Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 238 Ah Wei, please do it and send him to grow potatoes.

It was another new day. After Chen Baixiang and Chen Farong arrived at the ATV Variety Show Creation Center, they were still rehearsing the hosting project of the pre-show (Millionaire) when they saw the director of the variety show center coming with two beautiful girls.

Chen Baixiang was immediately startled and led Chen Farong to greet him, "Teacher Jennifer is here? A rare guest, but also an honored guest!"

Zhao Donghuai planned the Millionaire Project at the beginning of May. Now it is the end of July and this big variety show is still in the preparation stage? normal.

This is not yet the era of super Internet big data. It is just a question bank, and a large number of people must be mobilized to prepare content for the question bank.

A contestant starts from the first question and gradually increases the difficulty. After answering 15 questions, he can get a bonus of 1 million, but how to control the difficulty? ?

This also requires professionals to study and draw conclusions.

Otherwise, if someone can easily take away the million-dollar bonus every time, the attraction will not be so strong, but if no one can take away the prize every time, the attraction will also decrease.

This level of rhythm also needs to be studied.

The serious Yalun TV station came up with the idea of ​​a millionaire variety show in 1995. It was not until 1998 that the first episode was launched, and then in 2000 the first contestant took away the 1 million pound prize money.

Why do you think it is? Naturally, the question bank is full, and there are also controls on difficulty settings, etc. It requires long-term study, and the rules must be improved step by step, as well as stage design, lighting modeling, etc.

The creation of a truly major variety show project is actually no easier than filming a TV series.

Of course, after being busy for nearly three months, Zhao Donghuai had cheating design rules. At the critical moment, he only needed to come up with a set of 15 questions to show the standard of increasing difficulty... showing different categories such as history, astronomy, humanities, geography The frequency of changes to other topics.

The question bank team of the entire project had standards to refer to, so ATV promoted the project very quickly.

In three months, this top-notch variety show is basically ready to recruit contestants and is ready to enter the first phase of the recording process.

Chen Baixiang is a very talented guy. He is not the most popular among movie and TV stars, but his acting skills are very strong and his hosting skills are at the top level among big stars.

But now that I saw Jennifer Connelly, she brought Christiana Yeri with me. Needless to say, Connelly is already the most popular post-70s generation in the world and the number one actress born in the 70s as boasted by many big European and American media.

And Cristiana? ? Just because of his outstanding appearance standing next to Connery, Chen knew that this would be the next generation of actresses in Hong Kong movies.

Chen Farong also greeted politely with a smile, with a low posture. After Jennifer was simply polite, she smiled and said, "Teacher Chen, this is Cristiana. She just came from France to join the Zhao family, but her acting skills are still in the initial learning stage."

"The boss wants her to try the hosting track. She will go to Seoul with you in September to be a backup host and broadcast the Olympics with you guys."

"During this period, I hope you will take care of her more and teach her some hosting skills. However, her English is not very good, so I will trouble you two more. A real translator will come to teach her later."

Jennifer speaks Cantonese, which is not standard, but can be understood. In just over a year, she has mastered somewhat proficient Mandarin and blunt Cantonese, making her a true language genius.

Christiana also spoke politely, speaking some English and showing off her student attitude.

Chen Baixiang laughed, "It's a small matter, it's a small matter. Since the boss has entrusted the people to me, I will definitely lead the team with all my strength..."

Anyway, chasing one student is a rush, and taking two students is also a rush. At this stage, Chen Farong has only studied with him for more than two months. His hosting style is humorous and witty, and Chen Farong stands out as a talented student. The image of cultural and temperamental beauty.

Now look at Christiana and it's the same. She's very bookish, elegant and restrained, although her temperament is a bit the same as Chen Farong's.

But their looks are different!

Ladies with the same cultural temperament, one is a Yangma, and she is so beautiful that she is stunning... Comparing Ah Rong, she can only be regarded as an attractive type.

He is really happy too!

