Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 201 People named Zhao rely on having many friends to do business

August 26 arrived as scheduled. At around 1 a.m. in the middle of the night, a large number of people who received the news, and those who received the news even later, all drove express cars or took taxis to the Zhao Financial Building.

When Xu Ke and Director Wang Fulin arrived together, they were each shocked when they looked at the crowds of people in the lobby on the 32nd floor.

Director Wang was so excited, "So many people?"

Xu Ke looked forward to it, "Isn't it? Jurassic Park has finally done everything. Although it depends on the situation, it will be released on a large scale in September, but a big movie that has been produced for so long still has a lot of big special effects. People want to be the first to see it.”

So many people stayed up late at night and came to Zhao's place because they were stimulated by the news that the big movie (Jurassic Park) had finished everything and produced most of the results.

For example, Mandarin and Cantonese dubbing versions are available, English is still in production, and Japanese, South Korean, Italian, French, etc. are all still in production.

But this no longer prevents most people from coming to watch.

Think about the grand occasion of May 1, 1985? ? It's late August 1987, is it finally here?

Most of the people here are big directors and stars who are qualified to come to watch movies in the middle of the night. Others are Shao Yifu, Lei Juekun, etc., chatting and waiting.

Zhao Donghuai came out with a few family members. With a simple greeting, the crowd entered the luxurious screening room on the 32nd floor that can accommodate 300 people.

The equipment here is really super luxurious. If it is arranged like a movie theater with seats for 200 or 300 people, the hall can accommodate thousands of people watching movies.

The decoration is designed to accommodate 300 seats for thousands of people. It can be seen that the other spaces are used to create various equipment and facilities such as luxury and enjoyment.

The (Jurassic Park) movie premiere started as scheduled.

Then, the big director and big star team, who were full of expectations and waiting for their eyes to be opened, were really... shocked as if they were directly hit by the dimensionality reduction, making them look like fools.

In the 1990s, Hollywood was able to sweep the world with similar blockbusters and conquer all the invincible players in the world. Now Zhao Donghuai has prepared Jurassic a few years in advance and has a quality that is on par with the 1990s version?

It’s really a dimensionality reduction blow!

Even a great director like Lao Xu, who is still at the cutting edge of special effects, was stunned by the shock of watching this movie.

All kinds of prehistoric dinosaurs show off their splendor on the big screen. It really steals the scenes of all the human protagonists. The movie-watching experience brought by every kind of outgoing dinosaurs on the big screen is to bombard everything, not to mention That makes sense.

The more than 120 minutes of watching the movie is over.

Xu Ke, Director Wang and others walked out of the financial building in confusion and shock.

Including a group of white stars, such as Naomi Watts, Bruce Willis, etc., they are also two of the human protagonists. They personally participated in the filming. When filming, they knew that this movie was great.

But they still didn't expect that even they were shocked into silence by the finished movie.

In this era, there are not many movies in Hollywood that can match this level of special effects.

The financial building area in the middle of the night on the 26th was full of stars, but most people were silent and left in a daze. Too many people didn't know what words to use to describe this movie.



Shocked? !

Large-scale physical model real-life shooting combined with CGI special effects shooting and production, selecting the best from the best, the assembled version is really similar to the experience of people watching (Avatar) for the first time in 2009.


The sun rises as usual.

It was almost 12 o'clock, and Isabel Adjani left the Financial Building in a hurry. She had forgotten that she had to film a movie.

Fortunately, we just assembled the team yesterday (Twilight Zone). I made an appointment with other creative teams today, so being late... is not a big deal.

After all, Adjani, a French rose, is world-famous for letting the crew down at every turn. Besides, I don't blame her for being late this time. It's not a crime of war.

The movie-watching experience yesterday (Jurassic Park) was so shocking that she was so mesmerized that she felt as if she was on a journey, feeling the milestone of the new industrial revolution and the advancement of film technology.

Then everything was peaceful, I was in a trance, and I burst into tears for more than six or seven hours, which was normal.

