Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 165: Movie promotion needs such a perverted way?

June 29, 1986, Seattle.

Two Pan-Asian employees, Ehang and Ayun, accompanied Cameron Diaz’s father, Emilo Diaz, and mother, Mary, to the K\u0026L Gates law firm.

Standing in front of the building, Mary couldn't help but look at Ah Hang with an uneasy look on her face, "Hang, do you really want to do this? Sue Pacific Gas and Electric Group? That is one of the energy groups controlled by a large consortium."

Ah Hang had a bright smile on his face and was very proficient in English. "Ms. Mary, you are doing this for the health and safety of all Amei citizens and fighting on the front line of environmental protection! This is to help God protect the world!"

Mary, “…”

Emilo couldn't help but rolled his eyes and whispered, "Can you really win the lawsuit? Can you get millions of dollars in profit if you win the lawsuit?"

Ahang nodded.

Ayun impatiently said in English, "The boss has helped you earn more than 1 million US dollars in profit for your 1 million US dollars... You don't want to make more?"

Emilo instantly calmed down and stopped being frightened. He lit a cigarette and took two puffs before he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, of course we want to make more!"

In order to catch a super hitchhiker, he didn't hesitate to borrow a loan shark at a high interest rate. The loan was from an acquaintance, and it was only for a simple half-year period.

It’s just that I’ve been home nine times a year. Calculating the interest rate of more than 40% a year, it’s still scary.

The money was only 200,000 U.S. dollars, and he was given 180,000 U.S. dollars, which is about half a year's interest of 80,000 U.S. dollars, but what is that? In two or three months, that US$180,000 with 20 times leverage made a profit of US$210,000!

Overall, it is a profit of more than 1 million U.S. dollars for 1 million U.S. dollars.

The next moment, Emilo put his arms around Mary's shoulders and said, "Let's go."

A moment later, when the group was asked by the front desk whether they had made an appointment, Ahang smiled and said directly, "Please report to Mr. William that we are here to express goodwill on behalf of a major shareholder of Microsoft."

That's right, the actual linkage in Zhao Donghuai's plan to sue Pacific Gas and Electric Group directly targeted Bill Guy's father's law firm, which is after all one of the largest law firms in the United States.

In the future, it will even be one of the largest law firms in the world.

The front desk was surprised, quickly picked up the phone and reported, and then arranged for someone to serve coffee to the four people of Ehang.

The front desk also needs to have a keen eye. The current market value of Microsoft's current market value is more than 2 billion US dollars. He holds 20% of the shares and has cashed out a lot of cash, making him a rich man.

After the phone call ended, Ah Hang and others waited for more than ten minutes before being introduced to William II's large office by the secretary.

William II, who is just 61 years old, is still in good spirits. He received the four people from Emirates Hospitality politely and was full of curiosity during the conversation.

His son's Microsoft is caused by large financial groups such as Morgan, Rockefeller, and Goldman Sachs, and they want to occupy it.

Why did a representative of a major shareholder come to see him again? What do you want to do?

Before he could continue to test, Ah Hang smiled and said, "Mr. William, you are one of the best lawyers in the United States. I am here on behalf of my boss this time just to ask you to help fight a lawsuit."

"Sue a lawsuit against Pacific Gas and Electric Company because it failed to meet environmental protection requirements, causing the amount of hexavalent chromium in the drinking water of the small town of Hinckley, California, to seriously exceed the standard."

"California's health indicators should limit the hexavalent chromium content in drinking water to 0.02ppb, but the index in Hinckley Town has reached six times. This is the maximum for Hinckley town residents, where cancer is frequent, far exceeding the maximum in other towns. reason."

"We have searched enough academic evidence in the University of California library that serious excess of hexavalent chromium in drinking water will cause human beings to be susceptible to breast cancer, gastric cancer, etc..."

Along with Ahang's explanation, Ayun opened his briefcase and began to show evidence.

(Never Compromise) The real-life prototype is Pacific Gas and Electric Company, which installed a compressor station near the small town of Hinckley to connect the natural gas pipeline system between California and other states.

