Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 264: Study how to use other people’s money to film Zhao’s Spider-Man

Watching Matthew Weinberg go away with a hesitant look on his face, Zhao Donghuai smiled and asked Zhang Min to send an invitation to Sony, "Just say that our group plans to produce a live-action Spider-Man movie, a superhero movie similar to Wanted. Sony wants to If you get on the bus, hurry up and deliver the money."

No matter how suspicious Wall Street is, whether his acquisition of Apple shares was an investment failure, it doesn't matter if Wall Street wants to do something for the Apple shares they acquired.

The purposes of both parties are originally different.

At this stage, Zhao Donghuai is still thinking about how to use other people's money to make his own Spider-Man series!

Go to North America to film and shoot in New York? Considering various labor unions, commodity prices, etc., the production cost of a superhero movie will be ten times the cost of production in Hong Kong.

After all, this is not a green screen special effects shoot. It requires all kinds of live shots using wires. It will be very expensive for you to ask the ghost guy to use wires.

Show off the big special effects of bullet time again in (Spider-Man 1), with camera array shooting? It will also bring about a huge amount of expenses. Not to mention other things, the 180 local photographers are just spending money on eating, drinking and sleeping with the group.

Therefore, it may cost 100 million Hong Kong dollars to produce Spider-Man 1 in Hong Kong, but it will cost 100 million US dollars to go to North America!

If the film is comparable to the 2002 version of Spider-Man 1, even if it costs more than 100 million US dollars, it will be worth it. In the end, the global box office will sell 821 million, including video tapes, peripheral sales, etc.? That's a big market of about $2 billion.

However, isn’t it a good thing to be able to use other people’s money to do your own things?

At this stage, Sony has acquired CBS Records, a subsidiary of Columbia, and is also ambitiously planning to acquire 49% of Coca-Cola's equity in Columbia Pictures, which it has been talking about for a long time.

In the end, it will spend 3.4 billion U.S. dollars at a time in September this year, and promise to bear a debt of 1.6 billion U.S. dollars, just for Columbia Pictures.

For a Hollywood giant group, Sony spent a total of 6 billion US dollars.

Isn't it just to control the film group? Now, in addition to that big negotiation, there are precedents for sci-fi special effects blockbusters such as Super Body, Jurassic Park, and Wanted. If Zhao Donghuai offers this olive branch, Sony will definitely take the bait.

After Zhang Min finished the call, Zhao Donghuai ordered, "Let the talents gather together and study the contract carefully. How can Sony spend more than 100 million U.S. dollars in real money? In the end, even if Spider-Man has a global box office of 7.8 billion U.S. dollars, …Can we also give Sony a bill that will make it lose money?”

This is the basis of the film and television industry.

There are many experts in deception and deception in the film and television industry. Not only Zhao Films has to take action, but also several subsidiaries in North America, including Marvel Group.

Let’s study together how to defraud outsiders of their money!

It wasn't until September this year that Sony acquired Columbia Pictures. In the early stages of acquiring it, Sony had no management rights at all. Instead, it entrusted high-level executives to produce various projects and run the company.

In the short term, don't worry about Sony becoming an insider.

It’s easy to cheat money from outsiders, and you don’t have to worry about retaliation if you cheat. After all, Pacific Manufacturing Group in Pengcheng has already won the OEM contract for Sony’s CD player, and it will continue to do so as predicted in the simulator. Within two or three years, he produced his own Pacific brand MD Walkman and robbed Sony of the global market...

This is the situation. In the future, even if Steve Jobs develops the Ipod electronic portable player and defeats the Walkman market, he will still be standing opposite Pacific Manufacturing, and Sony will have nothing to do with it.

How normal is it for Sony to be deducted from Sony’s film production expenses under such circumstances? At worst, after the first film suffered a loss, I would like to ask if Sony will invest in the second and third Spider-Man films?

