Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 174 Is idleness still idle? Is this human talk?

October 16, a pier in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Protected by a group of bodyguards, Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min couldn't help but high-five each other, and then each made a victory sign to celebrate.

At this moment, several figures walked in the distance, and one of them, a beautiful girl, waved from a distance, "Sister Min? It's really you."

Zhang Min took one look and then smiled, "Afang? Why are you here?"

That was Wu Wanfang who joined the ATV training class with Zhang Min in 1984. Standing next to this Ah Fang were Chen Baixiang, Huang Xingxiu and a strange young man.

After the bodyguards got out of the way and these people came over, Wu Wanfang first gave Zhang Min a warm hug, then greeted Qiu Shuzhen politely, and then smiled and said, "Sister Zhen, Sister Min, what good thing has happened to you? So... happy?"

"The big boss went to the mainland to film a movie, didn't you guys go with him?"

"By the way, let me introduce you to Brother La and Sister-in-law. This is Hu Jiahua and Hu Sheng."

Judging from the status, Wu Wanfang's quartet is in a state of traveling with bags on their backs. Wu Wanfang is doing well at this stage. She made her debut as the second female lead in "Blue Life and Death Love". Although the character design is not very good, this Ah Fang is pretty enough.

With the popularity of Blue Life and Death, she is also one of the red stars in the television industry.

She is also the second female lead in the variant version (Tokyo Love Story) and now (Hong Kong Island Love Story). She also played a minor role in "The Flower of the Flower", used to foil Zhang Min and Qiu Shuzhen.

She has taken on supporting actress roles in several films other than Zhao's.

Under the words, Zhang Min smiled and said, "Sister Zhen and I established a ferry passenger company. We came to the pier to check the situation. Because the company is still in operation, the boss asked us to stay on Hong Kong Island to run this."

Leaving aside the money they continue to invest in the foreign exchange market, how much have they earned from the stock market so far? Zhang Min and Qiu Shuzhen borrowed money to develop, and each earned more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars in Microsoft and Oracle.

Because the loan period has not yet expired, I invested the 50 million loan principal plus more than 100 million in profit in late July to invest in the magic stocks and fairy stocks in the island country's stock market.

After all, it is a Tokyo society using illegal means to harvest real estate. In the island country market where the stock market is listed and cashed out, the two-way BUFF of the stock market and real estate is indescribably hot.

The plan is to sell in late October and make a profit of more than 150%... The two women combined will still have a cash flow of HK$700 million in late October after paying the principal and interest of the 50 million loan.

How will this money be spent?

700 million is neither too much nor too much. While Zhao Tung-huai is currently working on the new theme park community project in Tung Chung, Lantau Island, it would be good to set up his own ferry passenger company.

At present, the relatively large ferry companies in Hong Kong are the Star Ferry under Wharf, owned by Charter King, and the Yau Ma Tei Ferry.

The two women's funds are not for acquisitions, but for re-opening a new world ferry similar to the one opened by Zheng Yutong on Hong Kong Island in the future. It can send from Central to Cheung Chau, Mui Wo, Sesame Bend and other outlying islands.

From Tsim Sha Tsui, North Point, Hung Hom, Tuen Mun and other places to various outlying islands, including docks such as North Point and Hung Hom.

Also includes ferry travel between Hong Kong Island and Haojiang.

Hong Kong has many islands. To build a brand new ferry passenger transport company would be to undertake the business of sea passenger transportation in Hong Kong, similar to the Kowloon Bus on the ground.

Lei Kuk-kun can become one of Hong Kong's passenger shipping industry tycoons by relying on Kowloon Bus. When the ferry company of Qiu Shuzhen and Qiu Shuzhen is opened, there is no question whether they will acquire Yau Ma Tei Ferry in the future. Even if they do not acquire it, they will become tycoons in the maritime passenger transport industry. one.

Just say that if (Jurassic Park 1) is released globally next year, how many fans and moviegoers will it attract around the world? Various dinosaur toy factories related to the mainland have begun preparations for establishment.

All kinds of toys can be sold in Wanjia Supermarket, and they can also be sold in Jurassic Theme Park.

