Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 266 The Queen who has lived through five thousand years

The crowd chatted and laughed as they climbed up to the 20th floor. Chen Baixiang said happily, "I never thought that one day I would have such a big office in the city center. It feels great."

Zhao Donghuai has made it clear that he will not keep an office in the Hundred Years Film Building, so there is no office space for him here.

Although Kowloon Tong is not Yau Tsim Mong and Central, it is indeed a prosperous urban area second only to those places.

Then different teams such as A Le, Fei Jing, Hua Zai, Xing Zai, etc. are basically on different floors. After strolling around the work area and simply popping some champagne to celebrate, signing contracts and other basic procedures are all done.

After doing this, Fei Jing took out a script and said, "Sheng Zhao, 100 Years Pictures is taking the lead. I plan to make Chasing the Dragon, a story about Lei Luo and Lame Hao. Although it is a biographical movie about a hero like this, There have been many others who have followed suit.”

"But those films in the past have never entered the mainland. In the past few years, the rental of video tapes was not very developed in the mainland. It has only just started to develop in the past two years."

"I feel that no matter how the Hong Kong Haowan market is, there is still a lot of potential in the mainland. Hua Zai's Lei Luo two-part movie is already very popular. Now I want Lu Liangwei to reprise the role of Lame Hao. Hey... they are all the most authentic ones. s project."

"This shouldn't be a bad idea."

Director Zhao was speechless. Fei Jing was really merciless when it came to copying. Not to mention, copying Chasing the Dragon twenty or thirty years in advance? We can indeed look forward to the mainland box office.

Will Hua Zai continue to play another version of Lei Luo? That's no problem for him either.

Fei Jing continued to smile brightly, "When Ah Xing finishes filming The Gambler, I will ask him to come out to film The Gambler, or God of Gamblers 2 or something like that. I feel that I am still in a hurry for big projects. One film after another, I will be busy until 1990." ”

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "I won't read the script. Your strength is still reassuring."

Even without reading the script, you can know that once Fei Jing puts in a lot of effort and makes enough money to make a bad movie, the quality of the movie will keep up.

The filming plan of 100 Years Pictures this year mainly focuses on the combination of Wang Jing and Xing Zai. To be honest, Hua Zai still relies on action blockbusters and music albums to continue to expand his influence and popularity.

After the 10th, 100 Years Pictures went through the listing bell process under the guidance of Chen Baixiang. The process was super smooth. After all, Debao had a precedent...

It was listed on the Stock Exchange on Thursday the 16th. At the close of the day, the market value of 100 Years Pictures was HK$8.8 billion, which was even more exaggerated than Debao's first day. After all, Debao's example is there. The sooner you snap up the shares of 100 Years, it will It will rise faster and more in the future.

The earlier you buy, the more you earn.

On Friday, March 17, the market value of 100 Years Pictures exceeded 10 billion!


On the evening of March 17th.

Zheng Jiachun drove a large yacht out to sea. There were more than a dozen beautiful female models from Chinese, island countries, South Korea, and North and South America on the yacht.

As the sea breeze blew, Ah Chun excitedly raised a glass of red wine and touched it with Cheng Long, "Along, the market value will exceed 10 billion in a hundred years. If you are willing, Cheng Jiaban and I will jointly open a new company. How about 40% insider shares?”

"Although I don't have a local theater chain like Jiahe Cinema Line, no one will only look at the Hong Kong box office at this stage... You and Zhao Sheng have a good relationship. It's better to come with Wanjia Cinema Line and New Era Cinema Line." Business."

"The company's main focus on making movies is you. I can use 500 million to invest in making movies in the early stage."

Cheng Long felt a little excited when he heard it, but he still took a long breath of cold air, "Brother Chun, I can't do it alone. Whether it's Debao or 100 Years Pictures, they are a group of big directors and big stars who can shoot multiple movies at any time." The crew keeps showing the movie and earning box office."

"Only with more projects and more profits can we support a huge market value. Even in Jiahe, there are still brothers Xu Guanwen, producer Cai Lancai, director Liang Jiashu, etc. who run the crew."

