Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 121 He disappointed the folks in Dakeng Village

On August 18, John Wick was released for nearly 20 days and broke the Hong Kong box office record of 35 million. When it was screened in theaters, the attendance rate was cut by more than 70%.

In fact, as early as the 12th, the attendance rate plummeted by half, but Zhao's Pictures held it at A Mei's house for 11 days, the first weekend of the summer season plus the following week, and the box office data slashed nearly 30 million U.S. dollars. It was exciting. The Hong Kong movie fans’ attendance has been explosive for several more days.

Now, no matter how exciting it is, it can't be too exciting, and its screening screen has been rapidly compressed, with the new film "Hong Kong Flag Soldier" taking over.

The Provincial and Hong Kong Flag Soldiers is a drama produced by Hong Qianbao and directed by Mak Yanxiong. It is produced by Debao Company and was originally expected to be released in July.

But this summer release, Mr. Zombie, the upgraded hardcover version of Chasing Girl, and John Wick 1 will follow.

It took more than a month for Provincial and Hong Kong Flag Soldiers to get a schedule at Zhao Cinema.

The film industry was developing in full swing, and Zhao Donghuai walked out of the Repulse Bay villa like a sage and got on the bus to Kowloon Tong.

The moment the car set off, it was already 10 a.m. Director Zhao couldn't help but sigh. He had let down all the citizens of Hong Kong Island and the folks in Tai Hang Village in the New Territories.

After Monica Bellucci's Italian goal, she repeatedly challenged his weakness.

When encountering challengers like Li Saifeng and Wen Mixia, Zhao Sheng easily blocked them and was very stable.

20-year-old Monica came to challenge her many times, but he didn't stop her.

That is, from Broadcasting Road in Kowloon Tong to Repulse Bay, from No. 15 to now.

He studied foreign languages ​​for two or three days. Monica's English, French, and Spanish are actually not proficient at this stage, and she can cope with the level of daily communication with people.

However, Director Zhao still realized the various changes in different languages ​​​​in different contexts.

He was not just a student, he taught Monica the correct usage of many Mandarin sentences.

Because she is obsessed with studying her roommates, Monica, a newcomer and candidate in the film and television singing world, has to stay at home for some time.

At eleven o'clock, Zhao Donghuai arrived at the office, and Lin Zhengying, Hua Zai, Zhou Huimin and others who had been waiting for him quickly arrived.

"Sheng Zhao, the script of Hurricane 2 has been roughly decided. Can you help with the review?"

When A Ying handed over the script with a smile, Zhao Donghuai took it and started reading it. These few people were waiting while Qiu Shuzhen and the serious secretary served tea and water.

After reading the rough script and development logic, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Okay, this shot should be stable."

The concept of Hurricane 2, integrated into the main line of Ajie's Killer King story logic, was set in mid-June, and Aying began to recruit troops to fill in the details.

After two months of busy work, the main plot development has not changed.

But the details are filled in and it’s ready to be photographed.

The initial story line is that Hua Zai was originally a plainclothes elite of a certain police station. When he was first transferred to Feihu, he was relatively young and energetic. He was trained and trained by A Ying in various ways. During a mission, due to his negligence and carelessness, the big thief escaped. .

Originally, he should have been severely criticized and punished, leaving a tainted file.

In the midst of panic and guilt, Uncle Ying came back with the big thief... and helped him settle the blame.

Then the relationship between Hua Zai and A Ying warmed up, and the master and apprentice teamed up to repeatedly solve major cases. Hua Zai helped Uncle Ying take bullets.

Hua Zai's father is seriously ill and has no money to pay for medical expenses. He will die if he drags on. A Ying, the instructor, takes the lead. Many team members in the same period, such as Xu Jinjiang, Yam Dahua, Liang Jiahui, Wu Yijiang, He Jiajin, Huang Rihua, Miao Qiaowei, etc., chip in money to help Hua's father tide over the difficulties. .

Wu Yi was about to die during a major mission. Feihu, headed by Uncle Ying, helped him support his old mother.

The orphans he left behind were often taken out to play and raised together.

Of course, there will also be scenes where Hua Zai resigned and lived in seclusion after catching a big thief and assassinating his wife in revenge. Many flying tigers often came to comfort him and comfort him.