When Adjani arrived at the location agreed upon with Wang Jing and the rest of the creative team, she found that everyone was having lunch, and she was relieved.

This little thing of being late is over.

After all, there is a saying that in the entire (Twilight) crew, she, who plays a supporting role, is the biggest star in the whole crew.

Then in the afternoon, we officially went through the process of fitting and makeup photos, etc., and Adjani became the most dazzling star again. She easily overshadowed the two Jennifers in only makeup photos.

It's not that her looks and figure are inferior to the latter two, but that her charm, temperament bonus and other comprehensive factors are inferior to the two new actors in all aspects.

The 32-year-old French sister-in-law is really more interesting at this stage than the two sweet North American girls who are 17 or 18 years old.

Financial Building.

Zhao Donghuai sat behind his desk and said with a smile, "Let's schedule it to be released on September 10th. In the next ten days, we will do our best to promote Jurassic Park."

There is a 40-day schedule gap between September 10th and Black Monday, October 19th, and the stock market crash will not have much impact on this blockbuster.

Thinking of this, he regretted, "If it weren't for the fact that thousands of supermarket chains in the mainland are still undergoing renovation, maybe they could all try global simultaneous screenings."

I started receiving information from August 16th that private theaters can be opened in the mainland. Even if it is the 10th of next month, there will only be more than 20 days. During the day, it must not hinder the business of supermarkets and decorations cannot be done.

In such a short period of time, no matter how much money is spent, the development of the theater chain is still a bit inadequate.

So Jurassic Park wants to be released in mainland China? It is estimated that it is one month later than Hong Kong Haowan and Europe and the United States, or more than one month later.

That doesn't matter, the mainland was not affected by the 1987 stock market crash.

Such a big movie, relying on thousands of new theaters in the mainland and playing on thousands of big screens... is expected to generate a box office of 100 to 200 million yuan in the mainland.

The average ticket price of Wolf Warrior 2 in the future era is 30 yuan. There are nearly 200 million moviegoers in the mainland and a box office figure of nearly 6 billion. But in that era, the average monthly salary reached 9,000 yuan?

That’s an average of 91,000 per month on the Internet.

9000 divided by 30 equals 300 times.

A ticket costs 30 cents, and if you multiply it 300 times, it’s only 90 yuan.

The average monthly salary in Jingshang Yang has long been around one hundred yuan, while in Bianliang the average monthly salary is fifty or sixty yuan.

In addition, in the Mainland in 1987, film and television entertainment was far less developed than in the Wolf Warrior 2 era, and people did not have many entertainment options to choose from.

As long as Wanjia's cinema chain is renovated, there is really hope that it can achieve frightening and shocking box office figures in the mainland.

If it can be accumulated over a few months and a billion moviegoers are generated, it will be a box office of 300 million yuan... It is impossible for a normal movie to accumulate such a terrifying amount. Thousands of theaters are different. Currently, countless people use heating and air conditioning. 's holy place.

A lot of students go to do their homework.

Paying 30 cents a ticket to watch a movie in an epoch-making theater experience will definitely become a new way of making friends.

In this era, if you work across cities in the Mainland, staying in a movie theater lounge at night is infinitely more cost-effective than staying in a hotel or guest house, and the experience is also better.

In the hot summer and cold winter, the air conditioning and heating are sufficient. Wrapping up in a coat in the lounge is more comfortable than guest houses and hotels without heating and air conditioning.

Therefore, if the release period is two to three months, we can hope to achieve data that is far beyond the reach of normal movies.

Everything about this movie (Jurassic Park) is going according to plan, and it is not impossible to chase the island nation’s profit-making power, which is currently Asia’s No. 1 box office.

Following Zhao Donghuai's words, Azhen naturally ran to make arrangements obediently.

Xuanfa, starting from Hong Kong Haowan, was directly involved in island countries, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, including Europe and the United States.

Big stars were being interviewed one after another, and all kinds of flattering words were spread out without money. It was great, epoch-making, and shocking. It made people tremble physically and mentally... The special effects level was several times better than (Super Body).

