Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 275 Director Xu understands the audience very well

Under the mist at night, Yuan Jieying, wearing Miao costumes and dirty makeup, staggered back a few steps and then managed to steady herself, opened her mouth and spurted out a ball of debris.

Lin Qingxia, wearing a white-on-white costume and a red on the inside, with a face that combines heroism and charm, dodges and flies upside down...

After a while, Cai Shaofen, who was dressed as a male knight in ancient costume, struggled for a few times with tears in her eyes. She jumped up and ran to Yuan Jieying, who was playing the role of a corpse, as if her acupuncture points were suddenly unlocked. She picked up her upper body and cried "Blue Phoenix".

In the wind and mist, Cai Shaofen read another line with emotion.

Outside the shooting location, Xu Ke grabbed the loudspeaker and shouted, "Click, passed!"

The crew, which was originally quiet and just watching the performance by Cai Shaofen and others, suddenly came to life. Hong Xin, wearing a costume, quickly ran over and said with a smile, "Afen, your acting skills are good, I feel much better than me." "

"It seems that several series of Home Alone and Rich and Powerful have perfected your acting skills."

Cai Shaofen smiled brightly, "No way, I'm still far away. Wow, Aunt Qingxia's expressions and eyes were absolutely amazing..."

Lin Qingxia, who had just exited the shooting area, came over and joked, "You're a Fen, you call me sister when you need it, but you call me aunt behind my back? I'm that young?"

(The Swordsman: The Unbeaten East), the main protagonists are undoubtedly Lin Qingxia, Hong Xin plays Ren Yingying, Yuan Jieying plays Blue Phoenix, and 17-year-old Cai Shaofen plays the junior sister Yue Lingshan...

Although compared to Li Jiaxin in the original version, Ah Fen's appearance is a bit... In fact, Cai Shaofen's appearance at this time is very good, and she is a proper role model for Xiao Tiantian, such as Ruyan from Jiupin Zhimaguan.

She is 16 years old and 1.7 meters tall. There seems to be nothing wrong with calling her 35-year-old Auntie Lin Qingxia.

However, after being teased, Cai Shaofen hurriedly apologized. A group of people were chatting and laughing, and when they were preparing the next article according to the arrangements of Xu Ke and Cheng Xiaodong, Cai Shaofen mysteriously pulled Hong Xin to the edge and said, "Axin, 伱Do you feel that something is wrong with Yuan Jieying?"

Hong Xin asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Cai Shaofen looked around and said in a more mysterious tone, "Do you think she is too good to us?"

Hong Xin looked at Ah Fen with a strange look on his face, "A Ying is a young person and doesn't have many opportunities. When I meet a big star like you... No, even if I have the bonus of "Love in the Sword", I can be considered a new big star. star."

"What's wrong with a little star showing favor to us when we're filming a movie together when she meets a bigger celebrity? Wouldn't it be a little strange if she didn't seize the opportunity to show favor in various ways?"

Cai Shaofen was speechless.

If you want to put it this way, it seems that Yuan Jieying should be kind to them, considerate and close to them when filming in the crew.

But Afen just felt that something was wrong... She intuitively felt that it was not like making friends or flattering, but she couldn't tell what was wrong at the moment.

Hong Xin silently tapped Cai Shaofen's forehead, "Stop thinking nonsense. She is a beautiful girl, and you are also a beautiful girl. They have just grown up. You don't suspect that she is a lesbian and wants to fall in love with you, right?"

Cai Shaofen was shocked by this sentence and suddenly realized it. Then, he shook his head hurriedly, "Where did you go? It's not that exaggerated. Pfft, you are too ridiculous..."

Yes, there is a desire to fall in love with you, but Yuan Jieying herself seems not to be aware of that tendency. She is acting according to instinct, but she does not know that she is in a lesbian state.

Afen was horrified.

The previous scene was about being chased by Dongfang Bubai. Originally, Yue Lingshan, played by Cai Shaofen, escaped with the seriously injured Lan Fenghuang, played by Yuan Jieying. As they ran away, all the disciples of the Huashan Sect died, leaving only her character. Junior sister Yue Lingshan wants to die together with her senior brothers.

