Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 196 Close and Friendly Contact with Investment Banks

After experiencing the current situation of the stock market at the Stock Exchange, Zhao Donghuai and Chen Hong moved to the Fanling Golf Course. When Ah Hong put on a fashionable and slim sportswear, held a club and asked for guidance enthusiastically, Director Zhao was speechless. , "You still think you're really here to play ball."

"I just made an appointment with friends to discuss business."

It's August 5th, and the stock market crash is getting closer and closer. He has already mobilized 20 to 30 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash flow, and plans to cross the sea to Tokyo. It is still the core team of Pan Asia Group that works.

So who can give him leverage?

If there is no financial group willing to provide funds to open this leverage, then 20 to 30 billion will not make a lot of money.

Zhao Donghuai made an appointment with William, the president of Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific, to discuss business to see if Goldman Sachs was willing to use the funds to do things.

He mobilized 20 to 30 billion Hong Kong dollars, and Goldman Sachs was willing to do something. If the leverage was five times, it would have to provide more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars in funds. The higher the leverage, the more money Goldman Sachs would have to mobilize.

The famous Goldman Sachs, one of the representatives of Wall Street, of course has branches in major locations around the world. The Asia-Pacific headquarters building is located in Hong Kong. Of course, it also has branches in Tokyo and South Korea.

As for contacting Goldman Sachs, will Goldman Sachs also make a lot of money during the stock market crash? The stock market crash was caused by the U.S. stock market crashing first, and the market in Tokyo had not yet opened when North America collapsed... Zhao Donghuai had no intention of vigorously shorting the U.S. stock index.

After the big crash, the management of Goldman Sachs would short London, Nikkei and the like.

As for the cooperation with Goldman Sachs, what should I do if Zhao Donghuai’s funds are blocked at a critical moment during the cooperation? This depends on Zhao Donghuai's personal charm and circle of friends.

Ah Hong smiled and said, "Boss, please teach me. I'll stay up late to learn how to play with you..."

Just after Chen Hong humbly accepted Zhao Donghuai's teachings and hit two shots.

William also rode a golf cart and brought a female companion to the golf course under the guidance of the caddy. After getting off the car, William, who was in his 40s, laughed decisively, "Zhao, I really didn't expect to receive your invitation. It’s such an honor.”

This guy spoke Cantonese, which was far from authentic, and there was no problem in communicating.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and shook hands with William. After polite greetings, it was Director Zhao who took the first shot and hit the ball directly out of sight. Then he started to move forward, "William, I want to make the Nikkei Index. Goldman Sachs is willing to provide CFD trading. Do you need the funds?”

William was shocked, "Buying up? Nikkei has grown crazy enough... I feel that with Zhao's strength, it is impossible for you to buy up on a large scale with this momentum, right?"

After all, it has increased by more than 12,000 points in more than a year. How dare the Nikkei be bullish on such a large scale? This is Zhao Donghuai, a strongman who has not lost a battle with Wall Street in the foreign exchange market for a year or two.

Just because Zhao Donghuai is optimistic about Microsoft and Oracle, predatory groups on Wall Street quickly recruit think tanks to conduct in-depth research on Microsoft and Oracle, and then grab the meat.

Zhao Donghuai laughed a few times, "I feel that the global bull market that has lasted for so many years may be coming to an end. I am not sure when it will explode, but it should not exceed the end of the year."

"So, I want to find institutional financing to buy down."

William was deep in thought as he walked, and his expression changed extremely wonderfully. He had had the experience of fighting with Zhao in the foreign exchange market for so long, and he knew that Zhao's vision and skills in the financial market were not ordinary ruthless.

Is he looking down on the general trend?

Really top financial players can also feel that something is not good. In August, not only the Nikkei may rise or fall hundreds of points a day, fluctuating back and forth, but the Dow Jones Index will occasionally fluctuate by dozens of points.

