Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 171 Galaxy 2 Supercomputer and Two Versions of Heroes

In the summer of early August 1986, although the pace of the game of cat and mouse was very good, the feminist trend was developing rapidly in North America.

But during this period, the most exciting blockbusters are still special (never compromise)!

This blockbuster, which has been in theaters for more than 20 days, was the biggest surprise in the summer of 1986. It was such a surprise.

In North America, it grossed 32.73 million U.S. dollars in the first weekend, 31.18 million U.S. dollars in the second week, and 30.09 million U.S. dollars in the third week from 21st to 27th.

In the fourth week from 28th to August 3rd, it once again collected US$27.8 million.

Cat and Mouse only made 23 million U.S. dollars in its first weekend, but it was only the runner-up at the box office. By August 4, the single-day box office of Never Compromise bucked the trend and soared to more than 6 million U.S. dollars. On the contrary, Cat and Mouse only had more than 300 U.S. dollars. Thousands of knives.

Because the case of "Mary sued California Pacific Gas \u0026 Electric Corporation on behalf of thousands of citizens of Hinckley Township" that started on the 11th has developed for 20 days now. The case has made great progress, and the legal teams of both sides are arguing inside and outside the court. By August 4.

California Pacific Gas \u0026 Electric Group has agreed to increase the compensation to more than $300 million.

As soon as this news came out, countless North American citizens felt like their bodies were on fire and so cool that they couldn't wait to replay the game (never compromise).

Such a movie is reflected in reality. When the movie is released, the same thing is happening in reality. Is there really any hope that a large number of ordinary citizens can get hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation from the behemoth?

The hotter the news gets, the more sensational the social topic becomes, which adds a rocket booster to the movie box office.

It took in US$127.8 million in the North American market within 25 days of its release. Such data shocked the world.

As for the total box office in Asia and Europe combined, the figure is already close to US$100 million, which is equivalent to the total box office exceeding US$200 million in less than one month of release.

It was under such circumstances, on the morning of the 5th.

Zhao Donghuai met Zhu Jiaxin in the big office. The person in charge of the special effects base came to tell the good news, "Boss, it has been going on for more than a year, almost a year and a half, and all kinds of dinosaur special effects models are almost ready. .”

"Do you want to go to Pengcheng to have a look?"

Zhao Donghuai was overjoyed, "Is it so fast?"

It's not that fast when you think about it. This has never been... No, it should be said that when the super-body project was established in 1984, he did not expect that a supercomputer would be available. He did not initially plan to produce tens of seconds of dinosaur footage.

But in October 1984, he was able to buy the Galaxy 1 supercomputer from the mainland, and the North American supercomputer group sold him three North American supercomputers. In October 1984, he decided to add dinosaur lenses to the supercomputer.

Since that period, large teams recruited from the mainland have begun to build dinosaur models under "excessive" wages and salaries. One is a large dinosaur model with a real scale of one to one based on scientific research data, and the other is a small scale dinosaur model.

Although when SuperBody was released in May 1985, the supercomputing rate was still limited. It could only perform more than 100 million calculations per second. As a result, the dinosaur action shots in the SuperBody movie were slightly distorted, which was not as good as the original Jurassic Park from the 1990s. .

But from May last year to now, the special effects base has indeed divided up a large group of people, who have been preparing models for (Jurassic Park).

This is another 15 months of hard work.

As we all know, Zhao Donghuai is not short of money. The special effects base has always had the most abundant funds. With enough money, there are also enough talents in the mainland.

The half-year production cycle for Super Body is considered training. After training, prepare for (Jurassic Park) for another 15 months?

When Zhao Donghuai thought of this, he stood up and said, "Let's go, I really want to see such a good thing."

A few hours later, when Zhao Donghuai arrived at Pengcheng Nanshan, he saw behemoths one after another in a sealed Pinggu square or lawn.

Not to mention the smaller ones like Velociraptor, Gallimimus, and Pterosaurus, but the big guys like Tyrannosaurus Rex, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, etc., those are really big guys.

