Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 333 This may not be a big comeback

July 4th.

In Phase 8 of Huayuan, Sham Shui Po, when Chen Jinhong was waiting for someone on the roadside in a second-hand Buick, he suddenly heard a loud exclamation near the roadside newsstand.

"What the hell? Ponzi scheme? Someone ran a Ponzi scheme in the island country and defrauded more than 30 billion Hong Kong dollars in less than a year? The leader is suspected to be a team of professional crooks from South Korea?"

"What the hell? More than 30 billion Hong Kong dollars, is it real or fake? The market value of Li Chaoren's total property is not as exaggerated as more than 30 billion, right? Huazhi Capital only has a market value of more than 130 billion, less than a year??"

"Come on, isn't this news too fake? But this is the Kowloon Daily News? Isn't the Kowloon Daily News the media of Zhao Sheng?"

"Is it appropriate to show me such breaking news so early in the morning? How can I go to work with peace of mind?"


The noise became louder and louder, and more and more people gathered around. Chen Jinhong quickly got out of the car and ran to buy a copy of the Kowloon Daily News.

Front page headlines.

The bold font is "Shocking! A professional team played a Ponzi scheme and defrauded Tokyo of more than 30 billion Hong Kong dollars in one year!"

Colorful photos followed, some showing numerous figures surrounding an office building, and others surrounding the Tokyo Police Station holding banners asking the police to solve crimes and catch liars.

There are also color photos of dynamic groups violently attacking police officers.

Ah Hong began to sit back in the second-hand Buick and read the newspaper with gusto. After reading for more than ten minutes, he suddenly realized that this is what a Ponzi scheme is? High interest rates absorb savings, tear down the east wall to repair the west wall, and when the demolition fails, the scammers take the money and run away, leaving a lot of chicken feathers?

In the name of financial investment and wealth management, you use high interest rates to deceive customers. When customers take out their principal and are greedy for the interest, your principal has already been taken away by the scammer?

Fuck, it happened at A-Mei’s house after World War I, and tens of thousands of North American citizens were deceived into a scam? No wonder so much was defrauded at once, more than 30 billion Hong Kong dollars!

Just as Chen Jinhong was in a daze, Luo Jialiang walked to the passenger seat and opened the door. After getting in the car, he said familiarly, "You've been waiting for a long time, Ah Hong. I finally moved into my new home a few days ago. I'm not used to staying at night and got up late. "

This future Hong Kong TV drama is called the Shidi of the Lao family. He is also from a civilian family. His parents have average jobs, and he also has younger brothers and sisters to support.

It was because of the "Criminal Detective Files" trilogy that he became famous and became one of the niches. He allowed his family to buy a large house in Huayuan Community. It was also a double-story duplex. After all, the whole family lived in it.

At least in Sham Shui Po, he, Ah Leung, was a well-known member of the neighborhood community, and he set an example by standing out.

As for Chen Jinhong waiting for him here? Two Asian theater brothers collaborated on a TV series (Friends), which was filmed entirely in English. Post-production was completed in late June, and the first episode was broadcast the night before yesterday.

Now I just need to continue to produce Mandarin dubbing and Cantonese dubbing with the crew.

There are many ATV channels, and it is so convenient at this stage. The same TV series, but with different dubbing, has to be produced several times.

When he sat in the passenger seat, he found that Chen Jinhong was still reading the newspaper, as if he hadn't noticed him, and then he asked curiously, "What are you looking at? Damn... defrauded more than 30 billion yuan??"

I leaned over and saw the title.

Luo Jialiang was also shocked and at a loss. He immediately suspected that this was fake news. After all, scammers are common and there are almost countless crooks. How could they defraud more than 30 billion in one go? You are joking.

Is it Chen Songqing, who was famous throughout Hong Kong in the early 1980s and can be called the biggest liar? That Lao Chen only involved more than 6 billion Hong Kong dollars.

When he couldn't wait to get closer, he looked in detail. As he looked, he realized that Chen Jinhong was about to turn the page, so he decisively grabbed the front page...

Another ten or twenty minutes later, Luo Jialiang put down the newspaper, lit a cigarette with emotion and didn't know what to say, when he suddenly saw Chen Jinhong staring at page B and looking in detail, a glance? ?