After understanding what kind of project Millionaire was and having a premonition of how big of a ratings impact it would have, A Le felt that Zhao Sheng was taking advantage of him by giving him a lot of money.

As long as the millionaire can become popular, it will be a successful candidate, a solid audience and a solid Ale-style host. If the host becomes popular, you will be the king of goods in the clothes and shoes you wear in every issue. !

As long as the contestant can win, he can take home a prize of one million Hong Kong dollars.

The initial selection will be from Hong Kong Island, and later it will be gradually expanded to the Chinese community in the mainland and Southeast Asian countries. How tempting is the one million bonus? ?

This may have a stronger sales effect than the F4 starring Li Ming, Zheng Yi Jian and other F4 movies (Meteor Garden), making him as a host even more popular!

In a year and a half, it may involve tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in sales revenue. Do you think he is excited about this? Are you happy? What's the point of bringing in a few more students for this?

The next moment, Chen Baixiang's eyes lit up, "Director, we are recruiting people for the first variety show. Why don't we try to let Cristiana make her debut as a contestant?? Her looks and figure are a bit..."

One of the best-matched French roses, she is 23 years old, with a height of 1.68 meters and even wearing high heels, she is taller than him, A Le.

The director of the Variety Show Creation Center also lit up, "The identity of the 10 contestants in the first phase is indeed a highlight. It is said that ten lucky ones from Hong Kong are randomly selected, but one or two pre-determined ones will be arranged. As long as there are people watching, It’s all a good thing.”

Everyone is not blind. With Cristiana’s good looks, figure and temperament, standing on the stage is a highlight. Why did (Meteor Garden) become so popular in the first place and have such incredible ratings? Or is it so common across Asia? ?

Isn't it just that there are tons of handsome men and beautiful women who can kill all classes of audiences in an instant?

As for Christiana not being a Hong Kong citizen? ? Her nationality is both South American Banan and Italian... This has no impact, because the program team planned to select people in Hong Kong Island for the first two periods, not only those with Hong Kong ID cards.

Hong Kong screening also includes many groups of tourists coming to Hong Kong.

After all, this was the summer of 1988, the period when the global tourist craze was at its peak after the first film (Jurassic Park) swept the world. By the end of July alone, there were already tens of millions of tourists visiting Hong Kong, which was more than the original number of tourists on Hong Kong Island. The total population of several million is much larger.

Under this circumstance, if you restrict only those with Hong Kong ID cards to register for the election, it will be too harmful to the tourism industry.

The tourism industry, not to mention the passenger transport industry, contributed more to Zhang Min and Qiu Shuzhen's tickets, boat tickets and taxi expenses.

Just say that this wave of tourist frenzy has increased the market value of Huazhi by about 10 billion Hong Kong dollars! Just the tourist frenzy has brought about a higher increase in market value than the current Cheung Kong Group owned by Mr. Li.

Exaggeration? ? If you take a closer look, you will know that Huazhi's five express hotels in Tung Chung have almost no vacancies since they opened last year until now!

More than 10 million tourist arrivals in half a year have driven the entire Tung Chung New Town. The prices of some popular shops in the downtown area are already ridiculously more expensive than some popular shops in Yau Tsim Mong or Central.

Sha Dantong's gold chain and Yang Shuocheng's jewelry and watch stores are all trying to grab the popular stores in Tung Chung. Huazhi is making crazy money from the rent, and all the land in the pedestrian street is owned by Huazhi.

Housing in Tung Chung is currently much cheaper than Yau Tsim Mong, but the price has surpassed Tsz Wan Shan, Tseung Kwan O and other remote areas in Kowloon.

More than 10 million people eat, drink, and eat, and even if one person only stays in Hong Kong Island for about a week on average, it will bring a terrifying economic boost.

What is the price of a popular shop in Yau Tsim Mong, Hong Kong Island in the 2010s? The average rent on Russell Street in Causeway Bay is HK$200,000 per square meter per month! Why? The reason is the tourist boom that attracts hundreds of millions of people from the mainland every year.