Just say that a model of Brachiosaurus, about 26 meters long, stands upright in a large square. A human standing next to it is really made into a small toy.

There are not only dinosaur models, but also various Jurassic plant models, and artificial prop trees, which are spectacular and brilliant!

Zhao Donghuai, accompanied by Zhu Jiaxin and others, watched many large models one by one. He couldn't help but marvel, "The skin texture is just like the real thing..."

If these were not all models and could not be moved at will, Zhao Donghuai would have felt like he had seen many living dinosaurs from the original version (Jurassic Park) 1.

Zhu Jiaxin smiled brightly, "Boss, you spent hundreds of millions of yuan on special effects models, including plant trees, for a movie in the past two years..."

This money is so good at recruiting people. Are there many eighth-level engineering masters leading a team to do this thing? That's right, Zhu Jiaxin also felt like worshiping many eighth-level workers in the mainland. After all, he didn't know until he came here.

In those days, the poor and useless people in the Mainland made mushroom eggs. Although there were some computers that could be used, there were too few computers. Most of the calculations were done by masters with abacus, which was a big mistake!

Several Galaxy 1 supercomputers that have been added to the special effects base also have many parts that are hand-soldered by level 8 engineering masters.

Lao Zhu felt that his outlook on life was greatly shocked and shaken by the fact that there were no various machine tools or machines produced in an industrialized manner, so he was able to do it manually by hand, and still be able to produce a supercomputer that could actually be used.

A master like that comes from the same level and leads the team for a year or two to do this? Such results are not surprising.

Zhao Donghuai lamented, "Now that we have the models used for making movies, can computer technology keep up?"

Zhu Jiaxin said awkwardly, "There are still difficulties. The supercomputer we currently use is basically 100 million operations per second. Compared with the most advanced in the world, there is still a big gap. If there is a supercomputer that can perform one billion operations per second, we can use it." "

"Then it wouldn't be too difficult for you to direct the first Jurassic Park."

Director Zhao was speechless. One billion operations per second? According to the original trajectory, it was only developed in the mainland in 1992. Of course, from 1983 to 1992, it took a full 9 years for the Galaxy supercomputer to advance to a new level.

The main reason is that after Galaxy 1, the mainland was also short of money. After Galaxy 1, supercomputing could barely keep up with the leading international pace, and it stopped making large investments for many years.

For comparison, the Galaxy 2 with 1 billion operations per second was launched in 1992, and the Galaxy 3 with 10 billion operations per second was launched in 1997. The difference between 1 billion operations and 10 billion operations is only five decades.

Zhu Jiaxin said again, "Boss You has donated 50 million yuan every year since 1984 to fund the supercomputing project team, and now he has donated 150 million yuan. The research and development power there is still very strong."

"I've also asked, and I think there will be good news next summer."

Don't look at Zhao Donghuai, who spends hundreds of millions of dollars. In fact, for the current mainland, not to mention 100 million, 10 million yuan is a huge research fund.

Ten Thousand Yuan Household is still an honorary title worthy of being pursued and paraded through the streets among the people!

It was not until the 1990s that households worth ten thousand yuan were no longer worthy of being so sought after and boasted, and millionaires and multi-millionaires began to appear frequently.

He dares to spend 200 million yuan on the project team for three or four years, and it is normal to achieve new breakthroughs in advance.

Zhao Donghuai was overjoyed, "If there are results, that would be the greatest good news."

When Director Zhao returned to Zhao's Financial Building, he decisively called Azhen in front of him, "Go and contact IBM and say that I want to buy a supercomputer that performs more than one billion operations per second. Are they willing to sell it?"

"Anyway, the mainland's research and development is almost completed."

"If North America doesn't sell it, contact the island country..."

In the global supercomputing field, the island country’s combat capabilities are really not bad.

Last time he bought three North American supercomputers with 100 million operations per second. He uses two of them himself and donated the other one to the mainland. It is estimated that this style of doing things will disgust North Americans.