As a result, Lan Fenghuang, played by Yuan Jieying, who was seriously injured, suddenly tapped her acupuncture points and placed her on the grass, and took the initiative to die for her.

Looking back now, the way Yuan Jieying looked at her before she died made Cai Shaofen numb. From the numbness of the sky to the soles of her feet, the affection was so continuous... This is definitely not something that should be seen in a normal scene.

When Lan Fenghuang died, he died for his good friends, or according to the setting of the play, he died for the Sun Moon God Sect, for Ren Yingying, or for Ren Wo Xing to hold Dongfang Bubai down.

It should definitely not be the lingering affection for her "Yue Lingshan", full of love and tragedy...

She said something was wrong. She thought about it thoroughly and confirmed that something was wrong. As a professional actor, eye scenes are very important on the big screen. She not only has to perform well herself, but also needs to be able to clearly distinguish the eyes of her opponents. play!

This is whether professional skills are good or not, and the skill of eating.

It's off the mark, this is the Swordsman!

She plays Yue Lingshan, and Yuan Jieying plays Blue Phoenix. No matter how much magic is changed, no matter how extreme manipulation the director Xu Ke does, Dongfang Bubai becomes Aunt Lin Qingxia, but in all the scripts, there are absolutely no scenes like Yue Lingshan and Blue Phoenix. Yes CP!

Even if Yuan Jieying may have a tendency to become a lesbian, she hasn't noticed it yet, it's just her subconscious mind doing something, but in this movie, Lin Qingxia is the actress who is the easiest to win over girls, right? Why would Yuan Jieying target her? This is ridiculous!

That's not right. She once again carefully thought about the experience of filming for more than two months. After thinking for a while, she was convinced that Yuan Jieying simply wanted to make friends with them at the beginning and had no clear purpose.

If given the chance, Yuan is a small star and has only acted in Happy Land and School Storm since her debut. Naturally, she would be willing to play with Lin Qingxia, Hong Xin, and a super child star like her.

It would be best if we could have a relationship as best friends.

But Cai Shaofen is not sure when it started. Yuan Jieying's state of making friends and finding besties began to contain some strange tendencies. Yuan Jieying may not have noticed it herself, and she is still awakening.

Continuing to think about it, Cai Shaofen discovered that Yuan Jieying was not targeting her, Ah Fen, but occasionally her. Will it be replaced by Lin Qingxia later? When facing Cai Shaofen, she became more aggressive. When facing Aunt Qingxia, she became more aggressive and wanted to be pampered.

But Yuan Jieying doesn’t have that strange tendency towards Hong Xin...

Because in this movie, Lin Qingxia often plays Dongfang Bubai with a heroic look on her face, and her Yue Lingshan is also the type of woman who mostly wears male knight costumes, and there are almost no scenes showing female postures.

Hong Xin is different. The character Ren Yingying she plays is a beauty from beginning to end.

After shivering a few times, Afen felt that it was time to find an opportunity to introduce a boyfriend to Yuan Jieying. She couldn't watch her new little sister take detours. If not, why not introduce her to a few normal movie roles?

During their two-month relationship, she was not a person with a bad personality. Ah Fen, who was easy to get along with, had a pretty good relationship with Yuan Jieying, who often took the initiative and made flattery gestures to get close to her.

Just when Cai Shaofen was feeling confused and the crew was starting to prepare for the scene of Let Us Kill Hattori Qianjun, Lin Qingxia came over in costume again, "Afen, Axin, what are you two hiding and muttering about? , are you talking bad about me again?"

Cai Shaofen smiled and said, "No way, I was telling Ah Xin, Sister Qingxia, your movie is so weird, so handsome and heroic, I don't know how many girls it will win after it is released..."

"If there are too many girls who want to marry you, it will be tragic. It will be as tragic as the poems in the play."

Hong Xin couldn't help but tremble after hearing this, "Director Xu, this is too imaginative. Dongfang Bubai and Linghu Chong are in love, and you gave him your beloved concubine Shishi... Tsk, it's so miserable and cruel. !”

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have come. Even if I came just to learn mahjong skills from you, Sister Qingxia, I regret it now."

Lin Qingxia rolled her eyes and complained, "After filming the scene where Shishi commits suicide, we should call it a day. I'm tired of being hung and flying around every day while filming night scenes."