Zhao Donghuai has a real example that he can copy, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, with a production cost of 150 million U.S. dollars and a global box office of 7.8 billion U.S. dollars. This does not include video tapes, Internet copyright income, etc.? But the answer given by Warner was that the entire project suffered a loss of more than 100 million US dollars.

For example, if you invest more than 100 million U.S. dollars in publicity expenses... you still need to borrow the publicity expenses, and when you pay back the money, there will still be 40 to 50 million U.S. dollars in interest, which is even worse than loan sharks.

Another example is the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The three films cost less than 300 million U.S. dollars, and the global box office was close to 3 billion U.S. dollars. But when the director who signed a profit-sharing contract asked for money, the production company directly billed the director in the face, how could we make any money? Already?

It's a heavy loss, okay? Do you pay dividends? Why don't you work with us to pay off the debt?

There are too many excellent precedents for copying homework... However, how could a person as upright and upright as Zhao Donghuai do those things?

This is all left to the professionals to perform freely.


It’s a new day. As soon as Director Zhao got up, he heard Qiu Shuzhen running over to report that someone from Sony was here. The president of the Sony Walkman Group was here in person. He was already waiting for someone downstairs and in the reception area on the 12th floor. hour.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Good guy, it's only half past seven? It seems Sony really can't wait to enter the real film and television industry!"

This era was when North America was most hostile to islanders. When Sony really bought Columbia, media outlets like Time Magazine would replace Columbia's LG with images of female geishas wearing island costumes.

The trend of gangs beating up islanders and smashing island products in the streets is very exciting.

But at this stage, the island country is really rich. This is the richest era of the island country after the Plaza Accord. In three years, it will be on its knees.

"No rush, let him wait. Is anyone scheduled to be the main creator of Jurassic Park 2 here?"

Azhen was speechless, someone else was coming? The scheduled new heroine, Isabelle Adjani, has arrived more than 10 hours in advance...

How many billions of foreign trade import and export deals have been negotiated?

But she still smiled and said, "We are basically all here. The five directors, including all the main actors, are now eating breakfast and reading the script on the eighth floor."

Zhao Donghuai was happy, "Okay, I'll go to the eighth floor to take a look first."

He is still staying in the residential area on the 11th floor. It is only a matter of taking the stairs to the eighth floor.


It's almost nine o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Donghuai sat in the large office on the 12th floor and met with President Sakaguchi of the Sony Walkman project. He was a 50-year-old ghost from an island country. Push forward 50 years, and that was still the late 1930s.

Director Zhao was not polite, and said when he saw Sakaguchi, "President Sakaguchi, I know that you have been working hard to break into Hollywood and acquire Columbia Group. However, with the current situation, even if you succeed in the acquisition, if you want to really play It’s also difficult to switch to the film and television industry.”

"For the sake of the pleasant cooperation on the Walkman project, my company Zhao's Pictures can give you a learning opportunity with a tuition fee of US$50 million. What do you think?"

"Don't even think about the copyright of the Spider-Man series of movies. Invest 50 million US dollars in it. In the end, the profits from global box office and video tapes can be shared with Sony 10%, excluding the income from Spider-Man peripheral projects."

Harsh? Of course it's harsh.

Even if Jurassic Park is calculated, if the first film lasts for five or six years, the total box office and video revenue will be only 12.3 billion US dollars.

That's still superficial data. After including taxes and splitting accounts with theaters and retail systems, the profits that eventually fall into Zhao's Pictures are more than $500 million. How about another 10% of the gross profit? That's $50 million.

What’s the current $50 million, and how many years later will you end up with $50 million? It is equivalent to signing a multi-year interest-free loan and giving money to others.

As for the learning opportunities he mentioned? If Sony really wants to send people to study, then just get drunk three times a day and study in your dreams.

President Sakaguchi, who is in his 50s, bowed and responded, "No problem, as long as Mr. Zhao gives us this learning opportunity, it will be worth it. Thank you Mr. Zhao for giving us this opportunity."

