Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 304 Are you embarrassed to talk to me about hard work?

After a meal of food and drink, the idea for God of Gamblers 2 became more substantial with Huang Bingyao and Ah Fa perfecting it.

When Fei Jing returned to his home in Kowloon Tong Huayuan Phase 3, he saw his father sitting in the living room watching TV. He immediately smiled and said, "Dad, you can retire early. I really didn't expect that I chose to kill him." If you join the calendar industry, you will be so handsome."

"The biggest advantage of this industry is that there are many snakes competing for hegemony, and there is no leading company!"

"And most of them don't give a few cents to celebrities, and there are a lot of people who don't give a dime to those who steal photos and posters..."

"Tsk tsk, just do a few rounds of promotions, go on programs and newspaper interviews, and sprint towards the top spot as soon as you get in."

When Fatty Wang drunkenly sat in the living room and boasted, Lao Wang was speechless. The house they lived in at this stage was no longer an ordinary thousand-foot mansion on Broadcasting Road.

When the third phase of Huayuan was built here, I directly bought a three-story duplex and garden house in Building 5. Building 5 has only nine floors in total. The first, second and third floors are connected together. The sunlight is often not very good when entering through the main entrance, but There is a small lawn of forty or fifty square meters behind the door.

There is still enough light in the garden on a daily basis. A barbed wire fence is stretched on the second floor to prevent falling objects and objects thrown from high altitude. Tables, chairs and tea cups are placed on the lawn, which is very leisurely and enjoyable.

To be honest, Wang Tianlin is 61 years old this year, which is not too old, but he has also reached the age of retirement. In the past, even if he had nothing to do at home, he would go to TVB and continue to go to work. Being bored at home is very boring.

But at this stage, TVB is gradually relocating to Clear Water Bay Television City.

The place is a bit far... How many minibuses and buses do I have to transfer from Broadcasting Road to Clear Water Bay? As life gets boring, his son suddenly turns into a major shareholder of a listed company. In a hundred years, the film industry will have a market value of HK$20 billion.

After spending a few months going back to my hometown to work on it, the celebrity calendar factory is so prosperous? In the past 11 days, it has generated sales of more than HK$20 million in Haowan, Hong Kong and South Korea? ?

After being speechless for a while, he finally spoke, "Jing Zai, you are so rich now, why don't you support my movie dream?"

Fei Jing showed no mercy and decisively took out a check for 10 million Hong Kong dollars, "This is 10 million. You can spend it first. If it's not enough, ask me for it."

When Fei Jing continued to chat with each other for a while under the influence of alcohol, and then went back to the room to rest, Wang Tianlin grabbed a check of 10 million Hong Kong dollars and fell into silence. He was committing evil, it was all a movie tycoon, the pattern, the pattern!

He was born at the wrong time.

He thought he could talk to his old friend Chu Yuan. Maybe the two of them could put on a good show if they jumped on the street?


In 1990, it arrived as expected.

In the past December, the most popular films were "Chasing the Dragon" and "Gambler" sweeping the film industry, making the momentum of 100 Years Pictures even more explosive, and its market value successfully exceeded the 20 billion mark.

But apart from this, the most eye-catching thing in Hong Kong is the huge sales of the celebrity monthly calendar that Fatty Wang continues to hype. Once the list of handsome men and beautiful women came out, the fans of the stars were still very competitive under various publicity routines. Powerful.

The most popular female stars are Yuan Jieying, Xiao Yingying, Liu Xiaoli, Zhou Haimei, Li Ruotong, Jennifer Aniston, Winona Ryder, Lan Jieying, Christiana Yeri, and Wu Wanfang.

That's it for the top ten.

Wu Wanfang, who is a career-savvy person, can reach the top ten only because of her suitors. There is a rich second-generation suitor who is already engaged to her. He bought 500,000 calendars at a time and gave them all away...

In order to celebrate her engagement, a group of celebrity friends spent money to buy thousands of copies of this and tens of thousands of copies of that and give them away, just to try to get into the top ten beauties of 1990.

