Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 209 Shaolin Kung Fu is good, really good!

On October 20, 1987, at 8:30 in the morning, Chairman Li of the Hong Kong Island Stock Exchange announced that the Hong Kong stock market would be closed for four days. In addition, the market will not open on the weekend on the 24th and 25th. The next time the Hong Kong stock market opens will be the 26th.

This is equivalent to cutting off six days at once.

As soon as the news came out...

Zhao's Financial Building and Zhao Donghuai were a little emotional, "This old Li still wants to save the market and doesn't want those predators who smell the limelight and come to short the Hang Seng Index to get rich."

"However, it's not very useful."

Even if we take a break from today to next week, the market will still plummet by thousands of points after the market opens. However, in the current Hong Kong Island area, most people will still not buy the Hang Seng Index directly.

As long as it is not a big buy, the Hang Seng Index will rise and leverage will be opened.

The stocks of listed groups caused by this kind of stock market crash plummeted together, and the decline was not difficult to control.

Yesterday, the Hang Seng Index plummeted. His Hong Kong Electric, Hong Kong CLP, Towngas, and Amin's Chinese Properties, which hold large stocks, all fell, but the decline was not big. It was already a comprehensive stock market plummet, and the decline was very low. Stock.

When this wave of stock market crash subsides, those stocks will still rise back up.

Regardless of energy stocks such as coal and electricity, how confident they are, Zhou Huimin's Chinese Real Estate not only owns renovated and built modern communities in Hong Kong and Kowloon, but also Tung Chung New Town, as well as hundreds of Chinese real estate chains that have opened in the mainland. Hotel.

With so many projects and foundations supporting it, if you publicly announce a few positive consumption, you can quickly stand out after the stock market crash.

After sighing with emotion, Zhao Donghuai called Li Minghui and asked him to snap up a large number of Rakuten Retail shares today. It was said that thousands of people in South Korea gathered to block the gates of each Rakuten branch.

The stock of Rakuten Retail has started to fall. In the past few days, Zhao Donghuai has secretly collected 5% of Rakuten Retail.

Taking advantage of the stock market crash, the market continues to plummet. If you don't rush to buy it, you won't be able to afford such a good opportunity.

William from the Asia-Pacific branch of Goldman Sachs, and others like James, are also helping him collect them. After all, they are not just white people, but also have Goldman Sachs tiger skins. Grabbing things in the market makes it easier to achieve goals and complete the overall situation.

After giving various orders and arrangements, Zhao Donghuai set off for Dakeng Village.

Tai Hang Village, New Territories...

There are currently not many normal people living in Dakeng Village, and a satellite village pilot project began in November last year.

The original rural villages were built into modern residential communities in the 21st century. Eleven months have passed, and most large buildings, including residential buildings with around 30 floors, are still under construction.

There are only some five-story Wanjiafentuo, three- and five-story townhouses, and low-rise commercial pedestrian streets that have been built and have been renovated or are being renovated.

The folks in Zhao Donghuaina's village, which originally had more than 200 households and more than 1,000 people, are still living with relatives and friends or renting houses outside.

Director Zhao went back today because in a residential community of hundreds of acres, his large manor villa of more than ten acres has not only been renovated, but also passed the renovation cooling-off period. He went back to take a look, and maybe he would stay there for a few days.

Very early on, the folks in the New Territories took the lead with the five major surnames, shouting to collect money to build a manor and villa for Zhao Sheng. They didn't let Zhao Donghuai worry about it, they took care of everything. After all, Director Zhao really led the folks to make a huge amount of money in the foreign exchange battlefield. of big money.

Going around and around now, the manor villa of more than ten acres is larger than a football field.

The main buildings have three floors above ground and one underground floor. It is not difficult to build!

After he arrived in a helicopter with Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min, the two women were running around and cheering. They found a large villa covering an area of ​​about 15 acres, even though it was in the New Territories, three kilometers away from Tai Po New Town. .

Having a villa with more than ten acres of land is quite an impact for the two women who are accustomed to Hong Kong-style housing.

