Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 194 President Li and others are too honest

It was still July 31st, at an abandoned unfinished building construction site in the suburbs of a certain district in Seoul. Zhang Minggao grabbed a few newspapers, carried a large bag with a hat and a mask, and entered the unfinished building in a counter-reconnaissance situation. Ah Yi was limping. He appeared from the third floor in front and waved, "Brother."

During the greeting, Ayi also made an OK gesture.

Zhang Minggao went upstairs with a smile. When he arrived, he threw his backpack to the approaching Big Bear. While checking the supplies in the bag, Big Bear complained, "Damn, the language barrier is really troublesome. Even the translator has to be kidnapped."

"Brother Ming, this person named Jiang is just trying to earn 50 million Hong Kong dollars, so he's a bit skinny."

"Compared to that Eagle team, they extorted 300 million at a time. Isn't it too little?"

A Yi also came over, "Yeah, I don't know. This comparison...Jiang Enhao from Ma is also a boss with a market value of more than one billion Hong Kong dollars. He said that he can raise up to 50 million. Isn't he fooling us? He lied to us. of?"

"Brother, I always fight with injuries. I can't get out of the firing line even if I'm slightly injured."

In the case of Ah Yi's attempt to kidnap Li Zhiren half a month ago, he was shot in the butt during the retreat. Even if the warhead was taken out in time, it was bandaged and cleaned. It's only been half a month now, and he is fighting with injuries.

Fighting with injuries, thinking that if you kidnap the boss of a large group, you can get one or two hundred million, right?

Good guy, you only scraped together 50 million? This is still a quota determined by various means, and more importantly... A Lian scratched his head and said, "We also have a small shareholder here, he also gets 20%?"

Yes, the kidnapping failed half a month ago and they escaped from Hong Kong Island, and a group of them came to South Korea. Logically speaking, with Zhang Minggao's character of planning and then acting, and his meticulous and meticulous style of doing things, he shouldn't have committed the crime so quickly.

After all, they are not only unfamiliar with the place in South Korea, but also don’t understand the language.

When I was buying a guy, I contacted Sam, a soldier from Amei's family. The guy asked them what they were doing with the guy. Naturally, Zhang Minggao and others wouldn't tell him clearly.

Who would have thought that Sam would directly suggest that they kidnap and extort a vote, and he has chosen the meat ticket. Brother Sam can provide logistics and aftermath services, including if they want to escape from the limelight after completing the task, the other party can arrange a boat to help them escape safely.

Just like... the Eagle Gang of the island country spent a lot of money to leave Tokyo on a boat arranged by the soldiers there.

The guys on the island country have made a lot of money from the Eagle Gang, and they want to make a fortune too.

Who doesn’t like getting rich? ?

Sam, the seller, said it very straightforwardly. They didn't want much, so why not give them 30%? After all, he can provide a variety of aftercare services, including helping you choose a target.

Know which ones will have little impact if moved, and which ones cannot be moved casually.

This is a really good guy... Zhang Minggao even called him "Long Experience", but he knew that the other party didn't want much. It wasn't that he didn't want more, but that he couldn't. If the other party wanted more than half of it, Lao Zhang's team could do it at any time. Replaced Sam and found other soldiers to cooperate.

After all, South Korea has 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers. Isn't it Zhang Minggao's team's right to choose who to cooperate with?

So the guy was given as a gift, and Zhang Minggao's team bargained for 20%.

Brothers, Zhang Minggao smiled brightly and said, "It's okay. I really can't squeeze out more money. 50 million is just 50 million. The worst I can do is switch to another one when I get rich next time. The main thing is to improve the cooperation channels." Yes, you can make a fortune more than once."

"This is our first time working with Sam, let's see."

After saying that, he grabbed the mask of King Chiguchi from a table on the third floor and said, "I'm going to meet with President Jiang again. You guys should eat first. By the way, that serial murderer in Hwaseong has committed another crime. That guy The more fun you have, the more police officers will be attracted away."

"The police, including the prosecutor system, are not paying much attention to our case at this stage, which is a good thing!"