Cristiana Yeri has hosted many different shows, including showing off her cooking skills on (Beauty Kitchen), performing disaster-level performances, and her silly and cute image has once again become popular in the industry. At this stage in Hong Kong, countless citizens think of silly and cute characters. Girl?

Basically, I have chosen Cristiana Yeri. Initially, the live broadcast was in English, and later it was changed to live broadcast in Mandarin, and now it’s cooking.

Gao Lihong is a beautiful chef, and the food she cooks can whet the appetites of the guests, and they get a lot of likes. Did she meet Christiana? I'm begging for a review of Dark Cuisine. Each of the guests simply frowned and grinned, but they couldn't bear to refuse her, so they ate hard.

Just like this, Yeli broke the circle.

This is a little girl that the citizens of Haowan, Hong Kong are looking at. She is learning a little bit, growing a little bit, and moving towards something more perfect and beautiful. She is a cultivated beauty.

In one month, Hong Kong, South Korea, and the island countries, which were able to break into the top ten, sold at least one million copies.

Exaggeration? If you think about it, the total population of these places is close to 200 million, and you will know whether this sales volume is sufficient.

Calculating only one million copies, it is equivalent to sales of 12 million Hong Kong dollars. It can be said that the sales of the top ten on the beauty list easily exceed 100 million!

The list of beautiful men is worthy of no one. The older generation has handsome men like Zun Lung and Zhang Guorong. The new generation has F4s like Lai Ming, Zheng Yi Jian, Aaron Kwok and Kwan Li Kit. Then there is Andy Lau, leading Tianle Gu, Jiao Enjun and Liu Yijun. That's all.

Ranked 10th in sales, 1.5 million calendars have been sold since then! Calculated based on only 1.5 million copies, it is equal to 18 million sales, but the top three are definitely far greater than the lowest number of tenth.

In other words, in just one month, Feijing's calendar factory, the top ten most beautiful men and beauties, sold more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars in data.

Again, in many cases, female fans spend their money enthusiastically, which is far greater than the purchasing power of male fans. For example, Wen Chaolun is ranked 18th on the list of handsome men, and his calendar sales exceeded 1 million copies.

In front of Wen Chaolun are Zhou Runfa, Zhou Xingxing, Cheng Long, Yuan Biao and others. They only talk about appearance, and it’s true... Afa’s appearance was not bad in his peak period, but he is old. Besides, he is married, and he is not as popular as the new generation. .

Liu Yijun can join in. He is really a fan group that has been built up by idol dramas one after another, and he is also young.

Not to mention Wang Jing's victory, countless people in his hometown in Shaoxing were ecstatic about this, and even Zhao Donghuai was a little surprised.

After miscellaneous calculations, Li Jiaxin initially thought that this market could hit sales of 40 to 50 million Hong Kong dollars in December. He thought it could hit 100 million Hong Kong dollars in sales. In fact, including celebrities such as Tan Yonglin, Zhou Runfa, Li Wanhua, Gao Lihong, Zhang Manyu, etc. The ability to carry goods.

This market contributed more than HK$500 million in sales!

Off the charts!

I was surprised but calmed down. December is an era of paper media. Celebrity wall calendars are very popular months. But, but, the most important thing is the original market. There is no single leader, and no one wants to start a business war with Feijing. The sky collapsed.

He just entered the game and won.

Zhao Donghuai initially only counted the 70 to 80 million people in Hong Kong and South Korea, and did not include the more than 120 million people in the island countries.

He is more familiar with each of the white Chinese celebrities in the industry. After obtaining the exclusive license, there will be no rivals in this market.

If those who are playing dirty tricks don’t pay royalties, just look for the big brother to make a living, then the small and black factories will be gone.

The larger ones don’t have copyrights and can’t be accessed at Wanjia or Baijia retail terminals!

It can only be said that when I first considered which industry to enter, no one else noticed this market. Lao Wang saw it and chose it, which is equivalent to winning at the beginning.

On January 1st, New Year's Day, ATV, Zhao's Pictures and other groups were on holiday. While some people were waiting for their rotation with up to three times the overtime pay, Wang Jingdu and his father happily returned to Shaoxing.

