Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 287 The greatest painter of the 20th century

It's a new day.

When Zhao Donghuai was about to go out for a run, he heard Azhen say, "Boss, Shangyi Film Studio has decided on a new project, and it's an animated version (Chang'e Flying to the Moon)."

Director Zhao smiled and stretched his body and warmed up a little, "Okay, there are so many mythological stories. Since we are not working on a new version (Nezha Naohai), you can just choose any new project."

A project ten years ago can generate a global box office and sales revenue of HK$180 million in ten years. This is the most exciting good news for Shangmei Factory.

New projects cannot cause chaos.

But Chang'e flew to the moon, Nuwa mended the sky, Hou Yi shot the sun, Dayu controlled the floods, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, etc., which one is not a good story that is familiar to the Chinese circle? ?

Having said this, Zhang Min came over and said, "Boss, Christie's Auction House plans to hold an auction in a week and has sent you an invitation."

"We also listed some auction items, such as the snake heads and horse heads among the twelve animal heads in the Old Summer Palace, as well as the Ming Dynasty painter Zhou Chen's (Ten Thousand Miles of the Yangtze River), and a merchant square lei (lei) bronze ware body... …”

During the introduction, Amin handed over the list of auction items sent by Christie's. Zhao Donghuai took the list and looked at it. Good guy, there are really a lot of good things.

After reading to the end, Zhao Donghuai commented, "Azhen, this is because Christie's sees that we Chinese have become rich and rich, and wants to defraud us of our money by taking out the precious Chinese cultural relics that their grandfathers robbed."

"I want things, but I don't want to spend the money. Can you help me find a way?"

"I'm going for a run now. When I come back, you have to give me advice, otherwise I'll be beaten with a stick."

Azhen, "..."

Azhen is still a little eager to give it a try.

Director Zhao didn't think too much, turned around and went out to exercise. His guess should be correct. It was the white European and American people who saw the current rapid development of Hong Kong Island's entertainment industry and the increasing wealth, and came to rob it.

Christie's is a habitual offender of this kind of robbery.

Just like the original track in 2008, the mainland held the Olympic Games, attracting global attention. An Olympic Games also made the world re-recognize the new China.

But not long after the Olympics, when China was in a state of excitement and revelry, Christie's announced with a high profile that it would auction the rat and rabbit heads that had been stolen from the twelve animal heads of the Old Summer Palace.

The intention is obvious, aren't you rich already? Since you are so rich, shouldn’t it be time to spend a lot of money to buy back the cultural relics our grandfathers stole from your family?

This incident aroused too much public discussion, and a large number of people formed a group of lawyers to oppose and protest this robbery. However, Christie's still held the auction openly and with the support of the French court.

Then a rat head was auctioned for 14 million euros, and a rabbit head was also auctioned for 14 million euros, totaling 280 million yuan.

This means that if you have money, I will kill you.

Later, the collector who took the photos of the two zodiac heads refused to pay, and publicly declared that as a Chinese, he could not accept the repurchase method to buy cultural relics stolen by bandits, and he would not pay the money.

After following the Pinault family to buy the rat and rabbit heads, and publicly announcing that they would donate the two zodiac heads to China, do you think the Pinault family is kind? good man?

No, the Pinault family itself is the largest shareholder of Christie’s! !

If he had good intentions, he would not hold a high-profile auction to auction off rat and rabbit heads after the Olympics, despite the opposition of the Chinese people and the opposition of the government.

This is because they saw that they could not make any money through auctions and were trying to kill the wealthy Chinese, so they decided to donate instead.

Moreover, the Pinault family is also the head of luxury brands such as Gucci and Balenciaga. They want to use their "fame" to attack the Chinese consumer market. This is why they have a business operation model of donating the rat and rabbit heads after they failed to sell. .

Cheng Long's future movie (Zodiac) is nothing more than a copy of the real-life Pinault family's operations.

The main villain in the movie is a copycat of the business routines commonly used by the Pinault family.