A lot of literary and drama foreshadowing is to establish Feihu as a team where we are not just colleagues, but a big family, a team that is tired of cutting trees.

Weah is tired of logging!

This kind of clip is a small prequel that fills in the story before The Flying Tiger 1, and after the real story unfolds, Simon Yam, Huang Rihua, Wu Yijiang, etc. are still working as Flying Tigers.

They are all public servants, and it is inappropriate to cross the legal line to save Amin.

But Lin Zhengying, who is retired, can cross the line to save people and maintain the team concept of "Weah is tired of logging."

In the Fast and Furious series of the 21st century, the team definition of "Wea Timbers" can drag undercover police officers into the water, quit their jobs and start a family with a criminal gang.

It can still make the Fast and Furious series water slide one after another.

Global money making.

Zhao Donghuai also really feels that this book is good, and he is not afraid of a long drama. If the drama is not enough, the box office will indeed not be able to become a hit in North America and Europe.

Once the sequel is completed, it is true that one or more of Tsui Kam-kang, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Simon Yam, Huang Rihua, Miao Qiaowei and others can be pulled out to create a new series at any time.

A new series featuring them.

For example, make a big case, like the story of "Mouse Hard", a police film in which an international gang of gangsters comes to Hong Kong to cause trouble, and working tigers Tsui Kam-kong, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Simon Yam and others wipe out the gang and save people.

You said Xu Jinjiang appeared in Hurricane Rescue 1? Still dead? Is he the rich man's bodyguard leader in the first movie? It doesn't matter, just change the character's name.

Following Zhao Donghuai's words, Lin Zhengying and others breathed a long sigh of relief. Everyone felt much more relaxed. Aying smiled and said, "When will the shooting start? Hand-held photographer..."

Director Zhao nodded, "I will not take on the director's position. I will ask Yuan Heping and Cheng Xiaodong to shoot together and co-direct, including action design."

"Photographers, Lu Yue, Zhang Feng, and Li Bian'an will take turns or come together to test their abilities."

"Let them go if they can handle it. If it doesn't work, we are not afraid of scrapping the film if we call for my support."

I’m really not afraid of scrapping the film, this is still a series that can make money back before it’s released!

Lixin Group still spent 2 million in sponsorship fees plus all the clothing needs of the entire crew. Lafite still spent 5 million, including a batch of drinks. Then he heard that Hurricane 2 was about to be launched, and Lei Juekun spent 3 million in advertising fees, hoping to plant a film. into his paper advertisements.

Zou Wenhuai spent 3 million to implant the Bawang shampoo. The requirements are not high. Just hold the shampoo for a second or two when washing your hair.

Mercedes-Benz came and wanted to contract a large number of vehicle shots for the crew, and they spent 5 million! In fact, the Taiwan Automobile team was also approached, but Director Zhao rejected the Island Automobile and chose Daben.

This fucking movie hasn't even been officially launched yet. Maybe other advertisers will join in the future, but we have already received 18 million in advertising fees!

Fast forward to the time when Director Zhao was filming New World 1, the local box office and overseas sales in Asia were all profitable.

This is still the environment in which Director Zhao promoted his own fast-moving products in Hurricane 2, going to Wanjia Supermarket or Baijia Surnames 24-hour chain shopping without giving any money.

I am not afraid that too many embedded advertisements will affect the viewing experience. After all, the food, clothing, housing and transportation of normal Hong Kong residents are closely related to many of the above things and the environment.

For example, if you shoot a daily scene of Zhou Huimin shopping in a supermarket, any advertisement will be easily integrated into the environment.

In this case, it doesn't matter if Lu Yue, Zhang Feng, and Li Bian'an are allowed to practice and learn from the waste film, they can make and waste it as they please.

It's almost late August. Both Zhang Feng and Li Bian'an have been studying photography for five months, and they still have two months of internship with the Fast and Furious crew. The efficiency is comparable to that of professional college students who have studied for two years.

Again, college students have get out of class time, holidays, Sundays... they don't.

They are the elites who are only one in ten thousand. The double bonus of the Hong Kong community is just like playing games. They are also the best photographers among the elite group.

Lin Zhengying laughed and nodded, "Okay, then I'll start filming on the 20th? I'll call the main creators together today to familiarize themselves with the script."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, our film and television group fully supports this drama."