Although Wang Tianlin was also born in Shanghai, it can only be regarded as the next generation in Shaoxing... When Wang Jing chose the place to build the factory, it was not a big deal to choose Shanghai.

However, at the beginning he did not dare to think of becoming the richest man in Shanghai.

Now it's getting violent, good guy, with sales of more than 500 million Hong Kong dollars a month, regardless of taxes and customs, paying channel fees to retail channels, etc., he can also take back one-third of the US dollars and return it to the factory account.

That’s more than $20 million! One month!

I heard that their family had just gotten off the plane in Shanghai, and a group of Shaoxing folks were waiting for them holding signs.

Repulse Bay villa complex.

Not far away, looking at Monica, who was five months pregnant, playing with Zhao An, who was more than three months old, Ah Xin approached Zhao Donghuai incredulously, "Good guy, before it went on the market, no one thought that the entire list would be casually What."

"This is how to stimulate the market. With sales of more than 500 million Hong Kong dollars, even if only about one-third is returned to the printing calendar factory's account, it is more than 20 million U.S. dollars and more than 170 million Hong Kong dollars."

"Put aside the production costs, and allocate 25% to the management and workers' union? That old man also pocketed more than 100 million in net profits."

“December is a good day to sell calendars for the new year, and January is not bad either. Even if it’s not as good as last month, it shouldn’t fall too hard, right??”

"Why didn't I think of it at the beginning? If I had known, I would have won by opening a business."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "It's okay for most people to be envious. Why are you so upset?"

Li Jiaxin shook her head, "No, I just feel depressed. Think about how much we have done to promote Five Thousand Years and Sister Hong's Oriental series? (Prank Kiss) large commercials, (Destined to Love You) large commercials piece."

"When the first film (Ip Man) was released and Master Yip was sweeping the film industry, Yuen Biao revealed that he was married and had children. This was the second round of promotion."

"When it comes to large-scale commercials like "The Legend of Love", the most powerful and outrageous thing is that for the movie "The Queen of 5,000 Years of Time", you even created a Hong Kong fashion week..."

"From (Gongsuo Yushu) to (The Legend of Concubine Wan Gui) which is still being filmed??"

"We have done so much to become Asia's top luxury brand."

"Fat Wang, this is too cheap!"

She wasn't envious of Wang Jing's fortune from the calendar factory, which earned over 100 million a month, but she just felt depressed.

Qunxing returned to the mainland to open factories and run them in a semi-charitable manner. Ambitious brothers such as Cheng Long and Zhou Xingxing were still planning how to enter into business wars with big white brands.

When tycoons such as Zou Wenhuai and Lei Juekun returned to the mainland to open factories, they often competed with European and American white brands and engaged in business wars.

So, why did that fat guy get such a big deal? ?

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Minsheng Department Store's 360 lines of products were popular in July last year, and officially returned to the mainland in August. With so many people researching products in so many industries, he chose to print wall calendars. This is his vision."

"Perhaps he didn't think so much about it at the time. There is also luck involved in the explosion now, but luck is also a kind of strength."

It's up to you to choose which way to go.

Li Jiaxin asked curiously, "Boss, do you think there is any commodity market where you can get big bargains like printing calendar factories and calendar factories?"

Zhao Donghuai burst into laughter, "There must be. Don't say you want to copy similar homework now. I guess the rich and established families like Li Zhiren and Xu Chuanwang are also jealous one after another."

No matter how semi-charitable the factory is, with all kinds of profit concessions, Wang Jing made more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars in free cash flow in December. Who can not be greedy? ?

But if you ask Li Chaoren or Ah Kai and Ah Ju to open a calendar factory to compete with Lao Wang, that would be unrealistic. Do you think the exclusive All-Star licensing is a joke? If you don't have the connections, you won't be able to deal with it at all.

Among the top ten handsome men and beauties, which one didn’t take advantage of the situation and make millions of Hong Kong dollars for nothing?

