Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 114 Hundreds of families beat up the 711 convenience store

On July 16, Zhao Donghuai appeared outside a 711 convenience store on Broadcasting Road in Kowloon Tong early in the morning. Looking at the scene of people coming and going in the store, Director Zhao showed a fatherly smile on his lips.

I have accumulated more than 200 million from car glass and fine clothes chasing girls. I want to spend it on how to spend it.

For example, after the general chain Chaogan eliminated Li Chaoren and Yihe, how about he continued to get involved in the 24-hour convenience store market in small communities?

Didn’t Mr. Li just buy a 711? Then there are new convenience stores built next door to the 711, or across the street.

Convenience stores are also a powerful tool for retail terminals such as strong beer, Jianlibao, instant noodles, mineral water, lighters, etc.

To do this, we don’t need to follow the Fat Donglai model, we just have a serious 24-hour convenience store chain 711 type of operation model.

As for how to compete with 711?

Isn’t that simple? Just say that Wanjia stores will give priority to Director Zhao’s convenience store employees when recruiting workers... Then those in the 711 system will also have to change jobs.

Although large-scale comprehensive supermarkets and convenience stores have different coverage, they are both retail services.

Isn’t it reasonable for Wanjia Supermarket to give priority to recruiting employees with retail experience?

This is a small trick.

The big operation is Octopus!

The Octopus on Hong Kong Island is also a famous electronic currency. Octopus is the card-swiping version of Alipay and VX payment.

You can swipe your Octopus when taking trains, subways, shopping in stores, vending machines, etc.

Originally this was only launched in 1997. If Zhao Donghuai introduced this concept in advance, Wanjia comprehensive supermarkets and the new Zhao convenience store system could use Octopus cards to deposit money and check out.

The 711 who copied people couldn't get in...

It doesn't matter at first, but as time goes by, shopping consumers will gradually abandon 711 in all aspects.

What are the advantages of electronic payments over monetary payments? Everyone knows that starting from the mid-2010s, banknotes will almost be eliminated.

As for whether he is developing Octopus now and wants to tie it up with Wanjia retail and convenience stores, what about the technology? Technology is not a difficulty. Octopus is just like credit card consumption. All you need is a computer, a card and a card reader.

However, a credit card is for overdraft consumption, and an Octopus is a membership card for top-up consumption.

Everyone in the 21st century knows what a membership card is. It’s hard to get a membership card without trying to trick you into recharging it, not to mention various other stores.

As long as Wanjia sticks to the bottom line of the membership card and doesn't deceive the public like it will in the future, everyone will like it. After all, in retail, you buy a can of soda and change money, and there are situations where you receive bad money, fake money, lost money, etc...

As long as you ask Hua Xia Bank to get this kind of card, there will be no problem.

I heard that Mr. Li spent a lot of money to buy 711 in order to prevent Hutchison Whampoa's stock price from falling too much after it lost Watsons and Parknshop's local retail market.

He was brutally stabbed by the ghost guy from Amei's family.

Originally, Amei's Southern Company had to go bankrupt due to the failure of diversified expansion in 1987 and the impact of the global stock market crash in 1987. The island company took a huge advantage and snatched away the 711. Now it is far away from the global stock market crash in 1987. .

Amei Southern Company is developing rapidly.

If someone wants to buy a 711, won't they have to be brutally slaughtered and bled by the ghost guy?

But once the new convenience store system conceived by Zhao Donghuai expands and uses various tricks to trap 711, Li Zhiren will have to vomit a lot of blood!

Also, in order to maintain the charity operation model of Wanjia Supermarket, Zhao Donghuai has to control the quantity of products that do not charge channel fees.

There is no impact if there are less than 10 species, and if there are more than 10 species, it is an anthill, and the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by the anthill.

But when a convenience store is opened, it is not a charity operation, so it doesn't matter. All kinds of daily sales and fast-selling products are displayed casually, even if Coca-Cola is not put on the shelves, there is no problem!

He makes the carbonated drink Jianlibao, but does not put it on the shelves of Coke and Pepsi...

He makes strong beers and does not put Carlsberg, Budweiser, Blue Girl, etc. on the shelves.

