Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 224 The source code preparing for the Hugo Award

No. 27.

The crew of Big Time, when Li Jiaxin and Cai Shaofen came to visit the cast, the crew was still filming the scenes of the Fang family girls, and Zhu Yin's performance in it was also remarkable.

After the filming of the video was finished, Zhu Yin came over with a smile and said, "Wow, Sister Xin, Ah Fen, are you so nice to come see me?"

Cai Shaofen rolled his eyes, "If I don't come to see you again, you will rebel and say weird things in private."

Of course this is a joke between best friends, Li Jiaxin also laughed and said, "Can you leave now? I will take you shopping!"

"Now the (Oriental) series has just released a new facial mask. Let's go check it out and try it?"

Zhu Yin is a little confused. She is only 17 years old this year, and Ah Fen is only 15 years old. Does this mean she needs a facial mask? Even Li Jiaxin is not very old, she has just turned 18.

Aren't they supposed to be able to dominate the world with collagen at this age and be very stable without makeup? After all, lip makeup like facial mask and lipstick are still different.

She was so confused that she went to the crew to ask for leave. The role she played, Fang Min, wasn't too much in the first place. After asking for leave, Li Jiaxin couldn't bear it until the three girls went out on the street carrying their own bags, wearing hats and masks. He couldn't help but say, "Let me tell you, your crew's filming progress is a bit slow."

"It started shooting around the same time as (Prank Kiss), and the first screening of Prank has ended, and you are still filming? Otherwise, I would have recommended you to be the heroine of (The Legend of Love) in the first place."

Zhu Yin was stunned again, "Huh? How do you recommend it? I heard that this is not a movie specially created by Sister Hong to promote the (Five Thousand Years) women's handbag project? You and Sister Hong have such a good relationship?"

Only then did Li Jiaxin realize that she almost let it slip. After all, she didn't want to show off with the little sisters at this stage... Mainly because she was afraid that others would imitate her.

Fortunately, Zhu Yin came up with the reason herself, and she explained with a smile, "Yes, I have a good relationship with Sister Hong. She takes good care of me. She recommended Hong Xin because she was afraid that you would not be available."

After all, they are comrades who have shared joys and sorrows many times, and they have a good and caring relationship.

It was just that Li Jiaxin couldn't tell, so she explained that she liked to read Sister Hong's novels, including TV series. The relationship between fans and the author gradually became a good relationship.

At this point, Ah Xin became even more excited, "Hey, did you know that the 5000-year-old Xu Pingjun women's bag? I heard that only 10,000 pieces will be produced in the future, and no more will be produced. However, we have contacted some customers of Mao Qiang style. , in terms of price…”

"Many customers have taken the initiative to say that the Maoqiang bag is too cheap and even ordinary people can afford it. It is too ungraceful and unseemly for them, so they suggest that the new style should be more expensive."

"Some people have suggested that the price of a bag of 50,000 yuan is not expensive. The more affordable it is for ordinary people, the more it can highlight their identity. I feel that this is too magical!"

A bag costs several thousand yuan. Indeed, employees of Wanjia Group, even first-level workers, can buy a bag with one or two months' salary...

There is really no way to make the ladies of Hong Kong and even South Korea decent and elegant. Xu Pingjun's model, which is still under development and design, she just asked the business to investigate, and there were more than one or two old customers who had purchase intentions. It is recommended to sell a bag for more than 50,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Li Jiaxin couldn't understand that kind of mentality. She felt that those socialites Kuotai might be deceiving her. Did she really listen to them? If it was put on the counter, it would not be sold? ?

And then she, a female boss of luxury goods, was tricked? ?

She was too embarrassed to ask Zhao Donghuai for help for such a trivial matter. She couldn't solve such a trivial matter by herself, so how could she be a female boss in the future? Now is the time to ask the little sisters for help.

Cai Shaofen's eyes widened, "Are you so crazy? Is it because I'm too young, or is this world too magical? Even Hermès and Louis Vuitton don't have many bags worth more than 50,000 yuan at this stage, right?"

Zhu Yin nodded, "It's really possible. Anyway, I've seen a lot of comparisons since I was a kid. If you want to go to an aristocratic school, you have to be able to afford their daily wear brands to get into that circle."

“If you can’t afford it, you will be excluded or something.”

"When Mao Qiang women's bags first came on the market, I thought this style was average. It was a bit ordinary among the many big brands and just followed the trend. But now... if it weren't for Ah Xin, you would give me one, and there are so many beauties from the big era crew. , I will be squeezed out."