Of course, the Pinault family has not yet joined the Christie's auction house and is not a major shareholder yet, but similar routine operations are very familiar to the ghost guys. They are all operations as black as crows in the world.

While running, Zhao Donghuai already had a general idea. Did Gui Lao invite him to participate in the auction? It is estimated that he is not the only Chinese rich man who received the invitation letter. This is an honest robbery.

His mentality is just like that, I want things, but I don’t want to give money? what to do?

This year is the Year of the Snake and next year is the Year of the Horse.

Among the twelve zodiac animal heads, can you pull out snake heads and horse heads? Christie is very thoughtful. You must know that in the original trajectory, until he time traveled, the whereabouts of the snake's capital were unknown... Instead, the clues are clear in the horse's head. The horse's head was transferred to a North American antique dealer who owned it in 1988. Gave it to a Yalun antique dealer.

It was originally supposed to be in June this year. Last month, a wealthy man from the province bought a horse head at a Sotheby's auction. Is this the butterfly effect? ?

"Let's simulate it for three years first..."


Two hours later, when Zhao Donghuai returned to the 12th floor sweating profusely, Azhen ran over quickly and said with a melancholy look on his face, "I thought about it again and again, but I didn't think of how to get the things back without spending money."

"You can't steal it, right? You have such a prestigious position now, it would be too embarrassing to just steal it. You can't really let Sony learn some big movie production processes and let them spend money to buy it to honor you."

In order to win over Columbia Pictures, Sony not only spent a lot of money in North America, but also wanted to learn the production process and technology of big movies. The Spider-Man trilogy paid Zhao Donghuai 150 million U.S. dollars in apprenticeship fees without blinking an eye.

Originally, Zhao Donghuai had no intention of actually teaching.

But what if the Zhenjiao... lets Sony buy all kinds of precious cultural relics that were stolen from China and give them to Director Zhao as a filial piety?

When Zhang Min came over with a bath towel, he also smiled and said, "How about you activate the Hydra, control a wave of Christie's, or bring out evidence of the criminal crimes of the people behind those cultural relics? Just take those things that can put people in jail It shouldn’t be difficult to throw it out and exchange it for some cultural relics, right?”

Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "Okay, I didn't expect you two to have this idea. It's great to be able to think of this."

I want things, but I don’t want money.

In just two hours, Azhen and Amin actually came up with more than one solution? Although this is all due to the fact that Zhao Donghuai has done too many tricks in the past and can copy homework, it also shows that the two women have become more enlightened in their business war.

On the way to the big bath, Zhao Donghuai said, "Amin, call Christie's and ask them to come over and find a person in charge, and find a few appraisers. I have an oil painting in my hand that is very suspicious of being authentic. I'm waiting. They identify.”

"Well, it's Van Gogh's oil painting."

Even if Azhen thought of a makeshift solution, she would still be sentenced when it was time to go to jail.


Noon, Christie’s office on Hong Kong Island.

Paul, who is in his 30s, is grabbing a glass of red wine, shaking it while looking at the antique cultural relics sealed in display cabinets, which are basically from the Huaxia series.

From bronzes to various porcelains, to calligraphy and paintings, etc., everything is available.

Paul was followed by several ghost guys, all of whom looked like professionals and successful people, with bright expressions on their faces.

After walking around, Paul raised his glass and said, "What a beautiful cultural relic. Here's a drink to my lovely grandfather and great-grandfathers. If they hadn't robbed the whole world, we wouldn't have been able to live a free and unrestrained life for a few lifetimes."

He is in his 30s, and his grandfather is naturally in his eighties. It is not yet 1990, and his grandfather is the heroes who were active in the East and the Far East in the 1920s and 1930s.

Going back to the great-grandfather's generation, it was the unrestrained era around 1900, and that generation was the main force in the burning of the Old Summer Palace.

Aren’t the snake heads and horse heads among the twelve zodiac signs collected in the Old Summer Palace collected this time by our great ancestors personally snatched them from the Old Summer Palace?