This Zheng Jiachun is very powerful. He is the eldest son of Sha Dantong and is currently the CEO of New World Development. His situation in the Zheng family is similar to that of Lin Jianyue in the Lixin Lin family.

So many traditional wealthy families have become involved in the film and television industry. Their market values ​​are getting hotter and more profitable, and the Zheng family is not immune.

At present, in Hong Kong Island, in addition to Zhao Donghuai and the Zhao family, which is firmly the number one wealthy family, Lin Baixin's Lin family and Shardan Tong's Zheng family are sitting on the sidelines. In addition to the chartering king, several major shipping kings are also able to compete. Except for that, everything else is further behind.

Zheng Jiachun laughed, "So Aaron, you have to not only make the movie yourself, but also recruit more directors and actors to keep working and open multiple groups at the same time."

"If you spend 500 million, how many good scripts and crews can you get? I'm a layman on this, but you have that influence and appeal in the industry."

Cheng Long was convinced that until now, former minions like Xing Zai and Hua Zai have become major shareholders of listed groups. They are qualified to raise their hands to approve or veto when convening board meetings. They are also Directors Zhou and Liu. 's card.

If their respective 8% shares were liquidated now, they would have a cash flow of more than HK$800 million or HK$1 billion.

Jiahe’s internal listing plan, did Zou Wenhuai just give him 15%? ?

Initially, Zou Sheng gave him 5%, but he wanted 25%. The continued negotiation until now only amounts to a small middle value? This is really not as good as him jumping out and doing what Zheng Jiachun said.

Starting at 40%? Although he will have to use part of his equity to flow into the stock market when it goes public, no matter how it flows, it is still very promising to maintain 25% or 30% after the listing.

Cheng Long was completely moved, and clinked wine glasses with Ah Chun again, "Brother Chun, I think I can do it, but if I want to leave Jiahe, Zou Sheng will probably put some pressure on me."

Zheng Jiachun laughed, "Don't worry, although Zou Sheng is an old-timer, it is unreasonable for him to block the way to make money."

His father Shardantong was also one of Zhao Donghuai's partners. Without Shardantong's transfer of equity and support, Zhao Donghuai would not have been able to easily control the water dragons and electric tigers of Haojiang, and then support Huo Sheng to take away the Haojiang Casino. control and management rights.

From then on, everyone's relationship was pretty good.

Currently, there are projects building new modern communities in the New Territories based on the Tai Hang Village model. Shark Bantong is also cooperating with Huazhi to develop them. To be precise, Ah Chun's New World Development is making a fortune along with Huazhi.

Cheng Long took another sip of wine and said with a smile, "What's a nice name for the new company?"

Zheng Jiachun was beaming with joy, "If you don't mind me taking advantage, just call it New World. Of course, this can also be regarded as a sign of the (New World) movie trilogy."

Cheng Long nodded, "Okay, let's call it New World Pictures. I also thought of a script during the few months I took a break. The film is called Miracle. It should not be too bad as the company's first shot at testing the waters."

It was originally planned to be filmed this year (Miracle), and it has grossed nearly 35 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office. It is second only to the box office masterpiece of the original track (God of Gamblers).

Having cooperated with Jiahe for many years, he couldn't take away the copyrights of various Long films, video tape profits, etc., but as long as he risked his life and started a career, New World Pictures would not be short of cards and potential.

Brother Chun smashed out 500 million in one go? There are so many directors and stars in Hong Kong, including mainland China, who just spend money to recruit talents to form their teams.

Zheng Jiachun thought for a while and suddenly said, "Aaron, do you think it's possible for us to make some big costume myth movies with big special effects to make money from white people?"

"I also really admire Zhao Sheng. For a Spider-Man trilogy, Sony signed a $150 million learning contract even before it was launched... That's the real big hit."

Yes, at this stage, the Zheng family, whose worth and influence are far higher than Liu Luanxiong, Yang Saucheng and others, are going to do big things, but they were stimulated by the signing of the Spider-Man series.

The filming hasn't officially started yet, and I heard that it's still in the stage of making prop models. How dare Sony sign a contract of HK$1.17 billion? This is so outrageous. For the top giants, they cannot afford the challenge of this weakness.