For more than ten years from 1952 to 1966, the group used hexavalent chromium as an anti-corrosion agent for compression machinery, but failed to take anti-leakage measures, causing hexavalent chromium to seep into the groundwater.

Then, Hinckley Town was unlucky. Twenty or thirty years later, cancer patients appeared frequently, and it became a cancer town!

The prototype of the original heroine of Never Compromise was in the early 1990s, when she was investigating a real estate case related to Pacific Gas and Electric Group, and found that the diagnostic report in a file was abnormal, so she started investigating.

Then there was a huge environmental protection case claiming 333 million yuan, and there was a movie version in 2000.

Zhao Donghuai intercepted Hu in advance because he was looking for evidence based on the prototype. People from the Pan-Asia Group were doing the work, and at the right time there would be FBI police to help him collect evidence.

He filmed the film for more than a month, and everything went smoothly, except that the prototype character got out of hand.

William II, "..."

He was messy, confused, and at a loss. Didn't you say that Gates, the major shareholder of Microsoft, was visiting me? ? Show kindness? ?

In the mess, William smiled professionally and said, "Sir, at my age, I generally don't take on lawsuits personally anymore."

Ehang said decisively, "Seek justice for hundreds of thousands of citizens and sue a behemoth like Pacific Gas and Electric. You are making the decision for the citizens of North America, and it may involve hundreds of millions in claims."

"Your company can get 30%!"

William II immediately took out his reading glasses from the table and put them on, "Let me take a look at the information first."

The information is very complete, starting with the Hinckley Cancer Patient Survey...the number and proportion of the patients are obviously many times higher than in normal North American small towns, and age, many people get cancer at a young age.

Secondly, California has limits on the standard proportion of hexavalent chromium in drinking water, and there is evidence that the drinking water content in the town of Singletary is six times the maximum proportion.

There is also evidence that the Pacific Gas and Electric Group compressor station near the town of Hinckley used hexavalent chromium as a preservative for compression machinery for more than ten years.

Including hexavalent chromium leaking into the town's groundwater... The California scientific community is concerned about...

After reading all kinds of evidence, William took a long breath. The evidence was too complete, too much.

After reading all the evidence and investigation reports, he felt that he could really win this case. After all, he was already one of the top leaders in the North American legal industry.

It is reasonable for so many townspeople to demand hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation from him.

When he looked at Ahang excitedly, Ahang introduced Mary, "Ms. Mary will be the representative of hundreds or even more victimized citizens in Hinckley Town."

"We will convince many townspeople to support Mary in helping them seek justice!"

William II nodded, "It seems that your preparations are very sufficient and strong. When will it start?"

He suspected that this was something being done by a competitor of Pacific Gas and Electric Group, and that Bill Gates, the major shareholder of Microsoft, was showing goodwill, which was an excuse for the other party to want to see him as soon as possible without making an appointment.

But it doesn’t matter. In a big case involving hundreds of millions of claims, the lawyer can bite off a large piece of meat in proportion, which is worth doing.

As for a behemoth like Pacific Gas and Electric, you sue him? There are definitely troubles and dangers in matters of this level, but given the situation of the William family, it can basically be done to save face and everyone plays the game within the rules.

The North American lawyer circle is really strong. For example, most North American officials are lawyers. They have great influence in the area of ​​judicial power.

It's amazing that a North American actor can run for the position of commander-in-chief, but according to official statistics, half of the many A-Mei's who have served as commander-in-chief were once lawyers!

Now you know how valuable the world of top lawyers is. Why, in a certain simulation, after Microsoft was swallowed up by Gai Ge, he ran out to set up his own business, while Oracle boss Ellison, who played the same game as him, just turned his back on the dumpster?

Brother Gai only needs to go back and continue to be the head of Microsoft, and he can continue to be a decent rich man, and he can also control a certain proportion of Microsoft's equity.

It's a normal move to catch a small group of people and file a class action lawsuit, but it doesn't involve any individual being targeted.