"Thanks to Sister Haimei for taking care of me and helping me solve a lot of minor problems on the set."

The beautiful Big Era crew includes Zhou Haimei, Lan Jieying, Ye Yuqing, Li Lizhen and Guo Aiming. A large group of beauties and celebrities. Together, the crew's gossip and even infighting are very sharp.

Male stars have their own circle of male stars, and female stars have their own circle of female stars. If everyone didn't know that Ayin is Cai Shaofen's best friend, they would probably be entangled in all kinds of trivial matters.

Yes, Zhu Yin is currently in the entertainment industry, basically taking advantage of Cai Shaofen, which makes her life more relaxed and enjoyable. Who doesn't know that Cai Shaofen is one of the heroines in the three Home Alone movies? The strongest child star in East and Southeast Asia.

She was selected by Zhao Donghuai to be the female lead, and her future is definitely not bad.

Correspondingly, Zhou Haimei also guessed something, for example, Li Jiaxin might have gone through the back door... But Ah Xin usually behaves relatively low-key, so few people talk about this kind of thing.

Li Jiaxin was also in the running for the role of the heroine Ruan Mei, but her acting skills really couldn't keep up, and she was too lazy to study hard, so she was better than others.

No matter how Li Jiaxin wants to hide it, in the big era, a role like Ruan Mei will definitely last a lifetime if she plays it. However, when she was preparing for the war, she acted calmly and had an attitude that it didn't matter whether she could play it or not.

As long as Zhou Haimei wasn't stupid, he would have guessed something and started taking great care of Zhu Yin.

Li Jiaxin was delighted, "Is this really possible? Then if we launch 10,000 Xu Pingjun women's bags, Sister Hong could earn not just tens of millions, but maybe hundreds of millions."

"If a women's bag can earn hundreds of millions, then... then it can become a large group with a huge brand if it is listed directly!"

Isn't it right? The cost of selecting materials, including design and production, is still the same as that of leasing stores and hiring a team to sell. It is also the same model of consumption costs and taxes? ?

The price suddenly increased tenfold, and the total profit exploded. Even if the tax on luxury goods was high, she still made a lot.

Leeks automatically want to raise prices to raise the bar? This is so cute!

After joking and getting in the car, the three girls arrived at the nearest Wanjia Supermarket. On the second floor, Li Jiaxin was a little shocked when she saw the (Five Thousand Years) branch with few customers and the popular (Oriental) store. "Why are there so few people?"

When I went in and took a look, I realized that it was because there was no stock...the salesperson could only sit idle.

You just place an order here. When the goods arrive, just call the customer and they will pick it up directly. You don’t need to spend too much time hanging around.

The Mao Qiang women's bags are indeed out of stock and they are all in order-and-buy mode, but the men's Qin Shihuang wallet is still in stock! This one is sold cheaply, a few hundred yuan each.

For a moment, she felt dumbfounded, feeling that leasing so many stores was a bit of a waste.

There are more than 260 chain stores opened in Haowan, Hong Kong. The rents are naturally in the normal mode, and so many shop assistants are employed!

Because Wanjia Supermarket is generally only open from morning to eight o'clock in the evening, she hires two shifts, with four people per shift, which means nearly two thousand people receive wages from her.

The people hired rent stores and do not have to pay as high a salary as Wanjia Group, but the starting salary is more than 2,500 Hong Kong dollars. Calculated based on the average salary of 3,500 Hong Kong dollars, the salary paid out in a month is several million.

The salary is several million, plus the money to rent the store is not a small amount of money.

Ah Hong's lipstick and facial mask business next door is so booming that a real store is indispensable because many customers will try it, but it seems that she has no need to open more than 260 chain stores in her five thousand years.

Cutting it in half wouldn't be a small change anymore. It would save millions of dollars every month. She felt that she should seek advice from Chen Hong as soon as possible and ask that person for more advice.


About the same time.

Zhao Donghuai is meeting with two new leaders in the computer industry, Bill Gates and Ellison, who flew from North America.

When Zhang Min opened the champagne and poured it, Zhao Donghuai smiled and raised his glass, "Gai, if you didn't come, I would have wanted to find you. I just wrote a new script and directed it myself."

Brother Gai was overjoyed, "Zhao, are you directing it yourself? Then this is really a super project, and it will definitely take the world by storm."

Ellison was very excited, "Zhao, what do you think of me? In fact, I also love performing."

