Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 180 The ordinary old version of Mr. Zombie

In fact, many people may not know that Zhang Xueyou, the singer, also experienced a low period in his career. After being hit, he drank heavily, made a mess, smashed other people's cakes at a friend's birthday party, and made trouble, etc.

This is the original track where the results were very strong when he first became famous, but he was drifting away. He was waiting for the new album to not be very popular, and his mentality collapsed after being frustrated...

But Ayou still has strong self-control. After a period of frustration, he set a new goal for himself and stopped drinking completely.

Then came the glory of the era of the Four Heavenly Kings and the era of the God of Songs.

In this current trajectory, Jacky Cheung has not yet entered the period of frustration and failure, but looking at the various praising and boastful comments about him in newspapers and magazines, so many people are actually shouting for him to give up his singing career and concentrate on hard work. Acting and acting?

There was a moment of collapse in his heart, and Ayou couldn't laugh or cry, "Is my acting really that good? I really have to thank Director Xu and Mr. Pacino."

Ayou in this dimension is an actor who has been honed by Xu Ke. In the spring of 1985, he followed the filming of A Chinese Ghost Story 2 and in the autumn of 2011 he started filming A Chinese Ghost Story 3. The two movies together took just over three months to shoot.

But he is an important supporting role, and he was trained and coached a lot. Good Will Hunting took more than three months to film.

The one who had direct contact was being led away by Lao Xu for more than half a year.

Along with the complaints, Luo Meimian was just about to say something when he saw a figure emerging from the corridor and walking quickly, "Ayou, just stay at home. I was just wanting to talk to you about something. Meiwei is here too." Ah, you two??”

Zhang Xueyou and Luo Meiman were both surprised and turned around to say hello.

This is Cheng Xiaodong.

Cheng Sir is also one of the first people to start his career with Zhao Donghuai, and he is also the first director to join Zhao's Pictures. In the past two years...he made the first and second Black Man movies and made a lot of money. After all, no matter whether Black Man 2 is How did the Hong Kong Haowan box office hit the streets?

Selling the port is really profitable!

He always received red envelopes worth 2 million Hong Kong dollars for a movie instead of 1 million like Wang Jing and others for a blockbuster film.

Of course, as early as January 1st, Sir Cheng also invested 10 million to follow Zhao Donghuai and make a fortune by speculating in Japanese yen foreign exchange.

It's already December 22nd. If he were to get out now, Cheng Xiaodong would pocket 80 to 90 million with interest.

After teasing Ayou and Luo Meiman with a smile, Cheng Xiaodong handed over a novel, "I plan to adapt this novel and make it into a movie. I was worried about who to find the leading actor before. Since Ayou was chosen by Lao Xu Now that you’ve been trained, why don’t you try to be a leading actor?”

Zhang Xueyou, "..."

What he loves most is his singing career! !

But great directors like Cheng Xiaodong, who was the first to hang out with Zhao Sheng, came to him, so how could he refuse? Ah You’s emotional intelligence isn’t that low either.

After looking at the title of the novel (Terracotta Warriors of the Qin Dynasty), Zhang Xueyou nodded quickly, "Director Cheng thinks highly of me. I will work hard to live up to Director Cheng's high expectations."

Cheng Xiaodong nodded, "Among the new generation of male actors, your acting skills are relatively outstanding, and you have already achieved results. As for actresses, I feel that the best one is Gong Li. You may be paired with her in this movie."

Terracotta Warriors was originally a new project that Cheng Xiaodong started filming and directing in 1989. Originally, Zhang Yimou was chosen as the male lead and Gong Li as the female lead. Ah Mou despised such commercial movies from the bottom of his heart and only joined the cast to get along with Gong Li.

After filming, I didn't even bother to find him for dubbing, so I just ran away and ignored him.

Who told Zhang Guoshi to pursue artistic blockbusters and win prizes in his original career? At that stage, major mainland directors who pursued art looked down on commercial films, and they were everywhere.

It's just that in this dimension, Director Zhang has already won the Cannes Best Director trophy, and Juno also has the opportunity to win the North American Hollywood Golden Globe Award for Best Picture... Director Zhang's literary pursuit filter has long been broken and cannot stick together. .