Who is doing the selling? Of course, he is a wealthy person with big money. How can ordinary leeks have the ability to make the Dow Jones Index drop dozens of points a day? Even if the overall trend is rising steadily, but it fluctuates and falls by dozens of points in one day, the wealth involved is not small, at least billions of dollars.

Silent and not speaking, William just continued walking.

Accompanied by the caddy and waiter, a few people walked through a small hillside. More than 20 meters away in front of the hillside, stood two white men. One of them said to William from a distance, "Uncle William, I am going to pay homage to William on behalf of my father." Say hello and apologize on his behalf."

William woke up and looked blankly at the man in front of him who was talking. He was eighteen or nineteen years old, with brown hair, and looked suspicious and confused. Who are you? Why don't I recognize you?

When he looked at Zhao Donghuai blankly, Director Zhao smiled and patted William on the shoulder, "That little guy named Jack, his father is Smith, your high school classmate Smith. Didn't Smith cheat on your first love girlfriend after graduating from high school? I lent you more than 500 knives and haven’t paid them back?”

"Take your money, chase your girlfriend, beat her up and cheat you..."

"I asked the elite from the FBI to bring his son to Hong Kong Island to apologize to you."

"By the way, Jack is the child of your first girlfriend, but don't tell anyone. In fact, he is not Smith's son. Smith was also cheated and raised a child for others for 19 years..."

"It's pretty messy anyway."

The two sides were still twenty or thirty meters apart. Director Zhao's words in such a low voice would certainly not be heard by the brown-haired Jack in front of him, who was still looking very reserved and nervous.

William, "..."

He fell into a huge confusion and disappointment. Are you just looking for me to do business and discuss projects? My high school love rival from more than 20 years ago, who was also his first love Bai Yueguang, is now in front of me?

If it weren't for Zhao Donghuai's explanation, he would have completely forgotten about those people.

Zhao Donghuai waved to the caddy behind him, who immediately ran up and opened a briefcase. Director Zhao grabbed a few photos and handed them over, "Speaking of which, you are not at a loss. Look at your first love, and now you are not even 40 years old. She is a standard aunt, 1.67 meters tall and weighs over 200 pounds..."

William looked devastated, "Zhao, are we just talking about business??"

The business hasn't even started yet, and you're doing it like this? What a fuck.

On the surface, it seems that Zhao Donghuai was helping him vent his anger and stand up for him. That first love was indeed quite unpleasant. His good friend took his money and tried to pry him into a corner...

After all, more than 20 years ago, it was still the early 1960s, and the purchasing power of $500?

But what the heck, I have forgotten this kind of thing, and the person named Zhao can still investigate and find out that he sent the person to Hong Kong Island without knowing it. So this time I can help him, but what about next time?

After complaining in a broken voice, and looking at the fat aunt in the photo with disgust, William said in disbelief, "The person beside Jack is really the FBI?"

Zhao Donghuai waved, and the FBI man in front quickly ran over with a smile, "Boss, if you have any questions, please give me orders."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "This is Harden, the director of the Chicago FBI."

The supervisor is similar to the senior inspector category of the Crime Unit of the Hong Kong Island Police, but don't forget that the FBI is generally higher than the police elsewhere in Amei.

Chicago is the hometown of William, the CEO of Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific. His wife, children, parents, and a large circle of relatives are all in Chicago. William himself... is a senior wage earner who married into a certain Goldman Sachs family and is the CEO of Asia Pacific.

After hearing Zhao Donghuai's explanation, William felt uncomfortable and awkward. He didn't dare to say anything more, but scolded Harden several times with a dark face.

Harden, "..."

Harden smiled and said nothing, feeling like he was doing it in front of him. After all, since he knew William's status, he really didn't want to expose himself as a shady FBI agent, but the situation didn't allow it.

The only good thing is that he has also made money in the foreign exchange market of the island country. Even if he is exposed and the worst is to resign or be fired, as long as the information and evidence in Zhao Sheng's hands are not exposed, he can still live a wealthy life. What about retirement career?

Retiring in his 40s seems too early, but the money has already enabled him to enjoy the rest of his life richly.