But in business, as long as you are willing to spend money, even if the seller is dissatisfied with the customer, he can still talk about it.

If you can buy a second-generation supercomputer now that can perform more than one billion operations per second, then (Jurassic Park) may not have to wait until next summer to start filming.

After thinking for a while, when Zhou Huimin came in with a bowl of soup, Director Zhao immediately smiled and said, "Amin, please put your Chinese real estate operation into operation and buy land on Lantau Island, big land!"

A Min said in astonishment, "Buying land for development on Lantau Island?"

As we all know, Lantau Island is larger than the main island of Hong Kong Island, with an area of ​​141 square kilometers. The main island of Hong Kong is only 78 square kilometers, but it is as prosperous as Central, Peak Road, Happy Valley, Deep Water Bay, and Repulse Bay. Island comparison?

Lantau Island is a poor place.

Before the 1990s, the Hong Kong government had never officially developed any projects on Lantau Island. It was not until October, three years later, that the official plan to build the Chek Lap Kok International Airport on Lantau Island was proposed because the Kai Tak Airport in Kowloon was overwhelmed.

In 1992, construction of the Tsing Ma Bridge began.

It was only after the handover that Lantau Chek Lap Kok International Airport became one of the busiest airports in the world.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Yes, I feel that the Jurassic Park novel will hopefully start filming this year or next year. Since it is going to be filmed, it will naturally have to be our theme park project."

"After the movie is filmed, the remaining park can become a movie-watching souvenir for movie fans around the world. As long as the Jurassic movie series is popular enough, the tourism popularity of this theme park will not be low."

"Which one should be repaired on Hong Kong Island or Kowloon and the New Territories? How difficult is it..."

It cannot be said that the construction of the New Territories in Kowloon is difficult, but we know that Chek Lap Kok, Lantau Island, will become one of the busiest airports in the world in the next few years.

Make arrangements in advance.

From now on, movie fans from all over the world will be able to check into resorts and have fun in theme parks as soon as they get off the airport.

The theme park of Jurassic Park 1 is whatever is in the movie, and it is built in reality. Anyway, one of the top real estate groups in Hong Kong, such as Chinese Land, has it in its hands.

If you don't use it, you won't use it.

Let’s talk about resorts and tourism. These are long-term projects. After the handover, how many tourists from all over the mainland will come to Hong Kong? Chinese Real Estate has seized on this project, which is a golden project that can rival Disneyland.

Zhou Huimin was shocked, "Can we film Jurassic now?? I remember Super Body... Wow, I want to act in a movie like Jurassic Park."

She is currently a new tycoon chasing real estate tycoons such as Li Chaoren, Wang Dehui, and Guo Bingxiang. She really has little interest in ordinary film projects. A career in the music industry? Amin really likes singing. As long as there are good songs, she still wants to sing.

Isn’t it because there haven’t been any good songs recently?

Jurassic Park movie? Amin really wants to act! Not to mention other things, it is the (super-body) dinosaur special effects that last for tens of seconds, which shocked the world of film circles.

The super physical ability brought down the box office of more than 400 million US dollars in 1985.

If Jurassic is finished filming, it will definitely explode!

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "You can do it if you want to do it. You can tell me slowly what you want to do, but the theme park can be built now."

"With capital from London, it will not be difficult for us to settle down with the Hong Kong government and go to Lantau Island for development."

At this stage, Lantau Island is very desolate and backward, but there are still some tourist attractions for the citizens of Hong Kong and Kowloon to visit during the holidays, such as the 1991 film (Descendants of the Dragon) in Stephen Chow's original track.

Yuen Wah, who plays the father of Starboy, plays the role of a large landowner in Tai O Village on Lantau Island. Tai O in the movie is similar to Tai O Village in this era around 1986.

Another example is the original version of Infernal Affairs 3. The Tian Tan Buddha that Han Chen and Shen Cheng worship is also the largest outdoor bronze Buddha statue in the world on Lantau Island.