Aaron sighed, "If there is an opportunity, such as the big movie version of White Snake, hire a big director and a big star to do special effects. When selling it to Europe and the United States, I will learn from those movies (A Chinese Ghost Story) and absorb radiation and become stronger."

"It should be a hit, but I don't understand movies with big special effects. Those who know about them now are all the directors led by Zhao Sheng, who are preparing for Jurassic Park 2 and the Spider-Man series."

Zheng Jiachun's eyes flickered, "If you don't understand, you can learn. The reset version of Ghost Story 2 earned US$47 million in North America and more than US$32 million in Europe. In the end, more than US$30 million went to the licensing studio. So, It’s also more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars.”

"The video tape market is also constantly accumulating box office. I heard that Wang Zuxian's little virtuous sister used the image of the heroine in A Chinese Ghost Story to become very popular in Europe and the United States..."

Among the several versions of A Chinese Ghost Story, the second one, the time-travel reset version, has the highest box office, accumulating more than 80 million U.S. dollars in Europe and the United States. Others have been re-set and released one after another. The two major box office in Europe and the United States combined, the more than 60 to 70 million U.S. dollars. Less than 40 million US dollars.

One after another, the five-part series has grossed a total box office of more than 200 million U.S. dollars! !

This is really not bad, it means that Xu Ke Studio has successively collected US$100 million in box office revenue, and may have video revenue of US$100 million lasting for many years in the future.

There is also the Once Upon a Time series, which is also a hit in North America.

In fact, this is also the most important reason why Xu Ke and Wang Jing failed to reach an agreement on forming a studio. If we form a joint studio, several of my series of blockbusters can sell well. Can you do that? It's possible to combine together. Zhao Shenglei has 51%, and I have 30%? Ten percent for you?

Fatty Wang was naturally unhappy. Even though the two had collaborated on blockbusters such as the Home Alone series and the female version of Cat and Mouse, the talks still fell apart completely.

Cheng Long nodded, "If you want to learn, you have to wait for time. I've been searching a lot recently to see if I can find a suitable seedling..."

"However, we can find Zheng Yi Jian and continue to let him star in other vampire love movies and a few Twilight movies besides the Twilight series. This Yi Jian has also accumulated a lot of white female fans in Europe and the United States."

"It's much easier to film a love scene like this in the disguise of a ghost. It's all about copyright... It's obvious that I'm taking advantage of the Twilight Saga to pick up money. I can't do it without paying for the ride, Brother Chun. "

Zheng Jiachun nodded, "It's not a pity for this small amount of money. I will contact Zhao Sheng tomorrow and try to pay 100 million Hong Kong dollars for a ride."

"If it can be used, then the 100 million will be deducted from the 500 million fund?"

Cheng Long was overjoyed, "Of course it's no problem."

He also had to admit that he was still young and it was easy to defraud young fans out of their money. Zheng Yijian, a big idol actor, had the opportunity to defraud money from white fans. In the field of vampire romance movies, his appeal was not much weaker than that of his brother Long.


On the morning of the 18th, Zhao Donghuai arrived at the office at ten o'clock. After sitting down, he saw Zhang Min approaching and said, "Boss, Zheng Jiachun of New World Development is going to open a new company with Cheng Long, and wants to use 100 million Hong Kong dollars to let Zheng Yijian film other vampire romances." Movies, of course, the $100 million is a ride-along fee for the Twilight series."

"If Zheng Yi Jian goes, his salary will still be according to the rules."

Director Zhao was stunned, thought for a moment and then nodded, "Okay, now that we've paid the money, it's a trivial matter to start more projects, but Sha Dantong's son has also entered the film and television industry?"

Movies like Twilight can become hits all over the world, especially in Europe and the United States. In fact, whether it is Hollywood or the Hong Kong film and television industry, there is really no shortage of people who want to follow suit.

Hollywood has succeeded in following suit.

Bringing a group of handsome white men and beauties to make a movie might explode the box office, but not a single one in the Chinese film and television industry would make a splash.

After all, Twilight first swept the world with its novels, and it took a year or two to prepare for the movie. It attracted a large number of book fans, and Zheng Yijian also relied on this wave of popularity to become popular.