Besides, he is already a supervisor, who wouldn’t keep some connections in the circle?

After Zhao Donghuai waved his hand for Harden to step away, William said with a sad face, "Zhao, this surprise you prepared for me is really big."

"There won't be any other surprises, right?"

Having said this, he glanced at the pretty white girl who was joking with Chen Hong more than a dozen steps later. She was his private life secretary, a very practical kind.

But don't forget that he joined the family of a certain Goldman Sachs tycoon to secure his position as CEO of Asia Pacific.

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "We are friends, how could I harm you? Don't worry, starting from you, including the Asia Pacific Vice President, CFO, Tokyo CEO, etc., I will make appointments one by one."

"The pressure will not be piled on you alone."

"You know Stanley Durwood, right?"

William was no longer sleepy all of a sudden. Yes, how could he not know Stanley Durwood? When Zhao entered the AMC theater chain, Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street consortiums also paid close attention to the business war between the two.

Sitting in the office, you receive a large sniper bullet hundreds of meters away, sitting outside your home, a car explodes, a passing racing party throws rice in front of your house, etc.

The most outrageous thing is that he sleeps until midnight, is a soldier who fought in the Vietnam War, suffers from PTSD and other serious illnesses, wanders around in the middle of the night, and is in arrears with a large amount of child support... The prison does not accept the kind of person who drives a dump truck to you and rushes to your villa.

Even if Stanley Durwood belongs to a local snake family in Liwu City, everyone from the official to the community can't deal with all kinds of accidents.

It was not until Stanley's beloved grandson had an accident and was hospitalized that the business war gradually came to an end.

As the president of Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific, William was one of the biggest decision-makers at Goldman Sachs when Wall Street and Zhao Donghuai competed in the foreign exchange market.

After thinking back for dozens of seconds, William said, "How many do you want to do? When will you do it?"

Zhao Donghuai explained, "I plan to transfer 20 to 30 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is less than 4 billion U.S. dollars. CFDs will not take up much money from Goldman Sachs."

With a capital of less than 4 billion U.S. dollars, it only takes more than 16 billion U.S. dollars to pry Goldman Sachs five times. If you open it ten times...

William took a long breath, "Are you betting that the stock market crash will come? The pattern of the Hong Kong stock market crash in 1973? Although I also have a certain hunch that the Nikkei's rise in recent years has been too exaggerated, but it cannot collapse so exaggeratedly. Bar?"

"The Japanese yen is appreciating greatly, real estate is exploding, and countless good news are piling up."

There is a saying that the island country was the first market to recover from the 87 stock market crash. After all, the Plaza Accord’s big dividend period is here.

This is an era where people are clamoring to be able to buy all of North America with the money of Tokyo Real Estate.

Zhao Donghuai didn't bother to explain, "Will you do it? Will you accept it?"

William then formally said, "We need to consider and study..."

For a big business worth 10 to 20 billion U.S. dollars or more, it is impossible for him as a president to do it just as he says. "We even have to ask the headquarters to see if the headquarters approves it."

Zhao Donghuai smiled, turned around and waved to Ah Hong, who was behind him. After Chen Hong ran over, he taught Ah Hong how to tee off. After the shot missed, the crowd turned in the direction of Ah Hong's golf ball.

William immediately had a lot of premonitions,...

In fact, William's premonition was correct. He soon met another Ocean Horse. He went to a bar one night last month to have fun and had sex with many ONS partners. He was in his twenties and sixties, and his husband was working in the island country on business. young woman.

William said in surprise, "Michelle? I really didn't expect to see you here."

Michelle ran over and hugged William warmly, smiling broadly, "William, I may have your child in my belly..."

William's face instantly turned black, and he was so confused that he had nothing to say.

After all, he and Michelle had multiple ONSs on more than one occasion, his wife was in Chicago, and his practical little secretary was quite capable of handling big tasks, but it wasn't a bad thing to change his taste occasionally.

It's really not okay to take human lives.

