, just to help their children move mountains and carry heavy loads, the MV will be played on the TV station a few times. will be stopped.

But the meaning is clear, it will also be popular in the KTV era in the future.

Gong Li and Chen Hong were both ecstatic and expressed their gratitude in various ways.

After a while, when the three women left the sixth floor, while chatting excitedly, Chen Hong asked curiously, "Hey, there was a strange smell in the boss's office just now. Did you guys smell it?"

Amin blushed. She had never smelled the fragrance of heather before, but she had been reminded by Secretary Azhen that some people had gone in and not come out for several hours. Please wait, but she didn't see it in the office just now.

Amin quickly changed the subject, "Don't worry about that little thing. Now A-Zhen is really addicted to being a secretary. Zhao is running back and forth with ATV. She can only find time to learn acting skills. I think she will be like Sister Jiahui even if she appears in a group in the future." Lip-synching..."

Gong Li also nodded, "Yeah, lip-syncing and stuff like that..."

Amin has always spoken Mandarin, which has an accent but can be understood, so that they can communicate happily. Sister Gong is still in awe of acting and other things. It was only when she suddenly joined the group that she learned that it was the person who made He Qing famous for the first time. Qian Qian Que Ge turned out to be a TV station that became popular during the holidays.

Forget about that feeling.

Chen Hong didn't talk about the smell anymore, "We definitely can't lip-sync, but the boss is really talented. Oh my god, I didn't expect that he wrote so many songs. He not only became popular in Southeast Asia, but also helped Leslie become famous." To Omi…”

"Do you think we will have such a glorious day?"

Amin was excited, "Of course, when the group was first formed, the boss planned to sing in English. It was because everyone's English was poor, so they changed to Cantonese songs."

"You have also listened to Leslie sing the new song As Long As. I took it out casually at this level just to praise Ah Hua. Ah Hua's English is so bad that she couldn't sing well and it took so long to record it."

"If we learn English well, we will definitely have good songs."

"When the time comes, when we bring goods, whether selling beer or drinks, we can all think about making money like Leslie."

Gong Li counted with her fingers, and after repeated calculations, she still said dejectedly, "I can't even calculate how much money Zhang Guorong has made selling beer and drinks since he was promoted by the boss."

It was Amin Kuai again, "Asia has accumulated almost 10 million Hong Kong dollars in just two or three months! Cheng Long is about the same. The main reason is that Brother Long's popularity in the island country is too crazy and his foundation is too strong."

Gong Li and Chen Hong have been breathing air-conditioning for only two or three months. This way of making money is more profitable and more stable than Cheng Long making a movie.

Chen Hong suddenly blinked, "How much did the boss earn?"

Zhou Huimin thought for a while, "For these two drinks, the boss earns two million less per day and four to five million more. I mean the total sales including Wanwan, Haojiang, Daoguo and other places."

"The main thing is to see whether those wealthy fans in the island country will be tempted to spend a lot of money to buy goods."

This is no longer something that can be suppressed by sucking in the air-conditioning. After being stunned for a while, Chen Hong's eyes suddenly flashed, "You are worthy of being a boss. He can suppress Li Chaohe and Yihe Yanghe at the retail end of a comprehensive supermarket."

Not only is he rich and powerful, but he is also tall and handsome enough, not inferior to stars like Afa.

It perfectly fits the image of Prince Charming that a 16-year-old girl like Chen Hong dreams of. No, this is King Charming.

It was the first time today that she and Gong Li met Zhao Donghuai up close. Such a cool and handsome boss made a perfect match for each other.

It’s May 20th, and Wanjia’s seven-story above- and below-ground shopping malls in Tsim Sha Tsui are opening one after another. All kinds of brands are packed with occupancy. Then Watsons, Parknshop, Wellcome, etc. in Tsim Sha Tsui are opening at a speed visible to the naked eye. decay.