Ever since he learned that every time Gai Ge acted in a Zhao Films movie, he could basically get back 1% of Microsoft's equity, Ellison was so envious. After all, so far, he only had 10% of Oracle left.

Even if he hugs the lap of a big boss of the same ethnic group, he no longer has to worry about encountering various bombs, car accidents and other attacks. He also hopes to get back some Oracle shares.

When Brother Gai expressed his intention to come to Hong Kong Island to continue deepening the friendship with Zhao Donghuai after the new year, Ellison couldn't sit still.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Yes, of course, we are partners!"

Not just partners, the equity in Monica's hands plus the Wanjia Plan, the equity grabbed by the mafia totaled more than 33%, which is really not a small number for a listed company.

While joking, Zhao Donghuai said to Zhang Min, "Amin, go and make two copies of the script."

He has formulated various major film and television projects, and the one he is planning to start is the (Source Code) movie.

One thing to note is that (Source Code), which will only be released in 2011, has a total global box office of only 120 million U.S. dollars, which is not high. In terms of cost, the production cost is only 20 to 30 million U.S. dollars, and the revenue ratio is not large.

And he didn't win any Oscars, not even a few Golden Globes.

With Zhao Donghuai's status, he is not even in a hurry to film (Jurassic Park 2), so why start (Source Code)? Because this movie was nominated for a Hugo Award!

The Hugo Award, the Nobel in the field of science fiction... It was not until 2015 that Liu won the award for the Chinese science fiction award.

Zhao Donghuai still wants to win the most prestigious trophy in the global science fiction industry. The original team only nominated but did not win the award. That was because their ability to run awards was too poor.

If Zhao Donghuai runs the awards, it will be more than just nominations!

Furthermore, what era is it in 2011? Movie fans around the world have been flooded with countless science fiction masterpieces for countless times, and even the era of Avatar (Avatar) taking the world by storm with its 3D and IMAX big screens has arrived.

That’s why (Source Code) only relied on a small production to get 120 million U.S. dollars at the box office, but in terms of reputation, this science fiction movie has a strong reputation around the world. It loops in eight minutes and keeps looping...

Later, the TV series (The Beginning) that hit mainland audiences in the 1920s were all ideas borrowed from (Source Code).

It just started with a bus exploding, and it kept exploding to find the real murderer, and stopped the explosion. The source code was a train exploding, and kept looking for clues to the murderer in the explosion, and to stop the explosion.

The ending is almost the same. The beginning is after many rounds of explosions, the male and female protagonists come together. The source code is after the male and female protagonists have been exploded for many rounds. Although they are already dead at the beginning, the scientific research team extracted the brain thoughts of the male protagonists and made them in the simulation. He searches for the killer to stop the next train bombing.

But at the end, the male and female protagonists enter another brand new parallel world. Entering the parallel world as living persons can be regarded as a happy ending!

Zhao Donghuai produced this blockbuster in 1988. Relying on his amazing "creative power and imagination", not only was it not difficult to win the Hugo Award, but the box office was not even worth 120 million US dollars.

The heroine also has Isabelle Adjani, Jennifer Connelly, etc., and there are too many choices for the male protagonist. Tony Leung Ka-fai and Zhang Guorong can choose at will.

In fact, he can play any role as a policewoman or a female boss. It’s just that after Connery starred in The Twilight Saga 1, he has attracted more than 300 million US dollars in global revenue and has strong appeal. After the filming of this movie, he will A Twilight 2, if it continues to attract money and accumulate fans.

Her role as the female boss connects with the male protagonist through a single line, making it easier for Twilight fans to enter the cinema and contribute to the box office.

The star lineup is strong enough and the promotion strength is strong. Let alone 120 million US dollars, even if it is doubled or tripled, there is no chance.

The special effects of the era are here, and there are all kinds of big explosions on the big screen, such as train explosions and city explosions... The creativity is novel enough and the stars are big, so there is really hope for it to become a hit.

The big train explosion can be done with real filming. After all, it is just blowing up a few model carriages. That doesn't cost much. Compared with the future poetry master who makes a movie and builds a film and television city.

Building a bridge and blowing up a car model are on the same level as the bus flying over the broken bridge (at a speed of life and death) and the final bus rushing towards the empty passenger plane and exploding together.

It saves much more money than the poetry recital master.

However, the scene where the male protagonist and the female protagonist face the big explosion and death with their eyes can only be done with special effects. Gai and Ellison are the supporting passengers in the car, and the male protagonist doubts whether they are bomb maniacs.