At present, the stars of Hong Kong Island have accumulated a lot of fans and popularity in the world, and their words are spread to the outside world.

Starting directly from the 27th, it has aroused the expectations and desires of countless movie fans around the world.

After all, in the more than two years since Super Body began, the Jurassic novel series has sold a total of 20 million copies. The three novels actually have a stronger record than (Twilight).

The trilogy sold more than 20 million books. How many movie fans and book fans are there? ?

This has already become a super big IP!

The expectations of countless fans of the book and movie are so high that they can't wait for September 10th to arrive at the speed of light so that they can watch the movie to their heart's content.

In Asia, even the momentum of bombing various countries and crowds of people watching the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in almost every place was suppressed by the Jurassic Park movie.

The movie was not released, and the Zhao Group only let the public know that Tung Chung had built a brand new theme park. On the 27th, too many citizens from Hong Kong and Kowloon took the passenger ferry to Tung Chung to travel.

Tung Chung has welcomed hundreds of thousands of tourists in just three or four days. The original ferry route has been increased from three times a day to half an hour from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. There are ferries running every half hour from various piers such as Kwun Tong, Central and Western District.

Then countless tourists took photos near the large dinosaur models. The pictures were published in the newspapers and shocked countless citizens.

The most exaggerated and largest Brachiosaurus is 26 meters long. Are there two physical models? Humans are so insignificant next to the Brachiosaurus, so the photo was published in the newspapers and naturally caused a sensation in Hong Kong.

Group photos of Tyrannosaurus rex are also the most sought-after and popular.

The tourism craze in Tung Chung has given this new town a new lease of life. The holiday hotels and holiday villas are rapidly filling up with people, driving a consumer boom in Tung Chung's food, clothing, housing and transportation industries.

Do you think that this kind of tourism boom will expose the plot of the movie in advance, which will greatly reduce the interest in watching the movie after it is released? No, everything in the movie is alive and moving. Through various special effects and special shooting methods of physical models, they are extremely lifelike.

At least in this era, it is the world's most advanced special effects technology, the kind of dimensionality reduction and impact.

There is a fundamental difference between the living and moving models and the dead models in theme parks.

This theme park is open to the audience before the movie. It can only be said to let the citizens of Hong Kong enjoy their pleasure in advance.

And its impact on audiences and movie fans outside Hong Kong Island is even smaller.

It can only be said that before the movie is released and before the massive number of tourists from around the world crowd this new town, Hong Kong Island residents can take advantage of the convenience of being close to the hotel to experience the theme park.

When movie fans from all over the world come over, it won’t be that easy for Hong Kong residents to play.


The evening of September 1st.

Zhang Weifan took the ferry back to Kwun Tong and arrived at the low-rent public housing. He screamed with excitement, "Dad, Mom, we are going to have sex again, haha..."

"We bought the two houses in Tung Chung in February. The price was 400 yuan per square foot at that time. In this short period of time, the price has soared to more than 500 yuan per square foot."

"When Jurassic Park is released and the tourist wave rises around the world, it will definitely continue to rise. As for the theme park attractions and themed pedestrian streets, you don't know how popular they are!"


In mid-February, Zhang Weifan's family got back all the principal and interest of 600,000 yen invested in foreign exchange speculation, and earned almost 6 million. The family's plan at that time was to buy a two-storey duplex luxury home with more than 2,000 square feet in Tsim Sha Tsui.

At that time, the price of a house in downtown Tsim Sha Tsui was more than 1,000 yuan per square foot, which was much higher than the average price of residential properties in Kowloon, which was 800 yuan per square foot. However, after spending 3 million, I still managed to get a real luxury house of more than 2,000 square feet.

At that time, Tung Chung cost 400 yuan per square foot, so Zhang Weifan spent another 2 million yuan to buy two luxury houses with more than 1,000 square feet.