The more large-scale comprehensive supermarkets are like this, they have everything from electronic products to clothing, jewelry and watches to color TVs. There are also food and drink stores on the top floor, and there is a small playground for children to play. You can eat, drink and shop for half a day.

Do you dare to provide super high-quality on-site and after-sales service!

The original profit for the year was all spent on salary and services.

Wherever he went, all his friends and businessmen died. During this period, Cheng Long was no longer in a hurry to go to Europa to film. He fully cooperated with Hong Yinbao and often gained public favor at every turn.

It also successively secured the buildings for nearly ten branches in Yau Ma Tei, Mong Kok, Kowloon Tong, Central, Western District, etc. Anyway, the loans were used to support the loans. Tycoon Fok eventually became a shareholder, and the decoration of each branch was also very fast and took off.

It is estimated that by July, they will be able to open one after another.

Both Li Chao and Yihe were in pain, but they had no choice but to hold on. For the sake of stock market value, they could not let Watsons and Wellcome close easily.

Everyone knows that it is one of the large cash cows of Hutchison Whampoa and Land. Once Hong Kong Island is closed, it will have a great impact on the confidence and morale of stock investors.

Li Zhiren has been sending generals to Amei's house these days just to buy 711 blood, Jardine... Jardine was originally not optimistic about the future of Hong Kong Island, and due to the impact of negotiations, the overall strength of the group has plummeted, so it will be canceled next year. Initially, Hong Kong Electric was sold to Mr. Li for about HK$3 billion, making Mr. Li the major shareholder of Hong Kong Electric and turning him into an energy tycoon.

In this case, being slashed again in advance would be very painful.

Yihe was in a state of disarray.

At the age of 20, Idol Li who dared to suppress most people in Hong Kong was beaten! !


At about the same time, Zhao Donghuai was receiving a call from Shao Yifu. After chatting with the tycoon on the phone for a while, he smiled and said, "Thank you, Shaosheng, I accept your kindness."

When Shao Daheng called, he took the initiative to say that Pepsi-Cola went to TVB to prepare for a large-scale advertising campaign at various time slots, and Coca-Cola also used various time slots to engage in advertising bombings.

Before this, Ma Chengkun had reminded him that Coke and Pepsi were about to start an advertising war. Not only Oriental Daily, but also Jin Yong's Mingpao had received many advertising contracts.

No one from Zhao Donghuai’s Kowloon Newspaper Group and ATV came to negotiate these matters.

Although no one has any evidence, on the surface Zhao Donghuai has nothing to do with Coca-Cola's Golden Harvest, which was released for eight days and grossed more than 10 million in box office.

But he is the biggest promoter of Jianlibao!

Coke's biggest competitor.

Regardless of whether it's Coke or Pepsi, if they want to start an advertising war, isn't it right not to spend money on their platforms? Judging from the beneficiary theory, it is normal reasoning to put the blame on Zhao Donghuai.

This is trying to do an old trick.

The boss and the second child go to war and kill other competitors?

After ending the call, Zhao Donghuai thought about it and called his sister's house. Over there, Zhao Qiang and a few bodyguards were still transporting paper. They all regarded this as a stable business. After all, paper is now waste. Zhao Donghuai doesn't want to settle in Hong Kong dollars, just RMB. .

Will the transferred RMB profits be used to film mainland TV series? ?

The more the merrier.

Now that Zhao Qiang is a young boy, he just leads the team and Zhao Donghuai gives him 200,000. Counting from the time he bought ATV, he has accumulated a lot until now.

"Aqiang, help me find someone named Bibi Buell, who is around 30 years old. She was once the cover girl of PlayBoy and one of the most famous girls in the rock circle. She is the kind of female Bodhisattva who is the only rock star famous for her sister. I haven't slept yet. If you pass her, it proves that fame is not enough and does not meet the standards.”

"Invite her to come to Hong Kong Island to shoot a commercial."

Of course it was for Coca-Cola and Pepsi commercials. Did she drink too much Coca-Cola and Pepsi to turn Bibi Bur into a female Buddha? Her daughter didn't know who her biological father was until she was 11 years old... Her daughter is also a future star, playing the elf princess in Lord of the Rings.