"But the soundtrack of this drama is really good... Sometimes the soundtrack recorded live sounds really impressive. The martial arts style is so classic. Huang Sheng and Yuan Sheng are both talented people."

The theme songs, interludes, were basically composed by Huang Zhan (a laugh from the sea) (just remember this laugh), etc., but there are also a lot of background soundtracks, pure music, that are done by other soundtrack artists.

Many of the soundtracks for a movie are produced during the post-production editing period, but some are recorded on-site.

Sounds like the clashing of swords and weapons, soundtracks, and more recorded live.

As he was talking, Zhang Yan, who played Shi Shi, also came over. She was also very beautiful and gorgeous in her costume. "Finally, the filming is about to be completed. Although I know that you are a great beauty, Sister Qingxia, it is still a bit strange to play a love scene with you, Xu." The guide has a bit of a bad taste..."

A beautiful woman died for another beautiful woman?

Even though Zhang Yan is an 87-year-old major who is about to finish her sophomore year, and is still Cai Shaofen and Hong Xin's elementary school girl, she is still full of complaints at this moment.

Of course, everyone complained in private, and the most they complained about Xu Ke was jokingly.

Lin Qingxia shrugged, "Fortunately, there are still many directors with bad taste. Director Xu is okay, but we can't accept it, but the male audience will probably like it..."

Director Xu's bad taste makes the actress feel a little weird. He is very good at grasping the mentality of the male audience.


An hour later, it was getting dark.

When Lin Qingxia and a group of pretty girls had just finished taking off their makeup, Hong Xin pulled Aunt Lin towards the car in a hurry, "Sister Qingxia, let's go to Huayuan Phase 1 with me. That sister Xin from Jiaxin really doesn't want a face. Come on." The first time I asked the big boss to take action, Winona Ryder and Jerry and I each lost more than 5,000 times!"

"And at the beginning, that sister Xin still owed Christiana Yeri more than 8,000 dinners and shopping opportunities."

"In total, the big boss defeated three of us more than 20,000 times in just over an hour!"

"He didn't win 13 times, but he could easily win seven times or ten times. After a few games, we are all in debt. You have to help me!"

In the earliest days, Hong Xin learned to play mahjong from Lin Qingxia. She just learned it by herself and insisted not to let Lin Qingxia take action for her. Wasn't this because she was afraid of accidents at the mahjong table? After all, who knows what flavor Big Boss will be on that day? ?

But last time...she also stole the chicken.

She also had her beautiful feet in black stockings played with under the conference table several times.

This means stability, which proves that when a group of Eastern and Western beauties attack together, Zhao Donghuai is more satisfied with her style.

According to custom, Director Zhao usually only chooses one at a time.

When the endless freshness is satisfied, the one who is very dedicated, pure and dedicated Zhao Donghuai, has been certified by countless stars in Hong Kong.

Hong Xin is no longer afraid, and has the confidence to ask Lin Qingxia to act as a foreign aid on her behalf.

Cai Shaofen said in shock, "Yes, yes, fortunately I was not at home that day, otherwise my whole life would be over. Sister Qingxia, you have to show your strength."

Lin Qingxia also looked in amazement, "I think what you said is too exaggerated. Is the big boss really playing mahjong as outrageous as in the movie? This is unscientific..."

Fortunately, she just stepped in and was not afraid of losing.

Lin Qingxia asked curiously again, "It's only after six o'clock in the morning and not yet seven o'clock. Are you sure that Sister Xin can come over and play mahjong with you?"

Hong Xin smiled and grabbed the eldest brother, "Wait until I contact her and ask."

Although Li Jiaxin is a little unclear and loses a lot at the mahjong table, with her current physique, strength and energy, she is really strong.

After a while, Hong Xin said with a calm smile, "Okay, we will gather at Ah Fen's house in Huayuan Phase 1 in an hour, and we can have some breakfast and wait for her."

Opposite the eldest brother, Sister Xin seems to be doing her morning exercise.

She was extremely curious and doubtful, how did Sister Xin manage to enjoy the height that could only be measured by a size 38?

More than two hours later, it was 9 a.m.