A love story like this one proposed by the Chinese film and television industry would not be able to take off without Zheng Yi Jian.

Zhang Min smiled and said, "He co-founded New World Pictures with Cheng Long. Cheng Long has his own project. Using Zheng Yijian to make a vampire love movie is another attempt of New World."

Zhao Donghuai was relieved and sighed for Zou Wenhuai again. He was too stingy to retain talents. Zou Wenhuai was following Shao Yifu's old path. Maybe if he waited and talked more, he would give Cheng Long more of equity shares.

But it's obvious that he is still struggling. A top wealthy family like the Zheng family has decisively spent a lot of money to poach Cheng Long.

Zheng Yi Jian... the original track was able to sell for 8 million US dollars in Europe and the United States even if he filmed a lot of tricks!

If you divide the accounts at the box office, the sales will only be higher. A movie with a casual performance can make tens of millions of dollars at the box office, right? If we follow the model of a few movies, the 100 million Hong Kong dollars handed over by Cheng Jiachun as a ride-along fee, combined with the box office and video revenue, will really not be a loss.

Zhang Min said again, "That Zheng Sheng also asked, if they want to shoot a mythical special effects movie like The White Snake, can they ask the special effects base to help with the production?"

Zhao Donghuai was happy, "Of course, as long as you pay the production fee, you get what you pay for!"

This is a good thing.

Although Zhao's Film Special Effects Base is for its own use so far... it has not received a few orders from outside parties and has not suffered any losses. However, as a mature special effects base, it still has to continue to work hard like Industrial Light and Magic in Hollywood. There are several major Hollywood movies that are unavailable.

Only then can we develop and grow step by step.

The fate of the Zheng family was that they started working in the field of blockbusters and science fiction films. With more and more bosses spending money, it was easier to stimulate the growth and development of the special effects industry.

Waiting for the various news of Zhao Donghuai's consent to come back...

Zheng Jiachun, the CEO of New World Development and the eldest son of the Zheng family, immediately announced with great joy that he would invest 500 million to join forces with Cheng Long to establish New World Pictures, and welcome talented people in the Chinese film and television industry to invest in good projects and build good film projects.

There was a sensation in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

New World Development is also vigorously recruiting talents from the mainland.

Cheng Long left Jiahe? It was also great news, and Zou Wenhuai was naturally very angry. He heard that several cups and ashtrays were thrown one after another, and then... not much later, that was the fate of the eldest prince of the Shadantong family.

Regardless of Chow Tai Fook Group, Regent Hotels, New World Properties, etc., they are all one of the richest people in Hong Kong. Even at this level, Chow Wenhuai also uses Bawang shampoo, Bawang series of toothpastes, and facial cleansers. Milk and other daily chemical products, transform into a further level of business tycoon.

He wanted to fight with the Zheng family, but he couldn't.

More importantly, it is normal business poaching, legal and compliant business behavior is very common, what can Zou Wenhuai do? He can't imitate how Luo Wei called on people from the community to attack Cheng Long after Jiahe poached Chen Long from Luo Wei, right?

He didn't keep Hong Qinbao and Hong Jiaban, and now Cheng Long is gone too... I can't bear it anymore, so that's all.

On the contrary, after Shao Yifu heard the news, he was so happy that he ate two more bowls of rice for lunch.

2 p.m.

Zhao Donghuai also just had lunch and exercised to eat after the meal, and he helped Jennifer Connelly get a new hairstyle.

After listening to Azhen's report, Zou Wenhuai came to visit. Director Zhao asked Zhang Min to make tea, and soon met Zou Sheng, who looked a little sad.

However, after meeting Zhao Donghuai, Zou Wenhuai still smiled brightly and said, "Sheng Zhao, it was my lack of courage that caused things to develop to this point. I will not delay Aaron's development. This time, I want to invite You contact the mainland, I want to recruit a group of animation talents to form Jiahe’s animation production team."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Zou Sheng said again, "In the summer of 1987, Kung Fu Panda swept the world, with a total box office of more than 400 million U.S. dollars. Didn't major universities in mainland China expand their enrollment in animation production classes during the opening season of that year?"