At this stage, those established wealthy families are at most planning to buy a wave of stocks and become one of the major shareholders when Feijing wants the printing calendar factory to be listed on Hong Kong Island...

In the past, this industry was leaderless, with no giants, and what about its development prospects? Before the advent of the Internet era and smartphones, there was only a small era with a cycle of more than ten years to reap dividends.

Ah Xin was eager to give it a try, "What do you mean, Sister Hong and I can try it together?"

"We are not really greedy for the profits, we just feel that winning is too easy. Thinking about the hard work we have done, it is not easy."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. Are you embarrassed to talk to me about hard work? ?

The next moment he said speechlessly, "I can't think of any field that doesn't have an industry giant, overlord, and a very popular image... If you want to win, you can keep an eye on Li Chaoren and Wang Dehui."

"When they figure out a route, you can rely on your connections in the entertainment industry to intercept them. In business wars, no one stipulates that they have to enter a certain field, and others cannot enter or compete."

Li Jiaxin said happily, "Yes, yes, business war, I can't think of it, but I'll just watch them copy their homework and copy them to death."


A few days later, the New Year's Day holiday gradually came to an end.

In the deep water bay villa, a pair of panda-eyed Ah Ju hurriedly walked into the living room and said to Li Chao, "Daddy, I have an idea!"

"I used to look down on my business as the richest man in the county, but if I want to make it bigger, I have to face business wars with business rivals one after another. It's too troublesome to fight!"

"Come on the street, who would have thought that fat boy Wang Jing could make a big deal out of something wrong? My men have been doing research for more than ten days..."

"Finally, I found a good field similar to monthly calendars and calendar notebooks. I can also make a lot of money at bargain prices! It's not that strenuous."

Mr. Li adjusted his glasses frame and said with a smile, "What business?"

This research is still necessary. The 360 ​​line may seem inconspicuous, but in fact, many things have long been controlled by Big Mac. For example, when it comes to disposable lighters, French and Swedish brands such as Bic and Grasshopper are sweeping the market. .

Other tableware, toothpaste, toilet paper, tea, small umbrellas, etc., which one is not supported by wealthy merchants?

Ah Ju was beaming with excitement, "This is the field of cartons. Any product needs to be packaged when sold in batches, from TVs, air conditioners, moon cakes, tobacco and alcohol, seasonings, umbrellas, toys, etc., to Wang Jingcheng Wall calendars sold in bulk need to be packed in boxes.”

“But because various products have different sizes, styles, lengths, etc., there is actually no giant in this field. Even if one has a brand name, it still needs to face fixed customers and provide fixed customers with customized cartons and cartons. "

"Many paper mills even deal in cartons and cartons. As long as manufacturers need them, they can go to the paper mill to customize them and fix this business."

"At this stage, there are really no leading companies, no giants."

"The entire market, because there are so many types of products and the coverage is too large, it is absolutely impossible for one company to capture it, but we can capture the downstream industry chain related to celebrities."

"Let's just say that Wang Jing sells wall calendars and desk calendars and buys other boxes. We can provide them. The calendars of Yuan Jieying's style use the same cartons as hers. We can also provide the cartons of strong beer celebrity styles..."

"We can also provide ham, tableware, tea gift boxes, shampoo boxes, and toothpaste boxes."

"No matter what kind of products the stars return to the mainland to open this time, we can provide external packaging boxes."

Under his excited words, Mr. Li was speechless, "So why do you negotiate with those companies about packaging boxes and packaging boxes? People like Hong Qianbao, Yuan Biao, and Lin Zhengying are all specialized in opening cartons. Factory, they are the ones who want to take advantage of the trend to win this market, are you competing for business with them?"

"Are you more prestigious than them in the entertainment industry?"

Ah Ju smiled and shook his head, "I definitely can't compare to this, but we can cooperate. We will provide funds and ammunition, and they..."

Mr. Li was even more speechless, "Do you think the Chen family's bank can't give them a loan? Or is it that Debao Group's equity cannot be exchanged for cash flow support? Or is it that Lin Jianyue, Debao's major shareholder, has fewer connections than us?"