When the beaming and energetic Li Jiaxin knocked on the door of Cai Shaofen's house, she saw Lin Qingxia, Zhang Yan, Yuan Jieying and other girls already playing mahjong with great interest.

Li Jiaxin grabbed Cai Shaofen's hand and protested softly, "You didn't even wait for me to start?"

Cai Shaofen rolled his eyes wildly, unable to complain.

We agreed to come over for the opening ceremony at 7 o'clock, but it's already 9 o'clock for you! Does it take that long to get from Kowloon Tong to Tsim Sha Tsui?

Fortunately, she has a high status. While she was complaining, the girls over there had already stood up and began to welcome her with a smile. Li Jiaxin asked doubtfully, "Where is Hong Xin?"

Cai Shaofen smiled brightly, "She went to catch up on her sleep. She still owes you more than five thousand times. Today I asked Sister Qingxia to be a foreign aid."

While walking, as soon as she passed by, Yuan Jieying smiled brightly and said, "Sister Xin, come and fight. My skills are not good yet. I'll watch Ah Fen fight and learn the skills from her."

Cai Shaofen suddenly felt a little numb... How about she go catch up on some sleep? ?

To this day, she recalls that when she was filming the final scene of the death of Blue Phoenix played by Yuan Jieying, she couldn't let go of the way Yuan Jieying looked at her.

The next moment, Ah Fen said hurriedly, "I'm actually very sleepy too. How about you fight for me, Ah Ying? I'll treat you to dinner when I wake up."

Li Jiaxin looked indifferent. She sat in the seat where Yuan Jieying had been and said with a smile, "Hey, this card is not bad, then I will continue playing at this table. Ah Fen, you can finish this game before going to bed."

Yuan Jieying also smiled and said, "Sleepy? It's okay. I'll rub your shoulders for you. I promise not to talk."

Cai Shaofen is even more paralyzed. Who will save her? She is still a child and should not bear such a weight!


In the ATV office, Wang Zuxian put down the phone and came over with a strange look on his face, "Boss, Director Xu said that he wants to invite me to play The Invincibles 2. Do you think I can play the role?"

Zhao Donghuai was in a trance for a moment, feeling a bit toothache, "Old Xu is on the street now, Dongfang Invincible is still filming, it's not over yet, are you planning a sequel again?"

The original version of "The Swordsman: The Invincible" had a box office of more than 34 million Hong Kong dollars because of Jet Li's starring role, but "The Invincibles: The Return of the East", without Ajie, the Hong Kong box office dropped to more than 11 million Hong Kong dollars. .

In this era, most major female protagonists really can't handle the big box office.

However, "The Storm Comes Back" has more than 11 million, which is pretty good. Let's just say that "Tian Long Ba Bu: Tian Shan Tong Lao", which brought together three beauties, Lin Qingxia, Gong Li, and Zhang Min, only had a box office of more than 6 million in Hong Kong.

There is also "Green Snake" starring Wang Zuxian and Zhang Manyu in the original track, which only had a box office of more than 9 million in Hong Kong Island.

Leaving aside the box office, Zhao Donghuai remembered that Xu Ke, at a certain stage, really liked having female stars and female stars on the big screen...

A series of strong pulling sensations that can't be stopped for many years. Xu Ke understands male movie fans so well.

It's a pity that in the era of double-Monday Sing plus Jet Li's suppression, without those male superstars starring, one movie after another flopped at the box office.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "It doesn't actually make sense for you to take on a sequel like this. Many of Xu's martial arts films relied on soundtracks, theme songs, and interludes to become great classics."

Although in "The Rise of the Invincible East", the martial arts of the leader of the East is to easily catch the matchlock bullets from the barrel. He can catch a lot of bullets from the chamber with both hands, which is a super cool interpretation mode.

Putting his imagination twenty years later, it would be fun to just copy it from the Internet. But the character played by Wang Zuxian in the second part is really ordinary. Apart from wearing a bright red dress and a pretty dress, but talking about it Not a masterpiece.

The development of the main story is too crazy, purely for the development of Dongfang Bubai, who has a naughty character.

Xiaoxian nodded, "That's okay, I'll push it. By the way, Mai Xunxiong's studio sent a movie called (Eight Immortals Restaurant: Human Meat Barbecued Pork Buns). Why does the name sound a bit disgusting to me... It’s quite scary.”