The copyright for Hurricane Rescue still belongs to the Zhao family, not to Dongzheng Films and Dongzheng Company founded by Lin Zhengying. Currently, the core is the Zombie Taoist series.

When the group of people left excitedly, and only Amin was left, Zhou Huimin put her arms around his arm and said coquettishly, "Boss, Sister Li, Ah Hong, I, and I have finished recording as we wished, and the MV night shooting is over."

"Even my own song (Say You Say Me) has been recorded."

"Should I release singles one after another, or form an album? There are so many popular hit songs, and I feel like if I collect some of the songs, I could form several albums."

Director Zhao smiled and nodded, "Let's put it into the same single album. There are many Chinese fans of Mandarin songs, and there are many ghost fans of English songs. There is no conflict. At the worst, by the end of the year, we will form a small album of your best songs."

"This style of play is also very popular in the island music scene."

Hong Kong's Haowan music scene generally has one or two hit songs, high-quality songs, and about ten ordinary songs. Singles are sold once and big albums are sold once.

It is popular in the island country to release four or five singles a year. At the end of the year, four or five or seven or eight songs will be combined into a small album to be sold again. A single album may also contain two songs.

Amin nodded, and then said resentfully, "Why is it not 1985 yet? Time flies so slowly."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Is there any special commemoration of 1985? Not much, except that next year it will represent Amin’s official coming of age, 18 years old.

Zhou Huimin quickly smiled and said, "Boss, I also bought a small villa near your villa in Repulse Bay. Can I take you to visit it during the Spring Festival this year?"

Director Zhao was sweating, the Spring Festival was still so far away, so let’s not mention it now.

However, she can afford to buy this kind of property. She is also the first actress to be promoted to a multi-millionaire, just on par with Hu Huizhong.

Sister Hu is making rapid progress in the film industry. She can't stop filming one new film after another, and sometimes she even has to skip a film. For example, Happy Ghost 2 is still being filmed, and Hong Yinbao's lucky star has determined her to be the heroine.

Currently, Amin's "The Flying Tiger" has only been released once, and the release of "Hurricane Rescue 2" will probably have to wait until the Lunar New Year movie.

But her status in the singing world is that she is currently the most popular new generation of female singer in Hong Kong.

When the two English songs become popular, they will be able to catch up with Leslie Cheung and Andy Lau in the music scene. However, Director Zhao will not easily let A Min go to concerts or tours outside Hong Kong Island.

It's so chaotic outside these days.

In the music and film circles, the money earned by accelerating the sales of products can be used directly to buy a villa in Repulse Bay. This can be regarded as an excellent way to manage and invest money.


After Amin left, Zhao Donghuai had just finished a few simple official duties when he saw Qiu Shuzhen knocking on the door and coming in, "Boss, there are invitations and letters from mainland mothers in the mail."

Director Zhao was stunned. When he brought it, he found that it was the Yangma Spring Festival Gala kick-off program team who sent him an invitation to the live auditorium of this year's Spring Festival Gala. He could go by himself or bring two or three friends to watch the event.

Also, I would like to invite Zhang Guorong and Hua Zai to perform on stage.

Zhao Donghuai is a bit... forget it, he won't go to the live audience, but it is still okay to let Ah Rong and Hua Zai perform as singers.

What to sing? Just let Hua Zai sing his future song (Chinese).

The original work was originally created to celebrate the return of the country, and it has been widely circulated. In December of this year, a joint statement was officially signed. This song was played on the Spring Festival Gala. It is very beautiful.

Ten minutes after this was done, Azhen reported that a person in charge of Hua Xia Bank had arrived, and Zhao Donghuai went to greet him with a smile.

After the greeter sat down in the reception area, drank a cup of tea and exchanged a few words, the other party smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, the electronic toll collection system you designed is completed. For this, we specially invited some technical experts from Europa. Take it and design a complete system.”

"As long as there are enough computers to produce smart cards and card readers, they can be introduced into the market!"

Zhao Donghuai asked the other party for help in mid-July, and now he has completed the matter in more than a month... very quickly.

Octopus is an electronic toll collection system. In fact, the earliest concept was the highway electronic toll collection system that became popular in Europe in this era.