Once it becomes popular, this large-scale linkage project will also bring massive tourist resources and tourism resources to Tung Chung Theme Park, similar to Disney.

The original version (Jurassic Park 1) had a global box office of over 900 million U.S. dollars, but this was far from all profits. The director Spielberg made a profit of 250 million U.S. dollars.

A director has so many points of separation, where do they come from? The box office is only a part, the video tape is also a big part, and there are also benefits from the sale of toys and other peripherals.

That is a complete line!

When the Jurassic Park in Hong Kong sells well, and tourists are transported from Hong Kong and Kowloon to Tung Chung Theme Park, there will be a steady flow of tourists from all over the world. This is also the surrounding profit chain!

Before the change, if Zhao Donghuai wanted to start such a new company, the Hong Kong side might still have difficulty in qualifying, but now it is really no longer difficult... After all, except for the white ghosts and senior executives in the police force, they have already taken advantage of Zhao's finance.

Is there anyone in other departments such as the Transport Department and the Lands Department who wants to make a fortune? ?

Ferry, like Kowloon Bus, can also be used as a publicity platform! The first stage is the New World Ferry Passenger Transport. Once it is stable, you can get involved in shore taxi transport, obtain a taxi license, and form a taxi fleet.

This is also a shore project of New World Passenger Transport.

Following Zhang Min's words, Wu Wanfang looked shocked, "Ferry company? Similar to Star Ferry or Yau Ma Tei Ferry? Wow, Sister Min, you are going to become a tycoon too."

Chen Baixiang was surprised, "It's not easy to open a new company to compete with those old companies, isn't it? Star Ferry is the king of charter companies, and Yau Ma Tei Ferry is also backed by big white capital."

Qiu Shuzhen said with a calm face, "Not to mention the money we made in the foreign exchange market, outside the foreign exchange battlefield, Brother Huai made Amin and I earn 6.7 billion Hong Kong dollars. Anyway, money is idle, so use it to invest. Invest, test the waters.”

One sentence.

Not to mention Chen Baixiang, Huang Xingqiu, and Wu Wanfang, even Hu Jiahua has been autistic for several generations!

Is she speaking human language? !

How much money can be made in the foreign exchange market? Chen Baixiang, Wu Wanfang and Huang Xingxiu all have the capital to enter the game and make a fortune. They know very well how much money they can make!

No matter how much they earn, Sister Zhen and Sister Min definitely earn more than them.

As a result, outside of this battlefield, these two people also easily earned 6 to 7 billion Hong Kong dollars? Blanched, can I still live?

If you are so rich and domineering, then it really doesn't matter if you suppress the Star Ferry and Yau Ma Tei Ferry.

When Zhou Huimin bought Huazhi last year, the overall market value of Huazhi was only a few hundred million Hong Kong dollars, which was the market value of the entire group.

Even if the Star Ferry is integrated into the Wharf Group, what is the current market value of the entire Wharf? The Star Ferry alone is not worth much, but the usage rate of the Star Ferry is not low, with tens of millions of people riding it every year.

The average one-time fare is two or three yuan, and the annual turnover is only tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars. Of course, if you have short-distance fares, long-distance fares will definitely be expensive.

For example, the fares from Tsim Sha Tsui to Central and from Hung Hom to Wan Chai are not the same. If you take the Yau Ma Tei Ferry from Yau Ma Tei to Tai O, Lantau Island, the fares are definitely different.

To put it bluntly, the overall scale of these first two ferry companies, which are the dominant maritime passenger transport companies, is really not large. If they were separated and listed separately, their market value would be only a few hundred million.

Now two women just spend 700 million to open a new company? Just playing? Testing the waters?

Qiu Shuzhen's words made him shut up. After breaking his guard for dozens of seconds, Chen Baixiang smiled brightly and said, "Then I wish Sister Zhen and Sister Min a successful start, and the new group will dominate the passenger transport industry in Hong Kong and Hao!"

Wu Wanfang and Huang Xingxiu also began to congratulate each other, including Hu Jiahua, but this Hu Sheng was not in the eyes of the two women at all, and they did not recognize him...