If Cheng Xiaodong went to find Ah Mou again, the result would probably be different. He would not have paid the money to complete the filming and look down on him for dubbing.

But Sir Cheng had to endure this two years in advance? Finding Zhang Xueyou to replace Zhang Yimou is the butterfly effect. Who makes Ayou a new generation who can play opposite Al Pacino and also perform his own style?

Just like Oriental Daily boasted, starring opposite Al Pacino, eight psychological battles in one movie, what's the matter even if he was suppressed? How many young people can you find in the world who can play opposite Al without being overpowered?

He was able to perform eight different performances for autistic patients in eight psychological consultations, with logical development and without collapse. This is a very strong performance.

Even if it were replaced by Zhou Runfa, Zhang Guorong, and Liang Jiahui, they might not be able to perform much better or better than Zhang Xueyou.

This is not to brag about Al Pacino's acting skills, but the real four-time Oscar nominee, a 46-year-old middle-aged man, Ah Fa is 31 years old, Zhang Guorong is 30 years old this year, Leung Ka-fai is 28 years old, and Zhang Xueyou is only 25!

Even with the same talent and hard work, Al Pacino is ten or twenty years older than this group of actors in Hong Kong.

This is really Ayou’s masterpiece!

The original movie version of the Terracotta Warriors (Ancient and Modern Battle of the Qin Terracotta Warriors) performed well in the hands of Cheng Xiaodong. It was nominated for Best Film at the Hong Kong Film Awards, and Gong Li was also nominated for Best Actress.

At the box office, Hong Kong Island grossed nearly HK$21 million.

The original author Li Bihua is also one of the representatives of talented women in Hong Kong. Her most famous film and television adaptation of the novel is (Farewell My Concubine), the version of Poetry Master, followed by the version of Wang Zuxian and Zhang Manyu (Green Snake), the one with the mighty Tianlong.

Then (rouge button), (dumplings) and so on.

Cheng Xiaodong was also very happy to receive Ayou's affirmative reply, "Okay, then prepare well and we will get together after New Year's Day."


(Good Will Hunting) is a type of healing and redemption movie that received explosive reviews from media critics and only had good box office performance.

With the coming of the 24th, Cai Shaofen's version of Home Alone is released in Hong Kong. It is really a family-friendly comedy movie that is an instant hit for all ages.

According to Yalun's custom, Christmas is usually a three-day holiday, but there are often arrangements there to start the holiday from the 24th and continue from New Year's Day until around January 5th, which is ten days or more. Long vacation.

It's similar in North America. Starting at 12 noon on the 24th, in a round of announcements, 1,500 big screens began to screen Cameron Diaz's version of Home Alone.

Even if it was only released for 12 hours on the 24th, that would still be six screenings, with an attendance rate of 60% to 70%. The North American box office hit more than 3 million US dollars on the same day. Countless movie fans walked into the AMC theater with their families, laughing until their stomachs hurt. leave.

This comedy movie that has been in the spotlight for more than half a year has crushed the box office as soon as it was released (Good Will Hunting), and Cameron Diaz has begun to become a hit. When it comes to child actors, Cameron Diaz Her age is actually not that of a child star, she is already 14 years old.

Fortunately, she was only 13 years old when the movie was made, so she was not too old.

On Christmas Day, the North American version (Home Alone) once again made more than 4 million US dollars at the box office. This is a movie that shows its box office dominance. It can earn 3 to 4 million US dollars in one day. This opening weekend, four and a half days , the hope of cutting off 20 million U.S. dollars at the box office is huge.

As long as the weekly box office can exceed 20 million U.S. dollars, in this era, it is a pre-selected weekly crown.

This is indeed the case. By the 26th, the North American Cameron Diaz version had grossed US$6 million at the box office!

After all, the original Home Alone 1 was a blockbuster with a box office of US$285 million in North America and US$533 million worldwide.

This is the highest-grossing comedy movie in the Guinness Book of World Records!

Cameron Diaz, an authentic North American sweet girl, is still very popular and recognized by the public. More importantly, such Diaz will not be disabled in the future...