Of course, in 1986, the Buddha did not yet exist, but the committee to prepare the Tian Tan Buddha had been established long ago.

After laughing and chatting for a while, Zhao Donghuai took out the rough design drawing (Jurassic Theme Park) and handed it to Zhou Huimin, "This is the rough design drawing, but you can ask some professional designers to redesign and supplement it."

"I'm not a professional architect. I can only scratch the surface of this. The best place to build it is near Chek Lap Kok."

Chek Lap Kok itself is a small island on the edge of Lantau Island. When we started to build a new international airport, we also had to level the entire island and reclaim land.

Zhao Donghuai is not building directly on Chek Lap Kok Island, just nearby. This theme park project not only needs to build a park, but also needs to build roads, and build a resort near the park, whether it is a hotel building model, or a one-story villa with a large swimming pool. Yes, they all have it.

While the two were still chatting, Qiu Shuzhen knocked on the door and came in. She first greeted Sister Min politely, and then said happily, "Boss, IBM said they should think about it."

"However, the island country is very happy. It can sell us a supercomputer with a scale of one billion operations per second, but the price is relatively low...it is ten times the price of such supercomputers in Europe and the United States."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. If it is a high-tech product that is blocked and cannot be sold, it doesn't matter if you sell it ten times. But the European and American style of play is that they will never sell it before it is developed in the mainland. Once the mainland develops it successfully, they will rush to sell it to you. The price is still lower than that in the mainland.

The purpose is to create a "making is worse than buying" model and destroy the mainland's R\u0026D and manufacturing industry.

At this stage, Galaxy 2 is almost in development, why is it still priced so low? ?

What's more important is that the showy routine of companies in island countries is that they often negotiate a deal and sell you the goods, but key parts will be damaged at every turn, forcing you to spend a lot of money to hire experts from the original manufacturer to repair them, and you will be ripped off every time you repair them.

After thinking, Zhao Donghuai said, "Go and ask Mr. Li from Samsung in South Korea and the head of IBM Asia Pacific. I want to negotiate a big business with them."


On August 6, he met Prince Li of Samsung and his secretary and translator. Zhao Donghuai smiled and asked Zhang Min to deliver tea. Then he moved a big box and said to Old Li, "President Li, are you interested in copying Toshiba?" homework?"

President Li looked confused, "Copy Toshiba's homework??"

He followed his gaze to the box and found that it was full of Sony 1.44MB electronic floppy disks.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "This contains a complete set of production and manufacturing technical information for the Toshiba notebook T1100. Doesn't North America want to support you to steal food from the island's high-precision industries?"

"In terms of desktop computers, IBM is conquering the world on a large scale, and laptop computers also have great potential!"

“The global market is super vast!”

This is already 1986. Last year Toshiba launched the world's first notebook computer T1100, and will launch the first commercial notebook T1000 next year. Zhao Donghuai went to the island country in 1984 to shoot (Super Body).

After a battle of wits and courage with Sony, I came up with this complete set of information on the simulator.

how to use? He thought about giving it to the mainland, but it was unrealistic... The mainland did not have relevant industrial manufacturing equipment. The first set of supercomputers required experts to hand-make various parts, but it lacked modern machinery and equipment production lines.

Until now, it seems that we can try to cooperate with South Korea.

President Li almost spit out tea, "T1100?? Full set of information? This..."

Zhao Donghuai patted the box and said, "It looks like it was given to me by Sony. There's nothing wrong with it. I have a full set of technologies. You Samsung can have industrial production lines and technical talents. Our cooperation is a win-win situation."

"The worst case scenario is a patent lawsuit with Toshiba."

"Or, if you have enough technical support, you can use these data as a basis to develop more advanced laptop technology."

Chairman Li swallowed his saliva and looked shocked. Can Sony give you this? ? Are you kidding me? The Toshiba air conditioner explosion caused Toshiba to lose a lot of money.