Not to mention, the order he received from the head of Sony Headquarters was just like this, just spend money to pay tuition, it was fine, as long as he had the opportunity to learn and understand the comprehensive operation and development model of the film and television industry, it would be worth it.

He has the courage to spend 6 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to more than 40 billion Hong Kong dollars, to acquire Columbia Group. But he doesn’t know how to play it after buying it, so how can he do it? He will be tricked to death by white ghost guys.

Now I have the opportunity to learn the routines from Zhao Films, which is rare!

Zhao Donghuai said again, "You should have heard about how I shoot movies, especially big special effects or drag racing stunts, etc. The labor cost in North America is too high."

"You guys are learning in the car, can you provide some drag racing stuntmen? That's not right. Considering that the Green Goblin is going to fight Spider-Man on a flying machine, this is not drag racing anymore..."

President Sakaguchi obviously knew very well what was going on with the Zhao family's dragon and tiger martial arts masters and stuntmen, so he bowed decisively again, "That's no problem, but I have a small suggestion. Can we provide South Korean stuntmen?"

Director Zhao, "..."

He drank a cup of kung fu tea in silence and nodded, "In principle, I have no objection. It's okay if you hire black Visigoth technicians from Latin America, but after they devote their lives to the film art, you have to handle the superficial things. It’s appropriate and there will be no future trouble.”

“Everything must be legal and law-abiding.”

Sakaguchi was overjoyed, "Of course, this is the tuition fee that must be paid."

Director Zhao nodded, "Then there's no big problem. Once the legal department has sorted out a perfect contract, we can prepare to build a large crew."

"Of course, to shoot such a big movie, I still need my special effects base to make various prop models, similar to Hollywood's Industrial Light and Magic, but this will take several months to prepare."

"The official filming of the movie should start in the summer, but your money will be sent to you one after another after you sign the contract."

Sakaguchi nodded, "Understood. I heard that the first Jurassic Park film took more than a year to prepare props and models, and the second film only restarted production after more than a year. A few months has gone by very quickly."

Before he came, he was ready to face all kinds of difficulties and the lion would open his mouth, but he didn't expect the conditions to be so simple?

It seems that Mr. Zhao wants to vigorously develop the foundry project and wants more contracts and orders from Sony. The Walkman is just a sub-project of the huge Sony Group.

Thinking of this, he bowed again and said, "Sheng Zhao, I wish us a happy cooperation. Although I am only responsible for the Walkman business, in the future, Pacific Manufacturing would like to discuss OEM projects for video recorders, cameras, video game consoles, etc."

"I will definitely go out and appeal more..."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Just $50 million from Sony? Of course you can't ask Sony to cover all production costs for the first time. You can pursue funding later...

What if a big director who makes a big movie doesn't know how to ask investors for money again and again and ask for more money? That's such a failure. He can't be worse than the King of Sunglasses.

After all, Robert is also a famous Hollywood director who produced the (Back to the Future) series. After the assistant filming (Jurassic Park 2) is completed, he, the great director of the Spider-Man series, will understand.

After watching President Sakaguchi leave, Director Zhao silently knocked on the table, "Azhen, do you think I'm going to pay less?? I didn't even counter-offer."

Even if the big director will ask for further funding in the future, it’s so smooth that President Sakaguchi didn’t counter-offer even once.

Azhen nodded, "You must be less. Look at the seemingly harsh conditions, but he really didn't object once."

"How about signing a trilogy directly? One part costs 50 million U.S. dollars, and the third part costs 150 million U.S. dollars..."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Good guy, it seems like a good idea? Azhen was also excited, and immediately added HK$780 million in additional capital.

"It's not impossible. Let's just make a trilogy together and hire a few more assistant directors as a gimmick. One part is 50 million, and three will be 150 million..."

You can say that, but the real situation is of course that only the first part will be filmed first.

After all, this has to be combined with the sequel to Wanted to integrate the Chinese superhero killers into the Spider-Man sequence. He also sent the first version of Spider-Man's script back to Marvel to revise it and add drama to the Chinese superheroes!