"What the hell? Zou Sheng was assassinated?"

Today's Kowloon Daily B page headline is "Shocked! Jiahe Zou Wenhuai was assassinated by a killer from the Walled City. The murderer took the initiative to be arrested and pointed at the president of P\u0026G Asia Pacific..."

Luo Jialiang once again suspected that this was fake news, but this was the Kowloon Daily News.

What does it mean for the murderer to "voluntarily be arrested"? ?

Today, July 4th, is not a holiday or an important day, so why are so many sensational news breaking out all at once? ?

It is true that the big news about the Ponzi scheme broke on the 18th of last month. If people in Hong Kong had paid attention to the news of the island country and had the channels to buy the newspapers and watch the TV there, they would have discovered it long ago.

Zhao Donghuai suppressed the report. Isn’t that making way for the announcement of (Jurassic Park 2)? At that time, Jurassic movies were bombarding the world, introducing Ponzi schemes and legal and social issues, which could easily lead to distortion.

Now (Jurassic Park 2) is released. In the three days before it was released, the craze caused during this summer season was even more sensational than when the first part was released.

Along with the release craze, word-of-mouth has also come out. Countless film critics are also raving about the movie, and countless movie fans who have watched the movie have praised it and it is universally praised.

It’s okay to explode this news topic now.

As for the news about Zou Wenhuai's assassination, it simply described P\u0026G's legitimate competition in the shampoo market. It has never been able to overpower the overlord. It is suspected that a murderer was hired, and the killer temporarily betrayed the president of P\u0026G Asia Pacific.

There is insufficient evidence at this stage, and President Sam is out on bail.

There are more specific details of the case, because the West Kowloon Police Department is still in the investigation stage of solving the case and it is not convenient to disclose too much to the outside world.

As he continued to watch, Luo Jialiang took another deep breath, "Damn it, P\u0026G can't do Bawang Shampoo, so it goes directly to the killer? This is too..."

It was too inconsistent with his idea of ​​business operations.

After all, Luo Jialiang was only a niche actor who became popular in the autumn of 1988 when he played the role of "Criminal Detective Files". He didn't know about many things that happened in the Zhao family's business war field that were more common and well-known in his early years.

Chen Jinhong nodded repeatedly, "I know business wars are not that simple, but going directly to the killer is a bit too unexpected, P\u0026G..."

Procter \u0026 Gamble is not a small brand.

Head and Shoulders, rejoice!

There are also Shubao, Pampers, Olay, Crest toothpaste, Tide laundry detergent and so on!

Luo Jialiang nodded in agreement, and then suddenly patted the top of the storage box in front of the passenger seat, "Damn it, are we almost late?"

They still have to dub (Friends) in Mandarin and Cantonese. As for whether they want to dub it in South Korean or Mandarin in the future, that's none of their business.

Chen Jinhong suddenly realized it, threw away the newspaper, started the car and drove towards ATV TV City. While driving, he was still a little depressed and said, "Do you think it's time for us to buy a house near Kowloon Tong?"

"My home is in Yuen Long, and your home is in Sham Shui Po. They are both a bit far away. Although I don't go home every day, it is too far to go back and forth."

This Ah Hong is a senior who just graduated at the end of June and no longer has free dormitory accommodation.

Luo Jialiang laughed, "Okay, anyway, with my income from the Criminal Investigation Files trilogy, in addition to buying the apartment for my parents, siblings, I also have money to buy an apartment in Kowloon Tong."

"The ratings for the first and second episodes of Friends were not very high. The first episode was 15 points, the second episode was 17 points, and there were one million viewers, but most of them were ghosts, including ghost tourists..."

"At this stage, I feel that ghost tourists are much richer than most residents of Hong Kong Island."

It is also newly aired (No. 1 Royal Court), and it has about 30 ratings points, and the number of people it covers is between 1.6 million and 2 million.

It looks much more luxurious than (Friends).

In fact, Luo Jialiang is very excited and surprised that an English version of a TV series can have a viewership of 1 million people. After all, at this stage (Friends) only the English version is being broadcast.