The White Girl Version (Home Alone) movie has exploded in North America. In Hong Kong's Haowan area, Cai Shaofen also became famous in one battle. In the 252 Wanjia theaters in Hong Kong's Haowan, there were also countless audiences and movie fans who were made to laugh.

For child star comedy movies, if you look at the original comedy trend created by child stars such as Shi Xiaolong and He Shaowen, you will know that this is a big market, a red ocean type.

Even if Shi Xiaolong is not born yet, little beauties like Cai Shaofen have taken advantage of this market field in advance and have successfully risen.

The original film has a global box office of US$533 million, and the Asian market is also indispensable. The original film has made an astonishing box office in Hong Kong and other island countries. Now Cameron Diaz has been replaced by Cai Shaofen.

Affen has more appeal than a little white beauty!

Not only the two little beauties became famous, but also the stupid pair of thieves Richard Norton and Wu Mengda became famous, making the two more popular than any film or TV series they had participated in before.

After all, this is a global hit, not limited to Hong Kong Haowan.

As soon as this movie was released, regardless of whether it was Europe, America or Asia, it was the undisputed weekly box office champion and monthly box office champion. It was a pity that Good Will Hunting, which had a strong reputation, was suppressed.


Jiu Long Tang.

When Cai Shaofen and her brother Cai Shaoxiong were celebrating the festival happily, there was a knock on the door. When Ah Fen ran to open the door, the moment the door opened, Ah Fen was dumbfounded and said, "Mom?"

First frightened for a few seconds, she then threw herself into her mother's arms with confusion and enthusiasm.

It is said that Asia Drama also gives students holidays according to major holidays. After all, Asian Drama Academy generally does not have winter and summer vacations.

It doesn’t matter if there are no winter and summer vacations. This is still a community college. It is not in the formal education sequence. People who come from all over the world want to join the school, and none of them come here for the holidays.

So Asia Opera has five days off from the 24th to the 28th, and a few more days off from the 1st to the 5th of New Year's Day.

Today, December 28, Cai Shaofen received the news early in the morning that Li Jiaxin, Zhu Yin, including Chen Derong, Li Zi and other senior students from Asia Opera's second generation came to play with her.

Cai Shaofen and her brother are decorating this new home that they just bought a few days ago.

This new home in Kowloon Tong is not large in size, with two bedrooms and one living room of 800 square feet, but it was indeed bought by her after Cai Shaofen and Cameron Diaz each received HK$1 million in red envelopes after Home Alone was released.

Regardless of whether I will live here permanently in the future, finally having a stable home on Hong Kong Island is the biggest stimulus to Cai Shaofen!

After wandering around with my mother for many years, I finally bought a house with a big red envelope. The excitement and happiness are really indescribable.

When I opened the door, I found it was my mother? There are some frights, but I haven’t seen my mother a few times in a year. Thinking about it, my mother’s quitting gambling should be considered a success? Afen is still happy that the surprise is greater than the surprise.

Cai Shaoxiong rushed up to greet him with a complicated look on his face, "Mom, are you back?"

Lan Dumei hugged Afen and smiled bitterly, "Originally, those guys said they would let me go in the summer, but they never thought they would keep me locked up until now... If they don't let me go, I will go to a mental hospital."

"Don't worry, you two. From today on, I will never gamble again."

Home Alone was first planned for production on January 24, 1986. That was the day when Luan Dumei was repeatedly rejected by the gambling boss, and was even imprisoned to help her physically quit gambling.

This special girl’s date is December 28th!

Before she was released, she had been kept for a year. Brother Xinji, who had raised her so white and fat, complained about her. Ah Fen had become famous and became a new money-spinner. If you mess around again, you'd be in trouble. Zhao Sheng's cash cow is to trample his Tsim Sha Tsui Fei Long Ge brand into the quagmire.

If his Tsim Sha Tsui Flying Dragon sign is dirty...

Then it has nothing to do with your 11-month physical withdrawal from gambling.

Tsim Sha Tsui Flying Dragon is not in the Xinji Five Tigers. Compared to Tsim Sha Tsui East Axe, he is still in the second grade, but he is also one of the Xinji Ten.

