Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 152 Amin establishes himself as a role model for wealthy families

number 3.

As soon as Zhao Donghuai woke up, Zhou Huimin rushed to Zhao's Financial Building, carrying a small bucket of winter melon, kelp and mung bean soup, "Brother Huai, drink more soup to relieve the heat."

"Huazhi's stock price has risen so fast these days. I haven't even announced that I have reached an agreement with Shao Daheng to transform four leading theaters into commercial center buildings. Why has it risen so much?"

Director Zhao stood up and looked at the soup, feeling speechless.

However, he still smiled and explained, "Normally, many people have withdrawn their funds from the stock market and want to get on the express train of financial investment, but they can't get in line. If you have confidence, investing in Huazhi is also an option."

Before Amin bought Hua Zhi, the total market value was 600-700 million. When she bought it, she bought it at the standard of 1 billion Hong Kong dollars. Otherwise, she would not have been able to collect the shares from some descendants of the Li and Feng families, and spent more than 500 million to achieve 53 % holding.

Amin then continued to make acquisitions, spending a total of 700 million to control 69% of Huazhi's equity, and the target was still a market value of 1 billion.

However, Huazhi's stock has risen a lot at this stage, with a market value of approximately HK$1.2 billion. The 700 million spent by Zhou Huimin is equivalent to a 20% increase in value.

"The plan is announced step by step to build up the construction team of Huazhi. It won't be long before there is another big project. Someone is willing to help me introduce Wanjia comprehensive shopping mall to Wanwan. From now to the end of the year, I plan to open 200 stores one after another. Supermarket building.”

"There are 200 three- and five-story buildings on the ground. Wanjia buys land and houses. Large projects of construction or renovation from scratch are handed over to Chinese real estate. Combined with the news that four leading theaters will be converted into office buildings, if the stock price does not increase several times, then None of them are suitable!”

"You can continue to acquire stocks and steadily hold more than 70% of the shares."

Amin was overjoyed, "Hey, then I only spent 700 million now. If these two big projects stimulate Huazhi's market value to reach several billions, my shares will become 3 to 4 billion instead of 7 to 8 billion?"

"This profit is almost the same as the last time I made money from foreign exchange speculation!"

The last time she speculated in foreign exchange, she borrowed 700 million, invested more than 100 million herself, and made a profit of more than 3 billion Hong Kong dollars!

When Chinese Real Estate Group purchased the land of Shaw Brothers Theater, the group might not have enough money at the beginning? Just kidding, don’t those who are involved in real estate develop by borrowing money from banks? ? Huazhi didn't have that much money before, but when the project was mentioned, Shao Yifu nodded happily and cooperated with the transaction throughout the process.

As soon as the project plan was revealed, most of them were commercial banks providing you with loan financing, using the loans to buy land, taking out loans for development, development and construction, and then stimulating the stock market prices to skyrocket...

Who can’t understand how profitable it is to convert a three-story theater into a 30-story office building?

Just four office building projects in the most prosperous business district have at least caused Huazhi's market value to soar from 1.2 billion to 4 to 5 billion.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "The stock market is about buying confidence and the future! As for Wanjia Word of Mouth's current status, it doesn't need to be said."

“There are four Yau Tsim Mong office buildings, one worth 1 billion, and four with 4 billion properties. Chinese Real Estate has won the Wanwan 200 Wanjia Building project... It is a sure profit but not a loss. How could the market value not increase several times? !”

"What you need to do now is to collect more shares, poach people, and poach the construction team to allow Huazhi to expand. If you don't understand, just leave it to your professionals."

When Amin took over Chinese Real Estate, she really didn't know anything about the construction field, but construction... She has hired a group of more than 20 male and female leadership and executive teams from various universities in the mainland, including China Construction Group.

It is not convenient for mainland construction teams to go to Wanwan to carry out large-scale construction, so Hong Kong has to poach people.