After chatting for a while, the quartet of Chen Baixiang said goodbye one after another, and when they walked to their yacht to go out to sea, Chen Baixiang took Ahua and sighed alone, "Sharp, Baguan! Zhao Shengpengren's strength is simply unrivaled in Hong Kong."

"I feel that even in the entire Chinese world, there is no promoter stronger than Zhao Sheng!"

"Ah Hua, you are a member of the traditional rich generation, one of the role models of the established wealthy families. Since you want to pursue Ah Fang, why don't you have to be considerate?"

"Li Chaoren and even Huo Daheng are rising stars compared to your Hu family. If you want to pursue A Fang, don't be too embarrassed."

In the original trajectory, Hu Jiahua, a generation of wealthy people, was shocked when he saw Wu Wanfang participating in the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant on TV. Through their relationship with Zeng Miewei, they met and pursued her. After several years of long-distance love, the two were considered to be in love among Hong Kong's wealthy families. a model.

In this dimension, Ah Hua met Ah Fang through TV movies and asked Chen Baixiang to be his introducer. As for Chen Baixiang? He has a very good relationship with Wu Wanfang. After Afang became famous, he didn't like acting in movies and TV series very much, but liked singing.

He took the initiative to seek lessons from a big figure in the music industry like A Le.

Hu Jiahua... what did he say? In 1931, his grandfather established a foreign bank, trading company, and real estate company. In 1957, he became a justice of the peace among the Chinese in Hong Kong.

Ah Hua's father is equally powerful. His father is one of the small shareholders of the real estate groups of Guo Bingxiang, Li Zhaoji, etc., one of the leaders in Hong Kong's legal profession, and a member of various financial stock exchanges.

All sorts of things, his father was also a tycoon with a personal fortune of several hundred million Hong Kong dollars in his day.

This refers to personal assets and not to the market value of a company.

Personal assets can hold hundreds of millions, which is a lot, let alone fame and status in various industries.

As for Hu Jiahua's generation, his eldest brother mainly developed his career in England, his third brother became a barrister, and his fourth brother became a doctor.

He is currently the main heir to the Hu family.

Ah Hua couldn't help but smile bitterly at Ah Le's words, "Even if I give all my family property to Ah Fang, it won't be as much as the pocket money that Zhao Sheng gave him for the few rooms he gave him."

At this stage, he had just met Wu Wanfang through Chen Baixiang a few times, and he was unexpectedly hit like this at the beginning. There was no way to explain it!

Chen Baixiang smiled brightly and winked, "That's good for you. You like Afang, whose career is in tatters... I dare to be your introducer. If you had liked Nicole Kidman, Naomi... Watts or other business type?"

"I don't dare to be your introducer."

Outsiders who don't understand the situation and chase beautiful women have a real chance of getting into trouble. Especially for rich people, the chance of getting into trouble is very high. Being suddenly beaten with a sack over the head and being hospitalized for a few days is a minor matter.

As an insider, it is not too difficult to visit Zhao Donghuai himself, so that he can know what Zhao Sheng's will is. Actresses like Lin Qingxia, Hu Huizhong, Li Saifeng and other older or less ambitious actresses, If there are people out there who want to chase you, it's up to your personal ability.

Zhao Sheng will not pay attention to whether those actresses are married or in love.

But those who are more enterprising, such as Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts and other contestants, including Zhou Haimei and other women, you are really good at chasing after them... That is the money-cow power of romantic relationships that can easily affect the money-making tree.

This is still relatively peripheral.

Can Chen Hong, Xiao Yingying, Wang Zuxian, etc. easily see Zhao Sheng? ? Who dares to make random decisions?

Of course it was Zhao Donghuai who uttered the word "disgraceful" and spread it to the outside world, forming a trend.

That was when De Bao was preparing to film "Wealth and Power", Wu Wanfang was considered to play the role of Li Lizhen, and the film was sent to her. Ah Fang didn't want to play this role. She likes singing and is practicing her singing skills hard.

All these resources have been pushed.

Not to mention Hong Qinbao or Gao Zhisen were speechless about this. Anyway, when the news reached Zhao Donghuai's ears, he just said, "Afang's film and television career is going to be ruined. Forget it, let her play by herself." Since then, TV series There are still people looking for him, and Zhao's film resources are basically insulated.