Originally, they had done such a big case, and the prosecutors and the police system should have pursued them with great intensity. Who would have thought that when Hua Zai and the others were filming the movie, there were too many star-chasers going to Huacheng, and they would gather in large groups at every turn. There could be a stampede if you're not careful.

That would attract a huge amount of police force.

The Huacheng serial killer committed another crime, and the public sensation was even more exaggerated... Although Zhang Minggao didn't know who that guy was, he already felt a little sympathy for him.

A moment later, when Zhang Minggao walked into another rough room in an abandoned unfinished building, he looked at Jiang Enhao and a translator who were tightly tied and slumped on the ground. He suddenly smiled and said, "Mr. Cui, please help me translate. As long as For 60 million Hong Kong dollars equivalent in U.S. dollars or South Korean dollars, I will let President Jiang go."

"We are in business, and we also hope to be able to do it stably and in the long term. We really don't want to arbitrarily rip off the tickets, which will have a great impact on our reputation. Once the tickets are rip off, it will be troublesome for the people who are tied to the meat tickets next time without paying."

"President Jiang has been suffering for a few days, and his life has not been easy."

Interpreter Cui was overjoyed, "Brother, can you let me go after this?"

What an unlucky thing, Li Bu opened the door for Li Bu. Li Dapu is home.

He was an ordinary worker in a foreign trade company. He was kidnapped on his way to get off work just because he spoke Mandarin well... He had no money and was just a poor social animal.

I thought something happened to me when I was kidnapped, but in the end, I became a translator for the bandits? ? You wouldn't dare to exaggerate it in movies and TV shows, but this matter fell on him.

Zhang Minggao smiled and helped Interpreter Cui adjust his collar, "Don't worry, I keep my word. If you help me, I will definitely not kill you for no reason."

Interpreter Cui was in ecstasy and began to translate to the distinguished President Jiang, who was rolling back and forth with various emotions such as joy, bitterness, sadness, etc., and explained in South Korean that Zhang Minggao could not understand.

Translator Cui also said helplessly, "Brother, President Jiang really...can't raise that much money. It's too difficult to get these 50 million in cash and old banknotes with serial numbers. The market value of his group depends on it." With the project hype, the stock market skyrocketed, and some fake good news and projects were released to the public, just like this..."

"Since the global bull market began in 1982, and now from North America to Europe, to island countries, South Korea, and Hong Kong Island, the average market value of listed groups has basically more than tripled, but this market value is not equal to the real size and gold content."

"Without this bull market, the real market value of his Lesheng Club would be only HK$300 million."

"That 50 million will be a lot more difficult for the family to raise, through various mortgages and borrowings. If the stock sales cause panic among investors, the money and wealth will shrink rapidly... By then, we won't even be able to raise 50 million."

Accompanied by a series of explanations, Zhang Minggao looked confused and said, "Fuck, here we go again. We are all people who haven't gone to school. You tell me this every day, is it appropriate?"

In the past few days, they have shown all kinds of care and concern to Chairman Jiang and wanted to make money. They have been exposed to popular science a lot about what the market value of the group is, the artificially high real estate stock price, and false good news to stimulate the group's stock price, etc.

Do gangsters need to learn how to operate the stock market before they can do things safely?

After thinking about it, Zhang Minggao stood up and walked out. When he came back, he was already carrying a basin of water and a towel...

President Jiang knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy, begging to be let go. Translator Cui’s expression was not much better. Of course, Zhang Minggao also learned water torture from movies such as Hurricane Rescue and Daredevil, including electrocution. He used this thing It's not easy to cause too much damage to the meat ticket, but the effect of extracting a confession is very handsome.

His partner Sam has said that he and his friends will definitely support Zhao Sheng's movies in the future. If it is not a hurricane rescue series, who would know that if you want to develop quickly and start a business in Korea, you should go to them.

Of course, Lonely Flying Tiger also pointed out many things. For example, if you want to go to Thailand to cause trouble, kill, kill, etc., and if you want to leave safely afterwards, who can be the most convenient to cooperate with...

