Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 327 What is this called? Damage transfer, magic rebound

June 11, sunny.

When Gai Ge arrived at TVB Clear Water Bay TV City in a car, he got out of the car and walked toward Zhao Donghuai in the center of the crowd. Along the way, a large number of people waved to Gai and said hello.

After all, this is the major shareholder and CEO of Microsoft Group with a market value of nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars and 70 to 80 billion Hong Kong dollars. He is also a rich man with a net worth of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars, and he is also a superstar!

At least after experiencing the time-travel version of Ip Man 1, Guy is the white action star that the European and American white media touted, and he has a tendency to surpass Stallone and Schwarzenegger.

Nothing else. After Gai had experienced the martial arts training in Hong Kong, he fought well and reacted well when he was beaten. He was also the role model of the North American dream in the publicity of Amei.

Gai Gai smiled and nodded all the way until he arrived in front of Zhao Donghuai. After shaking hands, he complained, "Wang Defake, Zhao, the new role you arranged for me is too...shameless. I swear, I am sworn in with gambling and drug addiction."

"But the role you gave me was too sinful."

It’s already June 11th. This time last year, Hong Kong Fashion Week was still booming. This summer’s Fashion Week does not start in early June, but in late June, so it hasn’t started yet.

But a large number of models from around the world have already flown in in advance.

Gai himself had a lot of fun at the two fashion weeks last year and developed close friendships with countless white models. He doesn't want to be absent this year, but let him become one of the villains in the cast of "The Long Night"?

The second brother in the police force?

The umbrella of super evil forces? Really... Of course, the only thing that comforted him was that Ellison was also the second brother of the Department of Justice.

Zhao Donghuai was dumbfounded, "If you think about it on the bright side, the police force with tens of thousands of people is less than one person and more than ten thousand people. They are the little superheroes developed in the Flying Tiger series such as Hua Zai, A Ying, and Jiahui." , they are all your soldiers."

Gai couldn't help but roll his eyes, "I'm afraid that when those flying tigers appear, they will kill my whole team by themselves. Was this script originally from the 1970s?"

"Well, I, a big tiger, could go from the 1960s and 1970s to the 1980s before being arrested. Even if I was sentenced to death, I could still be pardoned by the Queen of England. It's a good ending."

"There are no private prisons on Hong Kong Island yet. It's so immoral, hahaha..."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."


Although "Long Night" is a TVB project, it is written by Zhao Donghuai, and Zhao Donghuai personally arrived at the launch ceremony today.

At this moment, the entire TVB studio is packed with people and stars are everywhere.

At the edge of the crowd, Yuan Yongyi glanced at the central area, and then whispered excitedly to Shinobu Nakayama, "We have finally landed a big role. The film and television industry attaches great importance to this script. It is not easy to get several female victims." ah."

"A'lu is about to break out in both the music and film worlds. We, the first-year graduates, have finally caught Xiaohong's tail."

Nakayama Ren nodded repeatedly and glanced at Chen Derong, who was chatting with Zhou Haimei, Hong Xin, Cai Shaofen and others not far away, "They are all victims. Ah Rong's character is the heavyweight."

She and Yuan Yongyi played Weng Meixiang and Ge Li, and the victims were more of a supporting role. Let’s just say that her Weng Meixiang died in school not long after her appearance and revealed to Hou Guiping how dark the reality is.

After Yuan Yongyi's Ge Li had a child, she was kept in Qingshan Mental Hospital by the villain because the child had leukemia, and she was in a state of donating bone marrow to the child at any time...

And Zhang Xiaoqian, played by Chen Derong, or Li Xue under the pseudonym, was the original victim. She tried hard to avoid the darkness and protect herself before going to college and becoming a reporter. Ten years later, she joined the team that rehabilitated Hou Guiping and Jiang Yang, and it was important for them to clear their wrongdoings. Push hands.

This crew is full of beautiful women!

