Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 161 Returning the blue sky to the citizens of North America

May 10th, Belleville, North America.

After Bill Gai stepped into the office, he saw the professional secretary running over to greet him with an excited face, "Good morning, boss!"

"Do you think the company's market value will skyrocket today? Oh my God, it's incredible. When it went public in March, it was only $21 per share, and now the company's stock is worth $47 per share!"

"In a short period of time, the company's market value has increased from 700 million to more than 1 billion..."

Bill glanced at the long-legged blond secretary with an expression that said, "Forget it, he doesn't have time to think about it right now."

If Microsoft went public on March 13, its stock price rose from US$21 to US$28, and then stabilized at around US$30 per share in April, which is still normal, it means that Microsoft is very healthy and is very favored by ordinary investors.

It has only entered May, and there is no big good news released, nor any new and updated products.

The market value of this stock price has increased so much at once, it is abnormal!

Bill quickly said, "Have you contacted Paul? What did Paul say, are you interested in coming to the company?"

Microsoft was founded by him and Paul Allen. Unfortunately, Paul was diagnosed with a cancerous syndrome in 1982, and Paul left the company.

Of course, Paul also holds a number of shares in Microsoft. You must know that when Microsoft was first founded, Bill held 60% and Paul held 40%.

The blond secretary quickly ran back to his desk, brought a letter and said, "Mr. Paul has undergone several radiation treatments and bone marrow transplants... His health has yet to improve, so he dictated a letter to be handed over to you."

Bill quickly took the letter, read it, and then entered the office.

After reading it, Bill directly grabbed the phone and said, "Mommy, there are some things that I feel are in a lot of trouble. I want you to help me check..."

As we all know, Bill's ability to control Microsoft and become the world's richest man in the future, and to remain the richest man for more than ten consecutive years, is of course not just a dropout.

But his mother's status as a trustee of the University of Washington, a female boss of the United Way of North America, and a senior executive of First Intercontinental Bank, etc., gave him extremely strong protection and boosting power.

Microsoft's early start was inseparable from IBM's order support, which was also the cornerstone of Microsoft's rise. Bill's mother, Mary, was a good colleague of a certain CEO of IBM.

To be more precise, when she was the female boss of the United Way of North America, the CEO of IBM was also working in the United Way of North America and was a subordinate of Ms. Mary.

The United Way of North America is one of the top charities in North America. Everyone understands the meaning of a top charity.

Of course, Bill's father is also very strong, and the law firm he owns is one of the top law firms in the United States.

A female boss in the philanthropy industry and a top barrister, even two of the top lawyers, with connections, channels of influence, etc., are very unusual.

After making the call, Bill directly sent out a request for help. By reading Paul's letters, he discovered that during this period, large financial groups such as Morgan, Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, and DuPont actually sent people to contact Paul privately.

I want to take all of Paul's Microsoft shares at a premium.

What the hell... With his current small body, how can he hold up Morgan, Rockefeller and other prehistoric giants? ?

No wonder, since the beginning of May, Microsoft's stock price has been rising like it's sitting in the crater of a volcano.

After a quick exchange, after Mary comforted Bill for a while and told him not to panic, she would help him find out the information.

Bill thought for a while, then picked up the phone and called his father William. His father's law firm would also help top chaebols handle some lawsuits, and he had a lot of connections.

After the two phone calls ended, Bill breathed a sigh of relief and rewatched today's news. He unexpectedly discovered that it wasn't just his Microsoft that was seeing skyrocketing stock prices.

The stock price of Oracle, a company founded by Ellison, has risen from more than 20 US dollars per share to more than 40 US dollars in the past few days in May.

Oracle Group is one of Microsoft's biggest competitors, including IBM, which is also among Oracle's competitors.

"Could it be Wall Street giants like Morgan and Rockefeller who did it again? FUCK, what do these guys want to do? Drive us out of the board of directors? Steal the foundation??"