Flying Tiger 2 is about Hua Zai and Lin Zhengying escaping safely after killing everyone in Bangkok. There are no more A-Mei's big-headed soldiers there, but there are still similar ones.

The only thing that makes Cui Translator happy now is that he is just a kidnapped translator and does not need to enjoy such a large scale.


After another period of time, Zhang Minggao walked out of the rough room where President Jiang and Interpreter Cui were imprisoned, and sighed regretfully, "It seems that there is really only 50 million left. Even if Lao Jiang is not released for a long time to take charge of the overall situation, his Lesheng Club's stock price will It might even collapse.”

"We won't even be able to get 50 million by then."

"What a bastard. It's just a kidnapping. I just listened to a lot of various tricks in the stock market that bankers use to cut off stockholders."


Two days later, August 2nd.

Wang Dehui had just finished filming a scene in Repulse Bay and was relaxing when he saw a figure running near Cheng Long and exclaimed, "Brother Long, something big has happened again. Our movie may It’s going to be affected again…”

Wang Dehui walked over with a curious face and planned to listen. After all, this kind of incident could affect the filming of the movie, and it should be related to the gangsters from the Eagle Gang.

Who asked the main creator to adapt the main storyline of the story to the deeds of the Eagles team?

When Cheng Long asked, the person came to explain, "It was Ye Jihuan and Yingying who teamed up to defraud the Tokyo police of 30 million Hong Kong dollars in bonuses."

"Before the Eagle guy ran away to South Korea, the police reward for him kept increasing sharply. At the point of 30 million, Ye Jihuan took a photo of a modeling prop of an eagle's head, which was a separate model of the head prop. , and a headless corpse model.”

"We also obtained some photo evidence of the shootout scene, including photos of Da Wu and Le Zai pretending to be corpses like props and makeup on the crew..."

"That's it, the 30 million Hong Kong dollars obtained will be divided equally between the two gangs."

Cheng Long, Deng Jingsheng and Wang Dehui were all dumbfounded. This...is this okay?

After staring for a while, Deng Jingsheng scratched the back of his head and complained, "Shouldn't the 30 million bonus be paid by capturing the eagle alive and sending it to the Tokyo Police Station, or by sending it with its body?"

“With just photos, it’s too easy to fake them.”

He had some doubts about the wisdom of some people in the Tokyo police.

The visitor smiled bitterly, "When this happened, Ah Huan also brought his team and said that several of the brothers were injured and had to pay a high price. If the police over there didn't give them money quickly and delayed their treatment, then they would be injured today. You can sneak attack on the Eagles team for the sake of the bonus."

"Next time you can go to Tokyo to expand the pineapples..."

After all, Ah Huan is the King of AK in the lottery incident. If he makes threats, he can still be quite a deterrent.

"In addition, Ah Huan also kidnapped a senior South Korean police officer and asked him to use the reputation of a certain district police force to contact the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to vouch for him."

Cheng Long was speechless, but Wang Dehui hurriedly touched his heart and said, "Talent, it's a pity that Liu Luanxiong couldn't retain such an outstanding employee."

"It's not easy to get to this point in fraud. Liu missed a great talent."

"Aaron, you need to help me more and put in a nice word for me. You see, I am now a member of the Hong Kong film industry. I will hire bodyguards from now on. I hope I can be like Brother Shardan Tongtong and others. Pan Asia invites one or two.”

Cheng Long looked at the person who came to report the news, then looked at Mr. Wang, and was speechless for a moment.

After a while of silence, Bruce Willis spoke again, "Then do we need to change the script?"

Wang Dehui analyzed with a smile, "The fact that the police were deceived greatly affects their credibility. As long as Ah Huan and Yingying don't publicize it everywhere, the police will probably cover up the news tightly."

"Where did you hear this news?"

The visitor smiled and said, "Brother Lian Le Darong called to talk about it. So far, it is still circulated on the streets and in the police system. Not much is known about it. The elder brother is better informed."

"Brother Da Rong is also a filmmaker. He knows that movies adapted from real events are easily affected by real-life developments, so he made this call as soon as possible."