Without massive tourist arrivals, where would the high rent base come from?

At present, there are few wealthy people in the mainland, but there are many wealthy tourists around the world, including the island countries of South Korea, Europe and the United States...

That's it. Even in order not to affect the development and expansion of the tourism industry, currently only three of the ten players in the first phase recruited from Hong Kong are tourists.


ATV headquarters.

When Zhao Donghuai received a report that A Le and the Director of the Variety Show Department suggested recruiting and arranging a few interesting or interesting contestants in the early stage of the program, he thought about it for a while and agreed.

It is a good thing if one or two people with explosive identities occasionally emerge from a group of citizens.

However, Director Zhao, who was too specific, would not interfere and let the program team do the screening. From this day on, ATV began to build momentum for the (Millionaire) variety show. It was directly announced in the program. As long as it can become a program Contestants who answer 15 questions correctly in a row can receive a prize of HKD 1 million from the program team!

As soon as this announcement came out, the whole Hong Kong was shocked.

This is only 1988, no, so what if it’s 2022 in the future? The maximum prize of one million at a time is still a grand prize that countless people dream of.

So many people in Hong Kong are keen on buying horse racing and Jockey Club lottery tickets, aren’t they just hoping to get rich instantly? Even if you buy a horse, you still have to spend money on tickets.

But this program (Millionaire) is different. When you sign up, you only need to make a phone call to register your ID number, or your passport or visa number for traveling in Hong Kong, and you will have the opportunity to be selected and come to ATV to record the program and answer questions.

The cost is almost zero.

The opposite of nearly zero cost is the grand prize of up to HKD 1 million!

As soon as the project "Millionaire" was announced to the public, the hotline was almost overwhelmed. The 12 operators were extremely busy, and the popularity of the program suddenly caught up with the most popular idol dramas.


August has arrived.

(Source Code/Speed ​​2) After a month of bombing around the world, it has accumulated a total box office of 300 million U.S. dollars. The reputation is also amazing. Tony Leung Ka-fai's star aura has been raised to a big level again by this blockbuster.

After watching the first episode (Millionaire) recorded on ATV, Zhao Donghuai nodded happily, "Yes, the program is very effective, let's broadcast it tonight."

The entire Millionaire variety show took 3 months of preparation and actually started filming. Once the contestants were selected, the filming was much faster. The ten contestants could be filmed in one day. After all, it didn’t require anything from the serious contestants. Acting.

Answer the questions truthfully. If you are right, you will continue to avoid others if you are wrong...

This variety show is just about watching Chen Baixiang and Chen Farong host it.

When Director Zhao returned to the office, he came in and saw Qiu Shuzhen discussing something with Zhang Min with gusto. They also had a magazine in their hands.

Zhao Donghuai was amused, "What are you looking at, so entranced?"

Azhen immediately raised her head and ran over and said, "Wow, boss, I didn't expect that a person can be so bad. He looks so-so but looks talented on the outside, but is so nasty in private. Fortunately, he is still a new star. He just took advantage of our (Intolerance) TV series Get popular."

Zhang Min doubted, "Really or not, this magazine may be talking nonsense, right? How can there be a big star walking on the street, tying his shoelaces to peek at passers-by..."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

When he took the magazine from Azhen, he looked at it and said, (YES!)? ? The cover photo shows Liu Ximing half-crouched on the street tying his shoelaces.

The big cover also has a string of words written on it, "The cancer is clear, the shame of Hong Kong movies!"

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but scream in his heart, "What the hell?" When he asked Zhang Min to collect information, he soon found out...

Liu Ximing joined the TVB training class last year. He is also a top-notch talent. He is quick to take the lead. During the filming of "Intolerance", Wei Jiahui also selected him from TVB to play the role of Ni Junjie. He is brother and sister to Ni Chujun, played by Lan Jieying. relation.