"But fortunately, my situation should be much better than Ellison..."

After all, Ellison's family background is far inferior to his. He can also ask his parents to come forward and directly contact the Wall Street giants behind them to test their intentions. Even if it doesn't work out, he can still gain more rights.

Ellison? ?


When the morning sun shines in North America, it has already entered night here on Hong Kong Island.

After filming the scenes for a day (Never Compromise), Zhao Donghuai had just returned to the top floor of the Financial Center Building when he saw Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min running over excitedly, serving tea and water for massages.

"Boss, Microsoft's stock price has risen to $47 per share. Wow, my original 1% share has doubled."

"Wouldn't it be that I've made HK$50-60 million by selling now? It's only been two months, less than two full months. Oh my God, it's so profitable. It's as exciting as the initial wave of appreciation of the Japanese yen!"

Zhang Min was also extremely excited. She didn't buy Microsoft, but she bought Oracle. Like Azhen, she took out a loan to buy 1% of Oracle's stock.

At present, Oracle has doubled in value, and she has also made tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in blood.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and shook his head, "Don't be anxious, you can wait a little longer and make more money."

After joking for a while, Azhen secretly complained that Zhou Huimin's sister Min was making various tonic soups for him in the big kitchen on the 32nd floor. Because Sister Min had relatives come over recently, she changed the one to reduce inflammation to tonic soup.

Director Zhao, "..."

Forget it, let Amin find out what's wrong with him.

Soon, he saw another visitor in the office. He was Ahang, one of the members of the Pan-Asia Group who had been following Zhao Qiang on business in North America.

After asking Qiu Shuzhen to bring Ah Hang a glass of water, Director Zhao took out a file bag and said, "This time you go to North America, let the brothers run around a little more to find some suitable information and evidence. Keep it for now."

"There is some dirty information about FBI agents here, and some evidence that is inconvenient to collect. You can ask friends from the FBI to do it."

Ah Hang quickly accepted the order and asked curiously, "FBI dirty information?"

Zhao Donghuai also nodded, "Yes, it's the kind of black material that will be put in jail or even sentenced to death by the FBI if it is taken out and made public. Use this to make friends with them, and you will have more friends."

There was silence as Ahang nodded.

Aren't the 200 green card or work visa holders of Pan Asia Group far from Zhao Sheng's backbone in North America? After all, he is one of the leaders, similar to Hong Kong's Aguang, Ahe, and Alu.

The latter are all first-class general managers and vice presidents of Pan Asia Group.

From March 1984, when they followed Zhao Qiang to North America until now, they have never been tasked with collecting and investigating whether there are criminal police officers in the FBI. Good guy, have they obtained the criminal evidence of this criminal police officer? ?

Can the highest sentence be punished by death? ?

Could this be something done by the boss’s mafia friends over there?

He doesn't think so much anymore, he just needs to follow orders and do things. It is also a good thing to make more friends with people in the FBI.

After Ahang left, Zhao Donghuai rubbed his forehead and collected the illegal information and evidence of the prototype of the real-life story in (Never Compromise). He really needed to do it now and prepare everything.

When the movie bombs North America, we can more quickly and effectively promote the (never compromise) prototype to prosecute and file lawsuits in reality... The more sensational the case, the more powerful the movie will be at the box office and even win awards.

After all, the prototype was industrial anti-rust hexavalent chromium leaking into the groundwater, contaminating the water source of residents in Hinckley Town. After drinking too much, various cancers or other serious diseases such as organ failure appeared one after another. This was revealed. What a great thing to give the citizens of North America a clear sky!

The movie and reality are efficiently linked. The original film's global box office of US$260 million is not hopeless if it is doubled.

The shock of winning a prize is also of a much higher standard.

And the FBI’s dirty stuff? Of course, that is the reward that comes out of the simulator, which is "Part of the FBI's criminal information on criminal crimes"!