Immediately behind Paul, someone laughed and cheered.

Then a middle-aged man with brown hair said, "Paul, a lot of invitations have been sent out, but Hong Kong Island is actually a bit uneasy. We won't encounter some troubles outside of the law, right? I would say we should put the auction on hold In Yalun, or Paris..."

Paul laughed, "No, no, I also invited some museum people from the mainland to participate in the auction. With those in official clothes sitting in charge, for the sake of the country's face, there will be no trouble."

"Hong Kong Island is becoming more and more unstable, but in Hong Kong and Paris, there are not so many wealthy Chinese..."

"By the way, Ben, have the colonial entrustment made arrangements? If we want to get the highest price for the auction here, we'd better not arrange for rich white people to raise the price, but for local Chinese..."

Ben raised his glass and took a sip, "Don't worry, Dayang has been managing Hong Kong Island for nearly a hundred years, and there are many sheepdogs who have converted both physically and mentally."

Paul nodded, "That's okay. Now we just wait for the news to spread for a while and let more people know about this auction..."

"Hong Kong Island Fashion Week has just passed, and the world's attention has not completely withdrawn from this place. We take advantage of this fire to make this auction as prosperous as possible."

Paul and other white people at the Christie's auction are really taking advantage of the trend of Hong Kong Island Fashion Week to make money. You said it is already July 20, and the fashion week has been over for more than a month... No, Zhao Donghuai took Hong Kong Island Fashion Week , linked with the big movie (The Queen of 5,000 Years of Time).

Nowadays, the best-selling movies in the world and the fashion week recordings and broadcasts are perfectly matched with the audio-visual feast that bombards people around the world.

All related to Hong Kong Island.

So at this time, it is also a time when the image and impression of Hong Kong Island by the global public is further deepened and expanded. What impression do the global public have of Hong Kong Island? ? Fashionable, high-end, high-end, there are so many beauties everywhere that it can dazzle people.

It is also the most prosperous and fashionable metropolis in the world. The metropolis where handsome men and beautiful women can mess up your heart has become the flag of the Eastern world. It seems that Tokyo is not up to par compared with here.

Under this impression, a lot of rich people and chaebol heads are invited to a carnival-style auction of Chinese antiques and cultural relics. Even the officials have invited a group, and the entrustment has arranged it. You don’t want to cut the meat and buy it. Is it appropriate to pay protection fees for a large number of cultural relics? ?

You are not willing to spend any money on antiques and cultural relics. Are you worthy of Hong Kong Island Fashion Week and (The Queen of Five Thousand Years), which will further deepen the image of Hong Kong Island as a city? ?

Just when Paul was happily thinking about his dream of making a fortune, a figure came quickly, "Boss, Zhao from Hong Kong called and said that his ATV had a Van Gogh oil painting, which was very suspected to be authentic, and wanted to invite us. Experts are here to help identify it.”

Paul was shocked, and even the ghost guys like me were shocked.

Ben grabbed the figure's hand and said, "What did you say? Van Gogh's oil painting??"

The figure immediately said weakly, "Yes, that's what they said over there. They said it was suspected to be an authentic work, and it should have been authenticated several times."

As for Van Gogh's oil paintings, the year before 1987, at an auction run by Christie's in Yanlun, a painting of Van Gogh's Sunflowers was directly sold for 24.75 million pounds, equivalent to 39.92 million U.S. dollars, equivalent to 311 million Hong Kong dollars!

This is the beginning of Christie's Group becoming one of the world's top auction houses and becoming a global auction giant.

Before this series of auctions, they still couldn't match Sotheby's reputation.

Ben immediately looked at Paul, "Since Zhao from Hong Kong said this, there is a high probability that the Van Gogh oil painting in his hand is an authentic work. The richest Chinese man would not make such a joke, and he cannot afford to embarrass such a person... …”

Paul was a bit conceited, "Get ready and go to ATV for appraisal right away."


