Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 293 You decide which way to go.

A new day has come.

Zhao Donghuai had just sat down in the office when he saw Li Jiaxin walking in from the normal office door, wearing a red skirt and black silk stockings, and said with a smile, "Boss, these are the first luxury stockings produced in 5,000 years, let's see how they feel. How about it?"

When she came over to let Director Zhao experience the new product, Zhao Donghuai also asked curiously, "Zhao Feiyan model?"

Ah Xin nodded, "Yes, there are also Zhao Hede models. They are priced at 3,000 Hong Kong dollars a pair. There is no limit. They are almost the same price as ordinary 5,000 Hong Kong dollars women's bags."

Zhao Donghuai was able to recognize at a glance that this was Zhao Feiyan's model because of the trademark copy.

The copywriting of the Five Thousand Years series is a cursive version similar to a star's signature. The left leg sock has the copywriting (Palm Dance), and the right leg sock has the words (Liu Xianqun).

For a pair of HKD 3,000, it really puts celebrities and wealthy female celebrities on a different level from ordinary people in terms of wearing experience.

It is an IQ tax that rich people are willing to pay. Of course, if rich people pay IQ tax, it depends on how well you can polish your brand. At this stage, Five Thousand Years really has this card.

Rich people pay this tax not because they are stupid because they have too much money, but because they pursue a sense of superiority psychologically.


The day is noon.

Zhao Donghuai sat on the office chair and sighed in his heart. It was indeed at the level of the IQ tax, and it didn't make much difference if he tore it apart.

He is just the first to experience it for consumers. Sometimes what is on his shoulders is not the feeling of responsibility, but it may be five thousand years: Zhao Feiyan's sense of cultural heritage.

Along with Zhao Feiyan's silk stockings, there are other configurations of Zhao Hede's model, and the copywriting is "favorite in the harem, beauty is a disaster."

He was still thinking about commenting on the artistic value of new products when he saw Azhen coming up and saying, "Boss, Shanghai TV Station has sent the finished film of the TV series (Feng Shen Bang), and it will be here at eight o'clock in the morning..."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "You didn't tell me earlier."

List of gods? It’s the 1990 version of the movie that was released, with the theme song featuring Tan Yonglin (Legend of God). In the original track, it was co-produced in Shanghai and Haowan, Hong Kong. For the costume styling, 7 versions of the plan were designed before the film was released. We came up with a costume style that made everyone satisfied.

Then the Hong Kong side rejected it and promoted the ancient Roman style...

It has to be said that there are many talents in the field of mainland TV dramas in this era. Even if they are wearing weird Roman costumes, they still give the performance a full sense of mythology.

Various knock-off special effects can be seen by many people and are far more than what the special effects of 50 cents will be able to catch up to twenty years later.

And in this dimension, Zhao Donghuai can't copy any Roman style, which is a costume group that looks more beautiful and majestic than the various gods and monsters in the TV series version of Journey to the West.

Besides, Zhao Donghuai has put so much effort into promoting the Hong Kong Fashion Week, which showcases various ancient costumes from the Qin, Han, Tang, Song and Ming dynasties. How could he watch the ancient Roman trend make waves in the Chinese market in this era? Isn’t that stealing business?

In the film and television industry this summer, the film industry is experiencing one blockbuster after another and cannot stop at all. In terms of TV series, the performance is relatively mediocre for the time being.

However, after a few rounds of the 36-episode "Feng Shen Bang", Zhao Donghuai became interested and ran to watch the finished film.


Night falls.

Zhao Donghuai was still watching the TV series "Feng Shen Bang" and was enjoying it when he saw Big Brother ringing. When he got through, he heard A Guang's serious voice, "Boss, something happened. We were filming in North America." Winona Ryder is missing.”

"The pair of male and female bodyguards responsible for protecting her were also attacked in a sneak attack and shot with a tranquilizer gun from a distance. Before they fell unconscious, they barely alerted other colleagues. By the time others arrived, Winona had disappeared."