Michelle smiled brightly, "Don't worry, I won't ask you to pay alimony."

After she smiled brightly and chatted for a few words, she walked away...

Zhao Donghuai said with emotion, "Michelle is actually quite lucky. At least she is a real working person, a working family, and not someone who sends you on a special trip despite being sick."

William covered his heart and said, "Zhao, we are just talking about business."

It's the first time we're talking today, and you're resorting to tricks like this. This is so outrageous.

Director Zhao started to wave to William's life and career secretary, who was a handsome guy in his early 20s. He walked over quickly and said with a smile, "Boss, what's the matter?"

William, "..."

The secretary who had been calling him Boss was now greeting Zhao Donghuai.

Director Zhao smiled and said, "Those things in your home that contain various viruses can be thrown away. We, Mr. William, still hope to be healthy and stable for a while."

William exclaimed horribly, "Wang Defake? Why?"

The secretary smiled coquettishly, "Boss, you know me. I have an alcoholic mother who is a bad gambler, and a good-for-nothing younger brother who often gets into trouble. I need money very much."

William cursed for a while, then asked curiously, "What kind of viruses are there?"

The secretary explained, “Everything you can think of is available.”

William smiled, "This is really a pleasant business project experience."

He doesn't want to live in Hong Kong anymore, he wants to go back to North America... But, is North America safe? Think about what happened to Stanley Durwood? He witnessed the whole process.

Compared with Mr. Stanley, the negotiation power he has experienced so far is quite gentle and elegant.

"Zhao, it's such an honor for me to be your friend!"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "It's not easy to make money, so there's no need to be so polite."

William nodded, "So, since you have prepared so much, it seems that I can consider shorting a large sum of money with you."

How much money can he, the Asia-Pacific president of Goldman Sachs, mobilize to short the Nikkei? How much can you earn? Make yourself rich? ? Thinking about what he has experienced in a short period of time, if he does not seize the opportunity and takes a gamble with the surname Zhao, he will be sorry for Zhao Donghuai's special care for him!

"Am I really not the only one like this?"

When William spoke curiously, Zhao Donghuai nodded happily, "You are not invincible by yourself. The more friends you have, the better."

William nodded heavily, and his eyes began to glow green. How could the headquarters let him decide everything with one word in Asia? That's impossible, there must be other factions that are restricting him.

If the person surnamed Zhao can handle everything, then there will be something to play for.

If he works for something big without telling the headquarters, he will have a chance. He can not only secure the position of president by marrying into a tycoon's family.

William explained, "Our Asia Pacific CFO and island country branch CEO are the backbone of the Weinberg family. Although I am the Asia Pacific CEO, I have to discuss many things with them..."

The earliest Goldman Sachs belonged to the Goldman family. Until 1929, Goldman ruled everything and set the example for the family business. However, with the leadership of two generations of the Weinberg family... the Weinberg faction has been leading Goldman Sachs for fifty or sixty years.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and asked the caddy to release the ball and swing, "It's okay, the more friends the better."

Goldman Sachs, Lehman, JPMorgan Chase, etc., which one is not led by a family? However, in the battle of wits and courage with Wall Street, Zhao Donghuai did not spare the heirs' dirty information and criminal evidence, which made the backbone faction very anxious.

After saying that, he smiled again and said, "William, don't you want to take a shot?"

William thought for a while and said excitedly, "Of course, I'll give it a try too."

Damn it, if you follow the direction of the ball hit by Zhao, you will be surprised every time. He should choose a direction with his own swing.

After a while, walking in the direction he chose... William collapsed.

Under another hilly lawn, he saw his best friend, the two men who worked together to make money and transfer funds, like hamsters, who kept getting money from the big vault of Goldman Sachs!

In addition to this die-hard confidant, there was also a senior executive of ICAC in Hong Kong, waiting for him with a smile.

Both of them applauded and applauded William's shot.

William really wanted to cry to death.

Really, why should the headquarters locate its Asia-Pacific headquarters on Hong Kong Island? Why can't we change the place? Meeting a local snake like Zhao Donghuai here feels like a complete collapse.