Wang Dehui clapped his hands, "Then it's no big problem. There shouldn't be any need to change the script. This kind of thing must be kept under wraps."

"Hey, Ah Huan is such a good gambler. He plays so big and all the money is given to the casino. What a waste."

Cheng Long was speechless again, about gambling... In fact, many dragon and tiger martial arts masters in the Hong Kong film and television industry also gambled every day, and a lot of the money they earned by risking their lives was wasted on the card table.

After being silent for a while, Aaron said, "Eagle and the others are so strong, we have to strengthen the villains. As for me, I also have to think of an action scene that can surpass the first or second police story."

The famous actions in Police Story 1 are naturally jumping from the roof of a large villa to the swimming pool, and jumping on various light poles in a large shopping mall to slide down. There are many similar actions in the second film, such as crossing the road and being hit by a car.

This is the foundation for the rise of Long's style.

In the original concept, this third film also had many thrilling scenes, and the action required death, but the Eagles and the others became more and more exaggerated. Everyone who should know that Aaron wanted to capture the Eagles in the movie did not have a big scene. Many insiders would not believe that Chen Jiaju, played by him, could handle the eagle.

Deng Jingsheng was already looking up at the various skyscrapers and commercial buildings around him.

If you want to be more ruthless and shocking than the first and second movies, then the previous three-story villas and third- and fourth-story shopping plazas holding light poles are no longer enough.

What about skyscrapers? ? You definitely can't jump directly from a skyscraper... But is it okay for the villain to use a helicopter and drop a rope ladder to hang Brother Long around and hit the building?

There must be a jumping scene, but jumping from one rooftop to another? It seems that you can try it, such as being forced to jump to escape by the Eagle team?

When Ah Sheng said what he had conceived, Cheng Long's eyes lit up and he was greatly moved, while Wang Dehui was already confused. Damn it, you are just filming a movie, do you need to work so hard?

Bruce Willis broke into a cold sweat.


It’s August 2nd, the main office of Zhao Films.

When Zhang Guorong and Tan Yonglin arrived, before Zhao Donghuai spoke, the two big singers took the initiative to pour themselves tea, lest Zhao Sheng asked Qiu Shuzhen or Zhang Min to do something, but they had no courage to answer.

After all, Qiu Shuzhen and Qiu Shuzhen have long been real passenger transport tycoons. Whether it is maritime shipping or land taxi driver teams, including some Kowloon buses, they are their brands or partners.

Zhao Donghuai laughed when he saw this, and waited for the two big singers to sit down before speaking, "If you are not busy recently, you can go to South Korea to hold more concerts."

"I'll also say hello to Shao Sheng later and let Thigh Times go and have some fun too."

"The most important thing is that following the public opinion trend of several Seoul district councilors who wanted to invite Wanjia Supermarket to enter Seoul, they also spoke out in media announcements, hoping to allow Wanjia to enter South Korea."

"Ah Rong, you are a minority shareholder of Wanjia and a superstar. You have always grasped the theme of benefiting South Korean citizens and conducting charity operations."

"In June, millions of people in South Korea will take to the streets in the hope of ending poisonous vegetables, and the voice of thousands of families entering South Korea will become louder and louder..."

Zhang Guorong, Liu Dehua and others were involved in the trend of Wanjia opening hundreds of branches in the mainland. Cheng Long and others had no money and could not grasp the status of Wanjia's minority shareholders, so they led Zhang Guorong and Liu Dehua into the game.

When Wanjia Neng started its business on Hong Kong Island, it mainly focused on promoting the popularity of superstars such as Cheng Long and Hong Yinbao, and promoted charity operations and services to give back to the public.

This trick can also be used in South Korea.

Of course, South Korea before the end of June 1987 was really not suitable for this trick. Anyone who knew poisonous vegetables was familiar with it.

This time is enough. Although Ducai is about to be finished and step down, he is still playing games with all parties. He doesn't want to die after he steps down, right? Then we will definitely have to fight with the North American and South Korean chaebols.