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Director Zhao was also speechless, "Mai Xunxiong filmed it by himself? I never heard of that old Mai suddenly becoming so heavy-handed."

Wang Zuxian shook his head, "No, it was co-produced by his studio's contracted director Huang Tailai and Qiu Litao. Qiu Litao has worked as a photographer for Director Huang many times before, and this is his second time directing."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Then... well, I won't review the film. Who starred in it?"

Xiaoxian said with shame, "Ren Dahua."

Director Zhao understands that this film was filmed several years in advance and was adapted from a real case. Simon Yam's acting skills are indeed much more abnormal and expressive. After all, this brother Dahua has already starred in (Memories of Murder) and became famous in East and Southeast Asia.

It wouldn't be a big deal if another movie, Hotel of the Eight Immortals, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor.

Why do you think Lao Mai suddenly made such a crime thriller four years in advance? Of course, it is also stimulated by money. After all, Debao and 100 Years Pictures have been listed successively, and their market value has exceeded 10 billion Hong Kong dollars.

No matter what Lao Mai has been like before, with his vision of producing biopics such as "The Flag Soldier of the Province and Hong Kong", "The Lame Hero", and "The Legend of Wang Wenxia", and he also has a general like Huang Tailai under his command, it is not surprising that he will cause trouble in advance.

After all, the real case of barbecued pork buns happened in Haojiang in 1985.

Last year, Lao Mai directed Huang Tailai to film "The Strange Case of Three Wolves". In "The Mysterious Case of Three Wolves", when Huang Bingyao's deadly scissor-kick urged a group of police station leaders to help Zhou Xingxing, an undercover agent, cheat in an exam, the ordinary policeman bitch muttered. (The Strange Case of Three Wolves).

Last year, The Strange Case of the Three Wolves sold nearly 11 million Hong Kong dollars on Hong Kong Island, 12 million Hong Kong dollars on Wanwan, 21 million Hong Kong dollars on South Korean ticket warehouses, and 10 million Hong Kong dollars on the island country of Plus Star, Malaysia and other places. Standard small cost, big profit , similar to the kind of ghost mission hall.

It was simply because New Era had not yet opened in the Mainland at that time, so it was not released in the Mainland and became a hit at the box office.

The barbecued pork buns are not bad either. According to the original trajectory, it was in the era of biweekly success four years later, and it could still earn more than 15 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office, which was even more powerful than The Strange Case of Three Wolves.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai said, "You call the big stone and ask New Era Cinema to come and see if the film can be released in the mainland... I always feel a bit suspense. This subject is not an ordinary crime, it is too bloody and violent. "

"I feel that if the Three Wolves Strange Case is taken out for review in the mainland now, the probability of passing review is much higher than that of barbecued pork buns."

Wang Zuxian nodded. She was also a little afraid to watch new movies. Forget it, call the mainland theaters to review it. If it works, forget it.

After a while, Xiaoxian said in surprise, "Boss, director Xu Ke is here. I haven't called him before to reject his offer to star in Invincible East 2. It seems he has other matters."

She decided to push the sequel to The Invincible East and didn't rush to call back because she knew that it was past seven in the morning when Xu Ke finished filming overnight.

Lin Qingxia and the others finished work after six o'clock, and Xu Ke continued to shoot some of Jet Li's other scenes. It was already past ten o'clock in the morning. I guess the great director had just taken a break, right?

As for calling Shi Nansheng? Of course, this is not Xiaoxian's debut. When she first came to Hong Kong Island, she filmed five Xu Ke's works in a row. In terms of personal acting skills, Xu Ke gave her quite a lot of guidance, and she was regarded as a master who had never formally apprenticed.

She then thought of waiting for Xu Ke to rest and call him in person to explain the reason for the rejection.

Zhao Donghuai asked in surprise, "Could it be that Xu Jinquan and Xu Guanjie's version of Swordsman has finished filming?"

The two "Swordsman" movies were planned together and started shooting two months apart. They didn't use the same Linghu Chong, not even Yue Lingshan, because Tsui Hark's version focused on "the love entanglement between Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai." story".