At this moment, before Hu Jiahua could say anything, Ah Le's big brother made a loud noise. When he was connected, he was surprised and said, "You want me to act in a movie? Partner with Xingzi? Okay, I'll go back right away..."

After hurriedly hanging up the phone, Chen Baixiang shrugged and said, "Ahua, it's not that I won't help you. Zhao Sheng has decided on a project. He is just a producer in name, but the main creative team has almost chosen it. I am also one of the supporting actors, so..."

"I don't dare to ruin my career. Zhao Sheng has made it clear that he wants to be a star. Of course I, an old green leaf, have to do something."

For a project that Zhao Donghuai personally decided on, even if he only produced a script outline and found Li Lichi and Chen Jia to co-direct, they still had to figure out the specific details and jokes themselves.

But after finding him, I have to work hard from today on, including making up jokes and so on.

In addition to being a singer and a star, his main identity is a businessman. He is nothing more than getting rich and bankrupt, reincarnating again and again, with quite a lot of ups and downs. As a businessman who dares to take clothes with him to the Middle East to trade with pirates.

Fortunately, he got on the express train of Zhao's financial investment. Even though the initial capital was not much, his good friend Tan Yonglin signed a guarantee for him to borrow a sum of money from the bank in the name of Principal Tan.

It has grown to this point and it has already made a lot of money.

In this case, not to mention that Zhao Sheng set the tone for him to praise second- and third-tier stars like Xing Zai who are already relatively famous, but even if he was asked to praise new students in Asian dramas, he would be happy to do so.

Hu Jiahua could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

After several days of preparation, the yacht trip could only be interrupted at this moment. It was also obvious that Wu Wanfang would not be able to go sailing alone with A Le and his wife if they left now.


after a while.

When Chen Baixiang arrived at an office of Zhao's Pictures, he saw some unfamiliar and familiar faces. The familiar ones were of course Zhou Xingxing, Wu Mengda, and Xu Jinjiang. The unfamiliar ones were neither Li Lichi nor Chen Jiashang, but he was not familiar with them.

When there was a knock on the door from behind, Chen Baixiang turned around and saw Zhou Haimei walking in, saying "Sorry, I'm late"...

Alat was shocked, what a seafood, this is a female star who has become famous in Asia thanks to the heroine of Meteor Garden and the heroine of Blue Life and Death.

There are currently a bunch of directors and celebrities in this office, and even Xing Zai is not as popular as Zhou Haimei.

As soon as she apologized, everyone in the room stood up and greeted her politely and warmly.

Chen Jiashang wiped his sweat and looked at Li Lichi. Achi was not much better, "Sister Mei, sit down quickly. You are the biggest celebrity in our crew. You are not late. We are early."

No matter how many masterpieces these two directors, Achi and Lao Chen, prove themselves in the future, they are at the level of newcomers at this stage. Lao Chen, 26, entered Shaw Brothers in middle school. He has been in the industry for seven or eight years and has senior qualifications, but he does not have any directors. experience.

Achi joined ATV as a director in 1984, and his biggest success till now is just filming a variant version of "Stairway to Heaven" with Wang Jing, of which he is the assistant director.

After being polite, Li Lichi quickly asked his assistants to hand out a script. Each person had a script outline, only the outline, and the name was (Variety Star King). "Thanks to Zhao Sheng for letting me be the director of the new film, but I am also trembling and walking on thin ice."

"The project team has told us that our (Various Stars) crew will put aside the relatively metaphysical funds of salary in the early stage. The serious investment is 8 million Hong Kong dollars, and we can go to Hawaii for filming."

"What's more important is the computer special effects. Spending 20 million on special effects is not a big figure."

"Although Zhao Sheng said, this crew does not expect the box office to be a big hit. The main purpose is to cultivate Ah Xing's comedy performance style and further hone the special effects level and experience of the special effects base. To accomplish these two purposes, even if the box office fails, , is also a success. These two can achieve great value. The special effects base requires various tasks to hone the team and train troops in actual combat."

"But let me tell you something ugly earlier. If the actors' remuneration and special effects investment are included, the total number of the crew may be 30 million, and we have screwed it up..."


The last word "haha" can well represent Achi's pressure!