"By the way, look for more famous people in the rock circle, like Bebe Burr, and look for young and beautiful ones."

Drinking too much Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola makes you look like that? Simply!

The worst thing is that the media group will print more copies and let these endorsement ads co-produced by rock circle Guoer and Yutou Yun be plastered all over Hong Kong.

The newspaper hyped it up and popularized the brilliant achievements of those female bodhisattvas, which formed a fixed impression on the public. He did not believe that when Hong Kong Island girls wanted to drink Coke, their fathers and boyfriends were not in a hurry.

This commercial was shot by Ah Wei. Zeng Miewei’s movies are pretty good, so why talk about commercials?


New Art City.

When Zeng Miewei received a call from Zhao, Tycoon Zhao, who was almost at the height of his power in the film industry, asked him to do something. Is there something good he could do to benefit him?

Ah Wei felt as depressed as a fool, rubbed his face with a wry smile, and then he went out to drive.

He is already very good, at least in the drama "Crazy Coke", he is very hidden, unlike Da Rong who ran back to a small county in the mainland to avoid the limelight.

As for confronting Zhao Donghuai, stop making trouble. Hong Yinbao, who led him on the road to fame as Luo Han Guo in the Five Lucky Stars, is currently the most loyal public opinion tool under Zhao Sheng. It only takes a few words to offend Director Zhao and the Five Lucky Stars for not taking him to play.

This is just a serious business operation, isn't it? ? Pan Asia Group has been established. Do you know about 14 Dui Huang Langwei and Lian Le Deng Yurong?

While driving and walking, Ah Wei suddenly slapped his thigh again, "What if I think wrong and Zhao Sheng wants to reward me? It's not impossible."

When he arrived at Zhao's and respectfully asked his secretary A-Zhen to report, A-Zhen stood up and said with a smile, "Director Zeng, the boss has given orders, you can come in as soon as you come."

Zeng Mewei thanked him politely and knocked on the door. A moment later, sitting in the reception area of ​​the big office, Zhao Donghuai laughed and took out a check, "Awei, don't say I'm robbing you of your money. The box office share of Coca-Cola's drama has arrived. , Jiahe earned more than 13 million box office in less than ten days after its release."

"After paying taxes, Jiahe will share 50% of the channel money, and there are still more than 5 million. This belongs to you and Da Rong. Also, Li Guoxing bought the Southeast Asian distribution rights, and it was also a 5 million buyout. His contribution is not too much. It’s because I’m worried about being banned everywhere.”

Keke's box office is so strong, it's natural that the blockbuster hype has created a lot of buzz.

Zeng Mewwei suddenly straightened his back, his face flushed with excitement, "For us??"

Even the first Five Lucky Stars directed by Hong Yinbao didn’t have much money to get. How much do you think you can get from a Luo Han Guo? He also received no dividends or shares in Xinyi City, and was just a filming machine.

Last year, I helped Yong Sheng and the Xiang brothers film Bad Boys and Girls. We stopped working last year and it hasn't been released in theaters yet.

Is this more than 10 million?

Zhao Donghuai smiled and smoked, "You don't think I would be greedy for your little money, do you? You take the money, you can eat it yourself, or you can discuss with Da Rong how to divide it."

Ah Wei's waist softened with excitement and he wanted to kneel down. From Shao Yifu to Zou Wenhuai to Lei Juekun, there has never been such a grand boss.

After saying a lot of words of gratitude, Zeng Mieweicai smiled and said, "Zhao Sheng is willing to support us. If you have any instructions, just tell us..."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay, when a group of spokespersons fly from A-mei's house to Hong Kong Island, you can help me shoot some commercials. There must be posters, and the advertising MTV will also come."