That person completely stepped down in February 1988. The time was very close, and he was sentenced to death 10 years later...with no chance of being sentenced to a second trial.

During this period, Zhang Guorong used his huge popularity, status and influence to push Wanjia into South Korea, which was very convenient.

Wanjia's golden word-of-mouth sign has also been established in Haowan, Hong Kong for more than three years. Countless tourists from the island country of South Korea have experienced it and understand it.

For South Korea, which relies on votes to gain power, tying up citizens is equivalent to tying up votes, and its influence is too exaggerated.

After entering, Samsung and Rakuten also had to kneel down.

Unless Samsung and Rakuten also copy the Wanjia model, they really don’t make money from this kind of cash cow, but use it all to give back to the society.

This, he feels, Samsung should have the courage to give back to society without making money. In fact, in addition to this cash cow, Samsung also has a lot of high-tech profit models.

It’s hard to say what Rakuten is, after all, Rakuten is not weak either.

But as long as we really enter, even if it is a top three structure, and everyone gives up their retail terminal profits to give back to the society, Wanjia can still become one of South Korea's retail giants.

Triwizard hegemony, how to play? Zhao Donghuai still has core products in hand, which is the superstar effect!

Whether it is the original Asian superstars in Hong Kong or the white superstars who have been promoted, there are all kinds of fast-moving goods, big items, luxury goods, etc. As long as the star's halo is strong, there will be many star followers.

In the end, Wanjia's products will sell faster and better.

Groupies? ?

Everyone knows what happens when groupies go crazy.

As long as Wanjia can enter, even Samsung and Rakuten are willing to cut off their own flesh and blood to give back to the citizens. They will still be suppressed step by step by the halo of stars. At most, they can rely on the glory of the nation to fight a long-term and stalemate war.

In this era, South Korean citizens can look down on the mainland, feel superior, and feel that the mainland is backward, too poor and too poor, but they cannot look down on Hong Kong Island, let alone the white superstars from Europe and the United States.

The powerful country in the universe does not have that kind of abnormal self-confidence in this era.

Zhang Guorong was excited, "Wanjia enters South Korea? Then we can also expand theater chains. Although there will be restrictions and strategic suppression on opening theater chains, I believe you, Zhao Sheng, can handle it."

Since every department in Hong Kong has given clear green light to Zhao Donghuai, they have voted with their feet to support various projects.

He knew that Zhao Sheng was really good at making friends.

He also welcomed Wanjia's big move into South Korea with both hands and feet. After all, Ah Rong had also saved a lot of money, especially from the Japanese Yen foreign exchange war.

Throw money out, but what you get back is status and influence.

To be honest, many second-tier tycoons in Hong Kong only talk about their shopping mall status. At present, Cheng Long and Zhang Guorong are not as influential as Cheng Long and Zhang Guorong, because the latter is a shareholder of Wanjia!

What is the concept of Wanjia shareholders? In addition to having equity, based on their relationship with Zhao Donghuai, if they really want to talk about who they want to be the general manager of Haojiang... a group of candidates with the same level of ability have not made any big mistakes. It must be small shareholders such as Cheng Long or Zhang Guorong. Those who support it are more likely to win.

A Wanjia store manager has great rights to put on the shelves of card department stores!

This has a big impact.

Of course, this is an example to illustrate Ah Rong and Cheng Long's market status and influence. In reality, no one would do that easily to show off their status.

Aaron said excitedly, "Brother Aaron and I can do dozens of tours in South Korea, but since South Korea is expected to enter? What about the island country?"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "It's not the time for the island country yet, let's talk about it later."

The island country is really in a raging fire right now. Before the real estate bubble collapsed, it was too difficult for thousands of families to get in.

Just one, what about the land price? You don’t have money to buy the land, how about renting it? ? Rents are soaring every year.

Only when the real estate bubble collapses, the whole place is in a mess, and the era of abandoned houses after the recruitment process is ushered in, will it be more appropriate and easier for Wanjia to move in.

That had to be laid out in the 1990s!

The Wanjia model is destined to conquer the market one after another, rather than flourishing in East and Southeast Asia together.