About the same time.

Ah Zha was still sleeping in a hotel in Central when he heard a violent knock on the door. When Ah Zha got out of bed impatiently and opened the door, Liu Ahan outside the door said with a surprised look on his face, "Brother Zha, Young Master Ah Zha has been kidnapped. Well, it seems that Sumiyoshi would do it, blackmail Lao Li for 300 million Hong Kong dollars."

"Otherwise, we will tear up the vote!"

Ah Zha, "..."

Ah Zha's eyes widened, he rubbed the gum in the corners of his eyes, and then he said in disbelief, "You really caught up with me so quickly? Isn't it surprising that you caught me? Is it just like what you said before about diverting trouble to the east?"

Ahan's smile was a bit strange, "Real big guys like Sony and Toshiba are definitely not likely to be easily disturbed by smoke bombs, but they are just ordinary high-level officials within the Sumiyoshi Club and Inagawa Club. They are not contemporary people, so they will be misled." Not surprisingly."

"Besides, even if those contemporary people know nothing..."

"The best they can do is turn a blind eye to the behavior of their subordinates, as long as their subordinates can bring back money and make up for the losses."

Isn't that right? Ah Han didn't even know that not long after they started their Ponzi scheme last year, some big police bosses in Tokyo, including Natsuki Oga of Azhi's family, all guessed that Azana was playing a scam, and Related to Zhao Donghuai.

Oga Natsuki even came to ask for mercy.

Ahan didn't know that, so he thought of diverting the trouble to the east, pretending that they were familiar with the raiders and were a group of people.

But even if he didn't know that, he still understood the truth. What does it mean to turn a blind eye and make mistakes? This time, a second-generation Sumiyoshi came to do something, and he was confused by Ah Zha and ran to Ju Shao to ask for money.

The matter has been reported to the contemporary generation of the Sumiyoshi Society, to the congressmen and senior officials behind the Sumiyoshi Society. Do you think those big people will come out to explain, boy, you have the wrong person? Are you going to deal with Ah Zha or someone named Zhao? ? Can we get our money back?

Let the innocent young man go now...

Don't be kidding, why would those big shots care about whether a certain black second generation got the wrong person? As long as you can get several hundred million from the Li family to make up for their losses, no one will say anything nonsense.

You really told a certain second generation that this matter was a scam created by Zhao Donghuai's tacit approval. How many people do you think have the courage to seek revenge from Zhao Donghuai? ?

The scam broke out on June 18th... Ah Zha returned to Hong Kong on June 18th to meet the young man.

Why didn't anyone try to kidnap Ju Shao for money until they had been hanging out with Ju Shao and Te Weibo for more than ten days? A few days ago, weren't they afraid of the two Pan-Asian bodyguards around Ju Shao even if they suspected Ju Shao? ?

When Ju Shao went to a nightclub to have a private meeting with an OL girl, he stayed at her house for the night and asked the Pan-Asian bodyguard to go back. How dare they do anything? !

Ah Zha blinked, "You said we don't go to Pan-Asia to hire bodyguards, can you resist?"

Ahan looked sure, "Of course I can handle it. Xiao Wu and the others have returned to their hometown, but the remaining Daliang and other No. 40 backbones can be destroyed directly by giving them a few black stars... Forget it, I didn't make a fortune this time." Before, it was all life and death.”

"It's not hopeless for the forty-odd people to kill Xinjituo, but they've all made a fortune, so their combat power will definitely decline."

"Brother Zha, you don't have to be afraid. Just bring in a bunch of people from your hometown. No matter how many people come from Sumiyoshi, we can still hold on."

Ah Zha nodded excitedly, "Then shake people, keep shaking them."

After giving the order to rub his hands, he asked curiously, "Do you think I should continue to find someone to dig holes? Go to the fan Liu? That Liu is quite rich too."

Ahan was speechless, "You can do whatever you want, we will listen to you."


In the office on the 12th floor of ATV headquarters, when Zhao Donghuai put down the phone, his expression was a bit indescribable. He had received a report from the Pan-Asia Broadcasting and Broadcasting Corporation. Mr. Li visited the Broadcasting Corporation late last night and talked about rescuing Ju Shao.