The person named Zhao must be joking, but this is a good thing. As long as the technical information is true, who cares where it comes from? ?

After thinking for two minutes, President Li smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, what do you need from our Samsung?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "You need to open a joint venture with me in Hong Kong to develop laptops. You need to provide large-scale technical personnel, including manufacturing equipment and machines."

"In addition, I also want a supercomputer that performs one billion operations per second. If it's the market price, I want five of them. The price is 20 to 30% higher than the market price. I don't mind."

"I'm not trying to make things difficult for you. You should know that after the Galaxy 1 was developed in the Mainland, North America sold me three Galaxy 1-level supercomputers at a price that was several percent lower than the price in the Mainland."

"Mainland Galaxy 2 is about to be developed."

Chairman Li thought for another two minutes and nodded, "I can fight for a supercomputer comparable to Galaxy 2. This shouldn't be very difficult, but the notebook joint venture factory can only be built in our Seoul..."

"North America will not allow it to be built on Hong Kong Island, and neither can we. It is best to bring IBM in. Without them standing in the way, it will be difficult to withstand the attacks from the islanders."

The Galaxy 1 was launched directly on National Day, which shocked the world. Chairman Li also knew this information. In the past two years, as long as there is large financial support, the Galaxy 2 will soon appear. It is not surprising.

When it comes to research and development, the hardest thing is not going from 1 to 2, but going from 0 to 1!

Zhao Donghuai wants a Galaxy 2-level supercomputer. If he hadn’t wanted it in advance, he would have waited until the mainland developed Galaxy 2. Just like the first generation, North America would have sold it to him at a cheaper price than Galaxy 2.

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "We can let IBM join this game, but the joint venture factory must at least have a branch factory in Hong Kong that has production capacity."

Where is the notebook factory located? It represents where you can have such high-precision production technology and equipment!

"I can actually try to purchase production lines, machinery and equipment, etc. from Europe. As long as I have money, it is difficult to buy various equipment at this stage, but it is not impossible to overcome."

President Li did not pick up the topic and said with a smile, "Sheng Zhao, I need to send someone to verify the authenticity of these data and technologies. You know, I don't know much about this kind of scientific and technological data."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Of course."

The fact that he was able to produce these means that they are copies of the technical data generated by the system. Of course, Samsung will also be involved in the notebook computer field in the future, but when it entered the Chinese market, it was already 2001.

It is enough to prove that Samsung wants to engage in this, more than ten years later than Toshiba and other island companies. That is, it is late to launch efforts and needs to catch up slowly.

What if I could copy the homework directly? ? Then the situation will be different. Chairman Li still wants to get a share of this big industry.

As for various technical patents, patent barriers, etc., of course they can be developed slowly... Otherwise, besides Toshiba notebooks, how can there be many notebook brands from other countries around the world?

Toshiba is the inventor of the first laptop computer, but you can charge money for patents, but it is unrealistic to monopolize an industry based on patents.


Next time.

Zhao Films' "Never Compromise" films including "Cat and Mouse" are still being released crazily around the world, while Zhao Donghuai is waiting for news about the second-generation supercomputer.

It lasted until August 15th, when Samsung Chairman Lee brought good news. Five supercomputers comparable to the Galaxy 2 generation were available in North America, but they were three times the current market price.

And it is guaranteed that like the products from the island country, key parts will not break during use... requiring high-paying experts to repair them.

Zhao Donghuai was a little speechless. A group of Ma's people rushed to the street. The mainland was about to come out. He just wanted to buy it a year and a half in advance. Are they all so dark? ?

Although, let alone three times the market price, it is ten times. For him, it is only a small amount of money at present. He can take 10 to 20 million Hong Kong dollars, open 50 times leverage, and simulate it a few times, and he can get it back from the foreign exchange market.

But when someone shows you the price that is going to kill you, you just feel unhappy and angry!

He has already produced a complete set of production technical information for the Toshiba T1100, but he is still so shady? ?