Of course, for the expressway, satellite positioning, mobile communications, etc. need to be combined to achieve big things.

Zhao Donghuai is just promoting consumption on Hong Kong Island, so it's not that troublesome.

Even if he is now a Hong Kong tycoon, it is probably not easy to go to Europe to introduce technology, but Hua Xia Bank's brand is not ordinary. It requires experts and Hua Xia Bank's own capabilities.

Get this done.

We can fully launch the 711 that Li copied people from!

The Bai Jia Xing chain was launched on July 10th, and the first batch of 30 stores opened on July 21. As of today, August 18, there are already more than 200 Bai Jia Xing chain stores all over Hong Kong.

After talking with the people from Huayin for a while and politely seeing off this big friend, Director Zhao made a decisive call and asked Lao Liu from Wanjia General Merchant Supermarket and Lao Wang, who was in charge of Baijia Surnames, to cause trouble.

This requires purchasing a large number of computers and laying out a network.

But it doesn’t matter. An IBM 5150 costs more than a thousand dollars. Buying a few hundred units will also bring business to the IBM Group’s Hong Kong branch.

Whether it is the computer itself or the construction of network infrastructure, IBM can promote it. This kind of business is conducive to IBM, an international giant, to conquer the city. They have a high subjective initiative.

Once this business is completed, Zhao Donghuai's film and television companies, ATV, newspaper graphics, and various factories in the mainland can gradually introduce computer office systems. Such a big bait is placed in front of him.

IBM cannot remain unmoved.

In order to expand the market, they will do big things.

Again, Huayin introduced IBM computers in 1979 and started electronic office work on local area networks. This was only achieved through the vigorous promotion of the IBM Group.

Also in 1979, IBM also began to sell office computers to the mainland, starting in the Northeast.

Even if those can only be regarded as local area networks, they are still networks.

The orthodox Hong Kong Island Internet was only promoted by the Hong Kong Island Communications Group into thousands of households in 1990 or 1991.

But at the current stage, it is very simple to establish a local area network in a Wanjia comprehensive shopping mall building. As for how to interconnect local area networks in different regions?

This kind of technical aspect can be left to IBM. This is to build a large local area network between tens of thousands of families and hundreds of families.

In 1983, the first generation BBS was born at the City University of New York. Also in January 1983, the TCP/IP protocol began to sweep through Amei's family, which is the kind of dial-up Internet access.

By 1987, the mainland could send emails to countries around the world through the Internet.

That's why IBM and Apple are selling like hotcakes in Amei.

As for buying a lot of computers and cooperating with IBM to lay out the network, who will I look for to manage them? Qingbei is recruiting people. With the current salary in Hong Kong Island, there is no fear that it will not be able to find talents. There are so many talents who want to study abroad but failed. How about coming to Hong Kong Island to work first to earn a small monthly salary of several thousand Hong Kong dollars?

Maybe as long as I live there I won’t be willing to leave.

If Bai Jia Xing is next to or opens opposite the 711, countless celebrities and Licorice and Green Leaves supporting actors call on the neighbors to go shopping at Bai Jia Xing 24-hour convenience store, which will destroy 711 in half.

Wu Yi's example of bringing his own dry food to work as a supermarket worker was naturally promoted by Director Zhao. Otherwise, how could he directly go to act in Hurricane 2?

But the example of buying horse bones for thousands of dollars is erected... 711 is really half broken.

Octopus can paralyze 711 when mounted!


August 21st.

Mr. Li was sitting in Changshi's office, frowning and thinking, when there was a knock on the door. When Huo Jianning walked in, he said with a serious face, "Lisheng, there are many IBM teams coming in and out of Wanjia Comprehensive in the past few days. Supermarkets and Baijia surname chain..."

"I haven't found out what they want to do over there yet."

"But such a big movement should not be a trivial matter."

"Currently, we have closed four or five of Hutchison's Watsons and ParknShop stores. Compared with before Baijia Surnames opened, 711's sales have dropped by half."

"If Zhao's new move this time is related to retail... I'm afraid the person who came here is extremely evil."

Mr. Li took off his glasses, wiped them, and put them back on, "Electronic office? Computers are indeed much more convenient than many paper documents and traditional office modes."