For a long, long time, everyone said that there was no science fiction in China. Even if Zhao Donghuai invited countless writers from the mainland to write martial arts and science fiction, it would still be easy to produce martial arts masterpieces and very few science fiction.

So far, there are not many eye-catching and repressive science fiction masterpieces that have been released.

After he finishes filming (the source code) at this stage, he can let ATV film the first version (the beginning)!

After a while, after watching the two new actors go, Qiu Shuzhen came over to report, "Wow, boss, you are making a big movie again, do you want me to follow suit?"

Zhang Min was hesitant to speak, and had an urge to give it a try. Although she has become a female tycoon, a passenger tycoon, they also like to show off when needed.

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "You can get on if you want, but you don't have a very good role. You can only be ordinary passengers and be used as flower vases."

Zhao's standard equipment, if he wants to rely on Chinese male stars to take over the world's big screens and become a hit, he must have one or two authentic white beauties.

As for the setting, there must be a lot of modifications. Originally, the male protagonist was a soldier and died on a mission in the Middle East. When cooperating with the organization to investigate the source code train bombing case, he was contacted by a female police officer or female officer in the laboratory.

This place has to be changed to the Flying Tigers of Hong Kong Island. The lone Flying Tiger died and sacrificed during the rescue operation. The laboratory who contacted him was also...a female special police officer? ! Overlord flower series?

With this being done, the Flying Tiger Linked Universe comes out again!

In this case, Tony Leung Ka Fai would be more suitable to play the role than Cheung Guorong. After all, Tony Leung Ka Fai had filmed "Speed" before joining the Flying Tigers and being specially trained by Lin Zhengying.

Can this be achieved (Speed ​​of Life and Death 2)? You can say that it is the second part of "Speed ​​of Life and Death" that takes place in the future, but it is also good to say that it is a science fiction film with "Source Code".

It would be easier for Speed ​​2 to attract box office. After all, the first film starring Tony Leung Ka-fai and Laura Fernand also made a lot of money.


On the 28th, it was noon.

Zhao Donghuai is still further studying and planning the entire shooting plan of (Source Code/Speed ​​2) in the Dakeng Village villa.

Suddenly, A-Zhen led a Connery through the door.

Zhao Donghuai was speechless because Connery was wearing a black long straight, light blue policewoman's short top and black skirt from a certain collection of art photos, with red high heels and black stockings. She already has a height of 1.8 meters, and her height is He's 1.75 meters tall, and his legs are longer than Xiaoxian's.

But it’s also particularly vicious!

There are handcuffs hanging on the skirt of Qi Xi's suit. Are you going to use this to test the Big Boss?

Connery looked serious, "Boss, I heard that the role I'm interviewing for is a female Flying Tiger SWAT officer? Is this makeup photo OK?"

Director Zhao blinked, "Your uniform is not serious..."

It feels like the paper man suddenly jumped into reality. After all, he used to just criticize and review various photos.

What's even more outrageous is that when Connery took a few steps to show off her body, Director Zhao discovered that she was a bit glib and yearning. The 18-year-old Connery...

Zhao Donghuai took a breath of cool air and made his own contribution to world warming.


In Mong Kok, Leung Ka-fai and Zhang Guorong were having dinner together. While eating, Ah Fai sighed again, "Is this a script with two names? The big boss directed it himself, good guy, the same 8 minutes keep repeating."

"Each cycle is the same scene, with different levels of performance. Each performance must be very different..."

"It's not easy."

Zhang Guorong looked regretful, "If I hadn't been able to follow the appeal of (Speed), it would have been easier to attract fans of the previous film to contribute to the box office when it was announced. I really want to grab such a good book with you!"

In 2011, movie fans around the world, who had been hit countless times by countless science fiction blockbusters, all highly praised Source Code in terms of reputation. This era was only 1988, and this kind of concept and creativity was really Xiao Wang's level.

At least when he learned that he was just playing another face in the mirror, the photo on his ID card, Zhang Guorong was extremely regretful.

According to the setting, both male protagonists are dead, with only a little bit of active brain fragments left. Through science fiction technology, they are controlled to enter the brains of the dead bombing victims to search for clues to the case?

To outsiders, including the mirror, the male protagonist's face is that of Leslie Cheung, and only the video camera lens shows that it is Leung Ka-fai's face.

This kind of creativity amazed the two big stars. It was like trying to solve a crime by snatching the body from a dead person.