ATV big office.

Zhao Donghuai looked at the oil painting hanging on the wall with a strange smile. Azhen was also in high spirits after studying and learning. He stared at the oil painting and said curiously, "This painting feels like this..."

"Isn't it just a few sunflowers?"

Zhao Donghuai was happy, "I don't understand art either, but if this painting is real, I should be able to make a lot of money. Maybe it can be exchanged for a bunch of Chinese cultural relics that Christie's is going to auction."

Is this painting of Van Gogh's Sunflowers authentic? ?

While running for fitness, Zhao Donghuai simulated several times and spent 10,000 to 20,000 reputations. He discovered "human extreme painting technology", "human extreme porcelain making technology", "human extreme forgery technology"...

wait wait wait.

Then, I originally wanted to learn a few waves of technology, try to make an antique cultural relic that looks like the real thing, and have a battle of wits with Christie's?

Unexpectedly, in another simulation, the option of Van Gogh's original sunflowers appeared? ?

This is the original Van Gogh produced by the simulator...

What’s even more outrageous is that this is Van Gogh (Fifteen Sunflowers in a Vase) F457!

Why do you say outrageous? Because Van Gogh actually created a series of sunflowers in vases between 1888 and 1889. Even in the 2020s, various studies and surveys, in a public sense, only believed that there should be seven sunflowers in this series.

One piece disappeared into the long river of history, and six were preserved.

Then there are four or five masterpieces of sunflowers that are not in vases.

The painting labeled F457 was bought by President Goto at Christie's in 1987 for HK$311 million.

It was also at this terrifying price that Van Gogh was gradually sold to a large number of people who had no interest in art. They began to know Van Gogh and sunflowers!

so? ?

Zhao Donghuai has an authentic F457 here? ? Is there an authentic copy of President Goto who is a Japanese guy? ? Are you kidding me?

Co-author: President Goto angrily spent HKD 311 million to buy a Van Gogh masterpiece. Is it a fake? That’s right, in 1997, a newspaper in Yinglun reported that what President Goto bought was probably a fake, a copy of Emile’s imitation of Van Gogh…

After several investigations and various confirmations, there have been many rumors that the painting bought by the Goto devils was a fake! Who is Emir? That was the same era as Van Gogh. When Van Gogh was alive, he was the first artist, painter, and collector to collect Van Gogh's works.

Zhao Donghuai felt that if he used various extreme human-level painting techniques and fake old-fashioned techniques he had learned from the system, he should be able to paint a Van Gogh work that was as fake as the real one.

But that method and getting Van Gogh Sunflowers directly from the simulator... should be more authentic than those produced by the system, right? ?

Produced by the system, five-axis linkage CNC machine tools, super computers, etc. are produced time and time again. It is very convincing!

after a while.

When the secretary working outside reported that someone from Christie's had arrived, Zhao Donghuai said happily, "Azhen, please pour the wine. The person who delivered the money is here... No, the person who delivered the antiques is here."

Azhen happily ran to pour the wine.

Amin walked over and opened the door.

Then a total of five ghost guys, led by Paul and Ben, entered the office. After entering, everyone looked at the person first, but no one could see their appearance clearly. The attention of the five ghost guys suddenly focused on the hanging person. Van Gogh's sunflower paintings are on the wall.

This oil painting is not small, one meter long and 76 centimeters wide. It was framed and hung like that. They also received a call before coming, and of course they were excited and excited all of a sudden.

The four ghost guys including me forgot to say hello to Zhao Donghuai, and just stared at Sunflower as he walked over. As they got closer, their expressions gradually changed from excited, passionate, and fiery to suspicious, full of ghosts, and question marks on their faces. and exclamation point emotions.

After all, they were the ones who presided over the appraisal of the Sunflower F457 that was auctioned two years ago, and also invited personnel from the Van Gogh Museum to do the appraisal...

That was one of the most famous battles that took Christie's auction house to its pinnacle and became one of the world's top auction houses.