"But he will not spread the entire network to so many buildings and physical stores for no reason."

"What do you want to do with this rush?"

"Just watch it first, Aning. The most important thing for you right now is to find someone to operate it and strive to win the Kwai Tsing Pier 6. Watsons and even 711 have been dragged down by the plummeting profits. We must get it back at the pier!"

Many people know that Li Chao is extremely wealthy and has a huge real estate group. In fact, his most important cash group was built through Watsons Supermarket, Parknshop, and dock business.

In the future, Lao Li will be blackmailed by the King of Thieves. How many days will it take to collect more than 1 billion in cash flow? It's really not that the real estate group has that kind of cash. It was collected by Watsons and PARKnSHOP on one hand and Kwai Tsing Pier on the other.

Hong Kong Island is one of the largest ports in the world, and the freight business is booming. The king of chartered ships dominates the world, and Kwai Tsing Terminal provides him with a massive capital chain.

Every day, countless ships from all over the world dock at the docks, pay, unload the goods into warehouses, pay, etc. As long as world shipping trade continues, money will keep rolling in.

Shipping trade? Even when Zhao Donghuai traveled through time, it was still one of the largest trade models in the 2020s.

With a big wharf in hand, you don't want to die, and you will basically be rich and have no worries for generations.

There are currently four terminals in operation in Kwai Tsing, two owned by Charter King, one owned by Dubai Port Container Terminal, and one owned by Hutchison Whampoa. The terminal, a cash machine, is even more profitable than the Watson Group at its peak.

Charter King also has a pier under construction, Pier 5.

The Hong Kong government will continue to expand the terminal and invite external bids. Of course, there are many competitors.

Mr. Li was determined to win Pier 6 in the tender.

The formal bidding meeting will be held next year, when the original Li Chaoren spent 3 billion to acquire nearly 35% of Hong Kong Electric's shares, but the bidding qualifications have begun to operate now.

Bidding is not just about spending money, but also supporting construction and development plans.

Huo Jianning nodded, "I will go all out, but the guy named Zhao will not continue to get involved in the wharf business, right? Speaking of cash flow, Han Tianxia Liu Xiu Shoes, which he just founded, has saved a lot of money in less than a month. Ammunition, I’m afraid I can even bid for Pier 6.”

Mr. Li smiled brightly and said, "No, if he wants to play, the Hong Kong government must agree. Huo Sheng has not even set foot in the dock industry in Kwai Tsing."

The booming Kwai Tsing Terminal will be among the top five in the world in terms of throughput in the future, similar to the Shanghai Terminal after the 2010s.

It’s a cash behemoth with gold and silver, but so far, even Huo Daheng can’t get in.

Huo Jianning frowned, "I'm afraid that he will join forces with COSCO Group..."

Li Chaoren's face turned dark instantly. He seemed to have heard that COSCO did have a lot of business with Zhao Donghuai. For example, Wanjia instant noodles and mineral water in Jinmen were all shipped by COSCO.

According to the original trajectory, COSCO did indeed acquire a terminal in Kwai Tsing, but that was in the late 1980s. It was constructed and developed for several years after acquisition, and it was put into operation in 1993.

Without the support of Watsons, Parknshop and 711, if Hong Kong Electric, an energy company, could not be defeated and the terminal failed, Mr. Li would be just an ordinary second-tier rich man.


About the same time.

In Zhao's Film Office, Zhao Donghuai heard the report that Lin Jianyue had arrived for the appointment, and immediately enthusiastically invited Ayue in.

After Qiu Shuzhen brought a cup of coffee, Lin Jianyue said a few polite words and then smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, you are a busy man and you came to me suddenly. Is there something good you can do to take advantage of me?"

Zhao Donghuai invited Lin Jianyue to come to Zhao's Pictures just to find someone with white gloves to work.

Competition for Container Terminal 6 in Kwai Tsing.

This is not to specifically target Li Chao, but it is really a gold mine!

There is a big gold mine just like a retailer. The rules on the surface are that you can bid to build something if you have money. Why not do it?

As for money? For a bid for Pier 6, more than one billion is enough.

It’s not just that we get so much money at once. After the bidding is successful, when the construction is started, more than one billion Hong Kong dollars will be invested in the construction and development of the terminal over several years.