Zhou Haimei is the popular Asian female number one Shancai in the first generation (Meteor Garden), and then the star girl Chen Derong in the previous one (Wan Sheng Lingling Qi), until they are just finishing their freshman year. .

Such a lineup, as long as it is filmed well, it will really be a classic in 20 or 30 years.

Yuan Yongyi glanced in the direction of Zhao Donghuai a few more times, and sighed again, "That guy is also a billionaire, a white superstar. How close does he have to be with his boss to have a guest role as a villain like this?"

Zhongshan Ren blinked. She couldn't understand it, but it didn't stop her from being shocked. After a few seconds, she smiled again and said, "Sister Yuan, you'd better consider going to Qingshan more to explore and experience life. Otherwise, when the need arises, When you leave the country."

"How do you play a psychopath well?"

In the original version (The Silent Truth), Ge Li, played by Yuan Yongyi, appeared very rarely and simply explained her past with words and lines, but here it is much richer.

For example, she was fucked by Huang Mao and others, tainted by gangsters and black capital, and then gave birth to a child for a high-ranking official. She was not mentally ill. The villain was afraid that she would cause trouble, so they imprisoned her in Qingshan until she tortured a good person into a psychotic...

There was too little filmed footage of the original drama, so I can explain it clearly in a few sentences.

But TVB's expanded version of "Long Night" has a lot of scenes, at least showing how a group of villains put a young girl, a beautiful girl in her late teens, into a mental hospital and drove her crazy.

The number of episodes from 12 to 20 was expanded to capture these crimes.

Under the words, Yuan Yongyi felt a little numb, "Yes, even though I have been studying for almost a year, you are directly asked to play a mentally ill person? It feels so stressful."

In comparison, it would have been much simpler for Weng Meixiang to be dragged to a liquor store by Huang Maoguan Lijie. After being defiled, she went back and committed suicide by drinking pesticide in the school.

Even as the two were chatting, Ellison also came. Ellison was already one of the last big names to arrive. The crowd quickly started a boot worship ceremony under the auspices of Zhao Donghuai and Shao Yifu. The director...Wang Jing .

Don't forget that Wang Jing is often nonsensical and unserious. If you ask him to use his skills and strength to make a successful version of the TV series Long Night, I'm really not afraid that he will screw it up.

In any case, he is a rich man with assets of 2 to 3 billion Hong Kong dollars. When he is not so short of money, can he make a truly high-quality TV series? ?

I believe Lao Wang has this ability.


During the ceremony, Zhao Donghuai stood outside and took a puff of his cigar before looking at Qiu Shuzhen, "How did he write the lyrics for the song I gave Huang Zhan last time?"

Azhen was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I think we've almost finished writing it. Do you want that piece to be the theme song for (Long Night)?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "I can score the music for the protagonists of this TV series as I wish, but that one (Don't Give Up) is not bad either."

The more darkness and adversity you encounter, the more you pursue the murderer and solve the case, but you are always defeated at the last line by the villains who wipe out the clues, evidence, hope, etc., and you are frustrated again and again...

In the darkness, with countless failures, what supports the protagonists to go on? It’s faith, it’s belief, whether it’s (Wishful) or (Don’t Give Up), it’s very powerful, but Wishful is suitable for appearing and singing when the light really shines.

(Don’t Throw In Defeat) is a fitting soundtrack to a struggle.

"The original New Territory Bai Xue in my script was ICAC Investigation Director Zhu Wei. Unexpectedly, Shao Sheng was changed to a senior police inspector. He didn't want to offend too many departments. Let's just let the police be the police."

"Their expanded content is quite exciting and worth looking forward to."

In the original version (The Silent Truth), Zhu Wei chased the murderer and solved the case again and again. He was removed from the team and excluded at the critical moment. How he was squeezed and suppressed in other places was downplayed. There is a lot of filling here.

There is also Jiang Yang, who was inexplicably framed by the villains and imprisoned.