Nowadays, Xinji is a bit unstable. For example, after years of hard work by the police undercover, the leading case has begun, and then the leader of Xinji, the leader of the Xiang family, really goes to jail, it will be like the rhythm of 1987.

However, various evidences, asking him to go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation, finding a lawyer to file a lawsuit, etc. are being unfolded in an orderly manner.

The sudden involvement of Xinji's leader in jail was a big blow to Xinji, but who among the outside world didn't know that it was not the Tsim Sha Tsui Feilong who made Lan Dumei quit gambling.

Huo Sheng wants to have a fight with King He Du. Zhao Sheng's help is to give the big brothers in Haojiang a meeting ceremony of cutting off water and power for seven days. This is still light.

If you are a gangster in Hong Kong's society, who would dare to disobey Mr. Zhao's will? Then if you think of a water and power outage for the entire site and property for several months, it would be a light punishment.

Hong Kong Island’s water supply? The main source of water supply is in the hands of eastern Guangdong. Isn't this just a matter of words that can make you go without water for several months?

If you ruin the place and the police frequently check your place, is that a ghost? There was no water or electricity for several months, and even the eldest brother in Wei Feng had to kneel down and beg for mercy, and his power collapsed in all directions.

Not to mention the Five Tigers and Ten Elites, if the entire Xinji, Hutchison, and 14th Dui were to do this, even the largest club would collapse into chaos.

Before coming out, Feilong had already explained clearly to Lan Gambling, and she also knew very well that if she acted randomly, something would happen that could not be settled by giving her daughter to someone as Xiaotiantian.

after a while.

Cai Shaofen's family of three were living happily in their new house when the knock on the door rang again. When Ah Fen cheered and ran to open the door, she was stunned again when she saw the person outside the door...

As soon as Lan Dumei saw who was coming, he immediately got angry, "How dare you, a bastard and a scumbag like Shui Ji, come here? Ah Xiong grabbed a stool and beat him!"

The visitor is Cai Mingji, who abandoned his wife and children many years ago and ran away. He is also the biological father of Cai Shaofen and Cai Shaoxiong.

Cai Shaoxiong, "..."

Cai Shaofen, "..."

Cai Mingji smiled apologetically, "Afen, I know you have become a big star. It was dad's fault before, and the mistake was outrageous, but I just wanted to come and see you..."

Before he finished speaking, when his son made no move, Lan Dumei had already grabbed the folding stool and rushed towards him to beat him.

Cai Shaofen's brother and sister still looked at each other. After all, in the beautiful girl Fen's memory, since her father ran away when she was 5 years old, from 1978 to the end of 1986, she had not seen her father much, and she did not know his whereabouts or current situation.

Cai Shaoxiong took a look and saw that his mother was chasing his father, but he just dodged and didn't dare to fight back. He couldn't complain and didn't know what to do. As an adult, he had been admitted to the police academy for half a year.

He knew that his father and mother divorced when he was young... It was a normal choice reaction. Poor and low-income couples had everything to suffer from. They were already poor, and his father was just a minibus driver.

How normal is it for an ordinary adult man to dump her, a bad gambler, and get divorced when her mother is unemployed? !

But for the father who abandoned him and his sister and disappeared from their lives, he understood the other party's choice, and hatred was inevitable.

Now I see that Ah Fen is famous and making a lot of money? This is happening again? He couldn't help but think of a sentence in his mind, "You are poor when you make trouble and no one asks, but you are rich when you have distant relatives in the mountains." But the person in the corridor outside was not a distant relative.

How can a biological father be called a distant relative?

Tens of seconds later, Ah Xiong patted Cai Shaofen on the shoulder and said, "You go ahead and go back to school to celebrate with your classmates. Leave the family matters to me."

"For the sake of giving birth to us and raising us for a few years, I have to give him some money."

Ah Fen looked at her chasing parents who were gradually running away and could only nod. His father had worked to support the family for at least five years, and Cai Shaoxiong for even longer.

She suddenly had a sudden enlightenment. Although she was in decline early in her life, Guan Jiahui, one of the famous boss ladies, had experienced nothing better than her since she was 18 years old.

But look at the current boss lady Guan? Isn't she one of the richest people in Hong Kong, or a talented woman famous in Asia? ?