"I want to recruit animators from major universities who have just finished their sophomore year. I will also go to North America to hire high-paying talents in the animation field, including computer-generated animation models."

"Without Aaron, as long as we form a huge animation team, it is possible to continue Jiahe's glory."

Director Zhao nodded, "Okay, I'll ask for you."

Kung Fu Panda was completed in the summer of 1987 and took the world by storm. Since that summer, Shanghai Film Studio has been producing director Zhao's (The Lion King) project. I feel that there is still a lot of certainty that (The Lion King) will be completed this year. .

At that time, several tycoons were eager to go to the mainland to produce their animated movies more than once, but it was just that the American factory was not available.

After finishing Kung Fu Panda 1 and The Lion King in succession, Shangmei Factory will invest in their own projects. For the sake of Shangmei Factory's own development, Kung Fu Panda 2 is not in a hurry.

Did he not expect that after missing out on Jackie Chan, Golden Harvest would focus on animated films? There is nothing wrong with it. The original track was that this year, Zou Wenhuai would cooperate with North America (Ninja Turtles), and it would also be an animated masterpiece with a global box office of over 1 billion Hong Kong dollars.

After Director Zhao called to inquire, he smiled and said, "If you are only recruiting sophomores, one university can give you ten places."

Zou Wenhuai smiled, "Ten is a lot, and I don't dare to be too greedy."

The major expansion of enrollment in mainland universities is aimed at producing large-scale animated films belonging to mainland film studios and selling them around the world to generate box office and earn foreign exchange. It is a foreign exchange-earning project for major film studios. It can be said that this group of students continues to this day, and many film studios have already targeted them before they graduate...

Zou Wenhuai was able to seize food from a tiger's mouth, but it was only because he built a joint venture to build a series of factories such as Bawang Shampoo, and earned a lot of foreign exchange for Eastern Guangdong, that he was given the quota and face.

After laughing and drinking a few cups of kung fu tea, Zou Sheng thanked him several times and walked away quickly.

He is now 62 years old, but he is obviously old-hearted and still hopes to continue working hard in the film industry. Even though his children are not very interested in the film industry, he has struggled all his life.

Qiu Shuzhen also made another cup of tea and came over, sticking out her tongue and saying, "Wow, an old man in his 60s is still working so hard and with so much energy? It seems that I have to work harder."

"Boss, in our New World Passenger Transport, the taxis are going to turn into corners. It must be a big explosion. There are more than 18,000 taxi licenses in Hong Kong, and we only got 8,000."

"If you really go to Wanwan, you will need thousands of license plates and thousands of cars just to go to Wanwanbei, right?"

Azhen and Amin were basically in a pickle situation regarding the development of New World Passenger Transport, leaving it all to professional managers. It was Wang Zuxian who had good luck in development. During the great operation in Wanwan, they encouraged New World Passenger Transport to also go to Wanwan to make trouble. .

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Did you say that the taxi group entered Benbei? He suddenly remembered the movie story (Black Gold). The two largest taxi groups in Black Gold were all the business of the club bosses.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he nodded, "Okay, let's go develop in Wanwan."

At this stage, if the passenger transport business wants to enter the mainland, it is simply unrealistic for you to make money by driving a taxi. In this era, taxi drivers in the mainland are basically Hong Kong businessmen, overseas Chinese in Europe and the United States, and white tourists. How can ordinary people afford to take taxis?

The ferries and cruise ships of New World Passenger Transport have already connected to Wan Province, and the taxi team has also driven there. It is not a big deal. In addition to the Good Luck Group, Zhao Donghuai's Wanjia Chain and Baijia Chain were the first to call.

Thinking of this, he asked curiously, "The Hong Kong government is still issuing taxi licenses and controlling the number of taxis?"

Azhen was confused, "I don't know, I'll call and ask..."

The number of taxis on Hong Kong Island will remain at more than 18,000 until 2022. Will it be enough in the future? Director Zhao didn't know, but he knew that these days there were people standing on the streets taking taxis, and they couldn't get a taxi after waiting for a long time.

The current level of private car ownership is still different from that in the future.

The tourist wave has also exploded in advance. Last year, the number of tourists exceeded 20 million, and it feels like it will be even more explosive this year...