After crying to death for a while, William asked curiously, "Zhao, if you take the money to Tokyo, how do you bring it back?"

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "The problem shouldn't be too big. Over the past few months, tens of thousands of Hong Kong people have been wandering around Tokyo. Are they serious tourists, or..."

"Do you understand??"

William rolled his eyes wildly, the backbone of tens of thousands of Hong Kong Haowan societies... really grass.

After the pleasant playing experience with Zhao Donghuai ended, William quickly returned to the headquarters, contacted the Tokyo branch to inquire about the situation, and then sat in the office and sighed, Damn, I heard that the white soldiers in the island country are making crazy money.

A Glock sold for 100,000, and they sold tons and tons of them...

The police began to beg their grandfather and grandma to report him. There were high-ranking people who often went in and out of temples. There were also people who changed from having thick hair to a Mediterranean look in just a few months.

The backbone of the local community in Haowan, Hong Kong, cannot fight against bad guys like Zhang Jun. The problem is that the routine shown to them by Zhang Jun is already very clear.

As long as you do something big and get money, you can easily and safely escape if you give it to someone. Then, who is too brave to copy homework?

The backbone of Hong Kong Haowan generally fights on the streets with a blade to gain status. Two watermelon knives or beef knives are used to chop back and forth to gain the status of the eldest brother.

With such a stock market carnival, William also felt stable. The only question was whether Zhao Donghuai could handle the other senior executives of the Asia-Pacific headquarters and the island branch. Thinking about his own experience, this problem may not be that big after all.

Also, will the stock market crash really come? ?

Based on Zhao Donghuai's record of fighting against Wall Street, including Niu Capital, for a year or two and still getting out... William began to collect various stock market information from around the world.

Collecting and collecting, when he heard the knock on the door and saw that the life secretary was coming, his nose was almost crooked with anger, "You still have the nerve to see me?"

The life secretary smiled and said, "Boss, even if you fire me, you still have to give me enough money."

"Also, if you fired me and picked another one...then how can you guarantee that the person you picked is not the same as me? You thought you were looking for pleasure in a nightclub last month and picked up Michel based on your status and charm. You?"

"Why wasn't that where Michelle was waiting for you after listening to the order?"

William was messy in the sea breeze. The office with an unparalleled sea view had a strong sea breeze and was messy for a while. Then he yelled, "Xie Te, you are so cruel!"

The life secretary said calmly, "Boss, do you want to have a farewell exercise? In fact, it is not a matter of how much money I charge, but I am willing to help Zhao Sheng do things. He will make me famous. Once I become a big star, the amount of money I can make will be It’s scary.”

"Hong Kong celebrities, including white celebrities, make more money than Hollywood superstars."

Life Secretary... William was personally selected by the Asia Pacific President of Goldman Sachs Group. He certainly has good taste. Regardless of appearance, figure or academic qualifications, he is very good.

It's really not difficult to become popular by acting in a big idol drama in the TV industry.

Acting? Well, the best actors have never just been in the entertainment industry. Although she has never been in the film and television industry before, she has a high degree of Ivy League education. At present... it will take many years to pay off the student loan.

Amei’s student loan is very bad, second only to the mortgage loan.

William was confused for a while and said speechlessly, "Hey, I wanted to live a good life like this, but now it seems I can only do something big and take a big gamble."

If you win, you will no longer be a migrant worker.

The life secretary smiled sweetly again, "Boss, after finishing the battle with the Nikkei Index, Mr. Zhao still has a big plan, which is to enter South Korea and carve up the Rakuten Group, and join forces to seize power."

"Once this plan is completed, your prospects will really not be bad."

William's eyes suddenly brightened, "South Korea is about to end the era of poisonous vegetables and enter the mode of all-conglomerate carnival. If it can snatch the real power of one of the five major consortiums, it will be difficult for Zhao, a Hong Kong Islander, to take it all."

"But joining us white people in the name of Goldman Sachs... is not without hope or opportunity."