(Intolerance) Up to now, although the character played by Liu Ximing is just an ordinary supporting character. He got a box lunch after appearing in a few episodes and was accidentally killed by Ding Youkang... But this character has a good personality, he is extremely smart and talented, and Liu Ximing himself is also a handsome guy. One, standing next to Wen Chaolun, is not much weaker.

So he was on fire.

After the broadcast of his accidental killing a few days ago, many viewers called ATV to protest that this character was too miserable and his death was too confusing, and they wanted to add a scene to this character.

This is a star who has just become popular. Then there are many media interviews, and many people are chasing him. Some media asked him in the interview, how does it feel to partner with Lan Jieying? Is Lan Jieying Liu Ximing's favorite goddess?

This A Ming is still very shy, so he said that Lan Jieying is the most top-notch female star regardless of her appearance or talent.


This (YES!) magazine started to attack Liu Ximing crazily. In earlier time periods, such as when (Big Times) was on the air, (YES!) magazine was all about boasting about Lan Jieying’s beauty, and slandering Zhou Haimei, Li Lizhen, etc. female.

After understanding this, Zhao Donghuai was a little helpless and complained, "Does Shao Daheng not care?"

Both Lan Jieying and Liu Ximing are stars signed to TVB. Who doesn't care at all that these cash cows are being maliciously attacked and smeared? ?

Liu Ximing is also a highly educated talent in the entertainment industry. He graduated from Baptist University and his academic qualifications are at the same level as Wang Jing. He was the runner-up in the TVB Singing Competition in 1987 last year and followed the same debut trajectory as Mei Yanfang, Zhang Xueyou and others.

After Zhang Min inquired about the news, he also gave an eye-opening explanation, "It was Huang Zhan who was helping. This magazine relied on Huang Zhan and Ni Jiaxing to support it. It was able to run smoothly. Before starting this magazine, Ni Zhen himself was there." I have been working at Huang Zhan Company for two years."

"I heard that he pursued Lan Jieying, but was rejected."

"There are too many people out there pursuing that A-ying, too many to count."

"The magazine's reports on these things have been confirmed to be smearing, and they are a kind of smear campaign that is based on nothing. However, I heard that it is selling well among the student community and the sales volume is very good. Since these black people reported it, the sales volume has been even better."

At this point, Amin still lamented, "This guy is too miserable. He was trampled so hard that he couldn't argue. Many gossip magazines and newspapers also followed suit. Boss, we have such a good relationship with Shao Daheng, do you want to help?" Can he clarify?"

The last few issues (YES!) that have been published are all about Liu Ximing's various street peeping, spending money to buy and return counterfeit money, or other bad and dirty things.

Zhao Donghuai said speechlessly, "This kind of guy should be sent to Siberia to grow potatoes."

Shao Daheng is too lazy to manage the troubles of the cash cow, but he needs help from ATV? However, there has indeed been a lot of poaching of Shao Tycoon recently...

It was not Zhao Donghuai who took the initiative to dig it up. It was purely those leeks that voluntarily ran towards the light. He was also very helpless.


In a nightclub in Tsim Sha Tsui, big brothers such as Deng Yurong, Zeng Mieweizheng, Feilong, and Chen Huimin drank drunkenly. This was a game that had been going on since last night.

While they were drinking, a younger brother came in and woke up some of the dazed elder brothers, "Brother Feilong, Brother Min, Brother Dayong, there is something that Fan Ya can tell us to handle."

"Take Ni Zhen, that little Ni Sheng, to Siberia to plant potatoes..."

“Who will do it??”

The group of elder brothers who were not very sober at first were in a daze for a while, and then Awei asked curiously, "Growing potatoes in Siberia? This... the big furry bear is indeed short of food. It is a good job to contribute to society."

"What did Diaomao do?"

The boy who reported the report quickly explained, "This is not the case. In the past few days, a new star of TVB has been promoted without mercy. As soon as he became famous, he was jealous and was criticized by Nisheng's magazines. Hey, don't mention it. This guy is a bit crooked."