As for Zhao Donghuai's large villa manor, the townhouse area is directly opposite the door. This area belongs to the high-end residential area that has been taken away. It is only more than 200 meters away from the Wanjia Supermarket branch.

Wanjia Supermarket was built along the two-way four-lane highway leading to Dabu New Town.

Some time later, in the large swimming pool on the third floor of the main villa, Zhao Donghuai saw two mermaids swimming around. Zhao Donghuai was not in the mood to swim and exercise for the time being, so he decisively went to the study.

Sitting in the study room of more than 30 square meters, he tried out various furniture and appliances. When there was a knock on the door, he shouted to come in, and then he unexpectedly said, "Axin, you run pretty fast."

He knew it was Li Jiaxin without opening the door, but when Axin came in, he decisively turned off the super-sensory state.

If her five senses were really activated, a beautiful 17-year-old girl like Jiaxin would make him unable to bear to look at her.

Ah Xin ran in, patted her flat conscience and said, "Boss, Zhou Haimei and I were both frightened to death yesterday. We couldn't sleep all night when we got home. Please help me..."

The boss has always hoped to wait until she turns 18 before giving her big gifts, but there are many other ways besides big gifts.

This period of time is the period when Ah Xin eats the marrow and knows the taste.

She was soon flooded with thoughts.


As night fell, the Nikkei index plummeted by more than 3,800 points as expected. The Japanese stock market was wailing and the ground was in a mess.

More and more people are jumping off buildings and into the sea!

Ah Xin was woken up by Qiu Shuzhen. When she opened her eyes in a daze, her face was full of doubts about life. Ah Zhen smiled and said, "What, you are not going home today?"

Li Jiaxin woke up with a start, and was in a daze for dozens of seconds before shaking her head, "I made a phone call and said I wouldn't go back, so I said I would stay in the dormitory."

The next moment she grabbed Azhen's wrist, "Sister Zhen, I'm a little curious. Although the boss started his career in new action movies, isn't his judo kung fu too exaggerated?"

Azhen slapped her in disgust, "If you don't leave, let's go to eat. What are you doing with those useless things? If you have the ability, you should improve yourself. If your acting skills are not good, you can't handle the heroine of a high-quality TV series. It's too much." It’s useless.”

"Watch a movie after dinner and experience the new screening room."

A Xin was silenced with just one sentence.

In group chats, she can't just be a loser. Her acting skills can be slowed down and improved slowly. She should improve her acting skills and practice more.

Want to watch a movie after dinner?


More than an hour later.

In the luxurious screening room on the second floor, with the big screen, Shaolin football master played by Chen Baixiang, and Xingzai, the fifth junior brother, wearing a fake scalp with ordination scars that can be seen at a glance, and wearing yellow monk robes, began to sing. .

A Le, with a dead expression on his face, was playing the guitar and singing "Shaolin Kung Fu is good", and Xing Zai said again, "It's so good"...

Qiu Shuzhen, who was lying on a slightly tilted big bed with a backrest and drinking Coke, squirted directly. Zhang Min was not much better. The two of them just stared at the singing duo on the big screen, dumbfounded.


While singing, the duo burst out laughing on the big screen. Jane exclaimed, "Fuck you, these two are so funny. Are you trying to kill me with laughter?"

The Shaolin Football Project Team was officially established in May and completed in early August. Now it can be considered that after two and a half months of post-production, the finished product is ready.

The master tape was just sent to Zhao Films today to start making sub-tapes.

On the first night when he stayed in the big villa, Zhao Donghuai made a phone call and asked the film industry group to send a roll of film tape. It was also the first time for him to watch the finished film. All he could say was... Shaolin Football, which was released so many years in advance.

Chen Baixiang replaced Huang Yifei as the senior brother. What kind of comedy is this?

He couldn't help but enjoy watching it. Not to mention on the big screen, these two sang in the nightclub. They mesmerized many drinking brothers and brothers, and they also had amazing laughter off the screen.