What is Goldman Sachs? The world's leading investment banking group, president of Asia Pacific, has of course conducted in-depth research on everything in South Korea.

In the future 1997 financial crisis, Goldman Sachs will also be part of the frenzied scramble for power and meat among South Korea's major chaebols.

That was definitely not the case in 1997... the sudden impromptu decision to play like that was a matter of years of planning and planning.

Until the 2020s, white soldiers ran red lights on the streets and beat up South Korean passers-by who accused them without paying any price. He, a white man, followed Zhao Sheng to grab meat, even if he was a white glove, he cooperated well and got certain rights. ? ?

It can also be very exciting.

It depends on how much money William can make in the stock market crash.



In a large villa, several young and middle-aged men and women were sitting together, all looking ugly.

After a while of silence, several people looked in the direction of the study room again, and then a slightly younger young man said, "Brother, are you just going to watch those congressmen and the prosecutor continue to quarrel?"

"I have an ominous premonition that Hong Kong stars such as Zhang Guorong, Tam Wing-lin, and TVB's Thigh Times are touring South Korea... This is in line with the slogan issued by several congressmen to invite thousands of families to come to Seoul."

"The more popular they are among the people, the better the concert tour will be. At the right time, one sentence can arouse the whole people..."

The whole people took to the streets at the end of June. Millions of people resisted the poisonous vegetable and completed the historical task of making the poisonous vegetable disappear. The five major chaebols must be behind the push. After all, the five major chaebols will benefit the most after the poisonous vegetable ends.

There is such a thing as public opinion...

Very mysterious.

The young man who spoke was Xin Dongbin. He was not yet 30 years old this year. He graduated from Columbia Business School and returned to South Korea in 1980. He currently controls a securities company. On the surface, his status in his new home is not as good as that of Xin Dongzhu who controls the Rakuten Supermarket.

But in the future, this A Bin will be the leader of the entire Rakuten Consortium.

Under the words, Xin Dongzhu, who had warned Assemblymembers An and Chen last time, looked ugly, "Ah Xi, those two bastards... are so shameless."

"I only went to see them once on July 31st. On August 1st, a man named An spoke out through the media, saying that he was involved in a car accident and was suspected of being assassinated. He didn't understand why he wanted to invite Wanjia just for the benefit of the people of Seoul. If you enter South Korea, you will be assassinated..."

At this stage, Zhao Donghuai is not fighting with the Xin family and Chairman Li in the simulator. In the fight with Assemblyman An, he was actually shot three times in the back on the road. After a year and a half of training, he was elected district governor on crutches. He is unparalleled in prestige. era.

Just started……

There is no need to be serious about the bitter meat scheme.

But if Representative An announces to the media that there has been a fake car accident, will public opinion be affected? ?

According to public opinion, Chairman Lee of Samsung was still making a guest appearance on the set of (Memories of Murder) at that time, and he spent money on people and bodyguards. He boasted to the media that he was responsible for the safety of the people of Hwaseong. He also told the media that he and Mr. Zhao We are partners and have friendly relations.

President Li also admires Wanjia's management and does not exclude Wanjia from entering South Korea.

Therefore, in a world where Samsung New World Retail and Rakuten Retail dominate South Korea, and the two powers compete for hegemony, Rep. Ahn’s self-directed and self-acted publicity announcement made the Rakuten Shin family a little angry.

Another man named Chen told the media on August 2 that while he was shopping with his daughter, he suddenly encountered a group of masked men who rushed out and beat his daughter’s pet dog that he had raised for three years to death with sticks. Threatening them caused his daughter to suffer great intimidation.

Then for the two cases, Chief Prosecutor Park Jin-wook led a team to mobilize police forces from multiple Seoul police stations to investigate...

Fuck, the chaebol can operate many people and many things, such as operating other chief prosecutors to target Park Jin-wook. That is, the boss of Park Jin-wook's department is also a die-hard supporter of Park. Faced with the pressure gathering from the surroundings, firmly withstand it and hold on.