As soon as Cai Shaofen arrived at the Yaxi dormitory area, and before she met her sisters, the big brother rang. After some exchanges, Ah Fen hung up the phone excitedly, jumped up on the spot and shouted twice.

Li Jiaxin, Li Zi, Zhu Yin and other women in front ran over, "Afen? Aren't you waiting for us at home? Why are you so happy?"

Cai Shaofen couldn't help but said excitedly, "Director Wang called me and said that the second and third parts of Home Alone will start shooting together this winter. My salary for the second and third parts will be 500,000 Hong Kong dollars, which adds up to one million , and there will be a big red envelope afterwards..."

A group of students were shocked and even instinctively felt huge envy and jealousy.

Regardless of Li Jiaxin or Li Zi, which family environment is better? Needless to say, Jiaxin dreams of getting rich. Li Zi also has a big change in her family and is so poor that she can't say anything.

The next moment, Li Jiaxin was the first to react. She was also one of the human protagonists (Jurassic Park). She played the sisters together with Zhou Huimin. She was paid 100,000 yuan. She also knew what a brilliant future Jurassic Park would have. .

Just one thing, the few dozen seconds of dinosaur scenes released in Super Body caused a sensation all over the world. This is really the book that Super Body brought to the movie (Jurassic Park) to sell, so the dinosaur scenes in this movie only need to be filmed in the same way as Super Body If it’s high quality, it’s destined to explode.

With such a resume, Li Jiaxin is also very optimistic about the future, "Afen, Director Wang has offered you a salary of one million for two films, so you have to take the initiative to lower the price."

"Even a global action star like Brother Hua paid himself a low salary of 200,000 Hong Kong dollars for the filming of John Wick, while others paid him a million US dollars."

"When my boss offered me 100,000 yuan, I offered to pay only 50,000 yuan."

Cai Shaofen also reacted, "Yes, the Lai Sun student wear or children's wear that I endorse have started to sell well. Two or three of them, 100,000 Hong Kong dollars for one movie is much more."

After all, there are so many big red envelopes.


January 1, 1987.

During New Year's Day, the (Jurassic Park) crew suspended filming and gave the entire crew a day off.

Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the big office. Seeing Lin Zhengying arriving with his team, he suddenly smiled and said, "Did you finish filming?"

A group of Mr. Zombie creators all nodded their heads. After receiving the novel manuscript (New Mr. Zombie) in July, Aying came back from the Thailand (Alone Flying Tiger 2) crew and formulated the outline.

Goo Jai, the protagonist of the time traveler, also received the script in August and started preparing for the film.

After finishing everything on "The Flying Tiger 2" in September, Hua Zai went to the set of "Inspector 500 Million", and A Ying flew to Wanwan to work on "Mr. Zombie". This was already 1987.

In the luxurious screening room, when the new Mr. Zombie started playing, it was indeed a sentimental but exciting new film.

With Goo Jai as a time-traveler, he knew the plot in advance and took Uncle Jiu as his disciple. He stole the scene where Yuan Biao offered incense to the female ghost Wen Mixia. He blocked the ink fountain from ejecting the coffin and forgot to eject the bottom of the coffin to reveal the zombie form of Mr. Ren. Run away and kill Master Ren's loophole.

It seems that the role of the pig apprentice has been suppressed, so how can the plot develop?

There is one more change in this version, that is, Mr. Feng Shui, who was robbed of the "Dragonfly Point Water Point" by Mr. Ren, returned to Renjia Town and jumped out to cause trouble, becoming a big villain.

Moreover, the opponent is relatively powerful in Taoism, Zhong Fayan.

Zhong Fa was originally a good Feng Shui master, but after experiencing the incident where Mr. Ren forcibly took away the Dragonfly Point Water Point, he began to turn dark and explode.

Most of the whole movie is about Zhong Fa taking advantage of Uncle Jiu's unpreparedness, breaking into Yizhuang, snatching away Mr. Ren who was turned into a zombie, and fighting with Uncle Jiu and the town's security team.

The security captain Awei was also a villain and a hindrance, but with the arrival of the time traveler Gu Zai, he easily paid his way through his superiors and became the new security captain. He also recruited more than twenty soldiers from the county to seize power.