But after repeated attacks, it is not just a matter of a retail terminal. Referring to Wan Province, at this stage, it is Wanjia with Baijia surname, and then Zhao's logistics, as well as Hantianxia brand clothing, shoes and hats, Ice black tea, green tea, instant noodles, mineral water and Jianlibao.

wait wait wait.

They include Shao Yifu's tea business, Zou Wenhuai's shampoo, toothpaste and daily chemicals, and Lei Juekun's A4 office paper, fountain pens and ballpoint pens, etc.

Can it be done in one market? Following the development, many industries and enterprises in the mainland where hundreds of thousands or millions of people eat together.

Mainland brands are all promoted to international brands in Asia by a group of Zhao celebrities.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed, nor can it be rushed.

As long as Wanjia Retail could cover South Korea before 1990, various other businesses could enter at any time.

After all, Zhao Donghuai has many friends, such as Prosecutor Park Jin-wook in the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, Congressman Ahn, Congressman Chen, etc.

In that kind of circle of friends, the general district police station is comparable to the local police chief inspector, which is not high enough at all. You must be at least the chief and deputy director level to be qualified to be a friend.

There are so many similar friends, are they promoting a wave of future local stars in South Korea such as Lee Young-ae? With various stacked BUFFs, there is always a chance for harmonious development.

Of course, this process also involves a battle of wits and courage with Chairman Li and Chairman Xin, etc., etc., until Zhang Guorong and Tan Yonglin are sent away.

Zhao Donghuai decisively started the simulation.

He also wanted to see how Chairman Li, Chairman Xin and others of Samsung would react in the face of the invasion of the Wan family.

[In August 1987, Zhang Guorong, Tam Wing-lin, and TVB Big Era started to operate concert tours from Seoul. Hua Zai, who was filming in South Korea, would also join in to support. In the first month, the venues were full, and the popularity almost suppressed all entertainment in South Korea. project. 】

[In early September, Councilor An of JB District, Seoul, during a tour, publicly implored Wanjia Supermarket to enter South Korea to benefit the citizens. As we all know, Ah Rong and Hua Zai are the two shareholders of Wanjia. Although they are in a difficult situation and cannot make the decision, After the enthusiastic pleas and requests of Representative An and countless citizens, I could only agree to give it a try. 】

[In October, Jie Tian made great efforts to make things difficult for Wanjia from the legal level... Representative An was shot three times in the back, but he survived, which caused a sensation throughout South Korea. 】

[Congressman Chen was involved in a car accident and narrowly escaped with a broken leg. An ambulance rushed him to first aid. Before entering the operating room, he faced the media’s last words. For the sake of the people of Seoul, he could not care less about his life and the interests of the people of Seoul. Above all else. 】

[In October, hundreds of thousands of people were silent on the streets of Seoul, and countless people were silently crowded in every supermarket branch in Japan. 】

【楽天’s reputation collapsed and it became the most boycotted and rejected retail store in South Korea. Wanjia officially entered South Korea. 】

[In the 1988 general election, Councilor Chen, who is in a wheelchair, and Councilor An, who is on crutches, became district chiefs, two of the most dazzling rising stars in the officialdom. 】

[Under the surge of various forces, Wanjia's circle of friends has expanded and spread all over major cities in South Korea such as Seoul, Incheon, and Busan. 】

[In May, Samsung New World retail brand announced a major overhaul, taking the road of thousands of brands. Chairman Li cut off his arm and cut himself, gaining a lot of reputation. 】

[In September 1988, Vanguard and Samsung New World Retail conquered the city, and the Retail Supermarket of Rakuten was about to collapse. Rakuten announced that it would join the Wanjia model. 】

[People across South Korea are enjoying an unprecedented carnival. 】

[In the same year, the team of Ye Jihuan, Zhang Jun, and Zhang Minggao, in cooperation with Sam and other soldiers, launched a crazy kidnapping mode, with more and more victims. 】