Now he works in Tung Chung and is a third-level employee of Vanguard Group. Will he still live in a low-rent public housing in Kwun Tong when he comes back? After all, I didn’t hand over the room.

Speaking of various real estate construction projects in Tung Chung, it has only been in progress for more than a year. If it were not for the help of Huazhitou Construction Group, how could it be possible to build a large modern community in more than a year?

However, the movie hasn't been released yet. After just a few days of visiting the theme park, the tourist boom has caused the housing prices to rise a bit. When big movies bombard the world, housing prices there will only get higher and higher.

From being at the edge of the New Territories, housing prices are now catching up with those in Hong Kong and Kowloon.

As long as Jurassic Park can be made successfully, Big Bang, that's for sure.

As for whether the movie will really explode? ? I'm not bragging, but as long as Zhao Sheng can shoot the dozens of seconds of dinosaur special effects in Super Body, it will be considered a success and a big bang.

Whether it's (Super Body) or (Unresolved Love between Humans and Ghosts), etc., which one doesn't mark the strength of Zhao's film special effects industry?

Father Zhang was a little speechless, "I haven't watched the movie yet, but the tourism craze has started. It's really... But Mr. Zhao is very sharp. I heard that in order to produce good special effects, he specially smashed eight Galaxy 2-level supercomputers."

"With hundreds of millions invested in the special effects model, there is no way this will fail!"

Zhang Weifan's second brother all came over, "Yeah, yeah, Ye Ah-huan, the one who jumped on the street, was able to join forces with the Eagles and the others to defraud the Tokyo Metropolitan Police of 30 million Hong Kong dollars in bonuses. In terms of special effects and props, it's really amazing."

"I'm really looking forward to this movie, bro. How about you and I go to Tung Chung to play together tomorrow?"

It’s September. The second middle school student has graduated and officially entered society at the age of 18.

Zhang Weifan's daughter-in-law, A Mei, also gave birth to a child a long time ago. Now their family has grown from six to seven, and the low-rent public housing is increasingly insufficient.

Mother Zhang smiled brightly, "It's almost time. My little sister's transfer procedures have been completed. We can move to Tsim Sha Tsui. Although the 2,000-square-foot mansion is still under construction, the house we rented can already be lived in." "

I spent HKD 6 million and spent HKD 5 million to buy three houses. The rest was naturally to buy hundreds of thousands of shares of China Real Estate or Hong Kong Electric as investments, leaving a little money for daily expenses.

Isn’t renting a house just a trivial matter? After all, Zhang’s father and Zhang’s mother are less than 50 years old this year.

Also, Zhang's father also joined New World Passenger Transport as a taxi driver, and Zhang's mother had been running a food stall for ten or twenty years. She could also set up a stall in Tsim Sha Tsui. Besides, Zhang Weifan is a third-level employee of Wanjia. The monthly salary is 4500, 5700, and 7200, and it goes up step by step!

The monthly salary of a third-level worker is 7,200, which is already a very wealthy middle-income class.

The main reason is that every time Wanjia moves up a level, the monthly salary is increased by a quarter of the salary of the superior. It would be too rude to directly erase non-integer numbers in reverse. A quarter of 4500 is obviously 1125, so just convert it back to 1200 to give you a salary increase, and so on.

Then the whole family will first rent a good house in Tsim Sha Tsui and live there for a year and a half before moving to a new house. It's not a big deal.

Only in this kind of life can we have energy and hope!

The situation of the Zhang family basically represents the mainstream trend of the tens of thousands of Hong Kong citizens who followed Zhao Donghuai to make money from the foreign exchange war.

Of course, most of the current situation of tens of thousands of other families is not as good as Zhang Weifan's family, because when the Zhang family first got on the bus, they invested 600,000 yuan on January 1, which was their entire family wealth, and most of the employee system, In the circle of relatives, the first investment is often tens of thousands or several thousand yuan.

It was until March and April of 1986 that more and more people wanted to enter the market to make money. Those who could get on the bus for the first time slowly lined up to increase their investment. Their earnings were definitely much less than Zhang Weifan's family.