Of course, if Keke pays a few percent more in channel fees, it’s not impossible to put it on the shelves, as long as the quantity is smaller.

"It's such a happy decision, Lao Wang, keep an eye on the 711 chain system, open a store next to them, buy or rent, and open it all over Hong Kong as soon as possible."

After smiling kindly for a few seconds, Director Zhao looked at the newly hired professional manager Lao Wang, who had the same nature as Wanjia Lao Liu.

Lao Wang nodded respectfully, "No problem, Zhao Sheng, as long as he hopes to join the management of Wanjia in the future, hehe, Mr. Li will also work for him."

Following Lao Wang's words, Zhao Donghuai waved his hands grandly, "Now thousands of supermarkets in various regions are being renovated. Once you have completed the convenience store chain, you can go and become the manager of the first district supermarket at any time."

"Or at a higher level!"

He is the largest shareholder of Wanjia. As long as it does not affect the interests of the large group of grassroots employees and shopping citizens, changing the management is just a matter of words.

Mr. Yu from Fat Donglai even divided the profits among the management and employees, but Director Zhao's Wanjia did not divide the shares.

Lao Wang was so excited that his waist straightened up even more, "Well, Mr. Zhao, what's the name of our convenience store?"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, nodded and said, "It is also a retail store serving the public, so let's call it Baijia Surname."

With more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars in capital, it is not certain how much of the store can be purchased, but if buying and renting are carried out at the same time, it will be possible.


On the 17th, as soon as Mr. Li walked to the restaurant to eat, he saw a figure hurried in under the leadership of a maid.

That was his general, Huo Jianning. After recruiting Xiao Huo in 1979, he was entrusted with an important task. He is now the executive director of Hutchison Whampoa.

"Aning? What happened?"

Seeing Xiao Huo's serious expression, he knew something was wrong, but the policeman kept calm and spoke. Xiao Huo came over and said, "Yesterday, a group of people appeared near many 711 convenience stores, renting and buying goods next door or opposite. Shop.”

"The store they rent and buy is similar to 711."

"The leader is Wang Zhongqi, the former manager of Watsons Supermarket in Wong Tai Sin. Most of the people who help him are people from Watsons and PARKnSHOP Wong Tai Sin branch."

Li Chao's face darkened, "Push on the street, and even our convenience store will kill the guy named Zhao?"

If you buy a small cash pig like 711 from a prosperous diversified group, and wait for it to go bankrupt before buying it, the price is really different!

711 has developed in many countries.

Some people are buying or renting stores near 711 branches in large quantities, and they may have nothing to do with convenience store retail. What if they want to open a store like McDonald's?

But if the managers who were originally affiliated with the Watsons Group lead Watsons and PARKnSHOP employees to confront 711 like this, do they need to think too much?

Huo Jianning said solemnly, "Is it still a charity operation? If we do that, we will all die."

Mr. Li lit a cigar with a dark face and puffed for a few puffs before waving his hand, "Go and find out, has Huo Sheng bought shares? Have Cheng Long, Hong Yinbao and the other primary school students bought shares?"

"They are all doing charity business, and we are going to be tricked again!"

"If those aren't there, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Normal competition, we are not afraid of our opponents!"

Xiao Huosheng nodded and suggested, "The 711 convenience store is small and the renovation progress will be very fast, many times faster than a comprehensive store like Wanjia. His Wanjia has only opened a few stores so far, but this... …”

“It’s not unusual for dozens of stores to open within a week.”

"They also have no shortage of professionals. As long as they make one move, such as giving priority to recruiting convenience store employees when Wanjia opens in the future, all outstanding employees from Watsons, Parknshop, and Wellcome will rush to enter the convenience store system."

It's like wherever Wanjia goes, the Watsons and Wellcomes there will collectively switch jobs without being able to stop them.

All qualified, outstanding and even outstanding employees were trained by Li Chao and Yihe with the help of each other!

Mr. Li glanced at the dining table and said, "Let's go to the company!"

He stopped eating, he was so angry that he couldn't eat anymore!

It's very questionable.

He just spent a lot of money to buy 711. How can you create a brand from scratch and make 711 look like a natural enemy?