He also got cancer while he was in prison, and it was a brush off. The 12 episodes were too few, but the TVB writing team here also wrote about how Jiang Yang was suppressed and persecuted in prison.

He was unjustly imprisoned in the name of "corruption".

If one song goes as expected, don't admit defeat if you add another one, it will really enhance the style of the TV series.

Qiu Shuzhen nodded, "Then I'll call and urge Huang Sheng."

Zhao Donghuai smiled, "Don't push too hard. It will take at least two months to finish filming the TV series, right? 20 episodes, let Wang Jing slowly shoot a high-quality TV series..."

The music and arrangement of "Don't Give Up" were handed over to Huang Zhan on May 16th. It has been more than 20 days now. I will give Huang Zhan another two months to get it done.

While talking and laughing, another while passed.

Zhao Donghuai just drove out of the way in his car.

It wasn't until his car disappeared that the TV City area, which was originally very respectful and had a very steady and solemn atmosphere, suddenly became many times livelier again.

Guan Lijie, who had dyed yellow hair, came up to Li Zi and said with a smile, "Azi, you are the latest popular actress. During the filming period, if you have any issues with poor greetings, please mention it directly on the spot. Don't hold back." , otherwise I’m afraid it won’t matter once, but if I go down two or three times, your fans will block the road and beat me up.”

Li Zi chuckled and said exaggeratedly, "Brother Jie, it's not as outrageous as what you said. Compared with you, I am nothing."

Li Zi, like Chen Derong, both became popular around the Spring Festival. Ah Rong is the star girl from Lingling, and Li Zi is the leading actress in Full House.

But this (Long Night of Darkness) crew? Li Zi's role is hard to describe, Ding Chunmei, who together with Huang Mao Guan Lijie helped the evil tyrants and killed Hou Guiping.

Moreover, in the script, Hou Guiping's death was so tragic... I can't say it was too tragic, but it was a hero who died in that scene. It was too aggrieved and weird.

He was stigmatized for more than ten years after his death, which made his parents unable to hold their heads high in their hometown, and they died in depression. It was truly an indescribable sin.

The character played by Li Zi is much darker and stupider than the dark version of Zhou Zhiruo in "The Legend of Dragon Slayer: The Demon Cult Leader". Compared with the leading female lead in Full House, it is also a complete subversion.

The next moment, after carefully thinking about her image in the TV series, Li Zi still couldn't help but feel a chill. "Brother Jie, let's talk to Liu Yijun more? We joined forces to murder him..."

Ajie said happily, "This is easy to say, this is easy to say."



When Zhao Donghuai returned, he discovered that Zhushe Lao Wu had arrived with Zhu Yanping, Bingbing, Fengzi and others.

Director Zhao let the crowd into the office and then said with a smile, "Have you finished filming Laughing Forest Boy 2?"

Lao Wu nodded excitedly, "It's done, it's done. Hey, I hope this movie can make another profit. It's a pity that the first one didn't make much."

Xiaolin Boy is the main promoter of Feng Zai, a young Kung Fu child star, and Bing Bing, who is responsible for the combination of cuteness, cuteness and mischief.

The adult male and female stars in the first part include Liu Yijun, Wan Qiwen, and Tam Yaowen. The white female protagonist is also a child star with Winona Redd and Jessica Alba.

The Mainland Port Haowan South Korea finally took 230 million Hong Kong dollars in box office, of which the Mainland was the largest, with 170 million Hong Kong dollars taken by the mainland alone, and 20 million Hong Kong dollars from the island country Stars and Seas.

Europe and the United States also spent 10 million U.S. dollars on its release. By the end of its release, Europe and North America had a total box office of more than 28 million U.S. dollars. By the end of the period, Wu had earned between 1 and 2 million U.S. dollars in Europe and the United States.

The mainland, Hong Kong, Haowan and South Korea only pocketed close to 100 million Hong Kong dollars, and with the port sales, it exceeded 100 million.