After saying that, he pulled out several magazines from his waist for people to look at.

Looking at it, Deng Yurong was happy. He poured himself a glass of wine again, lit a big cigar and said, "ATV has just promoted a new star, he dares to cheat? He is relying on Huang Zhan's fame to show off his power..."

"Awei, go and do it and send him to plant potatoes."

Zeng Miewei, "..."

Ah Wei quickly stood up and walked out while saying to a certain boy, "Let's find a few people to open a new book, let's say it's similar to a documentary, and then send a film appointment to Xiao Ni Sheng. He is the only leading male lead in the film." , it’s reasonable to shoot for a year and a half, right?”

The younger brother suddenly gave a thumbs up and said, "Zeng Dao Baguan, even if Huang Zhan or Cha Sheng wants to say anything, it's hard to say it. We are just serious about filming and signing contracts."

He had originally thought of such a thing, and it would certainly not be difficult to do it. A few of his younger brothers could just kidnap the person and take him to Siberia for custody. Afterwards, Old Ni Sheng, Huang Sheng and even them persuaded Master Jin to come out. At worst, the gang would be shameless and refuse to admit it .

Being scolded!

At this stage, a group of big brothers have also found connections in Moscow and opened up stable channels. They can basically earn 10 million clean money a month. They also have connections in Big Bear.

How big a deal is it to lose someone to plant potatoes? ?

If word spreads, it may not be easy to deal with the public opinion due to the influence of those talented people.

Who knew Director Zeng was so tall? ? One documentary contract, everything was settled, it was legal and compliant and protected by the Hong Kong government.

A Weilang laughed, "Let's use Brother Darong's film company to write the script, and I will write the script and make a long-term documentary that pays tribute to Mr. Yuan... The salary in the contract is set higher, let's ask for 1 million, in this life Life is still so long, there is always hope of getting money from Brother Darong."

Isn't this common in the global film and television industry when film companies refuse to pay their bills? ? It's not a matter of wrangling lawsuits. It's not like Shao Daheng and Zou Sheng have never had big lawsuits.

Ah Wei is very hateful, but he is indeed a genius. He can live so freely and happily despite the pursuit orders of large groups such as Procter \u0026 Gamble and Unilever. That is not an ordinary stable mentality.

He also tricked Lao Nisheng and made several romantic movies. He still paid a deposit as a reward and never followed up, but he felt that his reputation was still very stable.

"Find a few more brothers and make arrangements. We must watch him and not let him run around when the time comes. Although the winter in Siberia is a bit colder, in winter, we should have opened up the local sky and earth line long ago and found the big hairy bear man to watch him. "

The younger brother had a smile on his face and said, "This is a small matter. Just find some casual ones. It's the right thing to do for a big boss."


(YES!) Magazine.

After Ni Zhen read the sales of this issue, he decisively high-fived his partner Shao Guohua to celebrate, opened a bottle of champagne and took a sip, "Fuck, I thought that toad on the street wanted to eat swan meat, so I just fucked him a few times. "

"I didn't expect this trick to stimulate sales so much? Now don't blame me for being cruel, it's all money! Brother Hua, how about another expedited issue??"

Shao Guohua is also a fringe figure in the entertainment industry. This year he wrote (The World of Three), which is still being filmed, starring Lin Zixiang, Zheng Yuling and others.

He didn't expect that after meeting Ni Zhen, the two would get along so well and talk so well. They jointly created (YES!) with a spark of inspiration, and it became a hit in less than half a year.

As for slandering and trampling on people at will? As long as you can make money, it doesn't matter.

He also drank champagne and sighed, "You can't chase Lan Jieying if you want to... It's okay to step on such an insignificant person. Huang Shengchasheng and the others are famous here, and Shao Daheng will not care too much about you."

"But be careful not to step on those that ATV is interested in and holding."

Ni Zhen laughed, "I'm not stupid. Damn it, back then my dad was deceived into filming romantic movies... Uncle Huang and the others couldn't do anything."