Along with Arong's complaints, Liang Jiahui was very happy, "If you follow the speed of life and death, then I am really more suitable than you. Besides, you and Adjani have played the role of ghost in love. I really want you to do it." Maybe..."

If Zhang Guorong really wants to star, it's not impossible. The box office of "The End of the World" is higher than that of "Speed"!

But isn't it that the speed of life and death and the linkage effect of flying tiger are more handsome and eye-catching?

At this point, Ah Hui wanted to laugh again, "Speaking of which, Jack in Life and Death was also unlucky. He hadn't joined the Flying Tigers in his first appearance and wasn't specially trained by Uncle Ying. So he died in his second appearance? ?”

"Even if the parallel world opens later, I will probably still live with your face. It's so weird!"

He died before he left the army!

After dying once, fighting for the honor of a flying tiger? ?

It's not impossible to fight, Ah Hui said quickly, "Brother Rong, I'm treating you today. After dinner, you can accompany me in more scenes. It's very stressful to play with an international movie queen like Adjani."

So far, he has only been nominated for a few Academy Awards and won the Golden Horse Award.

He has a strong foundation and strength, but he still feels guilty for no reason.

Ah Rong sighed with emotion, "I was often suppressed and suppressed back then. You just have to be mentally prepared."

"I originally thought that except for epoch-making large-scale industrial special effects movies like Jurassic Park, Director Zhao would never direct it himself. This one (Speed ​​2) or (source code) seems to have the hope of winning the award??"

"Winning an award for an authentic commercial blockbuster is stressful, right?"

Ah Hui laughed, "With this script, it would be unscientific not to win the Best Screenplay Award. After all, Zhao Sheng has won various international awards and has many friends and connections."

Zhang Guorong also said with emotion, "Even a super-rich man with a market value of five to six billion US dollars came to play the villain, the bomb maniac... the one you captured, it is probably not difficult for him to be a hit in North America."

After the stock market crash, Microsoft and Oracle were the first companies to come out of the shadows, and their market value soared back, setting an example. Currently, both Guy and Ellison are very rich.

I heard that the two of them had a lot of arguments over which role to play. In the end, the fight ended with Ellison playing the role of the Unabomber, but the fight obviously failed. Brother Gai made a guest appearance as a slightly famous Hong Kong Island football player.

It reflects his status as the big boss in (Shaolin Football).


At the end of February, although Zhao Donghuai took out the script and distributed it to many actors to prepare, in fact.

For filming (source code), the train carriages all required custom-made props.

One needs to be as big as the double-decker train car in the original movie, and the design is the same, and the other is a miniature model, a scaled down miniature model.

This kind of small model not only includes a double-decker train, but also a microcosm of the city of Hong Kong Island. In this regard, Hollywood also has many scaled-down city models of New York and Los Angeles. It is convenient for shooting movies to allow various buildings to explode and the city to be blown up. Blow up and blow up.

The small model explodes, and is shot and enlarged using a special angle and method of the video recorder... As long as the model is made real and lifelike enough, it can also have a strong viewing effect when it is placed on the big screen during the release.

Zhao Donghuai came up with the design before the Spring Festival and during the Chinese New Year, and asked the special effects base in the mainland to make a large model as big as the original double-decker train. The large model does not need to be able to run or move, it just needs to be able to film.

When it comes to shooting, we can let the real train pull these two carriages and run for a few kilometers to capture the moving landscape.

Now the production period has passed almost 20 days.

It's just a two-segment, two-story train building that won't move in reality. It will probably take some more geniuses to build it and ship it to Hong Kong Island.

While Zhao Donghuai was waiting for the props, he discovered that Azhen had become Jennifer Connelly's full-time photographer.

This Connery, not only the classic dancing scene in Once Upon a Time in North America is very attractive, but a certain horse riding scene is also very classic. He really appreciated it very deeply.

Director Zhao could only lament that white girls are so eager to learn and are so obsessed and motivated to learn Mandarin and Cantonese. No wonder Connery can stand out among many female stars.

What a talent. Connery now speaks English, Italian, French, and Mandarin very well, and daily communication is no problem. In terms of language talent, Monica is slightly better than her.

He is tall, has long black legs, and has a straight white face. With various fitting and makeup photos, he left a lot of classic shots in the three-story villa.

Any set of static shots would require a paper of tens of thousands of words to be reviewed and criticized!

March 10th.

When the two double-decker train carriages customized by the special effects base in the Mainland were transported to Hong Kong Island, they were transported by multiple helicopters.