"It's been 20 minutes since the incident."

"Winona left the crew this time to attend a gathering of her old friends. Her former middle school classmate and best friend made an appointment with her. She was far away from the crew, so she could not be rescued in time."

Zhao Donghuai frowned, "You will investigate normally first, and I will also investigate from other aspects."

After hanging up the phone, Director Zhao started to start the simulation calmly.

[In August and June, Winona Ryder encountered a well-planned kidnapping case. Her bodyguard was ambushed and hypnotized by a team led by retired Delta elite Kevin, and she was led by Pfizer's remote-controlled black gloves to the underground secret room of a manor in the suburbs of New York. , Pfizer wanted to know through her the origin of the Chinese decoction that cures high blood pressure. 】

[Pfizer’s new drug Norvasc is about to be launched on the market. It has a trump card miracle drug that dominates the battlefield of hypertension, involving hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth every year...]

[Senior female Xing trainer Annie suffered rounds of waterboarding. Although Winona collapsed, she didn't know anything about it. She knew nothing about it. 】

[On the 8th, Winona, who had been kidnapped for two days, returned to the crew, suffering extremely serious physical and mental injuries. Pfizer wanted to plan the kidnapping of Isabel Adjani, but was hesitant. 】

[Kidnapping and interrogating Adjani, one accident will lead to a huge international scandal. In terms of superstar influence, Adjani and Winona are not at the same level at all. In the end, a few young white men were selected and planned to use normal beauty tricks, but they never had the chance to come into contact with Adjani. 】

[In September, patients such as Guan Shan and Lao Chen who were the first to take the medication have been confirmed to have stable and normal blood pressure after stopping the medication. Pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer and Bayer still did not get much information and began to use money to infiltrate Hong Kong Haowan. Make trouble on a large scale. 】

[The wind and waves at Haowan in Hong Kong are gradually getting bigger...]

[In October, under a series of operations by the Hydra intelligence organization, the operator Kevin who kidnapped Winona Ryder, the interrogator Annie, and the mastermind behind the scenes, Bill, were all secretly escorted to Hong Kong. Although Winona personally staged revenge Remember, waterboarding and electrocution took turns, and a group of people who were interrogated could even be found out about stealing money when they were children. It was still difficult to heal Winona's own psychological trauma...]

[You were apologetic and sacrificed the weight of your life that Winona could not grasp at 36 yards, and you gradually healed the little star's serial nightmare. 】

[In March 1990, when Pfizer's Norvasc was launched on the market and it was widely announced that it was good news and blessing for patients with hypertension around the world, more than ten South Korean and island countries, including North American mafia patients, died of adverse reactions to (Norvasc). Difficulty breathing, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction sequelae, Pfizer blood collapse...]

[From June to July 1990, families of patients who died of adverse reactions to Norvax in succession, dump trucks drove wildly in a series, and many Pfizer executives died in car accidents. The Judah Consortium, through intermediaries such as Ellison and Goldman Sachs executives, reached approximately You make peace. 】


[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: Detailed information set of Kevin's team."

"B: One cubic meter of portable space."

"C: Bill's tax evasion and tax evasion crime information collection."

In order to understand the situation as quickly as possible, Zhao Donghuai simply simulated it for one year this time. However, after watching the entire process, he also found that the one-year simulation was still very effective.

A collection of detailed information about Delta’s retired elite Kevin team responsible for planning and operations? ?

That's it.

After receiving the reward, he also walked to another independent study room, intending to do things as soon as possible. If he encounters a kidnapping, it seems that he will be released and return without any serious consequences.

But Winona Ryder can be considered to have endured the inevitable disaster, rounds of waterboarding, which were rounds of experiencing the smell of death about to be drowned.

There will be serious psychological trauma afterwards, such as PTSD, which requires Zhao Donghuai to pay a weight of life that she can't grasp in order to gradually calm down and come out.

"The crime happened just over 20 minutes ago? There should be enough time."