Starting from late September 1985, he started simulating once a day, or twice or three times a day. Zhao Donghuai even used up his personal space and accumulated more than 50 cubic meters.

I no longer have to worry about the inconvenience of saving various technical information, small collections of illegal crimes, etc.

Director Zhao was still thinking about the layout of the film industry when he saw Zhou Huimin walking in with a large bowl of soup, "Brother Huai, have some soup..."

Zhao Donghuai tasted the wolfberry pork ribs soup speechlessly. Yes, Amin's cooking skills are getting better and better.

Zhou Huimin said happily, "Chinese Real Estate has recently acquired a few old buildings in Yau Tsim Mong, and plans to convert the six- or seven-storey residential tenement buildings into a 30-storey residential community. If this project continues, it will be good, right?"

"I don't understand, but the construction professionals we recruited just suggested that we buy more old buildings while we are rich and powerful..."

"When Brother Huai leads tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong to make a fortune, our new buildings will be almost completely renovated. By then, we can sell them to those people who have made a fortune but need a new home."

When she talks about being rich and powerful, she means that Director Zhao led the entire Hong Kong to make a fortune and created supreme status and influence in the minds of Hong Kong residents. So many real estate groups approached the owners of old buildings to negotiate deals. cooperate.

Even if the conditions offered by many real estate groups are the same, or in other words, the conditions offered by Cheung Kong, Sun Hung Kai, Chinachem, etc. are better than those offered by Chinese Real Estate.

A large number of citizens voted with their feet and would still choose to cooperate with Huazhi.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "This strategy is good and can be carried out for a long time."

The demolition and reconstruction plan of old buildings in the downtown area is indeed good business. The famous Li Zhaoji can become one of the top ten richest people. In addition to controlling the Hong Kong and China Gas and the Island Ferry Company, he also controls the energy and transportation industries. He has also risen in the real estate industry. The biggest move is to renovate old buildings.

This old Mr. Li rarely bids for new land thrown out by the Hong Kong government.

The "Class B Land Exchange Rights Letter" for merging buildings and the New Territories is his unique skill to dominate real estate, but now Chinese Real Estate has joined this game?

Regardless of merging buildings, renovating old buildings or moving to the New Territories... In the New Territories, with the influence of the Zhao family and the support of the five major surnames, no real estate developer other than Huazhi can play in the New Territories.

After Zhou Huimin started joking and chatting, and watched Zhao Donghuai finish a large bowl of soup, she came over to ask for some water, and wanted to run away after the quarrel...

Director Zhao said enthusiastically, "Amin, you are already a real estate tycoon. You have three official names."

Amin finally harmed himself.


a new day.

Zhao Donghuai was not in a hurry to start filming, but sat in the office waiting to receive guests. When Pascual Bellucci and Monica's godfather Maldini arrived.

The two greeted each other politely, and Director Zhao also said a few polite words and said with a smile, "Both of you, are you interested in investing in two North American companies?"

"For the sake of everyone being a family, don't say I'm treating you badly. Now there is an opportunity to make a fortune. Not only can you invest, but you can also invite more friends to invest together."

Pascual was overjoyed, "Zhao Sheng said that because he wanted to give us money to spend. Of course we are willing."

In fact, Monica has become so rich that she has long been a member of the big capital. When the second wave of foreign exchange speculation began on January 1, Pascual also collected millions of dollars to join the second wave of Japanese speculation. The yen has appreciated in foreign exchange.

So far, I have made a lot of money... It's already May, the Japanese Yen has appreciated 17%, and I have made tens of millions of dollars in that money.

With a profit of nearly 300%, both Pascual and Maldini, the young mafia boss, began to worship Zhao Donghuai. It was so exciting to make a fortune!

Is there any new way to make money now? ?

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand and waited for Azhen to send some information. The two of them started reading it, and the more they read, the more excited they became.