If he had just taken over, the 711 Group would have started to collapse.

That would look great!

Indeed, the collapse of Hong Kong Island’s home port actually did not have a great impact on the 711 Group, as there are many branches in various countries around the world.

But how will Hong Kong Island investors view Hutchison Whampoa’s stock market problems?

He bought 711 to replenish investor confidence after Hutchison Whampoa lost Watsons, and naturally he also planned to integrate 711 into Hutchison Whampoa.

If it collapses as soon as it integrates, then how can we talk about the confidence of local investors?

It's very strange, the guy named Zhao is addicted to bullying him, right?

Little did he know that this was just Zhao Donghuai's extra cash. He didn't know how to spend it for a while, so he just thought about it and threw it into Wanjia Supermarket's peripheral system.


At the same time, Director Zhao after a night of fitness.

He arrived at the Hua Xia Bank Hong Kong Building neatly dressed at 8 o'clock in the morning. After meeting with the relevant person in charge, he put forward his idea.

As for the Octopus membership card, start with the retail terminal.

Use one card for shopping, recharge, and operate consumption deductions on the reader interface.

After talking about this, the person in charge quickly said that this is not difficult...a bank card or credit card type thing.

Banks around the world have been playing this game for many years, but in the new era, many computer systems are required to cooperate.

Zhao Donghuai's best choice for cooperation is not Hua Xia Bank. If he goes to HSBC, Island Country, Amei's Bank, etc., he can get stronger and more advanced technical support, but here he is.

A person in charge of the bank happily said that after completing this, he would send a team to help him stabilize the technology and security measures in an all-round way.

Everyone understands it, judging from the intensity of foreign exchange earning in the Mainland driven by Zhao Sheng.

He is now the handsome boy that the mysterious power cares about the most!

After being polite, Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "If I want to import some tobacco from the mainland and sell it at my retail terminal, who is the easiest person to contact?"

"It's not a cooperation model like Jianlibao and Strong Beer. It's like if Tsingtao Beer is shipped here, how can we have cooperation like Watsons, Parknshop Supermarket, and 711."

"I only charge normal channel fees."

"Not only tobacco, but also Tsingtao Beer, Tianfu Cola, Arctic Ocean, Huayang Soda, and condiments, condiments, sauces, melon seeds and peanuts, vacuum-packed vegetarian pickled mustard, salted duck eggs and so on."

"If you want to put these on the shelves, just ship them like Tsingtao Beer did in 1978. The specific retail price will be calculated according to the market."

"The difference is that my star cast will not endorse these products. The contracts they signed with my group have non-competition agreements."

"Also, I can't ask for too many things. Maybe there are only one or two in each industry. If there are more, it will squeeze out Chinese-related industries on Hong Kong Island and cause some protests. But one or two in one industry doesn't matter."

The look in the bank manager's eyes suddenly lit up a lot.

The various department store suppliers in Wanjia Supermarket do not pay much attention to the mainland industry, except for the categories that cannot be provided on Hong Kong Island and can only be supplied by the mainland.

If you take too much care, countless cheap and cheap fast-moving products will swarm in, which will squeeze out many beggars in the industry in Hong Kong. That is not a charity for Wanjia to give back to Macro.

Li Chaoren operated casually, and Yihe boosted the wave.

Wanjia suffered from bleeding.

Among the suppliers available on Hong Kong Island, Wanjia still chooses similar suppliers to Watsons, Wellcome, and PARKnSHOP.

But the new convenience store is different.

It can be operated to attract more mainland brands, which is a win-win situation. If a type of retail department store enters one or two mainland brands, the impact will not be significant.

Under his words, the person in charge of the bank smiled so brightly, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I will discuss and contact you to make sure everything is in order."

From beer, soda, cigarettes to seeds, peanuts, pickled mustard, condiments...

If mainland brands can be found in convenience stores all over Hong Kong, how can they earn foreign exchange? Even if the foreign exchange earning intensity is impossible to compare with Strong Beer and Jianlibao, even if it compresses sales by twenty levels.

It’s also explosive!

In eastern Guangdong, two drinks have generated more than 70 million U.S. dollars in foreign exchange in three or four months, just for drinks.