Under such circumstances, Zhang Min ran in to report that Toshiba was here... From the first time he took out this technical information, to letting Samsung Lee and the head of IBM Asia Pacific take a look at it, asking them to send professionals to judge these technologies. Whether the information is true or false is less than ten days old.

Is Toshiba getting wind of this? ?

What kind of sieve-type confidentiality capabilities do Samsung and IBM technicians have? ? Or is there someone who wants to make a lot of money from Toshiba and proactively contacts Toshiba to break the news? ?

He must have taken the initiative to break the news and sell it for money.

Just like when Toshiba and Big Bear traded five-axis CNC machine tools, the middlemen felt that they were making too little and took the initiative to report Toshiba...

Several thoughts flashed through his mind, and Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Let him come in."

When he met the two middle-aged men from Toshiba in the big office, before he could say anything, the Mediterranean man bowed deeply and said, "Sheng Zhao, we are willing to buy back the complete set of technical information on T1100 in exchange for giving you three Galaxy 2 level machines. Super calculation."

"And we at Toshiba guarantee that if something goes wrong during operation, our people will repair it for free."

Zhao Donghuai smiled, "In this case, you are sincere, but I don't quite believe you."

The Mediterranean man smiled bitterly and said, "Sheng Zhao, even if we buy back the complete set of technical data, it will be difficult to prove that you did not leave any backup. If we fail to make this promise, you can always continue to build factories with Samsung and IBM."

Toshiba is going crazy. The air conditioner explosion last year has caused heavy losses to the group. It has not only compensated North American users US$800 million, but also almost lost all the Asia-Pacific market.

As for the five-axis CNC machine tools, North America is also grabbing the pigtails and hammering this and that... This is a loss for the entire island country's high-precision field.

What the hell, why is it revealed that all the technology of the laptop T1100 has been taken away? They don't know how to pursue it now.

Stopping losses in time is the most important thing!

As for whether to take revenge on Zhao Donghuai? It’s a given that I have this idea, but I just don’t know what to do for a while.

In the Haowan area of ​​Hong Kong, it is difficult for international capital such as American and British capital to succeed if they want to attack Zhao Donghuai.

At this stage, Zhao Donghuai is willing to throw out this technical information, which is the concept of not being afraid of being bitten if there are too many lice.

After saying this, Director Zhao took a sip of champagne and said with a smile, "Three sets are not enough, I want ten!"

Toshiba Mediterranean Male, "..."

Before he could say anything, another middle-aged man with thick hair nodded, "Okay, ten sets will be ten sets!"

Although ten Galaxy 2-level supercomputers are not cheap and are not cheap, compared with the entire global notebook market, they are negligible. After all, if you let Samsung or IBM start two or three years later, it will be equivalent to Toshiba. It can sweep the global market in two to three years.

Unlike Samsung, which started very late, Toshiba launched its first laptop in 1985, and IBM launched its laptop in 1986 this year.

The first commercial T1000 launched by Toshiba next year is said to be an update, but it is only equivalent to the evolution of windows 1.0 to 2.0. Microsoft only updated windows from 1985 to 1987.

This is all systematic and stable improvement.

At this stage, if IBM were to master a complete set of T1100 production technical data, it would really be a loss!

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay, you try to be as fast as possible!"

There are ten Galaxy 2-level supercomputers, eight of them are used for our own special effects industrial base, and the remaining two are donated as a routine matter.

There are too many of them, and they are of no use.

However, after getting these, he will still support the mainland's supercomputing industry and continue to donate 50 million yuan every year. After all, the computing power of one billion per second is enough to support Jurassic Park 1.

If you want to improve the picture quality of the second and third movies, including blockbusters such as The Matrix, Resident Evil, Marvel Super Heroes, etc., you need Galaxy 3, which was only developed in the mainland in 1997 in the original trajectory, and has a scale of tens of billions of operations per second. It’s super affordable to support it.