After it was taken down, he didn't build a development team? Go to COSCO for cooperation. There are so many construction groups with the prefix Huaxia Zhong. You can choose as you like.

What Zhao Donghuai was speechless about was that when he learned through some channels that the terminal bidding qualifications would start next year, he simulated it once with a simulator, and then he was tricked by the Hong Kong government and his qualifications were blocked...

None entered the bidding meeting.

It is quite easy for the Hong Kong government to make moves or something if it is clear that it is biased.

In this simulation, Zhao received a "Never HPV" reward, which is comparable to the "Never Meme" reward he once received.

Why should a serious person like him need to worry about such things? The simulator misunderstood him.

But with hundreds of thousands of reputation points, it's nothing to exchange 1,000 reputation points for a Never.

With random thoughts flashing through his mind, Zhao Donghuai smiled and handed over a cigarette, "Lin Sheng, my film and television group has been working happily with you, Li Xin."

"I invited you here this time because I want you to do me a favor."

27-year-old Lin Jianyue joined the Lai Sun Group after returning to Hong Kong and was familiar with the environment. It was not until 1986 that he ascended to a high position to take charge of the family business.

In 1987, he became the vice president of Lixin Group.

Starting from the first part of (New World), Zhao Donghuai went to Lixin to customize new suits. His initial contact was with the head of the general department, and then Lixin invested 2 million to advertise in New World 2.

We have been working together until Lin Zhengying started working on Hurricane Rescue 2. It is really a pleasure to work together.

Of course, when Zhao Sheng first went to work, he could not see the senior management. Now he can call Lin Jianyue to see him with just one phone call. It can only be said that his rise was too fast and exaggerated.

The person in front of me is the guy who made Wang Zuxian quit the industry after 1993 in the original track. After her old mother learned that he spent tens of millions to buy Wang Zuxian a mansion, she directly held a press conference and said that she would spend tens of millions as her son. Ordered a takeaway chicken.

Lao Wang was only 26 years old in 1993, and his acting skills were considered to be at their peak. Since then, he has almost retired?

How miserable! After all, compared to Lin Qingxia, Jiaxin, etc., Maicai Laowang is still very pure. After 1993, there are only a handful of Wang Zuxian's works.

Of course, those things have nothing to do with the present, it's just that Zhao Donghuai naturally remembered Ayue when he saw him.

Lin Jianyue took another sip of coffee and said with a smile, "Sheng Zhao, please ask me for help? It's easy to say, I will definitely help if I can."

Zhao Donghuai grabbed Lin Jianyue's wrist directly, "Just wait for Lin Sheng's words. If you help me, you will be my friend. I like to make friends the most."

"I feel like you like being friends with me too."

"I heard that the Hong Kong government will launch a bidding for Kwai Tsing Pier 6 next year? You should also understand my situation. If you want to bid, you will be blocked."

"You are different. Tycoon Lin's favorite son, how can you help me win Pier 6? Although a terminal may cost more than one billion to build and operate, it does not cost that much at once."

"Just throw in over a billion in construction in a few years. These are just small sums of money."

Lin Jianyue's eyes widened, "Ah this... bah bah... no, Zhao Sheng, the dock, that's the property of the Charter King and Li Zhiren, the meat in the pot? I'm going to grab it?"

Zhao Donghuai stood up and took out a bottle of Lafite and two glasses from the wine kitchen, "Yes, it doesn't matter whether he is a copycat or not. I have more money than him. If you have more money, you will be exposed. Just go up and fuck him!"

Lin Jianyue's chubby face trembled, and he laughed dryly, "Zhao Sheng, this is not good..."

Letting me be your white glove for no reason will offend Li Zhiren and the chartering king, and it will also offend the Hong Kong government. After all, why did the Hong Kong government deny Zhaosheng's qualifications? I understand everything.

Zhao Donghuai is stuck over there, and Ayue is going to help with the operation? ?

Zhao Donghuai poured the wine with a smile, "How could it be bad? Your Lixin Group's clothing brand has already accompanied my movie. It can enter Wanwan, Xingmatai, South Korea and Wanwan. There are batches of clothing, whether it is men's clothing or How to transport women’s clothing?”