The songs became more and more frequent, and A-Zhen was laughing so much that she rubbed her belly.

The lively singing and dancing on the big screen quickly turned into a full-on martial arts show.

As the scenes rolled around, the special effects of various big scenes of Shaolin football came one after another. The two girls, Azhen and Zhen, were shocked by the special effects of action movies. The level of special effects of Xingzi playing football and beating up the gangsters, combined with the special shooting method of action scenes, What is presented is almost the same as the original version.

It's nothing more than a gangster. From an unknown actor in the original version, he was replaced by four villains like He Jiaju to lead the team. Xiong Xinxin was the younger brother. Before, they played Xing Zai and Chen Baixiang in the nightclub and how high they were. When they were beaten violently, The movie-goers are so excited and happy watching it.

When Wu Mengda and Xingzi visited the brothers one by one to form a team, comedians such as Wu Yaohan, Huang Baiming, Cao Charlie, and Wang Jing were able to create laughter that was simply unmatched.

Let Huang Baiming play the third senior brother who earns hundreds of thousands per second. Huang, a comedian, is also very powerful.

When the plot developed to the point where Wu Mengda was going to lead the Shaolin team to play a friendly match against the gangster team led by Li Lichi, Achi, a boy with eyes like his, was amazing as soon as he appeared on the scene.

A wrench fell from his crotch, and Achi looked like a polite scum, "Don't be nervous, everyone. I am a car mechanic myself. This wrench is for me to repair screws. It makes sense."

As he spoke, he put the wrench into his waistband. As soon as he put it in, another hammer fell out. Aji still explained with a serious face...

Qiu Shuzhen fell off the bed when she saw it, "This old Li is so funny."

Zhang Min laughed so hard that his stomach ached, "Boss, it seems awkward at first glance for someone like He Jiaju, one of the four villains, to be someone's little brother. But the man with glasses played by Li Lichi is such a scum!"

At the end of a super high-quality movie viewing, the two of them laughed so hard that they couldn't breathe.

Of course, the setting background of this version of Shaolin Football is not the Mainland All-China League. Hong Kong Island is still under the jurisdiction of Yu Lun, so Bill Gaige’s Devils team is to suppress the Hong Kong Island football industry and use the Hong Kong Island team Reputation went to compete with various white football teams in the world.

If the Shaolin Football Team wins and defeats the Devils, it will also take away the qualification to represent Hong Kong Island and play in international teams.

Let's take this setting. Let's say that Hong Kong Island's former football champion Li Huitang led the Hong Kong Island team to compete with various international football teams. This is a history that has been popular for several eras.

There is nothing wrong with changing the background to this.

When leaving the screening room and walking outside, Azhen asked curiously, "Boss, when will this movie be released?"

(Jurassic Park), which started bombing the world on September 10, has been released in many places for more than 50 days. At the box office, Jurassic Park has already made more than 500 million US dollars, not counting the mainland box office. It is heading towards Six hundred million sword sprint.

It has been released in the mainland for more than three weeks now, and the box office is still stable at 15.6 million yuan a day..., no, as time goes by, when Wanjia in some prefecture-level cities opens, theaters also open, covering more after the area.

In the past few days, just yesterday, the daily box office (Jurassic Park) has exceeded the 2 million yuan mark.

So far, the box office in the mainland has exceeded 30 million yuan in three weeks.

However, so far, all theaters in Mainland China have only shown Jurassic, and no other films have been released. Once Shaolin Football is released at this time, it will definitely take part of the box office.

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said with a smile, "Hong Kong, including Europe and the United States, can start announcing the film. It will be officially released in November."

"This movie will definitely make Xingzi famous."

Last year, Xing Zai starred in "The Variety of Stars". Relying on super special effects and his unique acting style, it grossed more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office in Hong Kong. It has already entered the same level of movies as Chow Yun-fat, Wan Ziliang and Lu Liangwei. A star.