So what if it is compressed to one twentieth?

Even if it is reduced to one-fiftieth, there are so many types that can be contacted, which is still a huge amount of foreign exchange earnings.

After Zhao Donghuai left, a certain person in charge of the bank was jogging to do something.


Broadcasting Road to a residential area.

When Li Zhi found the address mentioned by Guan Jiahui according to the building number and door number, as soon as he walked to the door, he saw the door behind him opened and two stern-tempered women came out. One of them said, "Who are you looking for?"

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment and pointed to Zhao Donghuai's room, "Sister Jiahui called me here, who are you?"

One of the two women quickly returned to the house and made a phone call.

After a while, when Guan Jiahui opened the door and took Li Zhi in, Azhi asked in surprise, "Who's on the other side?"

Guan Jiahui yawned and rubbed her waist, "Bodyguard, you also know that although celebrities are beautiful, it is also troublesome for their fans to become fanatical."

"Brother Huai has bought several floors of this building, including staff dormitories and bodyguard dormitories."

"By the way, can you make Chinese medicine?"

Li Zhi immediately said, "I can learn!"

Guan Jiahui was able to spot her, a little transparent person, in the middle of a huge crowd. This was the biggest opportunity for her, so of course she had to seize it.

Who is she? When I was seven years old, due to family problems, I wandered from Chang'an to Yangcheng alone, traveling by car.

She said back then that a little girl like her could easily get extra attention from her uncles and aunts as long as she had a sweet mouth.

Guan Jiahui was immediately overjoyed, "Great, come and help us get it done. Ah Qing and I are almost dying of worry. It's so difficult."

"These are the best formulas from the mainland, which are good for nourishing the kidneys."

Li Zhi, "..."

Tonify the kidneys? Um? ?

She didn't understand. Who needs kidney replenishment at such a young age?

Then she watched Guan Jiahui rubbing her waist and walking towards the kitchen. When she followed, she passed a bedroom and saw the mess all over the floor through the half-open door quite far away.

There was also snoring inside, not too loud or too small.

She couldn't help but wonder, "Inside?"

Guan Jiahui didn't even look back, "Ah Qing, don't even think about waking up until three o'clock in the afternoon."

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Sister Jiahui, your waist was sprained while filming? I know some massage, how about I help you massage it?"

Guan Jiahui was straightforward, "How can a salty fish like me get hurt? I'm not like Sister Hu who is desperate for action. I have a kidney deficiency!"

"Only medicine can cure it."

Li Zhi, "????"

She has occasionally seen or received information about middle-aged men frequently suffering from kidney deficiency, but Guan Jiahui, a 22-year-old pretty girl, who are you trying to scare?

Guan Jiahui walked to the kitchen and introduced to Li Zhi the Chinese decoction recipe and a bunch of medicinal ingredients, then she curled her lips and said to Li Zhi, "If you are often contradicted, even if you escape death five or six times a day, you will be weak."

Li Zhi, "!!!"

Sister Guan, are you saying that Zhao Sheng is capable of domestic violence?

Although some female drivers are said to drive very hard, some things are too exaggerated, are they really? She didn't believe it.

Guan Jiahui yawned again, "I'm almost exhausted. Just read the instructions. The instructions are very easy to understand. Even a scumbag like me can understand...I'm going to take a nap."

After saying that, she rubbed her waist and left.

Li Zhi stood there and began to doubt life.

She is 23 years old and has been studying at Amei's house for a year. Do you think she knows nothing about friendship issues between men and women?

Forget it, let's boil the Chinese medicine according to the instructions first. After she grabbed the instructions and read them casually, she found that it was very easy to understand.

There are specific time instructions above. For example, if you start from 0 minutes, no matter which hour it is, zero minutes, zero to five seconds, wait a few minutes or tens of seconds, which medicine is given, and how long after that, which medicine is given, it is basically accurate. seconds.

Also, all medicinal ingredients are packaged in small packets, accurate to the gram.

As for other tumbling and stirring, there are also guidelines that are accurate to a few seconds.

It is also specifically stated that it is a tonic decoction for women, and it is not the same prescription as a tonic for men.