It’s only been two years, how could everyone forget? ?

Four or five steps away from the sunflower painting, Ben turned and looked at Zhao Donghuai, "Zhao Sheng, did you buy this Sunflower F457 from President Goto?"

"Sheng Zhao is worthy of being the richest man in Hong Kong Island. He is so majestic. Mr. Van Gogh's masterpiece is definitely a perfect work of art worth collecting."

Paul himself is not a very professional collector, appraiser, etc. He just manages the auction. He also recognized this masterpiece at this moment and said with a smile, "Zhao, if it is this F457, there is no need to go to all the trouble." It has been appraised. Two years ago, our auction house spent a lot of manpower and energy on this perfect piece of art."

Zhao Donghuai was stunned. He was definitely a professional in terms of acting skills. Director Zhao had a question mark and an exclamation mark on his face, "No, I don't know Goto, and I have never been exposed to Western oil paintings. It was just something given to me by the people below. "

"What is this F457?? Does the sunflower oil painting have a serial number??"

Paul, “…”

Ben was shocked. He quickly took out his gloves and mask, put them on, and continued to approach the sunflower.

After Paul was shocked and confused, he took out the big brother and started dialing, calling President Goto of the island country. Although Zhao Donghuai said that it was sent by the people below, but in case the people below were trying to flatter him, he would get it from Goto. Did you buy Sunflower F457?

Everyone knows that people named Zhao make money. It is common for a big movie to earn billions of Hong Kong dollars in box office, video tapes and peripherals.

People named Zhao can make money in the stock market and the financial market with a large group of juniors.

Even if his subordinates spend hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars to please him, it is not a strange thing.

after a while.

Paul glanced at the four appraisers who were studying under the sunflowers before he said, "Zhao, the matter is a bit big. Please excuse me for a while. I can't contact President Goto on the phone. I want to try other methods... …”

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "You can do whatever you want."


More than two hours later.

The four appraisers from Christie's, accompanied and guarded by members of the Zhao family, had escorted Sunflower F457 to the 7th floor.

Zhao Donghuai just received new news, that is, President Sakamoto of Sony has arrived. When Sakamoto entered the office, he first bowed 90 degrees to say hello, and then said in surprise, "Sheng Zhao, I heard that you have collected a painting by Van Gogh. Sunflower oil painting? Or F457?"

Director Zhao nodded, "Yes, do you also know that President Goto??"

Sakamoto smiled bitterly, "Sheng Zhao, Mr. Goto is the president of the second largest insurance group in our island country..."

What is insurance? ? To be the second largest in the island country, this is not a big shot that Sakamoto, the president of a Sony subsidiary, can match.

20 years later, the CEO of China’s second largest insurance group? What kind of big shot is that?

After explaining President Goto's status with a wry smile, Sakamoto gritted his teeth and said, "Baga, those shameless idiots, could it be that the sunflower sold to Mr. Goto for 311 million Hong Kong dollars two years ago was a fake?" "

The boss of the second largest insurance group in the island country is still the richest in the island country. He is clamoring to buy North America. What kind of money is 310 million Hong Kong dollars?

This amount of money is not much for Goto.

But I happily spent money to buy Van Gogh's masterpiece home and showed it off for two years. Why on earth are you telling me that it might be a fake? ?

You should know that the fifteen sunflowers in the vase and other series of works are basically collected in the National Gallery of Art, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the Philadelphia Museum of Art in North America, and other institutions.

The last Van Gogh Sunflower series owned by an island nation was F459, and it was burned down during the burning of Osaka in World War II...

As for Zhao Donghuai’s painting of Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, it is still being appraised? Sakamoto began to suspect that President Goto’s products were fakes. Was it too early?

Again, what is Zhao Donghuai’s status and influence in Hong Kong Island now? No matter which of his rich men receives this sunflower, it must have been appraised in various ways before it is sent. You can't give a fake just to flatter you.

Let Zhao Donghuai become a joke?