Before Ah Ju could say anything else, Li Zhiren waved his hand, "Why should they give you a piece of meat in an industry that they can take advantage of themselves?"

"Who gave you the research direction? You don't have any vision at all. It seems that there are fewer and fewer talents. Go back and cut him off and think again."

Ah Ju, "..."

Ah Ju opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment.

Mr. Li took off his glasses and breathed a sigh of relief and wiped them with a glasses cloth. "On the surface, at first glance, this is indeed a direction, but you haven't seen the problem deeply enough. Without your group, you can monopolize this business."

"You happily went to ask them to give you a big piece of meat? Why?"

"Whether Hong Qianbao and his gang have thought about this business or not, even if they start it in the future, only Zhao Donghuai or his girlfriends, or arrangements for their children, can make a smooth profit."

Ah Ju had a blank look on his face, "Hey, it turns out that Daddy, you have too little face..."

Li Chaoren's face turned dark instantly and he was looking for a chicken feather blanket. Do you really want to change your father?


January 8, 1990.

Early in the morning, Ah Xin and Ah Hong had a night battle with each other. When Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the big office, Qiu Shuzhen walked in holding a book (Full House) with a bright smile on her face.

"Boss, this novel is not bad. New Year's Day and the weekend are included. It has only been on the market for seven days. It has sold more than 100,000 copies on Hong Kong Island, and Wanwan has sold more than 200,000 copies."

"Good guy, one week's sales are comparable to Aunt Qiong Yao's sales of one book in half a year."

"There are also many fans who, after reading the book, have taken it upon themselves to discuss who will be the perfect actor to play the male and female protagonist when it is adapted into a movie."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "This is because Ah Hong's fans are full of expectations for her, a best-selling beauty author and the godmother of idol dramas. Her new book will naturally be a hit."

In late October last year, I gave Ah Hong an outline of the script and added a character. A little over two months ago, the new book was officially released. With the huge sales of the new book, there was a sufficient fan base.

Film and television is gay.

At this stage, it is indeed possible to plan the list of main creators of a new big idol drama. The original ratings of this drama are also very strong. It is not only popular in Stars, Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong, but also in mainland and island countries.

Also sold to North America.

The number of episodes is not many, that is, it is as short as (The Beginning), only 16 episodes, but it does not hinder the profit. When production begins, the problem of filming the Chinese version and the white version together must be solved. However, he won't interfere too much in this project. He will just wait until A Hong wakes up and let her take care of it.

This sells very well.

The first part of "A Song of Ice and Fire" co-created by Monica Bellucci and Kwan Jiahui has also been released on the market. Even earlier than "Full House", the Christmas season has begun to hit the European and American retail systems.

After all, Ah Hong still needs to recruit a team of gunmen to slowly create it. (A Song of Ice and Fire) is a finished product that Zhao Donghuai directly copied.

The commercial strategy of (A Song of Ice and Fire) is the same as that of Twilight and Harry Potter. It has been sold in Europe and the United States for several months and has achieved great results. Besides, it has been translated into Chinese characters, Japanese, and South Korean. Slowly selling in Asia.

Its sales power is not as good as the Twilight series, let alone Harry Potter. It is far behind, but it is still good at selling tens of millions of copies worldwide.

The next moment, he smiled and said, "(Let the bullets fly) How is Xuanfa going?"

Qiu Shuzhen said decisively, "It is scheduled to be released on the 10th. The tickets on the 10th are basically sold out. They are all reserved audiences. On the 11th and 12th, only the tickets for the second half of the night are still available."

"The pre-sales are so exaggerated. When it is released, this movie will definitely bombard the Chinese community."

This year is a bit special. Unlike other years, the Spring Festival is in February in the Gregorian calendar.

In 1990, January 8th in the Gregorian calendar was the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month according to the lunar calendar. Ten days later it was the Northern Xiaonian, and eighteen days later it was New Year's Eve, which was January 27th in the Gregorian calendar, which was the first day of the first lunar month.