"It's 9:37 now, forget it, I'll start work again at ten o'clock sharp."

While he was preparing carefully, Li Zhi looked at it with a focused look. From under some small packets of medicinal materials, he pulled out a pair of dirty stockings... black ones with long red lines.

She understood and was shocked again!

threw? Or washed?

This is not her home. In order to please Kwan Jiahui, all she can do is wash her hands. Don't think there is no benefit in trying to please Kwan Jiahui. If it's not Jiahui, how can she have the chance to sign into Zhao's Pictures?

After signing the contract, A-Mei can easily earn tens of thousands of dollars by getting two boxes of signed posters, records, etc. How much is that? An income of more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars!

Before studying abroad, I worked as a salesperson, and after studying abroad I had to do part-time jobs as part of a work-study program.

She didn't talk about becoming a star in the future. Whether her stardom would go smoothly or not, was she swaying between the weight of Kwan Jiahui's words that could make the difference between life and death? How many people would have spent so much time saving $10,000 in 1984?

But tidying up and tidying up the house was something she was good at.


July 21.

Zhao Donghuai received a report at the Film Industry Building that the rough cut of John Wick 1 had been completed and would be streamlined after he went to watch the finished product. Director Zhao was very happy.

It's the 21st, and the upgraded hardcover version of "Chasing Girls" has been released for half a month. As expected, it has made 20 million at the box office, and it can save more by the end of the month.

"The Flying Tiger", which landed in North America on the 5th, grossed 14.6 million U.S. dollars in its first weekend. The next week, Zhang Guorong held two concerts again, achieving a chorus of tens of thousands of people, and cooperated with Warner's promotion, making 16.2 million U.S. dollars.

Tomorrow will be the end of the third week. Even though it only accumulated 7 million box office before, now it is the most important weekend, and the box office trend...it is certain to surpass Hurricane Rescue 1.

Hurricane 1 took 60 million knives, will the lonely tiger surpass him again? Super money-making power!

Amei's explosion, the exciting Hua Tsai version and Zhou Huimin's strong beer and Jianlibao have become popular in Asia.

Everything is booming.

Zhao Donghuai quickly walked to the editing room.


A certain street in Shatin, Hong Kong Island.

After Qi Meizhen simply decorated herself, she went downstairs to buy breakfast. She walked all the way to the nearby 711 convenience store. She originally planned to buy some bread and milk and then take the bus to TVB TV City.

But the closed 711 obviously stunned Azhen. Isn't this a 24-hour convenience store? Why is it closed?

At this moment, a familiar voice came from across the street, "Azhen, come here."

Qi Meizhen turned around and laughed, "Wow, Brother Xing, don't you like living in a rented house in Kowloon Tong? Why do you have time to go back to your hometown?"

While crossing the road while chatting and joking, it was also at this time that she discovered that behind Xingzai was a new store with a sign that looked like an elegant mountain ink painting, with the three characters of the surname Baijia prominently displayed.

Looking inside through the open door, it is the same convenience store as 711.

Ah Zhen asked confused, "New convenience store?"

Xingzai smiled and nodded, "Yes, Zhao Sheng's new industry is the same as 711. Of course we have to call on the neighbors to visit Baijia Sing more often."

Qi Meizhen's eyes lit up, yes, as a person in the entertainment industry, if you don't find more opportunities to show your favor to Zhao Sheng, then why are you still in the entertainment industry?

"As long as the service, price, and quality are the same as those of 711, of course I call on the whole family to visit Baijia Xing more often, and let the neighbors support me more..."

As she talked, she walked in excitedly. When she saw the cashier, Qi Meizhen was stunned, "Brother Xing? What's wrong with you?"

Isn't this the cashier at the 711 convenience store she often visits?

As soon as the co-author Zhao Sheng opened his business, the people across the street collectively changed jobs?

Xing Gecan smiled and nodded, "Azhen, are you still bread and milk? Basically, the corresponding positions are the same. You can get them yourself. I am doing well here. When the Wanjia Supermarket in Shatin officially opens one day, I will be given priority to enter. Wanjia."

"Wow, if I went to Wanjia, wouldn't my salary, benefits, etc. be more prestigious than a big star like you?"