"Like Coca-Cola, True Love Is Eternal, Pepsi-Cola, Dreams Come True, a new choice for young people, be sure to take beautiful pictures for me, and by the way, Yu Tou Yun and the others still have to wear good clothes, don't wear them if they are not photogenic. I don’t care, there must be no shortage of colorful newspapers and MTV.”

Zeng Miewei, "???!!!"

Sure enough, the initial hunch was correct. His talent is to compete with Keke and Pepsi? !

Zhao Donghuai praised, "The first batch of advertising models are Guo'er from the rock circle of Amei's family, the kind of fierce men who give to the world and wear Omi rock music. The second batch can be from the valley next door to Hollywood."

"I won't show up from beginning to end, you take care of everything."

Ah Wei spat out his saliva.

No wonder it’s you!

After looking at the more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars on the check, Ah Wei's mind started to heat up and he said, "Okay, no problem! I'll pay whatever Zhao Sheng points out."

Even if there is no box office or out-of-town distribution money after filming the commercial, he can still use Coca-Cola’s box office dividends to form a new crew to make a new movie, or just set up a leather company and use it to release it in theaters.

With Zhao Sheng's magnanimity in dividing accounts, it's easy to pick up money!

Wasn't the Crazy Coke drama produced by him in about ten days with Deng Yurong's full support? Is it more than 10 million? ?

The worst he could do was to be issued a wanted order or a fatwa by Coca-Cola and Pepsi, but he had many acquaintances in Wanwan Haojiang and the Hong Kong community, and Da Rong was not a decoration.

In late May 1984, a check came in for more than 10 million cents.

This is more chicken soup than any chicken blood in the world!


Two days later.

I was living a very happy life, watching the war of words and words between Ni Jiji and many emerging writers in the newspaper, and the citizens of Hong Kong Island watching the Black Man.

Suddenly, I found myself being bombarded with various advertising resources from Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola.

This bombing trend is extremely powerful and dense.

Almost everywhere you go you can hear and see messages about the two major colas, which has made many citizens a little tired of it. They have also been brainwashed and marketed by Jianlibao for a period of time.

Just when citizens don’t know how to vent this brainwashed trend.

Waking up to another new day, people just went out and suddenly found colorful newspapers scattered on the ground. There might even be... super eye-catching colorful newspapers posted on the tenement building.

Countless men's eyes lit up. This time, Yun Yun, who was wearing weird clothes, took the lead in the colorful newspaper, but there were no Huang Guangliang and Li Shauji. A Yun was holding a broad-minded blond man with a muscular body that could make people drool.

Yangma is doing the wildest pose, holding up a can of Coca-Cola and smiling brightly against the beautiful background. He is beautiful and has a good figure. The key is that he is a gentleman and is magnanimous. He is generous!

"Coca-Cola, love is with you!"

This is not the top dog like Bibi Buell. Bibi Buell is quite famous. Countless rock stars have tried to win the record of sleeping with her to prove that they are very popular.

Recruiting that kind of person is difficult and requires a process.

On the contrary, it would be easier for some pretty but poor Guo'er to hire more, ten thousand dollars to shoot an advertisement? Go, go, go! Go right now!

The rock scene in Amei’s family is so big, but it’s just a few beauties. Is it difficult? Where do you think all the beauties emerging in endless streams in the valley next to Hollywood come from?

Is it difficult to just shoot a few commercials with the great director Zeng Zeng’s ability?

While some people were staring blankly at the Coke ads posted on the wall or scattered on the floor, others picked up color newspaper pages to read...

Then he quickly discovered a new world, "Fuck, the Latina Sanba in this picture is so beautiful. She has a nosebleed. She is more beautiful than that blond pony. Are the ecstasy gangs attacking the ghost wife? No way..."

As they watched, a certain young man took the initiative to bend down, because this was a Latina female Buddha with a better figure, younger and more beautiful figure, which made healthy people unable to help but feel embarrassed. No matter how bad the fish head Yun or Huang Guangliang are on the poster, the benefits of the ghost sister-in-law and ghost girl's hair are so great!

Then the citizens started looting.