Well, you can't say that the Pan-Asian bodyguards were negligent in their duties.

After all, it was Ju Shao who took the initiative to tell the bodyguard to stay away and not to delay him in picking up girls... He took the initiative to give the bodyguard a day off, and then something happened.

Lao Li did not investigate whether he had neglected his duty. He just asked Mr. Guang if he could find the gangster and rescue them. Of course Mr. Guang gave Lao Li an affirmative answer, he could be found and he could save people.

But if a gunfight breaks out, there is no way to guarantee Ju Shao's personal safety.

Ju Shao was kidnapped yesterday morning. That morning, the group of people had already left Hong Kong Island and gone to the high seas. They seemed to want to just get the money and sail back to the island country directly from the high seas.

This sea is so vast, it’s hard to say whether we can locate the gangsters. Even if we can, we want to be 100% sure to rescue Ju Shao safely? Zhao Donghuai couldn't guarantee it, unless the second generation of black people who took action directly transformed into a Hydra...

After consulting these in detail, Lao Li decided to admit defeat and pay to save his son.

There are no strong brothers in this plane anymore, and a few guys from the island country Sumiyoshikai have appeared. Lao Li is losing blood.

I went on several nightclub fun trips, and the bill was a bit unusually huge.

At this moment, Azhen came over and said, "Boss, Murdoch came suddenly and said he wanted to visit you for something, but he didn't make an appointment before."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "If you don't have an appointment, then you don't have an appointment. Please come in, Lao Mo."

When Lao Mo entered the office, he took the coffee Xiaoxian made and thanked him, then took a sip and explained, "Zhao, my media group can start following the news about the suspected assassination of Jiahe Zou Wenhuai by the president of P\u0026G Asia Pacific. Report.”

"Whether you are in North America or in Yanlun, you can report in depth."

"Before, Lid and Ellison encouraged me to air the shampoo commercials of Di Long, Zheng Shaoqiu and Bruce Willis on the Fox TV network and Star TV network. I really couldn't do it. Once I did it, I would He was beaten to death by P\u0026G.”

"But I can also assure you that if Procter \u0026 Gamble found some bald men and women to film a Macacad shampoo commercial, my TV network would not air it."

"I don't care how many P\u0026G stocks you and Gai have shorted. It's not that I don't help with this kind of thing, but it's that I've only just established a foothold in North America and I really don't dare to offend a giant like Procter \u0026 Gamble."

"But violent news like Sam hiring a murderer to kill someone doesn't matter."

Under the words, Zhao Donghuai frowned slightly, "Wait a minute, I didn't short P\u0026G and wait to make money."

Lao Mo was stunned, "No?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded affirmatively. Could it be that the lid had ripped off his skin?

Lao Mo took another sip of coffee and said, "That's great. To be honest, I don't want to block people's way of making money, but firstly I'm not an orthodox girl with big boss parents behind me, and secondly, I don't have any Leeson has a bunch of Jewish people behind him."

"I really don't dare broadcast the Rejoice commercial shot by Bruce Willis. This is not a question of whether to file a lawsuit."

"As you can see, even a Sam under Procter \u0026 Gamble can hire assassins to come to Hong Kong to kill people. So if it's a business war in Amei's hometown... Although I don't quite understand how Sam's hired assassins can become like this! !”

After all, he is a media tycoon with extensive information channels. When the Kowloon Daily disclosed the news of Zou Wenhuai's assassination today, although it said that it did not release too many details in order to help the police solve the case.

But Murdoch knew the details!

He knew that Sam, the president of P\u0026G Asia Pacific, was introduced by an old friend...to pay the full price of 10 million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to 78 million Hong Kong dollars, to assassinate Zou Wenhuai. One pack, two packs, three, four, five, and six packs, and a Kowloon Walled City killer popped up. Boy, only got 50,000 Hong Kong dollars to kill people? ?

He Lao Mo even said it was an eye-opener and it would be nice to see him for a long time.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "You can report whatever you want on the hired murder case. That's your freedom of the press."