After all, he often serves the consortium. His wife has the experience of being the boss of one of the largest charities in North America and has a wide network of contacts.

Serious commercial litigation will not always encounter a dump truck warning.

For Pacific Gas and Electric, the most they can do is throw in the CEO's white gloves to apologize.

Lawyers also need big lawsuits to build their golden bodies, otherwise there would be no big lawyers in the original trajectory to help the archetypal (never compromise) heroine fight this lawsuit.

Of course, all this is limited to the fact that the lawyers are all white barristers, and the prosecutor’s representatives and victims are also white, authentic North Americans.

And Pacific Gas and Electric... He is not the final word and absolute control of some consortium family. The equity is relatively dispersed. The dispersed equity represents internal chaos.

Ah Hang then smiled and said, "We can get ready when the movie comes out."

William II was once again in a mess, confused, and confused... What does this have to do with the movie? What the hell movie? ?

Tens of seconds later, he looked at Ah Hang and others in shock. How come Hollywood's gameplay is so advanced now? ? Does the movie promotion need such a perverted way?

As one of the top lawyers in North America, William is really smart.

But he still felt that his eyes were wide open and breathtaking!

Ahang laughed and said, "It should be early July, or July 10th at the latest, the movie starring Isabelle Adjani will be released on AMC. By then, Ms. Mary will completely imitate the heroine in the movie."

"Mr. William only needs to sue Pacific Gas and Electric Group like the righteous lawyer in the movie, and then you can become the savior of the North American people. You will be a real-life superhero!"

“With supreme reputation, it is much easier to help people win votes.”

William, "..."

He was silent for a few minutes this time before curiously asking, "Can I watch the movie in advance before it is released?"

It looks like the lawyer in the movie definitely won the lawsuit!

Isabel Adjani turned into a model for the townspeople, sued the super conglomerate, and pleaded for the people...

Before Ah Hang could answer, he asked curiously, "Who are you working for?"

Ah Hang explained with a smile, "Does Mr. William know about Zhao's Pictures in Hong Kong?"

William was speechless again, how could he not know? When Microsoft was being robbed by Wall Street, those who worked with Wall Street, or even before Wall Street, were the capital from Hong Kong Island.

He had inquired privately, and it was only because a certain capital in Hong Kong came to seize Microsoft and Oracle that he aroused the interest of Wall Street predators, and recruited a large staff team to spend a month or two studying Microsoft and Oracle.

Only then did it finally end!

Co-author, do you really represent a major shareholder of Microsoft? ?

William exclaimed, "I never thought that someone could make a movie like this and play Xuanfa. The new work of Zhao from Hong Kong really interests me!"

"I'll take this case, but I want 50% of the claim amount!"

Ah Hang, "..."

Ms. Mary, the Hinckley town representative who was making the reservation, was confused, "Wang Defake? Are you asking for too much? Are you claiming compensation for hundreds or thousands of victims??"

In the plan, so many people were persuaded to support Mary in suing Pacific Gas and Electric Group on their behalf for hundreds of millions of dollars, but Mary's estimated profit was only over one million dollars.

Is your law firm so arrogant as a co-author?

Mary was shocked!

William glanced at Mary with a smile and said nothing, but Ah Hang spoke up, "You want too much. Your firm is not the only one of the top law firms in North America."

William then went to the wine cabinet to pour wine and gave each of Ahang and Ayun a glass of red wine. "Try my collection. This is the top-grade Romanee-Conti. Zhao's biggest purpose in promoting this class action lawsuit is to help promote his movie." …”

"The more sensational the lawsuit is, the stronger the movie's profits will be. Not only will it have a good box office, but there will also be various honorary awards. Instead of giving too much of this small amount of money to the citizens, it is better..."

The big gangster named Zhao is an international predator who goes against Wall Street and steals meat. Does he care about the citizens' compensation?