He is really full of surprises now, and he feels like he is standing on the edge of a cliff, walking on thin ice. After all, it is the first time that Zhao Sheng vigorously promoted him to work on such a large production crew?

Once the investment of 30 million Hong Kong dollars is ruined, can we quit the film and television industry? He is not a great talent like Xu Ke who was able to prosper in Xinyi City after squandering Jiahe's 30 million investment in 1983.

This (Various Star King) crew is really not how classic and high-grossing it is in Xing Zai’s future trajectory. It’s just that as directed by Zhao Donghuai, the Pengcheng special effects base needs a large number of different types of special effects movie requirements to train troops and improve their strength in actual combat. !

Choose one from (Change Star King) or (Shapeshifter)? Which one to choose? Xingxingjun makes special effects simpler and easier to do, so it’s easier first and then harder.

Zhou Xingxing also stood up and said with a humble face, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for looking up to me. I'm under a lot of pressure right now. I hope you, seniors and Sister Mei, can help me a lot..."

He served as the "pseudo male protagonist" and the real male protagonist in Super Body and A Chinese Ghost Story 3. He did hone a certain star-style comedy style, but it was only a prototype.

In (A Chinese Ghost Story 3), his acting ability is almost the same as in 1988 (The Best Son-in-Law) in the original track.

Although it has been a year since the filming of A Chinese Story 3 was completed, he has also stayed up for another year, waiting for Zhao's new opportunity. Well, he also filmed one this year (Eight Star Announcement), and the filming started in June and has been completed. , but it is aimed at the Lunar New Year release of Golden Princess Cinema.

He didn't expect Zhao's new opportunity to be so ruthless, with an investment scale of 30 million? ?

Xingzi was so stressed that he wanted to cry.

If such a blockbuster fails... well, Ah Xing has a way out.

The super-physical male protagonist was paid HK$50,000 for the film, but he received a red envelope of HK$1 million after it became a global hit. A Chinese Ghost Story 3 is Xu Ke's project, and he was paid HK$100,000 for the film, and he also received a red envelope of HK$500,000.

Huang Baiming's Eight Stars gave him 200,000 yuan for good news. Over the past few years, he has continued to bring profits from goods and saved more than 1 million yuan.

This 3 million Hong Kong dollars was invested in the foreign exchange market on January 1st without further borrowing, with a leverage of 20 times. By mid-October, the Japanese yen had appreciated by more than 30%.

His foreign exchange funds have made profits of more than 19 million!

After the filming failed, and after a year or two of settling down, he felt that he could finance the script and crew and start over again a few times. At this stage, it costs three million to shoot a movie, which is not too small an investment.

20 million is enough to make six or seven medium-budget films.

But he was under a lot of pressure.

A Le quickly laughed and said, "Director, Ah Xing, don't be so exaggerated. We are lucky enough to join a big project, so naturally we have to use our best efforts to make a classic film. Comedy is still very interesting." .”

"At worst, I'm looking for more lessons from Huang Bingyao, Brother Sanmao, and Huang Baiming."

"If it's to attract box office, I can have Alan and A Tao guest star. They are all popular singers."


Night fell on the 16th.

When Zhao Donghuai and the Jurassic crew returned to Hong Kong Island, they sat down on the 32nd floor of the Financial Building when they saw Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min running over to report the good news.

The framework for New World Passenger Transport has already begun. The main thing is to get the qualifications to host it, then buy a ship, and operate a taxi license to operate shore taxi transportation. All it takes is spending money.

Azhen smiled while rubbing Director Zhao's waist, "There are many people at the Transport Department who are very polite and enthusiastic. Not to mention passing the passenger and freighter license, they even asked us for 500 taxi licenses, and they said it was a meeting gift."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "A few hundred tickets are nothing. This is the period of great expansion of taxi companies. If you do it slowly, as long as you keep it steady, it will be an industry that can last a lifetime."

There were only 6,200 taxi licenses officially registered and issued in Hong Kong in 1977. In 1981, the number expanded to more than 11,000, and in 1984 it was 16,000.

This simple data can prove how rapidly Yipiao Taxi Company has expanded.