In 20 minutes, Winona Ryder was ambushed while meeting her middle school friends in New York City. Will she be taken to a manor in the suburbs of New York? That should still be on the way.

It is currently around 9pm on Hong Kong Island, while it is still morning in New York, morning tea time.

Sitting in the independent study room, I grabbed the top-level information about Kevin. This information covers everything from Kevin's birth, schooling, childhood, first love, entering the Delta, retirement, marriage and having children, getting paid to work... everything. Including Kevin's Big Brother number.

Director Zhao decisively made the transoceanic phone call.

When the call was connected, Zhao Donghuai said calmly, "Kevin Renner, your parents live in a small town in Nevada. In more than an hour, DEA members will search their home to find evidence of their fingerprints and other circumstances. , will be taken to court by the DEA and sentenced to more than 100 years in prison."

"Your ex-wife..."

Director Zhao calmly arranged a package that would end badly for Kevin's family. He was dictating it now, but if Kevin didn't know what was going on, it would become true.

After two minutes of brief explanation, Kevin was so shocked that he doubted his life, "Wang Defake? Who are you?"

Zhao Donghuai's tone was still calm, "You have to be trustworthy when you go out to hang out. If I say I will give your whole family flowers and wealth, I will give it to you. You don't want your ex-wife and current girlfriend to become slaves controlled by fans, right?"

"Send Winona back to the Spider-Man 1 crew safely, and I will promise to hold you accountable only to you afterwards!"

Kevin was so shocked that everyone was paralyzed. Is the person talking to him a member of Zhao Donghuai's powerful force? ? This is simply...

They planned carefully so that when Winona was studying in North America, one of her few friends would invite her out for a party, and then they would sneak attack with Pan-Asian bodyguards' tranquilizer guns from a distance. How long had it been? It's been less than half an hour since the sneak attack was successful, so what? ?

Zhao Donghuai said again, "Don't worry about how to deal with your deputy and subordinates. I will call your deputy. Her situation is the same as yours. Now there are two roads in front of you. Which one to choose, you should think carefully about it."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Donghuai decisively grabbed the operational deputy's information collection.


New York, the metropolis is sunny in August.

A Cadillac was speeding through a one-way glass. Heidi, the operations deputy sitting in the back seat responsible for guarding the unconscious Winona Ryder, looked surprised, "Boss? What happened?"

She is also a retired special person who is dawdling around. She does not belong to the Pfizer Group, but is employed. She forms a team with Kevin and others to receive orders from the platform. This time she only needs to deliver the hostages to the designated destination and hand them over to the recipient. , they will be able to receive the final payment and go ahead.

After all, Bill, the Pfizer executive who planned this incident, was not stupid and would not be so stupid as to directly send Pfizer's security personnel to do the work.

The action was going smoothly, and we have almost reached our destination? ? After Kevin answered the phone, his expression suddenly changed. The words Wang Defake said before were full of shock value that made him doubt his life.

Not to mention Heidi, even a capable male pilot looked at Kevin suspiciously.

Kevin glanced at the driver and Heidi without saying anything...

The big brother in Heidi made a big noise.

Heidi looked at Big Brother and didn't move, while Kevin frowned and said, "Answer the phone."

Heidi thought for a few seconds and answered the phone. A minute later, she stood up suddenly and hit her head on the roof of the carriage. She could not hide the deep fear and panic in her heart, "Sanofibichi, don't touch them..." "

The driver hurriedly stopped on the side of the road and planned to check the situation, but Kevin knocked him unconscious with a knife, jumped out of the passenger seat and started driving.

Although I don't quite understand how someone from Zhao Donghuai's powerful group could target them so quickly and even dig out all the information about the whole family.

But there were two roads in front of him, and he had no choice!

One side is just taking orders to make money, it's business, but the other side? Is the whole family meeting God? No, many times, not going to see God but living on earth, some situations are much more terrifying than death.

When he put the original driver into the passenger seat and started driving, Heidi gritted her teeth and said, "Hell, if I had known that kidnapping a big star, there might be many accidents, but..."