"It's not that my ratio requirement can't be lowered. We can negotiate slowly from 50% to 30%. But after the claim amount is obtained, it can be kept in our hands for a year and a half, and then the money can be distributed to the people of Hinckley Town." ??”

"A few hundred million US dollars, and after a year and a half of operation, there will be a lot of profits. I heard that Zhao has been speculating on the appreciation of the Japanese yen. What he did was so beautiful that it gave Wall Street a headache but couldn't find a solution."

"So when Zhao took a fancy to my company, Microsoft, many Wall Street giants also became interested, and that's why they joined forces to carve up Microsoft."

"Can these hundreds of millions be invested in the foreign exchange market?"

Ah Hang, "..."

William took a sip of wine and his laughter became even brighter, "Actually, I have heard of Pacific Gas and Electric Group. They like to spend money to operate the officialdom, hoping to continue to make money from the increase in electricity and gas prices."

"But their group has always turned a blind eye to proposals such as repairing various aging equipment and introducing new equipment to build a safe and environmentally friendly coal power grid in the new era."

"In the past, there were occasional electrical fires, but they were just minor troubles. This time... it's really a big case!"

"Hang, I don't know much about the stock market, but Zhao behind you is an international capital and can compete with Wall Street. With such a movie prosecution plan, can we short the Pacific Gas and Electric Group in advance?"

"Short selling in the stock market. Once a lawsuit is filed and the stock price plummets, there is still money to be made! The most important thing is that the internal equity of this energy group is dispersed, which is like a leaderless situation."

Ah Hang was speechless again.


In Hong Kong Island, under the night of the 29th, Zhao Donghuai received a report from Emirates Airlines. Not only did William want a higher proportion of the compensation for the lawsuit, but he also wanted to short the Pacific Gas and Electric Group?

Director Zhao could only say that William thought too much.

With the release of the movie "Never Compromise" and the start of a lawsuit, it is certain that Pacific Gas and Electric Group's stock price will plummet, and it can be shorted.

But for short-selling U.S. stocks... the leverage ratio that can be used for financing is often a few times, which is far from the foreign exchange market.

There is no high multiple, which means you need to invest a lot of money to go short. If you make a little money, you may be frozen accidentally.

It's not that the Hong Kong side has never thought of illegally freezing his principal, but it was just settled by him taking advantage of his ability to make friends.

You can make a small profit by doing things like short selling, but with Zhao Donghuai's current size, he doesn't care about such small opportunities and small money at all.

Old William wanted him to lead a team in short selling and make money along the way, which was even more of a dream.

After being speechless, he quickly said, "Try to sign a contract with William within two days. I don't care whether he goes short or not. We will not get involved in this matter. The ratio he wants can be negotiated, and it should be below 40%."

"If you can't get it done in two days, change your law firm!"

As for whether old William will leak the secret? This is not a big problem. All kinds of evidence have been collected, and the victims are all alive there. There are hundreds or even thousands of California townspeople, and they are only missing a team of lawyers.

Then Old William refused to accept the lawsuit and spread the news to the outside world. Don't blame Director Zhao for being careless and messing with him.


July 1st.

Although (Never Compromise) is still in post-production, its promotion has already begun, starting in North America, starring Isabel Adjani, Lola Fernand, including the new white kung fu star Bruce Willi Si and so on.

They all began to accept interviews from TV stations, newspapers and magazines, and strongly promoted this drama about caring for the environment and protecting human health.

Not to mention Hong Kong Chinese stars such as Zhang Guorong and Andy Lau, including John Lone, a Chinese star who is still on the set of Forrest Gump, also strongly promoted the new work in interviews with the media.

Wong Wai Ming's street fight is also a channel for his voice. He is also promoting that "Never Compromise" is a masterpiece of female protagonists launched by Hong Kong Pictures, such as "Super Body", "Cat and Mouse Game", "Shark Beach" and so on. Blockbuster like that.

The heroine resists everything!

The promotional campaign is mainly focused on North America, but there has been no movement in Hong Kong for the time being. The AMC theater chain there has already put up posters in eye-catching locations, with the super beautiful photo of Isabelle Adjani occupying the entire poster screen.