Can more than 10,000 taxis meet the taxi transportation needs of Hong Kong? No, no matter if you watch the opening clip of Sing Tsai's movie "The Lover" or "Taxi Judge", you can easily understand the demand for taxis by Hong Kong people in the 1980s and 1990s.

What's more, Qing Sheng and Taxi Judge are both movies from the 90s!

Zhang Min also smiled and said, "Boss, he said we should do it step by step, but if we buy a boat, we can't spend 600-700 million at once, right? If the taxi takes its time..."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "If you want, you can start with 500 taxis. However, if you want to make a big deal in the taxi field, you can't just focus on new license plates, but also acquire the 10,000 to 20,000 old license plates that have been issued."

"Actually, this is not difficult. Once the recruitment advertisements are put out, I feel that there are experienced taxi drivers or small companies who are willing to sell their license plates and cars to your New World Passenger Transport."

Why? Because the two big bosses standing at the front desk are Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min.

According to the precedent of Zhou Huimin Chinese Real Estate, group employees can quickly queue up to board the bus to join the Foreign Exchange Investment Bureau... Joining the New World Passenger Transport of Azhen and the two girls is also a shortcut to integrate into the Zhao family!

The Japanese yen has appreciated a lot, from over 250 yen per dollar to over 160 yen, but its peak is 120 yen per dollar.

Zhao Donghuai had so much money in his hands that it was not too late to start selling and settling at a price of more than 130 yen.

After all, he is not afraid that many countries will join forces to deceive him. With the simulator there, he can cash out and run away a month or two in advance before they take action.

After talking about this, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "By the way, Li Chaoren, Wang Dehui and the others lost all the 200-300 million yuan they invested with White Gloves, right?"

Azhen nodded hurriedly. Under Director Zhao's will, capital from many countries often joined forces to deceive people. Unfortunately, Li Chao and Wang Dehui were killed because of their basic behavior.

Those who are in the same financial company as those rich people are all Hong Kong citizens who entered the market in February, March, or April or May. Those who came in early, made more profits, and were able to survive and wait for the big appreciation.

As for the citizens’ funds that entered the market at about the same time as these wealthy people? Then they are not all in the same company. After all, Zhao's Financial Building operates hundreds of companies, including many registered offshore.

Those had escaped in time before he went to the mainland.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai said, "In a few days, please make an appointment with newspapers and TV stations to report and hype up the story of joining Oracle and Microsoft in March, and now making almost 700 million Hong Kong dollars in late October."

Azhen was a little confused, "Ah? Boss, didn't you say that we want to make a fortune in silence? If I hype it up and publish it in newspapers or something, will it make Sister Min and Sister Jiahui unhappy?"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "It's okay, I will intercede for you. This is to trick the traitor or Wang Dehui and the others."

"If they also invest their money in the island country's stock market and real estate, they will have something to play with."

He has made money from Microsoft, Oracle and even Japanese real estate stocks. Is he making such a high income purely based on the simulator and his experience before time travel? Obviously not.

The most important point here is...the mafia all over the United States, and the pan-Asian suits are sitting there, making money from the island country guys, and they can only make it with the support of this kind of background.

If Zhao Donghuai wants to get involved in Fox, Columbia Television Network, etc., the mafia will not face the consequences. Regardless of Pan Asia or the mafia, those who are in jail will die, and those who run away will die.

But after making a lot of quick money in the stock market, he also paid the fees exactly, so the Black Palace wouldn't end up just because of such a trivial matter. First of all, Hong Kong Island is still managed by cattle. Secondly, before the Big Hairy Bear is disintegrated, Hong Kong Island needs the friendship of the mainland.

If they don't break up directly, Zhao Donghuai still has many criminal police friends who can predict the future.

It’s really not a big problem!

But what if real estate developers such as Li Chaoren and Wang Dehui went to play? Even if you can make money in the Tokyo stock market or real estate, can you easily get out? Not to mention the 1987 global stock market crash.

In 1987, the island nation was a raging fire. Next year’s Forbes Global Rich List, the top five richest people in the world are all island nation tycoons, all real estate developers!

That's the richest man in the world and one of the top five, so you know how abnormal that is.