"You should all envy me by then."

Qi Meizhen quickly found what she wanted in the daily fast-moving consumer goods department store. When she came to check out, she asked curiously, "Then your boss is not angry?"

After 711 entered Hong Kong Island, in addition to building its own convenience stores, it also recruited convenience store franchise models, which are local ordinary convenience stores. They pay a brand fee, decorate and renovate according to the instructions of the 711 Group, and sell goods uniformly.

The 711 opposite is the franchise store.

Ah Xing smiled brightly, "I don't care what his boss does. Anyway, I changed jobs. Many people changed jobs with me, haha. They all came here with the intention of entering Shatin Wanjia Supermarket."

After a brief chat, Qi Meizhen walked out of the street and said to Xingzi, "You came back just to build momentum for Baijiasuring?"

Xingzi was speechless, "I don't have any ability to build momentum. I just shout more and call on the neighbors. Zhao Sheng asked me to be a supporting role in the new drama. Is it still decent? Isn't it right for me to do something?"

At this point, he smiled and said, "Hey, a lot of TVB extras, even students from ATV training classes, supporting actors, etc., are starting to promote it."

"Today, 30 Baijia convenience stores have opened in Hong Kong, and there will be more in the future. It won't be long before they are all over Hong Kong."

"If I perform well, it would be nice to arrange a supporting role for me next time Zhao Sheng thinks of me."

Not only Xingzai's idea, but also Qi Meizhen's heart was moved when she heard it.

There are too many examples of superstars who were praised by Zhao Donghuai and made money as if they were picking up money!

Xingzai looked at her up and down again and suddenly said, "Did you really break up with A Miao?"

When I met the TVB Five before, as a children's program host, I would definitely call him brother, but now that Xingzai has the qualifications to be an important supporting actor in blockbusters in the film industry, it doesn't matter if he is called Ah Miao.

The other TVB Tigers who participated in Zhao Sheng's movies were all minor actors.

Qi Meizhen rolled her eyes and didn't bother to talk to him. As everyone in the future will know, Qi Meizhen and Miao Qiaoweimeng saw that they had been together since 1982, and they had been in love all their lives.

In fact, the two broke up in 1984. Ah Miao and Mei Yanfang stayed together for a while, and Qi Meizhen also found a boyfriend outside the industry again.

Then they separated, then rekindled their old relationship, got married, quit the industry, and then came back.

Xingzi waved his hands hurriedly, "I don't mean anything else. I just think that with your face and body, without a boyfriend, scandals will not affect your popularity. If you are lucky enough to join Zhao's girl group, you will become famous, and then you will You can protect my neighbor."

Ah Zhen angrily grabbed the bread and smashed it, while Xing Zai ran away with a strange smile.


About the same time.

There are 30 "Hundred Family Surnames" convenience stores all over Hong Kong. As long as there are ATV or TVB stars or actors nearby, there are many promoters like Xingzi who spontaneously promote and bring their own dry food.

The war starts on the 16th, and 30 stores can open in just five days?

Too normal.

Convenience store decoration is too simple and easy. Just call suppliers and suppliers from thousands of supermarkets and make them one by one to purchase goods.

They were originally going to supply goods to 711, but now they just want to bring more goods. After delivering the goods, they can walk a few steps to 711, or walk across the street to sell another batch of goods.

Is it difficult?

How I sent it to 711 in the past is how I send it to Baijiazing now.

Even the various goods selected from the mainland were all delivered yesterday and were listed on the 24-hour sales section of the Baijia Surname chain.


On the afternoon of the 21st, in the Changshi office, Mr. Li listened to Xiao Huo’s report with a sullen face. He poached the surnames of 30 711 salespersons, cashiers and other employees since the opening of the business.

Although there are no other big actions, groups of celebrities and actors, from ATV to TVB, including some training classes, are calling on neighbors to visit Baijiasuring in various places or communities.

As a result, even if qualified or excellent retail teams are transferred from other places and those stores are reopened, 711's retail performance for most of the day is still far worse than Baijia Xing.

Li Zhiren wanted to curse.