The profits in Europe and the United States are small, but in the second part, the three small starring roles of Feng Zai, Bing Bing, and Jessica Alba are still confirmed, and they have not changed. After all, they spent 10 million US dollars on the promotion, and in the end they still made a profit of 100 to 200 US dollars. Ten thousand dollars, that’s still a profit.

Not to mention that there is still a video tape market that can slowly survive.

In this second film, the cast of child actors has not changed, and they have become adult protagonists. Liu Yijun, Wan Qiwen, etc. have stopped playing, and it has been changed to Wulongyuan. Liu Xun plays the role of Master Chang Mei, Wu Mengda's senior brother, as well as Zheng Shaoqiu, Zhang Weijian, Yuan Hua and others star.

The female stars are Li Saifeng and Ye Quanzhen, and the white version adds Nicole Kidman.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Put down the film. Don't expect to make a big profit. It's not difficult to make a small profit."

Again, the box office of the first part of this movie's original track was not very good. The original version only had a box office of more than 5 million. In this dimension of Hong Kong Island, it only took 14 million Hong Kong dollars in the box office after three weeks of release.

In the second part, Liu Yijun is gone, even if Qiu Guan and Wu Mengda are included, it will be like that.

But as long as there is a big box office in the Mainland, it is impossible to lose money. The first European and American movie can get 28 million U.S. dollars at the box office. With the trend of publicity and distribution, the profit this time may be more than 1 or 2 million U.S. dollars.

He didn't chat much with Lao Wu, but he chatted with a few child actors for a while, mainly asking Feng Zai if it was hard to shoot the filming scene. After all, the original director Xiao Long Diao Wei Ya suffered a lot during the filming scene, and he was filming. Just cried...

The wires were hung too tight and the pain was beyond the endurance of ordinary children. For Bingbing and Jessica Alba, filming was more fun.

Feng Zai is a boy. Although he has suffered a lot and is embarrassed to tell it in front of a relatively unfamiliar adult like Zhao Donghuai, Bingbing is still more lively and tells a lot of new things during filming, including off-screen.

Talking and talking.

Zhao Donghuai said unexpectedly, "Azhi won't play with you anymore? Aren't you good sisters?"

The Yaxi where the two girls entered together was a dormitory for a while. There were two little girls and their mothers living in two rooms and one living room.

Their fathers are also good colleagues and good friends!

Bingbing nodded, with an aggrieved look on her face, "Two or three months after the movie was released, I saved hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars as a sales agent, and bought a house in Huayuan Phase 3 with a loan. My parents were super happy, but Uncle Zhang was very unhappy. happy……"

"Azhi won't play with me if he gets irritated."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. This damn sense of contrast, isn't this the real version of "I'm afraid that my brother will suffer, but I'm also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover."


a new day.

Qingshan Mental Hospital, when Yuan Yongyi and Zhongshan Ren got out of the car, two bodyguards quickly followed them. At this stage, both of them had no money to buy a car, so the eldest sister Chen Huifu gave them a public scooter, which was shared by the whole dormitory. .

There was no money to hire Pan-Asian bodyguards, but it was the eldest sister A'lu who learned that they were coming to Qingshan to experience life and feel the world and true state of mentally ill patients, so she divided the newly hired bodyguards into two.

After getting off the car.

A step-by-step but expedited visit began.

Accompanied by the security system of Qingshan Hospital, when the two women went deep into Qingshan, they looked at some public rest areas where patients in various conditions were resting.

Yuan Yongyi and Nakayama Shinobu both watched and listened, feeling a bit eye-opening.

A patient wearing a hospital gown and carrying a watering can suddenly passed by in front of the group. When he saw Yuan Yongyi, he was overjoyed and came to water...

The doctor in the white coat spoke quickly, "Old Chen, your peony garden has passed its flowering period!"

The hospital gown was stunned for a moment, "Huh? Don't I open a rose garden?"

The white coat laughed angrily, "Aren't you the Peony Master?"