When Azhen excitedly ran to the legal department to convey the new instructions, Wang Zuxian ran in from the 11th floor and said coquettishly, "Boss, I also want to have a second growth like Sister Jiahui. She has really grown bigger."

Zhao Donghuai leaned back tactically, "You are only 21 years old, Xiaoxian, that's not right. It's the New Year and you are already 22, but you are only 22 years old??"

Xiaoxian continued to act coquettishly, "I'm learning from Axin...you can help more. Although the probability is pitifully low, but you can help more, what if there is hope? People always have to have dreams."

"By the way, when the filming of Jurassic Park 2 starts, can I follow you to the set to learn more? I also want to learn some skills as a director and producer. I won't be a model worker on the set crazy about making appointments in the future, but if I learn more, how can I It feels good to form a group by myself every day.”

"Ah Hong is right. Make some good movies, and even if you are over 50 years old 30 years later, you can use them to recall the grace of your youth."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Okay, you can go around more when the group starts. It's a good thing if you want to learn."

No matter what Xiaoxian's mentality is and he wants to learn more, learning is not a bad thing.

Xiaoxian enthusiastically presented the grapes, "Boss, you are so kind, please help me practice Taoism..."


A few days later.

(Wanted), which has been in theaters for 23 days, has already grossed more than 400 million U.S. dollars in global box office, and is still heading towards 500 million U.S. dollars. By this time, the Lunar New Year holiday can be said to have completely passed.

(Nine Pins Sesame Official) has also officially launched in Hong Kong, including mainland and South Korean theaters, under a wave of strong publicity.

With 70% of the movie schedule in the Mainland, the box office revenue was 25 million RMB on the first day on March 1. Hong Kong and South Korea together had more than 6 million HKD and South Korea 9 million HKD.

After the new data came out, Xing Zai, who had just gotten up and wanted to go to the set of (The Gambling Saint), went blank. His legs felt a little weak and he wanted to kneel down. Luo Huijuan hurriedly helped him, "Brother Xing, are you okay?"

Zhou Xingxing regained his balance and said, "It's okay, it's okay. It's a rush. It's a rush. With the same number of films scheduled, (Once Upon a Time in China: A Man Should Be Strong) and "Wanted" both stayed on schedule for a week or two in the Mainland. The box office is more than 40 million yuan."

"The ninth-grade Zhima official only has 25 million?? This gap is too big."

"The combined sales of Hong Kong and Haowan are only over 6 million? The two previous blockbusters were selling for over 10 million a day! This is a result that is almost halved!"

He had a hunch that due to the various trends launched last year (Play Back to School 1), so many media directly dubbed him the star master and the king of comedy. This time, it is time to directly call him a street star.

There is no doubt that in addition to the box office in East and Southeast Asia, "Men Should Be Strong" and "Wanted" also sold well in Europe, North and South America, and were both blockbusters.

His (Nine-Rank Sesame Official) doesn’t have the strength to sell well there.

Even though a series of star-studded comedies are constantly trying to be released in North America, they have gradually accumulated a few fans who like to watch his nonsensical performance style... But let's just talk about Playing Back to School 1? When it was released in North America, it only grossed $8.7 million at the box office.

It was basically contributed by overseas Chinese, and there were very few white and black audiences who liked his nonsensical performance style.

Although 8.7 million U.S. dollars is quite a lot, converted to 68 million Hong Kong dollars, Xinghui Company can also successively pocket about 30 million Hong Kong dollars in income.

But, when I look at it now, (Nine-grade Zhima Official) looks like he is about to throw himself into the street!

Luo Huijuan smiled bitterly, "Brother Xing, don't think so much. This is just after the Spring Festival, and movie fans around the world have not yet come out of the New Year carnival. The passion for watching movies before was too strong, and now it will naturally weaken."

"Besides, yesterday was still a Wednesday and it was a working day. Even if you wait until Saturday and Sunday to see it, the situation will be different."