That’s right, Winona Ryder is now a star with good momentum. She has played supporting roles in the (Twilight) series, but she can’t be considered a major heroine in (Scent of a Woman). But he also performed classic dances with Al Pacino on the big screen.

Then Al Pacino and Fei Xiang played Fei Xiang's girlfriend in the version of "Rain Man", which can be regarded as the heroine.

At this stage, Spider-Man 1 has just started filming, and she is still in the stage of developing her role as a superhero heroine, but the Winona version of the TV series (The Beginning) has already been broadcast on the Fox Television Network.

Each different star image is the explosive stage!

Her status is far inferior to that of France's national treasure model Isabelle Adjani, but among the new generation of stars, she has a strong upward momentum.

When they took the order, they knew that this job was not easy to do. If Winona had been living near the Spider-Man 1 crew, were the more than 100 Pan-Asian bodyguards just decoration? ?

They only dared to use tranquilizer guns for sneak attacks because they were afraid of massive retaliation from the Pan-Asia Group afterwards.

Therefore, the investigation revealed that this girl was bullied by bad students when she was in school. She was beaten and beaten at every turn. Her ribs were broken. She was taken to the hospital for too many stitches and so on. She only had one good friend. I spent a lot of money to invite the other party's friends and tricked her out in the name of a party. The location was also slightly far away from the crew.

What the hell? The turn was too fast!

Kevin started the car, "I can't just sit back and watch my whole family become worse than death one by one. Go to the Spider-Man set. I think your situation is similar to mine."

Even if Zhao Donghuai Ming said so, he would still reserve the right to hold them accountable afterwards.

Between the two paths, he still had no choice, no choice.

Although when the car had an accident and changed roads, there were several of Kevin and Heidi's men following behind in cars, constantly making phone calls, and even using walkie-talkies to ask what happened?

Kevin and Heidi still had no choice. Kevin took the initiative to increase the speed of the car and get rid of his younger brothers one by one.

As they were racing and getting closer and closer to the Spider-Man crew, Winona Ryder, who had been stunned before, woke up. After waking up, her face changed drastically, and she ran away from Heidi with a look of horror. "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Kevin looked embarrassed, "I'll take you back to the Spider-Man set. Sorry, Ms. Winona, we had some unpleasant misunderstandings."

Winona looked confused, confused, and didn't believe it. She was joking and chatting with her friends in the coffee shop, and suddenly she saw two bodyguards being shot and gradually losing their resistance?

Then Heidi rushed out from behind her and used a smelly handkerchief to make her lose consciousness? ?

The next moment, Winona wanted to open the door and jump out of the car... Scared Heidi hurriedly stopped her, "Little ancestor, don't act recklessly, you will die if you jump out of the car!"

"We are really sending you back to the Spider-Man crew. If you don't believe me, you can call someone you trust."

Winona was confused again when she saw the big brother being delivered to her hands.


More than twenty minutes later.

Winona Ryder breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the location in front of her that had applied for road closure for filming, and saw the Pan-Asian bodyguard group that was dozens of sizes larger than before.

When the car stopped on the side of the road, Winona got out of the car, and when Pan-Asian bodyguards came immediately, she looked at the car in disbelief, "You really sent me to the set?? The bodyguard who attacked me fainted Me? Just for this??”

Neither Kevin nor Heidi spoke, including the first male driver who had also woken up.

Before Winona could say anything else, several bodyguards came over and surrounded the car. There were also female bodyguards who took Winona away to the hospital...

After all, he was knocked out for a while, so he still had to go to the hospital to check if there was anything abnormal.

Kevin directly gave a French military salute, "You can do whatever you want with me, but I hope you keep your promise and don't attack my family."

Heidi also raised her hand.

A young man in his 30s standing outside the driver's window looked at several people inside and out for several minutes before he took out a photo and said, "This is Bill. Now you fly to Los Angeles, find him, and stab him in the back with random shots." Half dead.”