[In March of the first year of 1990, Wanjia relied on the all-star lineup to combine cards, and the New World and Rakuten were losing ground. Sales were getting worse day by day, and the benefits given back to the citizens were naturally getting less and less. Baijia Xing followed the trend to kill After entering South Korea, countless Shinsegae and Rakuten employees switched jobs to hundreds of companies, waiting to take advantage of the opportunity to join Wanjia. 】

[In May, Chairman Li wants to reach a comprehensive cooperation with you. His New World can withdraw from retail terminals, but Samsung will have 50% of the decision-making power in logistics, warehousing, and department store sources for Wanjia, including retail terminals. 】

[On the surface, you said that you need to consider it, but in fact, you are dragging your feet... However, Zhao's logistics, including the entry of goods from major brands, has begun to encounter obstacles and difficulties at all levels. 】

[In June, every gold store and jewelry store contracted by Samsung Insurance was visited by more than a dozen waves of gangsters. One wave after another could not be stopped. Samsung Insurance faced huge compensation and its stock price plummeted. 】

[In June, there was a big explosion at the Samsung refrigerator factory...]

[The Jie Tian chain hotel was bombarded by all kinds of rice fields and urine buckets...]

[Chairman Li and Chairman Xin arrived in Hong Kong together. They tried to persuade you to exercise restraint and calm down. A normal business war does not need to be so intense. You were innocent and speechless, explaining that it was not you. 】

[In July, you filmed a movie about President Hessin, in which he took advantage of the stock market crash and took advantage of countless people to go bankrupt and jump off the building. However, he shorted the South Korean stock market index and made huge profits. Stock prices plummeted across the board. 】

[You join forces with Wall Street and start to divide them in half, and use financial means to attack all the listed groups in the company. You want the magpie nest Jiuzhan to turn the Xin family of the company into wage earners. 】

[At the beginning of August, all the difficulties encountered by the Wan family completely dissipated. Chairman Li watched the Xin family collapse and was kicked out of the top five chaebols. 】

[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: A complete set of manufacturing technology and production materials for 64K DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) VLSL chips."

"B: A collection of information on crimes committed by some black prosecutors and congressmen in South Korea (Part 2)."

"C: Liver function doubled."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

"In this simulation, President Li and President Xin were a little too honest. They didn't even learn Azhi's various tricks??"

From the beginning to the end, we were really engaged in a serious business war with him. There were no mudslide-level routines. Why? It was probably Ye Jihuan, the Eagle team, Zhang Minggao team, etc. They were having so much fun.

The news in Tokyo is a bit scary. Prosecutor Park, Councilor Ahn, Councilor Chen and so on are all inexplicably lining up with thousands of families, which is also a bit infiltrating?

Therefore, the commercial battle between Samsung and Rakuten is very orthodox.

Orthodoxy can't stand up to Zhao Donghuai's many tricks. Let's not talk about relying on the star effect to attract the halo of starstruck fans, gradually squeezing the living space of Rakuten and Samsung Retail.

In one move, Wall Street was invited into the game. He and Wall Street worked together to carve up the Xin family group and kicked them out of the top five chaebols. This move was really cruel.

But there’s nothing wrong with it. Wall Street itself frantically dug into the foundations of South Korea’s five major chaebols and seized power during the 1997 financial crisis. During the 1987 stock market crash, Wall Street did not touch South Korea. That’s because first, they themselves were severely damaged, and secondly, The majority of Wall Street funds are located in island countries.

In 1988, in conjunction with a blaming movie that caused the Xin family's reputation to plummet, they took advantage of the fact that the family had no cash and the cows suffered heavy losses and their reputation plummeted to launch a financial war, using Zhao Donghuai's financial resources and the terrifying financial resources of Wall Street.

Taking away the foundation of Xinjia Tian, ​​there is no chance of realizing it.

This doesn’t mean that the Xin family is all doomed. What the simulator shows is that they were kicked out of the top five chaebols and fell into ordinary rich people or white-glove wage earners? With the Xin family's background, they have become ordinary rich people...

Well, ordinary rich people are also quite miserable. Didn't you see the simulator display? Each gang of gangsters cooperated with the Sam family's top soldiers and committed crimes in a crazy series!

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