Adding another 2,000 vehicles to New World Group is not a big deal.

After finishing this small matter, Zhao Donghuai sat at his desk and started thinking, should he give A Zhen and A Min a new opportunity to stay in the film industry? ?

After a few dozen seconds, he spoke, "Azhen, the others have starred in many classic films. Just like Ah Hong said, you can relive your youth decades later. What about you and Amin? I I have a book that I think I can try out."

"A pure heroine drama, it tells the story of a female college student who has just left campus and joins a top fashion magazine as an editor-in-chief assistant. She goes from being confused when she first enters the workplace to becoming an outstanding workplace and fashionista."

"It's about the growth history of graduates. It should be good if it's done well..."

What he was talking about was The Devil Wears Prada, a pure history of women’s struggles in the workplace. The original work not only allowed one of the heroines to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress, win the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, and win various other awards. Quite a few.

In addition, the global box office is 330 million U.S. dollars.

The original work was made by Xuanfa (Prada), a luxury brand, which gave it this name. Now it can be translated into Chinese as the queen who has worn five thousand years, Han Tianxia, ​​Dongfang and other brands.

Azhen is just 21 years old this year. She is good for her age and her acting skills? ? Her acting skills are not bad at all, she has been studying with Zhao Donghuai for five years.

Although she has not left many classic images on the big screen, her acting skills in various story roles in private are very strong.

Zhang Min is not bad either.

This edition of a fashion magazine, clothing, and luxury brand movie has three important characters in the whole story. One is the female editor-in-chief of a top magazine, the other is the female protagonist, and the other is the female editor-in-chief’s former first female secretary.

In the original story, the rookie's growth history is the main plot, and the college graduate is the absolute protagonist. However, her acting skills were suppressed... which is why the role of the female editor and the actress were repeatedly nominated for Oscars, Golden Globes, etc.

Now the love line, which is negligible for a female rookie in the workplace, has been deleted and replaced with the friendship between best friends. From the workplace to returning to family and friendship, and then to becoming the new queen, her acting skills just need to keep up.

When he told the story, Azhen's eyes lit up, "Wow, boss, are you so nice to me? Will Amin be my partner? Of course I am willing. By the way, let's set up a fashion magazine?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay, setting up a magazine is a trivial matter. The main thing is to promote top-notch luxury goods. Let's call it (The Queen of Five Thousand Years)."

Today's Five Thousand Years Group is not just limited to women's bags and men's wallets. It has also opened new high-end luxury projects such as shawls and silk scarves. A huge collection of limited edition packages.

The matching shawls and silk scarves were also extremely popular as soon as they came on the market, and were snapped up by celebrities and wealthy ladies.

Dongfang and Han Tianxia series are only mid-range compared to Five Thousand Years, which is slightly higher than mid-range. At the price of Five Thousand Years, you can’t even grab a limited edition package of 50,000 yuan. If you want to take it from others, you won’t give it. You can't even grab 70,000, 80,000 or 100,000 yuan.

Is this a few hundred yuan for a lipstick or a few hundred yuan for a Han Dynasty costume? How to compare? There's no comparison at all.

Qiu Shuzhen was even happier, "Who should I choose to play that harsh, perfection-seeking, workaholic female editor?"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said, "Let the director arrange this. Just choose slowly."

The project was decided just like that, and he would just create the script later and translate it into Chinese.


A few days later, on March 22, when Five Thousand Years Magazine was still under preparation, Mei Xiaoqing and Xu Anhua arrived at the ATV headquarters and took out a few photos. Mei Xiaoqing said, "Zhao Sheng, Hua and I Sister chose a few days."

"I feel like these are pretty good..."

Zhao Donghuai grabbed the photo and took a look, good guy, isn't this Liu Xiaoli? The one from Wushi Opera House? In 1984, she, Chen Hong and Gong Li recommended themselves to come to Hong Kong Island for development, but Director Zhao did not use her that time.

The next one is not bad either, Tao Huimin? The pak choi at this stage is still very juicy, far from being comparable to Liang Lu in (In the Name of the People). This is a 23-year-old pak choi.