There must have been a process of authenticating the authenticity before it was sent, probably more than once. After it was delivered, before Zhao Donghuai called the appraiser from the Christie's auction, didn't he ask his own people to authenticate it again?

This... this is a bit of fun!

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Actually, which one is true and which one is false, the significance is not that important. I heard that the three notes of mourning and chaos by the calligrapher Wang Xizhi have been kept with you?"

Sakamoto was startled, and then...then he was not too moved. He had no interest in antiques and no research on them.

The sage of calligraphy, Wang Xizhi, is extremely famous. It is said that the Three Sangluan Posts are the only authentic works of Wang Xizhi that exist in the world. So what? ? Sakamoto doesn’t understand or pursue this kind of art.

Sakamoto said quickly, "Zhao Sheng wants to lose three posts? It's not that there is no chance, but I have no contact with this industry before, that is, I accidentally learned that President Goto may have been tricked by those white-skinned ghosts." , the trap became a big joke..."

"I'm just a little shocked by this."

"If Mr. Zhao, you want to use this painting of Van Gogh's Sunflowers in your hand to exchange for the three mourning posts, you have to see how President Goto works..."

"Of course, if Christie's wants to maintain its reputation as an auction house, it will probably have to offer a large number of precious cultural relics in exchange for this sunflower work in your hands, Mr. Zhao."

When things get too big and the fun gets too big, someone has to take responsibility.

He only learned today that Christie's auction house plans to auction a large number of Chinese cultural relics in a week. I heard that there are many very precious ones?

For example, the square Lei Lei body of the merchant vessel presented by Christie's is considered to be the largest and most exquisite piece of square Lei artifacts unearthed in China so far. It has long been known as the King of Square Lei.

In 1924, Fang Lei Lei was sold to Rockefeller in North America for US$800,000.

That was $800,000 in 1924!

The Lei Gai has been preserved in the Hunan Provincial Museum since the 1950s. It is the king of Fang Lei in the Shang Dynasty, including the entire Bronze Age. It is the largest and most exquisite...

Sakamoto also inquired before coming here. It seems that this is an island collector who gave it to Christie's auction house. He wanted to make a lot of money. In 1924, the body was worth 800,000 US dollars. In the late 1980s, it was worth tens of millions of dollars. Knife?

If we are arranging a few trustees and inviting official staff from the Hunan Provincial Museum to visit us, will Hunan Province be able to bear not to rush to buy the body? The body and lid of the lei are integrated into one, and that is the king of the square lei!

It has been more than 60 years since the Pan Fang Lei was unearthed and Gai Shen was separated!

But now that there is such a big excitement, which can destroy the credibility of Christie's auction house, should Christie's itself bleed a lot of money and pay for the body of Safang Rei, plus other items such as the twelve zodiac animal heads, Master Tang Bohu One of Zhou Chen’s (Ten Thousand Miles of the Yangtze River)? ?

Piece things together like this, put together a big one, exchange it for the sunflowers in Zhao Donghuai's hands, and then ration them to President Goto? ?

Only in this way can Christie's reputation and reputation be preserved, otherwise it will definitely collapse!

The total value of the Shang Dan Fang Lei Lei body plus the zodiac animal heads, Zhou Chen's paintings and calligraphy, etc. is definitely greater than the unit price of a sunflower by Van Gogh.

But the account is not a simple matter of adding up numbers and collecting money, but...you have cheated the super-rich super-rich man from the island country for two years, and let him collect and exhibit suspected fakes for two years? ?

What about a credibility blow, what about a reputation blow?

After experiencing one of the peak auctions in 1987, the price of sunflowers has skyrocketed. Do you still want to buy the real thing from Zhao Donghuai at the original price? ? How much money do you think the richest Chinese man like Zhao Donghuai needs?

It was Christie's who was kneeling and begging, hoping that Zhao Sheng would be noble and give them the opportunity to exchange for a wave of authentic works to make up for the business reputation of the Christie's auction house, which was about to collapse.