After they finished reading, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "I am very optimistic about Microsoft and Oracle, two listed Internet companies. I originally bought 19% of Microsoft and 18% of Oracle. Now Wall Street consortiums such as Morgan, Rockefeller, and DuPont have all left. "

"They are just grabbing controlling stakes in these two companies, and their stock prices have doubled in just over a week."

"But doubling it is far from the end. There is hope for doubling it several more times. However, I am an ordinary businessman who competes for meat in North America and Wall Street. I can't eat too much at all."

"They will even default on their debts. For example, when the stock price rises to a certain level, they will pull away all the core creative teams of Microsoft and Oracle and start a new company...and the old company will lose its competitiveness and go bankrupt."

"So, this is an advantage for you. You have many friends in North America, a wide network of contacts, and more investment... As long as Microsoft and Oracle are not ignored and the core team is still there, its future market value will definitely be very broad."

Pascual was shocked, Maldini was shocked.

Then the two of them looked at each other, speechless for a moment. In North America, competing for meat with big names like Morgan and Rockefeller on Wall Street? ? When they looked at the data before, they only saw Microsoft and Oracle, and their stock prices doubled in two months.

But since the God of Wealth like Zhao Donghuai, Morgan, Rockefeller and others are very optimistic about Microsoft and Oracle, are they still fighting for it? ?

This is enough to show that this company really has potential, super potential!

The problem is that Zhao Donghuai also explained the risks clearly. When the time comes, Wall Street will take away the core team and start a new one, making Microsoft and Oracle useless and bankrupt... Then a lot of stocks in your hand will become useless paper. .

Can they play the stock market in North America and compete with Wall Street? That's death! Even if all the mafia gangs in Latin America get involved together, it would be death.

Is this a way to make money or to die?

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "You can do it this way. Use clean money to buy stocks. For every share you buy, half of the profit will be given to the core creative teams of Microsoft and Oracle, excluding the CEO."

"As long as everyone in the core team holds stock rights, if Wall Street wants to start a new business and start a new company, the core team will not agree."

"If you give up part of your profits, there is still a good chance of getting rich on this express train."

Zhao Donghuai has a simulator and can simulate it at will. At most, he can sell stocks and run away to make a fortune before the core team that controls "Microsoft and Oracle" on Wall Street starts a new business.

But what if everyone in the employee corps and trade unions of Microsoft and Oracle is a shareholder of both companies? Bill Gates and Ellison are no longer the only ones.

Then the difficulty of starting a new business appears...

He will not use his own money to benefit white North Americans, but for scumbags like the Mafia, if they give up a little money and operate clean and reliable white gloves and stocks, it is also a win-win situation for them.

Which mafia can launder its black gold without selling out a few percent of its profits? How can the laundered money be used to make money? That's a super difficult problem, otherwise they wouldn't be wrestling with the law specifically.

But it is still okay to invest in the stock market and let the community members and Microsoft employees and Oracle employees get rich together.

"It's like my Wanjia model. If you can turn Microsoft and Oracle into a Wanjia model to a certain extent, it will definitely be fun."

Maldini's eyes lit up and he praised, "In this case, it seems that it can really be operated."

What mafia boss doesn't have some white gloves? Zhao Donghuai's proposal was just to give half of the profits to White Gloves when he was looking for them.

Major shareholders such as Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Ellison took advantage of the rising stock price to sell and cash out, grabbing stocks...the more they grabbed, the more half of the profits they got.

It is indeed possible to tie up the core creative team with profits!

In the future, even if Wall Street wants to start anew and abolish the two groups Microsoft and Oracle, will the core team be fools?

If all of them are unwilling, it will be difficult for you to start a new business. Wall Street can't kill them all.

Wanjia model? Since learning from (New World 3), Maldini, a mafia boss, has also deeply studied many things in Zhao Donghuai, such as Wanjia Comprehensive Supermarket.

Soon, the two left excitedly.