But under the Zhao employee system, where people can only live in low-rent public housing, those who live in cage houses can earn at least hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands, enough to buy a house of several hundred square feet.

Even now, housing prices in remote areas of Kowloon such as Tsz Wan Shan, Tseung Kwan O and Sau Mau Ping are basically still NT$500-600 per square foot, not much higher than Tung Chung.

You got on the bus between January 1, 1986 and March or April, earning hundreds of thousands to buy a house. You could afford it, but the location was remote.


The 2nd is coming.

As soon as Zhao Donghuai sat in the ATV office, he saw Zhang Min collecting a few newspapers and running over excitedly, "Boss, Wanjia is building momentum for wanting to enter South Korea."

"Last night, many newspapers in South Korea rushed to print the evening edition, and today there are even more morning editions..."

What Zhang Min brought was a bunch of South Korean newspapers and periodicals. She didn't understand South Korean, and Zhao Donghuai didn't learn it, but these newspapers were basically in English.

South Korea's major media newspapers and periodicals are basically published in both Korean and English.

When Director Zhao accepted it, the first one was the daily declaration: "For the people, Councilor An led the crowd to plead with Zhang Guorong and Liu Dehua, hoping that Wanjia Supermarket can enter Seoul and benefit the citizens. These are the real people's councilors!"

In line with the exaggerated news on the front page, yesterday afternoon at the tour concert held by Zhang Guorong and others, when Ah Rong and the others invited guests to perform on the stage, Assemblyman An somehow got into it and took the microphone to appeal to countless fans and wanted to ask for a favor. Photos of Wanjia General Store entering Seoul.

Then, the scene was super excited!

Originally they were star-chasers, fans of Ah Wing, Hua Zai, and Tan Yonglin, the kings of Asian pop music. Tens of thousands of people cheered for them together, forming a super wave.

High-definition photos and color photos are accumulated and superimposed one by one.

Lee Young-ae, a little beauty from South Korea, started to learn Mandarin and Cantonese by herself after watching "Super Body" in 1985. She wanted to come to Hong Kong to develop her career. This summer, she was admitted to the 1987 Asian Opera class.

During the peak period of Hong Kong movies, Cheng Long was filming at the Jiahe Ax Mountain Road studio. Every day or every two or three days, groups of fans from the island country would come to block him. They were all groupies from South Korea who flew in from the island country. Very wild too.

In the 1910s and 20s of the 21st century, in countless TV and movies that reflected the scenes of the 1980s, Hong Kong movie stars are memories and feelings that South Koreans cannot get around.

Therefore, the boom in film and television tourism has brought about the fact that countless South Korean people have really traveled to chase stars, experienced it, and understand what Wanjia Supermarket is.

Taikoo Shing is also a gathering place for migrant workers from island countries and South Korea in Hong Kong.

The groupies chase stars and go to the concert tour. After being guided by Mr. An, they understand what Wanjia is and know that it has countless immediate benefits for them. If they arrange some support, adjust the atmosphere, and come together, it will be a huge wave.

Zhao Donghuai has seen this news... He watched this episode in the simulator when he was simulating for the first time whether Wanjia Supermarket's entry into South Korea would go smoothly.

But in September, it came to reality from the simulator.

"The next step, the next step is October. When Rakuten is taking the vanguard and making all kinds of legal and regulatory difficulties for Wanjia to enter South Korea... Representative Ahn was shot three times in the back. He didn't die, he was just wounded. Public opinion is boiling."

"Congressman Chen was in a car accident and broke both legs. Before he was pushed to the emergency room, he was still talking to the media. He did everything for the people."

"Wanjia will be able to enter South Korea in October..."

Following the 1988 general election next year, Mr. An and Mr. Chen successfully became official rising stars, taking charge of two districts in Seoul.

In that simulator, Samsung New World Retail and Rakuten also announced in 1988 that they would change to the Wanjia model. But now... Zhao Donghuai doesn't have to do anything in advance in September. He only needs to wait around Black Monday. Before and after the stock market crash.