Zhou Xingxing wanted to say something, but he shook his head and sighed, steadied himself and went out. Although he was in a bad emotional state, Luo Huijuan didn't say much. She just persuaded him not to think too much and stopped.

At this stage, according to Zhou Xingxing's cards, he also has bodyguards and professional drivers when he goes out. His low mood does not affect the work of the bodyguards and drivers.


About the same time.

In Tung Chung, when Zhao Donghuai left the presidential suite of the Huazhi five-star hotel and heard the first-day results of the ninth-grade Sesame Officer, his mentality was very stable.

The data of the benchmark Truant Veyron are cut in half? This is really normal.

It’s been two months since the Lunar New Year movie fans all over the world have been partying. The new year has just started, and it’s not a weekend holiday. It can have an attendance rate of 40 to 50%. It’s really not bad or weak.

Besides, aside from Zhou Xingxing's salary, Mainland Hong Kong Haowan plus South Korean theaters, the revenue exceeded 40 million Hong Kong dollars in one day. This has already started to make a profit, okay!

The cost was recovered and profits started within one day.

Can this be called poor and weak?

Until the end of "Jiupin Zhima Guan", even if it is not as good as the record of "Fight Back to School", it should not be too far behind. In addition to being a star-style comedy, it also has Andy Lau joining the cast!

In terms of schedule? In fact, Back to School Dragon was originally released in mid-November, which was just an ordinary release, close to the off-season. The opening performance of this costume comedy was not good, which was really affected by the Lunar New Year release. It should gradually improve in the future.

Also, Big Stone’s New Era Cinema Chain is entering its second round of expansion, and there will soon be hundreds of new cinema chains.

It's that fast!

If you build a one- or two-story building to show movies, you can pay for everything within a few months, including not only the construction but also the decoration, recruitment and training of employees.

The original 1,500 chain theaters may have 300 more during the Jiupin Zhima Official screening.

Even the Wanjia comprehensive supermarkets that are gradually expanding will have about 100 more. These will allow the mainland's daily box office limit to increase from more than 50 million yuan to 60 million yuan.

As for the value of people’s wealth? If you calculate how much consumption each major project drives, you will know that it will also be improved in all aspects.

Just say that the pace of expansion in the new era is only one or two-story buildings. It is impossible to say that there are builders with Chinese prefixes to do things. The spending power itself is the construction industry chain of many counties, including sofas and other home decoration industries, posters and other paper and printing industries.

In addition, the industries surrounding the movie will bring more business opportunities, and a movie theater basically represents a business district.

Today is the day when Jurassic Park 2 is turned on and worshiped. This sequel to the big dinosaur movie was approved on the 21st. It has been in preparation for more than a week now. In addition to the new dinosaur base that has been built long ago to set up attractions, Some other location scouting and shooting locations have also been completed.

Including the shooting plan, preparations are basically completed.

When Wang Zuxian came running with his ponytail and sportswear, holding his arm and walking out together, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's just the Chinese New Year. I didn't expect that Tung Chung is still so popular. The tourist crowds are no less than during the annual holidays." .”

The main filming locations for the second part were all near Tung Chung, so the crew and creative team had naturally come here to adapt for two or three days.

In the past few days, everyone has witnessed the popular attractions and entertainment projects at Tung Chung Jurassic Theme Park after the annual holiday.

There are endless crowds of people every day, and the tourist groups naturally come from all over the world, including Europe, the United States, South Korea, island countries including the mainland, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, etc.

Five express hotel-style Huazhi buildings and two five-star Huazhi flagship stores basically have no shortage of occupancy rates. As for the one- or two-story coastal holiday villas? It was also contracted by wealthy tourists who were not short of money early on.

House prices in Huayuan Phase 9, including Huayuan Phase 10, a modern community residence that is still under construction, have officially exceeded one thousand Hong Kong dollars per square foot, and residents living there will naturally experience strong comfort.