After they disappeared, Qiu Shuzhen said excitedly, "Boss, can it really be done like that?"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "I don't know either. Let's try it first. Anyway, we won't suffer big losses. It's still early for Wall Street to start a new business with the core team."

After all, Microsoft's rise depends on signing a long-term contract with IBM to provide computer operating systems for the computers IBM sells around the world, which is the famous Windows series.

This is also version 1.0 launched in 1985. IBM computers that have flowed into many Zhao Groups in Hong Kong currently use the Windows series.

The copyright belongs to Microsoft, and so does the contract. You have to go through a process when starting a new business!

For example, Windows 2.0 version is currently in the research and development center, and various copyrights are also in Microsoft. However, the original track was not until December 1987 when 2.0 was launched. Before that, if the cool operation was not cool enough, it would be difficult to start a new business.

Too many tricks? For example, Gai Ge cooperated with Wall Street, opened a new company, asked Microsoft to sell the copyright to the new company, re-signed the IBM contract, and then took the core team to change jobs... This can be done, but it will not be done easily until a certain level.

If you do that, it will destroy the credibility of the company, the credibility of entrepreneurs, and the confidence of North American investors in you! After all, if you jump once, in addition to defrauding major shareholders like Zhao Donghuai, you will also defraud a large number of North American leeks.

He has a simulator and can predict his opponent's actions months in advance. He can sell the stocks in his hand safely without fear of being cheated.

This is a routine that turns Microsoft and Oracle into the Wanjia model through the mafia all over North America? Give it a try, he won't suffer.

If he can succeed, then the stocks in his hands will be worth a lot of money. If not, he can make a quick sum of money and escape.

It can only be said that with him around, it’s hard to say that Gai Ge has been the world’s richest man for many years. He can still easily become a rich man, but the status of being the richest man depends on the development...

At this stage, Brother Gai cannot withstand the attacks of Wall Street consortiums one after another, so he must cut his flesh.

It's a pity that Microsoft and Oracle's plan to turn themselves into millions of companies failed, but it turned out to be... It will probably make Wall Street and the Guys in Gaijia vomit blood in disgust.

He and his two groups can no longer acquire about 20% of the stocks in each group. If they continue to collect them, it is not a matter of whether they have money or not. It will only stimulate Wall Street to destroy Microsoft and Oracle in advance and start a new business in advance.

And use various rules to trick you.

After sighing with emotion, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Let's go filming."


Time flies by, and on May 21st, the 39th Cannes International Film Festival in 1986 came to a perfect end.

Juno, produced by Zhao Films, won the Palme d'Or for Best Picture, Best Director, and a Best Actress nomination for Nicole Kidman.

When the award-winning team returned from France with great honors, Zhao Donghuai arranged for a large number of media personnel to stay at the airport to interview and report on this honorary project in the film field.

It caused a sensation in Hong Kong's film industry, as well as in the entire Greater China and Asian film circles.

It was Cannes after all...

Not many people in the outside world know that everyone from the first member of the jury to the individual judges, taking a SF Express, each makes millions or millions of dollars in profit a month.

They just saw that Zhao Films really won awards at the three major international film festivals in Europe and the world's top film festivals!

Or awards like the Palme d'Or and Best Director.

Even in the interview reports, the expressions of the two great directors Huang Jianxin and Zhang Yimou did not fluctuate much. It seemed that they were not excited enough? ? Everyone would just think that it was because the two international giants had not gotten over the jet lag, were too tired and other factors.

I definitely don’t think they are very excited about this Best Director trophy.

Director Huang and Ah Mou became very popular, not only in Hong Kong, but also in Mainland China. They became the new idols and ultimate pursuit goals of countless filmmakers.


The movie Juno was released accordingly, and all 26 Zhao's theaters in Hong Kong screened it on May 22. It grossed 3.5 million at the Hong Kong box office on the first day.