Who is giving out benefits early in the morning? Very good!

Is this illegal in Hong Kong Island? It’s hard to say, but there are magazines like Long Hu Pao in Hong Kong that make a lot of money. Hey, Long Hu Pao hasn’t opened yet?

That's okay. We can only say that these female Bodhisattvas are doing charity. It's hard to say what kind of laws they have violated.

They were criticized for not signing an agreement with Coca-Cola, so it was quite shameless to shoot such a promotional advertisement.

As time passes.

At night...many citizens suddenly looked forward to the new day, and some stayed by their windows looking downstairs in the middle of the night.

Waiting until two or three o'clock, someone saw a motorcycle-riding gangster, fully armed and covering himself, throwing colored pages casually on the street. It was already two or three o'clock. In a short period of time, there were more than two or three people in any tenement building. People came out to pick up the goods.

The new arrivals did not disappoint!

Just like there are many male teachers in the story of Several Ts, the audience will automatically block them and only appreciate those talented female teachers.


In Happy Valley, Matt, who had just fallen asleep, woke up when he received a phone call. He looked at the color newspaper pages collected by some of his subordinates. He was so angry that he smashed them around, breaking a lot of furniture. "Wang Defake? Sanofibichi ?”

"Where are the police? Are there still laws of heaven? Are there still laws of the king?"

"I haven't caught anyone behind the scenes of that smear show? Damn it, now this happens again..."

"Just do it and you guys will find someone for me right away, arrange a team, and film Jianlibao movies, commercials, etc. for me!"

There is no need to doubt that it must be the bad guy in the mall who suppressed Mr. Li and Yihe and was so shameless. The other guy was so shameless and shameless when he brought strong beer to fight San Miguel.

He still doesn’t know who the beauties endorsed by Coca-Cola in these color newspapers are, so what? Once the delicious image and color are tied together, is it still an ecstasy?

He can step down!

Isn't it just making trouble? Coca-Cola acquired Columbia Film Group, one of the largest Hollywood companies, in 1982.

Although even Coke is a little bit unable to play in Hollywood after taking over Columbia, and will sell it to an island guy in a few years, but is it difficult to form a team to make a Black Jianlibao movie? Worrying about advertisements and the like is even more trivial.

There is no need to go to the Hollywood team. Where can’t we film in Hong Kong Island? Matt is the president of Coca-Cola Greater China.

It had only been light for half an hour.

Matt met Xiang Laoshi and Xiang Shisan in his villa. When he explained the situation while smoking a cigar, the Xiang brothers looked at each other.


On the surface, it was a serious and normal discussion, and he also said that he would consider it. After leaving Matt's villa, Xiang Laoshi couldn't help but said, "This can't be done. Lian Le Da Rong, who was still competing with us for a film appointment with Ah Fa, hid in Which ravine did you go to?"

"Based on the current situation, what happened to Huang Langwei in 14 piles? He ran out to help San Miguel Beer for no reason, and he ran away afterwards and there is no news yet. What if we dare to help Coca-Cola??"

In the current Xiang family, the eldest brother, A Yan, is the leader of Xinji. Xiang Laos 10 and 13 are making money outside with the support of Xinji banner. They are temporary and have little impact on the society.

The Xiang family didn't dare to take the initiative to provoke a ruthless person like Zhao Donghuai. The other party could compete with Li Chao. He beat Li Chao in the supermarket and became friends with Huo Daheng.

Not to mention other things, only Zhao Sheng's 200 to 300 elite men were ordinary enough to defeat the Tiger of Sharp East, Axe Jun, in a sneak attack. Even the Xiang family's chief helmsman could not withstand a surprise attack.

If you spend money to mess with the Xiang family, things will be even more embarrassing.

Xiang Shisan nodded repeatedly, "Deal with the ghost guy first, and then go ask Mr. Zhao for information, so that we won't get involved in some strange incident one day."