The thing about star power is that if a tenement building fills half a street or a large community, a star will be regarded as a celebrity in the neighborhood even if he often plays a small role.

Not to mention the big red ones.

Let’s talk about Qi Meizhen, that’s the 84 version of the proud Yue Lingshan! Originally this version was starring Fa Ge, but Fa Ge's star path changed so much that the TV show was turned into a movie.

This version of Swordsman stars Liang Chaowei as Linghu Chong and Chen Xiuzhu as Ren Yingying.

The filming was pretty good, and Qi Meizhen also became famous in Hong Kong for a while. Her appeal in a certain community in Sha Tin is even greater than that of Xing Zai.

The popularity of TV series is sometimes even stronger than that of movies.

Even if she is living with a monthly salary of more than 1,000 yuan and is still in love, it is not difficult for hundreds of people to overwhelm 711 within a certain period of time if she calls for help in Shatin.

This is true in a certain community in Sha Tin, but in other places? ?

"We can't move ATV. Call Shao Yifu. I want to see this sixth uncle."

Shao Yifu is 21 years older than him, so it doesn't matter if he calls him Uncle Six. He wants to put a stop to this unhealthy trend in TVB!

Then Li Chaoren met Shao Yifu at dinner. After the two parties were polite, Li Chaoren served tea and asked TVB's star actors and actors not to bring their own dry food to help Zhao Donghuai promote Baijiasurname?

Shao Yifu took a sip of tea awkwardly and said, "Li Sheng, it's not that I won't help you, it's just that I can't do it."

"Zhao Sheng has become famous for so many people, some of whom have gone international. The money he earns can easily help actors achieve class leaps. The actors promote themselves like this, just doing things with a glimmer of hope and dream."

"If I speak out, TVB will make people's hearts turbulent. I can't suppress this turmoil."

Look at Zhou Runfa, Wan Ziliang, Hua Zai, Lin Zhengying, Zhang Guorong, Hong Pianbao and many other examples.

Zhao Sheng is now the beam of light tearing apart the burden-bearing world in Hong Kong's film and television industry!

There are too many young and pretty girls who hope to become the next Hua Zi or Zhou Huimin.

The TVB Five Tigers are only about looks. The other four Tigers are not far behind Hua Zai now. Why can't they become the next Hua Zai?

But what if you cut off this hope and dream? We are not just tools and robots without feelings. Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry.

Li Chaoren took a deep breath and said, "Fifty million, how many days can Uncle Six take it down?"

Shao Yifu shook his head and said nothing.

This is not a matter of money. What he did was tantamount to offending Zhao Donghuai. That young man who had no moral integrity became fierce. Didn't you see that Li Chao was almost angry? Fifty million for him to offend Zhao Donghuai? Funny.

Shao Yifu is very stingy when it comes to salary, but he is shrewd.

Mr. Li took a deep breath again, "Uncle Liu, are you selling TVB?"

Shao Daheng was expressionless for a moment, staring at the copyist without saying anything, just staring at him.

Mr. Li said helplessly, "I made a mistake. I'm sorry. I really have no intention of getting involved in TV stations, but now I realize that public opinion is such a thing..."

"When it comes to business war, it's just a cheating device."

He has now determined that Zhao Donghuai's newly opened Baijia 24-hour chain convenience store is not the Wanjia model. Both on-site and after-sales services are not on the same level as Wanjia.

Just on the same level as 711.

But he paid a lot of blood to buy 711. How long has this been? Are you going to be beaten down by the Baijia chain store with the help of star power and celebrity power? ?

Furthermore, Zhao Donghuai is interested in Hong Kong Electric, and there is a high probability that he is secretly acquiring the company. This will also stimulate Li Chaoren to want to withdraw, and he does not want to get entangled.

When did he become so easy to bully? ?


But think about the foreign exchange earnings that Zhao Donghuai brought to eastern Guangdong and even other places? ? He didn't dare to act rashly.

If there was a real fight, either he would have no tricks and tricks to deceive Zhao Donghuai, or he would be afraid that if he deceived that person, it would affect his foreign exchange earnings, and too many people would remember his small book.

If you are impulsive and like to take revenge overnight, it will be wonderful.

A rat-proof weapon!

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