When the market value of various industrial listed groups in various industries of Rakuten, mainly Rakuten's retail market, fell, they took the opportunity to absorb and try to acquire, and they only needed to complete delisting and privatization.

It is not convenient for him to operate alone. There are a large number of senior executives from Goldman Sachs' Asia-Pacific branch, island country branch, and even South Korea branch who can work with him.

Jie Tian Retail is what Zhao Donghuai wants to monopolize. This is non-negotiable. In the early stage, it will be held by William and others on behalf of others. In the end, it will be delisted and privatized and then a wave of money will be given to them. Other industries will make a fortune together.

He can now meet with the guys from the South Korean branch of Goldman Sachs and continue to make friends. He does not need the South Korean branch to talk about shorting the Nikkei, but he needs the help of those guys to close the stock market.

I still have to thank the times.

In this era, the poisoner is destined to step down and lose power, but while he still has a few months of power before losing power, he wants to fight with the major chaebols in South Korea to ensure that he will not be liquidated after he is finished.

As the two sides fight back and forth, Zhao Donghuai can take advantage of the stock market crash to profit from the chaos with the rebels at Goldman Sachs.

In December of this year, the election of the new junior leader will be over. With the winner, we have to wait for the poisonous cabbage to step down, and we have to wait until February 1988. In the past few months after the stock market crash, the poisonous cabbage has been doing crazy things. Don’t want to be liquidated and want to fight against the five major chaebols?

That person has repeatedly stolen money from the five major chaebols before, and has a lot of hatred. Which chaebol such as Samsung, Rakuten, and Hyundai has not been blackmailed again and again?

After the stock market crash, Zhao Donghuai led a group of Goldman Sachs rebels to sneak attack on Rakuten... My friend!

Even if that person doesn't help directly, he will open the door for convenience, right? With ample funds and white gloves as partners, there is still a lot of hope for a sneak attack on Rakuten. It will take several months to bring over Rakuten Retail in advance.

If a retail group changes its brand name, it will be divided into groups of thousands of companies.

"These big things are also very difficult. Most people can't handle them or play them. I'll simulate them for three years at a time!"

Simulate the business war to grab the sky and try it for a short and long term.

If it doesn't work once, then do it two or three times.


[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: Modern (pony) automobile engine manufacturing technical information collection."

"B: Three tons of poisonous ham, sausage and milk."

"C: Double the kidney function (plus basic strength)."

After an unremarkable simulation, Zhao Donghuai stared at the three reward options and asked, "Good guy, modern (pony) engine manufacturing technical information?" Is this okay?

Isn't this the world-selling pony car that Hyundai built in the mid-1970s with technology transfer fully supported by Mitsubishi Motors?

By 1990, this brand will be gloriously and decently updated. It's already 1987, and if you give me this engine technology, it means...

Reward B is even more bizarre, three tons of poisonous ham, intestines and poisonous milk? This is truly the flagship product of the Rakuten Group's food industry.

How much money Zhao Donghuai made from Wanjia instant noodles and the like, and Rakuten could also make a huge amount of money every year from fast-selling products such as ham sausage and milk.

Everyone's gameplay is the same. The retail terminal is in my hands, but it does not prevent me from building my own brand of food and beverages to make money.

After much thought, Zhao Donghuai chose A, pony car engine technical information.

"Three more years!"



[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: Three cubic meters of portable space."

"B: Three tons of poisonous ham, sausage and milk."

"C: Double the heart function (increase the basic strength)."

Director Zhao chose A without hesitation. How could there be too much portable space? Without a lot of portable space, the various weird information collections and crime collections he simulated receiving didn't have perfect storage locations in reality.

From the first time he received the advanced simulation, 1000 points of simulation were given once for a year, and the reward was one cubic meter. Until now, he has almost saved 100 cubic meters of space.

But even at 100 cubic meters, the space is not very big. It is roughly 10 meters long, 10 meters wide and 1 meter high. The advantage is that it can be deformed at will and not solidified.