The patient suddenly realized, "Yes, yes, I am planting peonies."

After saying this, he glanced at Yuan Yongyi and Zhongshan Ren with regret, and reluctantly walked away. He explained with a smile, "Old Chen's condition is not too serious, and he is gradually getting better. He used to be a flower." Carpenter."

"I was a master of peony cultivation, but my wife and child were killed in the peony garden... just..."

When he explained regretfully, Yuan Yongyi and others looked at each other. They knew that there is a group of mentally ill people. Cheng Long's (food truck) also showed scenes of some mental hospital campuses in Spain.

They have also seen that movie, but do they know this from film and television works and book knowledge, and how can they really face it in reality? ? It’s different.

While the two women were speechless, a figure suddenly rushed out of the escort and ran towards Yuan Yongyi and others, "I am Xiao Ni, I am not mentally ill, two beautiful women, please help me to beg Uncle Zhan." , let me out."

"My uncle is Huang Zhan~"

Yuan Yongyi and the other two women were shocked again and felt a little unbelievable. The nurse behind Xiao Ni also chased him aggressively. The two men grabbed Xiao Ni, threw him to the ground, subdued him, and sent him back to the solitary detention ward.

The man in the white coat smiled awkwardly and said, "Haha, this one was sent to him to quit gambling... It's been almost a year. Although this hasn't happened for several months, he was allowed to relax during the break period."

"Now it seems that the condition is serious again."

One year I was growing potatoes in Siberia, another year I was traveling to see how charming the green mountains were, and Xiao Ni has gained weight to almost 200 pounds.

Apart from turning his grief and anger into food, he didn't know how to live well.

After looking at each other for a long time, Yuan Yongyi exclaimed, "Nobel owes Zhao Sheng a medicine prize."

Zhongshan Ren stared at his roommate in confusion, a little confused, but Yuan Yongyi chuckled, "Isn't it right? If gamblers all over the world could quit their addiction like this, how beautiful would the world be??"

Nakayama Shinobu, she was speechless for a moment.


ATV Office.

Zhao Donghuai was meeting with Gai, who was excited and dancing, "Zhao, our 3.0 has been released. Although it is still short, it is highly praised by the market audience. I will no longer be accused of copying and imitating Apple." .”

"Although those sounds weren't very loud to begin with..."

The release of Windows 3.0 is indeed an important product for Microsoft. It is called a revolution in software technology, and it can be regarded as laying a solid foundation for Windows 9.5 that will sweep the world in the future.

This was posted last month.

While talking, he excitedly walked around behind Zhao Donghuai's desk with the lid still holding the red wine, and asked curiously, "Have you upgraded? It was only launched on the market late last month, and it has been more than 20 days."

Zhao Donghuai glanced at Gai Donghuai and didn't bother to talk to him. Instead, Gai Donghuai stared at Zhao Donghuai's computer interface and suddenly said in surprise, "Hanka, I know how powerful the competition is for hegemony at this stage, but Zhao, this input method of yours? It seems interesting?"

The earliest market-oriented personal computers only had an English input method and only displayed English.

It was not until around 1987 and 1988 that Hanka entered the era of large-scale production and entry into the consumer market. Lianxiang, Great Wall, Jinshan, Founder, etc. were competing fiercely in the market. It was Shi Yuzhu, that Zhuzi brother, a 1988 People independently wrote the first generation of giant Hanka.

Relying on his advertising talent, he sold 1.2 million yuan in three months, which was 1.2 million yuan in 1988!

The emergence of Hanka has caused the Chinese computer market to skyrocket. However, apart from Hanka, when it comes to input methods, there are currently two. One is the Cangjie input method invented by Wan Na, and the other is the Wubi input method.

Although both are used, one is to encode Chinese characters and the other is to decode Chinese characters. It is not difficult for experts to use them.

But in Zhao Donghuai's hanging series, of course he doesn't use Cangjie or Wubi, but directly the Pinyin input method.