"Whether you do it yourself or hire someone, it doesn't matter. After completing this order, your family members can be transferred to Asia."

"Tell him that there are rules in business wars! Remember to be sick when you stab him half to death."

"We are not afraid of a business war, but we just don't want to affect too many innocent people."

Kevin, "..."

Heidi, "..."

It was the first driver who asked in surprise, "How can you get sick by shooting??"

A large number of people were watching him inside and outside the car.


Tsim Sha Tsui at night.

Zhao Donghuai was waiting for someone in the private room on the top floor of Good Luck Lai. He was almost 80% full as he started to eat the midnight snack. Pfizer Chris came in a hurry, with an exaggerated smile on his face and various greetings after entering.

Director Zhao pointed to the seat and said, "Sit down, there are only two of us in this room. I'm here to give you something."

Chris said in surprise, "Sheng Zhao, just ask me? As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it."

Zhao Donghuai took a bite of the food and said, "Try it, Qiankun roast goose, it tastes pretty good."

Chris also grabbed the knife and fork and followed the instructions to pick up the vegetables, "The roast goose and the lotus bird inside are indeed beautiful in appearance, and they make people hungry just by looking at them."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Pfizer is researching a 5-phosphodiesterase inhibitor to treat cardiovascular diseases? I need you to cooperate with me and transfer the research patents of this project to my group."

"If you need help from North American lawyers, mafia boys, and congressmen, I will support you. Afterwards, when this drug is launched in the future, I will share 10% of the gross profit with you!"

Chris' hand holding a piece of roast goose stopped in the air, with a look of surprise on his face, "I have never heard of this project. Since you said so, Mr. Zhao, there should be one. This inhibitor will be a big hit in the future." success??"

"Am I going to quit Pfizer and follow you, Zhao Sheng?"

As the CEO of Pfizer Asia Pacific, Chris is certainly not bad at thinking. He also knows that there are many white people who follow Zhao Donghuai. Goldman Sachs and Lehman Asia Pacific are all doing well after rebelling against the headquarters and entering South Korea.

The former president of Chanel Asia Pacific, followed Zhao Donghuai and is now the No. 1 brother of Maybach Asia Pacific.

Is that Chanel strong? Or Maybach? No matter which one is stronger and which one is more fragrant, one thing is still very clear and simple. If you join the Asia-Pacific business circle and become Zhao Donghuai's subordinate, then your future will be bright!

Zhao Donghuai asked him to change jobs? Of course, his loyalty to Pfizer is not 100%. He is just a part-time job and a professional manager. After all, Pfizer is backed by the Judah consortium, and he is not a Judah person.

He is only concerned about the 5-phosphodiesterase inhibitor that Zhao Donghuai mentioned? Is this thing very rich? ? How big is it? Give him 10% of gross profit?

Of course he can betray for the sake of cute money.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Although this thing was developed to treat cardiovascular diseases, it has a side effect. It can aphrodisiac and can turn patients with the disease into macho men..."

He was talking about Sildenafil, also known as Viagra.

Pfizer launched a research and development project for 5-phosphodiesterase inhibitors this year. It was developed in 1991. It took more than two years to announce that the project had failed. Then it was unexpectedly discovered that after receiving the trial drugs, none of the patients were willing to hand over the remaining drugs. .

Subsequently, the main focus was on research and development of its side effects, and it was not successfully launched until 1998. Because of sildenafil, Pfizer seized the opportunity to annex various companies, surpassing Johnson \u0026 Johnson and other companies to become the number one medical giant in North America.

Pfizer is not weak at this stage, but the presence or absence of sildenafil is the key product that determines whether it can become the number one overlord.

Chris's eyes suddenly lit up, "How... can it still be like this?? Many drugs do have side effects, but these side effects, hey, hey, Zhao Sheng, don't worry, working for Judas, they can't share 10% of my profits. .”

"I will definitely find an opportunity to handle this matter well! I will do my best!"

Zhao Donghuai raised his glass, "Then I wish us happy cooperation in the future!"