Zhou Huimin said excitedly, "Then I also have a chance to become a real estate tycoon? Haha, it feels so different! Wait a minute, I'll change my clothes..."

Today's Huazhi is a small company with a market capitalization of 1.2 billion. Compared with Li's Cheung Kong, it is not worth mentioning. You must know that in the original trajectory, several listed companies such as Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa were listed on the market. In 1986, the total market value was HK$34.3 billion, and it was ranked first among the top ten financial groups in Hong Kong Island by the Economic Times.

This is what happened in February in the original trajectory, and it happened this month!

The Hong Kong dollar in 1986 was still very valuable!

The total market value of Li's companies such as Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa is still 15 billion...

That's right, in just two or three years, it was a pure accident without any targeted development, and Li Chaoren's value more than doubled!

Zhao Donghuai snatched away Hong Kong Electric ahead of time, which is equivalent to killing a tens of billions group there, copying the original trajectory of more than 34 billion assets and turning it into more than 24 billion.

The battle between Wanjia and Baijia, and the dock, reduced the 24 billion to 18 billion.

Now, the money a Zhao Financial Center has sucked away from the stock market has directly caused another 3 billion in market value to evaporate in a month or two!

If Amin's Chinese Real Estate continues to develop into a group with a market value of about HK$7 to 8 billion through various major plans, then Amin will not only be the youngest chairman of a listed company in Hong Kong.

She will soon become a real estate agent, chasing the top, one of the top ten levels.

At that stage, she has established herself as a role model for a wealthy family. She also owns Hong Kong Island CLP Group, a 7% stake in the electronics boss, and a seat on the board of directors with a raise of hands!

Rent collectors like Jiahui are a bit..., isn't that right? What happened to rent collection?

There are villas in all luxury areas in Hong Kong, large flats one after another in Kowloon Tong, and commercial office buildings. They are left to the team to collect rent. If they are placed there, there will be a steady stream of profits.

In the 21st century, if the real estate market continues to develop according to the original situation, Guan Jiahui will be a billionaire.

Monica is actually stronger, with a 7% stake in the Hong Kong CLP Group, a major shareholder of Marvel, and a major shareholder of North American AMC Cinemas with a 20% stake.

One thing to say is that at this stage, after earning two to three billion Hong Kong dollars, I still don’t know how to spend it, and I am worried.

Although Zhou Huimin had not been here yesterday, Amin also had her own nest in the Zhao's Financial Building, a comprehensive base camp with double floors of one to two thousand square meters each on floors 31 and 32.

After a while, when Amin came out wearing a suit similar to that of later female dominators in the late 2010s, she soon shouted for help.


Time passes.

On New Year's Eve, Zhao Donghuai finally went to the Spring Festival Gala after being invited many times, and he made a lot of friends along the way.

And this New Year's Eve, Zhou Huimin also went on stage with Monica Bellucci to sing a song (My Heart Will Go On), and then Monica used standard Mandarin to send New Year greetings to the audience across the country.

She, a foreigner, suddenly became very popular in the mainland.

After watching the Spring Festival Gala, Zhao Donghuai and others returned to Hong Kong overnight. It was not because of any urgent matters, but because of his current popularity in the mainland, as well as other buffs created by women such as Monica and Zhou Huimin, real estate tycoons, and North American theaters Major shareholder, major shareholder of Marvel, etc.

At this time of the year when Spring Festival is popular...

If you stay in the Mainland for a few days, it may be too time-consuming to exchange courtesy.

After all, Director Zhao had already selectively made some human connections before the Spring Festival Gala.

After the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month, ATV, Kowloon Daily and other media announced to Hong Kong citizens that the original Zhao's Theater was officially closed, and a new 6-hall screening model was opened directly on the fourth and fifth floors of 26 Wanjia.

The main ones are Lola Fang Na's (Shark Beach), Chen Musheng and Hua Zai's (Tianruo Youqing), and Lin Lingdong and Lin Lingnan brothers' (Dragon Tiger Storm).

26 theater chains equal 156 screens.