(Let the Bullets Fly) is the blockbuster that took over the Spring Festival blockbuster from (The Gambler). At this stage, most of the people who are supposed to be on winter vacation have entered the holidays.

Because "The Gambler" has not been released in the mainland, the blockbuster movie currently being released in the mainland at this time is "Manslaughter" starring Tony Leung Ka-fai, Hu Hui-chung, Wan Qiwen, Chen Hao, Simon Yam and Gong Li. It will be released on Christmas Day. "Manslaughter" has passed in the mainland. In the two weeks, the box office revenue was 390 million yuan.

In places such as Hong Kong and South Korea, due to the problem of "Gambler" sweeping the film, "Manslaughter" is planning to avoid this wave of craze before releasing it.

In the trend of entering the Lunar New Year stalls, the sweeping power of (Manslaughter) and (Gambler) is stronger than the other.

At this moment, Zhang Min came over and said, "Boss, there is Brother Wu over there. When you went to shoot (Hurricane Rescue 1), he was the one who was in charge of watching the set. He also brought a director with him. I want to come to Hong Kong Island to make a living, let’s see if you can??”

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, "Old Wu from the Bamboo Society? What a good guy..."

He remembered that in the original trajectory, after Zhushe Lao Wu was released from prison, he quickly continued to enter the film and television industry and did well, but wasn't he only released from prison in 1991? ?

Old Chen from Zhushe was released just after the 100-day amnesty in 1988. Old Wu stayed there for three more years.

This has just passed the New Year's Day of 1990, and Lao Wu has been brewing for more than a year in advance? ? There's nothing wrong with that. One movie (Black Gold) reflected a lot of things in the 1990s.

Then as long as you have money and respect, many things won't be a big deal.

There are also many young brothers from the Bamboo Society over there who went to Moscow to follow the trend in international trade business. They have money...

After a while, Brother Wu, whom he had not seen for many years, came in with 40-year-old Zhu Yanping. Old Wu bowed directly and said, "Happy New Year, Mr. Zhao. I wish you a happy new year and continue to control our Chinese entertainment industry across the world. Become bigger and stronger, and create new glories.”

Zhao Donghuai stood up with a smile and threw a cigar over, "After so many years of separation, you look pretty good?"

Old Wu Can smiled, "Thanks to the loyalty of some younger brothers who worked with Zhao Sheng in the past. After they became prosperous, they gave me many good things, including being released from prison early this time. It was also those loyal brothers who chipped in to help me. from."

This is the butterfly effect.

Even Xu Daheng is willing to let Jinheng marry Jia Ling, Lin Jianyue has invested in Debao, and the eldest son of the Li family, Ah Ju, is starring in (The Stewardess's Corpse Dissolution Case)? ? How many wealthy people also dream of entering this track?

Including the big brothers and little brothers on the road.

But everyone looked over and over, choosing and choosing, who was qualified to visit Zhao Sheng? You really can't get in, but Brother Wu is different. He was the boss of the Wanwan filming scene for (Hurricane Rescue 1), and he had meals and drinks with Zhao Donghuai.

In the early years, when movies such as "The Dark Knight" were released, Lao Wu was busy running around. For a period of time, he was also a second-hand seller of strong beer, Jianlibao, iced black tea and green tea in the market.

Before he was imprisoned, Lao Wu and Zhao cooperated in many businesses!

Don’t talk about the issue of conscience or bad conscience, just talk about Lao Wu’s qualifications? How many people in Wanwan can compare with him? Even Old Chen from Zhushe can't compare.

When Lin Zhengying went to shoot Wanwan (Mr. Zombie), it was Lao Wu who escorted her throughout the whole process.

Then it is normal to spend some money to operate him in advance and try to see if he can successfully enter the circle.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "It's not impossible for you to want to join the industry. Examples of Yongsheng of the Xiang family and Yingzhijie of Deng Yurong are there. Normally invite people to film, normal production, normal release, don't even think about money laundering or anything like that."