Then countless local movie fans went in excited, high and looking forward to it. As they watched, they felt that the expectations far outweighed the results. Is that it? That's it? ?

Countless movie fans walked out of the theater disappointed and disappointed, but the media circle began to spread the word that award-winning movies are about art, deeply criticizing society or heavily exploring certain themes, etc., and they are really different from everyday popcorn movies. Same.

On May 23 (Juno), the Hong Kong box office suddenly dropped back to 1.8 million, halved.

Saturday the 24th, yes, the release on the 22nd is a non-holiday and a non-working day. It is absolutely a miracle to get a box office of 3.5 million. It is a miracle that can win the Palme d'Or and the Best Director Award at the Cannes International Film Festival.

It's normal to see a cut in half on Friday, but on Saturday the 24th, the box office for the whole day was 1.5 million.

On Sunday the 25th, the number had dropped to only 1.3 million.

It was released in AMC theaters in North America on the 25th. Thanks to various promotions in advance, the box office was US$3 million on the first day... Hong Kong movie fans are beginning to doubt their lives regarding the box office data in North America.

It can only be said that human beings’ joys and sorrows are not the same!

On the evening of the 25th, when Zhao Donghuai shouted "click" on the script of "Never Compromise" and announced the end of work, Qiu Shuzhen quickly ran over and helped Director Zhao wipe his sweat, "Boss, Microsoft has risen to 57 US dollars per share. Wow, when are you going to cash out?" .”

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Why are you in a hurry?"

Even in the first simulation, Microsoft rose to more than 70 US dollars in June. He sold it in September to cash out, and the net profit was two or three times the principal.

That still means that after he exceeded 20% of the equity, he continued to acquire and compete with Wall Street. At this stage, he holds 19% and will not continue. Instead, he let the mafia unite to implement the Wanjia model.

It's hard to say when to sell, or when to stop selling easily, it all depends on the development.

When he finished work and returned to the Financial Building, he saw that Monica had been waiting for a long time. After rubbing their ears and temples together, Monica smiled and said, "My godfather has bought 1% of the shares, and he also worked with a developer named Gabe Newell. Personnel signed contracts.”

"No matter how these 1% stocks rise in the future, they will have half of Gabe Newell's profits."

"As for my godfather's friends, they are also doing things. At first, they could only watch my dad and godfather hand you millions of dollars and make tens of millions of dollars in the foreign exchange market in a few months. Those people were envious. Thick neck..."

"We are very enthusiastic about Microsoft's Wanjia plan."

After all, if you want to give profits to strangers and let them make a fortune for nothing, even a businessman will feel distressed and unhappy.

But only if the profits of the core creative team are guaranteed and they don't easily quit and start a new business, your stock will rise from more than fifty US dollars per share to one or two hundred US dollars per share, or even higher.

If you don't count the nine stock splits of Microsoft Group, it will be equivalent to eight to nine thousand US dollars per share by around 2020, and the mafia will only buy more than 50 US dollars per share.

Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "Gabe Newell?"

Monica smiled, "Why, is this still a talent? Brother Huai, do you know him too?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded. Gabe Newell was certainly a talent. He joined Microsoft in 1983 and was one of the developers of Windows 1.0. He was also a member of the development team for subsequent 2.0 and even Windows 95.

If you say this, ordinary people in later generations will certainly not be impressed. After all, the development team is led by Bill Gates, and there is a large team working on it.

But Gabe, he left Microsoft in 1996 to form Valve Group, and launched a series of game masterpieces such as (Half-Life), (Counter-Strike), and (Dota 2).

This is indeed a big deal. In 2022, he will be on the list of the world's richest people with a wealth of more than 50 billion US dollars.

Microsoft has become thousands of companies and continues to promote and experiment first.


On May 26, as soon as Zhao Donghuai got up, he saw Qiu Shuzhen running into the bedroom and saying, "Boss, the filming of Ah Hong's part (My Sassy Girl) has been completed, and the post-production process has been completed. She is waiting outside."