For those who haven’t moved in, I heard that a 1,000-square-foot mansion with three bedrooms and one living room can be rented out for about HK$3,000 per month.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "At this stage, many tourists come here for the Destiny Loom Factory project in the wanted order."

"The various air rifle shooting events there are much more popular than the same type of games outside."

The shooting range area where Hong Qinbao and Laura Fangna teach Yuan Biao how to shoot curved bullets in "Wanted Order" is a replica of the real scene in the movie. It is a very simple air rifle target shooting. I don't know how many movie fans rushed to experience it happily.

There are also many people trying to swing their guns to shoot curved bullets. Even though everyone knows that it is impossible to do such an action in reality, it does not prevent tourists from wanting to try and experience this attraction.


More than an hour later.

At a beach near Tung Chung, surrounded by mountains and sea, after the crew hosted the opening ceremony, Zhao Donghuai and several directors watched the first performance behind the viewfinder of the video recorder.

The first scene was the scene where the daughter of a wealthy Chinese vacationing family, played by Chen Hao, was attacked by a Showognathus on the beach.

In the original story, the child star was Camilla Belle, who is considered a child star who is not permanently disabled. Of course, Chen Hao in this version is not bad either.

A student of the 1987 Asian Theater Academy, she will be a child star who has completed two academic years in three months. As for the mini Showgnathus? One or a group of them are all model props, plus puppet masters invited from the mainland to operate them.

The supporting actors who play Chen Hao's parents are all big stars, Liang Jiahui and Gao Lihong... This Ah Hong continues to be apprenticed to San Mao. It is naturally trivial for San Mao to ask for supporting roles.

The team of waiters or crew members who come to this beach vacation with the rich man are Hu Jun, Zhang Jiayi, Lin Jiadong, Lin Wenlong and other Asian opera students who play small roles.

After rehearsing the setting, lighting, focusing, and moving parts twice, Chen Hao started performing alone with the cooperation of the puppet show masters.

"Click, passed!"

At the end of the performance, Zhao Donghuai shouted, and when he was preparing for the next piece, his expression was very satisfied, "I haven't learned in vain in the past two years, and I can act well."

Chen Hao, who was trained as a child star, in addition to learning drama performances at Asia Opera, must also be taught cultural classes. It is not required that she and Chen Derong and other young girls have high scores in cultural classes, but they still have the basic foundation. To be cultivated.

The main subjects taught are Chinese, mathematics, history, geography, English and other subjects. Not teaching physics and chemistry is equivalent to giving up the study of physics and chemistry.

Then he gave up the lead and let directors such as Lan Naicai and Huang Jianxin take charge of the scene. Zhao Donghuai himself took Xiaoxian around the set and explained to her the complete operation mode of a large crew.

After a while, Director Zhao suddenly realized it and clapped twice at Xiaoxian's big disc, "Good guy, so that's what you meant...wasting my time."

He said that Xiaoxian, who was still learning about international trade and how to operate and manage the Good Luck Lai chain store, had not learned much yet and was still a rookie, so why did he want to learn film and television production again.

It turned out that he was just leaning over to prevent new goblins from attacking him.

While walking, 17-year-old Cameron Diaz wanted to get close to Zhao Donghuai more than once to show off, but was blocked by Xiaoxian's eyes...

This is similar to when filming Jurassic Park 1, the little girl Ah Xin wanted to eat chicken secretly, but was suppressed by Zhou Huimin more than once.

Xiaoxian acted coquettishly, "I just want to worry about you, not the monsters outside. Isn't it almost half a year?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "I really don't have that thought right now. My family is already busy enough."

There are eleven people in the family, and occasionally a diplomat pops up to talk about the import and export trade between France and Hong Kong Island Chinese. The busyness is already sufficient.

Besides, things have really changed since Guan Jiahui became pregnant. He hasn't had any in-depth communication with Sister Guan for three months.

Even though time travel and all kinds of tricks have been put into him, and he has been successful now, he is still not as good as one of the role models in society before time travel...

But at this stage and level of busyness, what he is pursuing is no longer an ordinary quantity.