As soon as Shaolin Soccer comes out, Xu Guanwen will probably take over and become the new king of comedy. Are you waiting for the release of "Tang Bo Hu Dian Qiu Xiang"? The Tang Bohu project also started in September.

Kwan Ka-wai produces, Li Lichi and Chen Jiashang continue to direct, and comedians like Chen Baixiang also work seamlessly with Xingzi. They finished filming Shaolin Football in August and took a month off to start new big projects.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai said, "Give Xingzi two million red envelopes, and Fei Jing, A Le and the others one million each."

"The pay for such a big project is so low when we take it on. It's a big movie that's bound to be a hit. You can't afford to skimp on a small amount of money."

By the time the stock market crash began in 1987, many Hong Kong celebrities were already experiencing rising paychecks. It had already started!

Zhou Xingxing only had 200,000 Hong Kong dollars when he took the film. After filming, he was only given 2 million red envelopes? Again, bringing goods, bringing goods is the way for them to make money.

In the movie, when Wu Mengda met Xingzi for the first time, he was yelled at. Wu Mengda smashed the beer can, and then Xingzi kicked it away, almost breaking a prop foam wall. That was strong beer!

Football...the football brand is also sponsored by a football production factory in the Mainland.

Various shots similar to the placement of advertisements are not eye-catching, but are deliberately blurred. They are not the kind of method in the Internet era where you can pause and zoom in to take a closer look. The audience will ignore many advertisements when watching the movie.

But as long as you accompany the movie promotion and cooperate with the media to promote products off-screen, you are not afraid that your sales power will plummet.

Of course, it wasn't just the big star's salary that was blown away. After Ah Zhen called someone to arrange for red envelopes to be distributed, she complained speechlessly, "A Xin is really useless."

I worked on and off for an hour or two to no avail.


a new day.

Zhou Xingxing arrived at the set by car. As soon as he got out of the car, he was grabbed by Chen Baixiang, "Axing, how did I hear that you received a big red envelope of 2 million today? Good guy, Director Wang and I both have 1 million."

"Just two million for yourself? Are you going to become famous? I won't be able to call you Brother Xing when I meet you in the future?"

Xingzai couldn't hold back his smile, "Okay, Brother La, stop teasing me. The red envelopes and remuneration are easy to talk about. The key is to bring the goods... When Shaolin Football comes out, we should all have something to play with."

"If you come out with a headshot beer style, it will definitely be popular!"

"I think back to last year's Variety Star. I sold various household appliances, toothpaste, daily chemicals, etc. on a consignment basis. I earned tens of millions in a year and a half, which is much more than just receiving a one-time salary."

Chen Baixiang touched his chin enviously and said, "You're right, baby-faced comedians like you are the most popular..."

Xing Zai immediately frowned and said seriously, "Brother La, it's familiar. I still have to say one more thing, I am a kung fu star."

Chen Baixiang was speechless.

From this day on, although the global stock market crash was still sweeping through the world with great vigor, the impact on the capital markets of major countries was no less than that of a world war.

But in most areas, people's livelihood is still very stable. After all, it's 1987. Except for those who want to get rich by borrowing money and those who gamble heavily, it is impossible for most normal citizens to invest all their wealth in the stock market.

There are people who jump from buildings in Hong Kong Island, but the number is very small, far less than that of South Korean star Mattei from the island country.

Shaolin Football’s publicity campaign has also officially begun. October will not be able to escape the shadow of the stock market crash, but starting in November, Tokyo has gradually returned to normalcy.

Shaolin Football has long been eyeing the big market in Tokyo. Although in the simulator, the anti-Zhao sentiment stirred up by the Toshiba Kagawa family has made it difficult for big movies to enter theaters? This is easily solved.

Zhao Donghuai planned to let the eldest brother Haowan and the backbones of Hong Kong to get in touch with the main backbones of the Xiangchuan family and communicate more before withdrawing his capital.

Even if all the profits from the stock market crash are brought back to Hong Kong Island, half of the thousands of backbones and big brothers will be able to come back first.