This number has almost caught up with the total number of screens in Hong Kong before the theater chain was restructured. However, after the new screening model was launched, countless citizens praised it and it was so exciting to watch the movie.

After all, the seats in the new theaters are more comfortable, the audio-visual equipment is new, and the movie-watching experience is more in line with the audio-visual science of the big screen. The price of movie tickets has not increased yet, with an average of 15 Hong Kong dollars.

After so many optimizations, there is no price increase? ?

This can only be said that everyone is going to blow up the new Zhao Cinema!


On February 25, when Zhang Weifan, his daughter-in-law Ami, his eldest cousin Liu Jianhui, and his cousin-in-law Liang Meijuan walked out of the theater at Wanjia Supermarket in Kwun Tong, everyone was filled with emotion as they walked.

Shark Beach is so beautiful!

They had never known that there was such a beautiful beach in Hong Kong that had not been visited by anyone. It was Shark Beach where Zhang Amou was the master of photography!

Don't doubt Zhang Guoshi's ability in photographing beautiful scenery. Shark Beach is not only beautiful in scenery, but also in beautiful people. I don't know how many fans were dumbfounded by Laura Fonna's entire performance.

While walking and chatting, several people arrived at a restaurant on the fifth floor and sat down to order. Liu Jianhui coughed lightly and said, "Afan, can't I put money into Zhao Financial to speculate in Japanese currency foreign exchange now?"

"To tell you the truth, I not only sold all my family's stocks in Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa, but also mortgaged one of my three houses to the bank, raising millions of Hong Kong dollars."

"I've been waiting to speculate in foreign exchange with you, but I'm still queuing up. I don't know how long I'll have to wait."

Liu Jianhui was the cousin who was the most prosperous and enviable relative in Zhang Weifan's family. He had been a child of someone else's family since he was a child. After graduating from the University of Hong Kong, he went directly to Central and joined Mr. Li's company.

Since Mr. Lee acquired Hutchison Whampoa in 1980, it has indeed become an idol for countless people and one of the models in Hong Kong.

Compared with Zhang Weifan, who just graduated from middle school and worked an unstable job, Liu Jianhui is really not a social elite on the same level.

But before you know it, the sky has changed!

Getting wilder and wilder.

At the beginning of December, Zhang Weifan's family put together all their savings to collect 600,000, and waited to get on the bus to invest in the Japanese yen. In January, the Japanese yen appreciated by 3%. Today is February 25. Since February, the Japanese yen has risen and fallen, and today it has appreciated again. 2%.

The sum of January and February equals 5%!

The 20 times leverage of HKD 600,000 is equivalent to Zhang Weifan’s gross profit of HKD 600,000. Even leaving aside the operating fees charged to the financial company, the net profit will be at least HKD 500,000.

This kind of money-making speed? ? Although it is not just Zhang Weifan who is making money like this, but various groups under the Zhao family, and countless employee circles and relatives are making money like this. If everyone pays 10 times, it will be half less...

Even if it’s less than half, it’s still a profit!

Now Liu Jianhui's family is really regretful and annoyed to the point of vomiting blood. If I had known better, I should have followed Zhang Weifan in the car when he revealed the situation for the first time.

The first time Zhang Weifan persuaded his family to invest in finance to make money was in early December.

At that time, Wanjia's leadership was still giving various instructions to keep it secret, and he did not reveal it to his cousin and aunt's family immediately. By the end of December 1985, the situation was completely different. More and more people knew about the incident. thing.

Zhang Weifan also told his aunt and family directly.

But at that time, my eldest cousin was relatively confident in Li Chaoren, so he didn't follow, wanting to wait and see.

Seeing now, Liu Jianhui felt that if he didn't vomit a few mouthfuls of old blood, he would be sorry for his choice to miss this opportunity. If he had got on the bus for the first time, now their family would have made an unknown amount of tens of thousands.