There is no funny scene here where Uncle Jiu is imprisoned in the town yamen and has a zombie with Mr. Ren. Most of the funny scenes are Goo Jai playing tricks on the captain Ah Wei.

In the end, of course, it was a happy ending. Gu Zai, a young marshal who was sixteen or seventeen years old, was not only strong in Taoism, but also advanced by leaps and bounds, surpassing Qiu Sheng and literary talent. He also started at the town level, pulled out thousands of rifles, and in several Protect the environment and the people within the county area.

Marry Ren Tingting, the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu.

As for Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, they also like Ren Tingting. In the scenes where they played tricks on Ah Wei in the original version, they became jealous of Goo Jai and wanted to play tricks on their junior brothers. However, Goo Jai cleverly resolved the problem and instead tricked the two senior brothers to make them suffer. It is said that the two pig apprentices will be scolded by Uncle Jiu afterwards.

After watching this version of the movie, the whole process is full of humor and emotion. It is really a perfect masterpiece of Lin Zhengying's zombie movie, which is above the level of excellence.

Again, the mediocre Marshal Bai Gu plays the role of a time traveler? The audience felt so immersed in it!

After watching a movie, Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "Let it be released during the Lunar New Year period after the Spring Festival. After the New Year's Day holiday, The Flying Tiger 2 will also be released."

During this Lunar New Year period, Zhao also has a lot of blockbuster films.

Not to mention "Home Alone", "Good Will Hunting" and "Good Will Hunting 2", "Pretty Woman" has also been filmed. It was approved in July. Bruce Willis's acting skills are fine, but Julia Roberts is the best. The acting was only filmed for five months.

The Eight-Star Announcement is also about to be released, but it will be at the Golden Princess Cinema.

(Forrest Gump), like (Mr. Zombie), was released during the Lunar New Year period after the Spring Festival, as well as Johnnie To's (Underworld 1). After the hard work of acting in F4, the finished films were released.

Similarly, it's January 1st. The North American Golden Globe Awards also included the re-nominated Good Will Hunting in the scope of awards, and Xu Ke was nominated for Best Director.

This is equivalent to two Chinese directors among the six nominations!

Al Pacino was nominated for the Golden Globe Best Actor. Although he was in a supporting role... he just got the Best Actor award. On the contrary, Jacky Cheung was not nominated.

To use the exact words of the apology phone call from Jack, the chairman of the academic jury, "Two Chinese directors were shortlisted, and the best director was ultimately awarded to Zhao Donghuai, which has caused an uproar in North American public opinion."

They are also under a lot of pressure.

The Golden Ball is just a weather vane, and according to the planned trajectory, Zhao Donghuai will also win the 1987 Oscar for Best Director trophy!

Never compromise will also win the Oscar trophy.

Then a movie like Good Will Hunting will win Oscars for Best Picture, Best Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actor. The Best Supporting Actor trophy goes to Xu Jinjiang...

Just wait until the end of March, and various trophies and honors will come one after another.

Both Jack and Sam said a lot of nice things on the phone, asking Mr. Zhao to take care of them and not to get angry and hold back their money.

In May, they got on the Japanese Yen foreign exchange chariot with their family savings. When the apology call came, both Jack and Sam had made a lot of money. During the apology, Jack asked if he could withdraw from the foreign exchange battlefield now.

Zhao Donghuai's reply was, "Why are you in a hurry? If you wait a little longer, you will make more money."

Then Old Jack and Old Sam began to hint and beg for mercy, please don't let them not even get their principal back!

No matter how high you are making on your books now, whether you can finally get the profits and get your principal back is what determines everything!

If Zhao Donghuai is angered and cannot get back the principal, the two old guys can just jump off the building.

After watching the movie and walking back to the main office, Zhao Donghuai said to Goo Jai, "You did well. You can prepare for the first two parts of A Chinese Ghost Story."

"Xu Ke will no longer direct those two movies himself, but he will be the producer and it will be easy to find other directors to make them."

"Keep up the standard of Mr. New Zombie, and you will become famous."

Goo Jai excitedly thanked him repeatedly.