Where is it not to be a prostitute? In the island country, they bullied the people there and competed with the associations there for territory. The clean money gained from the stock market crash was given to the parents and family members of Hong Kong Island. They were all legal gains. Isn't this a good development direction? What?

As long as there are many people over there...the Kagawa family wants to do something, exclude Zhao? Then we have to wait and see.

Shaolin Football has just launched its announcement a few days ago, on October 25th.

ATV has launched a drama with a costumed female lead (a female medical saint) with a rating of over 60, and it can be broadcast for more than a month with two episodes a day.

Starting from the first night, the ratings were over 60%.

This is a combination of the core elements of scripts such as Dae Jang Geum and The Legend of the Female Doctor Myung Concubine. He Qing has also starred in (The Legend of the White Snake). Relying on the image of the White Snake, he has become a superstar in the field of ancient costumes.

She plays the leading role, the quality of the script is solid, and her acting is perfect. Once it was aired, it once again set off a wave of crowd-pleaser ratings.

Waiting for the next night, the 26th, the Hang Seng Index of the Hong Kong stock market has been closed for many days. Although the market has plummeted by thousands of points, it is still in its historical process. However, in the thousands of households of Hong Kong citizens, there are still lots of laughter and laughter, and countless people are watching. Waiting in front of the TV to watch (Female Medical Saint).

In the era of national stock speculation, Zhao Donghuai carried out a collective divestment two years in advance. We got on the bus with him and made foreign exchange in Japanese yen. After making crazy profits, those who bought houses bought houses, those who bought stocks...it was basically buying Hong Kong. Lighting, Hong Kong CLP, Town Gas, Chinese Land and other stocks.

On the 26th, the Hang Seng Index plunged unprecedentedly, and stocks such as Hong Kong Electric also fell a lot. The problem is that as long as the media provides some popular science education to the public, it is very convenient to stabilize people's hearts.

For the vast majority of citizens who buy Zhao's stocks, no matter how the situation changes, they still have to use water, electricity, gas and other things related to daily livelihood.

As long as you use it, the related stocks you hoard will rebound sooner or later.

Everyone has experienced the 1973 stock market crash. The stock market plummeted during the crash, but then rose!

In this round of stock market crisis that has almost swept the world, more than 80% of Hong Kong residents have weathered it very safely. Compared with the historical damage it originally had, the intensity of the stock market crash was at least ten times lower.

On the night of the 26th, thousands of households were still chasing (the female medical saint)! He Qing's popularity has once again skyrocketed to a new level. The popularity of Wang Zuxian, the previously popular star, was suppressed by Sister Qing.

Ah Qing, who is also 23 years old this year, wears various excellent palace costumes produced by a large mainland team, and her beauty has reached a new level and version.


October 27, Seoul.

Xin Dongzhu had just walked out of the villa and was about to get in the car when she saw a car parked on the roadside in front of her, and a person stepped out. He looked very familiar, it was Chief Prosecutor Park Jin-wook.

Prosecutor Park was clearly watching over him. Chairman Xin was no longer in a hurry to get in the car and stood there waiting with a sigh of relief.

The stock market crash has come, and this big storm has easily suppressed the popularity of the news in public opinion that Congressman An was shot three times in the back and Congressman Chen suffered fractures in a car accident.

With the stock market crash, the storm of public opinion that had shrouded the Xin family for more than half a month suddenly disappeared.

No one has gathered to guard each of the Rakuten retail branches, headquarters or even the various other Rakuten Group buildings.

Now the guy surnamed Pu is stationed to guard him. Is he going to talk or show his cards? He no longer prevents Wanjia from entering South Korea. I heard that a man named Zhao also arranged a team to buy a house in Seoul...

Our retailer war has entered a new mode!

When Park Jin Wook walked up to him, Xin Dongzhu smiled and let go of a cigarette, "Good morning, Prosecutor Park."

Park Zhenxu laughed and lit, "Good morning, President Xin, I came here this time to ask, does Rakuten Retail sell it?"