Families like theirs are also the main factors behind the continued decline in the stock prices of listed companies such as Cheung Kong, Hutchison Whampoa, including Li Zhaoji, Guo Bingxiang and other big guys!

Following Liu Jianhui's words, cousin Liang Meijuan also looked at Afan expectantly.

Affan, "..."

Afan thought for a few seconds and smiled bitterly, "Brother Hui, it's not that I won't help you, but how should I put it? Since the profits of the past two months have gradually become known, more and more people, including employees in the group, are Want to raise your stakes.”

"Zhao Sheng must be looking after our own people."

"Not every employee is like me, who fully invested all his wealth and used 20 times leverage at the beginning."

"Zhao Films, ATV, Asian Theater Academy, Hong Kong Electric, Zhao Logistics, Pan Asia Group, Wanjia, Baijia Surnames, etc., including now that Ms. Zhou has become the chairman of Chinese Real Estate, how much is involved in the Chinese Real Estate system People?? How many employees? Those are also our own people."

"So, there are groups of employees who want to take out the coffin book and put all the money to marry a wife, and each one is more excited than the other. In the past, more than 80% of the people calmly chose 10 times, but now they can't wait to get 50 times the leverage. …”

"The financial group spends a lot of time every day just to appease, persuade and even order the trade unions."

"For outsiders to queue up, it's really..."

What he explained is reality. People are the craziest about making money. If you invest 600,000 yuan and leverage it 20 times, you can make double the gross profit in two months. How much will you earn if you leverage it 50 times? ?

I only took 50,000 yuan before, which is 10% of the family's wealth for a family of seven or eight people. How can I earn more than 20,000 yuan in two months with 10 times leverage? Then should we spend all our capital, or even mortgage our house and take out a loan to invest? ?

The situation is that Zhao's employee corps is overwhelmed with queues and is dizzyingly busy all day long.

Zhang Weifan spoke again, "Also, Zhao Sheng is from the New Territories. The priorities of the folks there are the same as those under the group. There are many Zhao Sheng's folks in the New Territories."

Liu Jianhui covered his heart, looking extremely hurt and indignant, "It's all my fault. I mistakenly believed that the person who copied the person was on the street..."

Without HK Electric, the peak market capitalizations of several groups before Mr. Li were more than 20 billion, but now they have dropped back to 15 billion. What a shame! Fortunately, he withdrew his capital relatively early and did not mortgage his property to buy stocks of Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa.

The loss is not big.

But I felt like I wanted to die if I couldn't get on Zhao's financial and foreign exchange chariot in time.

Zhang Weifan thought for a while, "Brother Hui, do you want to try buying shares of Chinese Land? You don't have much money. Buy more Chinese Land first. If you hope to become a minority shareholder one day, you will naturally become a member of the group." , as we all know, Ms. Zhou is one of the proprietresses of our large group."

"Also, Cheung Kong is involved in a lot of real estate business, and you are an architect graduated from the University of Hong Kong. If you want to change jobs, your chances are high..."

Before Liu Jianhui could explain, Liang Meijuan sighed, "There's no need for you to mention this. We also know that the queue period is too long. We have indeed spent about 500,000 to buy Huazhi stocks, but this little money is a drop in the bucket if it is lost in the stock market. "

"Your brother also resigned from Changshi and applied for a job at Huazhi, but he is still waiting for news on whether he can get in."

One wrong letter and wrong payment, their family lost too much!

At this moment, at a table in the restaurant, someone suddenly grabbed a newspaper and exclaimed, "Chinese Real Estate Bank borrowed money to buy the original four Shaw Brothers theater properties, and plans to knock down the old theaters and build a 30-story skyscraper?"

"Hiss, if four commercial office buildings are built, the property rights of just four buildings will have a market value of four to five billion, right? Once the loan is repaid when it is due, the properties will be rented out, which will bring huge profits every year."

"If I remember correctly, Huazhi's current total market value is only 1.2 billion??"

After saying these words, Liang Jianhui, who was looking downcast, suddenly widened his eyes. Damn it, what the hell, is there such good news? ?