Marvel Comics has spread to comic shops at retail terminals, and posters are everywhere.

But this is a basic operation before release.

The real announcement was "litigation". When I finally talked to Gai's father, William, he didn't expect to make money by shorting the stock market, he just took away 35% of the compensation income.

The lawyer's letter, the indictment, etc. are still waiting for the movie schedule, and there will be a big event on the premiere day.

The Pan-Asia Group, including some FBI undercover policemen, also began to frequently appear in the small town of Hinckley, California, calling on citizens to stand up and let Mary be their spokesperson to sue the big energy groups.


It was under such circumstances that Zhao Donghuai met the creators of the (Rich and Rich) crew in the office.

He knew the news when the team was first formed, but he only knew that under the arrangement of Hong Yinbao, director Gao Zhisen chose Cai Shaofen to be the youngest daughter and third child of the protagonist's family in "Wealth and Power".

Now that the filming is finished, he is a little surprised to see the creative team.

The original version is rich and powerful, with Dong Piao's uncle playing Shen Feifei, the three daughters Li Lizhen, Chen Yishi, Guan Peilin, and the eldest daughter Chen Yishi playing the couple, Zeng Mowei.

However, in this version, the uncle is still there, but the aunt has been replaced by Deborah... The eldest daughter's younger brother is played by Ye Yuqing, the second daughter's younger brother is played by Li Lizhen, the third daughter Cai Shaofen, and Yuan Biao plays opposite Ye Yuqing!

This lineup is also considered a big change.

After Hong Yinbao greeted the main creator politely, he smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, Wealth Force was formed at the end of April, and it took two months of filming to finally get it done. I've seen the finished film and it's pretty good. Do you think about the schedule?"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and nodded, "Let's go and watch it in the screening room. Although the film I directed (Never Compromise) will be released around the 10th, your film is now released and there is no major conflict. The genre is completely different. .”

Hong Qinbao was overjoyed, and the other creators happily followed Zhao Donghuai into the luxurious screening room of the Financial Building.

After a movie ended, Zhao Donghuai said with a smile, "Arrange two or three days to announce it and release it on the 4th. This movie is not bad, and it can do well at the box office. Sanmao, when it becomes a hit at the box office, don't forget to send a message to the creators." Red envelope."

Strictly speaking, compared to other contemporary Hong Kong films, this movie is not very funny. There are kidnappers and police solving the case, but the action scenes are ordinary. In the original version, the beauty is Li Lizhen, who is considered good-looking, but He is a rebellious tomboy.

However, the original version was able to gross more than 27 million at the box office, becoming the fourth highest-grossing film of the year.

Why? Because this movie hits the high points of countless ordinary Hong Kong families. It tells the story of a middle-class man who is in embarrassment and raises three children. He goes to dinner with relatives and is ostracized because of poverty. Then he wins 30 million in the lottery and then regains it again. .

Just like Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok, Cheng Ekin, Zhang Xueyou, including actresses Li Ruotong, Wen Mixia, Qiu Shuzhen, etc., so many celebrities are almost all from ordinary Hong Kong families, with three or four fewer brothers and nine more brothers and sisters. Ten.

In order to raise their children, parents face various embarrassments and poverty in their daily lives.

There are so many examples among celebrities. You can imagine how many similar examples there are in ordinary citizen families. Even Zhang Weifan of Wanjia Supermarket Kwun Tong store lived in a low-rent apartment with his parents, Zhang Weifan, his brother and sister. Live life in the house.

Therefore, it is a funny movie about a poor family with a few children and daily poverty, and a windfall of 30 million yuan is recovered in the movie.

This is its core selling point!

The story has reached the hearts of most citizens in Hong Kong and can arouse great resonance.

Therefore, after Gao Zhisen came up with this script, it not only made more than 27 million at the box office in one fell swoop, but also ranked fourth in the annual box office. The subsequent films also achieved good results.