Once those guys are screwed, Amin's Chinese can easily acquire and annex Cheung Kong, Chinachem and other groups.


In late October, Zhao Donghuai's (Jurassic Park 1) crew entered the Tung Chung theme park base, which is still under construction, and happily began filming.

Azhen and her two daughters have also bought New World Passenger Transport, not only buying all kinds of new passenger ferries, but also buying taxi licenses and taxis.

Cheung Kong's big office.

Li Chaoren and Wang Dehui were gathering together, frowning and vomiting.

The smoke in the room was so strong that it started to set off a sprinkler alarm. Wang Dehui put down a newspaper and cursed, "Push to the street. What is this guy named Zhao doing? Who doesn't know that he is the God of War in Asia's finance?"

"No matter how much he earns in the foreign exchange market, he understands everything. Now that he has introduced two little maids, what does it mean to say that they are magicians in the stock market?"

"I borrowed 50 million, and after a few months of trading in the U.S. stock market, I each made more than 100 million. Then I invested it in the stock market of the island country, and the total profit of 300 million became 700 million??"

Wang Dehui kept scolding him, and he was so envious that he almost vomited blood.

Having suffered losses several times in a row and a cash flow loss of RMB 400 to 500 million, this is also a very painful injury. How many pieces of land must be acquired on Hong Kong Island and how many projects must be done to make such a profit?

Mr. Li also had a dark face, "Although I don't know his purpose, I asked my secretary to check it out. Microsoft's stock is indeed a bit magical. It was listed in March for 21 US dollars per share, and now it's almost 90 US dollars per share. ,hiss……"

"This is picking up money!"

"And the two real estate stocks in the island country's stock market he operates are also so exaggerated. They more than doubled in just three months from July to October. His vision is too tricky."

Wang Dehui continued to scold, "The ghosts in the island country are crazy. The appreciation of the Japanese yen is so exaggerated and they don't care. Now the real estate and stock market growth are also booming and abnormal!"

Last time, he was thinking about whether to make a profit by buying at the bottom and trying to buy down the Japanese yen. However, after thinking about it, he still didn't take action, and Li Chaoren did the same.

It hurts to lose money several times in a row!

In addition, the core teams of Cheung Kong and Chinachem have been poached one after another, and the market value has shrunk steadily. Money really cannot be turbulent.

Now I see that today's Kowloon Daily published the stock trading experiences of Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min. In just six months, they each borrowed 50 million. Now that they have paid off the principal and interest, each of them has made a net profit of more than 300 million? ? This is too unreasonable.

However, after the two women revealed the stocks they bought, if you look at their results over the past six months, you can easily calculate that their profits did not lie.

After scolding, Wang Dehui got tired of scolding, drank a few sips of tea, and suddenly asked, "Li Sheng, how about we try the island country's real estate and stock market? Although the appreciation of the Japanese yen is unreasonable."

"But precisely because the value has appreciated so much, the land that used to be worth 5 million US dollars is directly equivalent to the appreciation to 7 or 8 million US dollars. No wonder the real estate industry is so popular and attracts so much money."

"As long as the Japanese yen doesn't continue to plummet, real estate is much more stable than foreign exchange speculation, isn't it?"

Mr. Li was very excited. In fact, he also knew that Jardine Matheson and HSBC were also investing in the island country's stock market and real estate industry, and their profits were no less than in foreign exchange projects.

It's not that he hasn't thought about investing, it's that he doesn't have the confidence to easily leave with the money after making money from white capital.

After dozens of seconds of silence, he spoke, "Speaking of which, all 711 convenience stores in Hong Kong are dead, but they have many branches in island countries, including Tokyo. However, many of them are franchise stores, and the land is not mine. ,so……"

711 entered the island country in 1974, and its development was booming. However, due to the nature of franchise stores everywhere, such as renting stores, they did not make much money during this wave of real estate explosion.

The copycats were kicked out of Hutchison Whampoa. In the end, the equity was not cash, but the replacement took away Watsons, Parknshop and 711 and integrated them into Cheung Kong.

Wang Dehui's eyes flashed green, "I don't care. I can't make up my mind about foreign exchange after thinking about it. I don't dare to touch it anymore, but real estate has always been a long-term project, including the stock market."

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