In late March, he began to arrange for Chen Hong (Sassy Girlfriend), and Ye Tong used a fake Adam's apple prop and dubbing to impersonate the male lead.

It's normal to finish filming in two months.

After Zhao Donghuai washed it briefly, he smiled and said, "Let's go to the screening room and watch it."

There is a separate luxurious private cinema here, which can be watched by one person, and the viewing experience is also superior if it can accommodate more than a dozen people to watch the movie together.

After watching the movie some time later, Zhao Donghuai applauded and said, "Well done, Ah Hong, you can be ready to become famous."

18-year-old Chen Hong will act this for you, and her acting skills will keep up...

Aesthetics are indeed different, and everyone has different aesthetics. In Zhao Donghuai's personal eyes, the 18-year-old dark-haired Chen Hong is much more beautiful than the original Jun Ji-hyun!

Chen Hong came over excitedly, "Boss, no matter how popular I am, it's you who support me."

Ah Hongdu ignored Ah Zhen's dark face and small eyes, and continued with a bright smile, "By the way, some folks in my hometown sent me many souvenirs by mail in order to thank you, boss, for helping them make money in Japanese currency exchange."

"The two apartments I bought are full. When will you have time to check them out?"

As early as during the super-body filming, Ah Hong would receive millions of Hong Kong dollars in red envelopes asking her to help intercede, press the news, etc., so she was rich.

Buying two houses does not delay her from joining other investment and wealth plans. After all, properties can be mortgaged with banks.

Her two houses are ordinary residential houses in Tsim Sha Tsui and Kowloon Tong. One has an indoor area of ​​more than 100 square meters, and the other is a double-storey duplex with an indoor area of ​​more than 200 square meters.

However, she rarely went to live there, and mostly lived with Gong Li in the dormitory on Broadcasting Road.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Just pick something and bring it to me."

Ah Hong continued to act coquettishly, "Boss, why don't you go to my house and have a look?"

Zhao Donghuai rolled his eyes, "Just ask Azhen to bring it to you another day. This movie will be released on June 1st. It's not a standard summer release, but it can be released for a month or two."

There is no worry about piracy, and 26 theaters can show 6 blockbusters at the same time. This summer, (Juno) has disappointed popcorn movie fans, but (Savage Girl) can still look forward to it.

After Chen Hong left with disappointment, Qiu Shuzhen complained, "There are so many fairies outside..."

Having said this, A-Zhen has already started to move her hands up and down.


June 1st arrived as scheduled.

After several days of preparations for various announcements, (My Sassy Girl) was fully released, countless movie fans entered the theater and were amazed by this movie!

To be precise, I was amazed by Ah Hong’s appearance in black long straight urban attire!

Chen Hong has also appeared in some movies, and she has played a lot of small roles. She was the male protagonist's sister in "Prison Story", one of the leading actors in A Chinese Ghost Story 2, and also appeared in "The King of Flowers 2". She can be regarded as a successor to Qiu Shuzhen, Zhang Min and other current actors in "Prison". The new junior sister.

However, for a modern love movie like "My Sassy Girl" that purely focuses on her, the sense is really different from the previous walk-ons and small supporting roles.

Being the main heroine in a love movie is really a hit. The box office of 2.3 million on the first day is not high. After all, Children's Day is a holiday, but there are still 2 million on the next working day, which is only a drop of 30 from the first day. Wan, shocked many filmmakers.

The theme song of the movie (I Believe) is very suitable for the occasion.

Some media began to tout her as the successor of the new generation of beautiful girls. She took over from Zhou Huimin, but Chen Hong was very happy and ran to Zhao's Financial Building even more diligently.

She was helping Zhao Sheng deliver souvenirs on behalf of her parents and fellow villagers. The reason was just and aboveboard, but she wouldn't let her bodyguards help. She would carry one or two boxes in and out by herself every time.

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