This revised version of "Rich and Rich" has changed many protagonists, but the core story is there. Deborah's acting skills are no worse than Shen Feifei's, and Ye Yuqing's version of the younger brother is much more beautiful and charming than Chen Yishi.

Even Yuen Biao's acting and comedy skills are no worse than those of Eric Tsang.

This movie won't do well in Taiwan and South Korea, but in Hong Kong, its performance won't be bad. As long as it's not bad in Hong Kong, the sales figures in other places won't be too bad either.

Hong Qianbao smiled beamingly, "Thank you Zhao Shengji, the box office is a hit, I will definitely not be stingy with my red envelope, haha~"

Gao Zhisen, Ye Yuqing, Li Lizhen, etc. naturally had a lot of good things to say, and each one was more excited than the other.

It is said that Li Lizhen was cut off from one of her early masterpieces (Happy Ghost) series in the original track, but currently, she was discovered by a talent scout in 1981 and started filming commercials.

I have acted in a few movies before, but I was not well-known and did not make any big splash.

Starting from July 1st, the promotion for "Wealth and Power" lasted for three days. This movie is a family comedy with Yuan Biao and Dong Piao as the selling points. It tells the story of an ordinary ordinary family who wins a lottery windfall of 30 million yuan. story.

When July 4th came, it was launched in 26 Zhao theaters, and the film was scheduled for 52 screens. The box office hit 1.6 million on the first day, and 2 million on the second day on the 5th!

Summer vacation has officially arrived. After the box office data on the first day and the subsequent spread of word of mouth, when it was released on the second day, Hong Kong citizens everywhere rushed to watch the movie with their families.

It was also at this stage that Cai Shaofen, a first-term student of Asia Drama, officially appeared on the big screen and started her career in film. However, in "Rich and Rich", she is just a quirky little girl.

Far less eye-catching than the eldest Ye Yuqing and the second eldest Li Lizhen.

Although in terms of age, Li Lizhen is still one year older than Ye Yuqing, but this Ah Zhen is not as rich as Yuqing. In terms of romance, Ye Yuqing is more mature at this stage.

She is the second daughter in the movie, so there is no sense of inconsistency.

And (Rich Wealth) can only be regarded as an ordinary embellishment of this summer season. As time goes by, on July 10th in Hong Kong Island, the announcement of (Never Compromise) has lasted for nine days in North America.

Even though copies of various English-dubbed versions were sent to North America, and Hong Kong was planning to officially land in AMC theaters at 8 a.m. on the 11th, Zhao's media platform made a mediocre announcement...

A new film directed by Zhao Donghuai, seemingly the richest Chinese man in Hong Kong or the world, will be released tomorrow!

The announcement was a bit ordinary and unremarkable. Even ATV just announced it by inserting a news program and interviewed Isabelle Adjani.

Kowloon-based newspapers just randomly publish it on page B instead of on the front page.

Even so, when July 11th comes.

A large number of moviegoers, including a large number of white moviegoers, are quickly crowding outside every theater that has opened a new theater chain across Hong Kong.

When Cai Shaofen, who was just starting to make a name in the film industry, ran to the fourth floor of Wanjia in Kowloon Tong with her classmates Li Jiaxin and Zhu Yin to watch the movie, Ah Fendu said excitedly, "Wow, the boss took a full break for more than half a year before he returned to directing a blockbuster film."

"Xuanfa seems to be very calm, why are there so many people waiting to see (Never Compromise)?"

"If we didn't have internal channels, we would hardly be able to buy tickets for the morning!"

Under Afen's words, Li Jiaxin couldn't help but roll her eyes. Jiaxin, who had just passed her 16th birthday, was already pretty and smooth. Except for being a little flat, she had everything she should have. Standing in the crowd, she was extremely eye-catching. It's just like……

Forget it, it can’t be said to stand out from the crowd.

This Wanjia supermarket in Kowloon Tong has many visitors this morning, all of whom are students from Asia Drama.