This is simply, simply invincible!

A central office building like the Caring Building costs 1 billion or more than 1 billion, and there are four of them. Even if the housing prices in Yau Tsim Mong are slightly cheaper, they are not much cheaper.

In shock, Liu Jianhui ran over to grab the newspaper and almost got into a fight with the diner, but he only got beaten and stared at the newspaper, while Zhang Weifan went to break up the fight.

After the little farce ended, Liu Jianhui stood in the restaurant and laughed wildly, "Great, great, I'll pay for everything today. Thank you everyone for coming!"

Although he failed to catch the fast train of financial investment and foreign exchange speculation, the new news announced by Chinese Real Estate is really... Liu Jianhui felt that it would be unscientific for Chinese Real Estate not to increase its stock price several times after this.

Even if they buy land and borrow a lot of money from the bank, it is just land money, from land to building a building? Chinese Real Estate is an established real estate developer with decades of experience. Are you afraid of building a house?

After that, I paid off the land purchase loan and owned four commercial buildings. It is a super high-quality core industry in itself!

As for his 500,000 yuan purchase of Huazhi shares, he had done so before when Huazhi had a market value of 1 billion. If it suddenly surged, it would have doubled several times.

When I pledged my 1,000-square-foot mansion to get a loan from the bank with the idea of ​​investing, I was right.

That is to say, since February 25, when Chinese Real Estate announced new projects and development strategies, Chinese Real Estate's shares have been skyrocketing in Hong Kong stocks.

On March 1st, when the market closed on Saturday, Chinese Real Estate had already surged to a market value of more than 4 billion. Because there were too many, stock investments were withdrawn from other group companies, and citizens who wanted to join Zhao's financial chariot were queuing up. If you don't go, the money in your hand will be idle and waiting.

As soon as the exciting benefits came out, it was really...

It was at this stage that Zhou Huimin, who was originally a beautiful singer and movie star, had risen to a real estate tycoon on the same level as the chairman of Hutchison Whampoa!

This is because Zhao Donghuai wanted to let the stock market calm down first and did not immediately launch Huazhi's Wanwan 200 Wanjia comprehensive shopping mall construction project.

The purchase of land and the purchase of three- to five-story buildings that are suitable for renovation are already in full swing. Various professionals are busy running around. With the support of big bosses throughout the process, this matter is progressing smoothly.

Huazhi is now recruiting and poaching people, poaching teams from the real estate groups of veteran tycoons such as Li Chaoren, Wang Dehui, Guo Bingxiang, and Li Zhaoji to expand.


On March 1st, when Zhao Donghuai saw Huang Weiming at the Zhao Film Building, he smiled and threw away his cigar and said, "A Ming, it's your turn to perform. You fly directly to North America and do your best to promote "Speed ​​of Death" and "Shark Beach". A play."

"The main theme is the heroine, women's rights..."

The box office split of "The Love of Ghosts" in North America and Europe has been gradually transferred to Zhao Films. The total profit in Europe and the United States is more than 100 million U.S. dollars, and the profit is more than 1 billion Hong Kong dollars.

This is no longer a blockbuster movie like "Super Body", and he can only sell it for 50 million US dollars.

As for various Hong Kong action movies and blockbuster video tapes, he took advantage of the situation and launched it in conjunction with Marvel's comic retail stores across the United States and AMC theaters.

Since we are happy to cooperate with AMC, we can also work together on two local Lunar New Year blockbusters, Speed ​​and Shark Tank.

AMC is a multiplex theater, so there is no pressure to watch two movies at once.

Huang Weiming bent down and nodded respectfully, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I will do my job well."

The more Teacher Huang learns, the more skilled he becomes in certain things, and the more he discovers the huge profits contained therein.

To put it bluntly, Mr. Huang is the highest-ranking adjective in the circle of film critics in Hong Kong.

Now, a Hollywood company can pay him tens of thousands of dollars to write a praise review for a certain movie!