Isn't it hard for Deng Yurong to have a good time in Hong Kong Island, where he eats and drinks well, has fun, eats hot pot, sings songs, and climbs mountains and ridges with a beautiful girl in his arms?

Suddenly, I ran away to a mountainous county in eastern Guangdong to escape the limelight.

Since the Deng Yurong incident, they no longer dare to go to Ah Fa to talk about filming.


About the same time.

Zhao Donghuai had just gotten up and planned to go out for some exercise when he saw Qiu Shuzhen running downstairs with a morning newspaper, "Boss, someone scolded you. The man named Ni started scolding you in the Daily Daily, saying you were shameless and obscene..."

Director Zhao was shocked, his surname was Ni?

Is he the first talented man to be swept down? With such a grievance, the manuscript fee standard of 500 words per thousand words was taken back to 100 words per thousand words, and the manuscript had to be reviewed and revised... This is also the cause and effect of ruining people's financial paths.

When he took the newspaper and took a look, it was true that after Ni Jiang was rejected by Oriental Daily and his contract was terminated, he went to Tiantian Daily and opened a column. In recent days, all Hong Kong citizens were suddenly able to receive welfare benefits. .

Anyway, he is still a bit crooked, criticizing this welfare strategy is crazy and has no bottom line and moral integrity as a human being. He has no conscience and no bottom line in smearing Coke and Pepsi in order to get rich.

Of course, it was impossible for Ni Jiang to mention Zhao Donghuai by name in the newspaper. Under the guidance of the lawyer, various vague information and temptations pointed the culprit and the mastermind behind the advertising war incident at Mr. Zhao.

When Qiu Shuzhen handed over another basket of shrimp dumplings and tea in a glass bottle, he ate while looking at them.

After another period of time, after running a few laps in the community and receiving the towels and mineral water from A-Zhen, he said to A-Guang, "How do you deal with the matter of Ni? I am such a good person. Legal businessman, great philanthropist..."

A Guang was shocked, "Huh? Let me think about it... By the way, two people from the Xinji Xiang family came to visit you."

Director Zhao was slightly surprised.


Ah Wei, who had had breakfast, had just arrived in Xinyi City and was sitting in his office when he received a call. He was originally shocked that someone dared to scold Zhao Sheng in the newspaper.

After the phone call ended, Ah Wei felt...

He immediately packed up and went out to meet his distinguished guests. Xiang Laoshi and Xiang Shisan were his distinguished guests.

When he arrived at a private room in a nearby teahouse and met the two of them, Ah Wei hurriedly said hello politely. Xiang Laoshi didn't want to be polite to him. He smoked and sat down, sipping his morning tea and saying, "A Wei, what do you think about the Fengyue Film Market?" Sample?"

Ah Wei suddenly realized that he, a great director, was being dragged into filming that thing again? It seems that it is really difficult to mix in society.

But if he makes a movie with the Xiang brothers, the other party won't cheat him too much. His father also worked with Lu Le back then, and Lu Le and the Xiang family's new record? ?


"I've never filmed that thing, but it does make money after doing it. Brother Shi, why do you suddenly think of making romantic films?"

Xiang Shisan laughed and said, "It's making money. I couldn't make any money from regular movies before. I made a bad movie and offended Zou Sheng, so it was blocked from being released. Zou Sheng wanted a little more share... "

"Let's make a few romantic movies to test the waters first?"

Zeng Mewei nodded, "That's okay, who can we choose to be the protagonist?"

Xiang Shisan smiled brightly, "What do you think of Ni Sheng? If he writes a script, if he signs a contract, even if he plays a small role, he can be announced as the starring role, just like Zhang Guorong did back then..."

Zeng Mewei was shocked, shocked, and looked at Brother Thirteen in surprise, that old man? Is it time to be removed from the Talented cast after filming?

However, Fengyue is very profitable. He can make money by filming under a pseudonym. It makes sense. With Zhao Sheng’s influence, Deng Yurong and him contributed money and effort to the crew, and Jiahe was released. Mr. Zhao was just a money-seeker. Want to pay.