On January 1st, New Year's Day, countless people are feeling the comfort of the holiday.

However, Zhang Jiahui and his colleagues were walking on the road around Deep Water Bay, patrolling the streets bitterly. When they saw a few people walking out of Li Chaoren's big villa, they left cursing and complaining.

Zhang Jiahui couldn't help but said, "Brother Lin, several senior brothers from the serious crime team have returned without success again?"

Alin, who was in military uniform, had an indifferent look on his face, "You can only be free after paying the money. Although our police want to solve the case and wash away this shame, with Li Sheng's style, it is difficult for us to cooperate with our full investigation to find the background of that gang of gangsters."

After explaining calmly, Alin complained, "Actually, I have already found out who the gangsters are. He came to Hong Kong illegally this summer. He was a ruthless man who stole the smuggler's head the day he arrived."

"Later, he robbed a gambling stall in Yuen Long Yee Shing and used the money to buy a gun. When he bought the gun, he was cheated again. That guy with the nickname Eagle is really ruthless!"

"But it's useless for our police to know that. First, there is no evidence, and second, the victims are not cooperating... Those guys even ran to the island country."

Zha Zhahui had a pained face and didn't know what to say. He glanced across the street, and after a few glances, his eyes suddenly fell on a young man across the street dozens of meters away, wearing a hat, mask and a windbreaker.

"Brother Lin?"

After Zhang Jiahui glanced at the other person, it was obvious that the man had noticed Ah Hui and turned around to leave. Only then did Zhang Jiahui stab Brother Lin in the arm.

Brother Lin took a few glances and shouted directly, "The gentleman in front of you..."

As soon as he shouted, the man in the mask and windbreaker ran away!

Zhang Jiahui and Brother Lin gave chase and started calling for support using their communicators.


Night falls.

In the midst of a flourishing carnival in Hong Kong's Haowan film world, Li Chaoren walked into Fulinmen, accompanied by three cars in front and behind him and ten bodyguards and secretaries.

As soon as he came in, he saw Liu Luanxiong running to greet him with an excited face, "Li Sheng, good evening."

Mr. Li smiled and shook hands with the other party. While being polite, he walked to the private room, sat down in the private room, drank a few sips of tea, and served some dishes.

Mr. Li raised his glass and said, "Da Liu, I'm inviting you here this time because I have something to ask you for help. You know Ye Ahuan, right? I heard that isn't your former employee who loves Meigao?"

"In 1984, he went on a rampage to rob a number of jewelry stores. He was finally caught and sentenced to 16 years."

Liu Luanxiong was a little confused, "I know, he is also a fellow from Chaoshan. He was really good at the fan factory back then. He was hardworking and hardworking. There was a fire in my factory that year."

"Most of the workers fled, but Ah Huan took the initiative to put out the fire with his brother and got burned. Later, when I opened a new factory, I wanted to ask him to continue working as a worker and get a promotion and salary increase, but he refused."

"I was quite sorry at the time, and I was quite optimistic about him."

"After hearing about him in 1984, I felt very sorry."

The famous thief king Ye Ahuan was indeed once an ordinary wage earner in Da Liu Factory. After quitting his job at the fan factory, Ahuan joined a club and became addicted to gambling, which led to his transformation in 1984. Rough bandit.

If you don’t rob, you won’t be able to pay off the loan sharks you owe in the casino!

Mr. Li took off his glasses and said with a depressed and aggrieved look, "Ye Ahuan escaped from prison a week ago. The police are still looking for him to arrest him. But this afternoon, he actually appeared near my villa and was almost arrested." Caught by two patrolmen.”

"Fuck him, Eminem, what does this bad boy want to do? Could it be that he escaped from prison just to come specifically for me?"

"I don't quite believe this is a simple coincidence! Although Deep Water Bay is not very far from Stanley, it is much closer than places like Central and Kowloon."

"But there is no reason for such a ruthless gangster to wear a mask and a windbreaker and stand guard near my door."

"Da Liu, how about you pass a message to me?"

Da Liu was shocked and at a loss. Damn it, Ah Huan, a former outstanding employee representative of his fan factory, escaped from prison. In just a week, he was targeting Li Zhiren? ?

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