A few minutes later, when he saw Lao Xu who was a little out of spirits, he walked in. Wang Zuxian personally made coffee for him. Lao Xu was very straightforward and said curiously, "Sheng Zhao, Huang Zhan begged me again." He said he wanted to ask Deng Yurong to let Xiao Ni go. The old Ni Sheng returned all the money he had lost, just hoping that Deng Yurong's men would let him go."

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, "What's going on? Lost money?"

"The last time you sent a message for Huang Sheng, you also said that when the younger brothers of Lian Le spent the winter with him, they often played poker and mahjong. The guys from Lian Le won a lot at the beginning? Or was it Deng Yurong who made the decision to cancel those IOUs? , are you afraid that it will make a big fuss and it won’t look good if Mr. Cha comes forward?”

Xu Ke patted his thigh speechlessly and said, "I'm also at a loss. I just couldn't contact Deng Yurong so I came here in the middle of my sleep."

"I speculate that this incident may have happened when those bad guys from the society returned to Hong Kong and knew that Xiao Ni was rich and could ask his father for money from home, so they took it upon themselves to trick him."

"He only came back on the 12th of last month, and it lasted until today, May 6th. Good guy, Xiao Ni has lost more than 300,000 Hong Kong dollars in cash, and still owes hundreds of thousands more."

"Not counting interest, the total is less than 500,000 yuan. The Ni family will definitely be able to pay it back."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. In less than 30 days, he lost less than 500,000? Although Zhao Donghuai's newspaper group recruited writers from the mainland, Ni Jiji's manuscript fee standards have collapsed since the book was opened.

But that was also opened in 1984.

Before that, the Ni family had already received a royalties of RMB 500 per thousand words for three years based on the Yuan Zhenxia series, so the Ni family would definitely be able to afford the gambling capital of less than 500,000 yuan.

After a few seconds of silence, he said curiously, "Good guy, you don't have to be in such a hurry, right? I can't get in touch in the morning, so I'll wait until the afternoon..."

Xu Ke smiled bitterly, "I have a series of martial arts movie plans in my head now, and I really need Huang Sheng to help me perfect various theme songs, soundtracks, etc."

"I fell asleep less than an hour after I got home, and Huang Sheng knocked on the door and shook me awake."

"I can't help it, that guy is talented. From the Chinese Ghost Story series, to Once Upon a Time, to the two Swordsman films, most of the classic songs were written by Huang Sheng alone..."

"If A Chinese Ghost Story were gone (the road is blurry), Huang Feihong was gone (men should strive for self-improvement), and Swordsman was gone (a laugh from the sea), they would all lose their luster."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay, I'll call and ask."

Huang Zhan has not only contributed many classic songs and compositions to Xu Ke's movies for many years, but is also currently filming the variety show "Undefended Tonight" on ATV, and has begun to work hard to dig out various underworlds of Li Chao. Where is the material?

At this stage, Mr. Li has recorded two episodes (undefended tonight). He drank some wine and smoked a cigar, but he did not expose any important black spots or black material throughout the whole process. He occasionally let slip something and was questioned by the host. In the end, he asked Damn it, you can use all kinds of tricks to gild yourself.

Those two issues (Tonight's Undefended) didn't have any great moments.

Therefore, the program team has invited Li Da and Li Er to attack young people. Among them, whether Zhu Jiading or Yangshuo from the mainland, they are really younger brothers and they are still learning.

After Zhao Donghuai called Pan Asia and gave some instructions, he waved his hand and said, "You should go back and catch up on some sleep first. Whether Pan Asia people go to check those gangsters in person, or call Deng Yurong and ask Da Rong to check them, they all need to time."

Xu Ke stood up and nodded, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly said, "Even if it is found out that a few bad guys made their own decisions, it is not much to pay off the 500,000 debt. The Ni family can afford it, but Xiao Ni has already gambled On..."

"It's been going on for more than 20 days. Isn't it hard to quit?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "What's so hard about quitting? Didn't Cai Shaofen's mother quit gambling for a few years? Do you think she has started gambling again?"

"Even if the Ni family doesn't have the conditions we have, we can grit our teeth and throw him into the Qingshan Mental Hospital for a year or two. I guarantee he will be clean."

Lao Xu was stunned, thought for a few minutes, gave a thumbs up and said, "It's better for Zhao Sheng to give you Ba Guan."