He invested 300 million in Heda University. After three years, isn't it right that the creative team has developed its own Hanka and its own Pinyin input method? With such an input method, thesaurus, etc., the Zhao Group can process all kinds of files, print files, and connect the computer to the printer very smoothly.

Moreover, this Pinyin input method is much smarter than the original "Intelligent Pinyin Input Method". The original input method that appeared in 1995 provided a lexicon to search for Chinese characters according to Pinyin. The lexicon was often used by official media, various High-frequency words counted from newspapers and magazines.

It is not convenient for the practicality of netizens.

How can we use so many official media lexicon for daily chatting and chatting?

In what era did Zhao Donghuai travel through time? After he set the tone, ordinary middle school graduates could use the pinyin input method in the internal chat room of the Zhao Group just like later generations of netizens to browse forums.

Zhao's Pictures, ATV, Hong Kong Electric, Vanguard, Zhao's Transportation, etc. have actually put together a large Zhao's BBS forum on Hong Kong Island. All computers use the pinyin input method developed by them.

People with low academic qualifications such as Qiu Shuzhen and Amin can easily handle work and daily fun.

Zhao Donghuai was too lazy to pay attention to Gai's little curiosity. He typed a string of words and then asked, "When will version 3.0 be launched in Chinese?"

Gai Qi then said happily, "It's coming soon, it's not far away. The subsequent upgraded version of 3.0 will have a Chinese version soon, and I also planned a Minesweeper game so that office clerks can relieve their boredom online. I guarantee that Minesweeper will be better than The card game in 3.0 launched last month is even more fun."

"I have a hunch that with the development of the times, our computers will sooner or later replace all arcade machines, handheld consoles and other various game consoles and game cards."

"At that time, it will be our world. Games...what a crazy and exciting gold mine?!"

The original history was that Windows 3.2 was launched in 1994, which was a simplified Chinese version, completely ending the various Hanka competitions in China and making Hanka withdraw from the stage of history. It was also version 3.2, and Microsoft could play audio and video!

It took four years to upgrade from 3.0 to 3.2.

But this plane is different... Because of Zhao Donghuai's butterfly effect, whether it is IBM, Microsoft, or Oracle, who is not greedy for the Chinese market?

It is estimated that in another year and a half, this dimension will be able to implement technologies such as browsing BBS forums, listening to songs, and watching videos on the Internet in Haowan, Hong Kong.

It is the original Windows 95, and this dimension may become 92 or 93!

Once 95 really becomes 93? On the surface, the world's richest man can appear in advance and monopolize that throne for many years.

You must know that the official number of windows95 in this series is windows4.0!

Zhao Donghuai had an indifferent attitude towards this. He suddenly laughed and said, "Gai, how about we play a game of Othello. If you win, I will give you the right of first refusal to transfer 1% of Microsoft's equity. If you lose, this time (Long Night) (Nan Ming) makes a guest appearance, and the 1% priority transfer will be lost to me."

Gai Gai was stunned, and then greatly moved.

Damn it, starting from Shaolin Football, how many movies has he appeared in? Now even the villain of The Long Night is starring!

Isn't it just for the preferential transfer right of 19% of Microsoft shares in Zhao Donghuai's hands? ?

At this stage, the games Othello and Solitaire that come with the Microsoft system are all created by his R\u0026D team, and Minesweeper is being planned...

A minute later, Gai gritted his teeth and said, "Just give it a try. You are younger and more handsome than me, but there is no reason why I can't compare to you in terms of computers."


Ten minutes later, Gai’s leaving figure was filled with sadness and heartbreak.

Zhao Donghuai smiled a little happily, and Azhen suddenly came over and said, "Boss, can this personal computer really replace all game consoles in the future? Arcade machines, handheld consoles and various game cards, etc., there are hundreds of billions of big markets around the world. ??”