Fortunately, he started donating money in 1984. Otherwise, it would have taken 1992 for the mainland to launch Galaxy 2 according to the original track? At this stage, even if Zhao Donghuai uses the full set of T1100 technical information, he can't even exchange it for a Galaxy 2-level supercomputer.

Even if Toshiba is willing to change, North America will block them and refuse to sell them.

With the Galaxy 2-level supercomputer he donated, the Galaxy 2, which was originally expected to be completed next summer in the mainland, will probably be completed around the Spring Festival.

This time, Toshiba didn’t make any more troubles. They just arrived on August 15th, and on the 22nd, ten Galaxy 2-level supercomputers were smuggled in.

That’s right, stowaway transportation!

They are professionals at this. Under the blockade of North America and Europe, they can complete the five-axis CNC machine tool transaction with Big Bear. How about the transaction with Hong Kong Island...

Very low difficulty!

On the afternoon of the 22nd.

Zhao Donghuai had just sent the Galaxy 2-level supercomputer to Pengcheng when he received a report. Xu Ke, Wu Baige and the main creative team of "A Better Tomorrow" were here. "A Better Tomorrow" was filmed and the film was released. .

It’s just that the filming of A Better Tomorrow started on April 7th and ended on August 12th. There are two versions! !

When he saw this group of people, Zhao Donghuai was surprised and said, "Two versions??"

Xu Ke looked at Wu Baige speechlessly. Director Wu sneered, "Zhao Sheng, I originally wanted to imitate the new action gunfight scene you created, that is... I kept filming, even if I hired Mr. Da Si from the group."

"The more you shoot, the weirder it becomes. Of course I'm not saying that the action gunfight genre you pioneered is not good. It has made brilliant achievements all over the world. It is definitely the honor of being the founder of the new genre."

"However, I feel that those super cool action gun battle scenes are a bit disconnected from the style I expected..."

"In the end, I shot one version according to that version, and another version according to my ideas. Now that it's edited, it's up to you to make your decision."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless and led the team to the luxurious screening room. The first version he watched was the script version submitted by Lao Wu. The action shootout was from the hurricane rescue series. The character played by Zhou Runfa in this version... was relatively marginalized and ordinary. supporting role.

Song Zihao, played by Wan Ziliang, and Song Zijie, played by Zhang Guorong, have more brother roles. In addition to Wan Ziliang replacing Ti Lung, Song Zijie's girlfriend also changed from Zhu Baoyi to Xiao Yingying.

I feel that the film is definitely well-produced and is one of the finest films, but the quality is not as good as that of films such as Rescue and One Man.

Looking at the second version, Zhao Donghuai realized that it was a pure version of the 1986 original version. Zhou Runfa's Pony Brother had as many scenes as the original version, changing from a dual protagonist to a three-protagonist.

I have been waiting for three years for the Battle of Fenglin Pavilion, including the violence of Wu’s gunfight, and it’s all here. Maple still wore a windbreaker in the battle between Fenglin Pavilion and Xiao Ma, but the suit under the windbreaker was an Asian slimming style.

Compared with the version before Zhao Donghuai traveled through time, only Wan Ziliang and Xiao Yingying replaced two characters, and the others are all original.

Wanwan Xiaowang, who is somewhat similar to Ponyboy, is still played by Chen Zhihui.

After all, in the 1986 version of A Better Tomorrow, Lao Xu suggested that Lao Wu incorporate his true feelings into it. His true feelings started in 1983 and have been hidden, and his career is at its lowest ebb. The crew of the 86 version of A Better Tomorrow is not like Director Zhao before his time travel. , three frustrated men got together.

The one who was really frustrated and holding a big breath was Lao Wu, but Lao Wu was alone...he was the director!

There is a saying that Zhou Runfa has not been too proud recently. Ever since Zhao Donghuai rejected him because of his rough filming style, Afa feels that he has missed out on all the blockbusters, especially It is an international blockbuster that has gone global, and I missed too much.

Afa is much more popular than in the original track, and his life is much better, but he also misses a lot, which is also a kind of pressure.

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