If he decided to grab sildenafil, he would also set up a new company, pharmaceutical... In fact, when he first started a business war with the Wall Street consortium, the other party appeared in the simulator, and Wall Street tried its best to figure it out. , what kind of medicine did he take to be so evil?

At that time, Pfizer had not yet started developing sildenafil.

If he had taken the initiative to recruit people and work on the project himself, he would have had the opportunity to easily resolve all legal issues such as patented inventions.

But he was lazy at the time and didn't want to have such an exaggerated and outrageous honorary title as the father of the little blue pill.

Even now, if Pfizer had not suddenly attacked him, a 25-year-old man, without moral ethics, he would not be interested in grabbing sildenafil. After all... Do you really want to do business in medicine just to make money?

Is it a Chinese decoction to cure high blood pressure or a real health-preserving pill? If it expands and expands, which business will be in a bad financial situation? Hypertension can be cured with just one lump sum, and there isn’t much follow-up, but what about health care? That health-preserving pill is...

Generally speaking, if ordinary people eat it for 20 years, the aging of internal organs and bones will be slowed down.

If he vigorously promotes the True Health Pills produced by the system, he will have great merits, and his name will be much better than that of the father of the little blue pill.

But Pfizer doesn't respect martial ethics... Then his moral integrity has also been reduced. He just wanted Pfizer to know that they developed it first, but Zhao Donghuai didn't have any moral integrity to snatch it away!

You bought a lottery ticket and won a grand prize of 100 million, but was robbed, and you watched the news and found out that someone else won a grand prize of 100 million, and then the other person walked away with the prize? The psychological impact this has on a person is definitely different.

If we open this pharmaceutical group, we can recruit people from Europe, the United States, Hong Kong, South Korea and the mainland. After all, whether Hong Kong Island has the opportunity to become a mobile phone manufacturing center and a laptop computer manufacturing center in the future.

Nowadays, it is not too difficult to arrange a large medical and health care enterprise.

Of course, this does not mean that the early stage of research and development has been cut off. It is unrealistic to be able to launch the market immediately in a short period of time. Even if Pfizer discovered the miraculous side effects of sildenafil in 1991, it only continued to develop and improve it for six or seven years before it was released in the market. It was launched in 1998 and promoted to consumers.

In medicine, there are still many scientific problems that need to be solved.

After eating a late-night snack for a while, Zhao Donghuai gave Chris a list and a series of contact numbers, and Zhao Donghuai waved him away.

After supper, he took a bus to Li Jiaxin's house in Huayuan Phase 1.

The moment the door opened, Ah Xin exclaimed, "Winona was kidnapped? Really or not? The kidnappers attacked and numbed two Pan-Asian bodyguards. After kidnapping her... they walked around New York several times and sent her away again. Will she return to the set?"

"Isn't this incredible? Are those kidnappers stupid? Is there something wrong with their brains?"

Winona Ryder is indeed a good friend of Xin and a good Mahjong friend. She has played with Xin at the mahjong table for half a year.

She went to ATV in the morning to let Zhao Donghuai try out the new 5,000-year-old product. She came back after lunch to play mahjong... She went home to catch up on her sleep after six o'clock in the afternoon when she felt sleepy.

While sleeping, Hong Xin, Cai Shaofen and others knocked on the door and woke her up, asking about Winona's kidnapping outside the set.

It can be said that everyone who knows the news at this stage is quite shocked. At that time, she called Zhao Donghuai. Director Zhao was still making an appointment with Pfizer, so he asked Axin to wait at home.

A few years ago in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, it was common for beautiful celebrities to be threatened by associations. At that time, from TVB, Shaw Brothers Movies to Golden Harvest and Golden Princess, which crew started working without paying protection fees?

But hasn’t it been peaceful for so many years? ?

Zhao Donghuai walked into the house with a smile, "The medical giants are in a business war with me. It is very common. It is an accident that she would be involved. It is because she has been very close to you for more than half a year that she was targeted."