"I also played the card game that comes with 3.0, and it felt very average."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "I said the year before last that the Internet is a big business, and 360 will gradually get involved, right?"

Azhen's eyes lit up, "Then I'll charge another 1% or 2%. Although compared to 1986, the current stock price is already very high, having increased many times, but if the prospect is so broad, then it can still be considered in its early stages of development." Period."

In 1987, Qiu Shuzhen was already very wealthy, but she was far from what she is now. Not to mention how many years it lasted, the Big Bear Trading made a profit of 30 million yuan a month, just after the cushion factory came out.

Seat cushions are inconspicuous, but car seat cushions, home sofa cushions, etc. are involved in East and Southeast Asia, and they have gradually accumulated into a huge river of cash.

Azhen was even happier, "Hey boss, although I have a lot of money, I still feel like it's not enough to buy Microsoft. Just sit down and don't move, I'll find some cash flow, just a few hundred million will be enough."

"I'll dye your hair."


In 1990, the Hong Kong Island Fashion Week was scheduled for the summer solstice on June 21, and ended with the Dragon Boat Festival on June 27. The fashion theme promoted was normal fashion.

Although it was still very early on the 12th, more and more global models came in advance. After all, those invited by Zhao Donghuai with money were all top-notch models, and those who were second- or third-rate were not even top-notch. , or those who are new to the industry, naturally you have to pay out of your own pocket to give it a try.

Claudia is currently a second-rate model. When she was in a Mercedes-Benz under the Zhao headquarters building, she saw a sad face and suddenly said in surprise, "Darling? Why do you look so sad?" "

Gai was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. He had 1% priority. He was a professional computer person and the founder of Microsoft. Why did he lose to the person named Zhao?

This world is really not a beautiful place.

He shook his head and dealt with Claudia casually. After all, they were just ordinary male and female friends. They were only responsible for exchanging youth and sweat, not feelings.

When starting the car and heading to the hotel, Gai suddenly had an idea and called Ellison. When he found out that Ellison was still on the set of "Long Night", Gai decisively went to the filming location.

When he arrived at the place, Gai's face was red and his smile was as bright as if he had won a multi-billion dollar jackpot. When he found Ellison, Gai Ge decisively hugged Ellison and laughed wildly, "Haha, Ellison, God has blessed us today. Zhao and I Bet on playing Reversi in Windows."

"I bet on 1% of the preferential transfer rights, and I won. I have been doing this intermittently until now, and my Microsoft equity is about to return to 10%, hahaha~"

Ellison looked surprised, "Wang Defake? Can you win?"

"Is Zhao so stupid? Windows was developed under your command..."

In the second sentence, Ellison not only spoke in a low voice, but also scanned the area furtively. These words cannot be heard, otherwise it will affect everyone's friendship.

How many movies has Gai appeared in? (Shaolin Football) (Ip Man 1) (Time Travel Version Ip Man 1) (Time Travel Version Ip Man 2) (Life and Death 2/Source Code), attended once (Millionaire) as a guest, that is not counted, the time is too short . Also (Jurassic Park 2), where he plays the villain CEO, although it hasn’t been released yet, he also got 1%.

But after filming three sessions (no defense tonight), Zhao Donghuai gave him a 2% calculation.

In just a few years, Brother Gai will become a very successful film and television star! At this stage, there are indeed film and television groups in Hollywood offering him millions of dollars, or even close to ten million dollars, to star in action movies.

That’s 8%. This time (Long Night, Difficult to See) is also 1%? Gai even magically won 1% by playing Othello again? Damn, this is really going to get 10% back! !

Zhao Donghuai only holds 19% of Microsoft in total, okay? ?

Comparing the lid, Ellison is much weaker...

No, since the lid can win? Could he also consider taking action? ?

Gai looked at the excited Ellison with a look of excitement and anticipation. He was a friend, but also a competitor. Only Ellison who was more unlucky could heal the scars in his heart.

What is this called? Damage transfer, magic rebound? !

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