If the new film is finished, the revenue will be worth looking forward to.

Ah Wei's moral integrity is already very low.

Under the temptation of huge wealth, he decided to play this show well.

Bah, bah, bah, the Xiang family's film company has been running for many years, but it just hasn't improved. The tenth brother asked Ni Sheng to be the male lead. He, A Wei, directed it. What does it have to do with Zhao Sheng?

"Shall I invite you?"

Xiang Shisan took a sip of tea and said, "First, we can cheat him into getting the contract. We can pretend to ask him to write the script at a high price, and then we can cheat him and then make some changes. Once we get the script and the film contract, isn't this what we have to say? The remuneration and so on. Delay him for ten or eight years."

Throughout the history of Hong Kong Island in the 1980s and 1990s.

Superstars such as Zhou Runfa, Liu Dehua, Mei Yanfang, etc. have all been cheated many times. Ni Sheng is nothing. Gu Long was chopped down when Wanwan was hospitalized. It was also related to the big brother of the club.

Moreover, the Xiang family has received some rumors. Some people hope that there will be dynamic groups in society. The more dynamic the better.

So how can it be considered energetic?

Ah Wei nodded happily, "Okay, then I'll send him a film contract right away. His royalties are plummeting. I'm not afraid that he won't come or cooperate. Once the filming is done, he will indeed make a lot of money."

"After all, Ni Sheng doesn't want his son to be the male lead in a romantic movie."

Speaking of this, he laughed naively and said, "The one (Crazy Coke) that Brother Da Rong filmed was released in Jiahe until the end, and received more than 10 million in box office dividends and out-of-town buyout fees. Brother Da Rong directly gave me 2 million .”

"But that movie cost less than one million from start to finish. It was just a beautiful actress hired from Brother Jun's place. It cost me a lot of money and experience."

Xiang Laoshi looked moved and patted Ah Wei on the shoulder, "As long as we really make that much money, our brothers will not be stingy than Darong."

Damn it, Da Rong is already running away and squatting in a ravine, how can he still pick up so much money quickly? This is money. Xiang Laoshi has loved money all his life, more than he loves beautiful girls.

Da Rong went to Tsim Sha Tsui East to find beauties, and he had to spend money to make trouble, but it was much easier for them to hire someone.

After the surprise, Xiang Laoshi lit a cigarette and said, "Well, Ah Wei, you have to worry too. Things have been settled. If someone named Ni scolds you, Ah Wei is inhumane. It doesn't matter to him. It's hard to say to Ming Bao."

Zeng Miewei laughed, "I, Luo Hanguo, am so stupid, how could I do such a thing? He will film various movies in the future, which has nothing to do with me."

Ah Wei did a great job filming the Coca-Cola scene in the upper part. After all, all the money was spent. The dancers at the nightclub are the most beautiful and have the best figures. They are so useless.

As for being resented by Ni Sheng or other talented people in the future, it doesn't matter. After all, he is working for the Xiang family.


In the Ni family, not only Ni Jiang was present, but Huang Zhan was also there. Old Huang was drinking a bottle of beer and said with a speechless face, "You dare to start a war with that person? Do you want to die? Say nothing else. In one year, you have gone from being unknown to becoming a famous person." The most powerful movie tycoon."

"Even Zou Sheng and Lei Sheng were suppressed by him, but they could still fight against Li Chaoren in the mall and win!"

"Even if you are angry that he has attracted too many mainland writers and intensified competition among authors, you can still..."

Ni Jiang waved his hands carelessly, "Don't worry, I am paid to cheer for Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. They will protect my safety. As long as nothing happens to me, what can he do? Continue to smear me in the newspaper?"

"Then my reputation will be great."

"Fuck, I have been squeezed out by competition for no reason. Now all the major newspapers and magazines have to review and approve my manuscripts even though they only have a thousand words and a hundred words. I just don't need my reputation. Is it so worthless?"

"Under the protection of Coca-Cola, no one can touch me!"

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