"If Rakuten is willing to sell and transfer, then Wanjia will not have to look for land everywhere when entering South Korea, and can start real estate construction slowly."

Xin Dongzhu's face darkened and her smile disappeared, "Prosecutor Park, this is too much. This is really too much."

Park Jin-wook's smile became even brighter, "President Xin, the big boss can already control 52% of the shares of Rakuten Retail. He holds 15%, Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific CEO Mr. William 18%, and Lehman South Korea CEO Mr. Smith takes 19%." %."

"Did you know?"

Xin Dongzhu took a long breath of cold air. The stock market crash came and swept the world. Last week, the South Korean index plummeted for five days. Whether it was Samsung, Rakuten, Hyundai, etc., the stock prices of any listed group were not also plummeting. ?

Once the selling trend begins, a sharp drop is inevitable.

Rakuten is not just a retail terminal listed on the market, other aluminum mining, hotel and tourism groups, machinery industry, petrochemicals, beverages, ham, sausage, milk, etc...

It's all plummeting like crazy.

Under this situation, he really didn't realize that Rakuten Retail was being screwed! And he did it so cruelly! Goldman Sachs, Lehman? Fuck... In the Japanese foreign exchange battlefield, those guys often competed with Zhao Donghuai. Why do they just listen to Zhao Donghuai to engage in Rakuten retail now? ?

The three equity owners together account for 52%? Even if he insists on not selling, after the stock market crash, will it be difficult to hold a board meeting or something to kill him, the apparent president?

With more than 51% of the controlling stake, it would not be difficult to remove him as president at a general meeting.

Park Zhenxu smiled and said, "President Xin, I know you feel uncomfortable facing this situation, but think about it from another direction. Now that Wanjia has come in, President Xin will have a difficult time in this industry."

"Instead of hanging on, it's better to jump out as soon as possible. Such a big company, and even the entire Japan Consortium, are waiting for President Xin to take over."

"This little thing is nothing. Once you have friendship and friendship with the big boss behind me, President Xin will have a lot of main force and friendly force when fighting for the inheritance."

"Just like the Lai Sun Group in Hong Kong, it is also a behemoth, but among the many heirs, because Lin Jianyue helped my big boss, didn't he control the Lai Sun Empire at the age of 30?"

Park Zhenxu's words were like the devil's temptation. Xin Dongzhu's heart beat directly when he heard them, and then he lit a cigarette and fell silent.

He was indeed silenced.

Faced with a man who came to steal his business, you used the idea of ​​an heir to seduce me? But the problem is that Chairman Xin, who is almost 40 years old, currently only controls one retail business in the huge industry of mining, petrochemicals, tourism, construction, food, logistics, express delivery, etc.

Obviously, his younger brother Xin Dongbin, who is not yet 30 years old this year, only started in financial investment, and he immediately encountered major events such as the global stock market crash, but in the old man's heart, he still prefers A Bin.

If Rakuten Retail can make Xin Dongzhu enter the top 50 richest people in South Korea, and his ranking is not bad, then Rakuten as a whole will become a business empire.

After smoking a cigarette in silence, Xin Dongzhu threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out, "It's a good idea to slap me, and you still want me to be grateful?"

"I have seen Zhao Sheng's methods!"

After he finished speaking, he got into the car and drove away.

Even if he is excited, he can't agree to anything all at once. This is a long-term plan and planning.

Prosecutor Park? Smiling and shrugging, he lit a cigarette, walked back to his car and got out of the way.


Zhao's Financial Building.

William, James, Smith and other ghost guys all gathered in Zhao Donghuai's big office, and a group of people cheered and celebrated.

Taking another sip of champagne, William pulled off his tie and laughed wildly, "Zhao, we've lost our hair. We've really lost our hair!"

"In the financial field, you are simply... Over at the headquarters, it was only after the 15th that I thought about whether to go short on a large scale and make huge profits, but I was still hesitant and felt that the point was not yet reached."