Joining this one is the miniature model of Tai Po New Town, including a miniature double-decker train, a custom-made toy that can be set on the track and make a whistle sound.

Zhao Donghuai has also officially recruited a large crew to worship God and start filming!

Filmed here in Tai Po, the first scene of the crew filmed Liang Jiahui, an active elite of the Flying Tigers. After receiving the order from the police station, he led several Flying Tiger teammates such as Miao Qiaowei and Yam Dahua to use a new gunfight action style. Go and kill some gangsters who robbed banks.

In the early days, he cut through the mess with a sharp knife, killing each gangster in three strokes, five in five, and two. Until the end, when a certain gangster was about to die, he dragged Liang Jiahui to be buried with him because this gangster had a specially made bomb tied to his body.

The bomb is bound to his heartbeat. Once his heartbeat stops, the bomb will explode directly.

This is different from the way the male protagonist dies in the original version (source code). After all, if you are filming Hong Kong Island Flying Tigers, it is impossible for the male protagonist to go abroad to perform small war mode.

In this regard, the filming of a scene went smoothly, and it took only two hours. Tony Leung Ka-fai, Simon Yam, and Miu Qiaowei were trained when they were making Hurricane 2, and Hong Kong Island has been trained since the Hurricane series, John Wick , The Flying Tiger and other new-style action blockbusters were filmed.

There are more and more Dragon and Tiger martial artists who are accustomed to this fighting and gunfighting style. There are also many Dragon and Tiger martial artists who want to learn and improve themselves in this direction because this kind of series... can easily go global.

When Lin Zhengying filmed Hurricane 3, she took away the four kings played by Lu Huiguang, Lin Guobin, Qian Xiaohao, and Zou Zhaolong. They have all learned the new shooting methods long ago.

Everyone has the foundation, and an "ordinary" action scene can be basically completed in just two rehearsals.

The only danger is the explosion, but those explosives look powerful but are actually not very lethal, so it is better to use prop dummies.

Zhao Donghuai grabbed the loudspeaker and shouted, "Click! Transition!"

The crew felt relaxed all of a sudden. The crowd moved around according to their old habits. When they arrived, they had already surveyed the scene and applied for a road closure for the filming area. Looking at the two double-decker trains parked on the rails and unable to move, many people were shocked. The actors were all excited.

(Source code) This kind of film structure, an eight-minute scene is shot repeatedly, as if life is trapped in eight minutes, the structure is still very novel.

There are not many film and television projects around the world where a group of protagonists or supporting characters are stuck at the same point in time over and over again. Even the famous Hollywood film (Groundhog Day) was released in 1993.

Let’s talk about (Edge of Tomorrow), (Terror Cruise), etc., they are all works around 2010.

As long as this version (source code) is filmed, it will basically be a masterpiece of the time loop genre in this dimension.

After the actors got on the prop car with expectation and curiosity, sat down according to their character seats, and pulled up the video recorder, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said to Liang Jiahui, "The first cycle will start immediately, Ah Hui, here You take five minutes to prepare."

Liang Jiahui nodded excitedly, sat across from Adjani and started brewing.

On the contrary, Adjani acted very relaxed.


In the evening, after a day of filming, Zhao Donghuai invited the crew to have a party in his big villa. It was considered a kick-off party. He hired a group of famous chefs from the big hotel and randomly selected the buffet.

When Zhao Donghuai was drinking champagne in the garden, he saw Ellison walking over with two young and beautiful white girls. He raised his glass and said with a smile, "Zhao, the role you gave me is really..."

"I don't know if it will become famous in the film industry. Anyway, it should be a bit weirder than the devil team hero played by Gai."

Ellison, a North American rich man with a rich net worth, came to Hong Kong Island to play the villain, Bomb Mania. It was indeed a magical performance experience for him. As for the girls he brought with him, they were picked up on Hong Kong Island these days.

This is a tycoon whose original trajectory is also very rough in reality.

The cover came over and said with a smile, "This movie will definitely be a big hit. When it is released, Ellison and I will promote it in North America."

Ellison, “…”

He wanted to take the lid off, but Brother Gai was so pleased with himself that he drank wine and calculated that even this time, he would be able to get back 3% of the Microsoft stock from Zhao Donghuai first.

That’s 3%!

This is 1988. After the stock market crash, Microsoft is currently on the rise again, with a market value of more than 7 billion U.S. dollars. If he holds 20%, the market value is about 1.5 billion U.S. dollars.

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