Zhao Donghuai looked at President Sakamoto and said with emotion, "I want Christie's Shang Fang Lei, Zhou Chen's Ten Thousand Miles of the Yangtze River, etc., I also want Wang Xizhi's Three Postscripts of Mourning and Luan!"

"President Sakamoto, do you think there is a possibility that I want them all?"

"You seem to have a lot of precious cultural relics from China in your collection there?"

Sakamoto was a little confused, "We at Sony have a lot of power, but... but it seems like a team of filmmakers sent to Hollywood to learn the production methods and processes of sci-fi special effects movies??"

“You couldn’t even serve it during the meeting??”

The Spider-Man 1 project was approved on July 18, and the white creative team flew to New York on the same day. Today is the first meeting after landing and resting.

Several major director teams didn't let anyone from Sony come to the meeting table during meetings to arrange location scouting and finalize shooting plans? ?

Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "Such a thing could happen? What's going on?"

Sakamoto tentatively said, "I heard that the people who received them over there were too enthusiastic and drank too much, so they didn't catch up..."


after a while.

When Sakamoto got out of the way, Azhen came over and said, "Boss, are you planning to stock up on gifts for your return?"

Suddenly she was eyeing so many lost Chinese cultural relics. With Zhen's mind, she really didn't think it was like Zhao Donghuai's collecting habit. After knowing him for so long, she knew that Zhao Donghuai had no such collecting hobby at all.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "It was just a coincidence. If Christie's hadn't sent me an invitation letter, things wouldn't have developed to this point."

The Christie's auction house acquired a series of precious cultural relics from North America, Yalun, and even the island country. The invitations were all sent to him...

The other party has been working hard for so long, wouldn't it be appropriate for him not to give it a try? That's definitely not appropriate.

He collected the original Van Gogh Sunflower F457 with only 10,000 to 20,000 reputation points. He did not have to forge it with his own hands. It would be inappropriate not to collect a large number of them.

And if you collect it, as A Zhen said, it can be regarded as a gift for your return? It’s also a good suggestion. I’ll go back in another seven years.

Azhen was even more excited, "In this case, the film and television production industry in the island country can really learn the production process of several Spider-Man movies and understand how to make a big movie. If they can send Sangluan Santie and Other treasures are not a loss either..."

"So what if the island guys learn it? To conquer the European and American markets, the business war will have to be fought again."

Azhen also understands her man.

"There is only one type of Van Gogh's sunflowers, but it cannot be exchanged for too many cultural relics preserved in various museums in Europe, North America, and island countries. You can only exchange them for a small batch."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Of course one is not enough. Let's go study and do some work..."


Two days later, not only Azhen, but also Zhou Huimin, Guan Jiahui and others were all watching in disbelief.

They all followed one after another and knew what Zhao Donghuai was doing. They witnessed with their own eyes that he made a US knife with a face value of 100 and a pound with a face value of 50.

As soon as he finished the final process and put it on the table, Zhou Huimin couldn't wait to grab it. He also took out one from the bank and made various comparisons and observations.

Wang Zuxian came over with a banknote detector and a banknote detector pen, "Real or fake? Are you still doing this? Isn't it too outrageous?"

You choose the paper yourself, draw it, add ink, write numbers, etc. It's all handmade!

A group of girls watched in shock as the pounds and U.S. knives drawn by Director Zhao actually passed the test of the money detector and money detector pen.

Gravure printing, letterpress printing, etc., all have no obstacles with Zhao Donghuai's various superhuman-level physical abilities and control, as well as his extreme human-level painting skills.

Azhen couldn't help complaining, "That's outrageous. I knew you would have no shortage of money in your life, but this is so speechless..."

"I don't understand how a sunflower is worth HK$311 million, but I understand your painting skills are really valuable!!"

Li Jiaxin was staring at Zhao Donghuai's hands and drooling, "Yes, yes, boss, you are the greatest painter of the 20th century!"

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