Brother Wu was overjoyed, "I understand, I understand. If you want to make a fortune and build a big industry, you are not a fool, and you will not easily turn white money into black money. Many people in our Bamboo Society have made a lot of clean money from the Moscow trade." "

"It's just that ordinary gangsters don't know how to invest, maintain value or even make a profit?? Zhao Sheng, I swear to the lights that there will be no black money at all, otherwise I will be beaten, tied up and thrown into the sea."

"This is Yanping, he is also a serious director. He has senior experience with us. He has prepared a script this time and wants to try the comedy child star route. The tentative name is (Laughing Boy) or (Tornado Boy). "

"Kung Fu comedy plus romance... there are a lot of adult actors, but child actors are hard to find. I would like to ask Mr. Zhao to help check it out."

Following his explanation, Zhu Yanping respectfully stepped forward and handed over the script.

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Good guy, Xiaolin boy? Isn't this the one that made the pair of child stars Shi Xiaolong and Hao Shaowen popular? ?

He was quite speechless. When Shi Xiaolong and Hao Shaowen participated in this series of kid actor films, they were at least five or six years old. Now? Now Shi Xiaolong is only two years old, almost the same as An Feng from Liu Xiaoli's family.

What can a two-year-old do? It’s not easy to speak!

In current Asian dramas, who are the child actors aged 10 years or younger? Bingbing, Azhi, Jessica Alba, Eva Green, Gao Yuanyuan, Wang Ou.

Gao Yuanyuan and Wang Ou also entered school after the summer vacation last year. After all, it was the year when the number of child stars was expanded. Yuanyuan herself was sent for interview by her parents who hoped that she could become a little hero who earns foreign exchange. Wang Ou was a star whose mother did not love her but whose father did not love her. Because of his financial ability, he was brought for an interview.

A group of basically all-female people.

Some children who are not well developed, malnourished, or develop late may not be able to try to play the role of five or six-year-old children at the age of seven or eight, but one can do it, but you can't find two who are all in the opposite role, right? Who should play Hao Shaowen's original role?

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and sighed, "It's difficult for you. It's hard to find child stars of the right age."


About the same time.

Lao Fan took his wife, Bing Bing, Hu Yong, and Azhi to Tsim Sha Tsui on the subway. When they came out, they couldn't help but sigh.

"Bingbing (Azhi), Chen Hao is your precedent!"

"This movie (Manslaughter) is so popular in the Mainland, and Chen Hao is not just playing a small role in it, she really needs strong acting skills. She is so popular, so popular!"

"When this movie is released in Haowan, Hong Kong, you will be like Cai Shaofen, lying down and picking up money to become a rich man."

Both Lao Fan and his family, as well as Azhi's parents, all went back to the mainland and watched the manslaughter several times before they came back.

At this stage, Bingbing and Azhi have already gone on winter vacation, and they? Working as a waiter at Lucky Lai also gives you plenty of time off and shifts. For example, when I worked during the New Year's Day holiday, I not only received three times the salary, but also got a few days off after New Year's Day.

Today is the 8th? The New Year's Day holiday ended on January 4th. In addition to the fact that yesterday was the weekend, Lao Fan and Hu Xiuyong both had five days and five nights off at a time.

The two mothers are taking care of their daughters in the Yaxi dormitory. This is a period when the children have just entered school for two semesters and still need the company of their families.

After this winter vacation and the Spring Festival, Bingbing and Azhi were moved into the four-person female dormitory. They were arranged by Wang Zuxian as transfer students during the Spring Festival last year. It has been a year now.

Under the ardent hope of her parents, Bingbing nodded sensibly. She was also 9 years old. She watched each of her predecessors become successful and famous. They all came from ordinary families, miserable families, and worked hard to become little princesses on their own...

Bingbing also wants to be a little princess.

A Zhi is not any worse than her. It has been a year. Even if their study time is one and a half years less than Chen Hao's, there is still a gap in acting skills and dance skills, but it is still equivalent to a year since they have been in the industry.

Inside and outside the circle, there are really two worlds and two lives!

Girls are inherently more likely to mature mentally than boys of the same age. When you compare various things rationally, a seed of ambition gradually appears.

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