"Fortunately, I am in North America and have a lot of friends. Otherwise, she would definitely suffer this time. She is a star, so she will not be tortured to death, but it is not an exaggeration to torture her half to death and leave irreparable psychological trauma. of."

Pfizer wants to figure out the traditional Chinese medicine to cure high blood pressure, so why bother with Winona? Wasn't this because she suspected that she had a very good relationship with Li Jiaxin, and that she might have learned about the situation from Ah Xin's mouth before taking action?

The United Medical Center in Tsim Sha Tsui just opened a while ago. Whether they are hypertensive patients who go to the hospital for treatment or those who stay outside looking for opportunities to steal some finished Chinese decoctions, they are all engaged in the most basic business war.

All of a sudden it escalated to kidnapping to extract a confession.

There were a lot of people paying attention both inside and outside the field. This time it was Pfizer who was doing something, so Bayer and Novartis would definitely be watching, waiting to see what happens next.

In the simulator preview, Pfizer was concerned about his reaction and only performed one round of waterboarding. All the female torturers were used. This was a sign of respect for his reaction as an East Asian tycoon in a business war.

If you don't care about anything, there are too many ways to do it... Being fucked like Liu Jialing in the original trajectory is also a basic fuck.

Ah Xin was still super shocked, "This is too..."

Medical giant, the image of an angel who heals diseases and saves lives? Are you going to start a business war like this? Just because she is Director Zhao's girlfriend, Winona has a good relationship with her? ?

In comparison, since her debut, her Five Thousand Years series has been heavily marketed and launched a series of advertising campaigns in various major movies and idol TV series. It has really jumped into different dimensions.

Five thousand years of publicity and promotion can be considered as lofty as sitting in a big office, strategizing, deploying troops, and decisively fighting the world? ?

Zhao Donghuai stroked Ah Xin's long black hair, "I know you have a good relationship. It's okay to call her to comfort her, but don't go to North America in person. No matter you or Ah Fen and the others, whoever goes will be in danger."

Li Jiaxin nodded repeatedly, unable to help but feel scared on her face, and then began to look for a sense of security.

What Director Zhao said is right. This is just Pfizer's action at the moment. The Black Palace has not come to an end yet. Winona Ryder has been in trouble for several layers of relationships. If Director Zhao's girlfriend like Li Jiaxin runs away, she will definitely... …

At this stage, even authentic North American stars like Jennifer Connelly can’t go back.

That is to say, Isabelle Adjani is different. She has accumulated great fame and popularity in the film and television industry and in the eyes of fans around the world. She is also the light and pride of France.

Such an accident occurred today. Speaking of which, Zhao Donghuai solved it very smoothly with the help of simulator plug-ins. He could easily cut through the mess with a quick knife, but he was very angry.


It’s a new day on Hong Kong Island, and a typhoon, Typhoon Signal No. 8, is about to hit.

Los Angeles.

Kevin and Heidi walked out of the Los Angeles Airport with four or five black and white young men. Someone outside the airport was holding a sign to greet them.

The two parties met, and a young white man who took the lead in greeting him smiled and said, "Man, I have arranged for you ten muscular guys, all of whom are interested in philosophy."

"When you get rid of Bill, everything will go smoothly."

Kevin, "..."

Heidi, "..."

After a while of silence, Kevin asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid of Pfizer's retaliation after doing this?"

The young man leading the team smiled gloomily, "Our family is not easy to mess with. He has gone into hiding after knowing that the incident was failed, but some guys from the FBI have found his hiding place."

"This is the address, just go and do the work."

"Speaking of which, my father is also one of the minority shareholders of Microsoft and Oracle."

Kevin and everyone looked at each other again. Mafia family, gangster police, gangster FBI? ? ? Hell, how many friends does that Eastern media tycoon, film and television tycoon have in North America? The outrageous mafia boss is actually a shareholder of a high-tech group like Microsoft and Oracle?

Can you believe this? !

After all, Kevin and others were just action groups who worked together to take orders and belonged to the dark bottom.

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