Murdoch also smiled and nodded, and then continued, "ATV's (Friends) seems to be a good film. I will pay 3 million US dollars to buy out the first round of broadcast rights in North America?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay."

Lao Mo smiled even happier, "Where's The Voice of Asia? I'll pay 5 million US dollars to buy the remake rights."

Director Zhao immediately shook his head, "It's still early, let's talk about it next time, next time."

It’s no wonder that Zhao Donghuai turns his back on others. A separate TV series that promotes dramas with Chinese stars and rich core is really just a matter of paying for TV networks such as Fox, CBS, and ABC to broadcast it, and the other parties may not be bothered to accept it.

Even if it is aired for your money...it may involve some advertising content, and it may be cut into a mess for you.

No matter whether Lao Mo buys the broadcast rights of (Friends) this time or the North American broadcast rights of (Start) last time, he is giving benefits to Zhao Donghuai and promoting Zhao's stars.

But last time Zhao Donghuai talked about the final transfer of the rights to remake the variety show (Millionaire), Nima Laomo made a lot of money. In the original trajectory, the North American ABC TV Network was selling at a price of US$250,000 per episode. Lun TV bought the rights to remake the variety show.

The royalties for ten episodes of Millionaire are worth US$2.5 million, and 20 episodes are worth US$5 million! Is it expensive? The production fees for each episode of the ABC TV network range from copyrights to bonuses and host remuneration. One episode is equivalent to a cost of US$700,000.

However, the gross profit of one episode of the Millionaire variety show is between $1.5 million and $2 million!

ABC has completed a series of millionaire variety shows, with gross profits of around one billion dollars.

Of course, this profit is not only based on ratings and advertising revenue, but also includes the production of video tapes, CDs, millionaire games, and copyrights involving PC Internet and mobile phones.

Even when the copyright was previously transferred to Murdoch, Zhao Donghuai had already decided that the remake of the TV show Millionaire Variety Show would only be limited to the Fox Television Network, and would not involve copyrights for CDs, peripheral games, the Internet, mobile phones, etc.

The latter are excluded.

Murdoch's News Corporation is still making a lot of money.

In contrast, if Zhao's big movie is to be released at Amei's house, Lao Mo will need his News Corporation to help promote it more conveniently and through long-term strategic cooperation. In terms of money... Lao Mo still makes a lot of money.

Zhao Donghuai is not at a loss either, it is a win-win situation in a serious sense.

Having said all that, it is a top variety show, involving many seasons, each season has multiple episodes, and the overall profit is really more than a few million or tens of millions of dollars in profit.

Lao Mo also looked at Zhao Donghuai speechlessly and shrugged, "Okay, I'm overthinking it, but as long as (Friends) is broadcast and there is news about Sam's assassination of Zou Wenhuai, it's a win-win situation for everyone. situation."

"Just think about it and you will know that the commercial competition between Procter \u0026 Gamble and Bawang Shampoo requires hiring murderers... This will have a huge impact on the market and consumers."

Wait for Lao Mo to flash people.

Azhen came over and asked curiously, "Boss, the news has completely exploded. You said Bawang and Megamax teamed up to fight P\u0026G. What will Unilever think?"

"Its Lux and Dove shampoos are not small brands either."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "I guess I will wait and see on the shore for a few days before leaving. Anyway, I won't be watching for too long..."

Azhen suddenly walked up to the desk, sat directly in front of Director Zhao, stretched out her hand and said, "Hey, boss, I suddenly noticed that your hair is a little greasy, oh."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Azhen, are you itchy?"

Qiu Shuzhen's appearance today is the same as when she first appeared in "Spitfire Girl". She has long wavy hair and a red dress with white spots. She only wears stockings and high heels. She hasn't worn them for five thousand years. Zhao Donghuai chose this outfit for her.

Azhen didn't speak, she just responded with actions. She was not ticklish.


On the 4th, one breaking news after another really detonated Hong Kong Haowan.

At the Procter \u0026 Gamble headquarters in Central, as soon as Sam walked out of the building under the escort of Jack and others, he saw a group of reporters and photographers who had been waiting for him. They rushed over and almost drowned several people.