Super Body is promoting Monica Bellucci in Europe and the United States, and AMC theaters are cooperating with other promotions. Lola Fonna, the Spanish lady, can also take advantage of the trend to become famous.

After seeing Teacher Huang off, Qiu Shuzhen quickly ran over and chatted with him for a few minutes before saying, "Boss, Zou Sheng and Aaron are here..."

Well, Azhen's name for him hasn't changed yet, but an action superstar like Cheng Long has been demoted to Aaron.

After he came back from watching the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve, he consecrated Azhen and Zhang Min.

Zhao Donghuai could only sigh. He did not have the determination of a saint, so he could only sacrifice himself for the world when facing various monsters.

He confiscated Laura Fang Na, Li Zhi, etc., he could be indifferent to Isabel Adjani, Wang Zuxian was not interested in them, Taiping, but A Zhen and Zhang Min had hard work without credit.

Just because of their hard work over the years, Zhao Donghuai felt that he needed to take care of the secretaries' work mentality and inject enough positive energy into them to avoid being disappointed in the future and giving up.

"Didn't you tell me earlier?"

Azhen smiled sweetly, "It's okay to let them wait for a while. Anyway, they are asking you, boss, to do something. I want to see if Police Story can be distributed in Europe and the United States."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Go ahead and invite them in. Police Stories can also make money."

Police Story 1, which was released last year, performed well in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia. It sold 2 billion yen in the island nation alone.

As for Europe and the United States, there is no historical data in the original track, it has not entered theaters, and it has not entered the video tape market. Jiahe's distribution capabilities are still far inferior to cheaters like Zhao Donghuai.

However, Cheng Long was able to break into Europe and the United States because of his unique personal style. There is no data on Police Story, but some of the content can be seen from other similar films. In the 1990s, Double Dragon Club won 30 million U.S. dollars in the European and American video rental market. Knife sales and rentals.

Of course, this refers to the seven or eight years of sales from 1992 to 1999. Do you think Double Dragon Club can be more classic than Police Story 1?

Rush Hour 1 video tapes, DVDs and other total markets have generated more than 80 million US dollars in sales and rentals. Do you think this is not representative of Hollywood productions?

Drunken Master 2 also earned more than 40 million US dollars in sales and rentals!

Drunken Master and Double Dragon Club can prove that Cheng Long's films, even if they are all Chinese films, have enough audiences in North America in the 1980s and 1990s.

After he met Zou Wenhuai and Cheng Long, the two greeted each other politely before Zou Sheng laughed and said, "Zhao Sheng, your new theater line is launched. In my opinion, it is better to let Jiahe close. We Just listen to your schedule."

"Since experiencing the movie-watching experience in the new theater, a large number of movie fans have urged me to revamp Jiahe and Lei Sheng's Golden Princess as soon as possible."

"Now that you have spoken to the whole Hong Kong, everyone is convinced!"

Of course, I was convinced. Not to mention how much money Zou Wenhuai made from Bawang shampoo, just talking about investing in Japanese yen. Zou Wenhuai had 200 million Hong Kong dollars in the financial group, which was 100 million higher than Shao Yifu's original limit.

You know how much money he has made while lying down.

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "That won't work. Monopoly is not a good sign, so just hold on."

Zou Wenhuai, "..."

After a few seconds of confusion, he smiled and said, "Zhao Sheng, you won the Academy Award, what are you going to do this year? If necessary, we old guys can come out to help."

The Hong Kong Film Awards has been fully acquired, and this year's awards ceremony will be broadcast live on ATV throughout Hong Kong.

With the strong support of Zou Wenhuai, Lei Juekun and others, this is no longer the petty spirit of the Shu Qi and Chen Baisheng era.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Thank you very much. As for Aaron's Police Story wanting to be brought to North America, I will also talk to AMC. Monica is already the majority shareholder of AMC, and Stanley will also give her face."