You're right. Is there anything better to quit? No matter Ni Ji, Huang Zhan or Cha Sheng, they can't call on the big brothers in Hong Kong Haowan to help people quit gambling.

But if you are thrown into Qingshan Mental Hospital for a year and a half, you are guaranteed to be fat and free of addiction.

After Xu Ke stepped away, Wang Zuxian was also shocked and came over with a new cup of coffee, "Why didn't you tell me before? Mei Yanfang has been begging Shao Daheng to help her mother quit gambling, and Shao Daheng didn't Nothing has been done."

"Then Mei Yanfang kept complaining and crying to Brother Rong and the others for several years."

The relationship between Mei Yanfang and Zhang Guorong is really not that close.

Zhao Donghuai helped Cai Shaofen's mother quit gambling from 1986 to 1987...it has been more than two years since she was released, and there is no sign of her relapse.

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, "This...no one asked me before? Ah Rong didn't even ask if there is any easy way to quit gambling?? If you don't believe me, call him and ask?"

Wang Zuxian was confused for dozens of seconds, "Of course I believe you. I guess it was when Mei Yanfang cried and complained. Even if Brother Ah Rong wanted to help her and wanted to ask you, his thinking was limited to asking his elder brother to help him quit gambling. inside."

"I'll call him later and tell him about this good idea..."


In Beijing, after Zhang Guorong, who was still studying Peking Opera, received the BB buckle, he ran to the nearest place to make a long distance call and chatted with Wang Zuxian for a while. He put down the phone with a melancholy look on his face and asked, "Can I still be sent to a mental hospital to quit gambling? ?”

"Although it's a bit strange, there is an example of Ah Fen's mother. After living there for a year or two, she did have a good ability to quit addiction. I just don't know if Amei is serious enough to do this."


About the same time.

Ni Jian angrily slapped Ni Zhen with a chicken feather blanket more than a dozen times before signing a check, "I will pay this debt for you because I am afraid that you will be beaten to death outside."

"If I had known that within a month of coming back, you would have lost 500,000 yuan and still got addicted to this kind of addiction, you shouldn't have begged Lao Huang to beg Xu Ke and throw yourself on the street. You need to be more mature, you loser."

"Those gangsters make a living by traveling and watching the show. That's their professional survival ability. Can you win over the opponent with something you treat as a hobby??"

Ni Zhen looked like he was begging for mercy and giving up, but he was a little disapproving. In the past 20 days, everyone had lost and won, not to mention that he won a few tens of thousands at the beginning.

Even the day before yesterday, he continued to win more and lose less for 20 days. This sudden loss was nothing more than bad luck and an enemy card. It was like in the movie The Gambler, Hong Kong Island Gambling King Hong Guang won Wanwan Gambling King A handful like that.

Just a handful, how could he be willing to let it go?

Now that he gave in and paid off the debt, he still had a chance to win it all back. Damn it, he was just afraid that those guys wouldn't gamble with him. He also saw with his own eyes that when he faced a loss of 500,000, his father invited Uncle Huang to come to his house. discuss.

At the end of the discussion, Uncle Huang decided to continue not to be shy. Even if he signed various priority cooperation contracts with Xu Ke, he would still force Director Xu to completely resolve the matter.

The last time he begged for mercy, he came back from Siberia. Wouldn't he scare those guys away from playing with him this time? Then the 500,000 will be completely gone!

His YES! The magazine has ceased publication, and his reputation has been completely ruined, including his own reputation. As Liu Ximing becomes more and more popular, the fans attracted by that guy are extremely angry about the "cancer name" incident and are holding back their hatred.

"Don't worry, Dad, I will pay off the debt, never play again, and wash my hands thoroughly..."

Begging for mercy and laughing with him, Ni Jiang was comforted and no longer furious, so he timidly left the house. However, Ni Jiang looked at Xiao Ni's back with a complicated expression on his face.

This gambling thing... does it mean that you can quit just by saying quit? Look, in 1985, Xie Si owed more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars in debt, and his wife ran to Haojiang overnight to find He Gambling King? ?

Then Xie Si still lost another 20 million this year? ? Too bad, he wants to vomit blood!

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