Speaking of this, Ni Zhen said helplessly, "Ah Ying is so beautiful and such a goddess, but she is also so infatuated and long-lasting. She took advantage of Deng Qiyang and threw herself into the street. He deserves to commit suicide."

Yes, this is 1988. Lan Jieying is also a normal woman. She has been in love more than once. Her first love was when she was a student, before joining TVB. Her second love was when she was working as a salesperson after graduating from high school. , talked to a colleague.

However, both experiences were very short-lived. Not long after they got together, she discovered that one boyfriend was a gambler and broke up with her decisively, while the other lied constantly, and she couldn't tell which words were true and which were false. They were all flash romances.

She signed a contract with TVB in 1984. After quitting several female groups such as Kwan Ka Wai and He Qing, she also met a New Territories boy named Deng Kaiyang during her time at TVB. The relationship between the two was quite good.

At that time, Lan Jieying had not yet joined the thigh era and had not become famous again.

But that Deng Qiyang... committed suicide in 1986.

When he committed suicide, it was also the period when Lan Jieying was most popular in the Thigh Era. Until now, Lan Jieying has been single, even though she was popular in Asia with the help of the glory of the Thigh Era, and also with the help of two TV series (Big Era) (Intolerance) , became popular again for suppressing Zhou Haimei's tendency to become a popular actress, and even became an acting school.

She has countless suitors, but she just hasn't gotten over the shadow of her ex-boyfriend's suicide.

While Ni Zhen was cursing, Big Brother rang loudly. When he got through, after a brief exchange, he was shocked and said, "You want me to play the leading role?? Ah... Director Zeng, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

Is Zeng Miewei looking for him to play the leading role? Damn, isn't this the guy who cheated his dad into acting in a romantic movie before? So far, I haven't been paid out in full, and I'm still in arrears for two films.

But...but since his father was removed from the Hong Kong Talents series, the Ni family has indeed made less and less money. His father's current manuscript fee is still less than 100 Hong Kong dollars per thousand words. Uncle Cha's newspaper is getting more and more Second-rate, Uncle Huang’s company is not very profitable.

Therefore, I know that Zeng Mewei has a bad reputation, but he does yearn for the entertainment industry and become a star. Stars really make money! He also tried to ask Huang Zhan to take him out, but it was unsuccessful.

It was after working at Huang Zhan Company for two years that he keenly discovered that young people are easy to make money and easy to cheat. After meeting Shao Guohua, he discovered that he and Brother Hua had similar interests. It was because he was short of money, fame and fortune that he came up with it in advance. (YES!) magazine.

Director Zeng has a bad reputation, but he is indeed a genius director!

Over the years, starting from "Crazy Coke", he has controlled all kinds of weird movies, including romantic movies, which have often helped Deng Yurong make money. Even the romantic movie in which his father guest-starred helped Brother Darong's company make a lot of money.

You know everything, the market for romance films is very strong, Viagra’s directing skills? After all, it was the director (the best partner) who took the lead, or Luo Hanguo in the Lucky Star series.

After some exchanges on the phone, Ni Zhen hung up the phone and said a little uncertainly, "Brother Hua, Zeng Mowei asked me to be the leading actor? Why do I feel a little unreliable?"

Brother Hua was silent for a few minutes before he smiled and said, "Azhen, you have a good image and you are a well-connected second generation after all. Director Zeng asked you to make a movie. It will definitely be a profitable project. At most, you may not be able to get the contract salary." It’s just such a high price.”

"What risks are there in making a movie? Become famous first, and fame and wealth will come. What you lack is not the salary signed in the contract, but the big opportunity to become famous."

"As long as you make sure it's not a romantic movie and you're not a salty male protagonist, this is your best chance to become famous!"

Ni Zhen was startled, patted his thigh and exclaimed, "That's right!"