"But you are responsible for the publicity and distribution expenses. As for the box office and subsequent video market prospects, I can't say."

"With the quality of Police Story and sufficient publicity and distribution, there is a high hope that the box office will exceed 10 to 20 million US dollars."

The earliest time Jet Li's Black Knight was able to earn more than 10 million US dollars with the support of Xuanfa, that was in 1984.

Cheng Long's face was filled with excitement, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao. I will definitely give it a try."

Zou Wenhuai also nodded, "How much you make is one thing. Whether you can really get Aaron to advance to North America is the big deal. Even if Xuanfa spends a lot of money, it will be a loss after the fact, as long as he can become popular, he will still make money. "

Police Story 1 is a movie. Once it becomes famous, it will make money. Even if Xuanfa plays bigger this time and loses money, he can make it back in the future.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, which was also a good thing for him. After all, in this version of Police Story, Gong Li replaced Zhang Manyu as the heroine A Mei, and Li Zhi replaced Lin Qingxia as Salina Fang. These are all beauties under the Zhao family.


March 3rd.

After Huang Weiming arrived in Hollywood, he accepted interviews on several programs and promoted two new movies (Shark Beach) and (Speed), promoting ZZZQ!

Lola Fonna herself did not go, but she also accepted certain phone interviews. North America confirmed that she is a pure Spanish beauty, a sensation in the film industry, and Hollywood actresses who are all in various Amway. I recommend these two new movies. Movie.

Regardless of the speed of life and death, Shartan is really the only female protagonist!

This is far more outrageous than a super body!

Super Body does not have a male protagonist, but there are a lot of supporting actors and actresses. Huang Weiming highly recommends Shark Beach as a horror film that is similar to Jaws and directly touches on Jaws. A beautiful white woman battles wits with Jaws throughout the whole process. Fighting bravely...

It's exciting just thinking about it.

That's not all. Huang Weiming also announced the launch of the movie (Cat and Mouse Game). First, he spent some money on newspapers and TV stations to fully publicize how legendary, incredible and outrageous the life experience of the real-life male protagonist of Cat and Mouse Game was.

I would also highly recommend the film "Cat and Mouse" that has just been launched on Hong Kong Island. In order to show the excellence of women in the new era, Naomi Watts, a white girl, was specially chosen to star in the adapted version.

She is the federal FBI elite who has been chasing and trying to arrest Naomi Watts, and she is also played by an Asian literary queen...

An all-female version of the ZZZQ program is coming out? Simply, countless people in North America exploded.

This excitement is definitely as true as having a black girl play Snow White in the future! There's magic!

Many Hollywood actresses, or second- and third-tier female stars, were simply going crazy with joy. Although the prototype of the cat-and-mouse game was also shocked that the movie would be a female-led version, which was outrageous, he took the money and sold all the copyrights.

Moreover, this era was indeed a period of explosive development for women’s rights. He didn’t know what to say for a moment!

Outcry? So how many girls will you get pissed off by?

Huang Weiming just took care of killing and not burying it. Amid various publicity campaigns, Shark Beach officially landed on 1,000 screens of AMC theaters, and then it exploded.

This kind of explosion is definitely not as good as the super body, but it also took in more than 15 million US dollars at the box office in the first weekend. In the first weekend alone, Laura Fonna used her excellent acting skills and the special effects industry to join the big movie. Breathtakingly beautiful ocean views.

Conquered countless North American movie fans.

With the excitement of Shark Beach, Life and Death...it suddenly ignited the passion of countless movie fans. The box office of Life and Death in the first weekend was 21 million!

Because this first weekend happens to include International Women’s Day on March 8th, your appeal to promote women’s rights before and after this holiday is simply indescribable.

Lola Fanna has never even been to North America, and she has almost become a model of outstanding female idols in the new era that is praised, envied and even vigorously promoted by many organizations.

Before Lola, another idol was Monica Bellucci, who had a massive reputation and a kind of craziness that pushed them upward.