The authority to handle and review the two cases was firmly held by a man named Zhao, and the media cooperated with the hype. It was really disturbing.

Of course, Xin Dongzhu did nothing. He thought about paying off the driver who hit Assemblyman An in the car accident so that he could speak out... This bribery failed.

He is a terminally ill cancer patient who has no parents and his wife and daughter are far away in North America.

The brothers and sisters of the Xin family knew that this incident was purely directed and staged by two congressmen and prosecutors, and they deliberately poured dirty water on them, because public opinion was very unfavorable to them.

They held a press conference for professionals to come forward and made various announcements to whitewash themselves, saying that those things had nothing to do with them and were directed and acted by those people, but the public opinion effect was not very good.

Everyone has a simple cause-and-effect logic. Wanjia's biggest rivals if they want to enter South Korea are Samsung New World Retail and Rakuten. Chairman Li and Wanjia's boss Zhao Donghuai have a happy cooperation. Chairman Li even condescended to participate in Zhao's Movie.

No matter how you look at it, if something happens to Assemblymembers An and Chen who have spoken out for the people, they have little to do with Chairman Lee. So who is left?

After complaining and swearing a few words, Xin Dongzhu gritted his teeth and said, "What do you mean by Samsung? Are you really planning to let Wanjia in?"

Xin Dongbin shook his head decisively, "Absolutely not. It is impossible for someone named Li to want to be like Li Zhiren and Yihe in Hong Kong who missed the huge cash cow of the retail terminal. They are just watching from the other side and watching us as pioneers."

"Moreover, the joint production of laptops between him and Zhao is indeed a big business. Let alone him, if Zhao hands over the joint venture factory to our family, he is proposing to let Wanjia enter South Korea, and our Xin family It’s also hard to say no directly…”

While they were talking, the door of the study room opened, and the 66-year-old President Xin walked out. A group of Xiao Xin got up and walked over to say hello respectfully.

Chairman Lao Xin looked helpless, "I have had a long conversation with Chairman Li of Samsung. He said that Zhao has no taboos in doing things. At this stage, all the gangs that are roaming around Seoul may not have been deliberately released by him to disgust and scare us." of."

"We don't know what he's planning by sending tens of thousands of community leaders to Tokyo, but that force might come to Seoul at any time..."

"There are white soldiers trying to make money by buying roads. We can't even say anything about this trend. It's of no use. Business wars can be fought, but we must be cautious and don't let the situation worsen."

"Don't ever do anything on the line. He is the only one in Hong Kong Island. There is almost no threat to his life. He also relies on the mainland... What about us?"

The brothers and sisters of the Xin family looked at each other, but they were also a little speechless. Although the mainland was very poor, there was no shortage of strong men.

The protection of personal safety is really strong. On the contrary, all they can rely on is A-mei's father, but A-mei's father has too many low-level bad guys who want to control the money to buy the road and make a fortune.

Otherwise, why would a crazy bastard like Zhang Jun escape to South Korea easily under the siege of Tokyo? People named Zhao can not practice martial ethics in business wars, but they cannot ignore martial ethics casually.

After all, retail terminals are very profitable and super cash cows, but they are only one of the countless group companies under Xinjia and Samsung.

After having a headache for a while, Xin Dongbin said helplessly, "Dad, we are serious business wars and do things within the legal rules. We don't know how many prosecutors and congressmen are on the side of Zhao. If they want to use the rules to control the Wanjia family, I'm afraid they will all Disaster……"

They can support millions of people to take to the streets and make poisonous vegetables lose power. Wanjia's unrivaled reputation can also spontaneously attract countless people to take to the streets to do things.

The momentum is unstoppable!

President Lao Xin shook his head helplessly, "Let's take it one step at a time. If something cannot be stopped, then attack it slowly. Hong Kong Island's Lao Li and Yihe white men have lost Watsons, Wellcome, etc., but they have a lot of land." If you have it in hand, transforming real estate is not a small sum of money.”

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