Continuing to look through the photos, it is already a contestant like Julia Roberts who has been nominated for the Oscar trophy.

Xu Anhua also explained, "For this workplace movie, if it is for the sake of box office, you can try white stars. Although they are a bit young, they can make up to look a little older."

Xu Anhua is also one of the leading examples of the new wave of directors. Starting from 1979's "Crazy", she has been nominated for the Best Director Award at the Academy and Golden Horse Awards several times. It was also her who made Liu Dehua's debut in the film industry.

It was not difficult for her to make a workplace inspirational movie like "The Queen of 5,000 Years," which also had a more idol-like feel.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "As you mentioned, we are not short of money. We can directly publish two versions. Facing the female editor-in-chief of East Asia and Southeast Asia, let's use this Liu Xiaoli. She is 30 years old and has more than ten years of stage performance experience? She has also practiced hard. Four or five years of acting? Then just develop a shooting style habit."

"When facing the white version of Europe and America, just use Julia Roberts and put on makeup to look older."

Xiao Baicai can also put on makeup to look old, but she is also a cheap newcomer, so she should give Sister Xiaoli one more chance. After all, she recommended herself once in 1984.

By the way, the fairy in the cafeteria is not even two years old, right? ? Now you come here to imitate Li Youbin and Zhang Zhijian and live in Hong Kong? ?

The two versions of the heroine are both basic to Zhao Films at this stage. Starting from Home Alone, there will be Secret War... Secret War has naturally been waiting to take over (Ninth Grade Sesame Official), and now Sesame Official It will be released for 22 days, and (Secret War) can be arranged to take over.

In late March and April, Hong Kong Island also has consecutive holidays such as Good Friday and Easter, and the performance of the consecutive holidays is not bad.


Good luck to Tsim Sha Tsui.

When Liu Xiaoli walked in and looked for a seat, many diners were stunned by the 30-year-old beauty in front of them... Even though the quality of beauties in Hong Kong Haowan continues to increase at this stage.

There are too many dream chasers coming from around the world, and there are many handsome men and beautiful women on the streets, but it is obvious that Sister Liu can still be stunning.

When she found her target and walked quickly to a certain dining table, a beautiful girl there also stood up and waved quickly, "Sister, I didn't expect you to actually come... Xiaofeng is only one and a half years old, are you willing to do it?"

This is Liu Xiaoli's cousin Zhou Wenqiong. As one of the famous actors of Pearl Film Studio, she came earlier than Liu Xiaoli. She has been a drifter in Hong Kong like Li Youbin and others. She has also appeared in many popular movies. Little bit of a go-getter.

Of course, the film studio has no problem, and they are counting on her to earn foreign exchange for the film company after she becomes popular. She is currently on leave without pay. Do you think the salary she earns should be shared with the film company?

No, she earns Hong Kong dollars on Hong Kong Island and exchanges them for U.S. dollars at will, then takes them back and exchanges them for foreign exchange coupons, thus earning foreign exchange directly.

After Liu Xiaoli sat down, she didn't bother to say much about the family affairs, and said excitedly, "The Secret War you starred in, Wen Qiong, will be released soon. How do you feel about it? Are you looking forward to it?"

Zhou Wenqiong almost complained, "Don't be ridiculous, I just played the role of a female employee who was a bit player. She was taken as a hostage when the gangsters robbed the bank, and my face was exposed for more than ten seconds. So what do you expect?"

"But Zhang Zhijian is really lucky. Like him, I worked as a waiter in the bar owned by Zhang Guorong. I saw with my own eyes that he was pushed by Zhang Guorong and entered Once Upon a Time 2 as the leading partner, and then he was chosen by Zhao Sheng. Starting out as a leading male protagonist in a big movie, my God, that’s so lucky..."

Liu Xiaoli's eyes shone with envy when she heard that, "We sisters should also have a good day, there is no way we can't wait..."

She used to focus on dancing and was not very good at acting.

But since her first self-recommendation in 1984, even if she was rejected, she began to focus on acting.

In the past five years, she has been watching from the sidelines to see how Chen Hong and Gong Li, who were self-recommended at the same time, became popular in Asia step by step and then became popular. How successful those two were, how deeply she was stimulated.

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