As for Hong Kong Zhao's Pictures, in North America at this time, it is no longer only attractive to newcomers in the film and television industry. It is no longer only attractive to Bruce Willis who has been running for eight years and has finally made a breakthrough in the television industry. The new star in the bubble has been attracted.

It can be said that the leading actresses in Hollywood are beginning to have a good impression of Zhao Films. They feel that Zhao Donghuai, the Asian film tycoon, is simply a new benchmark that all major Hollywood film and television groups should learn from and chase!

Do you see how friendly Mr. Zhao is to female stars? How much care and love? ?

Furthermore, (Cat and Mouse Game) has not been officially launched yet, it was only falsely launched in Huang Weiming's promotion, because Wang Jing and Xu Ke are directing (Home Alone) in the mainland.

But (Cat and Mouse Game)'s movie project has begun to attract attention, attracting the attention of Hollywood!

Zhao Films has begun to receive a large number of self-recommendation letters from Hollywood actresses, second- and third-tier female stars. Some people are too embarrassed to compete for the female lead role of Naomi Watts, but the FBI agent played by Lin Qingxia ?

Many Hollywood actresses think they can grab it and give it a try.

For example, Barbra Streisand's film and television singing industry has developed throughout the industry. In the music world, Grammy Awards, TV Golden Globe Awards, Hollywood Oscar nominations, and numerous award-winning big stars all offer salaries of US$2 million. Self-recommendation letter for lowering your self-esteem and wanting to join the group.

This is truly a Hollywood actress who has been nominated and won several Oscars. She is currently a top actress in the 1980s, with a salary of more than 4 million US dollars.

Such senior film award-winners are eyeing one of the two protagonists (cat-and-mouse game). You can imagine how many other self-recommendation letters there are.

The same big shots among this group of Hollywood actresses also followed Huang Weiming's urging and began to promote two popular movies (Speed) and (Shark Tank) for free.

And when the news came out, Qingxia's Aunt Alexander, and even Naomi Watts, who was still studying and improving, began to suffer from insomnia.

Some people are embarrassed to steal Naomi Watts' leading role, but that doesn't mean all of them.

Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min, who were responsible for receiving letters and sorting out information, often cursed at people. You never know how enthusiastic those Hollywood actresses can be for high-quality film resources.

The letters come with artistic photos, which can be published on the cover of Longhubao, guaranteed to be a best-seller.

Of course, Zhao Donghuai would definitely not be so cruel and unscrupulous in sending so many artistic photos to Long Hubao. That would be too unethical. He just criticized it in private with an artistic and aesthetic eye, and then felt...

The quality is not as good as those collected in a certain disk before time travel.

Moreover, Zhao Donghuai has little impression of these old Hua Dan. If you are a new generation of Hua Dan born in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, he may still be interested.

There are too many people born in the 1940s and 1950s here... too unfamiliar.

Isabelle Adjani is also born in the 50s, but at the same time, there were too few people in Hollywood who could surpass Adjani.

In addition to this situation, there is also the fact that some celebrities even stated in letters that they can bring capital into the group. This kind of capital does not invest in becoming one of the investors, but spends money to buy roles!

Barbra Streisand is willing to lower her net worth from more than 4 million US dollars to 2 million US dollars to star in the movie. Those second-tier Hollywood actresses who want to grab the role of FBI detective in the prototype of "Cat and Mouse Game" are also willing to contribute. One million dollars to buy the right to star in this role.

As for those who want to steal the role of Naomi Watts, there are also many white actresses who are willing to pay a lot to show off their magical skills.

All I can say is... During the special holiday on March 8th, Huang Weiming's various bombshells, coupled with the support of many white female stars, attracted countless female audiences to watch "Speed" and "Shark Beach". After the box office reputation exploded.

In Hong Kong's film industry, Zhao Donghuai's new era version of the Talent Recruitment Order is too destructive to European and American beauties!

The cat-and-mouse game has become extremely popular even before it was officially launched and teamed up.

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