"On the 19th, Black Monday really swept the world, and they panicked and wanted to short the London Index, Nikkei, Hang Seng Index, etc."

"Although you can still make some money, it's already too late!"

"It's not as stable as the atmosphere we started planning in September!"

The Dow Jones Index, London Index, etc. plummeted by hundreds of points at every turn, and the frenzy of the crash set off. It was already too late to make a fortune from large-scale short selling, and whether it was a sustained plunge would also make countless people hesitate and dare not easily Bet on your worth.

After all, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted by hundreds on Black Monday...but for more than a month before, it fell by dozens today, rose by dozens tomorrow, rose by dozens in the morning, and rose by dozens in the afternoon. The range of rise and fall.

It can only be said that those international giants must have made money, and they have made a lot of money. For example, the Dow Jones Index has too much gold content than the Nikkei Index, and it is much larger.

But here Zhao Donghuai and William's group's plan to make a fortune was also successfully realized.

He invested approximately US$4 billion himself, five times the gross profit!

The principal amount of more than one billion or hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars held by women such as Zhou Huimin, Monica Bellucci, He Qing, etc. is basically five times the gross profit. The Nikkei Index is still falling to this day, but it is not as much as before. So scary.

The Nikkei index, which was close to 26,000 points, continued to this day, plummeting by more than 200 points in the morning after the market opened.

The Nikkei Index is already below 20,000.

Under William's laughter, Zhao Donghuai also held up the champagne and said, "The money we earn can be used to buy low prices on a large scale. It is difficult for me to influence and control such a large group... petrochemicals, mining and the like."

"But if you take them and eat them, the problem won't be too big."

Mining and energy companies, no matter how good South Korea is, will not be left to a Hong Konger to control it. The senior executives who came from behemoths such as Goldman Sachs and Lehman, all have white skin, and they can really eat it.

Just like in 1997 in the future, this group of white-skinned investment bankers really took most of the equity of South Korea's five major chaebols. It's just that after they took it, they didn't completely seize power and drive away the Li family, Xin family and others.

Let those guys take charge of the overall situation on the surface, but most of the big money made by those big chaebols was taken away by white people.

William was startled, "Are we going to settle now?"

James, Smith and others also came over. Smith, who came from Lehman, asked curiously, "Zhao, is the stock market crash going to be over?"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "This shadow will not gradually come into play until at least November."

Smith laughed, "Then it's still early. It's still early. We have four trading days a week, and we can still make a profit while lying down."

The last four days of October are trading days.

After sending away the vultures who had made a fortune, Zhao Donghuai had just asked his work secretary to clean up when he saw He Qing running over happily and said happily, "Brother Huai, I received an invitation letter from Yangma's Spring Festival Gala again."

"You want me to sing..."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "You can go if you want and watch the Spring Festival Gala. There are still many good programs in this era."

With (Female Medical Saint) being a hit in Hong Kong and the Mainland, the ratings are almost always sold out. He Qing is a sunny and friendly person who never gives up when he encounters ups and downs. He is ambitious and uses traditional medical skills and ethics. , starting from the smallest palace maid, step by step to the highest...

Well, in this version of the TV series, the heroine did indeed enter the harem of Song Renzong, played by Zhao Donghuai in a guest appearance.

This is not only a great ancient puppet, but also an inspirational struggle film.

This kind of struggle is not the kind of struggle in which the rich second generation begs their father for help in the 2008 TV series (Struggle). It is really a transformation from the most ordinary palace maid to the position of a concubine!

There is some discrepancy with the real prototype of the female medical saint, but it is the result of adapting the play and TV series into movies. In this way, the movie about the female medical saint Zhang Xiaoniang is much better than the daily dramas about Qianlong.

Ah Qing, a female medical saint, can establish her status as the number one costume actress!

The song "Female Medical Saint" was also written by Zhao Donghuai. The Mandarin version of "Hope" is also written by He Qing as the lead singer.

As for Ah Qing's singing skills, Zhao Donghuai is sure that she is indeed very strong at this stage.

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