Each microphone was directly in front of Sam, and almost went into his mouth. The camera flashes and the like almost never stopped.

Sam just shouted angrily and asked everyone to make way.

The sound of a sentence rang out.

"Mr. Sam, your P\u0026G business competition is legitimate. You can't beat Bawang shampoo, and you can't beat the Bawang brand value promoted by celebrity spokespersons like Process Dragon. Has it reduced to the point of hiring murderers?"

"Sam, look here, you spent 50,000 Hong Kong dollars to assassinate Jiahe Zou Sheng. Are you looking down on Zou Sheng or yourself?"

"Sam, Zou Sheng's Golden Harvest", an animated film (Havoc in Heaven), finally had a global box office of over 800 million Hong Kong dollars, with Europe and the United States contributing 52 million US dollars at the box office, and an animated film (New Half a Category) in East and Southeast Asia, with a total box office of over 500 million Hong Kong dollars. Hong Kong dollars, what’s your psychology behind hiring a murderer for only 50,000 Hong Kong dollars?”

"Mr. Sam, when the killer in Chengzhai took 50,000 yuan and voluntarily gave up the murder list and reported you, what is your state of mind now?"


Some of these voices speak Cantonese, some speak Mandarin, but most of them speak English, and there are many ghost reporters in them.

Murdoch's media group has not only acquired several newspapers and magazines on Hong Kong Island, but also has a large number of television networks and print media companies in Europe and the United States.

The Lao Mo Group, which has rapidly expanded with gimmicks such as violence and things between men and women, has to start with a picture. The content is all made up to boost sales. In reality, the case of Sam hiring a murderer to assassinate Zou Wenhuai really happened. ?

The reporters were so excited.

Everyone wanted to kidnap Sam and tie him up in a dark room for an exclusive interview.

Sam's nose almost twisted with anger, "Security, security!!"

When Jack and other secretaries and drivers also started shouting for help, many reporters were dispersed and expelled by the security forces who arrived.

But suddenly a ghost reporter fell to the ground and punched himself, turning himself into a panda with panda eyes. He held up a microphone and said to the people nearby, "Quickly, take a picture of the scene. The president of P\u0026G Asia Pacific hired a murderer to kill someone." Failure, arrogant and violent beating of front-line reporters..."


Because of this reporter's actions, many people nearby were stunned.

Including Sam, Jack and a bunch of menacing security guards.

It was this reporter's companion who grabbed the camera and took several pictures of him. He also took pictures of some P\u0026G security guards holding rubber sticks to ward off the crowd, as well as a stunned Sam.

Live together!

There is a picture at the beginning, and the content is all made up. In the Internet era, what kind of shock media and all kinds of gimmicks and headline-making headlines were used in later generations. Many of them originated from the Murdoch News Corporation and spread to the Hong Kong paper media in the 1990s. , and then gradually penetrated into the mainland Internet era.

The white reporter stood up with panda eyes, inserted the microphone into Sam's mouth again, and forcefully parted Sam's lips, "Sir, you spent 5,000 pounds to assassinate a real estate, media, and daily chemical tycoon. Do you really look down on him?" P\u0026G, do you still look down on Jiahe Zou Wenhuai?”

Sam felt so humiliated that he took half a step back and kicked the reporter angrily.

The reporter screamed and fell down. It was a bit fake and exaggerated, but his companion started filming again angrily.

This time, it wasn't just a photographer taking pictures, after all Sam even kicked someone! !


the other side.

As soon as the CEO of Unilever Headquarters, who was also a ghost, left the house, he was surrounded by several reporters who rushed out.

Of course, the scene here is much cleaner and more elegant than outside P\u0026G, and the atmosphere among the reporters, photographers, and videographers is still very friendly.

"Mr. Edward, what do you think about the president of Procter \u0026 Gamble Asia Pacific hiring a murderer to assassinate Overlord Shampoo Zou Sheng?"

"Sir Edward, your company, Unilever, Procter \u0026 Gamble, and Overlord are all competitors. How do you feel about this kind of shampoo war that has escalated to hiring murderers?"