"Of course it's shipping. When the time comes, I will have the terminal and the ship will be COSCO. You will produce and deliver the goods, and we will have one-stop underwriting."

"Even if it's land transportation, my Zhao Logistics can help you with it."

"I will definitely give you the best shipping price, and by saving money on shipping costs, you will also earn impression points with Tycoon Lin."

Lin Jianyue is not the only son of Tycoon Lai Sun Lam. He has an elder brother Lin Jianming, who is 20 years older than him, and a younger brother Lin Weijun... and there is also Lin Jianjian who looks like he was adopted by Tycoon Lin.

Well, just by looking at his name, he knows that he is his half-brother Lin Weijun, which is a bit strange.

Who will inherit the Lixin Kingdom in the future? In the original trajectory, it was A-Yue who had the last laugh.

They are still competing now.

Lai Sun Group is not only a garment manufacturing kingdom, but also has rapid real estate development. In the 1960s, when Lu Le and other four detectives dominated the world, Tycoon Lin entered the real estate industry from the 1970s to now.

A large number of industrial buildings have been built in Lisheng.

In the past two years, a large number of British capital and colonial assets have fled, and Tycoon Lin also bought land and real estate at the bottom to build buildings.

The Lin family was originally one of the top ten plutocrats or wealthy families in Hong Kong.

With such a foundation, he is also a real estate tycoon. What happened to the terminal under operation? Isn't it reasonable? Without Hong Kong Electric, Watsons PARKnSHOP and Pier Li Chao Ren, they are actually not as good as Lin Baixin and A Yue.

After hearing these words, Lin Jianyue began to think seriously. His eldest brother was a weirdo, and he pursued Zhao Shizeng in the family of King Zhao Shipuan.

There is nothing romantic about it. Lin Jianming likes to expose himself to the outside world and brag about his achievements just like Zhao Shizeng.

His father disliked this very much and hated it.

However, in the current Lixin Kingdom, the boss has not been completely given up.

He is confident that he will seize the inheritance rights of the Lixin Kingdom from the boss. However, if he can have the support of a powerful boss like Zhao Sheng, he will naturally be more confident.

On the contrary, if Zhao Sheng targets you, you will be in trouble.

Putting aside everything else, if he doesn't agree now, Zhao Donghuai is looking for the boss Lin Jianming to cooperate and support Zhao's various resources to the boss? Is it more important not to offend the Hong Kong government, or is it more important to lose the right to inherit family property?

He felt that it would be safe to offend the Hong Kong government if he was a little cowardly. The worst he could do was to change sides and offend Mr. Zhao... The man named Zhao was a big hooligan with no taboos!

Thinking of this, Lin Jianyue gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay, I listened to you and did it."

Again, Lixin is very powerful. If he really wants to operate it, he can get the qualification to bid. Once he enters the market, Zhao Sheng will pay for it and he will just use it as a white glove.

On the other hand, Mr. Li spent 3 billion to acquire the majority shareholder of Hong Kong Electric in 1985, and then spent several hundred million to acquire Pier 6. This was all because HSBC took a stake in Cheung Kong, and then HSBC made trouble, playing tricks such as the left hand and the right hand.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and raised his glass.

After the two of them had a few sips, Lin Jianyue suddenly smiled and said, "Zhao Sheng, can I open a film company and join the industry? If the film is finished, it will be really profitable!"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "It's a small thing. If you want to get into the industry, as long as you shoot a good story, it doesn't matter if you come to my Zhao family or go to Jiahe or Golden Princess to show it."

Lin Jianyue was overjoyed, "Okay, thank you Zhao Sheng for your support. I will start a film and television company later."

He was not very interested in filming, but he found that if he set up a film company, it would be more convenient to pick up beautiful women. He would send flowers and jewelry to female stars. How could it be as convenient as setting up a production crew and recruiting female stars to act?

He is far less carefree than the boss, but he also loves female stars. He dare not touch those signed by Zhao. TVB still has many candidates, including Jiahe and Princess Jin.

"By the way, can I ask for another good script? Of course I'm not asking you to write it, Zhao Sheng. I'll just ask Wang Jing and Sanmao to come up with one for me. I want to give it a try."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, but such a trivial matter didn't matter, it was just a matter of spending money to buy the script.

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