The electronic technology is still weak. A random pile of data consists of several large boxes of electronic floppy disks. The storage space of a floppy disk is still only a few MB.

But why did Poison Sky Ham Sausage and Poison Milk appear again this time? ? This thing is not a random replacement of the batch of products that are already on the sales shelves or bought home by South Koreans...

He was brought out by Zhao Donghuai's side, so it didn't make any sense.


On September 3, the animated movie (Kung Fu Panda) was gradually released in Europe and the United States. This animated movie was released in North America on July 23, and it made 31 million U.S. dollars in its first weekend. box office.

Super arrogant and domineering!

After all, blockbusters such as "Super Body", "The End of the World" and "Pretty Woman" include "Never Compromise", which is the final figure of US$450 million worldwide.

A big animated movie is heading towards the market target of US$300 million in North America alone. It’s so scary. It’s already over US$200 million in Europe.

Including the Asia-Pacific region, Shangmei Film Studio once again became famous in one battle and shocked the world.

In Repulse Bay, Zhao Donghuai was receiving Huo Sheng and a certain bank manager. He and a certain bank manager were old acquaintances. Through him, he donated a lot of five-axis CNC machine tools and other things.

After meeting these two people, Zhao Donghuai entertained them warmly and asked for champagne. He smiled and said, "I got some little things from South Korea. Isn't this the Toshiba laptop T1000 that I'm cooperating with Samsung Chairman Lee?"

"He felt bad that he had taken advantage of me, so he gave me a batch of complete engine production technical materials for Hyundai (pony) cars."

"The environment on Hong Kong Island is not suitable for building cars. We don't have the industrial base, so we might as well donate it."

Huo Sheng, "..."

A bank manager, "..."

There are many friends named Zhao, and everyone knows it, but... you said that pony cars began to attack the global market in the mid-1970s, and they sold well in North America. By now, they are considered outdated and outdated? It’s worthless, so I gave it to you?

That’s building a car!

In terms of car manufacturing in the Mainland... the Santana car has only become popular for a few years.

As we all know, Pony is supported by Mitsubishi Motors.

With this, the automobile group will not be so stuck in its cooperation with Volkswagen, and the negotiations will have much more confidence.

For a moment, a certain bank president was trembling with excitement, and then, you're welcome, taking away such a good thing directly is a big advantage, but the worst thing is to urge various construction groups and give more feedback to friendship.

Can Zhao's cinema chain, which is expanding and under construction in the Mainland, put in more effort? There is also Tung Chung New Town, including the Huazhi Express Hotel chain that has started in major cities in the mainland. Everyone can contribute to making friends.

Hundreds of express hotels have already laid the foundation and are under construction. It is too easy to give feedback on friendship.

There are also more Wanjia comprehensive supermarkets that are rushing towards ordinary prefecture-level cities, and they can also promote their efforts.

When it comes to making friends, coming and going is the way to go.

When a certain bank president wanted to say something excitedly, Huo Sheng smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, Representatives An and Chen from Seoul are so enthusiastic in calling for our Wanjia comprehensive supermarkets to enter South Korea..."

"It's definitely a good thing to go in, but if you want to go in, Samsung and Rakuten won't just sit idly by, right?"

Huo Sheng is also a shareholder of Wanjia, the second largest shareholder, and has long noticed the news that broke out on the 1st and 2nd.

Tens of thousands of fans cheered at the concert, and the momentum was overwhelming. If you really go in, is it a supermarket? Clearly more than just a supermarket.

You control the retail terminal, what to put on it, isn’t that your decision? At least a large number of Chinese brand fast-selling products can be put on South Korean shelves.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "It will definitely be difficult, but I have many friends. As long as I make dozens more friends like Councilor An and Councilor Chen, it won't be hard for me to do it."

"Don't worry too much about Chairman Lee of Samsung. He still wants to make huge profits from his laptop, so it's not convenient for him to fall out with me."

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