Edward stood still, with a calm expression on his face, but he was cursing in private. He was finally here. Unless he hired some media to take the initiative to interview and expose him, it would probably be another fight between the boss and the third and fourth, and the second child would be beaten. Beaten to death.

After secretly cursing, Edward smiled politely and said, "Well, let me first emphasize that in the business field, you must abide by the law and compete legally. I don't know about hiring a murderer. I have to wait for further information from the police."

"However, we at Unilever really hope to enter the Chinese market and win-win cooperation with many national brands in China. We at Unilever are initially planning to negotiate with Shanghai-based Zhonghua Toothpaste, hoping to acquire a stake in Zhonghua Toothpaste."

"When the time comes, our group will definitely bring a new brand image to Zhonghua Toothpaste, provide all-round technical upgrade support, and make our contribution to protecting the teeth of more than one billion Chinese people around the world."

The war in the shampoo field has gone too far.

It was better not to get involved easily until the dust settled, he would have to find another way.

In the original trajectory, Unilever just took over the Chinese toothpaste brand. It can’t be said that it bought out the whole company as a sole proprietor... Well, Unilever also wanted to buy out a large stake, hide the brand, and then follow the original toothpaste Sales channels to promote Unilever brands.

However, after studying and studying, I found that the Zhonghua toothpaste brand is too deceptive. As long as you don't promote it overwhelmingly, then putting this toothpaste on the shelf will give Chinese consumers a disguise without special instructions.

Let consumers think that this is a Chinese national brand.

So Unilever bought out the management rights and continued to work hard... Even until 2022, not every one of the more than one billion Chinese people will know that every toothpaste sold is giving money to Unilever.

Unilever is not only inferior to Procter \u0026 Gamble in the shampoo field, but also in the fields of Crest, Safeguard, Tide, Shubao, etc. There are also gaps, but as long as it can win the Chinese toothpaste, this may not be a big comeback.


Night falls.

When Zhao Donghuai was about to get off work, Zhou Huimin walked in carrying a bucket of food boxes. He looked around and asked curiously, "Where's A-Zhen? Isn't she on duty today?"

Wang Zuxian rolled his eyes at Amin speechlessly.

Sister Min realized, "The little fox is stealing food at work again. By the way, Brother Huai, I received news earlier that Unilever wants to invest in China Toothpaste? Do you think I should cut off my beard?"

"Originally, Huazhi was planning to enter Shanghai in a big way, mainly to develop Pudong. It wouldn't be a bad idea to spend some money to promote toothpaste."

Zhao Donghuai put down the mouse in his hand and nodded, "Yes, the chemical war caused by Zou Sheng this time is not limited to the field of shampoo."

"Shampoo commercials are easier to shoot, but for toothpaste, you can just follow the serious style, shoot commercials, and have all-stars endorse you and split the money."

This toothpaste brand in Shanghai has such an advantage in its background.

Original Track Unilever has been negotiating with toothpaste for several years, and it took 18 million U.S. dollars to acquire absolute controlling rights, and also negotiated for permanent lease operation... although it will pay rent every year and the rent will increase.

But compared to what Unilever earns in rent, the difference is too big.

This is exactly the same as Procter \u0026 Gamble spending 140 million yuan to acquire Panda and then tricking Panda to death.

The pain of the times... It’s true that some people think it’s a win-win situation and talk about business happily. They never expected that foreigners are so ruthless and will cheat you to death even if they lose money. Otherwise, the original Mega Cleansing brand would not be replaced by SC Johnson. After buying it for two or three years, after the market that was cheated collapsed, Shanghai would spend a lot of money to buy it back and start operating it again.

Zhou Huimin thought for a while and said regretfully, "You're right. Toothpaste brands don't seem to be as magical as shampoos and are easy to trick."

Wang Zuxian blinked, "That's not right. You can create news. For example, let someone from the customs announce that Crest and Colgate are suspected to have detected toxic chemicals that exceed the standard. They have the risk of causing cancer and are not recommended for citizens to use..."

"After the news breaks, the worst case scenario is that someone will resign and then apologize a few years later, and let P\u0026G and Colgate slowly refute the rumors??"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Zhou Huimin, "..."

Both of them looked at Xiaoxian in surprise! !

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