What risks can there be in making a movie? Anyway, on the big screen, even romantic movies are secretive, and it is impossible to give you a real army. Besides... In Hong Kong's entertainment industry, if you can't get ahead in normal films and TV shows, neither can the beautiful women who risk their lives to make romantic movies. few.

The most important thing is to become famous and make a lot of money.

The next moment, he laughed and put down his wine glass, "Brother Hua, I'll leave the magazine to you. I'll go home right away to talk to my dad, and bring a few bottles of good wine to visit Director Zeng. He's already cheated me." My dad did it a few times."

"I haven't been able to get the final payment for several filming contracts. Now that we are so cooperative and come to flatter him, he won't be so cruel as to trick me, right??"

Shao Guohua also nodded excitedly, "It's definitely not the case. I wish you good luck! When you become popular, our magazine will have more selling points and sales."

As we all know, what risks can there be in making a movie? Zeng Mewei's reputation is not too bad.


When night falls, the first episode (Millionaire) is broadcast after two episodes of (No Mercy), and it starts to catch up with the ratings of (No Mercy)!

Countless viewers across Hong Kong were shocked by the creativity of this variety show. Answer...

Watching each contestant come on stage, and under the auspices of Chen Baixiang and Chen Farong, answer questions again and again. Too many times, the audience scratched their heads and worried for the contestants!

Because most of the questions seem very simple to everyone at first glance. Is it okay for me to do it? Why can't you stand on stage?

Who was the first doctor in the world to invent cowpox? It feels very simple. Who is the founder of Zhonghua Book Company? In the Ming Dynasty, the "Three Yangs" assisted the administration. Which three Yangs did they refer to? ?

I knew the answer as soon as I opened the book!

After being asked questions one after another, anyone who watches the show will find that although the questions asked in this variety show are very broad and cover a wide range of topics, the depth of the questions is really not too deep, and it feels like a good study. You can go up and fight several waves.

Even the most ordinary citizens seem to be able to answer many questions?

Coupled with Chen Baixiang's hosting style, the first episode immediately hit over 70% of the ratings, making people eager to watch.

As for the ten contestants in the first round...it can be said that Cristiana Yeri surprised the audience the most when she appeared on the stage. Is this girl really? Cristiana is also the only contestant in the first episode of the audience who answered more than ten questions correctly in a row and sprinted for the highest prize of 1 million Hong Kong dollars.

Although she unfortunately stopped at question 13 and failed.

Actual filming of serious contestants, and those with scripts like Yeli are the most effective in variety shows.

This girl stunned Hong Kong when she first appeared on the scene. She belongs to the level of the world-famous stars such as Monica Bellucci and Jennifer Connelly.

A top student who graduated from the University of France? Even though her English is not very good, and she speaks a few words in French from time to time, she can still understand the questions given by the dual subtitles in English and Chinese.

They are all multiple-choice questions, so it is easy to choose ABCD.

Just when countless viewers were attracted by this exquisite program, Zhao Donghuai looked at Azhen at the Zhao Manor in Dakeng Village with a confused look on his face, "Huh? I just made a comment casually, did you really make arrangements during the day?"

Azhen Feilong was on the face, enjoying the feeling of winning a lot, "Ah, just making fun of you? It has already been arranged. I heard that the contract has been signed."

After all, this is the modern version of men conquering the world, and she can conquer the world too.

Zhang Min, who was riding high in the clouds, was stunned, "Do you want to withdraw?"

Director Zhao couldn't help but complain, "Forget it, we've signed a contract... I'm a little surprised that such a thing can be signed? Is it protected by the law? Damn it, what a talent!"

Some things cannot be done halfway.

It’s not very cold in Siberia in early August, so it’s a prime time to visit. Only when winter comes, is Siberia beautiful. If you stay there for a few years, you’ll definitely fall in love with that place.

Azhen happily continued to ride the dragon on her face, feeling like she had won the world.

(ps: Thank you again to Niu Ma Entertainment brothers for the 10,000 rewards. The Spring Festival continues to be more stressful, so I should be able to withstand it~)

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