Wang Zuxian held his arm in surprise, "Really? It seems that Sister Jiahui's pregnancy is really a good thing. After she passes, am I encouraging a eldest sister to try it?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless again, "You have received too little education."

After all the calculations, Xiaoxian sneaked into him by asking him to play basketball, which lasted exactly half a year.


March 3rd is coming.

In the cast of The Gambler, Liu Zhenwei looked at Xing Zai who was performing and Wu Mengda, who was playing opposite Xing Zai, with a look of helplessness on his face. Wu Mengda's veteran acting skills were very stable, but Xing Zai was not in the best condition.

After a performance was over, Ah Wei came to Yuan Kui and chatted for a few words, then smiled and said, "Master Xing, how about a few days off? Let you take it easy?"

Zhou Xingxing raised his hand with a wry smile, "My fault is mainly because the expectations of the truant Weilong were too high before, and the expectations of the ninth-grade Sesame Officer were also too high. As a result..."

"The movie has already started to make money, but it still made me a little unbalanced!"

The most important expenses for the Nine-Pin Sesame Officer are Xing Zai himself and Brother Hua's salary, but the internal price is that each person only takes 2 million Hong Kong dollars to bring goods... Although ancient costumes are not convenient to promote, it is not impossible to promote.

Just talk about that medicine that can bring a new lease of life to those with tuberculosis and make Mrs. Qi Qin pregnant? A pharmaceutical company spent 20 million Hong Kong dollars to let Xing Zai promote its brand in the movie.

Therefore, on the first day it was released in the mainland, it made 25 million yuan, and on the second day it made 21 million yuan. On the first day in Hong Kong, Haowan made more than 6 million yuan, and on the second day it made more than 5 million yuan. In South Korea, it made more than 9 million yuan on the first day, and on the next day it made more than 7 million yuan.

This is already a box office figure of close to HK$80 million! 80 million in two days, super fast, more than 1 million exchanged for more than 100 million than the fierce ghost, N times stronger.

After all, these two days are Wednesday and Thursday!

Reputation? Regardless of the media in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and South Korea, the publicity and film reviews of The Nine-Pin Sesame Official were also very good. They all praised Xingzai for continuing his style as the king of comedy in the new film The Nine-Pin Sesame Official after playing Back to School.

Even after Liu Dehua was praised for playing countless positive roles, his image as a villain in the first battle changed drastically. His role as Chang Wei, who knows martial arts, is a successful transformation masterpiece.

The box office reputation has soared... the results are super gratifying. At least Wang Jing is very happy with the movie's trend.

Even Andy Lau felt that this was a super successful commercial movie, but Xingzi himself had an unbalanced mentality and his expectations were too high.

Liu Zhenwei smiled politely, and just as he was talking, Liu Jialing came over and said, "Master Xing, why don't you find a place to have a drink? Don't worry, by the weekend, I will probably be able to return to the peak period of the Truant Weilong, only two or three It’s God’s time.”

Today is Friday, and the highlight of the weekend is indeed not far away.

Liu Zhenwei said directly, "Okay, I'll give you two days off, go ahead."

After Xingzi and Liu Jialin showed up, Ah Weicai and Yuan Kui filmed other scenes together. This movie is a star-style comedy, but there are many scenes without Zhou Xingxing.

While patting, the assistant director ran over and said with a strange look on his face, "Brother Kui, Director Liu, Xu Chuan and the Wang family are here to visit..."

Old Liu slipped his hand and almost slapped Yuan Kui on the face with his big hand. Now Yuan Kui was sitting behind the viewfinder and Old Liu was standing, "Ah this..."

Yuan Kui looked calm and said, "Just visit the class. It's a small matter. Just say that Jia Ling has something urgent to do and goes home. Anyway, I can't contact Ah Heng."

Of course Brother Kui is very calm. He is one of Cheng Long’s senior brothers! They are brothers, Cheng Long and Yuan Biao are two extreme comparisons.

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