Normally, classes are required, but when Yaxi learned that Big Boss's new movie was released today, he naturally let it go. Not only were there many first-term students from last year, but there were also many second-term freshmen.

Most of them are future stars. Li Jiaxin's appearance at the age of sixteen or seventeen is of course top-notch, but Cai Shaofen, Zhu Yin, including Li Ruotong, Li Zi, Chen Derong, and even Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox etc.

If you want Jiaxin to stand among this group of girls, it is really inappropriate to describe her as standing out from the crowd.

After rolling her eyes, Li Jiaxin whispered, "I thought the boss was so rich. He was the richest man in China, so he would stop acting. I didn't expect that he would continue to be a director."

"For people like us, big bosses, just watch and cherish it. Maybe one day a movie will be his masterpiece."

"Besides, it is also the flagship work of Adjani, the Cannes Best Actress. The teachers all said, let us watch more and learn more. Even if we learn 30% of Adjani's level, we will be able to gain a foothold in the film and television industry!"

Speaking of this, Li Jiaxin said with envy, "Afen, you are so lucky. You have starred in a blockbuster movie. Lixin Clothing also asked you to be the spokesperson for Lixin's female student clothes. Every time you sell one of your personal styles, , if you can share 10 Hong Kong dollars, you will be rich soon."

"Don't forget my two old classmates, Yinyin and me."

Cai Shaofen was busy smiling modestly, and praised Li Jiaxin in various ways that she was much prettier than her. When the boss discovers her one day, he will definitely praise her and become as popular as every other boss lady.

She also feels that the past year has been as wonderful as a daydream, and she is afraid that one day she will wake up from the dream and go back to the wandering years when her mother was a gambler and often took them to hide and live in Tibet. .

Zhu Yindu said with emotion, "Yes, Jiaxin, although you haven't debuted yet, you will definitely become popular if you are so pretty and confuses all living beings. Do you still envy A Fen? Don't look at it, how many rich and powerful people want to chase you?" , almost every time it’s different.”

At this stage in Hong Kong Island, there are still many people who dare to pursue beauties owned by Zhao Films? Of course, not everyone is like Zhao Shizeng, who can inquire and collect a lot of information to see the situation clearly.

Let’s not talk about those who are already famous, let’s talk about the beauties resources in this generation of Asian dramas... there are so many that they are desperate and desperate, or they can’t see clearly and want to do something.

It’s just that no one has succeeded yet.

At these words, Li Jiaxin curled her lips in disdain. Whenever she went home to rest on weekends or holidays, she would often encounter rich people, rich young people or self-proclaimed talents who wanted to pursue her, but she didn't like any of them.

Then the pursuer chased and disappeared, probably because he was too embarrassed to continue after being rejected.

What do you want to pursue for a long time? It doesn't exist yet.

But she has no regrets at all, even though she is still very poor.

In the past, Li Jiaxin certainly thought about marrying into a wealthy family and becoming a rich lady, but at this stage? Go to bed and take a look at the style of their big boss Zhao Donghuai. With just a handful, you can pick out Zhou Huimin, the chairman of the listed group and a leader in the real estate industry.

Guan Jiahui, who can bring out best-selling books around the world.

There are also people like Monica Bellucci, who hold a show of hands on the boards of directors of major groups, and who are the major shareholders of this group or that group...

The eldest among the boss ladies is Guan Jiahui. She has only been with the boss for three years, and each of them has become rich on her own.

Even Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min from the secretariat can easily earn hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

If you insist on saying that Li Jiaxin still wants to join an ordinary Hong Kong wealthy family and become a rich wife, that would be an insult to her intelligence. Don't say that she doesn't like rich young men. After the rich young men's fathers come, that's it.

How many wealthy parents in Hong Kong are worth as much as Chairman Zhou Huazhi?

Countless thoughts ran through her mind. When she was waiting to watch the movie, she glanced at Jennifer Aniston not far away, and she couldn't help but complain in her heart. The sweet-looking Ocean Pony was sweeter than her. She really deserved it. Let the boss spray that face with a water gun.

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